11: I Got Your Back Part 2

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Author's POV

The seventh unit can be seen on top of building well except Nei

The reason why Nei isn't with them is obvious because she is still a child and she doesn't have any combat experience that and most importantly because of her blessing being the most important reason why she isn't with them Instead is back the police station playing with other kids at the play center

Y/N: So were doing this without Nei's help

Kyoka: Yes it's not just because of her blessing but it's also because she still a child and to make sure that Nei doesn't get traumatized

Y/N: That's good to hear I was worried but I guess I don't need to be

Shushu: Hi Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah you need something Shushu-Chan?!

Shushu: Oh no nothing it just that

Y/N: Hmmm

Shushu: I was wondering if you want to read two new manga's I got

Y/N: Really what are they

The boy said as he quickly came over to the blonde haired girl as he was interested to know what the two new manga's that the size-shifting girl got her hands on

Shushu: I got volume 4 of True hero and volume 3 of Guiding Light and I was wondering if you want to read th-

Before the girl could finish her sentence suddenly the boy grabbed said by her shoulder and brought the girl closer to him

Y/N: Did you say you got volume 4 of true hero and volume 3 of guiding light

The slave of Kyoka Uzen said as his face was very close to Shushu's face as their lips look like they were VERY close to kissing

Said girl was taken aback by this sudden action replied albeit nervously

Shushu: Y-yeah I did I ordered them N-not to long ago

The boy now had stars in his eyes as he hugs the green eyed girl who was surprised by the sudden action

Y/N: Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Kyoka and Himari were confused about Y/N was acting like a child who just got told they could stay up at night

Y/N: I'm a huge fan of True Hero and Guiding light their one of my favorite manga's I have ever read

After hearing this Shushu was surprised by this revelation but then she came to an even greater realization

Shushu:(Mind) Wait that means my chances to get Y/N-Kun are even greater!

The blonde haired girl thought as she has she starts celebrating in her own mind as she hugs her crush

Shushu:(Mind) Take that Chief I'm still in the running!

The internally laughs that she now has gotten the one up on her chief and celebrates it

As for Kyoka as she see the two hugging each other her fist tightly clench's as a small vain starts to show as a menacing aura leaks out of her

Suddenly Y/N's eyes widen as he stops hugging Shushu before covering his nose

Y/N: The hell!?

The three girl look at their male comrade who is covering his nose

Y/N: What's up with this stench

Shushu: Hi I don't stink

Y/N: Not you I- oh god

Kyoka: What's wrong?!

Himari: Get a hold of yourself Wakura!

Y/N: You girls don't smell that shit?!

The girls look confused before giving the air a sniff before looking at their caretaker in confusion

Kyoka: I don't smell anything?

Shushu: I smell hotdogs

Himari: Seriously Wakura if you're not going to take this operation seriously then leave?!

Suddenly a number appeared in Himari's mind as it was her copied blessing of "Slave" as it tells her what Percentage her bond rate is with Y/N after she got done telling the boy to leave

75% to 56%

The blue haired girl grits her teeth as she receive the update about her bond rate with Y/N

The silver haired girl looks at her vice before looking at her slave

Kyoka: Y/N what exactly are you smelling?!

Y/N:(Covering nose) I don't know but I can one thing about it

Kyoka: And what's that?

Y/N:(Covering nose) It smells like despair

Upon hearing this Kyoka understood

Kyoka: Can you tell where it's coming from

Himari: Chief?!

However the silver haired girl held her hand up to stop her vice making the blue haired girl grumble

Y/N: I can but I feel like I'll pass out if I get to close

Kyoka: So you'll lead the way

Himari: But what about the other officers and captain Namana I don't believe they'll approve of this change in the plan

What the Azuma girl said was right the thing is the four were on top of one buildings that were frequently visited by the cannibalistic serial killer

It was an establishment that allows for other people to pay to have their way with any of the prostitute they have employed and in the event of of their merchandise was destroyed or damaged then the one responsible would be taught a "lesson" but if the one who was responsible for the destruction of their property if they pay the right amount of money they will keep their mouths shut and take care of the mess

The establishment's name was Tasty Fantasy

The place has a high popularity even beyond its area as other people from faraway distances come to get see or have a taste of their latest product

The police department that Touma Namana is in charge of along with others highly believe that the establishment is connected to various illegal human trafficking rings and have been trying to get evidence of it however it was hard to do because the prostitute's refuse to talk because they were afraid they would get hurt if they dared to do so despite them being promised they would be protected from harm that and the staff refuse to even talk

However then why is the seventh unit staking out the place?

Well it just so happens that their homicidal criminal is actually a regular at Tasty Fantasy

That is why they are at the place along with other officers

The chief of the seventh units thinks for a bit before picking up her walkie-talkie and was about to speak to captain Namana until

Y/N: Oh my god it's getting closer!

Upon hearing this Kyoka came over to the edge of the building and looks down to see various people walking about at the late of night despite their being killer among them

Kyoka: Hi Y/N can you come here

In all honesty the boy didn't want to because of the horrible stench but this was a mission and the boy didn't want to let everyone down so fighting against his need to throw up the young man came over

Kyoka: Can you point to where the smell is coming from

The young man looks down to see the many people walking in the dead of the night

The Wakura boy gulps before slightly uncovering his nose and reels back a bit because of the horrible and potent stench

But despite the terrible stench the boy soon looks at the people as he lifts his right hand and points directly where the stench is coming from

The one responsible for the horrible stench that Y/N had to force himself to smell is a beautiful woman blue hair that is tied in a pony tail and equally beautiful brown eyes the woman is wearing a small shirt that is tied as her hips are being showed to everyone along with her breast with the many who couldn't help but stare at and is wearing ripped up jeans

The silver haired girl see the woman before looking back at her slave who has re-covered up his nose

Kyoka: You sure she the one responsible?!

The black haired boy nodded with Kyoka taking out the walkie-talkie and begins to talk to captain Namana

Kyoka: This is Uzen reporting to Captain Namana

Touma: This is Namana what's your report

The silver haired girl tells the police captain about the blue haired woman and that her slave felt something was off about the woman

After hearing that it was indeed Y/N's findings Touma thanks Kyoka with the call ending

The pink eyed girls looks at her walkie talkie with Himari coming over

Himari: What did captain Namana said

Kyoka: He said that he and the other officers will be on watch for the woman but

Himari: But what?

Kyoka: When I told him that Y/N was the one who helped made the report Captain Namana didn't question it and ended the call

The Azuma girl was surprised to hear this with Kyoka she looks over to said young man who has covered his nose in an attempt to block the horrible stench

The lone survivor of the Gassan Oisawa massacre then remembers that captain Namana had already knew about Y/N and seemed to be both glad and worried but the girl also remembers that her slave was hiding things about himself when the police captain mentioned it

Kyoka:(Mind) What are you hiding Y/N?

Y/N:(Mind) I wonder what I should cook for dinner after this

The seventh unit and the officers would see the blue haired woman come out of Tasty fantasy with a prostitute

Y/N: Hey Kyoka do we follow?

Before the chief of the seventh unit could say anything when suddenly her walkie talkie went getting a call from Captain Namana

(Joy: If you see STWT it's a shortened version of speaking through walkie talkie)

Touma:(StWT) Chief Uzen I need you and your Unit to follow that woman the one you and Wakura reported

Kyoka:(STWT) Are you sure it may not be the woman and man eater might end up showing up while we're gone

Touma(STWT) I understand the risk but if it's really that woman in disguise then she'll getaway to kill again I'll take full responsibility for it

After hearing Kyoka begins to think

she was surprised that captain Namana was willing to risk in letting herself and her unit in following a woman who may or may not be their suspect even though the whole operation would be jeopardize over a report that Y/N help make

But as Kyoka saw the blue haired woman leave and was beginning to disappear into the crowd along with said prostitute

Finally making up her mind the silver haired chief told the black haired police captain of her decision

Kyoka:(STWT) This is Uzen the seventh unit will tag the blue haired woman over

Touma:(STWT) Please do so

Himari who heard everything was shocked but before she could say anything against it Kyoka had stood up and began to command her unit

Kyoka: Alright everyone change of plans we're going to follow a suspect in the case case

Shushu unlike the others who were in the loop was both surprised and confused about the change in the plan but decided to go with the flow and just follow her chief's orders

Within the Azuma girl she couldn't refuse her chief's orders and so having little choice she listens to the orders that were given

With that everyone chased after the blue haired woman

Meanwhile with said woman and the prostitute were walking until the blue haired woman stopped as she looks at the forest with the prostitute stopping and looking at the forest and understands what will happen

Prostitute: We're going to do it in the forest?!

The prostitute said with their voice confirming it to be a male

(Joy: I shortened Blue haired woman and male prostitute to BHW and MP just to make it easier to write down)

BHW: Yeah you don't like it

MP: No I was just surprised I'm actually getting excited Alice

The man said as he has confirmed the woman's name

Alice: Well then let's go Jack!

The woman said as she ran into the forest as her giggles were heard

Jack: Hey wait for me

The male prostitute shouted out as he chased after the blue haired woman into the forest

Jack: Hi where are you Alice?!

Alice: Right here!

Without warning the brown eyed woman would suddenly jump down from the trees crashing into Jack knocking him out into unconsciousness

Alice: Finally I can get rid of this disguise

The woman said her hair soon changed from its blue color to brown and her brown eyes changed to blue as its revealed to Hana Yamada aka the man eater

Said looks at her unconscious prey with a smirk

Hana: Sorry handsome but(Robs stomach) mama needs something to fill her

The cannibalistic woman jumped on top of her new victim as said was going to be in her stomach

Hana: You probably would have given me a good time but my needs come first

Jack: Then go on a diet bitch

Hana's victim used the back of his head to head but the blue eyed woman before grabbing her right leg and slammed her body onto the ground

This caused Hana to cough up blood as her expression showed her shock

The male prostitute throws Hana away causing said to crash right through a tree

Jack: Oh and my name isn't Jack

As he said the man put his hand onto his face a torn it off

This action would have horrified many however there was nothing to scare of because it was just a mask revealing it our enslaved protagonist

Y/N: It's Y/N and your under arrest

With that said Kyoka. Himari and Shushu come out of their respective hiding places coming over to Y/N and prepared to fight

Soon Hana got back as she glares at Y/N

However her eyes soon looked towards the three girl as her eyes go wide as she recognizes the uniform their wearing

Hana: The Mato Defense corps are you fucking kidding me

Shushu: Sorry but this is all real

Himari: Surrender peacefully and you will not be harmed any further

Kyoka: Don't make this harder then it already is!

The three women of the seventh unit said as they got into battle stands ready to fight

The only question that is on everyone's mind is that what happened to the real Jack as last time he ran into the forest and not only that where did Y/N get the mask for Jack's face and the matching clothes as well?!

Well then let's travel back in time shall we to understand how this happened

Small Flashback

The seventh unit(Except Nei) can be seen jumping from building to building and surprisingly Y/N was keeping up quit

Y/N:(Mind) I can manage to do this however

The young man thought as he had reminiscing expression as if he was remembering something

Y/N:(Mind) I wish I had "it" back then I could do more

The thought as he continues to follow the others however in the corner of his eyes the young man saw something's that caught his interest

Looking back at the others Y/N secretly made an apologetic expression before going over to what had caught his interest

With Kyoka. Himari and Shushu they had made it to the forest where the man and woman stopped at

Kyoka: Forest it's the perfect place to do  murder

Himari: I'm starting to believe that woman isn't so innocent

Shushu: I'm getting horror movie vibes here

Y/N: Finally I caught up

The blue haired girl seemed to be annoyed it because the boy could barely keep up with them

Shushu: Y/N-kun why are you carrying shopping bags?

The chief and vice chief of the seventh unit turned to see that indeed their caretaker/Slave was carrying shopping bags

The Azuma girl was not happy and she had the right to be because they were on an important mission and all Y/N was doing was shopping

The girl was about to go over to the boy and give him a piece of her mind however Kyoka stopped her

This confused Himari of why her chief was stopping her until

Kyoka: Y/N why do have those you have had a good reason to go shopping

Y/N: Well

The boy then showed what was in the bag and upon see what was in the bags Kyoka couldn't help but smirk as she very glad she made Y/N her slave

For Himari she was surprised to see what was inside the shopping bags

But as for Shushu the blonde girl was completely confused about the contents that were in the shopping bags

Y/N: Hey look

The three girls look to see that Alice had ran into the forest with Jack following suit

Y/N: Time to get into character

Scene change

Jack can be seen running in the forest now was trying to find Alice

Jack: Man this place there's to many trees I can barely see anything

Y/N: If that's true then I can help

Jack: Wait what?!

Before the prostitute could react he was knocked out courtesy of Himari who was for some reason wet with water dripping from her hair

Shushu then came out from her hiding spot however the girl was all wet just like her vice chief

Shushu: Did we really need to jump into a river?

Kyoka: Y/N made a good assumption their was very little choice that and they were press for time

The silver haired woman said as her hair and uniform was as wet as the others

If the readers were confused about what Kyoka was talking about here's the explanation

Before the four entered into the forest Y/N saw a river then told the girls that they need to go into to wash off their scent with the young man explaining why was because since they were dealing with a Megumareta who could have trained not only their body but also their senses as well this meant that Hana's sense of smell was their disadvantage so that's why the boy suggested that they wash their scent off in the water

Flash back end

Hana: Fuck!

The homicidal woman said as her fingernails suddenly extended and became sharp as knives

Y/N: Guess she didn't hear you Kyoka

The seventh unit(Except Nei) get into battle stance as the brown haired woman dashes at them as her first target was very clear

The sound of two objects hitting each other were heard as the the cannibalistic woman's attack was blocked by Kyoka who uses her sword to defend as Hana's nails can be seen not trying hurt Kyoka instead they were aimed directly at Y/N

Kyoka: Not happening

However Hana smirked as suddenly her extended sharp nails began to extend again making the silver haired chief's eyes widen

Kyoka: Shit!

The nails soon launched towards our protagonist ready to pierce the young man's body

Grip Grip

However instead of the wonderful sound of flesh being torn into enter Hana's ears instead the sound of something getting grabbed was heard not just to Hana but also to three women of the seventh unit

Kyoka curiously turned her head slightly as keep one of her eyes on Hana while the other looks

To the silver haired girl's great surprise Y/N her slave had caught the dangerous sharp nails with his bare hands

Just like Kyoka Hana was also shock to see that her attack had been caught

Hana: What the

Y/N: Sorry bitch but

With an amazing show of strength but also greatly struggling the young began to lift the cannibalistic woman in the sky surprising everyone


With great strength Y/N slammed Hana to the ground VERY hard

Hana:(Coughs up blood)

The black haired boy then lifted the psychotic woman back into the air then spin around and slammed the woman into multiple trees before her nails broke off with blood dripping off on them

Y/N: Oh and

The boy the dropped the fingernails while keeping one in his hand

Y/N: Thanks for the spear

With one hand the boy spin his makeshift spear before pointing it at Hana who was struggling to stand after being thrown around like a rag doll

Hana: You pig I'll fucking kill you!

Y/N:(Glares) Try me bitch!

The battle between the seventh unit against Hana Yamada aka man eater is just about to begin but the only question who will come out as the victor of this fierce battle

Chapter ends:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Joy: And that's it for this chapter I hope everyone loves this new chapter to the story I apologize for taking a while to get this chapter but I again got writers block but I thank you my beautiful readers for being patient with me but I have an important announcement is that once I reached the end of the first season of the chained Soldier anime along with the manga I will be putting this story on hold until season two of the anime comes out I know that this is unexpected but I had decided to write this book with materials not just from the manga but also with the anime while also inputting my own ideas into the story again I am sorry for the sudden announcement but I made up my mind but don't worry I will make another story while this one is on hold I hope everyone understands well that is everything from me I hope everyone has a good day or night wherever you all are bye 👋

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