8: I'm Sorry What?!

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Author's POV

The chapter starts with Y/N who can be seen still in his slave form as Kyoka had not undone the transformation

The young man was thinking about Shushu and Himari

The two girls had gotten hurt after fighting against the humanoid Shuuki girl despite their best efforts

Even though their injuries weren't to serious the boy was still worried for them acting like a husband worried for his wife despite that the boy had only known the girls for a month

Himari and him didn't have the best relationship this was because the girl had treated the boy like he was a criminal as if had done a terrible crime subjecting the boy to do hard tasks like cleaning their clothes that have demon blood on them despite the girl knew that the task was hard to do she still made the boy do it treating him like an actual slave

Even though Kyoka respected the Azuma girl and valued her as a subordinate that didn't mean she was going to allow such actions to go unpunished

But the silver haired girl believes that the girl will come around and see Y/N as a fellow comrade and that her view on the boy would change that also include other males as a whole and know that not all men are not what Himari was lead to believe by her family

Slow but surely even though the girl reluctant the girl started show some hints of respect towards the boy and had started have some Conversations with the young man

Despite the verbal interactions between the Azuma girl and the Wakura boy being small it was a step including when the girl stopped giving the boy hard tasks to do instead gave him one's that weren't hard to do

As for the relationship between Shushu and Y/N the two have had great interactions between each after helping eliminate the giant Shuuki problem

The blonde haired girl would invite the young man to play video games together and the two would have conversations with one another which were usually about anime, manga or video games they like or played in the past or were probably thinking of getting in the near future

Tap tap tap

The slave of Kyoka Uzen felt a small hand patting his back making him look to see that it was the seventh unit's clairvoyant

Nei looks up to Y/N giving the boy a reassuring smile which made the boy a feel little calm

Nei: Don't worry Himari and Shushu-Chan will be okay their strong

Y/N: I know but I just wish I could've done more

The pink haired member of the seventh unit hugs our black haired protagonist who was taken aback by the sudden action

Nei: Don't worry and that's an order from your superior

The stood there for a few seconds before Hugging back the pink haired clairvoyant before releasing the girl who would then leave not before looking back to Y/N giving the another reassuring smile before leaving the room

Kyoka: Y/N

The boy would then look over to see his master who has a troubled expression

Kyoka: Please come to my office we need to talk

With that said the two would head to Kyoka's office in order to talk about what happened during their mission

Scene change

Kyoka and Y/N both are seen in the silver haired girl's office with the young man still in his slave form

Kyoka: Both Himari and Shushu will be making a full recovery luckily their injuries weren't to severe

Y/N: That's good to hear

Kyoka: I'm-I'm sorry!

The silver haired girl said to her slave with said being taken aback by what Kyoka just said

Y/N: What?

Kyoka: It was about what happened during our subjugation

Y/N: Oh that

Kyoka: You saw a side I never intended show you must be disgusted with my behavior and actions

The boy would then remember how Kyoka had lost herself in rage and hate and almost got both Himari and Shushu killed but luckily Y/N was able save them before the two girls met their gruesome ends

The silver haired girl turned her back to Y/N

Y/N: Kyoka

Kyoka: I know I understand you want out because you don't want to put your trust in me after what happened I-


The girl stopped speak because of Y/N yelling out her name

Y/N: I don't blame you for what happened

The young man did not get a response from his master so he took it as a sign for him to continue speaking

Y/N: When you saw that one horned demon you lost it but you were able to snapped out of it what I'm trying to say is what matters is that both Shushu and Himari are alive you don't need to blame yourself

Kyoka:(Mind) Even though with the way I acted and that I could've have endangered the team Y/N

The silver haired girl slowly turns to Y/N

Kyoka:(Mind) You still choose to see the bright side of things

The girl fully turns to Y/N who is surprised by the sight before him

Kyoka:(Mind) And for that I'm glad I made you my slave

A blush was seen on the boy's face as he saw his master's beautiful smiles

Kyoka: Thank you Y/N

Be-dum be-dum be-dum

The young man's heartbeat increased as his blood rushed to his cheeks as he turned his head slightly

Y/N:(Mind) Damn you Kyoka why do you have to be so damn beautiful

The girl noticed her slave had averted his eyes from her's confusing the silver haired girl

Kyoka:(Mind) What's up with him?

The boy shook his head

Y/N: Y-your welcome

Kyoka: Well then

The seventh unit's chief comes over to Y/N

Kyoka: I'm going to undo the transformation

At that moment boy hopes that it's a tame reward because he doesn't want to ruin the moment that him and Kyoka had

The young man shone as the girl undid her blessing

The light died down and showed Y/N back to his human form as Kyoka's eyes glow like a rainbow and soon disappeared

Scene change

Kyoka Uzen the chief of the seventh unit the owner of blessing Eternal Chains: Slave can be seen with her head laying on Y/N's chest as the two watch a movie together with beverages and snacks on the living room table

Kyoka:(Mind) This was unexpected

Y/N:(Mind) So the reward is of me watching a movie with Kyoka while enjoying some good food and drinks

The boy said as a blush appears on his face because of how close Kyoka is

Y/N:(Mind) There was a time I wanted to go and watch a movie with-

The young man stopped his thought as the image of a girl with white haired having a dark and sinister aura around her with her eyes looking at Y/N while black Vain's appear around her face

The slave of Kyoka Uzen shook his head the boy did not want to remember such a memory

The silver haired master had noticed her slave's behavior was confused

Kyoka: Y/N you okay?

The boy looks at his master for a bit before putting up a smile hoping to fool her

Y/N: Yeah I'm alright I'm just thinking about Himari and Shushu

Kyoka: You don't have to worry those two will be fine

Y/N: I guess your right

With that the two continue to watch the movies together with Y/N thinking he has fooled his master

However Kyoka wasn't fooled she could tell that something was up with her slave but decided not to delve to much about it believing that one day Y/N will tell her about what was troubling him

Two days Time skip brought to you by

Shushu: Ah it feels good to be back

Y/N: It's good to have you both back!

Both Himari and Shushu were in the living room as they had finally returned from being cared for at the Mato hospital

Kyoka: It's good to have both of you back

The blue haired girl looks at Y/N to which the boy took notice and turns to look at the Azuma girl but said had turned her head

Nei: Nei is happy that everyone is happy!

Y/N: I'll go make some food!

The slave of Kyoka Uzen said as he went into the kitchen to make some food

A certain vice chief took the chance and went into the kitchen as the other girls talked to one another

Himari looks at Y/N as he cooks food for the whole unit as said girl looks behind her to see that the other are to engrossed in their conversation to notice that she was gone

Well except Kyoka who looks at before giving the girl a thumbs up like she was trying to encourage the blue haired girl which surprised her but she re-focus her attention towards the black haired boy who has noticed without a doubt is to busy cooking to notice the vice chief

The Azuma girl soon walked over to the black haired boy who continues to cook without even noticing the girl who took a taste on the meals he was making

Y/N:(Satisfied smile) Yeah that's good the girls will love it!

Tap tap tap

Y/N: Huh

The young man begins turn but smiles believing he knows who it is

Y/N: Don't worry Nei I will make sure there will be enough fo-

The boy stopped mid sentence and saw that it wasn't the adorable pink haired girl instead it the boy see that it's the blue haired girl

Himari: Sorry to disappoint but I'm not Nei

Y/N: Azuma-San what are you doing here

The young man said as he turned off the stove as he fully turned his body to the blue haired girl giving said his undivided attention

Himari: Hi I

Y/N: Hmm

Himari: I wa-

Y/N: You wa- what?

The young man said confused about what the blue haired girl is trying but Himari got pissed off before finally saying what she needed to say

Himari: I wanted to say thank you!

Silence that became the only sound that could be heard throughout the kitchen

Y/N: What!

Himari: I'm not repeating myself!

With that the girl immediately ran out of the kitchen leaving the black haired boy behind who stood in place like statue before finally breaking free from his stupor as he realizes that the girl just thanked him

The young man was taken aback the sudden "thank you" that Himari had done

Y/N shakes his head before going back to cooking food for the seventh unit as Himari's words linger in his mind

Y/N:(Mind) Did that really just happened?

Shaking his head the young man went back to cooking the meal and after doing so the boy brought the food to the dining table and called out to everyone with the rest of the seventh unit coming in ready to fest on Y/N's delicious home cooked meal

Scene change

Our protagonist can be seen in the seventh unit's bathhouse as he was rinsing himself as the black haired boy thinks back about the demonic humanoid girl

Y/N: Aoba

The boy said as he remembers their altercation as he thinks about the girl he starts to thinks is actually his is elder female sibling

But the big question is how in the mother that is all holy did Aoba Wakura become the way she is

How did elder Wakura sibling became the way she is

Y/N: Wait she eat a peach could it be

But before the boy could dwell in his own thoughts

When suddenly he felt two hands on his back

Y/N: Wha

The boy was about to turn his head but

Shushu: Hi relax it's me!

Y/N: Shushu!?

The young man exclaimed in surprised as he wasn't expecting the blonde to be in the bathhouse

Y/N: Wait I thought I put up a stay out sign

Shushu: Sign what sign?!

The green eyed girl said as she made a mischievous grin

Shushu's Flash back

Shushu Suruga the owner of the blessing Imperial liberation: Paradigm shift could be seen trying to look sneaky as she approaches the door to the bathhouse as she had found from Nei that Y/N was using it so the girl decided to"Surprise" the young man

The Suruga girl is then seen removing the stay out sign and hides it and quickly goes in

Shushu's Flash back ends

And surprise she did

Shushu: Yeah I definitely didn't see a sign

Y/N: Weird I thought I did?

Shushu: Doesn't matter now let me wash your back

The girl said as she grabbed hold of a scrubber and puts shampoo on it and dips it in water

Y/N: Hi no Wa-

The boy was cut off as Shushu stopped him

Shushu: Hey don't turn

The girl said as she begins to wash our protagonist back with the young man freezing in place as he thinks

Y/N:(Mind) Wait a minute she told me not to turn around does that mean Shushu isn't wearing a towel?!

The young man thought to himself before shaking her head

Y/N:(Mind) No she probably only said that just to mess with that means she does have a towel on and waiting to laugh at me

As the black eyed boy thought before shaking his head

Y/N:(Mind) No No probably isn't wearing a towel or Is! it's a probably damn it!

The young man thought having no other Choice obviously he didn't want to be accuse of being a pervert Y/N could only hope that Shushu won't go further then washing his back because he did not want to mentally scar the girl

Y/N:(Mind) Damn it why did this happen?

As Y/N was thinking about how he could get out of the situation that he has found himself in Shushu had a big smile on her face as she overjoyed that she could wash her crush's back

Shushu:(Mind) If I take this slow I know I can get Y/N-kun to fall for me

The green eyed girl thought to herself as her plan was to take things nice and slow so that the black haired boy would eventually fall for her

But unknown to the girl was that she was skipping a few steps but that was the fault of her own inpatients and excitement including her youth

The blonde haired beauty soon grabbed a bucket and filled it with water then dropped it on her crush's back to wash away the soup

Y/N:(Mind) Although I have to admit it does feel nice to have my back wash by a beautiful girl at least one that isn't treating me like some toy or eran boy

Shushu: Alright your back is completely Wa-

But before the girl could finish her sentence suddenly a voice was then heard

Himari: Shushu is that you

At that moment the boy and girl went quite until the blonde haired girl decided to stupidly respond

Shushu: N-No?

Himari: Haha nice I'm coming in

Shushu; Wait no do-

Unfortunately it was too late as the blue haired girl had already entered the bathhouse fully naked as the day she was born

Himari: Now Shushu ca-

However before she could finish her sentence she immediately froze as the girl see that Y/N was in the bathhouse


However The girl just realized at that moment that her body was fully exposed as the boy could not avert his eyes from the girl's beautiful naked body

Y/N:(Mind) Fuck!

Scene change


The slave of Kyoka Uzen can be seen running out of the bathhouse with a towel on that was covering his manhood


Roared the Azuma girl as she chased down
Y/N with her right hand transformed into a chainsaw!


Himari: Grrrr

Meanwhile with Shushu the girl takes out the sign that was hidden in her basket as she had an apologetic expression

Shushu: Maybe this was a bad idea

Kyoka: What is there so much screaming I'm trying to get my paperwork do-

The silver haired chief of the seventh unit stop as she sees her blonde hair subordinate holding a sign that said "boy is in bath do not enter"

Kyoka Uzen was very familiar with Shushu's interest in men as the girl had never interacted physically or verbally with any male this was because she was send to study in a school for girls only probably because her father did not want lose his baby girl and did not want her to be corrupted by other men

Kyoka: Suruga what the hell did you do!

The chief of the seventh unit shouted at her subordinate who winced knowing full well that she was in trouble

Back with our protagonist who is dodging the chainsaw that threaten to cut him into pieces

Y/N: Hey Quit it you might hurt someone with that thing

Himari: The only one whose going to get hurt is you!

As the boy turned he realized that it was a dead end!

The boy was about to turn around but

Himari: Got you!

That was it the young man had enough of the girl's prejudice against

Y/N: That's it!

The black haired boy launches a strong kick that hit Himari in the stomach

Himari: GAHHH

Because of the unexpected attack on her and accompanied with the pain the girl felt her right hand that was transformed into a chainsaw deformed back to being a hand

But that did not stop there as the Wakura boy grabs hold of Himari's right arm and body slammed the girl into the ground

Himari:(Coughs out saliva)

Meanwhile Vain's started to appear around the young man's arms and legs including
Y/N's face

The young man was trying to restrain himself from doing anymore that what he intended to do


Unfortunately the black eyed boy felt the unholy urge to do more then to do minor damage

And that feeling was getting stronger with each passing moment

Y/N:(Strained) N-No not here not now

As the Vain's appeared they would eventually disappear as the young man breaths a sigh of relief

Kyoka: Y/N stop I-

The silver haired girl said as she saw that Himari was on the ground in pain

Kyoka: N-never mind

The girl said as she sighs understanding that she was to late

The silver haired girl came over to Himari and helped the girl up but also look at the extent of her damage but luckily it was small

Our Protagonist Sheepishly scratches the back of his head knowing but Kyoka wasn't mad at him because she knew that the boy had very little choice in matter and if she was right about what weapon her vice chief transformed her right hand into then it was alright and that was she going to have talk with Himari about her anger issues and about her jumping the gun

But as the silver haired girl was taking the blue haired girl suddenly she stopped as her and Y/N felt that something or someone was about to arrive

Suddenly a tear in space and time appears as it expands as two people suddenly appeared from it

A beautiful girl with lime green hair and blue eyes was the first to appear as she is wearing a Mato Defense Corps uniform this means that the girl works in the same organization as Kyoka but Y/N can tell that the girl wasn't any ordinary member as he tell that the girl is quit stronger then any of its basic members meaning the girl is that of a Chief this girl her name is Tenka Izumo the chief of the sixth unit

Coming right after Tenka was a blue haired girl with yellow eyes with her hair tied in twin tails this girl is wearing a Mato Defense Corps uniform meaning just like Tenka the girl also works for the same organization this girl her name is Yachiho Azuma

Tenka: I see that the seventh unit is still as lively as usual

Kyoka: Tenka you shouldn't just appear without notifying me

Tenka: Yes but I wanted to talk about the humanoid Shuuki's that you reported about

Kyoka: So that's why you came

Tenka: Yes

Kyoka: Alright then just let me get Himari to her room bef-

However before the silver haired girl could finish her sentence her vice chief interrupted

Himari: No I'm good I can stand

Kyoka: But your hurt

Himari: Please chief

Himari said as she glared at Yachiho who gave the girl a smug smirk

The steel haired girl sighs knowing that she cannot change her vice Chief's mind

Kyoka: Fine then go get changed we'll be meeting in the living room within ten minutes

Himari: Yes chief

The blue haired girl said as she left the area but stumbled a bit as she was still recovering from her small injuries

Tenka: So your the rumored slave-kun am I correct

The black haired boy quickly turned around to see that The chief of the six unit was now in front of him

Y/N:(Taken Aback) What the

The young man looked to where the lime green haired girl's previous position was then looked at the girl's new position

Tenka: You can thank my blessing for it

The young man then thought about the girl's blessing and that it almost reminded him of Emily's but he could tell that it's different from the brown haired girl's blessing and much more powerful

Y/N: I-I see

Small thud

A sound was heard but one that Y/N didn't hear except for the girls who were in the area 

Simultaneously the girls look down only to see that a towel was on the ground which greatly confused them that was until they were bringing their eyes up only to see what Y/N had hidden in pants that was attached to the young man

Kyoka:(Blushes & Shocked)

Tenka:(Blushes & Surprised)

Yachiho:(Blushes & Speechless)

Suddenly the young man felt a small breeze causing him to look down and make him realize that his "Family jewels" were out for all to see

If that wasn't bad enough the boy suddenly had the image of Kyoka completely naked appeared in his mind

This consequently caused his "little friend" to rise to great heights

Kyoka & Tenka & Yachiho:(Minds) ITS A BEAST!

and then

Shushu: Hi Y/N I need to te-

The blonde hair girl owner of the blessing paradigm shift suddenly appeared and saw what the three girls were looking at which made her scream in shock

Scene change

After the incident in which took the two Chiefs time to get over what they saw but Yachiho and Shushu were still recovering from what they saw

The entirety of the seventh unit are in the living room along with Tenka and Yachiho

But Tenka would steal a glance at Y/N mostly where his reproductive organ was and would blush about what she saw but would try her best to look away

As for Kyoka the girl was hesitant about Y/N standing next to her after seeing the young man's "Family Jewels" making her act a bit timid towards the boy

As for Y/N he just wants to get the meeting over with so he can go to his room and sleep off the incident and hope that everything would be back the way it was

Tenka: I read about the report about the humanoid Shuuki and took to Commander Ren Yamashiro she immediately announced that The other units will cooperate with one another after reading the report that one commander just isn't enough and that Kyoka would not be allowed to participate in any Shuuki hunts from now on for a whole month this was because of how she acted in her battle against said being and Ren is very disappointed about it but hopes that Kyoka will understand not to bring her feelings in a fight as the lives of others are far more important

The silver haired girl nodded at her punishment taking it with grace not complaining about it

Suddenly Yachiho spoke up as she wanted to forget what she saw not to long ago

Yachiho: In truth we all wouldn't have to deal with this if a certain someone didn't get watch her own back

The blue haired girl said smugly as she looks towards Himari who glares at said girl

Yachiho: I have great confidence in working with you chief Kyoka but the person you trust the most leaves much to be desired

Y/N did not like how the girl said her words they were obviously said to agitate a particular person and he can tell that those words were aimed at Himari

Kyoka also noticed it and also noticed that
Y/N was about to barge in the meeting so the silver haired girl came up with an idea

Kyoka: If that you feel then how about we have Mato exhibition

Yachiho: Ooh

Tenka: I had a feeling you would suggest something like this

Y/N:(Mind) If I'm right a Mato exhibitions is a competition between two units who aren't able to see eye to eye on certain things the games could just be anything but this one is going to be one on one fights

Kyoka: This is just to show the skills each other have so that the other would know that can put their trust In them

Tenka: I'll take this up HQ they will prepare everything

Yachiho: I hope not to be disappointed and since I'm being generous how about we give you all a month to get ready is that good enough good don't waste it


Tenka: Bye slave-Kun!

Y/N: I have a name please use it

Tenka: Bye Y/N-Kun

With that the two left through a portal leaving the seventh unit's dormitory

The blue haired girl comes over to Kyoka giving said girl a determined expression

Himari: Chief I have a request will you help prepare for the exhibition match

The girl said with determination as she took a quick glance at Y/N before looking back to Kyoka

Y/N had noticed that Himari had just looked at him even if it was for a split second

Kyoka: It will be physically demanding

Himari: So long as I win I'll do whatever it's takes to win!

Kyoka: then you better start training if you wish to win don't waste this chance

The silver haired girl said as she left the room as the blue haired girl came towards Y/N with a fiery determination

Himari: I Himari Azuma claim you as my slave be grateful

The girl would then leave back to her room in order to get rest

Meanwhile our black eyed protagonist was left frozen in place after Himari's declaration



The young man shouted out throughout the entire of the seventh unit's dormitory

Chapter ends:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Joy: Hope you lovely people love this new chapter to the story sorry if took longer then expected I had some writers block but now I have finally finished making this chapter please leave a comment they help me make better Quality writing okay that's it from me hope y'all have a great day or night bye 👋

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