Cece's Dogged Determination Special

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Elliot jogged up the steps to the red brick house. The scent of spring was hovering in the air, the sight of buds on the trees echoing the day's statement. The afternoon sun was starting to yawn and look towards the horizon. She opened the heavy front door and stepped inside. An empty entryway greeted her. Spreading out from it was an equally bare hallway with not a speck of life or color that lead to more empty rooms.

"Cece!" she called, her voice ringing off the polished wooden floor and racing up the stairs.

A faint yell from the second story, directed Elliot's path. She climbed the curved stairs and walked down the short hallway, passing two rooms with boxes stacked in them. She moved into Cece's room the only the one that looked like people actually occupied the house. It was simply decorated with a large bed, desk, love seat and arm chair. Below the tall windows were windows seats that looked out on the street. The walls were filled with pieces of art and framed photographs.

Cece emerged from the walk-in closet, hopping as she tugged on her tennis shoe. Elliot put her hands on her hips.

"I see you're sticking with the writing plan," she said.

Cece finally managed to plant her foot firmly in the shoe and stood straight.

"What can I say, it was the best plan I've ever come up with," she said.

"It's been what? Five weeks since you moved in here?"

"Yes. What do you think?"

"I've seen hobos with homier places but then again you have a plan."

Cece pointed to her. "Exactly, I have a plan."

"The plan seems to be working, there were no improvements that I saw."

"You missed the library then."

"Ah, how many chapters did you avoid to get that moved in?"

"Twelve through sixteen."

Elliot waved her hands out. "It's brilliant, either you'll have a novel written or be moved into your house."

"A great plan!"

"Not sure about the great part but it is a plan."

Cece looked over the room, searching for her second shoe.

"What did Milo say about the whole living like squatters existence?" Elliot asked.

Cece shrugged. "Oh, not a lot."

She dropped to her knees and checked under the bed. With a cry of triumph, she reached under and came back with her other shoe. She sank onto the floor and carelessly brushed aside her hair, then tugged on the shoe.

"He really had nothing to say on the matter?"

Cece made a face and waved a free hand.

"Oh he might have said something stupid like 'it doesn't matter how I live as long as I'm living with you."

Elliot smirked. "You totally blushed and kissed him, didn't you?"

Cece stood, looking affronted. "Of course I did, that line is classic and pure gold."

She walked over to the bed and grabbed the sweater off the top. She stuck her arms through and started tugging it down. Elliot crossed her arms, the diamond engagement ring hiding in the folds of her navy sweater.

"Why did you call me over again? I actually was being productive and writing."

Cece popped her head through the sweater, giving Elliot a knowing look.

"If that's true, Beck must be meeting with his publishers."

"We get work done!"

Cece ran a hand through her hair, untangling the mess.

"Really, because I just imagine you two staring at each other for hours on end."

"That's only on Wednesdays. Now why am I here?"

"I need your assistance."

"Batman I told you I retired from fighting crime."

"What we're doing is illegal."

"Oh in that case, what's up?"

Cece grabbed her purse and swung it over her head as she headed towards the door.

"We're going to get Milo a dog," she said.

Elliot remained frozen, her eyes going wide. Cece was half way down the hallway when Elliot returned to her senses.

"Why in the world would we do that?!"

Cece backtracked and stuck her head into the doorway. Elliot turned around.

"Has is ever crossed your mind that Milo is close to perfection as one male could possibly be?"

"Yeah, I've had that thought."

"Well, seeing as how he is letting me decorate our house in my own time and is the best thing in my life I want to do something for him. He's wanted a dog since his parents kept the one he grew up with. So..."

"We're getting Milo a dog."

"Exactly! We're getting Milo a dog!"

"Well, it's good to see you've grown a heart. Let's do this!"

"That's the spirit, Copper!"

"You're the worst Tod."


Cece pulled the door open and the girls stepped into the pet store. The sound of birds twittering filled the place. Clashing with the sound was the muffled voices of puppies and dogs talking to each other. The smell of animals was strong, crushing the air freshers that lay over the place. Rows of pet supplies filled the front room. A girl in her late teens wearing a blue vest smiled at Cece and Elliot.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" she asked.

"I want to buy a dog," Cece said.

The girl gave a warm chuckle. "You've come to the right place. Follow me."

She led the girls past the shelves of dog bowls, food, leashes and every accessory a dog could hate, to a back room. The noise rose as eager furry faces pressed against cages to see the new comers. Elliot moved to one side and crouched beside a black wire cage filled with small chocolate colored puppies with curly fur. The sign on the cage said 'Toy Poodles'. The brown faces pushed against each other, vying for her attention.

"Oh my gosh you guys are so cute," Elliot said in a whiny coo.

Cece looked at her and made a face.
"What in the world was that?" she asked.

Elliot looked back at her. "They're cute, how else was I suppose to talk?"

"Like a normal person."

Elliot shifted back to the cage. "Evening gentlemen. Have you seen the latest figures in the stock market?"

The only response she got was wide smiles, hanging tongues and tails that didn't know the word stop.

"I said normal, not sixty-year-old wall street executive."

Elliot shrugged and tickled one of the puppies nose. "They say poodles are the most intelligent dogs. I was speaking on their level."

"Well, leave them to their arguments of financial plans and portfolio reviews and come help me pick a dog."

Elliot looked back at her, pointing to the dark chocolate eyes. "Why not one of these? They are clearly sophisticated and would be able to handle Milo's higher educational talk."

The puppies continued to smile and look as dim witted as they wanted to the world to believe.

"No, we're getting Milo a big dog."

Elliot stood and waved to the puppies. "Farewell future professors of the world."

"If you want fully grown dogs," the girl said, "they are towards the back."

"Alright," Cece said.

The girl lead them down the row of cages. Kittens mewed and yawned, before tumbling over each other. Puppies slept or tackled their comrades. Each cage presented a scene that was cute enough to make a sailor talk in a playful baby voice.

"Why are we getting a big dog?" Elliot asked.

"Because Milo likes big dogs and so a big dog it is."

Towards the back the cages grew as well as the size of the animals within. The demeanors on the dogs were more subdued but they perked up as the trio approached. The girl waved her hand to the collection of canines.
"It's not a big group but this is what we have," she said.

"Great, thanks," Cece said.

She walked up and down the row looking over every dog. One in the back shifted to a sitting position, it's mouth opening and a long tongue dropping out. He was a black color with a thick body but stout, muscular legs. As Cece took a step closer he rose to all fours and moved to the edge of the fence, peering up at her. Smiling, she reached over and started petting the dog. He responded with a giant wag of his tail.

"What do you think?" Cece asked, looking back at Elliot.

"I thought the group of Einsteins was a better pick," she said.

Cece rolled her eyes and turned back to the dog. "I don't even know why I bother asking you."

"I don't know either."

The girl took a step forward, looking between Cece and Elliot.

"Have you made your decision?" she asked.

"Yes," Cece said, petting the dog.

"Alright, do you need supplies?" she asked.

"Definitely," both girls said.

Elliot waved Cece to stay where she was. "I'll get everything. You can stay here with your genius of a dog and discussion literature and the current state of our government."

Elliot followed the girl back to the store and moved around, picking up the basics. As the girl finished ringing Elliot up, Elliot leaned on the counter.

"What is your return policy?" she asked.

"All items must be returned in the same condition with the tags attached and the receipt."

"No, I mean on the dog."

The girl looked at her confused. "On the dog?"

Elliot nodded. "Yup. What's the return policy on the dog?"

"Usually we don't get a lot of returns but the policy is within thirty-six hours."

Elliot smiled and took the shopping bag. "Great. Let's go get the dog."

The girl walked around the counter, still looking puzzled.

With the dog leashed and pulling for freedom, they made their way out of the pet store. The sidewalk was crowded with people heading home. The dog eagerly turned circles around Cece, taking it all in with a raised nose and patting tongue.

"How are we getting Boomer home?" Elliot asked.

"That's not his name."

"I don't know, he looks like he could survive aliens destroying L. A."

Cece gave her a flat look. "We're getting an Uber."

Elliot smiled and nodded mockingly. "This should go really well."

For the next ten minutes as they waited for the Uber Cece worked to keep the dog planted in one spot. The scene was comical as the dog jerked her to one side before she reigned him in. By the time the Uber appeared, her hair was a mess and the dog was no less tired. Elliot moved to the driver side window and tapped on it. The man lowered the window and she smiled.

"How do you feel about dogs?" she asked.

Behind Elliot, Cece was yanked once again.

"Beethoven!" she yelled, pulling hard on the dog leash.

The man shook his head. "Sorry, I don't do dogs."

Elliot straightened and looked back at Cece who was playing tug-a-war with the dog.

"He says no can do. He'll only take us ladies but not the tramp."

Cece shot her a glare before walking over to the car window, the dog resisting her every step, his attention pulled elsewhere.

"There is no way you can take us?" she said, trying to give her best smile while a monster of an animal strained against her.

"Sorry. Can't do it."

The man rolled up the window, the clear sign that there was no arguing with him. Cece and Elliot moved away from the curb as the car pulled away.

"Why didn't we bring our car?" Elliot asked.

"It's in the garage. What's Beck doing?"

Elliot looked at her phone as Cece staggered as she was tugged to the side.

"He should be out of his meeting. I'll call."

Cece barely replied as her strength and determination were needed for more pressing issues; such as keeping the dog from racing after his mortal enemy. The squirrel.

"Dug! Stop it!" Cece muttered.

Elliot pulled up Beck's number and called. She pressed the phone to her ear, trying to make out the rings among the noise of the city.

"Hey El," Beck answered.

Even after all their time together the smooth cadence of his voice was still a remedy to her troubles.

"Hi handsome," she said, smiling, her tone light.

"Oh no, what do you want?"

Elliot dropped the smile and picked up a frown.

"Who says I want anything? Why can't I just be calling you to say I love you?"

"You could but you never have and you have that voice."

"What voice?"

"The voice that says how-much-do-you-love-me-and-are-you-willing-to-put-that-love-to-the-test voice."

"Oh that voice. I was going for my do-what-I-say-or-it's-over voice."

"I can see how easily those two are mixed up."

Elliot smiled despite the situation.

"Do you want to know why I called?" she said.

"If I say no does that mean I don't have to agree to your illegal exploits?"

"No, but it does mean I'll stop showing you any sign of affection."

There was barely a pause between when Elliot's words ended and Beck responded.

"Hi honey, why did you call?"

Elliot's smile grew and laugh tickled her throat.

"We need you to drive and pick us up," she said.

"Why do I get the feeling that this request isn't that simple?"

"Because if it was you wouldn't be marrying me."

"Very true. Where are you?"

Elliot told him and hung up with a quick goodbye after his promise that he was on his way. Cece yelled out another cry of annoyance, the dog seeing something in the distance it had a strong desire to pursue. Elliot raced to Cece's aid. They managed to keep the dog from dashing off and knocking people over like bowling pins.

"Beck is on his way," Elliot said.

Cece gave a tired nod and scratched the dog's ear, trying to look in control. Every few seconds the dog would jerk its head to the side, yanking on Cece's arm. Pedestrians glanced their way, the dog greeting with a panting smile.

An eternity later the black Audi pulled up to the curb and Beck stepped out.

"Well, I thought it was a heist job but this is almost worst."

Cece shot him an annoyed look, but had no energy for a reply. He opened the back door and Cece began the struggle to get the dog inside. Before lending a hand, Elliot cupped Beck's face and gave him a quick kiss.

"Tell me you never want a dog," she said.

"I'm not a fan."

She kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled her close, both of them ignoring Cece's grunt of frustration. She pulled away.

"I have never loved you so much," she said.

Beck laughed as Cece let out a fresh shout of annoyance.

"Clifford you massive red firetruck get in the car!"

Beck and Elliot broke apart and hurried to give assistance. With copious amounts of coaxing, swear words and shouts of 'come on Lassie', all three of them made it into the car along with the dog.

"Homeward bound," Elliot said.

"Shut it, Sassy," Cece said.

She was trapped in the back, the dog occasionally falling into her lap as the car shifted lanes. Elliot sat in the passenger seat, her hand pressed against Beck's headrest to keep the dog from moving forward. In the enclosed space the dog's breathing seemed to become louder and his drool production increased.

"What are you going to do with such a big dog?" Beck asked.

"You mean," Elliot said, "besides make him the next great NBA basketball player? Not a lot, except make loads of money off him."

"I'm sure Bud is really looking forward to his first game."

"It's like he is floating on air."

They turned a corner and the dog staggered, causing Cece to mutter something.

"I'm not bothered that you called me," Beck said, "but I know Tristan isn't working today and is closer. Why didn't you call him?"

"What?" Elliot said. "So we could tell him what he needed his help with and he could laugh at us?"

Cece held up her phone and pressed speaker phone. On the other line they heard Tristan laughing, his breath coming in short grasps.

"How long has he been at it?" Beck asked.

"Over five minutes," Elliot said. "I said ten bucks he makes it to fifteen. Cece said until he just passes out."

Cece put away her phone as the dog shifted. Hot breath was patted into Elliot's face as he stared out the front window.

"Yes," she said, looking at him. "That's what I wanted, your breath in my face and your drool on my sleeve. You really know how to show a girl a good time."

Beck glanced over at her and smiled, the sight lessening her annoyance considerably. The dog shifted it's attention to the back seat and teetered as Beck turned a corner. He over balanced and smashed into Cece, leaving drool on her pants.

"That's it!" she yelled. "I don't love Milo this much!"

"We're almost home," Beck said.

"I don't care!" she shouted again.

Beck edged the accelerator as he switched lanes and took another turn. He tried to ease to a slow as they pulled up in front of Cece and Milo's house, but the dog still stumbled into Cece.

"We're here," he said.

Elliot and Beck quickly unbuckled and moved to the back. He took charge of the dog, his strength hindering the dog's run for freedom. They managed to get the dog inside and Beck let it off the leash. Instantly, it went bounding down the hall, careening into door frames as it quickly changed course and raced into rooms. Cece stood bent over her knees, breathing deeply. There was a crash from inside the room and the dog reappeared, darting into another one.

"You're not even moved in," Elliot said, "what did he even knock over?"

"I had a lamp in there for some reason," Cece said.

The dog's nails clicked on the wooden floor, every scratch making her wince. She stood and buried her face in her hands.

"What have I done?" she moaned. "I don't even know how I'm going to be able to walk him."

"It probably would be him walking you," Beck said.

"You're witticism is in no way helpful at the moment, Beck. So can it."

"It might not be the best time to mention that you can return the dog within thirty-six hours," Elliot said.

Cece dropped her hands and spun on Elliot.

"You mention that now!" she yelled. "Why not the other half billion times when this was clearly a mistake?!"

"I thought it was funny watching you prove your love for Milo."

"And Otis here seemed attached to you," Beck added.

Cece glared at them. "We're taking him back."

"What about a dog for Milo?" Elliot asked.

"I'll think of something else!" Cece said. "Now help me grab Marmaduke."


The sun was gone and the street lamps had popped on by the time Milo opened the front door. Cece, Elliot and Beck sat on the floor in, what would normally be a living room, but was currently an empty square with lamps sitting by light sockets. Elliot sat with her head on Beck's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her waist. Their hands were clasped and he drew circles on the back of her hand with his thumb, sometimes running it over the engagement ring. Two boxes of pizza sat stacked before them, waiting.

At the sound of the door, Cece perked up, her tired expression retreating. She stood as Milo walked into the living room.

"Hey," he said nodding to Elliot and Beck.

His face brightened when he looked at Cece. He stepped forward and kissed her, his hands cupping her face.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Interesting," she said.

"Is it ever not?"

"No, hopefully that won't change any time soon."

Milo looked around the room, as if sensing something. Cece shifted.

"I got you something," she said.

Milo's eyebrows went up. "Oh?"

Cece brought her hands out from behind her back. In them sat a chocolate poodle, small enough to fit on a dinner plate.

"Meet D'Artagnan," Cece said. "The protector of dark houses. The alarm for intruders. The vanquisher of spiders and bugs. The defender of all things. The vacuum of the kitchen. And last but not least the walking teddy bear."

Milo burst out laughing and took the small puppy. Instantly, D'Artagnan formed to his arms and licked any exposed skin he could find. Milo petted the dog, smiling with amusement. He glanced back at Cece.

"What happened to Clifford?" he asked.

Cece crossed her arms and Elliot and Beck exchanged a look.

"What Clifford?" Cece asked.

"The massive dog that you originally bought," he said.

Cece looked to Beck and Elliot. They shook their heads, wearing the same look of surprise and confusion.

"How did you know this wasn't the original dog I bought?" she asked.

Milo grinned and continued to pet D'Artagnan. "Because there is a drool puddle by the door the size of the Mississippi. And Tristan texted me and said, 'I warned you'."

Cece tossed her hands up into the air.

"He is terrible! You weren't suppose to find out that I completely failed to get you want you wanted! There now you know! I couldn't get the stinkin' dog into a freaking car and it was even worse when he got back! I couldn't do it! So we gave him to Earnest. And I just-"

Milo kissed her, cutting off her tirade of words. She shifted closer to him, relaxing into the feel of him.

"Have I ever told you I like small, chocolate colored dogs that are named after famous characters?" he asked.

"You're perfect and I hate you for it," Cece said.

He kissed her again. Groaning, Elliot buried her face in Beck's shoulder and he chuckled, kissing her hair.

"Did you ever think I think you're perfect?" Milo asked.

"But I know I'm not perfect," Cece said, "you in fact are."

"Yeah," Elliot said, lifting her head. "She's completely worthless. How did you even get stuck with her?"

Her words lightened the mood and brought smiles to everyone's faces. Chuckling, Milo frowned in puzzlement at Cece.

"I don't know," he said. "How did I get stuck with such a worthless person?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. It's not like I encouraged you at all." Cocking her head, she gave him a funny face. "Actually I'm pretty sure I said at one point Milo go away and find some other girl."

He cracked a smile. "Ah, and with those words were my downfall. It was after that I knew no one would ever be good enough."

Cece rolled her eyes and shook her head at his dramatics, still smiling.

"You must be crazy to still be with me," she said.

"Clinically insane actually," he said, "due to the fact that I happen to be married to you and loving it."

Despite herself, she blushed. She leaned her head against his chest and he kissed the top of her head. Elliot shifted and pulled one of the pizza boxes towards her.

"That's it," she said, "I'm not waiting for you two any longer."

She flipped the lid open and steam wafted up, releasing the scent of melted cheese, baked bread and the embodiment of all things delicious. She draped her legs over Beck's and pulled out a slice of pizza. Cece and Milo exited their own little world and returned to a lesser, though more real one. They settled on the floor and the group fell to eating and talking of the days events. D'Artagnan sat on Milo's lap and accepted all food that he passed his way.

The pizza dwindled as they laughed over memories and told stories that were only partially true. The neighborhood slowly turned in for the night, the sidewalks emptying as house lights clicked on. The lamps in the living room glowed brightly in the darkened house, casting their shadows across the bare wood floor. As their talk quieted down Cece glanced between the dog and Milo, her uncertainty still lingering in her eyes.

"You really like him?" she asked.

Milo looked down at the ball of fur and up at Cece.

"I completely love him. Just like I love you for getting him for me."

Elliot looked at Cece. "Yeah, I'm starting to get what you're saying with the whole perfection thing. It's really annoying."

Milo looked between the two sisters.

"Right!" Cece said. "Not only do I have the house to decorate in my own time but I did something right with the dog, even when I did something wrong. I can only go down hill from here."

She buried her face in her hands as Milo laughed. Elliot looked at Beck.

"Thank goodness you're not perfect or this would never have worked."

"Good," he said, "I was worried my flaws weren't going to come in handy."

She ran her hand through his hair and rested it on the back of his neck.

"Good thing you kept them around. I would hate to have to break up with you just because you lacked efficiently annoying flaws."

"But luckily, I have many."

"So many it's a miracle some other girl hasn't tried to snatch you away from me."

"They have but I knew a long time ago I could only be with someone like you."

"Flawed beyond repair?"

"Sarcastic to the point where it is your natural tone of voice."

Elliot laughed and wrapped her arm around Beck's neck. He pulled her closer and kissed her.

"I'm thinking..." Cece said, in a ponderous voice.

"We should kick them out of our house," Milo said.

She turned to him, her eyes full of wonder. "Have I ever told you I love you?"

"This would be the first."

She laughed and kissed him. The front door open and the two couples looked over as Tristan walked in. Without a word of greeting, he moved over to the pizza boxes. Crouching down, he combined the rest of the remaining pizza into one box. He stood and walked back to the front door.

"Why?" Cece called out.

"We have no food at our house," he said, disappearing out the front door.

Cece and Elliot looked at each other.

"Makes sense," Cece said.

"I'm just surprised he knew we had food," Elliot said.

"That's because I text him when ever we do," Beck said.

She just stared at him like she was trying to puzzle him out. He shrugged.

"It was the only way he would give his approval of us getting married," he said.

She shook her head, laughing. Milo stood and reached out a hand for Cece. She took it and he pulled her up.

"I'm kicking you two out," he said.

Elliot and Beck looked at him and nodded. They stood and picked up the little bits of trash and tossed them into the only trash can on the first floor.

"Come on, Love," he said.

Still holding D'Artagnan, he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head. He then led her towards the entryway, Elliot and Beck following.

"Night!" Cece called as they climbed the stairs and disappeared. Elliot looked at Beck.

"They are a bit ridiculous," she said.

"We heard that!" Milo yelled.

"Now go away!" Cece shouted.

Laughing, Elliot took Beck's hand and left the house. The night was chilly and the air smelled of coming rain. The light of the houses across the way were lit up. The faint murmur of voices could be heard from behind closed windows. Clouds drifted across the sky, blocking out the pinpricks of stars.

Beck lead Elliot down the stairs and to the set of stairs one house over. They climbed them and stopped outside Elliot's door. Beck turned to her and slipped his arms around her waist. She draped her arms around his neck.

"You know we still need to decide what to do with Tristan after we get married," he said.

"Yes, but that will be a very long conversation with many tears, a couple of dodged knives and a bulldozer handy."

"Still working on the bulldozer part?"

"I know a guy."

Beck cupped one side of her face, staring into her eyes. He moved his thumb gently over her cheek.

"You sure you still want to marry me?" he asked. "Like we've discussed I have a good many flaws. I am in no way perfect."

"No, but you're perfect for me."

Beck smiled and kissed her, his warm lips pushing away the chill of the night and sending Elliot's heart jigging.


I know, I know what I said! Let me just explain!

Again I had no plans for writing more than even one special but this special is for a specific reason. It is because of my sister that I wrote this. (And not the annoying sister for A Second Chance.) Why? Because we went through a crazy situation and she said the only good thing to come out of it would be a Mr. Write special.

This is the situation.
The other day a massive dog walked onto our yard at night. Clearly we could not let him go wondering about so we tied him up and called the vet next day (since we didn't see any tags). They said to bring him in and the owner would pick him up. Question: have you ever tried to get a huge dog into the back of a car? Have you tried driving with that dog?

It's crazy hard and SUPER annoying. So after we get the dog in the car (I named him Boomer because we didn't know his actual name) we drive to the vet. I'm in the passenger seat with my hand against the diver's headrest to keep Boomer from moving forward. Lucky for me he decided to drool 🤤 all over my arm. It was a lovely bonding moment. (A moment that I could have gladly passed on 🙄)

Once we get him to the vet I have to try and steer him to the doors and not get dragged away. (Did I mention this dog was MASSIVE? Also did I mention the fact that I own a small lap dog that I can pick up with one hand? You see the amusement in this scene right? I hope so) I was in flip flops. Let me tell you, not the best footwear to be wearing, I was pulled along the tile. Really it was quite hilarious. 🙄

I laughed at myself because really the only option was to get mad and what's the point really? Anyways the dog was returned and to cheer my sister up I agreed to write this!

I hope imagining me trying to pull a huge dog around is make you laughing, I'm pretty sure it made everyone in the vet laugh. Well, the jokes on them because I got to write Elliot again! So ha! Whose laughing now pal? Oh still them because they read the special and liked. Well, then we all are happy! 

Hope you liked it! Thanks for being awesome and reading!

Vote, comment, follow! (I couldn't think of anything witty. Oh maybe, Pant, bark, heel? (That's a dog training term.) But no that sounds awful. I'm sticking with the boring one)

Here is what D'Artagnan would look like. Isn't he adorable?!

ALSO!!! Thattwriter made me a cover for Mr. Write!!! I'm so honored anyone would take the time to do this!! Thank you so much!! I love that it's a typewriter! Beck would be happy!

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