10: I Got Your Back Part 1

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Author's POV

The Mato Defense Corps is an international organization that was created by the government in order to protect humanity from the demons that live in Mato

However a new problems that came from said alternate dimension was because of women gaining blessings otherwise known as them getting supernatural powers from the special fruits that were called "Peaches" the Mato Defense Corps concerns is protecting humanity from the carnivorous abominations from harming said race in the beginning the organization was called the Anti-Demon Defense Force however was changed to the Mato Defense Corps

The reason why the change was because the government wanted the people to know that they wanted to protect them not just from the demons that live in said hostile dimension but also protect them from anything that originated from mato

And that is what is happening as the seventh unit can be seen making their way towards the police station inside a limousine

It is probably being asked why is the whole seventh unit doing in the human world? Shouldn't they be in Mato to prevent any Shuuki's from trying to invade the human world via gate

The answer is Yes but there are other members of the Mato Defense corpse who wish to prove themselves useful to the organization and so some volunteers showed themselves willing to look after the seventh unit's dormitory and their section as well hoping that their efforts would be recognized

Y/N: Never thought in my life I would be traveling in a limo

The young man said as he feels the comfortable feel of the seats cushions surprise of how soft and comfortable they feel

Nei: Yeah Nei likes riding in Limo

Y/N:(Mind) So cute!

The black haired boy thought as he watches Nei jumping happily in her seat

Shushu: Yeah isn't great it kinda makes you feel like your a movie star right

Y/N: Can't argue with that but I get the feeling of being a bodyguard that tries their best to protect the prime minister or the US president

Shushu:(Confused) Why that feeling?

Y/N: I think it could be because of "Slave" that I get that feeling but I have been someone who would try to help someone when they need so it could be that

Shushu: ever since you started working with us you have been doing your best to watch out for us by the way thanks for saving me from those Shuuki's!

Y/N: Hey there's no need to thank me after all we're comrades working together

Shushu:(Mind) You say that but I would want us to be more then comrades

The blonde haired girl said as she sneaks a glance at her crush with a blush appearing on her face

Shushu:(Mind) Maybe one day

Kyoka: Enjoy it while it lasts but please don't forget why we're all back at the human world

Y/N: of course

Kyoka: Then Y/N can you repeat why we're all back at the human world?

Y/N: We're back at the human world because Commander Ren Yamashiro received word about a serial killer going by the name of Man-Eater has been the one responsible of brutal deaths that had been happening for a long while with Yamashiro understanding that the unknown killer had mostly murdered a few Megumareta's that it could be a Megumareta doing the killing a possible strong one so the commander has tasked us the seventh unit to go to the human world and help the police in stopping the maniac before anymore lives could be lost

Kyoka:(Smiles) Good I'm glade to hear you understand and were listening

Y/N:(Smiles) I try to make sure I listen

The Suruga girl look back and forth between the two before pouting before getting determined eyes

Shushu:(Mind) I won't lose! I will win his heart even if it means I have to go through you Chief!

The owner of "paradigm shift" thought with great determination

With Himari the girl was seating alone as said girl looks at Y/N with a thoughtful expression as the Azuma girl remembers about the crucial factor that plays an important part of the blessing "Slave"

Himari's Flash back

A tied up Himari can be seen ready to hear about the information about her chiefs blessing

Kyoka: As you already know about most of the details about my blessings but here's the info about it that you probably didn't know about and it was an important detail that I found out after turning Y/N into my slave

The blue haired girl came closer in order to hear about the new information about her chief's blessing

Kyoka: The new information that I found out about my blessing plays a VERY crucial factor is the strength of the bond you share with the slave

Upon hearing this the Azuma was confused about what her chief meant by "bond"

Kyoka: And by "bond" I meant that you need to build a genuine and stable relationship with Y/N so that you can draw out more power from him

Himari:(Shocked) WAIT WHAT!!!???

Himari's Flash Back over

Himari:(Mind) I can't believe this

The girl thought to herself as she was having a hard time believing about the new information about her chief's blessing

Himari:(Mind) I need to have genuine "Bond" with HIM of all people!

With Kyoka the girl had noticed that Himari was looking at Y/N while having an irritated expression

The woman could sigh understanding that the two trying to create bond together wasn't going to be easy if Himari keeps being hostile towards Y/N then she would not be able to beat Yachiho in the exhibition

As much as Kyoka wanted her Vice chief to win the girl needed to willingly let her past go and accept the black haired boy

Y/N: Hi we're here

The silver haired woman stood up from her seat as she gave out her orders

Kyoka: Alright everyone

The entire seventh unit quickly stood up from their seat as they stand behind their chief

Kyoka: Let go

With that the seventh unit existed out from the limo and would enter the police station

(Joy: I decided to shorten police woman and police man with PW and PM just to make it easier)

As the seven unit entered the police station they see a man with black hair and wearing glasses over his brown eyes and wearing a black coat with a white button shirt underneath it with a black tie this man his name is Touma Namana

Touma: Hello my name is Touma Namana I am the captain of this whole police station are you the seventh unit that commander Yamashiro had send to help?

Kyoka: Yes we are I am Kyoka Uzen the chief of the seventh unit and the girl on my right is my vice chief

Himari: I am Himari Azuma it's a pleasure to meet you captain Namana

As the captain of the Police station was about to speak again however that was until he stopped when he saw Y/N with said young man looking at Touma

The entire seventh unit noticed this and were confused of why the two male's were staring at each other

Suddenly captain Namana pulls something out of his coat pocket and tosses the mysterious object to Y/N who quickly catches it and looks at before looking at said man with a unreadable expression

Y/N: Thanks

The boy said as Y/N was about put the mysterious object in his pocket however Kyoka spoke up

Kyoka: I don't mean to be rude but what is that you have in your hand Y/N

Said boy looks at his master before sighing in frustration before showing the mysterious object

Kyoka: Mood stabilizer's?

Now the silver hair chief of the seventh unit is very confused of why on earth captain Namana would give her slave medication that helps suppress overly unstable emotions

The brown eyed man looks toward our protagonist before speaking up

Touma: You didn't tell them?

Y/N:(Looks away) N-Not ready

The captain of the police station sighs but the man does understanding why Y/N did not tell the seventh unit about his "problem"

Touma: Fine but you will have to tell them you do know that right?

The young man did not say anything but just nodded

Touma: Okay good

Captain Namana looks back at Kyoka and Himari

Touma: You have questions about how I know about mister Wakura let's just say we have bit of history but all I ask is that you be patient with him

The black haired man said as he bows his head towards the women of the seventh unit

Kyoka:(Smiles) Don't worry I understand I'll be patient but I can tell he'll get himself in trouble I'll also be watching out for him for that

These word hit Y/N hard like an arrow had struck him

Y/N: Hey that's not true I don't get myself into trouble Ky-Chan!

Kyoka: At work you call me chief and absolutely yes you do get yourself into trouble! Remember you ended up in medical care again

Y/N: Hey that was to help Shushu and I was too tired to even react and you know it!

Touma watched as Master and Slave both argued with each other making the man crack a smile

But of course the captain really wanted to laugh at the scene that was happening in front of him but the man wanted to keep an air of professionalism

However that was becoming VERY hard to do because the master and slave were arguing like a newly wedded couple

With Shushu the girl was fiercely pouting at the scene of both Kyoka and Y/N acting like a couple have a lovers coral in front of her

Shushu:(Mind) You may have had a head start Chief but that won't matter because I won't give up until I make Y/N-kun mine mark my words

The girl thought with even greater determination then ever before

With Nei the adorable pink haired angel was at the play center that the police station had in case officers didn't have a choice but to bring them with them to work and was having a great time playing puzzles

As for Himari the girl was beyond flabbergasted at how her chief was acting yes Kyoka did get mad Annoyed and would smile and giggle and most would be frighteningly serious about important topics including ones that are about Mato

But here was the woman that the girl admired who was having an argument about a trivial topic with Y/N

Scene change

The Kyoka. Himari. Shushu and Y/N were in a conference room with other officers with captain Touma at the center giving a run down about the locations that were recently hit by man eater

Touma: And that is where All the places that were "visited" by man eater

Y/N: Was anyone able to get a picture of her?

Touma: A few off duty officers were able to get one picture

Himari:(Concerned) Are those officers alright?

Touma:(Nods) Yes their just a little shook up but their alive

Kyoka: Shook up? What happened to them?

Touma: Let's just say Man eater doesn't like having her picture taken without her permission

The glasses wearing captain then turned the digital screen on and show what man eater looks like

Touma: Don't let her looks fool you under that pretty face is nothing but a monster!

Y/N: Could have fooled me she looks like one of those movies actors

Suddenly the boy was harshly elbowed at his stomach making him take a few steps back

Y/N:(In pain) The hell?!

Kyoka: Focus

It turns out that the culprit was his master

Y/N: the hell you hit me for?!

Kyoka: Easy because you weren't focusing

Y/N: That's not a good enough excuse!

However the silver haired girl unexpectedly huffed and decided to ignore her slave and continue giving her attention to the meeting which made Y/N slightly glare at the chief of the seventh unit until the boy's frown turned to a smirk

Y/N: Okay I understand I'll just be quite

However the silver haired girl didn't react and just focus on the meeting but a small grin was plastered on her face until

Meanwhile outside the meeting room were other police officers who were doing their jobs as the meeting between their captain and the seventh unit from the Mato Defense Corps as the rest of the police station had an air of professionalism

However that atmosphere of professionalism did not last as suddenly laughter was heard and the sound of something crashing

And it all came from behind the door of the meeting room

Kyoka:(Behind door) Oh god no Y/N stop please!

Laugher from the chief of the seventh unit could be heard as the other officers were bewildered by the sound of laughter and were wondering what was happening

Himari:(Behind door) Y/N Wakura I demand that you unhand the chief and stop making her look like a joke!

Kyoka:(Behind door) Please I'm sorry for elbowing you in the stomach just please stop!

Y/N:(Behind door) You really sorry?

Himari:(Behind door) Chief just command him to stop!!

Kyoka:(Behind door) That's not how it works oh god please stop!

Shushu:(Behind door) Hahaha this is gold!

Himari:(Behind door) Shushu what the hell are you doing help!

Shushu:(Behind door) How about no!

Himari:(Behind door) Damn it Shushu!

Then the sound of crashing was heard and screams were heard

After what felt like hour the other side behind the door went quite making everyone wonder IF everything is alright in the meeting room

Suddenly the door opens only slightly causing all officers to reach for their guns or tasers or batons readying themselves for what was about to jump out

That was until

Our protagonist pops his head out and looks at all the police men and women who were now staring at him which made the young man sweat nervously but the Wakura boy spoke albeit a bit nervous because of the tension in the air

It also didn't help that the boy had small scratches and bruises on his face

Y/N: Sorry for the noise your captain has told me to tell you all that whatever you all heard pretend you didn't please thank you

With that the black haired boy retreated back into the meeting room while all the officers were left completely confused but none the less they went to work of course there were others who were hesitant but did so as well

Back in the meeting room the entire place was a mess as papers that had important information about man eater were on the ground scattered about and chairs and tables were in the same boat

As for the people who had the misfortune of being in the room when everything happened were either passed out on the ground or were trying to regain their bearings

With the seventh unit Kyoka could be seen recovering from what happened

The one big question is WHAT did happen in the conference room

Let's go back a bit in time about what had happened


The Wakura boy suddenly out of nowhere ran at Kyoka managing to get behind her

And then the boy did the most unbelievable action that took everyone by surprise

He tickled Kyoka Uzen

What happened during said action was just a disaster

Flashback done

And that is what happened in the conference room

Now as for the one who had caused it all to happen was in a corner of the room with a bump on his head

And Himari was harshly reprimanding the boy for his actions

With Captain namana he was laughing from what had happened as the laughter he held back before came back much stronger then and this time he could not hold it back

Safe to say the meeting that was supposed to be happening in the conference room was well what is going pretty good

Well at least for Touma who continues to laugh

Meanwhile in an unknown location outside of the city in the forest there is a hidden building however it wasn't on the surface it was actually buried underground

However within the building there was a horrid stench that traveled throughout the entire building and anyone who smelled it would honestly and no one would blame them would throw up or downright passed out from just how strong the stench is

???: Damn I need to air this place out or(Smells themselves) Oh yeah that is definitely me

The mysterious voice said as it sounded that of a female who had just smelled their own odor and admitted that they are the cause of that horrid stench

???: What time is it(Checks phone) Oh I guess I should go hunt for some food damn I'm gonna have to be careful because of those damn officers they probably already have my face drawn by now(Sighs) well I guess that's my fault for playing with my food but

As we look up to see that it is the same face of the woman that captain Touma and the seventh unit were having a meeting about

This woman was her was Hana Yamada or by the name that the police and the people have decided to call her man eater

Hana sadistic and cruel smile as she brought up her right hand as her fingernails became dangerously long

Hana: But it's not like it's going to matter

The woman said as suddenly the lights turned on showing a gruesome scene out of a horror film as on a table was the body of a dead woman with her body ripped opened as some of her organs were missing as on the woman's face was a expression of terror as Hana's laughter could be heard before it was replaced by the sound of crunching

Back with the others Y/N suddenly felt that's something off

Y/N:(Mind) Huh no it was probably nothing

The boy thought to himself as he followed the three girls of the seventh unit to go and do the mission they were given unknown of just how dangerous it was going to be

chapter end

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Joy: hello my people I hope everyone is having a great day or night wherever you all are I got this idea for the chapter was because in a certain chapter in which I won't spoil it for anyone who has not read the manga or just hasn't gotten to that point at least not yet this chapter like a few of mine is me putting my own ideas in the mix just to make the story more exciting as this Arc will focus on both Himari and Y/N Who will be the protagonists in this arc I hope everyone loves this new chapter in the story and when this arc ends I will put up the new character profiles so you beautiful people can know about them alright that is it from me the next chapter is going to crazy so I'll do my best to make it have a good day or night bye 👋

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