Something Special

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Elliot was too far gone in sleep to hear her door open. Or to hear the footfalls that moved across her carpet to her bed. The thing that did pull her slowly from her dreams was the sound of a deep, familiar voice.

"El," Beck said, his tone low and gentle.

Elliot mumbled something but made no sign of waking. Beck brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his thumb caressing her cheek.

"El, beautiful, wake up," he said, raising the volume of his voice a little more.

She moved onto her back, her face shifting towards him. Her eyes were still closed, her mind trapped by her dreams. He ran a hand down her face, calling her name as he did. Elliot mumbled again, the fog of dreams slowly receding. Beck crouched down by the bed.

"El, come on wake up. We need to leave."

Elliot blinked her eyes open. The room was dark, night still living in the sky. The only light came from the open door and the hallway. For a long moment she stared at nothing waiting for her eyes to adjust. Beck took form before her. He was fully dressed in jeans and a heavy sweater. When his face came into focus, she glared at him.

"What are you doing in my room?" she asked, her voice heavy with the last of her sleep.

Beck gave a low chuckle and brushed away a tangled piece of her hair.

"I'm here to kidnap you, of course."

"Oh, in that case..." Elliot twisted around and closed her eyes. "Go away."

Beck stood and placed this hands on the bed, leaning over.

"Come on beautiful, wake up."

Elliot pulled the blankets up towards her chin.

"Beck Daniels," she said, her words half mumbled. "I will not be swayed out of this bed by your useless term of endearment."

Beck shook her shoulder. "We have to go, El."

Elliot shrugged out of his hold. "What ever delusion I have given you about my affection towards you I take back. Now leave me be. It's too early and cold to go any where."

"The car is all warmed up," Beck said.

"I hope you and your car will be very happy together."

She scooted further away from him, causing him to laugh quietly, as if worried to wake anyone else. He settled on the edge of the bed, tugging the blankets off her. She shivered though the room wasn't cold. For a moment they fought over the comforter. Beck's fully awake state and strength won out and Elliot was left curled up on the bed.

"Freakin' eggs it's cold. I hate you so much Beck Daniels," she muttered.

Beck pulled her towards him and wrapped her in his arms. Her head rested against his chest, his heart beating faintly in her ear.

"I don't want your warmth, I want the dang blankets."

"Yes, but you aren't getting them. So I will have to do."

Despite her annoyance, Elliot shifted closer to Beck settling against him, her legs curled up. He smelled of coffee, pastries and winter. The soft fabric of his sweater brushed her cheek and she felt herself relaxing into the feel of him. Her breathing became deep, the rise and fall of his chest pulling her back to sleep.

"El, you can't go to sleep again. You need to wake up."

Elliot's eyelids were heavy, the smooth rhythm of his voice wrapping around her. He buried his fingers in her hair and cupped the back of her neck.

"Hey," he titled her head back, but Elliot didn't open her eyes. "El, open your eyes."

"Why?" she mumbled. "I see no point."

Beck chuckled and kissed her, his warm lips pulling her away from sleep.

"We're running away, remember?"

She looked up at him. Half his face was cast in shadow.

"I don't care for this Jack Kerouac on the road sort of thing you're going for. Go ahead and leave without me."

Beck smiled, the sight unwillingly pulling a small smile from Elliot.

"I can't leave without you."


"I would be lost without you."

"Not likely," she muttered. "I suck at directions and you have a phone."

Beck brushed her cheek with his thumb, his eyes absorbing all of her.

"What's the point of going anywhere without you?"

"Why are we running away? Did you finally knock off your assistant Evan?" Elliot laid her head back on his chest, pulling herself closer to him. "Probably for the best," she yawned. "He had an All About Eve look in his eyes. Best to stop those before they can do damage."

"I know. That's why we have to go."

"Body in the trunk?"

"Yes, Pacho is meeting us up in New Hampshire."

Elliot lifted her head and Beck took the opportunity to cup her face.

"What's in New Hamphire?"

"Two things." He kissed her again. "Now, come on. Get up and get dressed."

Elliot thought about it but tiredness won out. She turned away and fell back on the bed. "Tell Pacho I said hi."

Beck stood and picked her up. Elliot let out a surprised squeak and wrapped her arms around his neck. She glared at him and he gave her a wide smile.

"I have coffee in the car."

"You should have started with that."

He grinned.

"Running away?" she asked.

"Running away."


The house was perfectly still. No light except for the light in the entryway was on. The rooms beyond Tristan and Cece's doors were eerily silent. Elliot descended the stairs, dressed in boots, jeans and a sweater that felt like a big hug. Beck was by the front door, pacing back and forth, his eyes scanning over his phone. At the sound of her approach, he looked up. A smile jumped to his face. Elliot shook her head.

"Stop, it's too early for that," she said. "I don't even want to see you right now."

Beck stepped forward and cupped her face, the familiar feel of his thumbs brushing her cheeks producing a smile from her. "I know." He kissed her, his lips not lingering long enough. "Let's go before there are two bodies in the trunk."

Elliot laid her forehead against his chest, her arms tucked in front of her.

"Why can't it be another day?" she asked.

Beck wrapped his arms around her and she lifted her head, resting it back on his shoulder.

"Because the run away gods have spoken," he said.

"Did they send you a vision?"

"No, text."

Elliot looked up at him. "How very with the times of them."

"They had to update because no one cared what they said anymore."

"Yeah they probably woke up thinking the vision was a really weird burrito they ate the night before."

"Exactly," Beck said. "Move with the times."

"Or get left behind and forgotten."

"Or get called a hipster."

"Yeah, but who wants that."

Beck chuckled and released her. He grabbed her jacket from the coat rack and handed it to her. Tossing it over her arm, she took his outstretched hand. He opened the door and an icy wind paraded into the house. She shivered and Beck squeezed her hand as he lead outside.

The world beyond the door was dusted in white. In the yellow glow of the streetlights snow drifted lazily. The sky was a dull gray, heavy with more snow to come. The white flakes on the sidewalk lay untouched and the world looked like it was trapped in a snow globe.

Beck locked the door and led Elliot down the stairs to the waiting car. A cozy interior greeted her as she slipped inside. She put her jacket in the back besides Beck's as he climbed into the driver's side. The slamming of the door echoed in the quiet night. Elliot accepted the cup of coffee and sank back in her seat, looking out the window. Beck pulled the car away from the curb and headed out into the city.

In silence they drove out of Boston and headed North. They passed very few travelers, the head lights from other cars seeming like dreams as they darted by them in the opposite direction. The trees along the highway, aware of their bareness, had pulled on snow coats. The sky began to lighten, the gray becoming a shade cheerier.

Slowly, Elliot became fully awake. She looked over and studied Beck's profile. Every line and curve were as familiar to her as the feel of his name on her lips. He didn't seem to notice, his gaze trained on the road ahead. He glanced at the rear view mirror and then finally realized that she was staring.

"You're awake," he said, smiling at the open road.

He reached over and laced his fingers through her hand.

"Barely, I'm surprised you even managed to make it out of my room alive waking me up so early."

"I didn't wear a bowtie for that very reason."

"Smart. Last time Cece tried, I nearly took her head off with a pillow."

"Who knew pillows could be so lethal."

"Only those who fought in the great pillow-blanket war of 1973."

"I think my grandfather fought in that."

"It wouldn't surprise me. You come from a line of very distinguished men."

"That's true. My great great grandfather led the troops into great flour battle of 1796."

"I heard about that one. A lot of baked goods were lost that day."

"They were cooked from the start."

A smile played across Elliot's face as she watched the road, mesmerized by the flakes of snow as they rushed at the car.

"Where are we going?' she asked.

"A little diner in Portsmouth."

"How classy."

"I thought so too." Beck glanced at her and then back at the road. "I'm sorry I wasn't at the office last night. How did writing go?"

Elliot yawned and shifted in the seat. "Pretty good. Doesn't mean I'm still not terrified with writing my first non-YA novel. But so far I've only broken one computer, one window and one windshield."

"All in one go?"

"Surprisingly, it was all separate instances."

Beck chuckled, his gaze darting to her again. "I'm proud of you." He squeezed her hand.

She looked at him, loving the way his words filled every inch of her with courage.

"Thanks," she said, the simple word holding more weight than it could ever really hold.

They traveled the rest of the way in companionable silence, their hands intertwined, their thoughts tangled in each other.

When they got close to the city, Beck released Elliot's hand and navigated his way through the narrow streets. He pulled the car into a parking lot outside a red and white diner and shut off the engine. Elliot stretched and yawned, her muscles still sleepy. He climbed out and by the time she had unbuckled, he was at her door, opening it. She got out and rubbed her arms as the cold draped over her. Beck put his arms around her, encasing her in warmth.

Around them stood three story brick buildings packed together. Signs for toy stores, clothing, and coffee shops stuck out from the hall. The holiday season was apparent in the greenery hanging from store windows. Between two blocks the water could been be seen. Seagulls drifted overhead, unhindered by the weather and snow. Beck guided Elliot to the entrance and pushed the door open. The air was rich with the scent of fried food. The decor was red vinyl booths, white countertops and black and white tiled floors. Somewhere a jukebox whined out old eighties songs.

In the corner booth by the window sat Cece. She had her head resting on her fist, her gaze staring at the plastic menu before her. Beck squeezed Elliot's hand and they walked over to the booth.

"This spot taken?" Elliot asked.

Cece jerked her head up with a start. Her blank expression quickly slipped into a frown.

"What are you two doing here?" she said.

The bathroom door opened and Milo walked out, his hands in his pockets. When he saw Beck and Elliot, he greeted them with a nod and no look of surprise.

"Hey man," he said, "you got her out of bed and you're still alive."

"It's only because she loves me," Beck said.

Elliot slapped his arm. "That's still in the debate at the moment. You did drag me from my bed."

He kissed her forehead.

"Okay, let me know when you've settled on a decision about your feelings."

She looked up at him. "What if it's not in your favor?"

"Well, you didn't like me when we first met so I can change your mind."

"You think your charm is that good?"

"I know you have a thing for bowties and you like the way I look."

"So you're pretty confident?"

He gave her a wide grin. "Yeah."

"Dang! I hate it when you're right."

"Which is a lot. Does that counter my work with making you love me?"

"Yes, so what do you want to be, right or my love?"

"Easy." He kissed her. "Your love."

Cece rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, staring up at Milo.

"What is this?" she said.

Elliot and Beck both looked back at her.

Milo looked at her and shrugged. "Witnesses."

"How did they get here so fast?" she asked.

Beck pointed a thumb at Milo. "He texted me."

Elliot smirked. "The run away god himself."

"That's why you went back into the house," Cece said, "to text Beck."

"Yeah," Milo said.

She rolled her eyes and settled back in the booth. "Fine."

He slid into the booth and kissed her cheek, successfully defusing her annoyance. A smile grew on her face and she turned to him. The expression and the light in her eyes said everything.

"While you two gaze longing into each other's eyes I'm going to order," Elliot said.

She slid in and Beck followed. She pulled the menu over to them and began studying the items. Milo broke away from Cece's gaze and looked at Beck.

"Do you have them?" he asked.

Beck frowned and then nodded in understanding. He dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out two gold rings. Reaching across the table, he handed them to Milo.

"There you go," he said.

Cece scowled, her arms crossed again as Milo pocketed the rings.

"You forgot our wedding rings?" she said.

"No," Milo said, "it was in case you weren't happy to see them. I was going to say it was the reason they were here."

Cece's mouth twisted to the side as if she couldn't decide whether to glare or smile at him.

"I hate it when you're smart."

He kissed her, once again making her expression melt. "I know. Now let's eat so we can get hitched."

Elliot looked up. "I don't think people say that any more."

"Fine, tie the knot," Milo said.

"Exchange vows," Cece said.

"Settle down," Beck said.

"Like that's possible with this one," Elliot said, nodding to Cece.

"Walk down the aisle," Milo said, smiling at Cece.

"Drop anchor," she said.

"Plight one's troth," Beck said.

Elliot turned to him and gave him a flat look. "Now you are just making things up." She looked back at Milo as Beck kissed the side of her head. "Why do you want to marry her anyways? I've known her since the day she was born and even I don't like her that much."

"She's older than you, El," Beck said.

"Makes no difference, I watching her from heaven. You wouldn't believe the hell she put Michelle through even as a baby."

Beck smiled. They looked at Milo, who turned his attention to Cece. He made a face, his eyes narrowing.

"You know, come to think of it," he said, "I haven't the faintest clue why I want to marry you."

Cece ran a hand through his hair and cupped his cheek, making him smile.

"That makes two of us."

Elliot muttered. "Then that means I got out of bed for nothing." She looked at Beck. "I blame you."

"As you should, since I was the one that got you out of bed."

A waitress walked over to them, her shoes squeaking on the linoleum floor. She pulled a pad and pencil from her apron.

"Hi," she said, her voice cheery despite the early hour. "What can I get you?"

The table gave their orders and she left. Before they could begin talking again, the door opened bringing with it a burst of voices. They all looked over to see Tristan, Marilyn and Milo's parents stepping in and shedding coats. Cece spun on Milo, but he didn't seem concerned with her fierce expression.

"What is this?" she said.

"My way of making it to my honeymoon with every limb attached and my life still in my body."

"You're signing a document that forever ties you with Cece," Elliot said, "that last no one doesn't really work."

"Then why is Tristan here?" Cece asked, ignoring Elliot.

"You said get a minster, right?"

She nodded.

"Tristan is our minister."

"Since when?" Elliot and Cece said together.

"Since the internet made it possible," Milo said.

The newcomers moved over to them, smiles at the ready and excitement dashing away the sleep in their eyes. Tristan took a stool at the end and made eyes with the waitress, assuring him the swiftest service the diner had ever seen. Marilyn smiled at the group.

"Hello, who feels like getting married?" she said. "Twenty bucks it's not Cece at the moment."

Cece shook her head and Marilyn laughed.

"Cheer up sweetheart, it never would have lasted if we weren't here to see it," she said.

"Because you would do everything in your power to make us feel miserable about you missing it and that would be the thing that eventually broke us apart?" Cece said.

Marilyn smiled. "Naturally. Now let's get coffee."

Milo stood and hugged his parents, his arms lingering around his mother as she whispered in his ear. He laughed and Cece grinned in response watching the interaction. Marilyn slipped in beside Beck and smiled at both of them.

"How long did it take you to get her out of bed?" she asked.

Beck wore a smug look. "Fifteen minutes."

Marilyn shook her head and smiled. "You're good."

She pulled out a ten and handed it over to him. Elliot leaned on the table, looking at her mother. She tapped her chin, looking thoughtful.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," she said, "but hasn't it been two weeks since you and Cece went to look at wedding dresses?"

"I always knew this betting thing would come back to haunt me."

She handed Elliot a ten.

"Well, don't worry Scrooge, keep moving around like you do and Jacob Marley won't be able to find you."

Her mother winked at her. "That's the plan."


Milo led the small group across the square towards the steps of a tall chapel. Tristan walked in the back with Elliot and Beck. He yawned and gave the surrounding area a disinterested look. Snow covered everything, including the benches, making it seem as if the world were getting a paint job.

"Tristan are you awake?" Elliot asked.

"It all depends on the task before me," he said, pulling up the collar of his black peak coat.

"How about marrying off our sister?"

"In that case no. Half my brain is still in my room fast asleep."

"What task would it take to make you fully awake?" Beck asked.

Tristan frowned his half awake brain needing to run fast to answer the question.

"Anything that involves Hope. That woman keeps me on my toes."

"Isn't she the ballerina in this instance?" Elliot said.

"Yes," Tristan said, "but she likes me to understand how hard it is to do what she does."

"So you respect her," Beck said.

"No, so she can laugh at me when I fail at doing it right."

"You have such a beautiful relationship," Elliot said.

Tristan grunted, the half smile betraying him. The group entered the foyer and walked through to the sanctuary. Rows and rows of padded wooden pews filled the room. Stained glass windows lined the walls, letting in shafts of multicolored light. At the front a gray haired man was reading from the Bible. At their entrance, he looked up and smiled. He moved around the podium to greet them. Milo shook his hand and they started talking.

Tristan yawned again. "Does anyone know why the blazes we are here of all places?" he asked.

"Milo's parents got married in this church," Elliot said.

He looked at her, surprise pushing aside some of his fatigue for the moment.

"Milo is from New Hampshire?" he said.

"Yeah," Beck said. "He moved with his parents when he was eight."

Tristan just looked at them.

"I never wanted to tell you," Elliot said, cringing.

"You were smart never to mention it," Tristan said.

"But you know him. He's not like the other New Hampshire people."

Tristan shook his head.

"They are all alike, El. You can't change what's in their blood."

Beck looked between them, his expression unconcerned though he didn't know what they were talking about.

"He's not an intense person," Elliot said. "You know this."

"I respected him," Tristan said, his tone tinged with disgust.

"And you still can. He moved. He chose the right side."

"That motto is still there every where you look. On every license plate. Live free or die. That is the new Hampshire way."

"He changed his license plate."

Tristan looked at her. "Oh in that case he's fine then."

Elliot rolled her eyes. Beck bent close to her ear and whispered.

"Will I ever know or should I let it go?"

"Tristan dated one really intense girl who came from New Hampshire where their motto is Live free or Die and it's turned him off all New Hampshire people since."

"Seems a bit extreme."

"Yes, but it's Tristan."

"So perfectly normal."


"Do you want to get this started," the gray haired man said.

Beck and Elliot looked over. Milo was nodding and smiling at Cece. They moved to the front of the church, everyone following behind. Elliot looked at Tristan.

"Are you still doing the service?" she asked.

"Yes, that man was just a backup in case I decided I didn't like any of you or Milo's genealogy got in the way of me performing the service."

"He thinks of everything."

"He does," Tristan said. "Cause for some reason he really wants to marry Cece."

"Do you think she's blackmailing him and this is his only way out?" Elliot asked.

"I either thought that or he loves her."

"I'm going with blackmail," Elliot said.

"It's the only logical conclusion in this scenario," Tristan said.

Milo called to Tristan, waving him to the front. He broke away and climbed the two steps and stood in front of the podium. Milo took a spot before Cece, his smile uncontainable while her eyes beamed with a look that only he could bring. Beside him stood his parents, his mom already starting to tear up. Beck and Elliot moved to Cece's side. Marilyn smiled at them, her heart in her expression. Tristan opened his mouth, but Cece stopped him.

"Hold on," she said.

She stuck a hand in her pocket and pulled out a blue bracelet. She slipped it on her wrist and shrugged.

"I'm keeping one tradition," she said, to Milo's puzzled gaze. "It's everything. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."

"You stole that," Elliot said. "It's mine."

"Borrowed without asking," Cece said.

Elliot held up her hands. "Whatever you say Jack."

"It's Captain."

Tristan cleared his throat. "Do you want me to change it so I refer to you as that in the vows?"

"Not this wedding," Cece said. "Maybe the next."

Milo growled and Cece smiled at him. "Kidding. You're stuck with me for life."

"You ready to put your promise where you mouth is?" he asked.

She took his hands and nodded.

"You sure?" he asked, his eyes teasing her.

"I would bet my life on it."

Elliot leaned towards Beck. "A little cheesy if you ask me."

"No one asked you," Tristan said. "Now let's get this thing over with."

"And with that my son marry's his sister off," Marilyn said, smirking.

Tristan sent her a look and turned back to Milo and Cece. He cleared his throat and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Dearly beloved," he said, "and those we merely tolerate."

"Tristan!" a chorus of voices said.

"Sorry. Let me start again," he said. He paused and looked down at Cece, his face softening. "Friends and family. We are here to witness something that is beyond words. The joining of two souls for life. Here we agree that these two people are worthy of each other. We are here to encourage them as they intertwine their lives together."

Beck took Elliot's hand and looked at her, a quiet smile on his lips.

"For better or worse," Tristan continued. "Through the hardest times to come and the best. In the times of sorrow and times of happiness. From this point on whatever comes their way they will face together." Tristan coughed. "Or something to that effect. Now their vows."

Milo's mother covered her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks, his father put an arm around her smiling with pride. Marilyn wiped away a smile tear, her face beaming. Elliot whispered into Beck's ear.

"For a second I thought the old man was going soft in his advanced years."

He looked at her and smiled. "Funny, I was going to say he's growing heart."

"Same difference."

They fell silent as Milo and Cece exchanged vows, Cece's expression for once serious, no traces of a joke hidden in her smile. The depth of their feelings were apparent in every word they spoke. When they finished they exchanged rings and Tristan nodded.

"Now," he said, "with the power invested in me by the internet I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now, you know, kiss the bride or whatever."

Cece wrapped her arms around Milo's neck and kissed him, his hold on her waist tight as if he never planned to let her go. They broke apart and Milo's parents and Marilyn converged on them, showering them with wishes and tears. Tristan stepped down from the podium. Elliot nodded to him.

"Where did all that emotional stuff come from?" she asked.

"I have no idea," he said. "And don't think I will ever do it again." He pointed between them. "If you two ever get married, leave me out of it."

"The event or the being the minster part?" Beck asked.

"Either one, I don't care."

"Dually noted," Elliot said.

Tristan walked away to the first pew and sank onto it, his head resting against the back. Elliot shook her head and walked over to the couple with Beck. Cece's face was beaming and no one on planet could match her beauty. When her gaze fell on Elliot, her look turned mischievous. The sisters hugged each other. Elliot pulled away and looked at her.

"You're married," she said.

"Crazier things have happened."

"On that note Hades called and he needs his down jacket back. They got a freak blizzard down there."

Cece's expression dropped into a flat look. "2005 called and they want their joke back."

Elliot smiled. "It was that or Miss Piggy called and wanted to thank you for the newly acquired wings."

"It's my wedding day, can we dispense with the jokes for a moment?"

Elliot's face went serious and she put her hands on her shoulders.

"My dearest Cece." Cece rolled her eyes and Elliot started laughing. "Sorry I can't do it."

"I always knew you could never be serious."

"That's only because I can't stand Azkaban and I have an aversion to dementors."

Cece shook her head, her smile returning, despite herself. Elliot hugged her again, holding on tightly.

"Don't forget me now that you have a husband," she whispered.

Cece echoed her hold. "Never."

The girls broke apart and Beck stepped over to offer his congratulations. Elliot moved to Milo and smiled up at him.

"Now you are officially stuck as my best friend," she said.

Milo put on a thoughtful frown. "That's true. I wonder where I could get an annulment?"

She slapped his arm making him smile. "You're bonded to Cece for eternity and it's because of me you want to get an annulment?"

"I always thought she was a goddess, good to know I was right."

Elliot laughed and shook her head. She hugged him.

"Take care of her," she said, beside his ear.

"Like my life depended on it."

She let go and stared at him. "You're life does depend on it. I have Pacho and Randolph on speed dial."

"Who in the world uses speed dial anymore? What is speed dial anyways?"

"I don't know but it sounded good. It's the thought that counts."

"Which is protect her and keep her happy or my life will be taken."

Elliot smiled and patted his head. "So you did get it. Good."

Cece approached and slipped her hand into Milo's looking at him with a quiet smile.

"She threaten you?" she asked.

He nodded and kissed her. "Yes, but I just got married and couldn't be happier so I didn't expect any less."

"She's strange like that."

Elliot waved her arms out. "I'm still standing right here!"

"Yes," Cece said, not looking away from Milo. "And we're still wondering why that is."

Milo smiled and kissed her, pulling her closer to him. Elliot looked around with an expression of mock surprise.

"I don't even know why I'm still here."

Beck slid an arm around her waist, drawing her attention. She smiled at him.

"Oh that's why."


The group left the chapel, walking out into the still quiet morning. The world was blanketed in white. The snow had started falling more steadily, determined to cover every surface twice over. As they walked they left behind footprints as if angels were following them. They stopped on the edge of the curb by Cece and Milo's car.

"Where are you off to?" Marilyn asked, as they formed a semi circle around the couple.

Cece looked up at Milo. "Cuba?"

"For their non-extradition laws?" Elliot asked.

Cece smirked and Milo smiled down at her.

"Exactly, our one last job was Beck's assistant," Cece said.

Milo shook his head and kissed Cece's forehead.

"We're catching a train up to Canada and we'll stay in Quebec," he said.

"They don't have non-extradition laws," Elliot said.

Milo shrugged. "We'll risk it."

Milo's parents exchanged amused looks with Marilyn before moving forward to get in their last goodbyes. Tristan stepped over to Beck and Elliot, pulling out a bag of raisins.

"Here," he said.

"To throw?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah, rice is bad for the birds."

Beck and Elliot looked at each other and then grabbed a handful. As Milo and Cece detached themselves from their parents Elliot, Beck and Tristan tossed raisins into the air around them. They laughed under the assault and hurried into the car to avoid more attacks. Half the crowd waved while the other half threw raisins at the retreating car.

When they couldn't see the red tail lights, they all turned away, except Elliot. Marilyn led Milo's parents back to their car with Tristan following. For a long moment Elliot watched the empty street and the snow that drifted over the freshly made tire tracks. Beck slid his arm around her and kissed the side of her head.

"Wondering if it will all be different now?" he asked.

"No, I was trying to spot the point where Cece jumped from the moving car."

Beck chuckled. "She'll always be Cece and this won't change who she is to you."

"Yes, but it will change who I am to her."

Beck didn't respond, knowing there was nothing to say. Eventually, Elliot turned away and shifted closer to Beck, her arms trapped between them as he pulled her close. Snow dusted the tops of their hair but neither seemed to notice.

"The ceremony was surprisingly nice for an elopement," she said.

"Who knew Tristan had it in him."

"What he said afterwards was interesting as well."

"What? The part about not doing our ceremony.

She nodded. "It got me thinking..."

"Me too." Beck smiled at her. "What do you think of marrying me?"

Elliot cocked her head at him

"Why so you can divorce me after a month taking all the money and leaving me with the dog?"

He brushed aside a strand of her hair then traced the line of her jaw with his fingers.

"I was clear from the beginning what my intentions were," he said, his eyes teasing her.

"You were. But now you're the one with the money."

"There is no reason to marry you then."

Elliot shrugged and made a face. "None that I can see."

"Well, this does change things," Beck said, his expression shifting to a mock thoughtfulness.

"But I can see a few reasons for marrying you," she said.

"Can you really?"

Elliot nodded. "Money for one. Not your looks, because those will fade."

"Did I not mention I discovered the fountain of youth last week."

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Did you really? Looks can be added back onto the list. Next is you wear bowties."

"Something I don't plan on stopping."

"You have a knack with words and you write decent enough."

He kissed her forehead. "I try."

"It looks like there are some things in your favor," she frowned, "but there's nothing in mine?"

"True," Beck said. "Your list is empty."

"I don't have as much money as you."

"Definitely not."

"I write but you don't need that," she said.

"Also an excellent point."

"I really only have sarcasm and wit on my side."

"Yes," Beck said, "but do I really need that?"

Elliot dropped her head, then looked up at him.

"No, I guess not. Seems I have nothing to give."

"Apparently not," he said, and kissed her cheek. "Tragic."

Elliot smiled, her expression brightening, the laughter in her eyes equal to Beck's.

"Oh," she said.

"Yes," he said, his voice eager.

"But I do have one last thing I forgot to mention because really what value could it have."

"Might as well share it."

Elliot slid her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer, making the space between them nonexistent. She kissed him, lingering for a long moment, her fingers buried in his hair. They broke apart.

"I happen to be," she said, "incredibly in love with you and don't really know how I would live without you every day sitting across from me and wearing that face you always wear."

A wide smile cut across Beck's face.

"How strange," he said, "because that happens to be the exact thing I long to do until I die."

He kissed her and Elliot tightened her grip on him, holding on to the feeling of his arms encasing her, his lips stealing her very breath and the feeling of falling but never wanting it to stop. When they broke apart she looked at him.

"Will you Beck Daniels," she said, "make me the happiest person on the earth by forever sitting and scowling at me?"

"As long as you, El will forever make comments that don't make sense, personify everything, tell me you hate me and never take anything I say seriously?"

"I don't hate you, so never in a million years."

He laughed. "It looks like Marilyn owes me twenty bucks. How about just marrying me?"

"That I will do willingly. After all you are my Mr. Write."


Well hello again old friend!

I've missed you! Did you miss me too?

Ahhhhhh!!! Cece and Milo are married! Did you ever think it would happen? (I for one was completely surprised Milo still wanted to marry her)

Who is completely in love with Tristan, who wasn't already?

(I'm totally on the Tristan band wagon. A wise person once told me, 'the book is actually Tristan's story, you (the author) just weren't aware of this fact.' I believe he was right.)

Beck and Elliot are now engaged! What did you think of their engaging?

(That's not right. Their engagement? The act of them becoming engaged? Yup, I'm completely baffled but what else is new?)

Tell me what you thought of it?

What did you think of the beginning?

Do you now want a Beck?

(Gosh I know I do!)

It's a funny thing, I actually never planned on writing a single special for this book. I thought ending it on the Epilogue was perfect and didn't think I would ever come back. I was moving on to the next thing.

But a comment someone posted made me think of this. They said I now had to write an entire book of Beck and Elliot being cute. Chapter one: waking up. Chapter two: having breakfast. Now that's not what happened in this special but it made me think of this and so I decided to write it!

I hope you enjoyed it! I hope it made your toes curl in delight and your heart to do the ChaCha! (Why would toes even do that? Seems a bit strange to me.)

Anyways! Find someone, drive off to New Hampshire, get engaged!

(But please only do that after you have really been in the relationship for a decent amount of time and your family approves and you feel that is it the right timing. Let's not lose our heads people. Well, I lost mine but that was a few years back in an unfortunate incident involving a very cute bakery boy and the fact that is wasn't screwed on right in the first place.)

Love you! Thanks for being you!

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