Chapter 3 Washed away

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Different woke up with 2 red eyes staring at her, she looked back at them then fainted again.

Back at Different's home, Different's siblings were happy that Different was finally gone. They laughed at each other. Lulu walked up to them and asked where Different was and they just replied with a I don't know.

Back at where Different was, the Pokemon with red eyes pushed Different and woke her up. "Huh, where am I? Who are you?!" Different asked looking scared "you're in my cave " the Pokemon replied "whats you're name?" Different asked still looking afraid "my name? My name is just Umbreon, I was never given a name because I was abandoned because of my fur colour" Umbreon replied "oh... I'm sorry..." Different said looking sad for Umbreon "don't be, now the question is who are you and why are you here?" Umbreon asked looking serious "oh... my name is Different, I was hated too because of my fur colour" Different replied "the only people who liked me were my mum and dad but my dad was taken away by a large silver Pokémon" Different said again looking sad, Umbreon scanned Different and looked at her fur, he wondered, "large silver Pokémon? A different looking eevee? What's going on?"

A few days passed and everyone just forgot about Different. "Hey! Umbreon!" A Pokemon with pink ribbons ran in. "There you are! Hey who's this? Anyways little eevee, I'm Sylveon, what's your name?" The Sylveon said and asked looking really energetic. "Go away" Umbreon said looking annoyed at the Sylveon "NO! Not until you go on a da-" Sylveon was interrupted by Different saying "Humans" "what?! Where?!" Umbreon asked looking afraid.

There were two humans with r on their shirt standing outside "the boss will be happy" one of the humans said as the other one caught Different in a net, at that moment... Different grew electricity on her and sparked away the net "hurry follow me" Different said as they all ran away.

Weeks past and. Different and her 2 'new friends' reached Different's home and they were shocked at the sight they saw "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! WHEN YOU LEFT, HUMANS CAME AND KILLED HER, YOU BRANG THEM HERE!" Ash yelled at Different as he started to cry "Get out! You don't belong here! Never come back!" Ash said again, still crying. As soon as he said that, one of Different's ears became shiny but before anyone saw it Zack and Serene teleported Different and her friends away.

Now, they were on a journey, a journey to fulfil the prophecy...

Hey guys.. I just wanted to say that a user is copying my idea, they have a different story line but most of it is the same as mine the user is @Wolfy8Rights they copied my half shiny and half normal eevee idea, the multi evolution, the 100 000 once a time eevee prophecy and more. But don't give hate to them, they apologised

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