Ch 8 -- Project

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Natsu took a seat in a random desk, too tired to think straight. First period was always the worst. For one, it was in the morning. And two, the teacher was Mirajane-sensei. The phrase 'looks can be deceiving' was practically made for her.

"Hey, Natsu-san." The teenager heard a voice to his left and turned his head, not bothering to waste strength and energy on moving his whole body.

The owner of the voice, it seemed, was Sting. The blonde grinned at the lifeless boy, somehow full of energy in such the early morning.

"Oh, hey Sting," Natsu greeted, barely lifting his hand up at all before it fell back down onto the wood surface of the desk.

"You tired?" Sting asked and Natsu nodded, although it wasn't that noticeable with his head on the desk and all.

Then, he felt something cold slip down his shirt. Make that, extremely cold.

"What the-!" Natsu screeched as he quickly jumped out of his chair, making it tumble to the ground in a loud thud. His hands clawed under his shirt to find the source of the cold object.

Behind him, two boys were laughing hysterically, one of them literally banging against a desk as an attempt to stop. Sting laughed too, amused.

Lucy and Levy, who had been the first to enter the classroom, were giggling while they talked about how stupid boys were.

Natsu finally realized what it was. He felt water on his back. Ice. And wherever there was ice involved, that person was involved.

"Gray!" Natsu growled, turning around to find said person bent over laughing, his whole body shaking as he clutched his bare stomach.

Gajeel was beside him, actually on the floor. The classmates surrounding them didn't try to help them since one, this happened all the time and two, even if they tried to help they'd probably get stuck in between the fight that was about to break out.

"You bastard!" Natsu stomped towards Gray, fists clenched and stream rising from his hair.

Gray wiped small tears from his eyes, trying to regain his posture only to burst into laughter once more when his eyes caught view of Natsu's enraged face.

Natsu moved to make a punch when his fist was blocked by another, larger hand. The grip felt familiar and there were small gasps from around the classroom as the identity of the person was revealed.

"Laxus! What are you doing here?!" The spiky pink-haired teenager cried, his anger for Gray diminishing as his mind wandered elsewhere.

"Shut up, brat. It's not like I want to be here."He retorted, letting go of Natsu's hand and scowling.

"Oh my, Laxus, you must calm down. It's just a simple job." A kind voice came from behind him and the blonde man didn't need to look behind him. The other students turned their heads to see their English teacher standing at the doorway, binder in hand.

"Tch." Was his only response as he trudged his way to the front of the classroom, plopping down on the black leather chair that sat next to the teacher's desk.

Mirajane chuckled despite herself but gestured for her students to take their seats. "Alright, class! Time to get to work."

Natsu, Gajeel, and Gray scrambled to random seats, afraid to get on their teacher's bad side.

The white-haired woman stood in the front of the class and started to call roll. Each student called out "here" loud and clear.

"Okay," she slammed her binder shut and put it on the desk. Laxus, who was now swirling in the swirly chair, took the binder and read through it. He needed to get to know the students.

"We have a new project!" Mirajane announced happily, a loud groan was responded.

She smiled and continued despite her students obvious discomfort. "You guys will be conducting an interview on your fellow classmates! Everyone will work in pairs and will ask each other a series of questions about their life and all that stuff. After the interview, each one of you are required to write an essay about the person you interviewed and hand it over to me. This will be a great bonding exercise for you all so be sure to enjoy it!"

"Do we get to pick our partners?" A student called out.

"If I let you all choose your own partners, you'd never get anything done. Don't worry though, I have already compiled a list of who will be working with who." The young teacher responded and the class groaned again.

"Well then, I will now call out the pairings." Mirajane pulled out a piece of paper from her bag.

"In light of recent events, I have decided that Natsu and Lucy would likely be a great pairing so you two will be partnered in this project." She told the class. "Remember to sit next to your partner," she added.

"Gajeel will be with Levy."

Levy proceeded to bang her head on her desk as Lucy patted her back. Gajeel's face had blown up like a tomato and Gray was poking fun at him.

"Erza is partnered with Jellal."

Erza leaned towards Lucy and quickly asked who Jellal was again. The tattooed boy wasn't fazed, not seeming to care who he was paired up with.

"Gray and Juvia are partners."

Juvia cringed. "Why does Juvia have to be with that weirdo?" She muttered loudly. Gray groaned, basically thinking the same thing.

"Yukino is with Sting."

Yukino, the girl in the back, ducked her head as a few girls glared at her for being partnered with Sting. Sting just smiled at her, a bit happy for the change of pace.

"Minerva and Rogue."

Sting nudged Rogue, who kept a straight face. Minerva groaned as her gaze fell upon her partner for the project.

"Aries, you'll be with Loke."

Loke winked at the nervous pink-haired girl who shyly smiled back.

"Meredy and Lyon, you two will be partnered."

Meredy rolled her eyes and Lyon frowned, a bit angry that Gray was able to be with Juvia and not him being with her.

"Kinana is with Eric."

The purple-haired smiled at Eric, her childhood friend and he smiled back. They were probably one of the only ones who were happy about their pairing.

"Max and Jet."

Jet frowned, frustrated that he wasn't with Levy, his crush, or Droy, his best friend. Max simply shrugged.

"Droy and Warren are working together."

Warren looked at Droy and the two seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes.

Mirajane continued to list off names until everyone in the class had a partner.

"Now, sit next to your partner and come up with the questions you will ask one another. You have the rest of the class to do so."

There were shuffling of feet and chatter among the students as they moved to sit beside their designated partner.

Not wanting Levy to be alone next to Gajeel, Lucy sat next to her and gestured for Natsu to sit in front of her.

The teenager silently obeyed, pulling up the chair so he could sit down.

"Soo..." His voice trailed away and he looked at Lucy with a nervous grin. "What exactly are we supposed to do again?"

"Did you even listen when Mirajane-sensei was speaking?" Lucy scoffed and Natsu shrugged, indicating that he didn't.

"Of course you didn't."


And boom. A new development.

Who knows what will happen?

Read to find out!

(Lol, sorry for not updating in a while.)


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