Peter Parker| A Garden

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Requested by: Penny_dork883

Prompt: #30

Soulmate AU - scars on your body appear as flowers on your soulmate

Warnings: None

Extra: This is a really cute AU. I love it


My soulmate was particularly reckless.

When I was younger, I'd recieved a few small wildflowers around my body, and I was sure I'd given my soulmate a few as well, but when I reached my teen years things changed. He was giving me just as many flowers as I was giving him. I really wanted to meet him to ask him why he was matching a vigilante in terms of scars. Was he okay? What if he had a hard home life? The scar placements and lengths didn't suggest self-harm, but I was meant to worry about my soulmate.

"I want you to see the new armor I designed for you, it should stop this from happening," my dad poked my arm, where I had a freshly healing scar from my last fight with a pair of overconfident men who attempted to sexually assualt a woman on her way home from a bar. Wasn't a great first impression of NYC.

"You know, I do magic to protect me, Father made sure of that. And even before then I was learning from the-"

"From all those magic people because you were a ward of the Ancient One, I know," my dad waved his hand dismissively, his new metal one that still put me off, "But we didn't just adopt you because of your magic. I wanted someone to spoil with inventions."

I didn't bring up that I also thought my dad adopted me to stave off his loneliness during the five-year gap after the Snap. My father had blipped, and I hadn't received any scars during that time either so I knew my soulmate had blipped too. It was hard for both of us.

"Tony, the other small one is here to see you," Father stepped out of the lab with a smile, greeting me with a hug. He'd been at the New York Sanctum for the past two days, finalizing the last of the recovery efforts for the magic world after the snap. 

It'd been a year since then, and it was hard. But my family was finally complete and for the first time ever I felt like a belonged somewhere. I hadn't grown up with the other Avengers around me. For a long time it was me and the Ancient One, along with whatever magic users were at Kamar-Taj at the time. 

Then Stephen Strange adopted me after the Ancient One died as a way to make me feel better, and I did. It felt right, both of our magic felt it. When he met his soulmate, things were good for a short time before Thanos. Then I was adopted Tony Stark until both of them came back, reunited, and everything was okay again.

God, I couldn't wait to meet my soulmate so I could tell him my complicated backstory.

"Do you mean Peter Parker?" I asked curiously. My dad had a strange affinity for the kid ever since the Accords. He'd been watching over him but the timing never matched up... until now.

"Yes, that one," Father seemed uninterested, but I secretly knew he was. He liked Peter too, thought his and Tony's dynamic was funny based on the time they were on the spaceship together.

"Friday, can you send him up?"

"Yes, boss."

We waited in the lab for Peter to show up. My dad was flitting around and adjusting the bits and pieces of armor that were a part of my hero costume. I didn't want to admit that I thought most of the features were actually really helpful, whilst letting me keep a semblance of what traditional sorceresses looked like.

"Mr. Stark? Doctor Strange?" Peter poked his head into the lab, smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, kid," Dad greeted distractedly, messing with a few screens, "What do you need?"

"Oh, uh, well I made a new suit last month and I was wondering if you could take a look at it? If you're busy that's totally fine! It's just that I made it kind of quickly on the plane so I don't think I added everything I could have."

Holding out a hand, Peter dutifully dropped his Spider-Man suit into my dad's grasp. Then he turned to me, waving shyly.

"Hi, I'm uh, I'm Peter Parker."

"(Y/n) Stark-Strange," I greeted cheerfully. Peter was cute, in more ways that one, and I was glad I was finally meeting him, "I saw how you defeated Mysterio, it was really brave of you to go into that alone."

"Thanks," Peter beamed, flushing under the compliment.

Nodding, my father spoke up, "We apologize for not being there, Peter. (Y/n) and I were exploring a pocket dimension at the time and Tony-"

"Despite the fact that I have access to not only the best tech in the world, but a Wakandan world of medicine, my doctors still don't think I'm ready for fieldwork again," Dad cut in, pouting, "I am proud of you kid. Beck was unstable, that's why I fired him in the first place. He couldn't understand why I wanted to use the holograms for healing instead of harming. I didn't think that would lead to, well, what it did."

"It's not your fault Mr. Stark," Peter dismissed, grinning widely. As if I could hear his thoughts, I knew he was mentally screaming over the fact that my dad said he was proud of him. A true father-figure moment. 

A few seconds later, my dad produced Peter's suit again. Not much had changed about the overall structure but based on the enthusiasm in my dad's voice when he told Peter to change into it, I knew he'd made some instrumental changes.

"Now, don't think I forgot about you," Dad pushed his chair towards me, getting back to work on my shoulder plates, "I was thinking of remaking these entirely out of nano-tech, but that'd take some time, so we have to make these work until then."

"I don't know how I'll manage," I teased.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Peter immediately went off on a tangent about how excited he was to have his new suit, and how he could already tell it would be way better than it was before. I smiled. Not only was he smart based on the facts he was spouting off about the suit's new AI systems, but he was also emphasizing how many more people he'd be able to protect.

"It's rudimentary now, but focus on your suit's arm disappearing," Dad ordered.

Seconds later the suit arm disappeared. It wasn't the fast-acting nano-tech that my dad was working on perfecting, but it would come in handy for quick changes and such nonetheless. But the cool tech wasn't what caught my eye, it was the lily on his arm. My hand instinctively went to the fresh scar on my arm.

"Peter can you move it away from your leg. Just up to your knee," I requested, eyes stuck on the spot that would either confirm or dissuade my suspicions.

"Sure," Peter didn't ask any questions but I could tell he was curious.

Sunflowers and roses bloomed. My heart stopped. I had to have a surgery when I was younger because of a severely broken bone. The scar never healed. 

"Oh my god," I pulled up my own pantleg, showing off the scar. Peter's eyes widened in realization.

Both of my parents gasped, and after sharing a nod they left me and Peter alone. We stared at each other awkwardly for a moments, neither quite sure what to say. Finally, he managed to stutter something out.

"So, uh... well I guess it makes sense why we both have so many flowers."

I laughed at that, "I'm kind of relieved to know the reasons behind it. I think both of us can agree we were worried for each other."

"We have gardens on our bodies," Peter added, a small smile gracing his feature through the rose-red blush that had dominated his features.

Unsure of where to go from there, both of us jumped when a double-tap from the glass caught our attention. My dad had turned off the "hide mode" so he could peek in, and was repeatedly mouthing "kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss".

Standing from my seat, I walked over to the glass and double-tapped it again to give Peter and I privacy again. Turning to him, we both grinned. For once I did what my dad said.

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