7: Unexpected Encounter 

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Author's POV

We see both Y/N and Kyoka had made it back to the seventh unit's dormitory within minutes

Y/N: And we're back

The young man said as he had returned back to his human form after completing his task

Kyoka: I knew you were fast while in your slave form but I didn't expect you to be faster color me impress

Y/N: Thanks

Kyoka: I'm going to get dressed

Y/N: I'll get dressed to

The girl was going to go her room with the boy doing the same

As Kyoka was heading to her room the silver haired girl suddenly stopped as she could not move her body anymore

Kyoka Then realize that she had not given the boy his reward after he was done with his task of getting them back to Mato as fast as possible

Then the girl's shine for a bit before going back to normal

Kyoka:(Mind) You have to be kidding?!

Kyoka: Hi Y/N

Y/N: Hmm?

The caretaker of the seventh unit looks at the seventh unit's chief wondering what the girl needed

Kyoka: C-can you help me change clothes

The young man looks at the silver haired girl shocked at what he had just heard until the boy realized that this is his reward

Y/N:(Mind) Please let it something tame

The boy nodded with a grim expression as he followed Kyoka back to her room

The black haired slave kneeled down as he waited for Kyoka to tell him about the reward since Eternal Chains: Slave only gives the master the information about what the reward might be

The silver haired girl raises her right leg towards the black haired boy

Kyoka: He-Help me change clothes

The boy who heard what his master said could only sign as his hope of having a tamed reward was crushed

The young went ahead and begin to remove the stockings on Kyoka's right leg hoping to finish fast but the girl spoke

Kyoka: Slowly

The young man stops after hearing this piece of information as the boy felt his hope of quickly ending the reward was crushed yet again

The young man did not dare to look at the silver haired girl but nodded in acknowledgment and slowly removed the first stocking

The girl who had gained the title the silver haired demon felt her body trembling because of the situation she found herself in

As the boy removed the the first stocking hot steam came out as the boy accidentally sniffed it making the young male slave blush as it smelled sweet but didn't say it out loud not wanting to make the atmosphere even more awkward

The young man had finally finished removing the first stocking the black haired slave continues to removing the rest of Kyoka's clothes off her body

With said girl who was embarrassed about the situation she had found herself in had took notice of something seemingly trying to escape from Y/N's pant making her blush even more

Kyoka:(Mind) Is he getting aroused?!

The silver haired girl was embarrassed about the situation that was out of her hand

But despite her embarrassment there was a glint of curiosity in her eyes

Yes the girl knows what's inside a man's pants but her school teachers never shown picture of the organ that is responsible for bringing forth a child into the world this was probably because they either believed that the girls wouldn't be able to easy take in the information or their curiosity would cause them to do things that many would want avoid

Finally what felt like hours the boy was able to take off all of Kyoka's clothes

But as the boy grabbed his master's uniform and was going to place them on said girl the boy froze in place as his eyes feasted on Kyoka's beautiful naked body

The boy gulped as the Wakura boy could feel the beat of his own heart as it increases because of the situation

Y/N:(Mind) Her skin is like vanilla ice cream I just wa-

The boy shook his head


The boy yelled at himself but he knows that the reward won't end unless he enjoys it

The young man went ahead of putting the uniforms on Kyoka while also tries to control himself from doing anything regrettable

Finally the boy finished the reward as the uniform was now the silver haired girl's body

Y/N: Finally done!

The young man said and was about to leave so that he could change into different clothes

Y/N: I'll go ch-

The boy could not finish his sentence because he realized that Kyoka was following him

This confused the young man until he realized that the reward wasn't over

Y/N:(Mind) You can't be serious!

The boy would now realize that the reward wasn't just changing Kyoka's clothes as he was also involved as well

Scene change

Meeting room

We see the whole seventh unit had gathered in a meeting/strategy room as Himari debriefs everyone on her findings

Himari: During patrol Me and Shushu found a large horde of Shuuki's they seemed to be heading to a particular location we followed after them it seemed to have once been a mountain but now is a crater 21km north Nei is watching them through Clairvoyance

Nei: None of them has left it's almost as if it's a nest?!

The pink haired girl felt a hand on her head making her open her eyes and look up to see Y/N

Y/N:(Patting Nei's Head) Good job Nei when the job is over I'll cook up some macaroni and cheese

The youngest member of the seventh unit grew a big smile after hearing this and hugged our protagonist who returned the gesture

The rest of the Members of the seventh unit who saw could only try and hold themselves back from cooing at the scene in front of them

Himari:(Mind) So cute!

Shushu:(Mind) I feel like I might pass out from the sight alone!

Kyoka:(Mind) Keep calm Keep Calm your a chief for fuck sakes!

Himari(Coughs a bit) I'm sorry this came while it's an important day for you

Kyoka: Don't be well done besides a nest is worth destroying we'll also be able to ascertain more about their lives without a doubt this will be a great achievement for the seventh unit!

Y/N: She's right great job Himari!

Suddenly the blue haired girl was raised in the air


Y/N: Huh your really light as a feather?!

The young man said surprised by how light the girl is

Nei: Pick me up to!

The Wakura boy quickly puts the Azuma girl down then picks up the pink haired girl

Y/N: Watch out evil doers because SUPER NEI IS HERE!


Kyoka & Himari & Shushu:(Mind) To cute!

Meanwhile in a different location we see the shadow that seems to resemble that of a woman walking over to a very large shadow that couldn't be human

???: This presence is Y/N in Mato?

The mysterious woman said as she jumps onto the inhuman shadows shoulder

???: If that's true then I want see him but

The mysterious shadow woman then tap on the Inhuman creature as it let out a small grunt before going on all fours then dashing off leaving the location

???: I think I should see if all those shuuki's have made to location(Sighs) man it's hard being the leader sometimes

Y/N who is in his chained soldier slave form is right next to Kyoka as the two look over the unbelievable large number of Shuuki's that have gathered in the mountain that became a crater

Y/N: That is a lot of Shuuki's I don't even want to imagine a human being thrown in there

Kyoka: This is something I have never seen so many Shuuki's all in one place

Y/N: Yeah and I don't know why but it's almost like

Kyoka: Like what?

Y/N: It's almost like their waiting for something? a signal or something or a leader?

Kyoka: So you think there's a strong Shuuki that's calling all the shots

Y/N: Maybe it's just a theory I'm probably just overthinking about it

Kyoka: No No it's a good theory

Y/N: So why are we watching them instead of going down and wiping them out?

Kyoka: That's because we can't be rash we need to do this with proficiency and cooperation

Suddenly a large shadow looms over the Shuuki's making the hideous monstrosities look up only to be shocked when they see a large fist coming down on them

Kyoka: We'll begin by dealing a great amount of damage with Shushu's attack

The over large fist came down crushing a good number of Shuuki's with the shockwave sending many flying into the air

Soon Himari appears and starts shooting down demons with her riding in the jeep

Kyoka: Himari will then deal with the Shuuki's who were already damaged by Shushu's attack in which will force the Shuuki's to have no choice but to combine

The Shuuki's who see this all happening immediately came together and started to combine in order to create a giant Shuuki

Kyoka: It will save us the trouble of taking them down one by one

Y/N: And that's where we both come and finish it off

Kyoka: Shuuki's are tough bastards but their behavior is predictable if we keep this up there's absolutely no chance we can lose

It was at that moment the boy noticed something shining in the sky making the black haired boy look in confusion but as he focus what the boy saw made his eyes widen in shock to see some strange woman riding on a rather large and muscular Shuuki at incredible speeds

Y/N: Wha

The boy then noticed that the two beings were going to crash into Shushu

Y/N: Shushu move!

The blonde haired girl stopped what she was doing and looks at Y/N confused that was until she noticed the alarming object that was about to crash into her

Shushu: Wha!

But luckily the girl was pushed away in time before the object could do any damage


The green eyed looks to see that Y/N was the one who saved her

Shushu:(Smiles) Thanks for the save!

The slave of Kyoka Uzen looks at Shushu giving the girl a thumbs up before the two look to see the new enemy that had entered

As the smoke begins to disperse Kyoka eyes widen at she see the shadowy figure and despite it being that Kyoka would never mistaken the one unique feature of the demon that destroyed her home

And that one unique feature was the very large and extremely sharp horn on the creature's head

Kyoka: ITS HIM!

???: Hi I'm here to join the party hope you bitches don't mind

On top the one horned Shuuki is a beautiful and sexy and buxom girl who has white and yellow eyes the girl seems to have some unknown black substance that nearly covers her whole body and her hands almost look like claws?! and the mysterious woman seems to be wearing some tribal clothes that look pretty modern the girl's appearance was almost like that of a demon but female human form

Himari: What the hell is that some kind of new monster?!

The blue haired girl shouted as she aimed and shot at the white haired girl only said's hair grow and shield the girl surprising the Azuma girl

Unknown girl: You it's not nice calling someone a monster you know

The girl said as suddenly purple electricity danced around the girl has the white haired girl opened her mouth showing a ball of energy and was shot at girl

In response Himari immediately transformed her hand into a shield but as the blast got closer the blue haired girl realized that would not be able to defend against it

???: Gotcha!

In the last few seconds the girl was suddenly and quickly moved away from the energy attack that hit the side of the crater making a large hole

The Vice chief of the seventh unit was surprised that she was able to getaway from the blast

???: Himari are you okay?

Said girl turned her head to see that was in Y/N's arms which surprised the girl but she quickly gave her response

Himari: Y-Yeah?!

Y/N: That's good to hear!

The slave of Kyoka Uzen placed Himari back on her feet as the seventh unit(Except Nei) looks at their new enemy

Unknown girl: Well I'll be damn I didn't expect that you two would still be alive or standing but I guess that would have happened if that Shuuki of yours didn't get in the way!

The girl said with a laugh as her words were specifically aimed at Shushu and Himari which ticked off the two


The silver haired girl comes from behind and tries to behead the rider of unihorn but unfortunately


The white haired girl blocked the attack with her claw like hands

Unknown girl: You're pretty strong that means your a chief ri-

The girl was cut off because Himari who had morphed her hand into a sword and tried to split the tribal clothed girl but unfortunately said girl blocked it with her hair that wrapped itself onto Himself sword hand and tossed her away like she was trash

Suddenly a large shadow looms on the two female combatants making them look up only to look shock to see its a giant Shushu falling from the sky

Shushu: Cannon ball!

Immediately Kyoka was grabbed and pulled away from before she was crushed by her blonde hair subordinate

Unknown girl: Oh shit!!!

The blonde hair girl then crashed down on top of the enemy laughing

Shushu: Ha that wh-

Suddenly the giant girl started to float

Shushu: The hell wh-what's going on

At the bottom where Shushu crashed down onto as the one horned demon who destroyed Kyoka's village was unbelievably picking up the blonde haired girl albeit struggling to so


The slave of the seventh unit shouted in shock at seeing the armored Shuuki was lifting Shushu

Unihorn then threw Shushu with such strength that said girl crashed into the side of the crater greatly damaging the girl causing said to return to her normal size

Himari: YOU BITCH!!!

The Azuma girl charges at the the mysterious girl and begins to shoots at female humanoid demon trying to take her out but unfortunately the demonic woman deflected everyone of the bullets with her hair

Seeing that bullets didn't have any effect the morph both her hands into rocket launchers and shot them at the unknown demon


That was only sound that was heard as an erri silence enveloped the battle ground

Kyoka the chief of the seventh unit grips her sword tightly bring it up pointing the sharp weapon at the cloud of smoke daring the enemy to jump and attack

Kyoka: Come on I know that attack didn't do shit to you!

Suddenly laughter was heard as the smoke cleared as a cocoon of white hair had cover and protected the woman and the horned demon

Himari looks in shock that her attack barely only left a few burns on the demonic humanoid woman's hair

The cocoon of white retracted back to normal but the woman looks and see the burns on it

Unknown girl: Oh my hair!

The girl said as she frowned seeing the burns on her wonderful white hair before fiercely glaring at Himari

Unknown girl: Hey do you have any idea how much work it was to get my hair to be this lushes because it doesn't happen over night!

The girl shouted at the Azuma girl with her fierce glare

Unknown girl: Now how the hell am I going to present myself to my little brother

Upon hearing this Himari, Kyoka and Y/N were shocked about the information the woman just gave out

Himari:(Mind) No way there are more like her!

Kyoka:(Mind) If this true then!

Y/N:(Mind) This info is going to send shockwaves throughout not just in the Mato Defense Corps but the human world as well!

The three look to one another with them nodding their head as they both know what they must do

Without hesitation the three charged at the woman as their objective was clear

The woman saw the three charge at her and Unihorn making her extend her her with it rushing at the seventh unit with the intention of eliminating them

However Kyoka jumps and slashes at the demonic woman's hair slicing through them surprising said who was not expecting the silver haired girl to be good with a sword!

But because she focused on the seventh unit's chief Y/N and Himari who road on the boy's back who then aimed and shot at the unknown woman

What came out was a large that popped and a  capture net came out coming at the woman

When the girl took notice it was to late as the net had captured her as it tangled her arms and legs together to prevent her trying to fight back

Unknown Girl: Waaaaa

The captured demon girl fell off of the muscular Shuuki and struggles to free herself

Himari: Take that!

Y/N: Nice shot!

Kyoka: Now to deal with you!

The silver haired chief charges at the one horned Shuuki as said demon roars at her

But then

Snap snap snap snap

The sound of ropes being torn resounded through the battlefield

Y/N: She didn't!

Himari: It couldn't be that net had captured a great number of Shuuki's before!

The single horned demon deflected Kyoka's blade by using its horn to do so and push the chief away

Said landed a fair distance before looking over to where the captured humanoid demon girl was

Kyoka: You have to be kidding me!

The demonic woman tore herself out the capture net and throwing its remains on the ground

The white haired girl looks at the remaining seventh unit with a smirk on her face

Unknown Girl: Ha didn't think I break out easily did you

The golden eyed girl said as she gave her enemies the middle finger

Suddenly the girl disappeared from her position to which surprised everyone but

Kyoka: Himari Move!

Unknown girl: But it would be pain to deal with again!

Suddenly the girl appeared right next the blue haired girl as she had an energy beam ready and it was aimed at Himari!

Said noticed the attack with her eyes widen at the speed of the demon woman but Himari was able to react by making her right hand into a shield but unfortunately the girl was send flying thank to the beam because of the attack the blue haired girl lost consciousness

Y/N: Himari!

The boy would glare at the demon woman before throwing a punch at said but unfortunately the demoness assailant dodged

Y/N:(Frustrated Growl)

Humanoid female demon landed on the back of the the one horned Shuuki

Unknown Girl: I'm honestly surprised that there's a Shuuki that can talk

The modern tribal clothed woman said as she analysis Y/N who she doesn't know is actually a human

The silver haired chief came over to Y/N and got his back and tightly grabbing hold of the chains causing the boy to feel what the girl was feeling

The emotion the boy was strongly feeling was pure rage

This made the boy worry about the girl because he has not felt such a strong emotion like the one Kyoka was radiating in such a long time

Suddenly the image of woman with said's eyes being completely black with dark Vain's appearing around her face as those eyes stares at Y/N with those cold black eyes but the young man could feel great rage

The boy shook his head not wanting to remember THAT image

The young man refocused his mind as he settles his sights at the unknown demoness

The two opposing sides charged and clashed against each other causing a shockwave

Demon Girl: Your pretty strong

The one horned Shuuki and Y/N punched at each their colliding creating a large shockwave that caused the combatants to getaway from each other

Kyoka: Are you the leader of the Shuuki's!

Demon girl: Your kinda right but not really you really don't know anything about this accursed world do you

Kyoka: Silence!

The demon girl took out a peach the one that is responsible for giving women supernatural powers

Upon seeing the mystical fruit Kyoka was surprised

Kyoka: A peach?!

Y/N: Wait I thought a woman can only eat one?

Demon Girl: But before I start mopping the floor with you have you seen my little brother he has that great redeeming quality of him being the most handsome in the world

At the moment the girl said those's words made the whole hipe that was building up to disappear with the master and slave looking at their enemy with dumbfounded expressions

Y/N & Kyoka:(Mind) What?!

The two were taken aback by the question

Y/N:(Mind) Is this girl stupid?!

Kyoka:(Mind) The most idiotic thing I have ever heard in the time I have worked in the Mato defense corps

Demon Girl: He would always follow me around everywhere I go saying that it was to protect me from anyone who wants to hurt me Awwww I can't help but find those days the times I have had fun and when I told him if he wanted to help keep me safe then I should learn to cook and clean so that I wouldn't go hungry when there's an emergency as for the cleaning I told that when I'm tired I would not need to because he would finished with it so that I can relax I even made a game out of it by giving him points

Y/N & Kyoka:(Mind) Is this even a fight anymore?

Y/N:(Mind) She sounds like she was trying to make her brother into her own househusband but it's not like it would be a problem in this day in age

What the boy said is true ever since the appearance of Mato when the peaches were discovered it was found out that the peaches give the eater the ability to grow stronger at astonishing speeds and being able to live longer then a normal human would be able to and their immunity system would be better then ever before allowing humans to survive some of the most deadliest of poisons and illnesses and because that fact the women would rarely get sick but the most important thing that made the peaches more important and amazing was that they made it where if the eater would to inbreed with another in their family no disabilities or sickness physical or mental problems would happen which help with humanity growing in numbers!

Of course it doesn't help that it only works for women but luckily scientists from around the world were able to get the benefits from the peaches except the benefit to grow stronger but it was still a great achievement!

Demon Girl: Oh just remembering those days were the best but

The girl cheeks became pink as she looks away from the two and was now acting like an embarrassed school girl which bewildered the two

The demonic humanoid girl shook her head as she coughs before looking back at the two

Demon Girl: Anyways I felt my brother's presence not to long ago but me saying what he looks like won't help my brother's name is-

Before the girl could say the name of her beloved sibling the Shuuki's who were combining had finished doing so


The gigantic demon roared causing Y/N and Kyoka to looks at it


The demonic girl yelled out in anger as she gave the giant Shuuki a terrifying death glare that would terrified anything alive!


The young man's eyes widen as the terrifying presence the demonic girl was producing

Y/N:(Mind) This feeling!

Suddenly the image of a beautiful girl with black hair and black eyes appears in the young man's mind

Right before both master and slave the girl's hair launches at the combined Shuuki

As soon as the girl's hair reached the giant demon it wraps around the Shuuki's upper body and squeeze tightly that it crushes its upper body turning it into a ball

Both Kyoka and Y/N's eyes widen in shock at the scene that had happened right before their eyes

Demon Girl: Here Kidoumaru eat up and get stronger!

The horned demon or now Kidoumaru starts to eats the ball of flesh that was once the combined Shuuki

Kyoka:(Mind) So one horn can get stronger?! Just by eating it's own

Demon Girl: Well since Kidoumaru is getting a power up I'll do the same

Kyoka: Who are you?!

Demon Girl: Me if I had to suggest what I am then

The tribal clothed girl takes out the peach she had hidden and puts near her mouth

Demon Girl: The one who will bring the Mato Defense Corps to its destruction!

With that said the girl ate the peach as the two could feel that humanoid Shuuki power had risen

Shuuki Girl: Enough talking its time to put you in the dirt!

Unfortunately for Y/N and Kyoka the battle against the shuuki girl and Kidoumaru was painful one-sided

The two desperately tried to fight back with Kyoka tightly holding onto Y/N's chains before giving the command

Kyoka: Now!

The young man jumped back reeled his head back then spun his head around as in term launching his master at the Shuuki girl and the one horned Shuuki carrying great force channeling it into her sword hoping that it would be enough to take down her two adversaries


But unfortunately the humanoid demon girl was able to defend against the attack and the single horned demon tries to stab the silver haired girl but Y/N pulled his chain helping Kyoka dodge and land on the boy's right shoulder

The unfortunate one sided fight continues as master and slave desperately try to fight back

Y/N:(Mind) Just from eating a peach this girl became this strong?!

Shuuki Girl: You know you have such a strong Shuuki so-

The demonic girl send out her hair as it relentlessly attacks the pink eyed girl causing said silver haired demon hunter to jump off Y/N to which was what the girl wanted

Shuuki Girl: You don't mind if I take it for myself right!

The female humanoid demoness launches her hair at Y/N who tries to defend himself from being captured

Shuuki Girl: Wow it's even good at defending itself but

Before Y/N knew it he was surrounded by the demoness hair that immediately launched at him with great speed and the boy tried his best to fight them off but


Shuuki Girl: It's still not good enough

Despite his best efforts the young man was captured by the demoness and was then brought before the girl with Y/N trying to break free 

The humanoid Shuuki girl reaches her hand ready claim the Shuuki right before her

But then all of a sudden the girl stops her action as her eyes widen shock

Shuuki Girl: Your not a Shuuki!

The black haired boy looks at the demoness as his eyes widen as well

But then Kyoka comes cutting Y/N free causing the demoness and the one horned Shuuki to move away but as the pair got a distance away the humanoid demon girl had sustained an injury as the silver haired girl was able to cut her making the demon girl hold her arm as she glared at Kyoka but jumped back on the single horned demon patting said demon's head which turned around and ran away from the area to which infuriated Kyoka


The image of Kyoka's people being crushed to death by Kidoumaru powerful punches


But the black haired boy did not appeared to the girl's side which only aggravated said girl making her yell as she turned her head


But as the girl did turned her head she saw that her vice chief was about to eaten as Himari's head was dangerously close to one of the Shuuki's mouth who was about to bite down the blue haired girl's head

But before the Shuuki could devour the blue haired girl suddenly a shadow looms over said demon but before it can turn its ugly head


The demon's head was no longer on its body a


On the ground the Shuuki's head was found completely decapitated

The body of the Shuuki fell on its knees with blood gushing out as we see that Y/N had Himari in his arms carrying the girl like she was a bride

Slave of Kyoka Uzen turned his head making his master turned to see Shushu was surrounded by Shuuki's who look at the girl hungrily

But suddenly Y/N appeared behind the Shuuki's and tore them to pieces and grabbed the unconscious girl before looking over to Kyoka who stared at him for a bit before speaking

Kyoka: Y/N head back to the dorm with the others I-I'll finish off the remaining Shuuki's

The boy didn't say anything but just nodded before dashing off back to dorm

The silver haired girl stood where she was with her fist clenched tightly and her other hand tightly holding her sword with said weapon shaking in her hand

The demons charge at the chief of the seventh unit but as the got close they were cut to pieces with them bursting into blue flames with Kyoka standing at the center with no injuries

Suddenly the girl punched herself in the face

Kyoka: What the hell was doing I almost loss my precious subordinates and Y/N

The image of the boy made Kyoka clenched her fist tightly to the point that blood could be seen coming out of her gloves

Kyoka: I need to make it up to him somehow

With that said the girl quickly left the area and headed back to dorm as she tries to find a way to make it up the black haired boy

Chapter ends

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Joy: Hi everyone it's me your favorite god of entertainment here giving a new chapter to the story I'm sorry that it took me surprisingly long to make it but here it is I really hope everyone likes it and please leave a comment they help me make better quality to my writing well that's it from everyone I hope my beautiful people have a great day or night bye 👋

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