Ch 7 -- Aliens

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Lucy was shocked to read the texts that her friends had sent.

A hammer? Why did Gajeel have a hammer? Why was he at Levy's house? Why did he have a hammer at Levy's house?

These questions squirmed around in Lucy's mind and she went on to text back.

Four Weird People

Juvia: Same with Juvia

Are you okay, Levy-chan?

Levy: Ah! Lu-chan's back!


Juvia: Calm down, Erza-san

Erza: How can I calm down?? What if he hurts Levy???!?

Levy: I can't see him anymore, I think he's on the porch...

Erza: I'm at your house but I don't see him!

Levy: What?! Really?

Juvia: Erza-san! Juvia sees you! Juvia is behind you!

Levy: Ah! I see you guys!

Levy: I'm going downstairs right now, give me a sec..


Erza: What's wrong?

What happened, Levy-chan??

Juvia: Levy-san?


What??? They know each other??

Erza: I'm knocking on the door

I'm going to your house, right now.

I'll be there in two minutes!

Lucy put her phone in her pants pocket and grabbed her jacket and shoes.

She ran out of her room and quickly down the hall, ignoring the glance her father gave her as she exited her home.

She started running towards Levy's house. Lucy and her lived close by which was why they had hung out a lot when she had moved here.

Lucy took another turn and Levy's house was in view. It was a two story house unlike her one story home.

She was out of breath by the time she walked up to the porch and knocked on the door.

"Levy? Can you get the door?" Lucy heard a woman say, the voice registered in mind to be her friend's mother.

"Geez, so many visitors today," another voice, an older man she assumed was her friend's father, said.

Levy arrived at the door and Lucy saw her face bright up when she saw her. "Lu-chan!" She cried happily.

"Lucy!" Erza exclaimed, noticing her presence.

She looked in and saw Erza and Juvia standing side by side, staring at Gajeel who, indeed, had a large hammer in his hands.

Levy's parents were standing in the middle of them, probably really confused by the look on their faces.

But, hey, all of them seemed to be.

"Mind explaining why you're here, metal face?" Erza threatened, making both Gajeel and Levy's parents wince.

Juvia gave him a dirty look. "Why does Gajeel-kun know where Levy-san lives?"

Gajeel scratched his head, a nervous look creeping up his face. "Uhh, I followed her?"

"Why are you stalking my daughter?" Mr. McGarden demanded.

Gajeel gave the man a nervous glance. "I'm not stalking your daughter, I swear," He defended.

Lucy folded her arms to her chest. "Then why are you at her home with a hammer?" She pointed out.

"There's a perfectly good explanation for this," he said as he felt the dark gazes from five different people.

"Oh yeah?" Erza cracked her knuckles, "Care to elaborate on that perfectly good explanation?"

"It was a dare!" He spilled out, lifting his hands in the air, hammer still in his grip, making Mrs. McGarden gasp and have a terrified look on her face.

This made her husband comfort her with a hug and shoot an extremely dirty look at the teenage boy who was definitely frightened but to the point where the hammer actually fell out of his hands.

And of course, his back was facing the front door. Who just walked in from the front door?

Lucy Heartfilia.

As if in slow motion, the hammer fell down towards Lucy's foot. She widened her eyes and moved her foot away.

Erza jumped over to her friend but was too late.

Lucy quickly swiped her foot away and she actually managed to save it from harm.

The hammer dented the ground and Mrs. McGarden screamed.

"Shit." Gajeel cursed.

And then, his phone rang and as he took it out, Lucy saw that the caller ID was Natsu.

She took the opportunity and grabbed his phone and picked up the call.

"Hey, Gajeel, how'd the thing go-"

"Where are you?!" Lucy screamed through the phone and heard someone curse.


"I will repeat the question. Where. Are. You?" She demanded with a strong voice.

Gajeel was trying to get his phone back but Erza blocked the way and he said he couldn't hit a girl.

"Hey, it was just a joke, calm down." Natsu said through the phone and Lucy heard Gray yell, "this was all Natsu's idea!"

They began to bicker so Jellal took the phone and began to talk.

"This is Lucy-san, correct?"

"Yeah." Was her only response.

"Well, I would like to explain the situation to you, may I?" He said politely and Lucy nodded, although he couldn't see her.

"Start talking."

He started right away. "As you may know, Natsu and Gajeel are bit of rivals. They made a bet and the loser had to go to a girl's house with a hammer. Gajeel lost and Natsu told him to follow Levy-san home. Then, he was supposed to yell he was an alien from another planet and that he needed to take Levy-san to his planet to be his bride."

Lucy couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Seriously?" She asked, just to make sure.

Jellal sighed. "Yes, this is all true. You may ask Gajeel if you don't believe me."


Lucy was about to hang up when she heard Natsu's voice telling her to wait so she stayed on.

He took the phone from Jellal.

"Hey, um.. Are you mad?"

Lucy wanted to punch the guy in the face.

"Of course I'm mad. I thought Gajeel was going to hurt my friend. Why wouldn't I be mad?"

Natsu didn't have a reply for that. It was true. If someone looked like they were going to hurt his friend, he would be angry as well. Furious, even.

"But, the prank was kind of cute. Next time, just make it a little less dangerous and it'd be funnier."

Natsu blinked. He wasn't expecting the blonde to be so nice with her words.


Lucy smiled and hung up.

She turned to the group and explained what Jellal had told her.

Juvia was laughing on the ground, Erza was shooting Gajeel a dirty look and Levy was just flat out stunned.

Gajeel was a blushing mess and Levy's mother had to be held back by her husband so she wouldn't beat the living hell out of the teenage boy.

Gajeel muttered his apologies and Juvia really couldn't stop laughing.

"Juvia finds this hilarious. Gajeel-san and Levy-san will go to an alien planet and get married? Oh geez, Juvia is dying-"

"I will not allow you to take my daughter anywhere, much less an alien planet." Levy's father said in a very intimidating tone that definitely intimidated Gajeel.

Levy finally seemed to process what happened and her face blew up like fire. "B-Br-Bride?!"

Erza finally found herself chuckling although she still had a deathly aura around her.

Lucy was patting Levy on the back in an attempt to comfort her. "It was just a prank, Levy-chan," she said. "Don't make much of it."

"O-Okay then."


Time passed and the four girls were upstairs in Levy's room. It was a quarter to seven and they laughed off the event that had occurred that day.

Gajeel ended up going home after Levy's parents deeply scolded him to the point where he was bowing to apologize.

Levy had been red in the face for half an hour and her father asked her if she was dating Gajeel which made her blush more and start screaming at him.

After all that, the girls began to talk about how they were going to get the boys back.

It was a crazy Monday. So many things had happened. But, sometimes crazy is good.


How's that?

I kind of rushed if you could tell and I'm sorry that I didn't update in a while?

What did you think of the reason for the hammer?

How do you think the girls will get the boys back?

I hope you enjoyed!


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