The Gossip Section.

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She growled loudly before banging her head against the table in anger. She rested her head in her arms, as Ginny wrapped her arms around her shoulders, knowing why her friend had burst out in anger. She carefully pulled the copy of the Daily Prophet out of Hermione's hands and immediately saw what had infuriated her.

'Scandelous Secrets of Hermione Granger.

Hermione Granger, a young and simple girl, has apparently been keeping her love life hidden from the eyes of all at Hogwarts, including the famous Harry Potter and Victor Krum as well as the many others she is associated with! This Christmas just passed, Miss Hermione Granger received a rather special present, none other than the new BoltVolt broomstick! With it, she got a letter from her secret love! Many of my sources tell me that she has been receiving these letters for a few months now, yet the thought of telling Harry Potter has evaded her. It would seem that Miss Granger has been getting quite the amount of attention this year. Quite recently, she rejected none other than Victor Krum himself! One can only dream of reasons why she would do such a thing, I do believe there are troubles in paradise. On top of that, a few nights ago, she was approached by both Harry Potter, and his friend, Mr Weasley. Both of them begged Miss Granger to go with them, only to be rejected, the same as Krum! As the ball grows ever closer, everyone is wondering who the mysterious 'Sleekhair' could be, as he was the source of the love letters to her.'

Ginny sighed and hugged her friend closer, she understood that Hermione just wanted people to stop digging into her private life. And now, everyone who reads the Daily Prophet gossip section could see it. Which to be fair, who doesn't?

Hermione had even kept the secret for Ginny, and they had promised that anything regarding boys would be brought to each other. It wasn't like Hermione could go up to Ron and ask advise about Victor. When Hermione refused to tell her, she knew something was out of place.

The Yule Ball was that evening, and the day hadn't started off as planned. Everyone in the Great Hall was talking out the Daily Prophet. Couldn't Hermione just have a normal breakfast without being attacked by swarms of people.

A small owl dropped down in front of her, making her raise her head. She reached for the closed parchment and  sent the owl on its way. It was the first time since the incident at Christmas that Draco had risked sending her post at breakfast.

Hermione opened it and made sure that no one was looking before reading. After a few moments she smiled warmly before turning to Ginny. Finally, she gave into the puppy dog eyes and handed it over for her friend to read.

'Dear, Bookworm,

I'm extremely nervous! I can't believe I ever asked you to the ball! If my family finds out... Nevermind, I'm just glad that you are finally ready to be seen in public with me. I knew the risks when we first became friends. I really wish for us to be accepted, I doubt we will. I will see you tonight.

Love from, Sleekhair'

Ginny's law dropped and Hermione had to spring up and stop her from screaming with joy.

When Ginny was calm she whispered, "He sounds so perfect! Why won't you tell us who he is?" She whined.

"You will find out in a couple of hours. Besides, you wouldn't like him, you would think I had lost my mind!"

"But he seems lovely! Why wouldn't I like him? What has he ever done to us?" She pouted, annoyed that she hadn't gotten anything out of her.

Hermione just gathered her things and left the Great Hall, but not before she muttered, "Oh, Ginny, if only you knew..." She chuckled quietly to herself.


"Who you going with, Malfoy?" Blaise asked as he entered the dorm.

"Pansy of course," Crabbe scoffed, looking to Draco.

"No, actually..." He crossed his legs over the bed and smilied at the faces of his bewildered 'friends'.

"Who then?" They both asked.

"You will see..." He chuckled before making a speedy exit.


He made his way to the library where he could be alone to read the book Hermione had given him. He couldn't exactly read it in the Slytherin common room, they were mostly all pure bloods they they didn't have respect for anything muggle made.

He just wanted to escape for the last few hours until he had to get ready. Knowing that once he takes Hermione's hand for a dance would probably get him punished pretty bad, he wanted to spend his time in peace.

He turned the book over and over in his hands, not wanting to Open it and damage the spine. It was tattered and obviously very old, but that didn't stop the front cover from being mesmerising.

There was a picture of a little girl stood underneath a tree, looking up to a strange smiling cat that sat there. At the very top there was the title, 'Alice in Wonderland'. He turned his attention to the very small writing that he had missed the first two times he had picked it up. It was a quote from the book, and it seemed to help him a lot.

'Where should I go?'-Alice.

'That depends on where you want to end up.'-Cheshire Cat.

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