Keith Kogane| Far Together

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Requested by: VioletHewitt

Prompt: #26

"Oh you want to battle then? Well trust me, you'll get a war." (Slightly modified)

Warnings: Keith doesn't show up till the end

Extra: ^^


"Your majesties, you've been summoned."

I shared a confused look with Lotor. The only one who was ever summoned was me. That was because I was full-Galra, the favored child. Lotor had an Altean mother, which made him more illegitimate in Zarkon's eyes.

"What's happened?" Lotor asked.

"Voltron has fatally wounded emperor Zarkon."

"Oh my," I mumbled.

"Voltron has done the universe a favor," Lotor grumbled after the soldier left.

I scrunched my nose. While it was true father was a harsh figure- he sent us to the edge of the galaxy afterall- he was a strong leader.


When Lotor and I arrived to my father's ship I was allowed in first. He was laying in his bed, weaker than I had ever seen him.

"Your father is not able to speak," Haggar stated, "But in the few moments he could, he expressed that he wanted you to rule while he is recovering."

I put a hand on my father's arm, "I swear to you, I'll make the Galra Empire the best it can be."

"There are generals waiting for you on the bridge."

"I understand. Thank you Haggar."

I sent one last glance at my father before I left the room. Lotor was waiting outside. Instead of going in to see Zarkon, he followed me.

"What happened?" Lotor questioned.

"Haggar said father wants me to rule while he recovers."

"Wait, (Y/n)," Lotor grabbed my arm, "Don't you see what's happening here?"

I shook my head in confusion.

"I've been alive for thousands of years. I've seen all the horrors of this empire. You haven't seen that. Haggar is going to try to manipulate you into doing her bidding."

"There are no horrors in the Galran Empire. We're working with planets to create a unified peace."

"Lotor sighed," Come with me."

He began tugging on my hand, pulling me into a different hallway.

"Wait- I have generals to meet with!" I exclaimed.

"Send them a com from the ship, this is more important," we passed by Lotor's generals, "We're going to Shun."

The girls nodded, following closely behind. They didn't question Lotor dragging me down the hallway. Acting like normal siblings was a normal occurrence for us. I liked it. Even though we disagreed in the empire, we still loved each other.

After Lotor dragged me onto his ship he set a course for Shun, I sent a message to the generals explaining that something else had come up.

"So why exactly are we going to Shun?" I asked, looking out the window at the stars.

"You'll see when we get there," Lotor said vaguely, "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you need to understand."

"I understand our intentions well enough," I sighed.

After around a vargo of flying, our proximity alarms began blaring. I pulled up the side views, scowling.

"It's Voltron," I stated.

"Acxa, I need you and the others to keep Voltron distracted while I continue on. Do not fight longer than you have to."


"Wait no," I grabbed Lotor's wrist to keep him from flying away, "I'm not running away from this. They nearly killed our father."

"(Y/n) we need to go to Shun," Lotor insisted.

"No," I pushed him out of his seat, taking control. I sent a com to the lions, starting up our weapon systems, "Voltron. You nearly killed my father. Trust me, you have started a war you will not survive."

I pulled back the controls to dodge the red lion diving towards our ship with her jawblade. I aimed our gun at the black lion, my finger hovering over the trigger.

"(Y/n) we aren't going to fight Voltron," Lotor insisted, pushing me out of the way, "Acxa."

"We got it. Get out of here."

Lotor pushed the controls forward, sending us out at top speed. I sprung forward in an attempt to regain control, but it was too late. The fight wasn't even in sight anymore.

"Why would you do that?" I yelled angrily.

"Our fight is not with Voltron," Lotor insisted.

"They almost killed our father! And you don't care, do you?"

"That man..." Lotor trailed off, struggling to control his frustration with my stubborness, "We're here.

Lotor flew over the planet. I crossed my arms, looking out the window.

"I thought Shun was a forested planet," I turned to Lotor for an explanation.

"It was," Lotor pointed out small clusters of trees as we landed at the main Galran base on the planet.

"Your majesties," the general running the base ran out to meet us, "I wasn't aware that you were coming."

"Surprise visit," Lotor covered, "Now that (Y/n) is temporarily ruling, she wishes to see our bases."

"Right, well I'm happy to show you around," the general led us to a large viewing platform.

I held back a horrified gasp. The indigenous people were lugging large trunks on their backs. If they slowed down they would be yelled at by the Galran soldiers.

"We work them the majority of the day. They're responsible for their meal after they're finished working."

"You're working them to death," I mumbled.

"Yes, well, once we've harvested everything we can from the planet, its quintessence will be drained. The people don't matter."

I felt my breath leave my lungs. The people don't matter? The whole point of a kingdom was to do everything for your people. I was taught and told the Galra were helping planets by educating them, and giving them work.

Instead, we were draining planets before destroying them. Was this the Galran legacy?

"I've just remembered, I have another base to look at," an obvious lie. I had to get out of there, "Thank you, for your time."

"Of course your majesties. Thank you for your presence."

I tried to keep a casual pace, but I knew i hurried back to the ship. Lotor stepped on soon after, taking his seat as the pilot.

"How long has this been going on," I asked quietly.

"Ten thousand years," Lotor stated, "You were meant to be taught that the Galra were above others. That's why every chance I got I taught you the right way."

"So I could be like Father?"

Lotor nodded. I shuddered, "I see now, why you wanted me to go to Shun."

"Yes. But understand that moving to make a major change before you are Empress will cause an uproar."

"I understand," I nodded, "I'll do what I can subtly."

"Good," Lotor activated the com, "Have you evaded Voltron?"

"Yes, we made our way back to the ship after."

"Thank you, we're arriving now."

Lotor flew into the main ship. His generals were already waiting for us. I quickly stepped off of the small cruiser.

I felt lost. I was so sure about the Galra, even with Lotor's whispers. But now...

"(Y/n), I have some business to attend to. Do you want to come with me or are you alright here?"

"I'm fine," I mumbled, though I didn't believe myself, "I'm going to take a walk."

I left my brother in the bay, walking with no destination in mind. All of the hallways seemed the same to me, and I didn't care to tell the difference.

My should collided with someone else's abruptly. I stopped, turning towards the culpirate.

"Forgive me, General Thace, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's my fault princess, I was in a hurry," Thace noticed the distraught look on my face, "Are you alright?"

I glanced down the hallway, grabbing Thace's arm and pulling him to the side, "Swear on the throne you won't repeat what I'm about to tell you," I ordered.

"I swear on the throne."

"I was never aware of the horrors the Galra were committing. Now that I am...I want to change the empire for the better."

"Are you serious your majesty?"

"I swear on my ancestors," I whispered, "The Galra need to change."

"Do you have anything urgent scheduled the next few days?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"I want to show you how you can save us all. But it will take time. Do you trust me?"

"As well as I can for a man I've only met once before."

Thace grinned, "You'll be a wonderful empress. Meet me in the hangar in twenty doboshes. Bring what you need."

I nodded silently, watching as he left. What just happened?

Now with a destination in mind, I walked to my room. Because I had only just got to the ship, most of my possessions were still packed in my bag. It was relatively easy to pack for a few days, though I didn't know where exactly we were going.

The last thing I packed was the longsword Lotor had given me for one of my early birthdays. I didn't know where Thace was taking me, or why, so protection was smart.

"Where are you going?" Haggar asked as I exited my room.

"Commander Thace is taking me on a tour of sorts, so I can see the empire in its entirety."

"I see," Haggar nodded, "But understand that the Galra need a strong leader at this difficult time."

"I understand, that is why I'm placing Lotor in charge until I return. He is older than me afterall."

"Yes," Haggar didn't seem very pleased with my decision. Just when I though we were done she spoke again, "Do you see Commander Thace as a possible suitor?"

I sweatdropped. I was 18 and they were already thinking about who I was going to marry?

"Possibly," I muttered, "Now if you'll excuse me."

I hurried away from Haggar's suspicious eyes, eager to leave..

"Haggar thinks you're going to begin courting me," I told Thace as we entered the ship.

"That was not my intention," Thace assured me.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not at liberty to say, especially in a Galran ship. It will take a while to get there. Perhaps you should rest, you look tired."

I sighed, running a hand over my face. I hadn't slept in nearly a day, so Thace was right. I grabbed my bag and moved back to one of the bunks.

I was tense, but having my longsword close to me made me feel better.

I laid down on the bunk, closing my eyes. I felt lucky, knowing sleep was the one place I could escape the turmoil inside of me.


I was shaken awake when the ship jerked to the side suddenly. I ran to the front, gasping at what I saw.

"Where are we?"

"We're arriving," Thace jerked the ship again, "Sorry about this. The path to enter is difficult."

"Really? I couldn't tell," I said sarcastically. I noticed the outline of a building, "Woah."

"This is Thace entering," Thace said into the com.

"Confirm other being."

"Princess (Y/n), here in peace."

Thace landed with a problem, shutting the ship off. I slung my bag over my shoulder, sheathing my sword at my hip.

"Thace," a broad-shouldered man stood in front of us, "You realize that you are jeopardizing ten thousand years of work do you not? Not only that, but we have another ship coming in now that we have to deal with."

"I haven't come here to dismantle whatever this is. I wasn't aware of the horrors of the Galra Empire until today. I want to change that."

"She told me this without any prior knowledge of the Blade Kolivan," Thace defended me.

"Where am I?: I questioned.

Kolivan hummed, accepting that I was clueless a bit more, "This is the Blade of Marmora. A group working against the current Galran stance. You've come to join our ranks?"

"I suppose so," I muttered. Everything was silent for a few moments, "So am I a part of the Blade now or..."

"No. You must prove your conviction. Thace, take her to a room."

"Yes sir," Thace motioned for me to follow him.

He led me from the bay through a few dark hallways. Finally, he stopped in front of a plain door that was among a few others in the hall.

"Change, keep your weapon. I'll be waiting out here."

"Change into what?" I asked as the door closed. I turned around, noticing a black body-suit on the bed, "Oh."

I discarded my normal clothes and shoved them into my bag. In their place, I put on the suit. It was a bit big at first, but I felt the suit moving closer until it was my size.

I left the room, meeting Thace in the hallway. He led me back towards what seemed to be the main room.

"I can't go any further. Kolivan will explain what you must do. Good luck, your majesty."

"Thank you Thace," I bowed my head as a sign of respect.

I turned towards the dramatically large doors in front of me. They opened automatically when I moved towards them.

"Oh no," I stopped right away when I saw two Voltron pilots talking to Kolivan.

The two turned towards me, becoming defensive. The one in red- obviously the pilot of the Red Lion- spoke first.

"You're the Galran princess, you tried to kill us!"

"At the time I had just discovered what happened to my father and wasn't aware of the horrors of my empire."

"You do realize you tried to kill us yesterday right?"

"Princess (Y/n) has come here to learn the ways of the blade," Kolivan explained, "If you are so set about learning who you are, then you will go through the test together. Understood?"

"Yes sir," we nodded.



Keith and I stood a good distance away from each other as we waited for the test to start. The tension was easy to feel.

"I am sorry for trying to kill you," I said sincerely, "I want to change the galran Empire, for the better. This is the first step."

Keith smirked. "If I beat you in this test, your plan is ruined."

"Are you saying you don't want the Galra to change?" I questioned.

"Voltron is gonna win no matter what. I'm okay with having to fight a little more."

I smiled. He had a stubborn spirit. I liked it.

The door in front of us opened and we walked through. A door was at the far end of the room. Two Blade members were rising from rigs in the floor.

"You are not meant to go through that door."

Keith and I shared a look.I adjusted my grip on my sword, starting the charge.


We had gone through at least ten rooms. Everytime we got through one, the next one had even more Blade members. They always said the same thing about not being meant to go through that door.

I was lost in my thoughts, but not to the point of being unaware. I took notice of a Blade member sneaking up behind Keith, ready to strike.


I ran forwards, grabbing the Galrans wrist and flipping him over my shoulder. Keith whipped around, panting heavily. I wiped a line of sweat from my forehead, smiling slightly.

"You saved my life," he mumbled.

"Well, I don't think he would have killed you, but you're welcome," I smiled.

"Alright, well, let's move on to the next room."

"Wait," I put a hand on Keith's arm, flushing and retracting it almost immediately, "I've been thinking about what they say, about not going through the door. It may just be the exhaustion talking, but I think it's a hint."

"We need to go through the rigs," Keith realized.

"Exactly," I beamed, "So let's go in there and pass this test. Together."


Keith and I ran into the next room. Keith threw his knife into one of the closing rigs, jamming it. We dodged the members that were coming for us, and jump into the space between the rig and the floor.

"Ow," I groaned, lying on my back. I looked up, not seeing Keith anywhere, "Keith?"


I sat up to attention, staring up at my father in fear and shock.

"Father. What are you doing here, you're supposed to be recovering."

"I want you to stop the nonsense. Changing the Galra," my father scoffed, "Please (Y/n). We are meant to rule."

"Not the way we are. We're destroying planets, lives."

"But we're enhancing our own. Now, stop this and come home, or you will lose your place on the throne."

I shook my head, gripping my sword tightly, "No. I will fight for the throne, and I will fight to change the Galra. I won't let you control me anymore!"

I swung my blade at my father nearly dropping it in shock when he disappeared completely.

I looked over and saw with near me, coming out of his own haze. I stumbled to my feet, quickly moving towards him.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, "Did we pass?"

"You passed," the door opened revealing Kolivan, "Welcome to the Blade you two."

I grinned, Keith doing the same. We glanced at each other, sharing a silent moment. Fighting together for at least an hour had a strange way of bringing people closer together.

"I hope I see you again Keith," I bowed my head in respect.

"Back at you, your majesty."


"As you can see your majesty, we continue to keep stability in our work, even when-"

"Sir! Voltron has entered the atmosphere. They're here to take the planet!"

"Damn," the general I was meeting with cursed, "Your majesty, stay here, you'll be protected."

"Of course general, I wish you luck in your battle," that was a lie.

As soon as the general and guards left the room I ran to the window. Voltron- or rather, the lions, were fighting against the Galra. It was obvious who was going to win, I had seen this before.

Sure enough, in the next few minutes, Voltron had taken out the outer defenses and landed to go inside.

I unsheathed my sword, holding it by my side. I had no intention of fighting Voltron, but the last time we were in a situation like this, everyone but Keith and Shiro didn't know who I was so they attacked. It was an awkward conversation.

"From outside the control room, I heard a grunt and a thud. I held my sword a bit tighter, preparing myself for whatever through that door.

"Is that really how you want to greet me?"

"Keith," I smiled, dropping my sword, "I thought your team was going to attack me again."

"Yeah," Keith smiled sheepishly, "Sorry about that. Shiro and I thought it would be best if we held off telling the team at the time."

"I understand," I assured, 'Speaking of, where is your team?"
"Working on different levels. I saw you in the window and said I would handle this level. Shiro caught on."

"People are going to get suspicious. What will the Galra think when their princess has escaped Voltron so many times?"

"They'll think you're as powerful as I know you are."

I chuckled, "What a charmer."

"I've been hanging around Lance too much," Keith grumbled.

"Maybe, but you flirting is something I wouldn't miss. You've come so far from threatening to ruin my plans to change the Galra."

"You've come so far from trying to kill us."

"We've come far together."

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