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The sound of excited murmurs filling the air, mixed with the scent of ink and bitter coffee and kept Elliot and Beck company as they waited. The sight of rows and rows of books filled their vision. Around them, pictures displayed worlds to be discovered beneath the hard covers. The book store rose up another level and people on the second story glanced over the railing and down on the gathering crowd. Elliot slid her arms around Beck's neck and he instantly responded by wrapping his arms around her waist. His hold on her was steady and sure.

"The first book signing. Are you nervous?" she asked.

"Terrified," he said. "I hear dedicated fans can get vicious."

"It's true. You wouldn't believe the horror stories I have from my book signings."

"Tell me," he said, pulling her closer.

"Can you really bear to hear what could possibly be out there, right now? I've faced it before but I don't know if you can."

He gave a soft chuckle as his lips brushed her cheek and his words slipped into her ears.

"I think I'm strong enough to hear a few of these traumatic stories."

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you," Elliot said.

Beck pulled back and looked at her. For a breath, she didn't speak but stared into his blue eyes. Eyes she had grown to know every facet of. Learned to read every expression, but still felt there were things to discover.

"Once," she said, in a low, conspiratorial voice, "a girl actually cried when she saw me."

Beck's eyes went wide and his eyebrows shot up. "No!"

"Yup, burst into tears before me. Before I even got the chance to sign her book, or even ask if my writing was that bad."

Beck squeezed her waist and she laughed.

"Tell me more," he said.

"Why? Do you have a liking for terrifying events?"

"No, I like your voice and the way your eyes light up when a joke is coming."

Despite all the time they had been together, Elliot still felt her heart start up a kick line at his words. She pulled on serious expression and stared directly at him.

"This is no joking matter," she said.

"Of course not."

"One girl brought a knife," Elliot said. "And a cake. She asked if I wanted a piece."

"I can see how that would be truly devastating."


"Yes, considering how your family hates the use of utensils."

Elliot waved a hand. "She just flaunted the knife right in my face."

"I'm sorry." He kissed her forehead, his lips warm. "I can tell that memory still haunts you."

"It does, especially since I didn't get to eat the cake because my shock was too overwhelming."

"Your life is so rough. What else should I be prepared for besides an onslaught of tears, undecided whether they are positive or negative, and a baker with no consideration for the phobias of other's?"

"Well," she let out a breath and a shutter, "this is the most shocking truth of all."

She took a breath in and Beck rushed to speak before her words could escape.

"Can I really handle this, El? I know what I said but, you never know."

Though his expression remained serious, in his eyes his laughter had fallen over and doubled up with cramps. Elliot placed a hand on his cheek, moving her thumb over his thin stubble.

"I think you can," she said. "This is the worst part." She took in another breath. "They talk to you."

Beck buried his head in the crook of her neck.

"I can't do it," he said, his breath warm her skin.

He started shaking with laughter and Elliot felt her own laughter playing racket ball in her stomach. He pulled back, his smile unrestrained and his gaze filled with her. The volume of voices steadily grew even though they still had a wait before them.

"It sounds like you might have some over eager fans. Teenage girls most likely," she said.

"You are aware that my novel's main demographic were to people in their late twenties to early sixties, right?"

"Yes, but my fans will probably show up just to see you."


"Did you not see the picture of you on the back of our book? You look hot. I would show up and buy a book for that face."

He laughed. "Luckily for you, I come free."

"Ha. That's a joke, I remember signing your paychecks."

"You publishers signed my paychecks. You don't even remember how much I was paid, do you?"

Elliot looked off thoughtfully, tapping her chin.

"I remember something about zeros and then fainting."

Beck chuckled "Was I worth it?"

She kissed him, tightening her hold on him. She pulled back and looked at him, smiling.

"Every penny. Those fan girls of yours will just have to back off, because you're mine," she said. "I mean this in a literal sense, legally your mine for life. It was in the contract. Should have read the fine print."

Beck kissed her nose. "I read it, but didn't seem to care."

Elliot smiled, warmth radiating out from it.

"With that said, I still think there is time," she said.

"We been over this-"

"I'm just saying publishers are aware that situations like this do come up."

"Not today and not for this book."

"But if you will just listen-"

"I have," Beck said, "and I believe everyone else will agree with me that I made the right choice."

"But are you really sure?"

"One hundred percent positive."

"But come on," Elliot said. "I still think you should have gone with the title, My Girlfriend Is The Best and The Real Reason I'm Here. Instead of A Novel Thought."

"You don't think that it just a tad too long winded?"

Elliot shrugged. "Fine, you shorten it to ELLIOT. Problem solved."

Beck chuckled. "El, you know realize that Elliot doesn't expand into the title you said."

She scrunched her face. "Yes but I couldn't think of good one that added up to Elliot."

"How long did you think about it?" he asked.

"An hour tops."

Beck gave her a skeptical look, that made her fidget.

"Three days max," she said.

Beck's expression remained the same and she took a step back crossing her arms defensively.

"Fine," she said. "Since you started writing the book."

Beck nodded. "I'm actually a little disappointed you couldn't come up with anything in that time frame."

Elliot threw her hands up, let out a breath of frustration.

"So am I," she said. "I must be losing it."

"I think you already lost it," Beck said, "this has just made you aware that you lost it."

She cocked her head and Beck smiled at the motion, ready to laugh before she spoke.

"Did I lose it or was it never actually mine?" she said.

"You bring up a good point," he said, containing his amusement. "I'm not sure it was ever in your possession."

Elliot gave a careless shrug. "Okay, I'm fine with that."


"You can't miss something you never had."

Crossing his arms, Beck leaned against the bookshelf.

"How wise you are," he said.

"Don't I know it." She sent him a teasing smile and a wink. He caught it and slipped it into his pocket. She moved over and rested on the same shelf facing him.

"Is anyone you know coming?" she asked.

"My mom said she planned to come with Ashley."

Elliot's eyebrows shot up and she placed a hand on his arm.

"That's huge. Is she feeling up for it?"

He shrugged, though he couldn't hide his pleasure at the thought.

"It's a good day and these past few months have been better, so I think so."

Elliot wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him.

"I'm so glad," she said, pulling away slightly to look at him. "This is amazing for you. I know I've said it a million times -"

"I know, I've counted."

She grinned. "I am so proud of you and this book. It's amazing."

Beck looked at her with a quiet, intent expression as if he couldn't believe she was still standing before him and that her words held no degree of jealous or envy.

He kissed her and she was quick to return it, his hands pulling her close as her arms tightened around his neck. When they broke apart, he leaned his forehead to hers.

"I wouldn't be here without you, El."

She laughed. "Yes, you would. I just made it come a few years early."

"I'm not allowed to give you a compliment?" he asked, shifting back.

"Nope, it's your day. Only you get the compliments today," she said. "So know once this day is over, that's it. No more praise for you."


"By the way I should mention Cece might show up, she likes making people feel inferior by telling them how many times she's read it."

"How many times has she read it?" he asked.

"Oh none, she can't get past page one."

Beck's lips quirked into a teasing smirk. "The words too big for her."

"No, she gets mad and wonders why the rest of the world even tries."

Beck laughed and Elliot smiled for the simple reason that she was in love with the sound.

"I do wonder that," he said.

"Same, but if we didn't try then I believe, if evolution was even real, that we would all turn into giant slugs with no purpose in life."

Beck looked at her, his amusement brightening his blue eyes.

"Do you ever say anything normal?"

"Yes, yesterday I said hello to someone."

"What followed after that?"

Elliot made a face like she already lost the bet. "If a pack of cannibals comes over that rise I suggest we do the unthinkable and become vegans."

Beck laughed, the sound racing throughout the store. Above them heads turned and looked for the source of the sound. He looked at her shaking his head.

"I don't know what life would be like without you," he said.

"In my case, I don't think it would be all that great," she said. "Probably wouldn't last long either. So I for one don't plan on finding out."

Beck kissed her forehead. "Me either."


The line that had snaked through the entire store was finally coming to it's end. The expressions of those last in line had started to fade. But when they stepped up to the table before Beck their smiles jumped to attention. Beck's own smile remained in place and didn't ever seem to falter.

Elliot watched from the side, smiling with him at every compliment and bit of praise that was given to him and his book. His mom had showed up half way through and was jumped to the head of the line. Elliot witnessed as Beck had signed her book and she touched his cheek, all her pride living in her gaze.

As the last person stepped up, the sky outside was darkening and the night was sweeping away the sunset. The front doors opened and Grant walked in. A gust of early autumn wind tumbled in behind him and settled among the shelves. After the person before him was finished, he handed Beck his own copy. Beck gave him a puzzled look.

"I could have signed this at dinner tomorrow night," he said. "I don't even know why you want me to sign it."

"Because I'm one of your biggest fans," he said. "Besides I did have a plan of showing up early and rubbing it in everyone's face that I'm related to you, but got tied up with work."

Beck chuckled and accepted the book. "Thanks, man."

Grant placed a hand on Beck's shoulder and stared at him. "I'm proud of you, Beck."

After a half second moment, Grant nodded and straightened. Elliot left her hiding spot and joined Grant before the table. He smiled at her and gave her a quick sideways hug.

"Hey Elliot," he said. "I'm looking forward to dinner tomorrow."

"Yes, it should be a blast," she said. "We'll have to continue our discussion of outlandish marketing techniques."

"Sounds good to me."

He took the book back and raised it in salute.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said.

He took a step back but Elliot raised her hand to stop him.

"We are going to have a small celebration right after this," she said, "you want to come?"

She gave Beck a quick look to make sure that was alright. He nodded at her then at Grant.

"Thanks but we're restocking the store tonight and I need to get back to oversee it all."

"You work too hard," Elliot said.

He gave a warm laugh. "I know. Beck gets to sit around and write all the time. It seems I chose the wrong career. I'll see you two tomorrow."

He turned away and headed onto into the fading light. Elliot looked back at Beck and gave a nod towards the door.

"Ready to go somewhere where you can stop constantly smiling?"

Beck gave a sigh of relief, his face relaxing. "Yes."

He pulled on this jacket and took Elliot's out stretched hand. They let his publicist know they were leaving and walked through the front door. A chill wind whipped past them and caused them to shifted closer to each other. Streetlights lit the sidewalk while buildings spilled left over light onto the city.

Elliot led them to a bakery and pushed the door open. The smell of cinnamon, chocolate, and the essence of everything good wafted through the air. Small tables were filled with customers looking for warmth and something to cheer them up. A gray haired man behind the counter looked up and smiled at them.

"Elliot," he said. "It's good to see you."

"Hey, Stein. Beck you remember my number one baker?" she said, glancing between them.

Beck nodded and shook Stein's hand. "I do. It's good to see you again."


"Do you have my order?" Elliot asked.

Stein nodded. "Dante says he's roasting, being near the ovens for so long, but said for you it was worth it."

"What can I say?" Elliot said, "you share a tube of paste in elementary school and end up on the same Coast it bonds you. Kind of like the paste did our mouths."

Stein gave a deep throated chuckle and walked back into the kitchen. He returned a second later with a large pink box which he set on the counter.

"Here you are," he said.

Elliot paid and lifted the box. "Thanks. We'll see you around."

He nodded to them. Beck quickly relieved Elliot of the box and they left the bakery, the scent of fresh baked goods clinging to them. Voices drifted around them as groups of friends kept the cold at bay with each other's company.

When they reached their destination, Elliot rushed up and opened the door for Beck. Inside the bar was still partially empty. Behind the counter a tan, muscular guy cleaned glasses. A smile cut across his face at the sight of Elliot.

"Hey, Elliot," he said.

"Hi Pacho, are Cece and Milo here?" she asked.

He gestured further down the bar with the cloth.

"Thanks," she said. "Let Randolph know Beck is here if he does want his book signed."

Pacho gave a nod and returned to his cleaning. "I'll send Peter over with menus in about five."

"That sounds great."

They moved down the bar, passing crowded tables and the odd assortment of couples and groups. Before they spotted them, Elliot and Beck heard Cece and Milo. Elliot opened her mouth but Beck beat her to the punch.

"Five bucks its the same argument that they've been having for a month."

Elliot turned towards him, her hands on her hips.

"Beck Daniels, you just had your first book signing and all you can do is five bucks."

"Fine, twenty."

"Better, but I'm not taking it because I know you're right."

Beck chuckled and they kept walking towards the heated voices. They stopped at an empty table and set the box down, staring at the arguing couple.

"No, Milo!" Cece said.

She stood by the bar, her expression fierce and her hands planted on her hips. Milo stood before her, his hands raised in a peace.

"Cece, you are being unrealistic about this," he said.

"No, I'm not."

"Just think about it."

"I have and that has changed nothing."

"Love, you have to realize what you're saying is crazy."

"Why can't you try seeing it from my side?"

Milo ran a hand through his hair. "I have. I even stood beside you just to make it clear I was, but that doesn't change anything. You know this."

"What I know is you are being unreasonable."

"I'm being unreasonable? Do you even understand what you are asking of me?"

Cece crossed her arms, defiant. "Yes, I do."

Milo took a step forward and put his hands on her arms, rubbing them gently.

"Love, I made a promise to your mom and she would kill me if we eloped. Let's face it, my mom would kill me too. I would be twice dead by the honeymoon. I hear that puts a real damper on the whole thing."

Cece wriggled out of his hold. "But I don't want a stupid wedding!"

Milo crossed his arms. "Do you still want to marry me?"

Cece made a flippant gesture with her hand as if the question warranted no thought.

"Of course I do, idiot."

Elliot turned to Beck and gave a mocking smile. "Romance, thy name is Cece."

He chuckled. Cece shifted and rested against the bar, her head turned away from Milo, arms crossed. With a small smile, he took her elbow and pulled her into his arms. Not as reluctantly as she appeared, she accepted the embrace. He kissed the top of her head and cupped her face, tilting it upwards.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.


"Then trust me that we will figure something out."

Cece stared up at him, her logical side returning.

"Do you still want to marry me?" she asked.

"More than anything," Milo said.

He kissed her and she seemed to melt in the embrace. Elliot scrunched her face and pretended to gag.

"They are still the worst," she said.

"They still make you nauseous?" Beck asked. "You think you would have gotten used to it by now."

"I thought I would have too, but no."

Chuckling, he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head. Milo and Cece broke apart, but he kept a hold of her face.

"We'll figure it out, alright?" he said.

"But why can't we just run away? We'll take our moms with us to keep you from being executed."

"Hey!" Elliot said, raising her hands out to the side. "What about us? We don't get an invite to this elopement."

"We don't like you," Cece said.

"What if I threatened to kill you? That seems to be the thing that is working."

Cece and Milo moved over to the table.

"Like you would have the heart to kill me," CeCe said. "I'm your better half."

"I thought Beck was my better half?" Elliot said.

"No, he's just better."

"And whole," Milo added.

Elliot gave a half hearted shrug. "Well, that's true."

Beck squeezed her side. "You're my better half."

Elliot turned to him, gesturing to Milo and Cece. "Did you not just hear what they said? You don't need a better half."

"You know me better than anyone else and you know that's not true."

She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh of exasperation. "Fine, I'm you're better half."

He kissed her forehead. "Don't sound too excited."

"Well, it's a big burden to carry now especially since you're a New York Times best selling author."

Cece clapped her hands, her need for a segue found.

"On that note," she said, "we can tell you that Milo finally got the promotion at the publishing house!"

Milo shook his head. "Not my night, love."

Elliot rested her chin on her hand. "Haven't we been waiting for this for months now?"

"Yes, but they couldn't give it to me after a month of being there," Milo said. "Even if I did give them Beck's manuscript. Which is who we are focusing on tonight. So Cece, the present."

Cece started. "Yes, we want to give you your small present. A present so small it's really startling that all three of us with the amount of money we have could manage to spend so little."

"Cece," Elliot said, "I think you're building it up too much. He might get his hopes raised."

"Did I not say small enough times?" she asked.

"Maybe two more times will do it."

"Fine, Beck here is your very small, extremely minuscule, going-to-need-a-microscope-to-see-it present." She turned back to the bar and grabbed the small wrapped box. She sent it before him with a flourish, then looked to Elliot. "Was that good?"

"I think the flourish might have counteracted your speech," Elliot said.

"Dang it." She waved her hand. "Whatever. Beck, there is your present for doing what hundreds have done before you and will do after you."

Beck nodded his gratitude. "Thank you, Cece. I feel completely unimportant."

She gave him a smile and a wink. "What can I say I have a talent for it. Just ask Milo."

Beck smirked and glanced at Milo. "You still thinking of marrying her?"

"It's possible I'm starting to have doubts."

He let out a loud laugh as Cece started slapping him. He pinned her arms to her side and kissed her. Her scowl faded and he released her, pulling her close.

"You should open that before all your enthusiasm over it dies," Elliot said.

"Who said I had any?" Beck asked.

Elliot beamed at Cece. "Hey Cece, you did succeed after all."

"Just open it," Cece said.

Beck pulled off the wrapping, revealing a wooden box. Inside was a bowtie with quills on it. He burst out laughing.

"This has to be the best present I've ever gotten," he said.

Elliot wrapped her arms around his neck. "Does that mean that I can keep the signed, first edition copy of East of Eden by John Steinbeck I got you?"

He just stared at her as if he wasn't completely sure she was joking or not.

"You can't be serious?" he said.

She shrugged. "You told me that is was a book that truly inspired you to become a writer and so I figured why not own a signed copy? Just like a signed copy of your book will make a great gift and inspire someone else."

In answer he kissed her, his thanks translated completely. Cece rolled her eyes.

"He almost doesn't seem happy about the bowtie," she said.

Beck pulled back and smiled. "I love it, Cece."

"Well, you should," she said. "We had to go to the mall to get it."

She turned her attention to Elliot. "I ran into Bill. He says Jerry is still out to get us."

"Of course is he," Elliot said.

"Also Pillow was working the cashier and Javier was restocking, they both say hi."

Beck looked at Milo. "Sometimes I believe they are just saying random names."

"I thought that too until I actually met some of these people," Milo said.

The bar filled with an explosion of voices and laughter as a group of fraternity guys clambered inside. Everyone turned to look at the newcomers. Milo looked at Beck and nodded to the bar.

"Let's get drinks before Sigma Pi Nu inhale it all," he said.

Beck let go a Elliot's waist and followed Milo. Elliot looked at Cece, frowning.

"Why are we ever at a bar?" she asked.

"Because Pacho and Randolph give us free drinks, besides assistance with getting away with criminal activities."

"We don't drink," Elliot said.

"Then I'm out of excuses why we're here. I blame Milo."

"That one never gets old."

The front door opened again and Tristan stepped inside, followed by Hope. At the sight of the horde of fraternity brothers he turned around. Hope stopped him and directed him back towards Cece and Elliot.

"Hi!" Hope said.

"Hey," Elliot and Cece said in unison, two smiles sliding into place.

"We haven't broken out the cupcakes yet, so you are just in time," Cece said.

"That is the only reason I am here," Tristan said.

"In other words, we're super excited to celebrate with Beck," Hope said.

"Tristan's warmth is often lost in translation," Elliot said.

Tristan looked around the bar with an unimpressed expression.

"Why are we even at a bar?" he asked.

"Because we didn't have anything to eat at home," Elliot said.

"And we needed people to place bets on rather than ourselves," Cece said.

Hope leaned against the table and looked at Tristan. "They make a valid point."

Cece playfully slapped Tristan's arm with the back of her hand.

"Look at it this way, Tristan, we just got an entire group of fraternity guys who offer a plethora of betting options, since they all looked ready to get slammed."

He crossed his arms and leaned his back against the table, looking over the collection of education chasing men. Milo and Beck returned with mainly nonalcoholic drinks and greeted the new additions to the table. Tristan ignored them, his eyes narrowed as he looked over the rowdy tribe of guys.

"Who wants cupcakes?" Cece asked.

She flipped open the pink box lid, displaying cupcakes spelling out Congrats Beck. Elliot looked at Beck.

"I wanted them to spell out 'Best Author in the Whole World' but they didn't have a big enough box for that."

He snaked his arm around her waist. "It's perfect. Thanks, El."

Tristan turned around. "Okay, let's do this."

The group each took a cupcake and fell into calling out bets. The bar continued to fill and added to the amount of money that switched hands. When Tristan was up by $60, he took a step back, taking Hope's hand.

"Well, this has been fun," he said, "we're leaving now."

"No we're not," Hope said, pulling her fingers free. "We've only been here twenty minutes. We're staying."

Tristan slid his hands into his pockets and looked at her.

"Remind me why I'm dating you again?" he asked.

She laughed and gave him a quick kiss. "Because I'm beautiful, intelligent and the only woman who could put up with you."

"Do you still want to stay?" he asked.


"Then I don't understand why I'm dating you."

She smiled and waved her hand.

"It's fine you can leave," she said, looking back to Cece and Elliot. "Besides Cece and Elliot haven't had time to share all your growing up stories yet."

Tristan moved back to the table. "It looks like we're staying."

Milo and Beck exchanged a ten while Cece gave Elliot a five. Hope took Tristan's hand and kissed him again, this time the kiss had the desired affect.

"She's good," Cece said.

"The best," Elliot said.

Tristan found new outlandish bets and the group fell back into old ways of connecting. The volume rose and fell like the amount of money each person won and lost. Arguments and conversations were picked up and dropped as the moment struck people.

The smell of alcohol cut through words as it was pushed out on people's breath. Hope was listening to Cece's argument for eloping, while Tristan conversed with Milo, when Beck put a hand beneath Elliot's chin and turned her face to him. He smiled and ran a thumb near the corner of her mouth.

"You got something right..." He kissed her.

She pulled back and gave him a flat look. "I didn't have anything there, did I?"

"No, but I wanted to kiss you."

"So you picked the worst cliché ever to do it with?" She shook her head. "And they say you're a New York Times best selling author."

He laughed and leaned in, kissing her cheek.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked, shifting closer to her, one hand sliding around her waist.

"Is it you've discovered the ratio of teachers to students in schools of fish? If it is, I'll kiss you."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Would you not kiss me if I didn't?"

"I would, but it wouldn't be as enthusiastic."

"It looks like I need to figure that out then."

Elliot gave him a teasing grin. "It seems you do. Now what is the lesser, not really worth listening to, thing?"

Beck didn't respond right away, instead her stared into her eyes, as if he was memorizing them all over again.

"I love you," he said.

His voice was so low, it almost got swallowed up in the clamor of the bar. But Elliot heard it and her heart tucked it away in the treasure chest that held every other 'I Love You' he had said.

"What are the odds?" she said.

"That after all this time I can still read your mind?" Beck said.

"Yes, and that you would still be willing to admit it."


"Can I tell you something?" she said.

"It is the reason why cats are still loved despite their personalities?"

She laughed. "Why?"

"Because if so, I would kiss you," he said.

Elliot crossed her arms and gave him a taunting look. "And you wouldn't otherwise?"

Beck shook his head. "No, I would kiss you just the same. I just wanted to know."

"Well, I don't know. I doubt even Mia knows. But what I do know," she leaned in close and rested her hand on his cheek, "is that I love you, Beck Daniels."

He stared at her as of he still didn't believe the words. She kissed him, her hands on his neck pulling him closer as he held her waist.

For a long moment no one else existed but them and the feel of each other. The strength of their holds on each other and the imprint of their lips.

Elliot smiled in the kiss as she heard Cece gag and say, "They really are the worst."


Fluffy Marshmallow!

We made it! It's the end! Ahhhhh!!!!

What did you think?

Are you still on cuteness overload? (I know I am. My robot is typing this out for me. Haha I don't own a robot.)

I had so much fun writing this because I got to make it as cute as I wanted to because it was the end and a little bit of cheese is always good! Did you notice how the random people that Elliot has mentioned though out the book showed up?

I had to go back through to make sure I got everyone. I totally forget who I did mention, but I think I got them all. It's good to know Pillow is making a descent living and surviving despite the fact that his name is Pillow.

Any last thoughts you want to share?

Or favorite moments?

How about favorite character?

Oh this one will be tough, team CELO or Belliot?

Sad and don't know what to do with yourself now that this has ended?

💥💥There is always more!!!💥💥 *dances around like a weirdo*

Want more romance, (cause you doesn't want that?!) then check out literally any of my other books.

A Second Chance is completed and a rollercoaster ride of emotions dealing with two singers tossed together in a fake relationship and having to work out how to live with each other.

Beyond The Barrier is a completed romance with a touch of zombies. (Intrigued? You should be!)

A Secret Service is completed. It's about a kick butt girl dealing with going to school with the president's son and being the social outcast.

Every Second is completed and runs parallel to A Second Chance. It's about a girl drummer working with a famous singer.

Celebrity Cruise is completed. A singer and a cruise cross paths and find that a lot can happen in just one week.

Three Weeks is completed. A new girl shows up in a small southern town and stirs up the life of a life guard taking him in adventures and changing it point of view.

So check them out! I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for being awesome and all around amazing! You have my love!

One last time, vote for freedom, comment on all things good, follow your dreams!

❣️CONTINUE ON FOR SOME SPECIALS!❣️Cause I couldn't help myself.

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