Lazy Days

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All Friday after Melody left Alice and I baked batches and batches of brownies.  We ate most of them right then and there. About 12 were lefts of like the hundred we made. I flopped on my bed holding my stomach. Maybe all those brownies weren't much of a good idea.

"Going to bed?" Alice asked. I looked at the clock. 11:23. Eh, sure I'll go to bed. I shook my head.

"Alright. Night buddy." Alice said before closing the lights. I dug my face into my pillow, thinking that only a few weeks ago I was scared to enter the place I lived. I had been bullied everyday only weeks ago. Boy. My life has changed. And for the better.

Saturday I woke up. And decided what I was going to do nothing. Plans changed.

"Kyle! Put some nice clothes on. A friend of mine invited us to a church nearby, and I promised him I would come." Alice called. Him? Him? Which him? Who's he? I'm not about to let my sister start dating some random guy from her school. No way. As much as I didn't want to go, I slipped on nicer looking black jeans on. I put a nice looking shirt on, that I only wore for picture day and slowly made my way to the kitchen. I slipped my hoodie on, the one that I never leave behind. I sat at the table. Alice handed me a plate of jam and bread. No butter.

"Sorry Kyle, we ran out of butter." Alice said. Poor butter waiting at the store, begging me to come buy it. And eat it. I frowned, but ate the bread and jam ether way. Alice put a brownie on my plate. The butter can wait one more day.

Alice was wearing a fancy looking blue dress. One I had never seen her wear before.

"Like it? I just ordered it from amazon." Alice said. I shook my head. A car pulled up in the driveway. A black BMW. Alice's eyes lit up. This must be the guy. A brown haired guy came from the car. He had a huge smile on, one that was matching Alice's. He looked about 19 or 20 years old. He came up to the door and knocked. Alice jumped up and ran to the front door. I had never seen her look so happy, not in a long time. She came back into the room, with the guy by her side.

"Kyle, this is Max. Max, this is my brother Kyle." Alice said smiling. I waved to Max.

"Hey Kyle. I've heard so much about you." Max said. Apparently, i'm becoming very known. I haven't hear a word about him, but I wasn't about to let him know that. I smiled at him. He didn't seem to bad. "You two ready to go?" Max asked. I shook my head.

"Yeah." Alice said. "Kyle, you want to leave your hoodie home?" My eyes widened. Leave the hoodie behind? I haven't left it behind for years. I stuffed my hands in the pockets and backed up to the wall.

"Alice, let him keep it. He looks cool in it." Max said winking at me. I bit my lip. I can't leave it behind.

"Yeah, yeah. Kyle if you want to take it you can." Alice said looking sorry. I pulled the hood over my face and hurried to the car. Max got into the driver's seat, and Alice in the front. I hurried into the back and pulled my knees to my face. I didn't plan on moving them from there.

Don't cry. Don't cry, I told myself.

It's going to be ok. It's going to be ok.

Don't cry.


Author's Note Here

Hello! How's the story going? I hope it's got you hooked, because I love writing this story. I had to delete this whole chapter four times to get it right. When I finally had it right, Wattpad decided to delete it. The last part, isn't quite as I wanted it, but it's the best I could do at the moment. Thank you for everyone who is reading this, it means so much to me.

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