The Enemy.

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She twirled round an embarrassing blush crawling onto her cheeks as she waited for an answer. Never really used to being dressed up, Hermione didn't know what to think when it came to these things. The twirling stopped when she realised that Ginny wasn't saying anything. That had to be a bad sign, right?

"Well...?" She squeaked, avoiding eye contact with her best friend.

There was silence for many moments. When she finally mustered up to courage to look back at the redhead, she became even more confused. Was that open jaw and wide eyes a good sign?

"Wow..." Was all Ginny could say as she looked up and down, who knew her best friend, Hermione Granger, could look like this?

"Who's the lucky man?" She asked suddenly.

This was always her tactic, if she kept asking, especially when it is least expected, anyone would crack and tell her anything. Not Hermione Granger though, she was the brightest witch of her age. She crossed her arms and pouted playfully, her embarrassment fading away.

She chuckled before ushering the redhead out of the bedroom, telling her that she would meet up with her in the Great Hall. Reluctantly, she did as she was told, knowing that her friend wanted to be the last to arrive, what with all the attention on her lately.

Hermione let out a sigh as the door closed, leaving her alone in the dormitory. All the other girls had gone down early to meet with their dates.

She looked back at the mirror for the last time, smiling gleefully at herself. It was hard to imagine that she would ever look like this, she was used to jeans and frizzy hair, not... This.


The chatter coming from the Great Hall could be heard from all over the castle. She went over their plan in her head again. It seemed so simple yet it was actually the complete opposite.

Another raspy sigh left her before she composed herself. One foot Infront of the other, she came out from around the corner, stepping into the Entrance Hall. She heard the talk die down as eyes gases up at her.

She ignored everyone as her feet led her over to her friends. Harry, Ron and Ginny were lost for words. Ginny still couldn't take it in.

"So, where's 'Sleekhair'?" Ron pouted irritability, avoiding eye contact with the brunette, though it pained him to look away.

"You'll know him when we start to dance," she knew everyone was listening so when they realised they still had to wait, they all went back to their conversations.

Harry looked back to where he was looking before Hermione had walked in. Her curious eyes met where his were concentrating on. She completely forgot! Guilt raged through her as she looked from Harry to Cho, and from Harry to Ginny.

She knew that Harry had been rejected by Cho and that Ginny had been asked by Neville. She also knew that Harry may or may not have wanted to go with her. Ever since she had caught him blushing after their hug, she had expected as much.

Ron was also hurt. She knew he had a thing for her, and she had still rejected him. She wouldn't had minded going with either Ron or Harry, they were her best friends.

Finally, there was Victor. She had to admit to herself that if Draco hadn't had asked her, she would have said yes. She did admit that both her and Ginny, as well as many of the girls at school, had giggled at his sight. But, Draco had asked her and she wasn't going to let him down, even if two of the world's most famous wizards asked her.


The four Champions walked in with their dates and took their position on the dancefloor. Harry looked so out of place with the others. The music started up and Harry took his partner's waist, starting to dance.

Dumbledore took McGonagall's hand and they walked onto the dancefloor. A few brave few couples walked on after them, starting the entire thing.

Hermione was standing next to Ron, many eyes on her. She smiled as she finally saw him through the croud. His platinum blonde hair standing out. He was in the other side of the dancefloor, like they had planned. They didn't want to cause a commotion untill they came together.

He looked worried but all of that melted away as he saw Hermione smile at him. It was time. Hermione gave a quick nod in his direction, to which he nodded back.

Hermione found that her legs moved. Draco found that his legs moved.

They smiled, getting closer, meeting in the middle of the dancefloor.

The croud gasped as the two came together. The Griffindor put one of her hands in his chest, the other in his hand. The Slytherin wrapped his arm around her waist, hesitantly at first, not used to holding her in such a way.

Worry still evident in his eyes, Hermione ignored the croud as Draco let his eyes roam.

"Don't look at them." She whispered, so that only he could hear.

He let out a relieved sigh, finally relaxing.

The couples who were originally dancing started to stop when they heard the croud gasp. All eyes were now on Hermione and Draco. The music didn't stop, thankfully.

Draco and Hermione started to move, their footsteps graceful and their pace leveled. They knew that all eyes were upon them but they no longer cared. Conversations sparked up in the Great Hall.

The professors either disagreed with the couple or were absolutely thrilled. Dumbledore and McGonagall stood off at the side, whispering quietly about 'house unity'. Dumbledore finally started the students to continue their own dancing.

They did, hesitantly, still curious of the couple. Harry didn't start up again, instead he stalked over to Ron, both as angry as each other. Of all the people they thought 'Sleekhair' could be, Draco Malfoy was definitely not one of them.

As they danced, Draco got a good look at her. So far, he had only observed her from afar. He didn't recognize her at first.

Her hair was no longer it's frizzy mess but rather, it fell in silky ringlets. He didn't know how curvy she was untill she wore that dress. It hung tight to her figure, a beautiful shade of pink.

"You look beautiful..." She whispered.

"You're not bad yourself, Malfoy," she teased.

They started to chat as though nothing had happened. Hermione talked about how Harry and Ron, and literally everyone in Griffindor would probably kill her. Draco talked about how everyone in Griffindor, Slytherin and his whole family would probably kill him.

Everyone still found it strange to see the two laughing together, even after an hour had passed. Draco was actually laughing, not his usual cold laugh, but he seemed genuinely happy. Hermione always laughed with her friends and never thought about what anyone thought about her. She seemed to be showing that to Draco. They were dancing and talking as though they did this everyday.

When they decided to stop dancing and get some rest, Draco led her to an empty table. At first, she had wanted to sit with Harry and Ron but she knew all too well that the second Draco would come near, they would hex him without hesitation.

Ron, Harry and Victor had found a table to sit at. They all stared at the croud as they danced. Their partners were cheerful at first, eating happily and gossiping. Harry and Ron were with the Patill twins and Victor had just taken the nearest prettiest girl he found.

Ron hated Victor, he was offended when he had asked Hermione out. But now they had something in common. Hermione had rejected them both. Harry was less offended by Krum. He was, after all, a fellow champion and Quidditch player. He did feel a little hostility toward Krum because as much as he hated to admit it, Hermione was one of the girls he would have liked to have gone with.

As the night progressed, the classical music ended and The Weird Sisters stepped on stage, making everyone cheer as one of the most famous wizards bands greeted them. Draco and Hermione stopped their talk and cheered as well.

Harry, Ron and Victor saw Draco get out of his seat and bow to Hermione. She laughed as he over exaggerated every movement, holding out his hand as he waited for her to take it.

"Would you care to dance?" He smirked his usual smirk and she played along.

"Oh! Yes I would!" She placed one hand on her chest and the other in his hand, mimicking him.

They laughed as Draco pulled her to the dancefloor. The music started up and everyone dropped their formal party ideals for a normal rave ideals.

The Patill twins and the pretty girl looked at Harry, Ron and Victor expectantly, hoping for a dance. They didn't get one. Instead, the three boys sat glaring at Draco and Hermione.


Another song finished and the two finally decided to take a break. Draco took Hermione's hand and led her put of the croud. There, he held up their clasped fingers and planted a soft kiss on the back of her hand. She blushed furiously as they separated.

When Draco turned round and headed off to get drinks, she spun round in joy. She spotted Harry, Ron and Victor staring at her. Her smile faded but her blush didn't. She gulped and walked towards them.

"Draco's gone to get drinks, would you like to join us?" She internally slapped herself, of course they didn't!

"So it's Draco now, not Malfoy!" Ron spat harshly, his eyes narrowing.

Hermione rolled her eyes and pouted, "Draco is my date so you better watch your tongue, Ron."

"How is Malfoy your date?!" Ron glared back at her.

"Draco and I are good friends. If we were really friends, you'd be happy for me, Ronald!" She crossed her arms furiously.

"Malfoy is a bloody Slytherin! How is he your friend?!" His face went red, nearly the colour of his hair.

"Draco has been teaching me Quidditch! He's actually quite lovable once you get to know him! But of course, you don't know how to make friends, do you Weasley?!" She knew she had probably gone too far but she couldn't believe her own friends wouldn't let her be happy.

"Weasley? You're getting as bad as Malfoy!" He spat.

With that, Hermione turned around and stalked away. She had hoped that the ball would be the perfect opportunity to let her and Draco's friendship come out into the open but obviously it wasn't.

Tears started to brim up in her eyes as  she walked out of the Great Hall. She leaned against the wall of the corridor outside, finally letting the tears come.

She felt herself being pulled into a tight hug and she took in the sweet smell of Draco Malfoy. She cried into his chest.

"I heard everything..." He patted her back, "stay here, I'll be a few minutes..."

Reluctantly he separated and flew off down a corridor.

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