The Final Vow

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The gentle summer sea breeze, drifting into the hotel room from the harbor, did nothing to stop Elliot's pacing. The afternoon light glistened off the water, but she didn't see it. Seagulls lazily rode the wind, their untroubled thoughts a vast contrast to the hurricane taking place in Elliot's head.

Back and forth she walked. The chiffon layers of her white dress twirled around her legs as she spun and walked in the opposite direction. Her silver flats made brush patterns in the floor, pushing the carpet one way and the next. She paced with one hand on her hip, the other trying desperately not to ruin her perfect hairdo.

"This was a terrible idea!" she said, to an empty room. She spun, her gaze unfocused. "This is possibly the worst decision I've ever made! And that includes purple pants three years too early."

When she turned again, she let out a frustrated breath and stared up at the ceiling.

"I should call it all off! That's what I'll do!"

The hotel door opened and Cece walked in. She was dressed in a simple light blue dress that stopped right above her knees, like Elliot's. Crossing her arms, she looked at Elliot, with mild interest. The door swung shut behind her.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Elliot looked at her as she continued to wear away at the carpet.

"What does it look like I'm having a break down!" she said.

Cece cocked her head, not at all fazed. "Really?"

"Yes, Cece!" Elliot shouted, waving her hands. "I'm pacing, waving my hands and talking to myself. I thought it would be clear."

"I just thought you had to go to the bathroom and someone was in there."

Elliot shot her a glare. Cece dropped into an arm chair, her legs dangling over the armrest.

"I'm serious about this," Elliot said.

She spun and continued her stampede of the beige floor. Cece rested her head on her fist.

"Do you want me to offer advice or is this you just ranting as usual?"

Elliot waved a hand towards her. "Yes! Any support would be great."

"It's fine. That sucks."

Elliot scowled at her. "You copied and pasted those from our last talk, didn't you?"

"Might of."

"How is that all you've got!?" Elliot's pace never faltered. "I walked you through your debacle with Milo, at least you could look sympathetic."

"So I would just be repeating you. So I really don't understand why you are freaking out."

"I didn't write my vows!"


Elliot looked at her sister and saw only the slightest look of surprise. Her steps seem to quicken as her panic steadily increased.

"I didn't write them," she repeated. "Maybe this is a sign that I don't actually love Beck." 

"Do you love Beck?" Cece asked.


Cece shrugged and ran a hand through her hair, tousling it.

"Then I don't see the problem."

Elliot waved her hands wildly. "I didn't write my vows!"

Cece gave a slow nod. "Yes, we covered that all ready."

"It's a sign. I'm a writer and I didn't write my vows, it's definitely a sign."

"You love him right?"


"Then you're fine."

"But I didn't write my vows!"

"I feel like we are going in circles."

"I am," Elliot said. "You're just sitting there."

Cece let out a loud huff of air and swung her legs off the armrest, sitting upright.

"El, you love him and that's that."

"Gaaa that's the thing that really gets me," Elliot said as if she hadn't heard Cece at all. "He will have the most amazing vows and when I have none it will be awful!"

"Because people will think you don't love him, but you do."

"Exactly! And he will see it as a sign!"

Cece crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair as Elliot continued to burn a hole in the floor.

"When did we start believing in signs again?" Cece asked.

"Since I'm freaking out and rational thought never entered this room."

"Oh that's when." Cece gestured to Elliot. "Well, it makes sense you are a Scorpio."

"I'm a Cancer."

"Oh then I'm lost. Though that does fit, I always thought you were a disease."

Elliot shot her another look but made no reply. The faint strains of music floated into the room but neither girl seemed to hear it. Elliot continued to pace, her fingers tangling around themselves. Abruptly, she stopped walking and turned on Cece, her hands on her hips.

"You know what really gets me?"

"The fact that you haven't written your vows?"

Elliot waved her hands out. "I don't deserve him."

Cece shrugged. "And he doesn't deserve you. It works. You'll both have inferiority complexes and spend the rest of your lives trying to prove you're worthy of the other person. Sounds perfect to me."

Elliot took up pacing again.

"He's perfect and I don't deserve him."

Cece gave her a doubtful look. "I thought you talked about him having flaws?" 

"He does, but he's perfect."

Cece nodded thoughtfully and pointed to her. "I see your dilemma."

"I'm serious, Cece! How could he be happy with me when I get like this sometimes? I love him but could he really love me?"

Fighting back a understanding smile, Cece rose and walked over to Elliot. Elliot stopped walking as Cece rested her hands on her shoulders.

"El, look at me," she said, her tone firm.

Elliot met her sister's dark hazel eyes, but her expression showed her mild irritation at being stopped mid-pace. "I don't deserve him, Cece. We both know this."

"El, he loves you more than life itself."

Elliot cocked her head and frowned. "How could you possible know that?"

A wide, toothy grin overtook Cece's face. "He told me so when I was threatening him the other day about what would happen if he hurt you. He said, 'Cece I love her more than life itself'."

Elliot shook off Cece's hold. "Yes, but you were threatening him. Anyone would say the same thing in his position!"

Cece tossed her hands up and shrugged. "You've got to trust him, El. He's not going to run off. He's not going anywhere."

"And there's the problem, I don't understand why he wouldn't! I mean have you seen me!"

Before Cece could respond someone knocked on the door. They both looked over. As Cece went to answer it, Elliot returned to her pacing. On the other side was Milo in a tux. He stepped in half way and grinned at Elliot.

"El, you look beautiful," he said, "if not in a slightly panicky-having-a-break-down-doubting-life sort of way."

She gave him a flat look which fell back into her flustered scowl. Milo turned to Cece.

"Love, you mind just stepping outside for a second with me," he said, pointing to the hallway.

"What's going on?" Elliot asked.

Milo waved a hand. "It's absolutely nothing you need to worry about at all." He gave her a wide smile. "See how I look completely calm? My voice is calm, which means there is nothing wrong at all and you do not need to stress or worry in any way at all."

Cece looked at Elliot. "What did I tell you about him under pressure?"

"Milo, just tell me what is going on?" Elliot said, her feet on a one track mind.

"It's just a small hiccup," Milo said.

"Then tell me," Elliot said.

"Really I don't even think you sound be bothered by it."

"Milo!" both girls yelled.

He took a step into the room and slid his hands into his pockets. "It appears the florist got the order wrong and put pink carnations in the bouquets instead of white and it's totally thrown off the color scheme."

"We had a color scheme?" Cece asked.

"Who cares," Elliot said, tossing her hands up.

"Also the cake wasn't delivered," Milo said, as if he were reading off a list in his head.

Cece waved away this piece of information as if it wasn't a big deal. "Have someone go to the store and buy twenty cartons of ice cream and we'll be fine."

"Oh, and the groom is missing."

"What?" both girls shouted.

Elliot spun on Cece. "Ha! I told you! He ran away!" She looked back at Milo. "Are there any other terrible things I should know about?"

Milo cleared his throat. "Well, now that you asked. The wedding coordinator had a fling with one of the hotel bellhops and they had an argument."

"Anything good?" Cece asked, eagerly.

Milo made a face and shook his head. "Just the normal, 'how could you', 'it was a mistake', 'I trusted you', water to the face, slap and storm off."

Cece rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Typical and so cliché."

"Marilyn is putting out a fire in the kitchen, something about disgruntled workers and a chafing dish. Looks like some of the servers are on strike. The minster looks high but Pacho knows a guy. How do you feel about your ceremony being in Hebrew?"

"We're not Jewish, but fine."

"Though guests are just arriving, Aunt Agatha is already drunk and Grandma Rue is playing five card draw and has already taken Uncle Albert for $100. Other than that everything it fine."

"Except Beck is missing," Cece said.

"Right, and that."

Elliot started pacing again.

"I should have know this would happen?" she said.

"Should have known what would happen?" Tristan asked, striding into the room.

He wore a gray suit like it was made for him. Elliot stopped and looked at him, her face saying it all.

"We can't find Beck," Cece said.

Tristan gave a single nod, his expression never changing. He hit Milo's chest with the back of his hand and turned towards the door.

"Come on, I have a couple of guns at my place," he said.

"What are you planning on doing with guns?" Elliot said.

Tristan paused and looked back at her. "I'm going find him, shoot him or challenge him to a duel. You know brotherly duty and whatever."

"Duel? What century do you think we are in?" Cece asked.

"I don't know," Tristan said. "I haven't been paying attention. Come on, Milo. You know how to work a dueling pistol, right?"

Tristan walked out of the room and Milo looked to Elliot, his hands outstretched in a calming gesture.

"Nothing will happen, we'll go check his house."

"Milo! To war!" Tristan yelled.

Milo spun around and hurried out the door. Cece moved to follow.

"I'm going to go check your house as well as our's," she said, turning back to Elliot.

"Careful of the boxes," Elliot said. "Beck started moving a couple over yesterday."

Cece nodded and left, the door clicking shut behind her. Elliot looked around the room, nodding to herself.

"Yup, should have totally seen this coming. I thought I was going to pull the Runway bride stunt! Where would he even go?..."

Elliot didn't move, thinking. Outside the peaceful summer day continued. White yachts and sail boats bobbed out in the water. The murmur of voices could be heard from the lower floors of the hotel.

In the quiet, her mind raced every which way. A thought struck her. She hurried towards the door and opened it, darting into the hallway.


Elliot rushed up the office stairs and flung open the door. Beck sat in his usual spot, bent over his knees staring at the place Elliot always sat. He was dressed in a tux, but the suit jacket was missing and his bow tie hung loose around his neck.

At the sound of the door banging open, he started in surprise. At the sight of Elliot walking in, he jumped to his feet, only to be stunned. He stared at her, taking in her lightly made up face, highlighting her eyes, her hair swept back and the simple white dress.

"Wow! El, you look...."

Elliot didn't even seem to hear him.

"Do you not want to get married?" she asked.

The question snapped Beck out of his daze.

"What?" he asked. "Why would you think that? Do you not want to get married?"

"Of course I want to get married, I just don't know if you do?"

He took a step closer. "Why wouldn't I want to get married?"

"Because you ran away! And we couldn't find you and it's a sign and Tristan has a gun! And I don't..."

Beck closed the distance between them and cupped Elliot's face. Just the warmth and reassuring feel of him cut off her flood of words. She rested her hands on his chest, feeling the faint rhythm of his heart beat.

"Hey," he said, his soothing tone working. He brushed his thumbs over her cheek. "I didn't run away."

"Yes, you did. Milo couldn't find you."

"El, look at me." She stared into his familiar blue eyes and took in a breathe, soaking up the color. "I'm right here. There is still an hour until the ceremony. I came here to think."

"About what? Your sudden departure from this relationship?"

He gave her a quick smile. "No."

"Then what?"

He dropped his gaze, something flashing across his face. Elliot's hand tightened on his vest.

"I'm serious, Beck," she said. "Cece has the get away car ready, so just tell me if you don't want to do this."

Beck's head shot up, his eyes going wide. "No, El, it's not that at all. I want this more than anything. It's just..."

"Just what?" she asked.

"I came here...because..." He dropped her gaze as if he couldn't say what he had to and look at her at the same time. "I didn't write my vows and I thought being here would help."

Elliot jerked away in surprise.

"You didn't...write your vows..."

Beck took a step back and ran a hand through his hair.

"I know!"- he turned and paced the length of the couch once before coming back to her - "And I know what you're thinking. It's not because I don't love you. Because I do love you, El."

He took her face in his hands again, his eyes absorbing her as if he was drowning and she was his saving grace. A smile started to appear on her lips.

"I'm scared, El," he said. "You are the best thing in my life. I'm so scared I will mess it up and ruin the only thing I care about." She moved closer, settling her hands on his waist. "It's you, El. No matter where I go, what I do, I want to know that you are in my life, right beside me. Every time I've gone to write the vows I completely failed. For the first time in my life, words were not sufficient. Our limited vocabulary lacked the power to explain to you just how much I absolutely love you."

Elliot shifted, happy tears rising in her eyes, as her heart hammered inside her chest.

"Without you I would be less than who I want to be. I'm where I am because of you. There are not enough pages in the world for me to write down all the things you mean to me. I'm so scared that I could lose the one reason I have for writing, living, breathing."

Elliot shook her head, trying not to cry but crying all the same. Beck wiped away the tears, smiling at her, his heart sitting in his eyes. She gave a small chuckle, ducking her head.

"You think you're scared?" she said.

She rested her forehead against his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne.

"Beck, I'm terrified." She raised her head and looked at him. "I don't know what I would do without you. You know every facet of me and you're still here."

She gripped his shirt, as if scared he would suddenly disappear. 

"I'm so terrified because I don't understand how you could still want to marry me. You've walked me through writing a book and seen all my insecurities. Yet you are still here. You've meet the other half of the family and you didn't leave. I rant, you listen. I go snarky, you laugh. I panic, you calm me down. I mutter words to myself, you smile."

An embarrassed smile touched the corners of Beck's mouth.

"Beck, You are the only one who keeps me sane in a world of crazy. You are the only one who inspires me to be more. You are the only voice I hear when I'm afraid." She moved closer. "You are the only one I want to see when I fall asleep. You are the only one I want to wake me up. And I'm terrified that there might come a day when you don't want to be that person...Beck, I don't want to ever lose're everything. I'm terrified..."

Beck kissed her, as if he could calm all her fears, doubts and worries with the gesture. She leaned into it. Letting the kiss be enough. Letting her fears melt away. Letting it be a promise. They broke apart and Beck kissed her forehead and then rested his against her's.

"I told you we should have quit being writers," she said, "because you should know I couldn't write my vows either."

She looked up at him. Beck just looked at her for a long second then burst out laughing. A wide grin spread across Elliot's face as the sound wrapped around her heart. The laugh was still ringing in her ears, as he kissed her face, making his way across her cheek to her nose and then to her lips.

"I love you, El."

He kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hugged her waist and lifted her off her feet. When her feet dropped back onto the floor, they were both smiling and slightly breathless. He smiled down at her.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Mrs. Daniels but don't we have a wedding to get to?"

"I believe you are correct, Mr. McKenzie!"

"Good thing they can't start without us."

"Though Cece would definitely try."

Beck smiled and kissed her again, savoring the moment. When they pulled apart, he took her hand and led her out of the office. The door shut behind them as they descended the stairs. As they walked outside, they seemed to step from their own world back into reality. Cars rushed by as pedestrians hurried from place to place, ignoring everyone around them.

A car pulled up to the curb a few feet away from them. Both Milo and Tristan got out. Milo spotted Beck and Elliot first and relief flooded his face. Beck narrowed his eyes as Tristan rounded the car and stepped onto the curb.

"Why does Tristan have a gun holster and two dueling pistols?" Beck asked, looking at Elliot.

Smiling, she shrugged.

"It's a reminder of what you are walking into."

"Tristan! They're together, put the gun away," Milo said, loud enough so they could hear.

Tristan turned on Milo, his face an annoyed scowl. Elliot smiled up at Beck. Before he could say anything, Milo's voice floated to them.

"No, Tristan you can't shoot his left knee cap."

"Still ready?" Elliot asked, placing her hand against his cheek.

"Yeah. I'm glad he would go for the left."

She grinned. "Why?"

"I favor my right."

She pulled his face down and kissed him. He pulled her against him.

"Are you ready?" Beck asked, looking down at her. "You're about to sign another contract that binds you to me."

"Except this time we're not working on a book but the rest of our lives."

He smiled. "I'm looking forward to writing that story."


Gosh don't give me that look! 🤦🏽‍♀️ You don't think I know?!

I know what I said! I didn't think I would write this many, but I promise this is the last one! There are no more! They are happy, as much as that's possible with their family. They will go on and write and do whatever it is cute, married couples do.

Maybe Elliot with take up house decorating and cooking. 😂 Sorry, even I couldn't take that one seriously. Though I could see her and Beck learning to cook together. You know making messes, burning their first meal, playfully kissing food off each other's faces and....NO! I'm not letting my mind go there. There are no more specials!

I'm going to leave before I keep thinking about this. Starting another book might help distract me. I'll do that. That's a good plan. I'm off!

Thanks again for being you and all the amazingness that that entails! It's been a blast! I appreciate you accepting me, weird quirks and all! You have my heart!

Seriously you do. Could you give it back, please? Living is kind of difficult without! 😂 Oh I'm so hilarious! (Says in a dramatic pompous accent)

Well, there you have it! My true oddness! I love you! ☺️ But of course you already knew this! And know that no matter if you voted just once or commented through the whole book I saw it. And each time is made me smile! So thank you for any and all support you have shown me and my little book!

Vote for the married couple! Comment on how you see their married life going! Follow happiness!

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