Dick Grayson| Go the Distance

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Requested by: TaylorGriffith879

Prompt: Self given

Warnings: None



I have often dreamed of a far-off place

Where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me

Gotham was cold, gloomy, and 99% of the time had zero sun. Of all the places to move from Europe, it wasn't my first choice. But when a mysterious aunt left me boatloads of money that I could only partially trace to a really sketchy mafia past, I couldn't resist.

Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face

And a voice keeps saying, this is where I'm meant to be

"Dear (Y/n), I hope this letter finds you in good health. I suppose it's important to inform you that your time in Gotham will not be as pleasant as you hoped coming in. I have a request for you. There are many who look up to our family name, and all of them are aware that you're the next in line. Take over the family business, as your father refused when he was young and passed the line onto me. They won't cheer, but they will protect you with their lives." I read off the letter my aunt left me curiously. It was on the desk in her study, in the giant mansion plated with gold.

When I first arrived, I was struck dumb by the sheer size of the place. There were a few staff members remaining, including a head chef, maid, and butler. The entire staff was given a fair share of money and given the chance to leave after my aunt's death, the ones who were there the longest stayed.

"Welcome to the (L/n) Manor, Miss," the butler, Carlton, and the head maid, Juliet greeted me with large smiles, "If you have any questions please ring for us."

Being led around the manor revealed even more wonders. I'd been struggling to make ends meet in London whilst stuck in a dead end job. But in Gotham, under the gloomy skies and solemn faces, I found a palace that I could safely call my own.

I will find my way, I can go the distance

I'll be there someday, if I can be strong

"Carlton, can you come here for a moment please?" I summoned my butler over the overcall - something I never thought I'd do. In what felt like seconds, Carlton was entering the room and waiting patiently for further elaboration, "What... I'm afraid I'm quite confused."

Taking a seat, Carlton explained. He explained the history of a family I never knew, and the power they held over Gotham. The (L/n) family had essentially run the underworld for generations, overseeing transactions of all kinds and dictating the amount of destruction that was allowed to come from them.

"But your family has been quite secretive with what they do. Only those at the top of the food chain know about the (L/n) family," Carlton explained when I expressed how nervous I was about being attacked, "Before she died, your aunt began working with the public more- reforming the underworld instead of just running it. She worked with Batman briefly as well."

Leaning back in my seat, I knew I had a lot to do. From that point on I'd be running Gotham from the sidelines, always there but never seen unless you were lucky enough to have my blessing.

"What do I do?"

"I suggest a gala, to introduce you into Gotham's society. If you trust the staff well enough, we can handle the invitations and the planning. All you have to do is learn about who will be attending and what they will expect from you. Let's give it, perhaps, two weeks?"

I know every mile will be worth my while

I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong

I did not belong with the rich crowd at all. I felt like I was faking it alright though, so it was fine. Rubbing elbows with people from both sides of the good and evil spectrum was terrifying. As soon as I saw them, I knew what side they lied on- it was an instinct that I relocated to my family and their past. That made it a bit easier to go about talking to them, but not as easy as I would have liked.

Many of them took me for a fool, trying to manipulate their way into new business deals that could potentially lead them to riches and me to ruin. But I gave all business offers the same answer- set up a meeting and we can talk it through officially. I'd make no promises off the clock. The world would know that I wasn't just some uneducated Brit who accidentally came into power.

I am on my way, I can go the distance

Craving a chance to breathe and get away from it all, away from the fake smiles and overbearing expectations. So I stepped into the garden. It had been well-kept even after my aunt's death, and although it was becoming colder, most of the flowers were still in bloom.

Finding my way to the center, I sighed and sat down on a stone bench across from a fountain that was currently turned off. I'd have to see about getting something more comfortable put in. I liked working outside when it was nice.

"I see you aren't a big fan of stuffy parties either," a masculine voice teased from behind me.

Turning to speak to the source, my words got stuck in my mouth when I met eyes I could swim in. I thanked the staff that lanterns were lit around the gardens so I could see the man in his full glory. Strong jaw, nice cheekbones, and a gorgeous smile. Everything I was a sucker for.

"I just needed some air," I finally managed, scooching over to signal that the man could sit next to me, "I came to America two weeks ago and now everyone expects me to be this powerful heir and I'm just... not that."

"You don't have to be just like your aunt," the man shrugged, and I saw the muscles in his arms flex under his suit jacket. How much did he workout? "From what I saw in there, you handled yourself well. People will always expect things from you, what matters is that you do what you feel is best."

I don't care how far, somehow I'll be strong

"You mean not be a people pleaser?" I smiled, liking the thought. It was the philosophy I'd followed up until that point, and I wanted to continue to go by that. I was making the rules now, there was no need for me to be my aunt, "I like that idea... I didn't see you inside, what are you from?"

"I'm Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne's adopted son. He's off on a business trip and I was in town so I'm here instead of him," Dick held out his hand to shake.

Bruce Wayne. A high priority client that was extremely involved with my aunt and her business. They were good, helping out the city in any way possible. I'd have to stay close with them.

"Nice to meet you. You already know who I am," I chuckled, looking up at the sky, "I'm half expecting to see Batman just fly across the sky like an actual animal."

Dick laughed. It was hearty and melodious and I wanted to melt into a puddle and give him the world so I could hear it again. But he soon sobered, and asked a question that sounded oddly interrogative, "Rumors have it your aunt worked with him sometimes, kept the underworld under control. You planning on doing that too?"

"Probably. I don't want this city to remain stuck on the line between good and evil. My aunt kept it there because it was profitable for her, but I'm not like that. Oh! I probably shouldn't have told you that if I wanted to be a double agent or something."

Dick laughed again, and I grinned, despite being serious when I answered, "I won't tell anyone what you said, I promise. I think people are expecting you back soon, to talk about business and such."

Groaning at the thought, I gladly took Dick's hand when he held it out. Galas wouldn't be my favorite thing - unless I could hide out by the food table the entire night - but I was curious to see how everything else would go.

I know every mile will be worth my while

"Oh, and (Y/n)," Dick paused before we parted ways back in the ballroom, "I'd like to formally ask to arrange a meeting with you to discuss... business. Maybe at La Rouge next Friday at seven?"

My smile couldn't be wider. Not only was Dick implying that he understood my desire to avoid business at the gala, but he was asking me out on a date.

"I'd love to discuss business with you. I'll see you then."

I would go most anywhere to find where I belong

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