Chapter 2: school

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Many years past since Remane was taken by Lugia, and ever since then everyone just forgot about it, Difference had new neighbours move in, so Difference though she could make friends with them, but instead, her siblings made Friends with them before she could and they started gossiping about Difference.

"Difference, where are you?" Asked Lulu waiting for Difference to come downstairs "I'm here mum" Difference replied "awww, my sweet little girl is going to be a 8 grader, I'm so excited!" Lulu said rubbing her cheeks on Difference's cheeks "and you're still not evolved!"  Zack and Blu said laughing "now now, be nice" Lulu said trying to stop them "how about we have a battle?" Said Ash coming into the room joking that Difference wont win "fine, you're on!" Replied Difference Ash laughed as he use flame burst, Difference managed to dodge it in time but her shiny paw started to glow as she became a vaporeon with a pink paw and a pink tail "WHAT?!" Lily said confused of what just happened, then Difference used Water pulse and defeated Ash. "Ugh, fine... you win this time, but next time you wont be so lucky!" Ash said looking cross as Different de evolved and left so many confused faces.

1 hour pasted and Different got to school, everyone looked at her with glances and wondered why she looked so different. Different walked over to her locker and opened it, inside she saw her schedule and some books for her class. She walked down the hallway to her class, "The evolution class" where pokemon who are old enough to evolve but haven't evolved yet go. Different looked at everyone exchange glances with each other and she heard them mumbling things like "look at that weird eevee" "why is that eevee half silver?" And other mean things.

Different got to her class and sat down at her desk seeing even more people stare at her, she saw a shiny eevee with a collar on, she wondered why it had it. Then she saw everyone stare their glances to the eevee with the collar on and heard them say to it "hah! Trainer's pet" "ewww that eevee has a collar" and more mean things like that, the eevee just replied with "I ran away from my trainer and I'm not a trainer's pet anymore, and i cant take this collar off" "hah! No one believes you, trainer's pet!" Laughed some of the pokemon.

10 minutes past and the teacher still wasn't in class, the pokemon waited and waited until the teacher came. "Alright students! Sorry I'm late!" The teacher said running into the classroom "I'm your teacher, Miss Serperior" "good morning  Miss Serperior" everyone said acting bored "now for todays class..."

Miss Serperior talked for 2 hours until the bell rang for lunch, "alright students, don't forget your homework for tomorrow" Miss Serperior said as she watched the students leave the room. Different could hear other students talking about things she didn't care about. She kept walking to the cafeteria, then she was tripped by something, or someone. She turned around and saw the eevee with the collar apologising "its ok" Difference said turning back around and walking to the cafeteria "wait!" The eevee with the collar said calling to Difference "you're just like me, you get bullied, don't you?" Difference turned around facing the eevee with the collar "yeah...?" Difference replied "I'm Silver, what's your name?" Asked Silver "umm...I'm Difference, why do you want to know?" Asked Difference "I just want to be your friend, that's why" replied Silver. "Ok then" replied Difference to Silver's reply.

They walked to the cafeteria and sat down at a table away from everyone and everyone just laughed at them "wow, the popular group is big this year, looks like there are 12 pokemon in it this year!" Silver said pointing to the popular table. Difference looked at it and said "8 of those people of my siblings" "wow... really? Then why don't you go sit with them?" Asked Silver looking amazed "they don't like me" replied Difference. "So i was like OMG no way!" Said Lily sitting at the popular table "hey, look at those unusual people, lets have a battle with them" said an absol sitting at the popular table. They all walked over to Silver and Different, "hey you, unusual people, lets have a battle outside right now!" Said the absol walking fashionably outside.

Different and Silver both followed until they reached the battle field. It was big and had a pokeball in the centre. The absol was standing on the other side of the field. Different gulped and went over to the battle field. The battle started and the absol used dark pulse, Different fell on the ground, she was hurt, but she didn't faint. She got up and started evolving, she became the fairy type eeveelution, Sylveon, she had a blue paw and a blue tail. Once she finished evolving, she used moonblast, and the absol fainted. After the battle, Different became an eevee again. "Abby, how could you lose?! Ash looked at Abby with anger "I'm sorry Ash, I didn't mean to..." replied Abby.

Hours past and school was finally over. Different and Silver went to the forest to train away from everyone. Different and Silver trained for hours and it started to get dark. "I better get home" said Different "me too" replied Silver. As he said those words, a flood came and Silver's brown fur started to come off and underneath revealed a shiny silver coat. "SILVER!" Cried out Different as she tried to grab his paw. "AHHHH" screamed Silver

Different was swept away and never seen by her family again, but where was she swept to?
Different awoke with two red eyes staring straight at her.

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