Prologue: The Birth of A Slave

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Author's POV

Life isn't fair especially when you were born a man

Your all probably asking what that means

It all started when an extra dimension suddenly appeared out of nowhere and from that dimension came demonic creatures that started to cause death and destruction everywhere they went without a reason

Humanity tried to fight back but unfortunately it seems modern weapons had no effect on them and humanity struggle to survive against

But that all changed when humanity discovered peaches that grow in Mato

The reason why these peach changed was because they are able to give special powers to each individual

But there was a problem

And that problem was that only women could could gain superpowers and unfortunately men could not gain special powers

Because of this women became the only ones to stand against the demons which were later called Shuuki's and the place they reside from was called Mato

the concept of gender equality between men and women crumbled and became almost nonexistent

We see a school on a beautiful sunny day

???: Okay I want this class to cleaned before the first bell no slacking

???: Excuse me ma'am

The female teacher turned her head to a young black haired and yellow eyed man this young his name is Y/N Wakura

Teacher: Yes mister Wakura what is it that you need?

Y/N: The classroom is already cleaned!

The teacher was surprised before looking into the class and lord and behold the whole classroom was cleaned it was so cleaned that the whole room was shining so bright that the male students and teachers had to put on sunglasses in order not to go blind

However the female teacher did not have any sunglasses and ended up going blind


The male students along with a few male teachers had to hold in their laughter

The female teacher ran but you could hear a thud that probably meant she fell and probably passed out

Y/N checked if the room was really cleaned in his case it was better safe then sorry

Male student 1: And here comes the girls tardy as ever

Y/N got finished and went to the window taking out a seat and setting down on it

Y/N: We'll unfortunately that's just how it is now men can't get powers and because of that way of thinking men became second class civilians and nobody was going able to do anything about it for the girls they like it that way and could care less what a man has to say

2nd male student: Fucking sucks balls

1st male student: Wait what the hell when did those two get together!

The some of the male students came over to the window and a guy holding a girls hand

3rd Male student: Oh yeah the guy wanted to thank the girl because if it wasn't for her training he wouldn't have won that Soccer competition and they both became a couple

Y/N can see that girl had a small blush and smile on her face with the guy also having a small blush and smile his face

Our Protagonist then remembered that his older sister Aobe always held his hand when they walked back home from school with her smiling down at him and Y/N smiling at her

The male students didn't notice but Y/N fist clenched tightly

Y/N:(Mind) Don't worry Aoba just wait a bit longer

The yellow eyed teen then took out his phone but before Y/N turned it on he looked to see that his male classmates were chatting among each other then looked back at his phone turning it on

Y/N:(Mind) I'll get to Mato and I'll find you no matter what shit I have to go through to get there

On the phone screen it shows A job advertisement that was posted by the The Mato Defense Corps it said

Job advertisement: Hello we of the Mato Defense Corps are currently hiring for a caretaker for each unit the job will be in Mato please do not worry because each unit has a strong barrier that protects each units home base from Shuuki's so there is no need for you to panic just sign up your important information but if you are a male! then be warn for if you do any unspeakable acts against the members of the units you would not only be fired but also be arrested! but if your a woman then please sign up! don't worry you're safety will be secured after all we are The Mato Defense Corps so why wouldn't we insure your safety?

So the classroom started to get filled up with the female students and with class started and Y/N taking his seat at his desk and turning the sound of his phone off before the device off itself

Timeskip brought to by

(I tried I really did)

We see our protagonist walking in town as he had decided not to go home for the time being


I look long and hard at my phone looking at the job advertisement from the Mato Defense Corps


I'm having a hard time deciding to take the job it would without a doubt get me into Mato


Its going to be difficult because the women in the unit I'll be placed in will give me a hard time without a doubt because of my gender

But if I make a good meal for them then they'll leave me alone

Y/N: That would be the plan bribe them with food after all the way to a woman's heart is her damn stomach a bunch of gluttons

But then I remember back at school that the boy and girl were holding hands together and actually enjoyed each other's company even during the entire day of school

Y/N:(Sighs) I keep forgetting that not all girls are the same and great now I feel like a complete jerk

Author's POV

The black haired teen said as he looks up at the sun setting sky before looking back at the job advertisement

Sighing to himself Y/N turned off his phone before beginning to walk back home

Y/N: I should give it some more thought about it for now I should get some groceries and train a bit before going to sleep

But as Y/N was about to walk away suddenly a fog appeared out of nowhere causing the boy to be surprised and confused

Until Y/N remember this fog

Y/N: wait a minute this fog could it be

Our Protagonist remembers that his older sister and him were walking together to the mall but only for a mysterious fog to appear out of nowhere and before Y/N even knew Aoba had been taken away by the fog

Y/N clenched his fist as he then glares at the fog

Y/N: Fucking Mato Disaster

The young man was then swallowed by the fog and then found himself in the place that his sister disappeared to

And that place was called................ Mato

Y/N: So this is Mato

The young man said carefully scanning his surroundings making very sure to take in every detail

Y/N: It's as I would have imagine it to be nothing more then something that belongs in a horror movie

Beep beep beep

Y/N: ?!

Our Protagonist soon took out his phone and beeps

Y/N's phone: Emergency please remain calm you have been transported into Mato

Y/N: No shit

Y/N's Phone: Do not panic a unit near by has been notified and will be their to rescue you please stay where you are

Y/N soon turned off his phone

Y/N: Stay put yeah right that's like telling me to get myself killed and be an easy snack for the Shuuki's

Suddenly something crashed behind Y/N causing the boy to turn around to see a Shuuki who was now looking at him like he was a snack

Y/N: Should have kept my mouth shut

The monstrosity launched a devastating punch towards the young man but Y/N jumped away a good distance away from the Shuuki

Y/N: That was cl-

Before the young man could finish his sentence the Shuuki attacked once again trying to crush the boy with its fist

But the young man's whose was surprised being suddenly attacked face turned from surprise to serious

Our Protagonist launched his mortal hands towards the demon's fist

As the young man's hands made contact the thing's fist he grabbed hold of the monster's fist as tightly as he could

Using his strength the young man pulled and twisted his body and swung the Shuuki's a great distance

The Shuuki landed back onto the ground but skidded trying to stop itself as it finally stopped skidded and looked at Y/N before releasing an inhuman roar at Y/N

Y/N: I guess I don't really have a choice do I?

The black haired took off his school blazer and his button shirt throwing them aside revealing he was a wearing a black tank top that was tightly hugged his upper body his none sleeved arms showing showing an impressive amount of muscle's and his abs that the shirt was unable to hide

Y/N: Better

Suddenly a small group of Shuuki's suddenly came which made Y/N have a sweat drop form on his head but the young still stood his ground showing that he was not going to back down even though the odds were now against him


The young man then rushes at the creatures one of them tries to punch Y/N but the young man jumps high and gets behind the Shuuki's then rushing at the horde who tried to stop their movement but couldn't as Y/N reeled his fist back using his movement he gathers it onto his fist and punches a Shuuki which went right through the Shuuki's head

But Y/N's punch didn't stop their it went through two more Shuuki's killing them in the process

Y/N then landed on the ground after killing the three Shuuki's but Y/N wasn't done their

The boy had already build up kinetic energy and so stomp his feet's to the ground Y/N before charging at the Shuuki's again

Y/N had killed one Shuuki by literally punched it's head off it body

Y/N killed another Shuuki by punching a ohole right through effectively killing it

The young man continue to kill the Shuuki's but some of the demonic abominations were able to get on the young man making Y/N bleed but the black haired teen did not stop his assault

The young man was punched by a Shuuki causing him to get send flying into a wall yet despite the pain the black haired teen was in Y/N forced his body to stand and continue the fight

This was because Y/N refused to be a bystander who watched from the sidelines while others fought to protect him because he was a male who couldn't have powers like women who could gain and needed to be protected

The young man refused to the one who needed to be protected



Because instead he will be The Who fights for himself

And if someone was in trouble

Y/N would without a doubt jump in to protect them

Because that is the type of person he wants to become a person where nobody needed to worry about a person that others could count on

And to see his sister Aoba Wakura and bring her back home

Y/N had took notice that the battle was over as the dead bodies of Shuuki's lay on the ground with their green like blood leaking from their bodies as they burst into blue flames

The young man fell to his knees exhausted from the fight

It was then the young man finally took notice that his body had blood leak from it and bruises that he without a doubt tank from the Shuuki's and his tank top was all torn up from the fight

But the young man knew that he needed to escape because their might be more Shuuki's in the area and no doubt heard the sound of his fight

The young man was about to force his body to get up

???: This is unexpected

A female voice was heard that sound nice to Y/N

The young man turned his head to look at the woman

The woman in question had beautiful silver hair that resembled steel her pink eyes without a doubt outmatch a pink gem and those eyes were now looking at Y/N this woman was also wearing the anti-demon defense corps uniform and having Y/N could see was a katana that Y/N could tell that was in its scabbard held on the right side of her hip and this woman had devil like horns on her head but Y/N guess they were accessory and not real horns this woman her name is Kyouka Uzen the chief of the seventh unit

It was then that Y/N took notice that the girl was on top of a.................... SHUUKI!?

Y/N was shock to see this and begin to force his body to stand after doing so Y/N stood back on his two feet he got into a fighting stance

Seeing this shocked Kyouka Uzen but before the girl say anything y/n spoke although it was strained because of the pain he was in

Y/N: Mi-Miss ge-get-Getaway fr-fro-from th-that th-thing

Kyouka was confused by what Y/N meant that was until she heard an inhuman groan she looked to see that it was the Shuuki whose back she was on

It took a few seconds for Kyouka to realize that Y/N was talking about the Shuuki whose back she was on

Kyouka: NO WAIT!

The girl shouted at the young man making him stop and making him look at her in confusion of why she stopped him from attacking and potentially killing the Shuuki

Kyouka: It's not a threat thanks to my peach blessing

Upon hearing this Y/N now understood but wasn't going to let his guard down

The white hair girl sighs relief that a fight did not escalate because she felt a certain emotion that the Shuuki she is riding on was currently feeling

It was a Emotion that she didn't expect the bloodthirsty monster would have

And that emotion was


kyouka was very surprised that the Shuuki was afraid not of her or her unit NO it was afraid the young man who had killed a small group of his own kind

Y/N: Aahh

Kyoukq heard The shout of pain coming from Y/N making the girl quickly look at the boy who had just collapsed 

Seeing this the pink eye girl immediately got off the Shuuki and ran over to Y/N only to realize that his wounds were bad but not bad enough where the boy's life was in danger

The girl was relief that the boy wasn't in any life threatening danger

Suddenly the ground started shaking alerting the two as they knew that it wasn't an earth

Kyoka & Y/N: Shuuki's

The two turned their heads to look to see a large group of Shuuki's who are running towards them

Kyoka: I need to-

Before the the girl could finish her sentence Y/N begins to force his body to stand after struggling to do so Y/N was able to force himself to stand

Seeing this Kyoka was shock yet again before she stood up herself and got in front of Y/N to stop the boy

Kyoka: Stop I can't let you fight

Y/N: Bu-

Kyoka: I'm sorry but in your condition you would die and I can't let that happen

Y/N was about to Retort but the young man felt a painful stinging sensation all across his body causing him to fall to the ground but the girl was able to prevent that by catching him

The silver haired woman tightly held Y/N but not to tight not wanting to hurt the boy she brought the young man with her and got on top of the Shuuki of course the demonic creature was scared of Y/N but doesn't have a choice as it's master wish and it could not go against them

Kyoka: Hold on tight

Y/N although reluctant because he was cover in some blood but didn't want to argue with the girl and did as she had asked him to do

Y/N: Sorry about the blood

The red eyed Chief smiled showing that she wasn't really bothered by the blood

Kyoka: Let's go!

With that said the Shuuki ran at the horde of Shuuki's as Kyoka begins cutting them to pieces

The black haired male teen couldn't help but be amazed by the woman's swordsmanship and strength

After cutting down a large number of Shuuki's in her wake the two were able to get away safely but the Shuuki their riding on was badly hurt from the fight

Kyoka:(Mind) This one is reaching its limit

A jeep then appears beside the two as their four people in it

The first person is a girl with blue hair and yellow eyes wearing the same uniform as Kyoka the girl seems to be around Y/N's age at lest that is what Y/N is thinking this girl her name is Himari Azuma the vice chief of the seven unit

The second girl that is with Himari is a blond hair and green eyed girl and both cute and sexy and wearing the same uniform as Kyoka this girl her name is Shushu Suruga she is also apart of the seventh unit

The last girl seem's to be a young little girl who has pink and cute blue blue this little girl is also wearing the same uniform as Shushu and Himari and Kyoka Y/N suspects that the girl looks old enough to be in kindergarten this little bundle of joy her name is Nei Ookawamura she is also a member of the seventh unit


The blue haired girl shouted in shock as she saw the state Y/N was in no one could really blame her for her reaction

Kyoka: Later have the other victims been evacuated

Himari was shock as she looked at Y/N's bloodily body but after her Kyoka words help helped her get out of her shock

Himari: Ye-Yes! Luckily it was only one little boy

Our Protagonist looked at said young male

Then realization hit the boy like a lightning bolt

Y/N: One kid?!

The young black haired boy said almost shouting out hoping to get the others attention which thank god it did

Kyoka: What?! What is it!?

Y/N: Th-there wasn't one kid there were two a little girl was with the boy

Upon hearing this the others were shock to hear this as Y/N remembered that he when was leaving to go back home there were two kids in the same area with him

Before anyone could question Y/N the little boy woke

Little boy: Huh what?!

The child said as he was confused of where he was getting but Shushu came to the rescue

Shushu: Hi don't worry your safe little guy!

This seem to calm the boy until he look around and said in worry

Little boy: Wait! Where my Oni-Chan?!

The scream of a girl was heard causing everyone to worry

Y/N looked down and saw a little girl running away from a Shuuki

Y/N: Down

Kyoka looks at Y/N

Y/N: Look down

The white haired woman did so and saw the endangered little girl

Kyoka: Shushu cut off the other Shuuki's 

The blonde haired did as she told and jump down and suddenly grew very large to point she was almost as tall as a skyscraper

This sight greatly surprised Y/N as he saw the girl stomp her foot making a shockwave and soon swiped her right hand eliminating a large number of the Shuuki's

Soon both Kyoka and Y/N went down to rescue the little girl who was still being chased by three Shuuki's

Himari stopped the jeep as her right hand suddenly transformed into a machine gun! and started firing at the the Shuuki's who were chasing after the little girl but was only able to take down two while third was able to dodge the bullets

Kyoka then took notice that the spike collar around the Shuuki that she and Y/N are riding on was cracking causing her to curse under her breath

Without hesitation the pink eyed woman cut its head off so that the Shuuki wouldn't even get a chance to cause any harm

Kyoka tried to grabbed Y/N but unfortunately she was unable to catch the boy in time

Y/N saw that he was falling at alarming rate


The young man was about to move his body and now rolled on the ground even though his body was crying in pain because of the fight he had not to long ago

Y/N:(Groans in pain)

The young man was able to stop himself as the painful stinging sensation spread around his body

Kyoka: You okay!?

The silver haired woman had come over to y/n right she landed

Y/N: Ga i- I'll be fine

Little girl:(Screaming in terror)

The two look to see the little girl had fell onto the ground as the Shuuki that was chasing after her jumped and was going to crush the girl to death

In that moment The memory of Aoba smiling down at him appeared in the boy's mind

Before Kyoka could rush to the little girl's rescue Y/N had already dashed at the Shuuki

Kyoka: No get back!

The girl shouted but the black haired boy couldn't hear her

The boy's body was screaming at him to stop because of the pain but the young man ignored it and ran forward

Y/N just couldn't let another little brother lose their big sister he would not allow it to happen

A memory of Y/N telling Aoba that he would protect her

The young man's eyes glowed as he rushed towards the Shuuki

The boy soon crashed into the Shuuki as the two were crashed into a stone wall

A struggle was heard as Kyoka heard roar of the two

That was until Kyoka heard Y/N yell


As that was heard the sound of the two combatant went silent this worried Kyoka as she grabbed hold of the little girl as she ran over hoping to see if Y/N was still alive

Kyoka:(Mind) Please be alright

That was when she saw something fall and Kyoka realized that as she got a close look at the object it was the head of the Shuuki

The smoke cleared out as Kyoka saw Y/N standing on top of the corpse of the defeated Shuuki


The young man roared out triumphantly as he was covered in blood of the Shuuki

Himari and Shushu and Nei were both shock by the sight and their reaction was justified as they never seen a male actually defeat a Shuuki before because only women could only defeat the demonic monstrosities

Even though Kyoka had already seen it the silver haired woman was still surprised

As soon as the boy ceased his roar and was about to fall but Kyoka had made it in time and caught the boy

Kyoka looks the boy to see he was covered in more Shuuki blood then before as it overshadowed his own blood


Kyoka looks up to see more Shuuki's were coming it seems this horde was able to get around Shushu

Thinking quickly Kyoka took out talisman and and stabbed it with her sword into the ground which created a barrier around herself and Y/N and the little girl

Kyoka: Don't worry I put a barrier

Y/N: Y-Yeah but?!

The young man said as groan in pain and looks at the barrier to see it cracking this was because of the Shuuki's who were trying to break through it to which is scaring the poor little girl

The white haired woman looks at her right hand as if reminiscing something

Kyoka:(Mind) My ability is one failure of a power

The red eyed woman said as she remembered the amazing abilities that the other chief's have Kyoka was not going to lie she was envious of their peach blessings and angry that out of all of them she had to get a worthless power

Kyoka then remembered what two certain chiefs said to


Certain chief 1: Your strong Uzen that much can be said but your power is uh

Certain Chief 2: Look it's just your goal to becoming the commander is just going to be a dream maybe it's best to give up?

Flashback end

The girl gritted her teeth in anger

Kyoka:(Mind) Screw that I will become the commander I will without a doubt and lead all the chiefs

The chief of the seventh unit looks at Y/N who is trying his best calm the little girl

Kyoka:(Mind) I haven't confirmed if it works on an actual human but I don't have a choice

The white haired woman speaks getting the attention of Y/N and the little girl

Kyoka: I believe I have a way for all of us to get out of this alive but your

The woman said as she points at Y/N who is surprise

Kyoka: Need to do your part

Kyoka said but if anyone else heard what she said they would look at her as if she was crazy

Which is justified because Y/N is injured from his fights against some of the Shuuki's so does she expect him to help

Kyoka: I'm very aware of your condition but don't worry because of my ability will help

As Y/N hears is amazed but is cautious

But as he looks at the little girl who is hugging him

Y/N wanting to help the little girl reunite with her little brother clenches his fist as he makes his decision that no matter what he will reunite the little girl with her brother

Y/N looks at Kyoka with a determined expression on his face and girl could literally see fire in the boy's eyes

Kyoka was taken aback but smiled at Y/N despite his own injuries the boy in front of her was still willing to fight

The beautiful woman got on her knees and looked at the little girl

Kyoka: Okay miss I need you to go over there(Points) and close your eyes and cover ears can you do that

The little girl obviously didn't want to let go of Y/N but said boy patted the young ladies head before suddenly said girl passed out

Seeing this surprised Kyoka as she looks Y/N

Y/N: Don't worry I put her to sleep

The black haired male teen said as he placed the little girl on the ground with Kyoka smiling at seeing the boy's kindness

Y/N: Now

Our Protagonist looks at Kyoka his expression showing determination

Y/N: What do I need to do

The boy said as his voice had determination in it making Kyoka smirk as she has never met any man who had so much determination leaking from themselves

Kyoka: Then I'll make my slave!

The woman shouted

At that moment the hype that once build up just disappeared with just those's words

Y/N: What?!

The boy now had just made a face that so deserves to be made into an emoji

Kyoka at the moment she saw the face Y/N made it made her want to take a picture of it but unfortunately she left her phone back at her home base

Kyoka soon cough already taking notice of the awkward scene and composed herself

Kyoka: My peach blessing gives me the ability to enslave a person and draw out their the strength that's hidden within them and make use of it so if yourself are strengthen we'll be able to get out of this alive

Kyoka said as she then approached Y/N before lightly pushing the young man on the ground being careful because of his injuries

Y/N: Wha!

Kyoka: Not so long ago you were willing to do anything to help us

Y/N: Y-yeah but telling me to become your slave?! Do you have any idea how wrong that sounds

Kyoka: It's time to summit

The woman said as she took off her gloves and stretched out her right hand

The boy looks at her stretched out hand he really didn't want to become someone's slave specially someone he just met

But as the young man looked at the sleeping form of the little girl he knew what he had to do even if he didn't like it

Our Protagonist looks at Kyoka the seventh unit's chief's stretched out hand before leaning his head forward and stretched his tongue out and licked the woman's finger

Suddenly out of nowhere a large burst of light engulfed Y/N as chains appeared and shot inside the pillar of light

The force that was coming from the pillar of light created a large shockwave that instantly destroyed the barrier it send some Shuuki's flying while other Shuuki's who were close to the barrier were disintegrated

The shockwave was so strong that it was breaking the ground and causing the wind to go crazy

Kyoka who held onto the knockout little girl in her arms trying to resist the shockwave

Kyoka: This is

The light soon died down and disappeared like was never to begin With

What came out from the pillar of light was Y/N but he looked different his appearance was a large humanoid creature it had the head of a dog with pointy ears that resemble that of a jackal and having the head of a dog with a golden spike collar that wrapped around its neck it also tribal markings on it shoulders and chest the only clothes it had were ballooning pants that a samurai would wear and black straps that were wrapped around both its wrist and bandages were wrapped around both his arms and legs

Chains of Eternity: Slave
Prime Slave form: Chained Soldier

Soon Y/N in his new form stood up as an aura appears around his demonic body an aura that screams power

Y/N looks at his body's new appearance not saying a thing

Suddenly a Shuuki ran towards Y/N and was about smash its body into Y/N

But that didn't happen

Y/N who sensed the incoming attack quickly turned around and punched a hole through the Shuuki instantly killing it!

It happened so fast that everyone who saw the whole thing were baffled by the scene

The boy released a mighty roar that unleashed a powerful whirlwind in the area


Many Shuukis were send flying into the air and others send crashing into rocky walls and some of the those's Shuukis dying in the process

Kyoka: Wonderful I didn't expect you to be this strengthened!

Y/N then stopped as he went towards Kyoka as said girl was taken aback by this but recomposed herself standing perfectly in place

Y/N stopped now standing before the white haired woman as said woman looks back at Y/N who looks at her

Kyoka's unit saw this and became worried as they think the boy may not be in the right after all this is the first time Kyoka has actually used her ability on a human being there was absolutely no telling what negative side effects it may have

Suddenly Y/N turned around before crouching down his back facing the woman

Y/N:(CS) You getting on or what?

Finally the boy spoke as it hadn't been long since the boy appearance changed

The woman who heard this couldn't help but smirked at this making all her worries vanished

Without hesitation Kyoka hopped on Y/N's back grabbing the chains that were hanging from the spike collar



Without hesitation Y/N ran at the demonic creature's beginning to tear them to pieces

The Shuukis didn't stand a chance against Y/N all they could was to be torn apart by Y/N

Kyoka: Jump to the right!

Y/N did so quickly dodging a Shuuki's poor attempt at attacking the two then getting its upper body blown off by Y/N who had punched as Y/N gets into a boxing stance

Kyoka:(Mind) Not only does he have great reaction but he is also a good fighter I wonder who he was

Meanwhile Kyoka's unit are in shock by the amount of Shuuki's Y/N was killing

Shushu:(Amazed) Wow look that guy go! he's taking down those shuuki's like their going out of style!!

Himari:(Shock) I know the Chief's ability strengthen whoever she enslaves but this is?!

Nei:(Cheering) Yeah get them boom pow!

The three see Y/N dig his claws in a Shuuki's back and ripping its spine out then jumping into the air then coming down like a goddamn meteor that caused the Shuuki's to get send flying into the air with Y/N grabbing some rocks before throw them at the Shuuki's who got torn to pieces

As Y/N thought that all the Shuuki's were all gone

But that was until everyone heard a roar


Everyone looks to see a giant Shuuki as everyone can other Shuuki's who seem to be crawling around the body which is quit a disturbing sight


It was by then Kyoka realized she didn't know the man whom she is riding on name because she FORGOT to ask

But that didn't matter because Y/N already understood what his orders


The enslaved young man jumped back a good distance away before dashing at the gigantic Shuuki using his speed to build up momentum

Kyoka who was riding on Y/N held on tightly on the chains and also making sure her left arm was holding the somehow still knocked out little girl tightly

The giant Shuuki sends out its disgusting tendrils at the two however Y/N just cuts them using his long nail

The gigantic Shuuki keeps sending more and more of it nasty tendrils at Y/N and Kyoka but the boy just cuts them to pieces like they were nothing to him

The giant Shuuki was now terrified and was desperate as it picks up a giant rock and throws it at the boy

But it was futile as Y/N punches the lump of stone and it breaks into pieces


The two yelled out as Y/N literally obliterate the Shuuki with one goddamn punch

Meanwhile the three girl looked in even more shock then before

Shushu:(Amazed) HOLY WOW!

Himari:(Shocked) WHAT IN THE WORLD!

Nei:(Sparkly eyes) SO COOL!!

Both Kyoka and Y/N soon landed on the ground as the transformation wears off causing Y/N to revert back to his original form with Kyoka catching him and immediately running back to the other


The silver haired chief yelled out to Himari making the girls confused until they noticed the state Y/N is in

This made them remember that even though "slave" does enhanced the enslaved person it doesn't heal them of any injuries they sustain

Himari: ROGER!

The blue haired girl yelled out before getting in the jeep and starting the vehicle then taking out her phone and dialing a number

Kyoka hops on the jeep with Shushu and Nei getting on as well as Kyoka gently places down the somehow still knocked out little girl

The little brother hugs his unconscious big sister

Kyoka gently places Y/N down and then placing boy's head on her lap so that boy could at least have a comfortable ride

The seventh unit drove as quick as they can back to their home hope and hope against the boy can hold on long enough to get the care he needs

The silver haired chief looks at the boy's unconscious form

Kyoka:(Mind) Come on hang in their

The pinked eyed woman said as she caresses the boy's face

Chapter End

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Joy: Hi guy's I hope you lovely people love this new chapter of the story I'm really getting into the manga and the anime of Mató Seihei No Slave I going to be honest I didn't have high hopes of it being good but once I actually read I immediately started liking it and I was very happy that it got an anime so I hope everyone loves the first chapter and please leave a comment they help me improve the Quality of my writing the story thank you everyone and a good day or night bye 👋

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