Kurt Wagner| Two T's

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Requested by: Roryroo

Prompt: #11

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-"


Warnings: None

Extra: Kurt is a precious bean so I had fun writing this. Enjoy!


(Y/n) had never necessarily considered her ability to be abnormal. Not that she considered it normal either, but being born with two out of 'The Three T's' definitely made her stance on abnormal and normal a bit different from the average person.

It started when she was young, much too young for her to remember but her parents remembered it well enough. She was being fed soft food when she suddenly sneezed. Instead of her parents being able to fawn over how cute her quiet sneeze was, they were sent into a panic when she suddenly disappeared out of her seat.

"Oh my God I lost my baby," her mother muttered, on the verge of tears, "She was right in front of us!"

"Wait, do you hear that?"

(Y/n)'s parents paused, and sure enough, they heard childish giggling coming from (Y/n)'s room. When they walked inside she was sitting inside her crib, swinging her arms up and down while babbling.

"She was- how- Shit."

The parents seemed to forget the no swearing in front of a child rule for a moment as they stared at their daughter in shock. She was just in her chair, and now she was in her crib?

"You don't think..." (Y/n)'s dad trailed off, not even wanting to finish his sentence.

"We can't just get rid of her if she is," her mother said in determination, "It'll be hard, but we wanted a baby and we have one, mutation and all we're going to deal with it."

"At least we'll go through one hardship before her teen years."

That was one way to put it. While her growing older helped her be more aware of how exactly she should be controlling her ability to teleport, it didn't mean that she could. In her younger years, temper tantrums set it off. Her parents were always sure to pull her out of public areas before she did. As she got older, it was big emotional outbursts.

But two out of 'The Three T's', as in, not just teleportation. Telepathy. The ability to read minds. That, was the one she had the hardest time controlling. The first time she heard someone's thoughts she started crying because she thought she was going crazy.

After that it only got worse. She tried to function as a normal human being, and did quite good at it, but there was no off switch. She could hear the thoughts of everyone in the room. Not one at a time, not if she focused. Every though, every voice, all at once. They overlapped each other in a struggle to be heard over the others, even though no one was directing their thoughts at (Y/n).

There were points when she had to leave, and talk to her parents about possibly being homeschooled because she couldn't function as a human being with what was happening.

That's how it was at first, when she first discovered she could read minds when she was twelve. It lasted a few months until she heard the voice above all the others. It was the calm in the storm, it was her off switch. Somehow, that voice shut off her ability to hear everyone else's thoughts, and she was perfectly okay with that. If only she knew what the voice was saying.

They were speaking in German. That was the most confusing part. Who did she know that spoke German? The answer was no one. No one she knew in middle school knew how to speak German. She would even go as far as to say that no one in her town spoke German. So who's thoughts was she hearing?

It went on like that for a few days, hearing this person- this boy- speaking German in his mind every so often, then it stopped and she went back to hearing every voice. She wanted to know why this person could help her more than she could help herself.

Verdiene essen, verdiene essen, verdiene essen

That thought had been on repeat for the past hour and she was getting sick of it. So she excused herself from dinner and sat in her room, closing her eyes tightly. She had never tried to speak to someone else before, but if she was going to stop hearing whatever she was hearing, she had to try.

What does that mean?

She said the thought over and over in her mind, trying to figure out how her sending a thought would make it different than her just thinking.

Earn food.

"Oh my God!"

(Y/n) could have screamed in joy. She heard the voice back, and he was speaking in english. Granted even in his mind his voice was heavily accented.

Who are you? I've been hearing your thoughts for weeks. I'm (Y/n)

(Y/n) started with the simple question, with a bit of an explanation afterwards.

My name is Kurt Wagner, I work for a circus...I've heard you too.

(Y/n) laughed out loud, leaning back against her pillows. A stupid grin was plastered on her face and she wondered if Kurt could tell she was happy.

Are you a telepath too?

No, but I am a mutant

How can we talk then?

I don't know- Verdammt, a moment please.

(Y/n) took the time of silence to change into her pajamas and brush her teeth, saying goodnight to her parents before retreating into her room. She stare at her ceiling as she waited patiently for Kurt to come back and talk to her again.

I am sorry, they needed assistance packing

It's fine Kurt. So I'm guessing you live in Germany

Yes, we travel around the country

That's cool...I don't know what time it is there, but it's kind of late here. I'll talk, to think to you tomorrow Kurt

Gute nacht (Y/n)

And for the first time since she had discovered her other mutation, (Y/n) slept with only her thoughts in her head.

That cycle continued for weeks, then months, then years. (Y/n) and Kurt talking telepathically every chance they had. The time difference between America and Germany made it a bit difficult, but they made it work.

(Y/n) was Kurt's escape from the circus, she heard him talking to himself in his head about what he should and shouldn't do, and from the German she had learnt, the consequences he would get when he wouldn't comply...

Kurt was (Y/n)'s escape from her very own mutation. She found her off switch, her control. He was how she stayed sane and how she could focus on things other than the thoughts of people around her.

Together, they made a weird team. A long-distance, non hero team. But that was enough for them, supporting each other and staying in connection. They meant everything to each other. Kurt wasn't telepathic and somehow they could talk to each other, like something in the universe wanted them to know who the other was.

(Y/n), I don't have much time to tell you but I'm coming to America

(Y/n) sat up abruptly in bed. That wasn't what she expected to hear, especially not this early in the morning. She had been trying to get Kurt to teleport to America as long as they had known eachother, but he was always hesitant.


Mystique saved me from a fighting ring, oh we're here...It's a school

A school?

Kurt went quiet for a few minutes, and (Y/n) was a bit worried about what was going on. That was, until he came back. His voice- head voice- was happier than it had been in quite a while.

It's called X-Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. There are many mutants like us here

Kurt seemed to struggle with the pronunciation of the school name, but it came out clear enough. The two helped each other with their languages afterall.

"Xaviers," (Y/n) mumbled, quickly writing the name down.

(Y/n), there's a phone here

(Y/n) dropped her pen at the statement. She reached down to pick it up, clearing her throat.

A phone? As in, talk to each other over a normal device, phone?

Yes, that's what a phone is correct? Or is there a different english word more commonly used?

No, phone is right, I just can't imagine actually talking to you

The professor said I could use it, may I call you?

(Y/n) opened her room door, forgetting how early in the morning it was and stopping at her home phone. She quickly gave Kurt the number and waited patiently. Sure enough, the phone began to ring soon after. She snatched it off of the wall, holding it up to her ear.



"Oh my God," (Y/n) whispered, tears springing to her eyes. It was a strange thing to be crying about, but something about hearing Kurt's voice with her ears and with her mind set her off, "Sorry, um, this is just crazy."

"It is," Kurt agreed, "I do not know what to say."

"I don't either," (Y/n) laughed quietly, "How's the school? I know you just got there but you seem happy."

"Yes, I am happy here. Mutants are being taught, not enslaved. I think you would like it here."

"Yeah, well, I've never been good with large amounts of people so a place like that seems intimidating, let's just stick with what we have going for now, yeah?"

"Of course!"

And things did continue on like that for another few months. (Y/n) even stayed in touch with Kurt when he went against Apocalypse. The thought of him going against that maniac scared her, but he came out alive and well so that was all that mattered.

Her staying in touch with Kurt meant she had to tell her parents about him, and while they were scared, (Y/n) being able to read his mind was a good tell that he was a good person.

In training today Jean won the competition of destroying the robots, but I got second

That's amazing Kurt! It sounds like your training is really coming along

Yes...(Y/n), on a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-


But, you did not let me finish, and twenty-seven wasn't an option on the scale

Kurt, what I mean is that I know what you're going to ask, and I can't

I apologize, but I mentioned you to the Professor and he wants you to come to the school. He is a telepath as well. He thinks he can help you

You help me Kurt

Please, think about it (Y/n), it would mean seeing each other in person

(Y/n) did think about it, for the next week it felt as though all she did was think about it. (Y/n) knew at some points her thoughts were so dominating that Kurt likely heard her thinking it over, but he didn't try to convince her again, he never tried to push her. That was why she loved him.

That was another thing she had to think about, but she didn't exactly trust herself to think it because Kurt could hear it, so instead, she wrote about it. She wrote out her feelings in order to sort them out, and every version of them came to one conclusion, she loved Kurt.

Kurt, I'm coming to the school

That's amazing liebling!

It didn't take long for (Y/n) to convince her parents to drive her up to the school so she could enroll. It was private, free for mutants, and a safe place for her to learn. It was all they ever wanted for her.

The drive was long, not only was the school in New York, but it was upstate. Even then, the family had a nice time, listening to music and talking about the best possible future.

"We're here."

Even before (Y/n)'s mom made the announcement, she knew they were approaching. Not because of the large gate in front of them, but because of the thoughts that began to enter her head. Hundreds of mutants were there, going about their lives. Some of them were stressed about class, or worried about their mutation, but for the most part, they were happy.

Welcome to Xavier's (Y/n)

This wasn't Kurt's voice, the accent was British, not German. It held a sense of age and knowledge. This was Charles Xavier.

(Y/n)'s dad parked the car and the small family exited, looking around at the school. (Y/n) noticed a man in a wheelchair approaching them.

"Hello, I'm Charles Xavier," Xavier held out his hand for the three to shake, "Welcome to my school. (Y/n), I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?"

"Ah yes, I've heard Kurt talking to you before, it's nice to have you here. I hope we can help you control your telepathy, though your teleportation seems to be well under control."

"It is," (Y/n) nodded, "You're telepathic too?"

"I am, you'll be working with me and Jean so you can shut out others' thoughts, and don't worry, I went through the same thing when I was younger, you'll learn soon enough."

"Thank you Professor," (Y/n) looked around the schoolyard, "I don't mean to be rude and leave this conversation early, but do you know where Kurt is?"

The Professor smiled, "He's training, you'll see the elevator near my office on the second floor. I'll speak to your parents out here."

"Thank you," (Y/n) turned to leave before she stopped, turning back around, "Kurt isn't telepathic, so how have we been communicating this whole time?"

The Professor smiled, "I'm still researching this entirely, but telepaths, when they are born, connect to a person. This person is someone they will share their thoughts and feelings with. I have someone whom I share this with, so does Jean. Where you want your future together to go is up to you two."

"Thank you Professor."

(Y/n) walked inside of the school, immediately finding the staircase leading to the second floor. She took a right and saw metallic doors, an elevator. She tapped the pad next to the elevator, jumping when a voice spoke to her.

"Fingerprint not identified, access denied."

(Y/n) frowned, closing her eyes and picturing the image Xavier had in his head when he spoke about the room, sure enough, she felt herself moving, and when she opened her eyes again, she was in a large room, several other people around her.

"Who are you?" A boy in glasses asked, entering a defensive stance.

"You aren't permitted to be in here."

(Y/n)'s brows raised when she saw Mystique standing in front of her, Mystique was a hero to all mutants, and there she was.

"Wait! (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) felt a grin spread across her lips. There he was. The boy she had been speaking to for years, the boy she had been connected to her entire life. Kurt was standing there in his blue glory, his tail swishing behind him excitedly.

Instead of having a normal 'running towards each other in what felt like slow motion' moment, the two teleported in front of each other. They hugged each other tightly, laughing ecstatically.

"You are here," Kurt mumbled.

"I am, I'm staying here," (Y/n) grinned.

"So, Kurt, mind introducing us to your friend?" The boy with the glasses asked.

"This is (Y/n)," Kurt introduced, "(Y/n) this is Scott, Jean, Ororo, Mystique, Peter, and Hank."

"Nice to meet you all," (Y/n) waved shyly.

"How did you two meet?" Peter asked, winking at (Y/n).

"You're connected," Jean answered, "Just like me and Scott, that's how you know each other."

(Y/n) and Kurt nodded, glancing at each other and smiling.

"Oh good, you found you way down here," the Professor entered the training room through the door, "Your parents have agreed to let you stay here and learn."

"That's amazing," (Y/n) beamed.

"Along with that, X-Men, say hello to your newest member."

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