6: The Trust Between Master & Slave

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Author's POV

The chapter opens up as we see Kyouka walking from a Mato gate with Mato soldiers greeting her with great respect but when Y/N came through the portal they just gave him a greeting that didn't have any respect not that the boy cared about because he was already used to

Kyouka: Wait outside I have some papers to sign before we go anywhere

Y/N: You sure don't need me to help you with that?

Kyouka: Yes I am

The silver haired girl then left to go do the paper

Our Protagonist decides to go outside as he did not feeling like hearing the disrespectful words of the girls who were watching over the gate about what they have to say about him

Y/N: It feels good to be back

The young man said as he looks at the city below

Y/N: I wonder how mom and dad are doing hope their doing good

Kyouka: The papers are done we can go

The black haired slave turned his head only for his eyes to widen in amazement at the beauty that stands before him

Kyoka: Hi you okay

Y/N: Beautiful

The boy unintentionally said towards his master who was surprised by the sudden complement and now is sporting a blush on her face

Kyoka: WHAT!?

It was then the boy realizes what he said and blushes at the words he spouted out and turns around


The black haired slave said as he begins to walk away fast

Kyoka: RIGHT!

The silver haired master said as she quickly followed Y/N before getting in front of the boy and lead where they were going

Meanwhile an elderly couple saw the whole thing and couldn't help but smile

Old man & Old lady: Ah young love

Both Y/N and Kyoka both made it to the train station the boy didn't like going to

This was because some dude tried to molest him by touching Y/N's ass to which the guy paid for it by being send to the hospital

After that day the boy decided to get himself a drivers license

It was a real pain to get his drivers license but it paid off and now he doesn't have to ride the train anymore or any public transportation

Y/N: Hi Kyoka

Kyoka: Hmm

Y/N: Is it okay we don't take the train

The girl turned her head to her slave

Kyoka: Why?

Y/N: I had a bad experience riding in one and its the reason why I got a driver's license

The silver haired girl was taken aback about finding out that her slave has a driver's license of his own

Kyoka: Sorry Y/N but this is the only way to get to our desti-

???: Are you fucking Serious!

The two then their heads to see a girl trying to fix her motorcycle but threw her tool to the ground

Woman: Piece of fucking junk!

The woman then got up and decided to abandon her vehicle

Our Protagonist looks at said motorcycle as he looks back at Kyoka a smirk appearing on his face

Y/N: Kyoka

The girl looks at our protagonist

Y/N: Watch because your about to see more of what I'm capable of!!

The boy then ran over to the two wheel vehicle as said girl tried to stop him

Kyoka: Wait!

However the boy was already at the vehicle and had already begun to work his magic

Kyoka: Dear god

The girl felt like this was going to take a long time for the boy to fix the motorcycle because she knows how long it would take for such a vehicle to be fixed

Y/N: Done!

The chief of the seventh unit blinks a few times before looking at her slave

Y/N: You coming or not

The boy then starts the engine and the sound of it did not sound broken at all which surprised the girl even more but shook her head before heading but then realized something

Kyoka: Wait we don't have helmets!

The boy then went into a nearby store and quickly came out with two helmets

Y/N: Now we can go

The boy gave Kyoka her helmet who then put it on and got on the motorcycle and placed her arms around her slave's waist

Anyone would have thought that the boy would be blushing because a beautiful girl had wrapped her arms around his waist but no Y/N was getting excited because it's been a while since he road on a motorcycle

Meanwhile back the seventh unit Shushu can be seen trying to find our protagonist

Shushu: That's weird where is he

Then the blonde haired girl comes across Nei taking in a count of their supplies

Shushu: Hi Nei have you seen Y/N?

Nei: Chief had taken Oni-chan on a very special day

Shushu:(Mind) Special day?

The size changing girl would then take out her phone and check the calendar app

Shushu: Oh so it's that day

Back with Y/N and Kyoka the two road on the motorcycle to their destination

Y/N: How's the ride Kyoka?!

Kyoka: It's good!

Y/N: Way better then taking the train right!

Kyoka: Yeah!

Despite the girl already had experience riding a motorcycle but for some odd reason it was different

This was probably because the girl was working to protect humanity by living Mato with the rest of her unit and in that hell she had to fight not just protect the human race but also to survive as in Mato the girl never experienced the joy of riding a motorcycle without having to fight for her own life

The silver haired girl rested her head on her slave's back

Y/N: Where almost there Kyoka

Kyoka: Wait already?!

The girl said surprised with Y/N nodding his head confirming it

Soon the two saw some people with offerings wishing to give to the people who have passed away

Y/N would then stop the two wheel mechanical vehicle as the two would get off as the silver haired girl would see a flower Stan and would go to it and buy a banquet of flowers as Y/N does the same and the two walk up the stone stairs that lead to the cemetery

The Wakura boy would look over to Kyouka to see that her hands were trembling and each of her steps being hesitate

The boy would look over to the other people to see some couldn't go up anymore and ran down stairs with tears in their eyes while some are forcing themselves to continue walking up despite how its taking a great amount of Will power to do so

The boy would look back at Kyouka and would gently take hold of her hand and help The girl in her ascension up the stairs

Even though the boy could never imagine how it would feel to lose everyone he ever held dear to him much less then an entire village full of them but when Y/N remembers his sister Aoba so even though his loss is small in comparison to how much Kyouka loss it only made him want to help the silver haired girl even more

After what felt like hours the two had made it up the stairs

Our Protagonist looks at his master who breaths out a sigh of relief

The boy would look at his hand that was holding Kyouka's hand and decided let go of said girl's hands

Y/N: You good?

Kyoka: I'll be

Y/N: We can wait here a bit we seriously have all day

Kyoka: No I can continue

The girl said as she begins to head towards a certain grave with the boy shaking his head before following the seventh unit's chief

Y/N:(Mind) She is stubborn but I guess she ain't the only one

After a bit of walking both Y/N and Kyouka had made to a large memorial stone that was the size of cube

In honor to the people of Gassan Oisawa

On the memorial stone had the names of those who had lost their lives in that horrible night

The silver haired girl kneeled down placing the flowers down with Y/N doing the same

Kyoka: The number of Shuuki's who made their way through a gate were in the dozens but their was a specially a strong one among them

Y/N: The one horned

Kyoka:(Clenches fist) I remembered him as clear as the sky itself out of all the Shuuki's that invaded HE'S the one I will specially never forgive

Y/N: That's why you brought me here

Kyoka: I know that you promised to help me y/n but I thought if I brought you here it would reinforce that promise and that I was afraid that you would back down

The boy would then kneel down before grabbing his master's hand making said girl look at her slave surprise by the sudden action

Y/N: Ky-Chan

Kyoka: W-What is it

Y/N: I'm not going to back from my words and that's a promise

It was then Kyoka noticed red liquid coming out from Y/N's mouth and the silver haired girl realizes it was blood but the girl felt something wet on her hand that Y/N was hold

Curious the girl looks at her hand to see the same red liquid making her realize it was same blood

Kyoka: Wha-

Y/N: I thought it was good idea but damn it hurts

Kyoka: Are you an Idiot?!

Y/N: Hi I really thought it was good idea

Kyoka: Seriously!

The girl took out some bandages from her pockets that she carries just in case

But as the girl put the bandages on Y/N's thumb where the blood was flowing out Kyoka couldn't help but smile knowing that Y/N wasn't going to back down from his promise

With that the two would leave the cemetery after paying their respects

Kyoka: We're heading back to Mato

Y/N: Wait just like that?!

Kyoka: Yes

Y/N: But isn't your break Kyoka

Kyoka: It is but I need to go back to Mato in case of emergency

Y/N: I'm sorry Kyoka but you really need a break

The girl stops and looks at our protagonist in confusion

Y/N: I got curious so I asked Nei what you do on your days off and she told me you spend it training

Kyoka: Yes that's because I ge-

Before the girl could finish her sentence suddenly


Kyoka: Ow!

The girl rubs her head to try and make the pain go away as said would turn to see an old man with and old lady

Old man: Young lady you should listen to the boy!

Kyoka: Huh

Old man: Don't Huh me you should take advantage of this break you have

Kyoka: But I-


Old man: No buts and thank you honey

Old lady: Your welcome sweetie

Kyoka:(Groans in pain)

With Y/N the young man was trying his absolute best not laugh this was obviously because of the situation the girl had found herself in


Old man: I understand that you work for the Mato Defense Corps and the worries you have but

The elderly male said as held his wife's hand who smiled

Old man: You must understand that life is to short and you must live it to its fullest

The wrinkled face male said as he turned his head to the silver haired girl

Old man: Do you understand?

Kyoka: Yes..................I understand

Old man(Smiles) Good then

Suddenly the elderly man turns Kyoka around then pushes said girl towards Y/N

Before the pink eyed girl knew she was now on Y/N chest with her hands on his shoulders

The two look at each other their faces very close almost like their about to kiss


The two shouted in shock until

Old lady: You two look so cute together like a couple should be!

Y/N & Kyoka: But we-

Old man: Now for the final touch

The elderly couple then push the heads of the two and-

Smooch 😘

Both Master and Slave's eyes widen in shock as their lips had made contact with one each other with Y/N blushing up a storm and Kyoka's eyes went blank from shock as steam exploded out from Kyoka's head as the girl passed out but Y/N was able to catch his master before she could fall any further

Old man: Come honey our work here done

The female elder soon glows with a purple aura around her body as the male elder was also enveloped in the same aura and before Y/N knew he watched as the elderly couple floated in the air and flew away

Y/N: Okay that's just cool

The boy then looks at the passed out form of his master sighing deeply he sits down on a bench placing Kyoka on his lap so that the girl could sleep comfortably

Paper Crumble

The boy was now confused as he heard the sound of paper crumbling as he lightly raises Kyoka's head and quickly takes out the paper and places Kyoka's head back on his lap as the young man opens the crumble piece of paper and reads it

From Yoshino and Yui

Yoshino:(One paper) Me and wife Yui hope that you and your lady have a future with many blessings hope to see you two in the near future

Yui: I can't wait to see your children the cheeks I'll get to pinch

As the young man finished reading the note Y/N couldn't help but blush at the words that were written

Y/N:(Mind) Do me and Kyoka really look like a couple?!

The boy would then look at the passed out form of Kyoka

The black haired boy couldn't help but blush at the beautiful face of the girl and immediately tried to deny the thoughts that were filling his mind


The young man now desperately wanted to hit his head into something really tough to help get rid of the thoughts he had in his mind

Time Skip brought to you by

Y/N and Kyoka both could be seen riding on the motorcycle as what happened to the two was still fresh in their heads blushes plastered on their faces

Our protagonist looks ahead to see a restaurant but it's one that he knows very well

Welcome to Matsuri

The boy would drive into the parking lot and stop after finding a parking space

Kyoka: Matsuri?

Y/N: I used to work here before I came to Mato

The silver haired girl looks at Y/N she had heard Matsuri it was a restaurant that is quit famous for it delicious sweet deserts and beverages and foods

The two would enter the restaurant where they would be greeted

???: Hello welcome t-

The woman cut herself off mid sentence as she see who has entered the restaurant

???: No way Wakura is that you?!

Y/N: Huh

The a cute girl with Brown hair and brown eyes this girl her name Emily Walker she works at Matsuri

Y/N: Oh hi Emily

The young man said to the American girl who looks at him in surprise before yelling


Employees: WAIT WHAT?!

Soon all of the employees dropped everything and immediately ran over to where Y/N and once they saw said boy they immediately and quit literally crowded around the boy and caused Kyoka to get crushed by the people but luckily said was able to get free before her life ended

Kyoka:(Gasping for Air)

The girl gasped for air as she tries to get air back into her lungs

The silver haired girl would look at the crowd of employees who were surrounding the black haired boy and couldn't help but is surprised by the young man's popularity

Kyoka:(Mind) This is a surprise I didn't think could be this well known

Emily: Hi I know you

The silver haired girl would look over to see Emily looking at her with a glare

Before Kyoka knew it she was suddenly outside with Emily who continues to glare at the silver haired girl

Emily; Your that girl who the boss who stole Y/N!

The pink eyed chief was surprised by the sudden accusation and also surprised at suddenly being outside the restaurant as she was in said establishment not to long ago

Kyoka: Wha-

Emily: Don't even think about trying to lie I know who you are and I know that your a chief who works at the Mato Defense Corps

Kyoka:(Mind) How does this girl know about this information it's highly hidden kept secret to protect its most important people who work for the corps

Emily: And don't think I don't know about your ability and that you used it on Mentor

Kyoka: ........................... What?

The silver haired girl said as she was very much taken back by what Emily just said

Kyoka:(Mind) Did she just call Y/N mentor?

Emily: Don't you dare try and pretend I know that you enslaved him because you want to taste his sweet and delicious

The girl said as she struggles to continue her words but as she tries the girl begin to hug herself as a large blush appears on her face

Kyoka who saw the strange movements of the brown haired girl who was trying to continue her sentence and was confused by the strange behavior

But then the girl remembers when Emily said"His sweet" and "delicious"

At first the girl was confused by what the girl meant by it

But as the girl surely put the pieces together her eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as her face exploded into a blush


The girl screamed out in both shock and embarrassment at the realization of Emily's words

.............. Or so she thought

Emily snapped out of her daydreaming and looks at lone survivor of the Gassan Oisawa massacre in confusion

Emily: Hi the hell are you screaming for


The brown haired girl was confused by what the hell the girl was talking and believes that Kyoka shouldn't be screaming her head off

Emily: The hell are you talking ab-


Emily: Hi I'm sp-

The girl was cut off once again by Kyoka


Emily: SHUT UP!

With that shout the brown haired girl punched Kyoka in the head causing said girl to pass out!

Scene Change

Kyoka:(Groans) Ow

The girl begins to wake up from her small coma that Emily had put her through

The chief of the seventh unit opens her eyes only to close them because of the bright light that was coming through the windows but surely the girl opens her eyes

???: Order up!

???: Here's another order!

???: I'm on it!

Those voices were the only Kyoka has heard when she woke up

The silver haired girl begins to look around her surroundings to understand where exactly she is

It was the girl realized that she back in the same restaurant

???: Oh your wake?

The pink eyed girl realizes who the voice belongs to and was about to go into her battle stance

???: Hi Kyoka!

The girl looks where the voice came just in time to see Y/N wearing an apron and holding trays that food on them and giving them to the employees

Kyoka: Y/N wh-

Y/N: Sorry Kyoka I'll talk to you as soon as I finish with the orders

With that the boy went back into the kitchen and continues to make the orders

The girl who made it her life's mission to destroy all Shuuki's sat at her table confused about what was happening but decided to wait

Suddenly food was placed on her table making the chief of the seventh unit look at the person who put on her table

Emily: Sup

When the pink eyed chief realized it was Emily the girl glared at the restaurant employee girl only to notice that the brown haired girl had a large bump on her head

Emily noticed where Kyoka was looking at the girl sighs

Emily: Yeah Y/N did this

The girl said pointing at the bump on her head

The silver haired swordswoman was a bit surprise but Emily continues

Emily: He heard your screaming and when he saw that I punched you so he did the same as well to me

The girl sighs setting down

Emily: He told me about what happened and that it was his decision to go to Mato

The girl sighs

Emily: After all this time that idiot still believes his sister is still alive

Kyoka; You know?

Emily: I did but I am one of the many people who thought it was nothing more then wishful thinking and believe that Y/N should wake up and accept that Aoba is dead

The brown haired girl drinks the cup that mount due in it before setting it down

Kyoka: Your wrong

Emily looks at Kyoka in confusion

Kyoka: If Y/N believes his sister is alive then I Will believe in him

Emily looks at the silver haired girl for a bit before rolling her eyes

Emily: Your just saying that so that Y/N won't leave when in reality you actually don't care about him and only care about what he can offer on the table

The brown haired girl gives Kyoka a cold glare

Emily: Your just like other girls who will only take an interest in a guy that catches your fancy but when that guy no longer shows it anymore you immediately throw them away and move on to the next one

The girl stood up from her seat and was about to leave until Kyoka spoke up

Kyoka: What do I need to do to make you trust me

The brown eyed girl looks at Kyoka before scoffing at the girl's words

Emily: Don't kid yourself why would I trust you and besides what the hell can YOU give me

Kyoka: if I ever hurt Y/N I'll give up my position in the Mato Defense Corps

The brown haired female employee of Matsuri was taken aback by what Kyoka just said

Emily: What?

Kyoka: I said I'll give up my position in the Mato Defense Corps as compensation

Emily: The hell do you even know what your saying

Kyoka: Yes I do

Emily: Are you an idiot

Kyoka: That has yet to be determined but right now I want to earn your trust

Emily was going to say something until

Y/N: Kyoka you don't have to do that

The two then look to see Y/N but without the apron meaning that he was done with the orders

Kyoka: Y/N

Emily: Mentor

The silver haired girl looks at the brown haired girl surprised by what the girl said but then remembered that Emily had already mentioned Y/N being her mentor but that was the thing what did her slave taught the girl before he started working in Mato

Y/N: I'm sorry for what Emily had put through she has a tendency of over reacting and jumping to conclusions

The young man would turn his head to look at his disciple

Y/N: Emily I understand why you react the way you did but let me make this clear Kyoka is nothing like other girls I trust her to keep her word

Emily: Your seriously trusting a girl you've only known for a month

Y/N: Yes I am

Then there was silence as Emily looks at the two as she takes in the information that was given to her

A sigh escapes the girl's lips before looking at the two

Emily: If mentor has this much trust in you then I guess that's enough for me to trust you as well

The girl said before standing up and leaves with Kyoka looking at the brown haired girl who was leaving to go back to work

Y/N: I'm sorry about Emily Kyoka

Kyoka: No it's fine but when she mentioned about you wanting to find your sister her tone became cold

Y/N: That's because Emily had moved here from America with her little sister to start a new life but unfortunately a Mato Disaster appeared and her baby sister became a victim and only thing they found was her torn clothes and some blood

Kyoka: That's terrible

Y/N: it is but

The boy said before pushing the sweet tasty treat towards the silver haired girl

Y/N: It's your break and shouldn't be having these negative feelings so eat up

The girl looks at her treat before grabbing the spoon and took a bite of the treat to which Kyoka gave a pleased expression

Kyoka: This is so good!

Our black haired protagonist looks at the face that Kyoka had made after tasting the sweet treat blushes because of how cute Kyoka looks when she smiles

The silver haired girl noticed that her slave was staring at her

Kyoka: Something wrong Y/N?

Y/N: Cute

The boy said towards his master making said look surprise by the sudden response

It was then the did Wakura boy realize what he had just said to his master making the young man have a blush on his face

Y/N: I I well I-

Suddenly the sound of a Trumpet was heard confusing Y/N but Kyoka took out her as said was coming from it

Kyoka: It's the emergency trumpet!

Y/N: Did Shuuki's invaded earth

Kyoka: No if it's one trumpet sound then lives are not at stake but it's something of great importance had happened back in Mato

Y/N got up and ran into the kitchen and came back out with bag

The boy packed up their treats as the two ran out of the restaurant

Y/N: Bye everyone!

All employees of Matsuri: Bye Y/N!

Once they were out of the restaurant Kyoka raised her hand towards and boy kissed it making him transform into his Chained Soldier slave form with everyone in the restaurant seeing the boy transformed

Emily: Well I'll be damned

The brown haired girl said as she watches the whole thing through the window

Kyoka: Let's go Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah!

With that one command the boy dashes off leaving a dust cloud

Meanwhile a young girl was in the back on the car with her father driving them back home

The little girl looks out to see the many things moving fast

That was until the girl saw Kyoka riding on Y/N's back who was in his slave form

Meanwhile back at Matsuri all the employees went back to work along with Emily however one employee who looked extremely worried and had a fearful expression to which Emily took notice

Emily: Hey something wrong

Male Employee: Well just I'm worried

Emily: About what

Male Employee: I'm worried that SHE might find out about Y/N working in Mato

The moment the employee said SHE Emily immediately understood why the man was worried

Emily: Then all we can do is pray that SHE doesn't find out

Unknown to Emily was that a woman who was hiding behind a tree her body hidden because of the shadow that the tree was casting on her thanks to the sun

The unknown woman stood up and moved away from the tree before walking away

Unknown woman: So Y/N your working in Mato now Hmm?

The girl then remembers that Kyoka had transformed Y/N into his slave form and road on the boy's back

The image alone made the girl clench her fist tightly as the woman's shadow suddenly moved on its own as many demonic eyes could seen having scornful glares as if they could feel the woman's rage and look ready to attack anyone

Chapter ends:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Joy: Hi everyone it's me Joy your favorite god of entertainment back with a newly made chapter I'm sorry that it took long but hi the wait is a bit worth it u unfortunately there wasn't a fight a scene in this chapter but I want us the reader to build a bond with Kyoka but don't worry because in the next chapter there will be a fight and you guys are going to love it before I go you guys should check the character bio below after reading this message you might like it I hope you guys love this new chapter to the story bye everyone have a good day or night 👋

Character information:

Name: Emily Walker
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Gender: Female
Race: American. Human. Megumareta
Age: 18
Vital status: Alive

Personality: Emily is a girl who is a sweet and caring young girl Who works at Matsuri The brown haired girl is hard-working when she is on the job she becomes concerned about the safety of other this was further amplified after she "Believed" to have lost her little sister in a Mato Disaster it would have gotten worse if Y/N did not appear in her life and help be less concern for other and trust that others would be fine but she did not reacted very well when she found out that her mentor(Y/N) was going to be working in Mato but decided to let it go Emily as she believes Y/N can take care of himself like the boy had taught her but aside the girl can be quite aggressive when it came to the safety of people she cares about

Likes: Her "deceased" sister. Matsuri. Cooking. Working out. Her blessing. Strawberry yogurt. Waffles. Dancing. Sweets. Salad 🥗. Y/N(Mentor). Making up new recipes. Ice tea soda.

Dislikes: Kyoka Uzen(For now). Being unable to cook.

Hates: Mato. The Omniyou Agency. Bullies. Crime. Discrimination. Good people being put in harms way. Shuuki's. Feeling helpless. Gangs. ???. Rats. Power hungry bastard.

Blessing: Blink

Type: Phenomenon

Info: Blink is the ability that Emily had gain after eating a peach it gives the girl the ability to be able to teleport from location to the next the girl will appear Instantly but in order for the ability to work Emily must know where she want to go that means the Walker girl must know the distance between herself and said location a map would very much help Emily but if she doesn't know the distance then the ability will not be able to work and the girl is able to bring other people or objects with her but she need to grab hold of them or they need to hold onto her for them to be able to teleport

History: Emily comes from America along with her little baby sister they both moved to Japan do to rise in crime did the girls do not have parents due to Said dying in unfortunate one of them dying in an incident while the other died in a shooting how they were able to get to Japan was due to family from their father side of the family did the two lived in Japan for three years until the unfortunate incident happened where Emily and her sister became involved in a Mato disaster Emily was rescued but her sister was not so lucky because of this incident the brown haired girl has become resentful towards the daemonic dimension and has grown even more concern for the safety of others causing the girl to become overly protective Emily One day met Y/N who had dealt with some girls who were messing with other girls because of their week blessings The boy convince the girl to work at Matsuri The black hair teen took the brown hair teen under his wing and learn the joy of cooking until the boy had to leave and work at the Mato Defense Corps

1. Enhanced physical peak condition
2. Enhanced awareness
3. Enhanced stamina
4. Enhanced senses
5. Enhanced agility
6. Enhanced intelligences
7. Cooking
18. Martial artist
19. Parkour
20. Riding a car

Why Doesn't Emily join the Mato Defense Corps?: it was because the girl doesn't believe that she wouldn't be capable of protecting humanity when she couldn't protect her little sister hence why the girl doesn't join
What happened to Emily's and her sister's parents?: Their father was on his way home when a gang riot happened their father died trying to protect some injured police officers and civilians despite him not having any powers to fight against the female gang the man still fought to the best of his abilities managing to kill a good number of the gang before dying the man died a hero their mother died in an act of revenge from some of the gang members that managed to escape custody
Does Emily have any romantic feelings towards Y/N?: No the girl just see the boy as her mentor and best friend but she mostly see the boy as her mentor
Will Emily be able to trust Kyoka?: it's a probability but for now no it will be seen in the later chapters in the story
The reason for Emily's blessing: Because of how Emily felt when she "believed" she lost her sister her ability manifest because of her desire to be there for others like how she wanted to be there for her sister but couldn't
When did Emily get her blessing?: the girl got her blessing two months later after the Mato Disaster
Will Emily appear again?: in the future chapters she will play a role but that's a secret
How did Emily React when she found out
Y/N would working as a Caretaker in Mato?: at first the girl was surprised but became sour about it and challenged Y/N to some games in an effort to make him stay but lost in each game and had to accept him leaving even though she didn't want to

Joy: No the girl will not be in the harem just wanted everyone to know and I'm not doing the birthdays for any of that stuff because it's just going to give me headaches that and I just don't feel like it

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