{S} The Unwilling "Pet"

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"Touch me again and you'll loose your hand."

"I will fucking kill you if you don't shut your mouth."

"... Let's just go."


Cooper Beckhem











Appearance (General):




His back and chest are covered in them, and he has a few small ones on his neck


Cooper has always been a little standoffish, but in the past you could usually get him to open up a bit after a few conversations. Now though, that's pretty impossible. He has nothing but pure distrust towards everyone, and he is quick to become violent with others.

If you do somehow manage to not only earn his trust, but his affection, you'll find him to be quite loyal and even a little on the clingy side. Cooper becomes worried quite easily, and it's not a stretch to call him paranoid.

Current residence:

With your character




Cooper grew up always being warned not to go anywhere by himself. Though regular humans might not know it, it's not uncommon for young werewolves to be kidnapped and sold as pets. Cooper's parents in particular were very serious warning their children about it, to the point where Cooper and his younger brother were absolutely paranoid that any stranger could be out to steal them away.

Their younger sister, on the other hand, thought it was just some bullshit stranger danger story. After all, even if they were just children they were wolves. How could anyone manage to just...Kidnap them? So, unlike her brothers, she never gave the danger of being taken a second thought. She was always going out on her own, talking to strangers, and what ultimately became the biggest issue, opening the door without even checking who was there.

Cooper was fourteen years old when things went terribly wrong. He was left in charge of babysitting his younger siblings for the first time, and the night had been going well. Chase had been well behaved like always, but Clair and been whining about wanting to have her friends over. Their parents had told her no, since they wouldn't be home until the next afternoon, but she wasn't okay with that.

What Cooper didn't know was that Clair had invited her friends over anyways. She hung out in the living room, waiting for them to arrive. Cooper and Chase were in the kitchen making dinner when they heard the knocking.

Cooper went to the living room, watching Clair happily fling the door open. Instead of her friends, a few strange men were there instead. Cooper reacted quickly, running forward as quickly as he could. He flung Clair away before she could be grabbed. He barely had time to yell at his siblings to run before he was grabbed.

He recognized the scent of wolfbane before the cloth was pressed to his mouth and nose. Obviously he struggled, but ultimately his senses all faded.

When Cooper woke up, he was caged and muzzled. An odd collar was around his neck, and he realized very quickly that he was stuck in his wolf form.

I'll leave the rest to be found out during the roleplay.

Powers(if any):

Just the usual werewolf things

Psychological/Health Issues (If any):

~Slight PTSD


~Charlie Beckhem {Father}
~ Clarisse Beckhem {Mother}
~ Chase Beckhem {Younger Brother}
~ Clair Beckhem {Younger Sister}

Relationship Status:


Past Partners:



~Being outside
~Running around
~Anything that reminds him of his old life
~Other wolves
~He used to really enjoy soccer
~Hamsters, he used to have one
~The moon
~Peach or apple cake
~Vanilla ice cream
~Fluffy blankets


~Being touched without permission
~Pet stores
~Seeing any pet dogs
~Sudden movements towards him
~Horror movies
~Being locked up
~Bitter foods
~Being treated as a pet in any way
~People seeing his scars




Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?

Yes, but it'll be a while

Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?


Is your character a virgin Yes/No?





Find out


Find out


Theme song





~Must be a human
~Must not know about magic or anything supernatural

You had wanted to get a dog for a while, and now that you were in an apartment that allowed dogs you were finally getting your chance.

You'd always promised that your first dog would be a rescue. Maybe someday you'd get a puppy, but first you wanted to help an animal that needed it. You'd heard rescues could be hard, but you wanted to try anyways.

At the shelter, you looked mostly at the dogs they said were docile first. They were, as expected very cute and friendly.

But, the dog you ended up liking the most was the one they said was the most violent.

His name was Cooper. The fluffy black dog had striking green eyes. He was scrawny, clearly under fed. In a few places his fur was matted, and you could see that his skin had scarred.

The woman explained that he'd been rescued when the neighbor of previous owner noticed his poor shape while he was tied up outside. The previous owner still hasn't been found.

Unfortunately, they needed to him muzzled. If he wasn't, he bit at anyone that came too close.

Otherwise, he was incredibly skittish. Any time any of the kennel doors were opened or closed he jumped and pushed himself even further into the corner he'd pressed himself into.

Apparently nobody had even able to get close with him for long enough to take his old collar off. It seemed to be locked on and extremely complicated to remove as well. And it definitely looked... Painful.

But, even with all those issues, you absolutely adored him. Not only was he one of the prettiest animals you'd ever seen, but he also seemed... Human, in an odd way.

Getting him home wasn't easy. But as soon as you let him loose inside, he was gone to find a hiding place. That was fine though, Cooper needed to become comfortable on his own.

Over the next few days you didn't see Cooper much. You noticed he didn't really eat dog food much, but he very readily took food from the counter as soon as you glanced away. He was usually gone off to hide as soon as he had the stolen food.

Usually that behavior was frowned upon. You knew you were supposed to train it out of him. But honestly it made you love him more.

Getting the leash on him was hard. You didn't have the heart to remuzzle him, so you just had to do your best without being bitten.

About two weeks into having Cooper, you were once again fighting to get his leash on. He was doing his best to rip your arm off.

Then, you pressed something on his collar. It felt like...A button?

Then, you heard Cooper whimpering like he was in intense pain. Then, the sickening noise of bones cracking.

Instinctively, you took a step back. Within seconds, your beautiful (though raggy and still scrawny) dog was replaced by an equally as beautiful (raggy and scrawny) male.

What do you do now?


Let's talk!

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