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18 : Proposal


"You remember how we first met?"

"Yeah, I do." A chuckle escaped her lips at the memory. "We hated each other so much!"

"I know right?! You even went as far as throwing your book on my head!" He grinned at the memory as they continued to walk hand in hand.

They used to study in the same university. When she had joined the university, he was in his last year. And even though he was her senior, she wasn't afraid of his threats, having dealt with many annoying seniors back in high-school too.

"Excuse me! I didn't throw the book, I just smacked you with it." Narrowing her eyes, she corrected him. "And anyways, you deserved it for spilling my water on me!"

"For your kind information, I bumped into you by mistake!" He defended himself quickly as always.

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" She rolled her eyes at him, having had this conversation with him a handful of times already. "Why are we here at this time of the night though?" As they came to a half at their favorite spot, the lake, she turned to face him.

"It looks so beautiful and serene at night." Leaving her hand, he walked by the lake while looking up, gazing at the moon.

Under its light, everything looked peaceful as the lake reflected its beauty. And even though the area was surrounded by trees, away from the pollution of the city, of the street lights, the moonlight was enough to let them admire its beauty.

"I agree." Getting lost in the purity of nature, she took a few steps ahead to admire the lake.

She could hear his steps behind her, but she didn't turn around, knowing he too would come to stand beside her to admire the lake.

"So do you also agree to marry me and spend the rest of our lives together?"

His sudden question stunned her, compelling her to turn around quickly. Realising she wasn't just dreaming or imagining things, she staggered backwards. Before she could fall behind, he held her hand, steadying her balance.

"Clumsy as always." Suppressing his smile, he murmured with a shake of his head. Suddenly realising she still hadn't answered him, he looked up, worried. "Should I take that as a No?"

"No silly! I- I agree... You just... You just caught me off guard..." She stammered, still staring in disbelief at the person who was waiting for her answer on his knees.

"Thank God at least you answered, I was starting to get worried if you would just leave me stranded here without even answering me." He commented light-heartedly, sliding the gold ring on her ring finger. It had three studs in the middle with leaves on both sides, giving a slight v shape. It looked beautiful.

"Shut up! I could never do that!" Laughing slightly, she murmured quietly in shyness.

"Oh believe me, you can do anything!" He teased her while standing up, a wide grin on his face.

"No-" A sudden gasp interrupted her as she pulled her hand back and clutched her shirt. A sudden pain had erupted in her chest, making her slide down on the grass with her eyes shut tight in agony. The pain seemed to spread in her chest as she gasped for air.

"Laila? Are you okay?" She could hear his faint voice in the background. She couldn't even answer him as her breaths shallowed. Keeping her eyes shut tight, she tried to take deep breaths, but it only worsened her pain.

Clutching the grass in her fists, she tried to distract herself while trying to take deep breaths. She could hear his feet shuffling around her and soon he was crouching in front of her, offering her water, a worried look marring his features.


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