Voltron| Video Games

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Requested by: eccyuk

Prompt: #3

"I don't know if I want to kill you or kiss you right now."

Warnings: None

Extra: I don't personally ship Plance but it's such a cute and wholesome ship and we love every pairing on this account.


"You're putting too much of your weight on your right foot, it gives me a chance to swoop in and knock you off of your left."

Swiping my foot to prove a point, I held my hand out to Keith when he fell to the floor from my attack. He let out a small huff, taking my hand all the same.

"Thanks, that was good advice," Keith picked up his bayard from the ground, "You're a good fighter."

"Being Allura's bodyguard sort of does that to you," I chuckled, shrugging casually as I swung my sword, "Towards the end of the war, things got a lot harder, and I learned a lot during that time. I'm glad I can teach you all now and put it to good use."

"Well you're doing a good job with it," Shiro's voice floated through the training room, "The team has been doing a lot better since you've been training us personally. Instead of leaving us against the bots."

"The bots are meant to be used for people with past experience. You guys needed to know the basics before anything else. But I still think a few team bonding exercises would be nice for you all."

"I'll keep that in mind. Allura wanted to see you in the bridge," Shiro reported the reason why he came to the training room in the first place.

"Thanks Shiro," I nodded to the two of them as a goodbye before leaving for the bridge.

"(Y/n), there you are," Allura perked up upon seeing me enter, "Coran and I were thinking about sending Voltron out for a few exercises, but Pidge and Lance haven't been answering their coms. Would you be able to go and check on them?"

"Of course, I'll get back to you soon."

I left the bridge and trekked through the castle to the quarters wing. Knocking on Pidge's door and getting no answer, I poked my head inside, appalled by the mess.

"She needs some help," I whispered to myself, shrieking when a small bright green creature poked its head out of her blankets, "Hello?"

Two more creatures, blue and pink emerged as well. They floated towards me, nuzzling against my face. I giggled a bit, before remembering my previous mission. Stepping back and making sure the fluffy creatures weren't following me, I closed Pidge's door.

"Hey Lance, Allura said you and Pidge haven't been answering your communicators," I knocked on Lance's door, hearing the tell-tale video game themes from inside.

"You can come in," Lance called out.

Stepping inside, I spotted Pidge almost immediately. She was glaring daggers at Lance, pouting dramatically while holding the game console close to her chest. Lance was holding one of the controllers. The second controller was in between them, broken.

"What happened?"

"One of the remotes short circuited, stupid cheap materials. Now we only have one controller and Lance thinks he should be the one to use it," Pidge clutched the console even tighter, "But he can't play if I have the console. Didn't think about that, did ya?"

"Well you can't play video games without the remote, and I have that, so ha!" Lance shot back, waving the remote in the air.

"You two," I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Weren't answering your coms, for this? What if there was an emergency?"

"Then the alarms would have gone off," Pidge shrugged, "We're having an emergency right now. I want to play my video games."

"Your video games? If they're yours, then why was the console in my room?" Lance had a good point there.

"Because my room is already full of stuff!" Having just experienced Pidge's room, I could agree with that.

"Well I went through the fountain at the space mall to get this!"

"Yeah and I went through it too! You basically own Kaltenecker, this should be mine!"

"Kaltenecker is a free spirit, no one can own her!"

"Alright, that is enough you two," I finally broke, taking the console from Pidge's hands and the remote form Lance's, "Neither of you are getting either of these until you can either share or figure out some way to decide who gets to play. Allura wants you in the bridge for Voltron training. Go!"

Pidge was the first one out, grumbling the entire way. Before Lance could leave, I put a hand in his arm.

"Do you understand why boys pull on girls' pigtails while at 'recess'?"

"Because the pigtails are just asking to be pulled?" Lance crossed his arms over his chest with the utmost certainty.

"No Lance. It's because they like the girls," I laughed, stepping past Lance so I could drop the gaming system off at my room, "She likes you too."

Leaving a dumbfounded Lance behind me, I stopped at my room to drop of the gaming system, then joined the rest of the team in the bridge.

"What's today's training exercise?" Keith questioned Allura.

"While originally I wanted it to be a Voltron exercise, I got a better idea," Allura pulled up a few diagrams, "I discovered a few protocols meant to help the lions train individually or as a team. So you'll be working together, but not as Voltron."

The entire team seemed very weary about that. Voltron was usually the thing that caused them to work best together, and they were just fine with keeping it that way it seemed.

"Wait, Lance, this could be how we decide who gets the controller," Pidge realized, "Whoever does better during the exercise wins."

"That's a good idea! (Y/n), can you judge us?"

"There doesn't have to be a competition for me to do that," I crossed my arms over my chest, "I'll go along with this, but remember that this is a team exercise."

"(Y/n) is right," Shiro butted in, "You two can hold your contest, but in the end we still have to work together."

"Got it Shiro," the two answered mechanically. The rest of the team was fully aware that they weren't listening at all.

"Hunk, please make sure they don't kill each other," I called out to the man as the team was leaving.

"I'm more worried about them killing us while they're competing," was his worried reply.

I couldn't help but agree. Those two seemed to care more about the controller than they did the universe. But I knew in the end that this whole argument was a way to vent out their feelings for each other. Cute.


"Who won the contest?" Lance and Pidge came sprinting into the bridge, panting and sweaty.

"Oh, I wasn't really paying attention to how you guys did," I shrugged casually, almost smirking when they gasped in horror.

"What do you mean you weren't watching?" Pidge shrieked, "How are we going to know who gets the controller now."

"There's this thing called sharing," Allura pointed out, giggling.

"Sharing?" The two were appalled at the notion.

"I wasn't paying attention to you two because I was too busy looking through the pig stye Pidge calls a room to find this," I help up a small folded up piece of paper.

"What is that?"

"It's an instruction manual. On the back is a few repair guides for the console and the controllers. I had Coran take a look as well. He thinks it can easily be fixed."

"We can share the console again?" Pidge whispered, astounded.

"You had that thing in your room the whole time?" Lance looked over to Pidge, right eye twitching, "I don't know if I should kill you or kiss you right now."

Pidge flushed a dark scarlet, stammering to get her words out.

"I-I mean I'd rather not die so if you feel like you have to kiss me then go on ahead."

"Ah, young love," Coran slid up behind the pair, his arms slung over their shoulders, "What a beautiful thing. Number Three, Number Five, you two were made for each other."

"Woah woah woah, hang on," Lance ducked under Coran's arm just as the other paladins entered, "Pidge and I aren't- it isn't like that."

"Really?" Keith seemed genuinely surprised, "I thought you two were together."

"Yeah, Lance, you haven't shut up about Pidge since we found out she was a girl," Hunk added in, "Even if you weren't together I knew you had a crush on her."

"Alright you guys," Shiro became the peacemaker, "Maybe we should let the two talk things out on their own."

"Thanks Shiro," Pidge began to leave, "Come on Lance, we can talk while I'm fixing the controller."

"Does that mean I can play the console while you're working?"

"In your dreams, you're suffering with me."

Instead of complaining further, Lance simply smiled and left with Pidge. Everyone on the bridge changed knowing smiles. We had been lowkey trying to get them to admit their feelings for each other for the longest time.

"Amazing that the broken game controller brought them together," Allura mused, "What miraculous timing."

"It wasn't miraculous timing Princess, it was the works of a genius," I gestured to myself, "I messed up the remote so all of this could happen. Granted I was winging it a bit in the middle there, but it all worked out well, didn't it?"

"(Y/n), you knew all of this would happen?" Keith had an impressed look on his face.

"I'm not just a good fighter," I winked, "I'm smarter than you think too. Now...I believe most of you owe me some credits from the bets we placed."


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