2: Pros At Work

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Author's POV 

Y/N: And all done!

Our Protagonist said as he was outside the dorm looking at the now cleaned outside of dorm

Y/N: Yep squeaky clean i believe I earn myself I good soda of sprite and spaghetti and meatballs with a dash of watching shield hero!

With that said the young man was going to head back in until he felt the ground shake surprising him making Y/N wonder if it an earthquake


Y/N immediately turned around to see a Shuuki has emerged from the ground and was now charging at him

The black haired boy quickly took a fighting stance ready to face the demonic monstrosity

But as the creature got close it hit the barrier that protects the seventh unit's dorm and it causes the shuuki to disintegrate into nothing

Y/N: Oh yeah I forgot about the barrier

Nei: Y/N-Kun I you okay

The black haired boy turned to see Nei running over to him with a worried expression

Y/N: Yeah I'm okay thanks to the barrier

Nei: Well the monsters do appear frequently because the seventh unit's dorm is located at the Mato's southern demon gate

Y/N: yeah if I remember right Mato is the size of Tokyo and because of that Mato was divided into eight sections and each anti-demon defense corps unit is assigned to each one In order to prevent Shuuki's from coming to the human world

The pink haired girl looks at Y/N in surprise that the black haired teen know which should be impossible not unless your a girl who has shown great or good enough potential who would be scouted out and then be taught about Mato and the basics about the anti-demon defense corps

This caused Nei to think that Y/N has a female friend in the anti-demon defense or has really close relationship with a member of the corps or highly probably has a relative who could be a member

Nei: Y/N-Chan

Y/N: Yeah what is it Nei something wrong?

Nei: Do you have a girlfriend?

Hearing this Y/N was taken aback as the boy now had a blush on his face

Y/N: Wh-where did that from!

Nei: So you don't have a girlfriend?

Y/N: of course I don't! I never thought about having a relationship do to other matters that needed my attention

Nei: Do you have friends then?

The boy was now confused of why Nei was asking these questions but decided to just answer

Y/N: No I unfortunately didn't have the time to make any friends either because I was busy

The little girl was once again surprise for good reason because almost everyone had a friend or friends and some people are already in a relationship with another to hear that Y/N has neither of these made the girl become concern but she decided ask her another question

Nei: Y/N do you have parents?

Y/N:(Confused) Yeah I do

Nei: Do you have siblings?

Y/N went quite a happy yet sad expression was his face and Nei noticed it

Y/N: Nei can I ask why your asking me these questions

Nei: Well it's because it's not common knowledge for other people to know about Mato because it's only exclusive to girls who show great or good enough potential who have been scouted by the anti-demon defense corps

Y/N: Oh I see

The boy's expression turned to a small smile

Y/N: Well that because I kinda overheard a group of girls who were members of the corps talking to their Kohai- wait why are you looking at me like that Nei-Chan?

The pink haired angel was looking at Y/N with a cute mad pout on her face

Nei: Y/N that's not good you shouldn't be hearing what others say it's bad!

The boy scratching the back of his head as he lets out a small chuckle

Y/N: Okay I'm sorry

Nei:(Cute pout) It's not funny it's serious!

Y/N: Okay okay I'm sorry you see I really am sorry!

Our Protagonist said as he got on his knees putting his hands up then places his head down along with his hands

Nei looks at Y/N and decides to forgive the boy

Nei: Oh okay I forgive!

The young enslaved boy got up with the two smiling at each other

But then suddenly the ground shook as another shuuki appears as it charges at the two completely oblivious about the barrier

The two turned to see the demonic creature charge at them but they weren't afraid because they knew that it was a futile attempt

It hit the barrier and the two expected it to get vaporize

But that didn't happen instead it bounced off the barrier!?

The two were surprised by this

Y/N: Wow

Nei: Maybe this shuuki is a bit stronger then the last one?

Y/N: Well then

The boy said as he puts the broom to the side as Y/N cracks his knuckles as Nei noticed this and became worried already knowing what the boy is thinking

Before the adorable pink haired girl could stop the black haired boy said teen had already charged at the demonic monstrosity

Said creature noticed Y/N dashing at it at an alarming speed

Unfortunately for the fodder shuuki it was unable to do anything as Y/N did a leg sweep causing it to fall and unleashed a barrage of punches at the demonic

The demonic abomination was unable to tank the attacks as it was torn apart by the punches and the remains of it would then burst into blue flames

Y/N then came back as he see the amazed expression on Nei's face

Nei:(amazed) So cool

The boy couldn't help but have a proud smirk on his face as he re-entered the barrier

Y/N: Why thank you Nei

The young man said before patting the girl's head making said girl giggle

Y/N: I should go back and make lunch Ky- I mean miss-Uzen she is coming back from a meeting right?

Nei nodded but then spoke

Nei: Yes she is but you don't have to be formal after all you two will be working together so Y/N-Chan you can call her Kyoka

The boy smiled at the girl before patting said girl's head

With that the two head back inside unaware that someone saw the whole thing

And that someone was Himari Azuma who had a shock expression on her face

Why? Was the girl there well it was because she going to order Y/N to back to kitchen and cook dinner

But when she came outside she saw the boy put down a Shuuki with just unleashed a barrage of punches that torn the creature to pieces and falling on the ground and burst into blue flames

Despite that she had already seen it with her own eyes it's still surprising that a man was actually able to kill a shuuki with just their bare hands alone

The blue haired girl wondered just how much did Y/N trained to gain that kind of strength

The Azuma girl could not help but be reminded of her Chief whose ability was once deemed worthless and because of that the silver girl had to train herself where her swordsmanship alone is able to eliminate Shuuki's

Himari could not help but compare the two


The girl screamed out trying to get what she thinking out of her head

The girl scream alerted the members of the seventh causing them to come out the dorm

Y/N:(Alerted) What's wrong are we being attacked by Shuuki's!?

Shushu:(Annoyed) The heck's the big deal I was trying to play video games

Nei:(Worried) Hi-Chan are you okay?

The three then noticed that there were no Shuuki's attacking the dorm just completely nothing

The three then turned their attention to Himari wondering about her screaming

Said girl was blushing as she tries to think of an excuse but unfortunately is coming up with nothing


The three look at Himari but unfortunately the girl isn't saying anything until


The girl screamed out in embarrassment immediately running back to her room

The three were stun by what just happened as they watch the Azuma girl make a mad dash into the dormitory leaving a dust cloud in her wake

Y/N: Hi I just cleaned!

The boy shouted but sighs before walking back inside to finish making lunch then he would have to clean............ AGAIN!

The other also went back in as they were confused about the whole thing but decided to go back to what they were doing

Shushu went back to her room to play her video games while Nei went back to do her homework that she had received

Kyoka had returned back from the meeting with everyone else making a silence promise to not talk about what had happened

Lunch was ready and the girls could smell the wonderful smell of Y/N's cooking and understand that it's lunchtime and put everything down and immediately head to kitchen/Living room

Everyone is at the dining table and eat the delicious meal that Y/N had made

Shushu: Good as always caretaker!

Y/N: Thanks but can call me by my name instead of calling me caretaker?

Himari: I-I'll ha-have seconds

Y/N: of course don't worry I made enough for everyone

Kyoka: I can tell that nutrition was taken into consideration

The silver haired girl said as she enjoys her meal

Y/N: Thanks I also made sure to add my special remedy

This peaks Himari's interest

Himari: Remedy? What remedy?

Y/N: Oh it's just something that I cooked up but don't have to worry as long as you train your body then you'll be alright

Shushu: What do mean as long as we train you make it sound as if something bad will happen

Y/N: Well its not that serious but if don't train after eating it you will gain 20% of fat

Hearing this made Kyoka and Shushu and Himari look at Y/N in shock

Shushu: Wh-why would you do that?!

Y/N: Because for you Shushu I can tell you are pretty lazy so I thought that if I did this you'll be motivated to train instead of lazing around like sloth

Those words hit Shushu hard making the girl look away feeling both embarrassed and a bit of shame

Y/N: For Kyoka I thought that it would motivate her a bit more because nobody wants to lose years of hard work

Kyoka nodded at our protagonist words and it actually did make her want to train of course after she is done eating

Y/N: For Himari I noticed that she works a bit harder so I thought this would motivate her keep working hard so to not fall behind

Said girl was surprised by what Y/N said it made her have a small blush on her face

This was also because Y/N had took notice besides the chief that she works bit harder and wanting to help keep her motivated to do better

Nei: What about me?

Y/N: Oh don't worry Nei you won't get fat or have to worry about training for sometime because I think you should enjoy your youth while you still have one

Nei:(Pouts) But Nei wants to become strong like everyone else

Y/N:(Chuckles) Fine fine how about we do some light training will that make you happy

Nei:(Smiles) Yes please help Nei become strong

Y/N: but that's only the negative effect of the remedy I made there's a positive to it if you train

The girls begin to listen intensely as they want to know about the positive effect

Y/N: If you train after eating the remedy it will help you grow physically and luckily it can be applied in drinks as well

The girls were astonished of hearing the positive effect of the remedy

Kyoka: I never thought such a remedy would exist color me impressed Y/N

Nei: Y/N-Chan is amazing

Himari: How did u create such a remedy did you learn it in school or did someone else teach u about remedy

Y/N: My dad was the one who created the remedy himself when he was much younger

Hearing this yet again surprised everyone except Nei who was to busy enjoying her meal

Kyoka: Your father made it?

Shushu: Well that's a surprise!

Y/N: Geez thanks

Shushu: Sorry Y/N I didn't mean any offense against your dad!

Y/N: No it's alright but I would like to know something Kyoka?

Kyoka: Hmmm?

Y/N: It's about your meeting what was it about?

Himari: That is something you have no right to ask about Wakura?!

Y/N: But I-

Suddenly Himari's left hand glowed and swung that hand at Y/N stopping before it could hit as it was near the boy's neck the glow dies down revealing the girl had transformed her hand into a sword

Himari: Am I sensing insubordination I hope not?

The girl said with a growl and glared at Y/N believing that this would cause the boy to fear her not like she cared as along as Y/N knew where he stands and knew not to stick his nose where it doesn't belong

But that didn't happen because Y/N threw his food at Himari who was taken aback by this action and before the girl knew it she was facing the ground with her transformed left hand pinned down by Y/N's left knee and her right restrained by Y/N's right hand and his left hand that now has a light grip on the girl's neck

Himari: Wha?

The blue haired girl said in shock by what just happened

The other girls In the room were also surprise by the quick movements that Y/N had just displayed

The yellow eyed girl looks at Y/N in complete shock as she was lost for word with said boy glaring at her

Kyoka immediately stepped in order to prevent a fight from escalating any further

Kyoka: Stop this immediately right now?

The silver haired girl said with Authority and upon hearing this Y/N would comply by removing himself from Himari slowly before sitting down as

Himari also comply as got up and sat down in her previous spot

Then Kyoka would give Himari a painful karate chop to the girl's head

Himari: OW

Y/N who saw this knew that the girl had it coming but he knew that he would get the same punishment and so bowed his head to Kyoka expecting to get the same karate chop

Kyoka: Y/N what are you doing? 

Said boy looks up to see Kyoka who has a confused look on her face

Y/N: I just thought

The girl sighs before speaking

Kyoka: Y/N I'm not going to punish you just because you were defending yourself

The boy was surprised because usually a boy would get in trouble for even laying a hand on girl even though it was just to defend themselves

Our Protagonist was reprimanded many times in the past for defending himself or other against other girls who wanted to do certain "things" to him or other men and at times other girls

So it came as a surprise that he was not going to be punished or reprimanded

Our Protagonist looks at Kyoka with a surprised expression

Y/N: umm okay?

The girl noticed Y/N's surprised expression which confused her but Kyoka decided that she would ask about it at a later date

Kyoka: And to answer your previous question Y/N was that the meeting was actually about you

Hearing this surprised Y/N along with Shushu and Himari except Nei who still adorably eating her meal

Y/N: About me why?

Kyoka: It's because I had made you my slave I had to report back for the commander to know about any developments on my ability and she asked about just how well you fought with me against the shuukis I had shown her the video of me and you fight against the shuukis the other chiefs were very surprised by the amount of power you showed after being enslaved

Y/N: Oh- wait video?

Shushu: That was because of me!

The blonde haired girl said with Y/N both surprised and a bit embarrassed about being on video

Kyoka:(Mutters) Although the commander

Y/N: Hmmm is there something wrong Kyoka?

Kyoka:(Shakes head) No it's nothing

Y/N: Okay anything else

Kyoka: The other chiefs and the commander were very surprised that you were able to a single Shuuki all by yourself before you became my slave

Hearing this caused the boy to have an aura of pride and happiness believing he had a made a great impression

Kyoka: But a few believed that your actions were reckless and completely idiotic to which I couldn't help but agree

And after hearing caused the boy's aura that he had immediately disappeared as the boy now looked upset

Y/N: Okay I know what I did was reckless but if I didn't do anything that little girl would have been that Shuuki's meal!

Said the young man understood that his actions were reckless but in his defense if he didn't do anything the poor little girl would never see her little brother

Kyoka: And I agree with you

The boy looks at Kyoka confused because didn't girl said that she agreed with the other chiefs

Y/N: Wait a minute but I thought-

Kyoka: I did agree that your actions were reckless and idiotic but I know that if you didn't act then the little girl would have been inside that Shuuki's stomach

Y/N felt pleased by Kyoka's words

Kyoka: At the same time there were other Chiefs who knew that if you didn't act then the little girl would have met her end and the commander has ordered me to make sure you are well trained so that you wouldn't get so badly injured again because of the corps reputation of being protectors and want the Citizens to know that they are safe and that we are fully capable of protecting them

The boy nodded at this as the silver haired girl turned her attention to Himari

Kyoka: I can understand that not everyone is not liking the idea of a boy being around them but Y/N is necessary for my ability

Y/N: Huh

The boy looks at the pink eyed girl in confusion

Y/N: Kyoka what do you mean I'm necessary for your ability you make it sound as if you can't enslave someone else

The boy was confuse as to why Kyoka said those words and thought the girl was sweeting her words to make the boy feel special but

Kyoka: That's the thing about my ability I can only enslaved one living being and that being is my slave for life until the day they die or I die

The black haired teen was surprised by because he thought that Kyoka could enslave anyone or anything she wants

Y/N: Oh

The boy then placed his right hand where his neck is even though the iron caller wasn't there the young man could feel that it was there as if to remind Y/N that he was Kyoka's slave and that it wasn't going to let him go unless he kick the bucket

Seeing this Kyoka was worried that the boy wasn't liking his current situation and was thinking of a way get Y/N to stay

Yes Y/N was necessary for Kyoka to use her ability to it's fullest potential but the girl also felt she really didn't want Y/N to leave the corps especially her

The girl didn't know why she felt that way and she had met the boy not to long ago!

But that feeling was surging in her telling Kyoka that she can't let Y/N leave NO she must absolutely NOT allow it to happen

Y/N: Well then

The girl looks at Y/N hoping that the black haired teen doesn't leave her

Y/N: I guess I'll just have to do my best to keep up with you girls

The boy said with determination

Kyoka: Huh

The girl was taken aback as Kyoka was surprised the response Y/N had gave

Y/N: Hmmmm

The boy looks at Kyoka in confusion as he was expecting a different response but shrugged thinking it was nothing and went back to eating his food

Suddenly Nei dropped her spoon as her eyes went wide as they changed and the girl gained a serious expression on her face

Y/N: Nei-chan are you okay?

The young man said worried for the little girl because of her expression until Shushu spoke

Shushu: Nei is a clairvoyant a seriously rare ability

The boy was surprised to hear this as Y/N had heard of clairvoyants from his classmates and teachers and other people before coming to work for the anti-demon defense corps

Y/N:(Mind) I never thought I would ever meet a clairvoyant much less working alongside one

The boy thought as he turns to look at Nei only to see said was looking a person who was looking for their glasses

Y/N: 😐

At that moment the boy could only look at Nei with a blank expression as the young man didn't know exactly what to say

Then Nei turned to a certain direction with her eyes shining brighter

Nei: A gate has appeared about 5 km

Kyoka: We'll need three vehicles! and Y/N where are our uniforms?!

Y/N: They should be done in the dryer!

The young man said before standing up and dashing to the laundry room to see the dryer was blinking green meaning that the uniform have been dried

Without hesitation Y/N immediately took out the uniforms then quickly checking them before dash back to everyone

Y/N: Here!

The boy throw the uniforms in the air before going outside the dorm

Shushu was the first to leave as said girl rode on a military modified motorcycle

Next to leave was Himari who now ride on a military modified jeep

Since Nei wasn't a combatant she had to stay back the dorm for her own safety not just because she was a child but also because she has an ability that is a very valuable to the corps

As for Y/N he was outside the dorm waiting for Kyoka

Y/N: I guess the third vehicle is me

The young man said to himself as he knew that there were only two military modified vehicles as he made sure said machines were in best condition and were squeaky cleaned

Kyoka: You ready

The turn to see Kyoka who extends her right hand to the boy

Kyoka: It's time for us to get going

Y/N:(Mind) Now it's my time to shine

The boy then remembered his little interaction with Himari

Y/N:(Mind) I'll show Himari what I'm capable of and god damn it I'll earn her respect!

The boy gently took hold of Kyoka's hand then kissed it as a blinding light consumes the boy

Meanwhile with Himari and Shushu as they drove as fast as they could in order to get the location Nei Gave them

Kyoka: We'll be going up ahead!

The girls turned their heads to see Y/N in his slave form with Kyoka riding on top of the transformed boy's back

Y/N:(CS) Well see you two there!

With said Y/N picked up speed as he dashed forward quickly leaving Shushu and Himari behind

The two were surprised by the speed that Y/N possesses

Shushu:(Amazed) Holy I knew he was fast but that was whole other level

The blonde haired girl said as she looks at Y/N and Kyoka leaving them behind but was now had a grin on her face as she looks at the black haired boy

The Azuma girl was also amazed by the speed Y/N had just demonstrating but shook her head

Himari:(Mind) No I can't be that amazed by that guy no way in hell? and besides he looks like a monster there's nothing to be amazed about!

Back with Y/N and Kyoka they were getting closer to the location given to them by Nei

Y/N: Hi where are the Shuuki's?!

Kyoka: Calm down all we're going to be doing is watch over that until it disappears

Our Protagonist see some kind of large black hole that has strange writings that are on it and above it

Y/N skids to stop himself with Kyoka hoping off of him and landing on the ground on her feet

Y/N: Wait is this what I think it is!

Kyoka: Good you know what THIS cursive thing is

Y/N: How could I not this is the infamous gate or well one of them but I've never seen one this up close

The boy said as he looks at the one thing that is responsible for allowing Shuuki's to come to the human world the object that helped in so many deaths and countless destruction

Kyoka: Yes the gates appears suddenly without any warning they connect Mato to the human world

The girl said as she couldn't help but glare at the gate with a hint of hate in her eyes

Y/N: Yeah there are some cases where people just suddenly disappear all of it being pointed at the gates that means people could enter through them or Shuuki's coming through them which the incidents involving the two were then called Mato disasters

Kyoka: Yes but for now we're here to watch over it in case such things would not happen it should disappear in a few hours until then we have stand to guard it until it does

Y/N's demonic ears suddenly twitch a bit making the boy turn his head to see a horde of Shuuki's rushing over to the two

The silver haired girl glared at the approaching demonic creatures

Y/N: Incoming uglies!

The chief of the seventh unit couldn't help but giggle a little at Y/N's joke

Y/N: Come on Kyoka let's take 'em down

Kyoka: Stand down Y/N

Y/N: Huh

Kyoka: Look Himari and Shushu have arrived we'll it to them

The enslaved young would then see that Himari and Shushu had indeed arrived

Kyoka: While they deal with that we'll guard the gate

Suddenly the ground would shake beneath the two as Y/N and Kyoka would turn to see a group of Shuuki's had emerged from the ground trying to get in a sneak attack

Y/N: You!

The Kyoka's slave would then reel back his and release it punching the first Shuuki's causing the upper half of it body to be blown off as it burst into blue flames

Y/N: Think we let you go into our world!

The boy would then grab the other Shuuki by it's leg before use it to kill the other shuuki by crushing its whole body and use his other hand to grab it head then bring down on his knee causing the Shuuki to split in two and drop as it burst into blue flames

Suddenly more Shuuki's came out from the ground trying to get to the gate but the slave and master would never allow that to happen

The two would begin their two person slaughter of the Shuuki's showing absolutely no mercy

Kyoka: Yes it seem everything is going well!

The two had finished taking down their group of Shuuki's as they did their job of not letting any of the Shuuki's get near the gate

Y/N: What about the girls

The boy said but as he turns to see if the two girls needed any help but only to see that it would not be needed

Because the boy see Himari taking down many Shuuki's with her right hand transformed in a machine gun

Y/N: Wow!

Our Protagonist said surprise by the many Shuuki's Himari is taking down

The boy turn to see Shushu being surrounded by Shuuki's before being jumped by the demonic creatures

Y/N: Shushu!

The boy shouted out and was about run to the girl to help her

But then suddenly out of nowhere the ground itself shook surprising the boy


The boy quickly turned his head to now see a giant Shushu

Y/N: Damn!

Kyoka: Shushu's ability gives her power to manipulate the size of her body

Y/N: By manipulate her body size you mean

Kyoka: Shushu is able to make herself grow big as a skyscraper or as small as an Ant

The two then noticed that Shushu was raising her right foot which confused Y/N

That was until the boy noticed Himari was taking cover to the left side of the jeep this only confused the boy

But then it finally hit the boy making him realize what was about to happen

Immediately the enslaved boy got in front of Kyoka and embraced the girl which caught the seventh unit's chief off guard

Shushu: TAKE THIS!

The blonde haired girl stomped her foot as it caused a powerful shockwave that annihilated the horde of Shuuki's

Dust kicked from the powerful stomp that Shushu had created a cloud or dust as it spread throughout the battlefield

After 5 minutes the dust started to subside as the battlefield came back to clear view

Himari got out from hiding spot as there was some dust

As for Shushu the girl had a lot of dust on herself as a consequence for unleashing such an attack


Y/N see that the dust cloud had subsided and so removed himself from Kyoka who didn't have a single speck of dust on her person thanks to Y/N who gets a good distance away before shaking off the dust that was on him

Kyoka: You didn't have to do that

The silver haired girl said as she came over to Y/N who was no longer covered in dust

Y/N: I thought you wouldn't want to get dirty

The owner of the ability "slave" would just roll her eyes as a smirk would be on her face as she turned around but if one were to look closely you could see a small hint of pink on her cheeks

Y/N would then come over to Shushu and see just how much dust she had on her

The boy would help by taking in a deep breath sucking up the air into his lungs in which everyone look at him confuse

That was until Y/N released all the air he had sucked up and blow it at Shushu causing all the dust on the girl to be blown away

This surprised the girls as Y/N would come to Shushu

Y/N: You good

Shushu: Ye-Yeah thanks

The green eyed girl as she was still taken aback by what just happened but would smile a bit before going over to her ride and would ride away back to the dorm

The boy would then see Himari get back in the jeep

Y/N: Wa-

But as the boy called out the girl just left riding back to the dorm as she did not want to hear what Y/N had to say

Seeing this the boy would just sigh

Kyoka: Don't worry

The silver haired master said as she patted her slave's back to reassure the boy

Kyoka: Himari will come around it will just take time

Y/N: I hope so

The two would then head back to the dorm as Kyoka would undo Y/N's transformation and bring him to her room to do the rewarding

And the reward was of Kyoka rest her head on Y/N's back using it as if it was a pillow

Y/N: So this is the reward

The young man said relief that the reward was something tamed

Kyoka: I guess you needed some good reinsurance

Y/N:(Blush) Ye-yeah

The young man said as he had a blush on his face but Y/N didn't know that Kyoka also had a blush on her

This was because of just how very close she is to the boy the girl feel Y/N's body heat and can even hear his heartbeat

Be-Dum Be-Dum Be-Dum

Every beat of Y/N's heart Kyoka could hear and feel and it was a feeling she didn't ever want to let go

Be-Dum Be-Dum Be-Dum

The chief of the seventh unit could feel her eyes closing as she begins drifting off to sleep

Be-Dum Be-Dum Be-Dum

The only thing that Kyoka could hear was Y/N's heartbeat as she drifted off to a peaceful sleep

With Y/N the young man was liking this feeling

It was a feeling that the boy had never thought he would ever feel

The boy didn't how to describe what he was feeling but whatever it is Y/N felt great

Y/N: Hi Kyoka I-

The boy said as he turned his head he noticed that Kyoka had fallen asleep on his back

This surprised Y/N by this sudden development

But then the boy realizes the position the two were which makes the boy blush

At this moment the boy didn't know what to do as this has never happened before

But the black haired boy decides that it was best not to do anything as Y/N felt it wasn't right to wake up the girl who was having a peaceful sleep

The boy couldn't help but take a glance at Kyoka's sleeping face as the boy could help but blush

Y/N: Kyoka is still beautiful even when she's asleep

Scene Change

Y/N can be seen outside as he finished cleaning up the dorm

Y/N: All done!

The young man said as he had to finish cleaning up the outside of seventh unit's dormitory

The boy smiles at his completed work but then he remembered the reward

The boy blush remembering the reward as he was still trying to get used to having to be rewarded for every accomplished mission he did in his slave form

But the last reward that happened not to long ago was stuck in his mind and he didn't understand why? was it the case it was just Kyoka doing what her ability made her and if it wasn't the case then Kyoka would never do such things with him he would highly probably only be complemented nothing more nothing less

The boy just sighs before leaving the area to go back inside the dorm to go start cooking dinner

As Y/N was going back he heard some noise

Curious the young man went towards the sound and once he did he found Kyoka helping Himari train her ability

Kyoka: Your weapon switching was slow during the last battle Himari

Y/N:(Mind) Battle? more like a massacre

Kyoka: You should be able to do it 2 seconds faster give it a try

Himari: Yes

The girl then activated her ability to transform her arm into a weapon

Y/N:(Mind) So Himari's ability lets her morph any part of her into a weapon?(Shakes head) No that can't be I don't know why but I get a feeling that isn't the case

Kyoka: Oh Himari before we can continue I need to ask you something?

Himari: Hmmm

Kyoka: I wanted to ask if it you can get along with Y/N

The blue haired girl looks at her Chief before looking away

See this made the silver haired girl sigh knowing that it wasn't going to be easy

Kyoka knew about the girl's rough past and that what happened to the girl had been installed into Himari she knew convincing said girl wasn't going to be easy

Himari: I-I'll try

Hearing this made Kyoka smile a little

Back with Y/N the boy was surprised that Kyoka was asking Himari to get along him

It made the boy feel fuzzy inside as a small smile creeps on the boy's face

Suddenly the ground shook surprising the boy

Y/N: The hell!

The young man said as he ran towards where the entrance of the seventh unit's dormitory only for eyes to widen at the sight that behold him


The young male slave exclames in shock at the large number of Shuuki's that had suddenly appeared

Y/N: No wonder the corps tries to hire caretakers who wouldn't want to quit after seeing so many Shuuki's!

Kyoka: Y/N!

The young man turned his head to see Kyoka

Meanwhile Shushu can be seen making herself become bigger as Himari was on the left side of her shoulder

Shushu: Looks a party is brewing

Himari:(Mind) Because of the last battle Shushu won't be able to stay in her giant form for long and I limited use with my weapons

The girl thought as she looks at the horde of Shuuki's

Himari:(Mind) If we don't do something the dormitory will be destroyed

Kyoka: We'll dividing and conquer

Suddenly Kyoka who is now riding on Y/N who is now in his chained soldier soldier form

Kyoka: We'll divide the Shuuki's into four groups and wipe them out me and Y/N will do just that

Y/N: Himari!

The called out girl looks at Y/N in confusion until the boy spoke

Y/N:(CS) Better watch because rather you like it or not I will earn your respect!

The Azuma girl was taken aback by Y/N's declaration while Kyoka smirked hearing it

Without anything to say Y/N immediately began his one man slaughter of the Shuuki's

Shushu: Wow look him go

Nei who is not participating in battle due to obvious reasons watches in a amazement of how Y/N was literally taking down a large numbers of Shuuki's

Nei:(Sparkly eyes) SO COOL!!

Himari:(Mind) He's that strong!

Y/N then digs his hands into the ground before pulling out two large pieces of the ground in both his hands and using them to crush many Shuuki's to death

Once the two large pieces of rock were no longer usable the enslaved boy digs both his fingers into the ground as Shuuki's were charged towards

Everyone was confused of what Y/N was doing and were becoming worried except Kyoka as she felt that Y/N is about to do something that was going to greatly surprise everyone

As the Shuuki's drew closer and closer until

Y/N: Have a nice flight

With that said the young man tear the the ground bringing it up as much as he could then slammed it down this action caused the ground the Shuuki's were on shake before being send flying into the air

Kyoka took this chance and jumped high into the air and started to cut and slice many of the Shuuki's that were airborne

Seeing this amazed the young man by his master's swordsmanship and the way she cuts the Shuuki's was perfectly done

The girl would then land on Y/N's back as they continue to slaughter the Shuuki's

Kyoka: Alright Y/N give it everything you got

The pink eyed master said as she in turn pulled Y/N's chains this caused the boy to gain a boost in power

The enslaved black haired boy pulls back his right leg and as Shuuki's stupidity charge at the two did the young man release his legs as a wind cutter formed from it killing a great number of Shuuki's

The battle or if anyone could call it that was over Himari had finished off a few of the Shuuki's that were still around

Shushu had returned back to his normal size as she pants from exhaustion because of her almost overusing her blessing

Himari came over to give the blonde some help as they go back to the dorm Himari would turn her head to see the many eliminated Shuuki's as their bodies were burned in blue flames

The golden eyed girl would look at her Chief and Y/N more specifically Y/N

Himari:(Mind) The chief's ability lets her draw out the hidden strength within a living being but to see that one man has such raw power that was hidden with him is ridiculous but

The girl thought as she looks at Y/N who comes out of his chained Soldier form

Himari:(Mind) He ought to be the chief's slave

The girl would remember Y/N words before the battle began

Memory Y/N: Better watch because rather you like it or not I'll earn your respect!

The girl would shake her head trying not think about Y/N's declaration but as she walks back inside the blue haired girl would see the number of Shuuki's Y/N had help eliminate

Unknown to Himari that inside she was beginning to have some respect for the boy

With Y/N he would fall on his butt feeling the exhaustion because of how hard he fought

Kyoka: You fought very well

Y/N:(Panting) Th-thank

The boy said while panting because of the exhaustion from the battle

Kyoka: And now

The girl said as the boy realizes what was about to happen and hopes that his reward was like the previous one

The silver haired chief took out a piece of candy?

Y/N who saw the candy sigh in relief thinking that the reward was going to be a tamed one

But as the young reached his hand out to take the piece of candy but Kyoka had threw it into her mouth then grabbing Y/N by his shirt collar pulling him into a kiss where Kyoka would push the candy into the boy's mouth

Y/N's eyes would go wide at what had just happened

Kyoka: And yet again I'm forced to play the happy go lover

Y/N: Wait Kyoka isn't there a way to stop the reward

Kyoka: Unfortunately I have not been able find one yet

The girl said as she threw her chief hat onto the ground

Kyoka: The coercive power of the ability is so powerful that my will is disregarded that even if I tried to fight it with my will it means nothing to it!

The girl said as Kyoka had removed her uniform with only her boots being the exception

Kyoka: You god damn pervert!

Before Y/N knew it he was grabbed by Kyoka and was pulled in by said girl and into her lovely breast that were covered by a bra as she sat on the boy's lap and wrapped her legs around his waist

As for Y/N there was THAT same feeling he felt the one feeling that got him to kiss Kyoka so much and it was emerging

The boy tried to stop it as he didn't want his relationship with Kyoka to be damaged but because of the situation he was in it was hard for him to do so

Slowly but surely he begins to accept it even though he tried to suppress it but now the boy couldn't fight it anymore

Warning Small lemon 🍋

Both of Y/N's hand touched and grabbed hold of Kyoka's soft and plump butt causing the girl yelp in surprise

Kyoka:(Blushes) St-

The girl could not get a single sentence out because Y/N's right hand went into Kyoka's panties as he begins to finger the silver haired girl's asshole

Kyoka:(Moans) Ye❤️ n-no ❤️

The chief of the seventh unit couldn't get a word as she was trying to fight the pleasure her body was in

But that didn't end there because Y/N's left hand had gotten to Kyoka bra and undid it which caused the bra to be taken off

Kyoka: Y❤️you(moan)❤️stop!

The boy would put his mouth on his master's breast and would begin to suck on her aroused nibbles and would lick those perky and delicious nibbles

Kyoka: Hey I said sto-

The girl would be silenced because Y/N had suddenly started kissing her

The girl would of course try to remove her lips from the boy's but unfortunately couldn't

Kyoka would begin to feel her strength leave her it was the same feeling she felt when her and the boy first started kissing

And try as the girl might her Strength would eventually leave her as she would begin to give in to her cardinal urges as the boy's hands would touch every corner of her body

The sensation of her body being touched all over by Y/N was a feeling that the girl had never felt before but it was a sensation she didn't want to end

The boy would stop kissing his master as he looks her in eyes

Y/N: Don't worry I will take Full responsibility

Said the young man as he placed in his fingers into Kyoka's cute pink pussy


The boy would give would begin to finger his master's pussy wanting the girl to feel the best of pleasures

Kyoka: No~❤️

The girl moans because of her pussy getting a good finger bang

Even though Kyoka should stop Y/N and punish him for his perverted actions

But the pleasure the girl is feeling was just to good that she forgot to do so and allowed Y/N to continue

Y/N:(Smirked) Wow who knew my master was so dirty

The black haired boy said haughtily as his master could feel her slave's warm breath on her neck which caused the girl to feel her body shiver

Then Kyoka felt it

It was a feeling that she never she felt it
building up in her pussy

Kyoka: Y-Y/N❤️ I fe-feel❤️ w-we-weird ❤️

When Y/N heard this he begins to speed up as he fingers Kyoka even harder then ever before

The silver haired girl moans even louder luckily the two are quit a distance away from the dorm so the others wouldn't be able to hear Kyoka's moans

The bubbling feeling the girl was feeling was getting stronger and stronger

The enslaved boy sucks on his master's nibbles causing the pleasure that Kyoka was currently feeling to become stronger

Kyoka: Y/N!❤️

The girl wraps her arms around Y/N

And then

Kyoka:(Screams in pleasure)

The girl's pussy explodes with her juice pouring out like a waterfall!

Small Lemon end 🍋

With that Kyoka pants in exhaustion as the girl feels her energy was low

The silver haired girl was able to get some words before she passed out

Kyoka:(Panting in exhaustion) Y-you d-da-damn per-per-pervert

With that the girl passed out

Y/N would help by grabbing all of his master's uniform along with the bra and underwear and carry Kyoka like she was a princess and head back to the dorm but takes a different way to get in

Meanwhile a distance from where Y/N and Kyoka were at the mysterious woman was leaning against a rock panting

It seen that the woman had her two fingers in her pussy this means that the woman saw the whole and had masturbated as she watched the whole thing

Mysterious woman:(Panting) H-Ho-How interesting

The girl said as she stood up as a portal of darkness appears with the woman walking into it

Chapter ends

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Joy: And that's it for this chapter I hope everyone love this chapter and like I promise a fight scene and a very good reward even though it was my first writing that scene but tell how you guys felt about it in the comments down and don't hesitate to tell about how you guys feel about the chapter in the comments because they help improve the Quality of my writing okay everyone that's it from bye have a good day or night wherever you all are

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