{S} The Freshwater Merman

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About freshwater merfolk~

They are often smaller and faster than their sea dwelling cousins. Their teeth are now dulled, making them look more similar to humans, though their claws are still incredibly sharp.

They have an ability rather unique to their kind, which allows them to shift the color of their skin and hair to better blend in with their surroundings. They, however, can only shift it to match the scales on their body. Usually those stick to blue and green, and any shade or mix of the two. Occasionally some iridescent purple ones will appear, and those often have the property to glow once the merfolk are in deeper, darker waters. Some freshwater merfolk have more colorful scales, though surviving through infancy for them is rare much like with their sea dwelling cousins.

The natural enemies, and the only real threat to an adult merperson, is water nymphs. They have been known to get into fights over territory often, which unsuspecting humans often get in the middle of.

Like their reef dwelling cousins, freshwater merfolk tend to stick with their families well into adulthood, often only leaving when it's time to find mates. You will often see children laying on their parents back while the family travels, as if danger arises they can't yet defend themselves as their claws don't actually grow until they're nearly adults.

Until they reach maturity, it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between males and females. The only real difference is the amount of the tiny ridges on their back, males having more and females having less.

While their main diet is the smaller fish, they've been known to kill and eat the occasional bear if they're hungry enough. Though, it happens pretty rarely.

Freshwater merfolk are different from swamp merfolk, and getting them confused can be deadly as freshwater merfolk tend to be friendly while swamp merfolk are not.



"I really want to know whats behind those trees."

"Nymphs are...Scary."










Freshwater merman



Appearance (General):

(I can't tell if that's a boob or a stylistic shoulder, so lets just say it's his shoulder)


6"3 (Tail length included)

5"8 (With legs)




Morashi is a quiet, curious young man by nature. Even with his parents' warning him constantly, he often swims a bit too close to the surface, the shore, and even the nymph's territory.

Though Morashi dislikes fighting, he's actually quite apt at it. Like most merfolk, his natural instincts are quite strong, and his family has noted that his might even be stronger than normal. Which is why it's a bit odd that he hasn't swam away to mate yet. He still seems far more interested in exploring than mating.

Current residence:

Mirror Lake




Morashi spent all of his infancy on his mother's back, like most freshwater merfolk. That's how he learned to swim, copying her tail movements while she kept him balanced on her back.

As he grew, however, he quickly began to swim on his own. Unlike most children, Morashi had a tendency to swim alongside his parents and he even swam off often. Morashi seemed to be incredibly lucky, since he never actually ended up hurt. He had close calls, but he somehow managed to always get himself out of danger.

He has dreamed of exploring both the nymph's territory and the forest surrounding the lake. He often watches humans closely, close enough he's nearly been caught on a few occasions. Because of this, he has picked up on English pretty well. Though, that's actually the case for most of the humanoid creatures that call the lake home. Morashi just happens to have picked up on quite a bit more, and even "knows" some slang.

Him attempting to use it had caused his closest call with humans yet.

Morashi was a little too excited to learn "yeet" and he figured out that it has something to do with throwing objects. Namley the odd, crinkly containers humans use to carry water around, though only if they were empty. They're one of the few objects he doesn't know the name of, and thus calls them crunchy sticks.

Not too long ago, he saw one floating on the surface and a few teenagers were nearby. The usually quiet Morashi couldn't help himself, and while yelling yeet as loud as he could, he threw it at a human male.

He only just barely managed to swim away before his tail was seen. He watched, using his camouflage to hide, as he watched the humans search for him.

Morashi hasn't really gone to the surface since then, however. He is pretty sure that the human he hit saw him clearly, and he's worried that he'll lead the humans to find out about his species if he ever goes back up. The human had looked pretty mad after all.

Powers(if any):

~If a human (Or any other humanoid land dweller) kisses him, he can gain human legs. Though, if he returns to the water he gets his tail back. Though, salt water won't give him a tail.

~He can camoflauge himself in the water, though his eyes can somewhat be seen

~He can breathe in fresh water. But, if he's out of the water and doesn't have legs he'll dry out he could die.

Psychological/Health Issues (If any):



~Aldrin {Father}
~Reina {Mother}
~Kora {Younger sister}
~Louli {Younger sister}
~Serius {Younger brother}

Relationship Status:


Past Partners:



~Learning new things
~Testing boundaries
~Bears, he'll never eat one
~Humans and their funny words
~Collecting rocks
~His siblings, he loves carrying them on his back
~His favorite thing is a plastic ice cube some asshole dropped in the lake. He had a second one, but he tried eating it. He quickly realized they were not meant for that.
~Tapping on the bottom of boats and swimming away
~Napping under some sand
~Meeting other merfolk
~Watching the stars


~Strange smells
~Seeing other merfolk eating bears
~Getting too close to nymphs
~People that throw things that aren't pretty or don't taste good into the lake
~The fact that he can't leave the lake
~Bees, he's happy he can lose them quickly in the water
~When he loses any of his rocks
~Swimming anywhere near algae
~When his hair gets long, its incredibly hard to cut it underwater but he if he doesn't it tends to get things stuck in it




Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?


Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?


Is your character a virgin Yes/No?





Find out


Find out


Theme song




~Must be a human
~Must not know merfolk exist

The lake was calm again today. The occasional boat went by, and a few families were hanging out and grilling on the beach. Your family was one of them.

The rest of your family was talking and having a good time, but you couldn't take your eyes off of the lake.

Of course the lake itself was beautiful, but that wasn't why you were watching it so closely. He was. For the last month you couldn't get the image of the boy who threw the water bottle at you out of your head.

You'd been the only one to get a good look at him. He had probably the messiest black hair you'd ever seen, and his almond shaped eyes seemed dark enough to match.  His expression had been one of instant regret, and honestly it had looked pretty cute.

But, just like that he'd ducked underwater and disappeared. You and your friends looked for him for a while, but there was absolutely no trace of him.

That wasn't even the strangest thing though. You could have sworn you'd seen a long, fish like tail. That was impossible though. Mermen weren't real, and even if they were they didn't live in a lake.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by your little sister. She couldn't really seem yet, so you were supposed to go with her whenever she wanted to go near the water. You didn't know why you had to be the one to watch her, but you didn't feel like arguing.

So, you let your sister yank you up from the sand and drag you away from the rest of your family. She pulled you along the beach, looking for seashells. You didn't feel like telling her she couldn't find seashells at the lake. She'd figure it out herself eventually.

You let your eyes wander away from your sister and to the lake. Wind had started to blow and make some waves, some of them a little big. You turned to tell your sister to get back from the water a little.

But, she was gone. You heard a splash and looked back at the water just in time to see the waves carrying your sister off. You moved as fast as you could to get into the water, watching in terror as your sister went under the waves.

You were too late.

Not because your sister drowned, but because somebody else had already saved her.

First, you saw your sister quickly popping back up from the water. Then, the next thing you saw was a glimmering, long, beautiful, fish like tail.

The last thing you saw was the boy's familiar face. Your little sister was carefully balanced on his back, seeming incredibly surprised. You were sure you had pretty much the same expression.

The...Merman swam right up to you, his expression serious. Once he was beside you, he grabbed your sister from his back. That was when you noticed his claws, which were pretty long and sharp. You had no doubt he could probably use them to kill both you and your sister if he wanted.

He held your sister out to to you, obviously wanting you to take her.

What do you do now?



~Must be a nymph
~Must not like merfolk in general

His scent was always lingering right at the boarder, but it seemed to be fresh once again. That merman just wouldn't stay away from the territory that had been so clearly claimed by your kind, more specifically by your family.

You always saw him just far enough away that you couldn't attack him without starting an all out war between the merfolk and the nymphs.

And once again, you could see him swimming around, kicking up the muddy sand with his tail and digging through it. His expression was carefree and it pissed you off.

Then, you saw as he slowly moved closer to the boarder. He didn't even seem to notice yet.

You felt yourself smirk, your sharp teeth showing. Quickly, you hid and watched the merman.

Just a little closer. A few more feet and you could attack him. Time seemed to go slowly, agonizingly slowly. He wasn't moving fast enough.

Then, he stopped moving completely. Had he noticed how close he was getting?

It didn't matter, he was close enough.

You tackled him from your hiding place, your teeth and claws bared. He'd tried to swim away, but he wasn't fast enough. For the first time, he wasn't fast enough.

You had him pinned in the murk in mere seconds. He looked up at you with wide eyes, completely vulnerable.

What do you do now?

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