Chapter 16: The Watcher-Brawlers in The Spirit World

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Chapter 16: The Watcher-Brawlers in The Spirit World!

Bearlynyan: hello again! It's time to amp up the power! I brought thepickman236 here again do be in this chapter! I planned to have Sparkyu, who's artismusic's yokai OC as herself, to my next chapter! To me personally, I don't know how many chapters I'll be doing...

Gintarjo: you're getting there! Just to keep in mind I'm gonna evolve in this episode! You see that me in the last chapter is kinda weird because I'm not gonna be stuck as a half-clone of Buchinyan!

Bearlynyan: that was supposed to be a surprise for them, but we already wrote this so who cares. I also add No-Face in this chapter for you Ghibli Fans out there. If you're reading this, Prepare for your worst nightmare Dan and Nate, your friends (and Hailey Anne) are here! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

(Transition break)

-in a hot spring tub-

Nate said after hearing me laughing, "what's that strange laugh just about now?"

"I haven't heard any laughs, I think you might be hallucinating from the bath you had. Too hot for you?" Dan said as he questioned his friend's mental health.

"No I'm fine, it's just I heard someone laugh out that our friends are coming, but that'll never happen! I mean Bearlywrote and Gintarjo are like our guardians, I wonder how many fan artists they've already joined with her?" Nate told his dear friend

Dan replied "I guess so, but what if our friends come? I mean I kinda wanna go back home and see my friends again, I mean they cannot fight together alone and they aren't fully bonded with their tiny friends. I mean I was supposed to share this cursed power with my friends and I wanna see Keith's surprise, but only me and my partner leaving my home is like the best solution for a happy ending..."

"I see, mine isn't the same way as you! I was gonna go for it and befriend with my 'butler' and Jibanyan and have adventures together, but something change my perspective on how my role is. An average elementary school kid wielding a Yokai Watch with a butler I never hired, a messy and lazy cat that eats chocolate bars, and a tiny shut-in millionaire Batman in my closet, I really want to accept it, but somehow I can't..." Nate explained as he was rethinking about what life was like if he accepted his role as a hero.

"But I worry about Jibanyan, because he's like captured by your rivals I think. If he lend me his medal sooner, I would've summoned him in a bath with us..." he realized that right about now

"I worry that too. Jibanyan's my friend and I don't want my rivals to get the hold of him and torture him just to bring me back..." Dan moaned as he almost forgotten whom he's fighting

Their negative thoughts are washing away as the hot spring water is relieving their stress. Nate is finally relieved that he's fully naked in the hot spring since he's not sealed with 'bathing with swimsuits on' curse. I wish I could stay in this world forever, he thought, but not everything last...

(Transition break)

One hour after my 'disturbance in the force' vision has been foreseen, I was chilling at the top of the tallest building. I recently got my sketchbook with me to do an experiment with our upcoming guests. I already felt their presence in the human side of this world, and it's not Chihiro...

-in the human side-

"Oh my gosh! Anime at its finest! This is exactly the Spirit World, I've never been in this place!" Hailey amazed as she noticed the dark city of festive spirits, "I bet Chihiro or Sen is still here in this world! I don't know if it's during or after the movie!"

"I noticed that too, there's a river that is hard to cross. I suggest we get something safe to eat or else we fade..." Shun pointed out that fatality that he recalled clearly. He watched those movies with Dan, he knew why he didn't want to watch them anymore. He feared that Tanukis might traumatized Dan with their Gronknuts, because they're freakishly known for that.

He grabbed a pouch of some berries he stored in, and pulled out three of them.

"Eat these, they're similar to what Haku gives to the girl and they'll make us stay solid!" Shun said generously, "we have rely on our friends to cross the river!"

"Okay, I just need a few pictures of this!" She snap some pictures of the beautiful world of Studio Ghibli's Masterpiece

"Hailey, as much as we like you... we don't have time for that! Your friend and our friend needs rescue and recovery! He must've been through a lot in order to mess with Dan's path!" Marucho slumped out Hailey's choice, even though she's an anime otaku.

"Oh please, the more you talk, the more you act like Usapyon!" Hailey roasted him, "besides, I like you better because you don't have a western accent and 'Invader Mode'!"

-Gintarjo listens behind the statue-

"Oh dear, I should try to get them to gather in one spot. The ninja character knows his skills, he might listen to me behind here. I just hope that this guy here is as useful as me" he glances at No-Face, "Are you sure you're up for the challenge to kill those humans?"

"....." said No-Face

"I'll take that as a yes!"

(Transition break)

I was looking back at the window, and noticed a change. Both Dan and Nate are at the dining hall for a special night, and a hostess starts off the event.

"Greetings folks, I'm glad you're back for another year of this spectacular day! I would like to celebrate the end of the world, the worlds of the Bakugan and the Yokai Watch are ending. You may seem like it's no big deal to all, but this is a little special to some of them since they're responsible for the calamity!" The nice elder woman smiles upon the two innocent souls.

"Destroy my world? How? I left to save it for the better!" I told the granny of the bath house of what caused.

"Your absolute absence has caused trouble for the heroes and the villains! The worlds are safe but what about the people, they don't seem the same?" She said in an innocent manner

"And you my favorite child, you kinda gave me a big win here! I got so many customers going in and they always talk about you going nuts in their world! The encounters never occurred to them and the impatience stressed them out!" She pointed that out to Nate, "you're so blue and cute that you are never be able to be called 'average'" she cooed him as a little baby.

"Uhh, thank you ma'am..." he politely answered as she's pinching his blue cheeks. "Now I'll get you some juice and Sake for you guys, on the house!"

"I think this will be a great candidate to stay!" Dan declared, "I guess we gotta head off to our rooms and sleep after this"

"NOW LETS GET DRUNK!" Nate yelled as the employees cheer on the two attention seekers. I was listening to the crowd of spirits applaud and I thought to myself as I wrote down my notes, 'excellent! My plan is working, they decided that this is one of the good homes!'

"Hey Bearlynyan, we gotta chat!" Gintarjo texted me in my smartphone.

"What is it that you don't understand? That 'You're gonna be like Blowcade' totally meant?"

"About that, they're on their way. I have bad luck with No-Face, he's trying to eat me!"

"Oh dear, he's trying to speak with Hailey Anne, huh?"

"Yeah, I think he wants to please her, even though she's different than the protagonist in this world. I simply tell him that he's going to team up with you to kill the two brawlers who are with her."

"Yes only two!"

"Oh yeah, she already died, didn't she?"

"No, that's Rachel's AU. She's still alive and well, that's why she's given Kemono, the Dream/Animas/Ogre hybrid watch!

(Transition break)

Kemono means Beast

Yokai Watch Kemono sounds more good than what I planned for calling it Yokai Watch Beast

It's a Hybrid watch that contains mythical ET yokai beasts, like Animas summons, spins around like Dream's Dream roulette for a beast that's chosen, and has four characters that can possess her with their own abilities, like Ogre.

Has four ET Yokai beasts:

-Boss Kazzuna (Kazarina's yokai form)

-Gillmalkin (Gill's yokai form)

-Snarezel (Airzel's yokai form)

-Yeti Stoicrab (Stoica's and Lythirus's yokai form/kinda like Manjimutt's case)

It chose Hailey because she's powerful enough to control their antagonistic behavior while being possessed. It'll only awaken to her if she felt a huge loss of faith in her, that's what I planned to do, I'm here with my friends to come and 'help' her. (Basically like Yokai Watch Ghoul which I do not wrote! Credit goes to Art-is-Music!)

(Back to the story)

"Are you sure you don't wanna be with No-Face just to make this easier for you?" I continued

"No I'm not!... I want all the help I can get! I don't care if he eats me for a given advantage, I just wanna complete my mission you given me!"

"Good! I don't want anymore trouble, I've already got some jerks figuring it out early, like those villains did to that loving character in the FullMetal Alchemist brotherhood series! I don't want any trace of me recorded other than myself!"

"Apparently, they're now at the other side of the river! They're heading to the same route like Chihiro and her parents took, the one that leads to the bath house Dan and Nate are at!"

Now I act out of character, "They're on the move soldier! Get in your position! GO! GO! GO!" Now I acted like Burly...

-blasters music starts playing in the background-

(Transition break)

"Okay now I'm hearing Yokai Watch Blasters music..." Nate stated

"You're right, this song does not match to my memories of this movie!" Dan noticed it too, "I think more Fan Artists and the thing with your show I haven't heard about are here looking for you I guess..."

"I think we should hide in the weirdest of all places, nobody finds us there!" Nate said with a brilliant idea

"Good idea Nate! To the filthy tub!" Dan declared

(Transition break)

-music still plays the blasters theme-

"This doesn't even match to the movie at all! Is it something you recognize Hailey?" Shun asked

"It's the Yokai Watch Blasters theme! I bet they deploy them to find Nate too or in this case my Watcher friends are here!" Hailey answered


"Another cat yokai?" Shun observed as the cat brought along No-Face with him.

"OHMYGOSHIT'SNOFACE!!!! I'm a fan of your great appearance in this movie! Can I have your autograph?" Hailey shouted as she makes eye contact with the mysterious spirit.

"Oh.." No-Face replied

"No-Face! We don't have time for distractions! We have to kill them! They're friends who want their heroes back from us!" Gintarjo screamed

"Hmm" No-face said in denial

"Do you hear me!?! Bearlynyan said-!"

"NOM!" He ate the cat yokai encounter as he obtained a gun and some daggers and grenades from his body

"I don't think this is count as 'Vore'..." Gintarjo moaned as he is swallowed whole by the spirit of all things

"THIS IS TOTALLY A GREAT BOSS BATTLE SEQUENCE!" Hailey excites herself as she's about to battle against No-Face

"Calm down Hailey, this is serious! I know that they're like your friends, but for me, they're troubling to deal with!" Shun asked her to reconsider, "you see Yokai like this can be catastrophic for-!"


"SHUN-SAMA!!!" She ran towards his corpse, his eyes are dulled and his body is losing warmth and blood

"Why No-Face? Why did you harm him? He's my friend!" She panicked

"He's nothing but a man with prejudice against yokai! He is consumed by his hatred towards us and shuts them away from anything we find enjoyable. He should be punished for banning us to participate in his and our beloved friend's game!"

"Your beloved friend? You mean Dan can see them too-!" Marucho got shot down by the same one who killed the second ranked hero.

"Stop! Your way of doing is harming me! I don't want this, I need them...!"

She cried as she felt her faith washing away from her, "please... don't hurt me... I love them! They're my greatest friends I've ever met!..."

She cried through her pain of losing her two friends, leaving her alone and broken...

Suddenly, her friend's bodies disappeared...

"You got to be strong Hailey Anne, there's a way to bring the two boys back, but you have to make a promise..." a strange voice called out to her, it's a girl's voice

"There's a way you can do help them!" Another voice called out and it was a male

"You'll help us and we can help you!"
Another male voice called out

"We like your body, it's so powerful indeed to remove our darkest thoughts!" The last of the male voices called out to her

"We want to possess you! In return, we will make some fan artist speak about a way to revive them!" All of the voices asked her in sync

"Okay, My body is ready! Make use of my body whatever it suits you! I'm not gonna give up the mystery, I'm still determined to find Nate, even if it's a suicide mission!"

"Good! We will grant you the ability to use us for your strength!" They all glow into a dark blue watch with certain dials and some patterns of the face resemble like emojis. Some sort of goat, a tiger, a crane, and a Yeti, and none of them relate to the records of past Yokai watches.

"It must be a Fan Artist watch! I wonder how this works!" She pressed a button on the side of the watch and let it activate.

"It's Kemono Roulette Time! -the hand spins as music plays- -clank-

"GILLMALKIN!" The Watch spoke similar to Nate's Dream Watch, but something's off... it's like that Ogre watch..., "if I press this then..."



Some clothes appeared belonging to the chosen spirit which is about to possess her. It's sort of familiar to something... but what?

"Hmm! This is my Yokai form! Come on you blob of molasses! Fight Me! In honor of my new master!" Gillmalkin jumped on top of him and tried punching him with his paws.

"No! I'm here for killing the two yet I successfully did it! I'm not here to kill you three!" No-Face panted as he dodged his clawed attack. He punched his gut and the black blob felt nauseous...

(Transition break)

"Wait what's happening to Gintarjo?" Nate woke up back at his room since hiding in the filthy tub was a bad idea to begin with. He woke up, noticed his medal glowing blue.

"Oh my! Am I thinking what he's thinking?" Dan thought of something familiar in his past!

(Back to the battle)

"Take that you worm! You cannot dishonor my master's heart! That's your punishment!" Gillmalkin dissolves as Hailey felt like she's enjoying it.

"My job is done. I'm sorry for what I did..." he threw up and an unknown cat comes out. He's different from what she recognized, he now has brown fur, a star light brown pattern, some clothes made for the delinquent, one tail light missing, and has hair with a hat on top.

"Oh now I'm my new self again..., I need to stop asking her for this job! I now know what I feel like being devoured. Oh hi Hailey Anne!"

"How did you know my name?"

"I'm a fan artist, sort of! I like to help out my friends, you're my friend, so I have to do this once. Just for the souls I've sent them asleep to a friend of mine. She already designed them and she send them to Rachel. Go to this world, and she'll tell you how to get their human lives back!"

"What's your name? Your artist name?"

"Oh I'm ThePickMan236!"

"What's your new form's name?"

"Just call me Gintarjo!"

(Transition break)

"He evolved and yet he still called 'Gintarjo'! that's sounds weird." Nate thought for a moment as he glanced at the new medal of his friend here.

"What does he have with Bearlywrote? He knows her purpose and her real name! If I remember fully, he addressed her as 'Sonia'. Is it possible that our plan might be their plan?" Nate felt aware of what's happening to Gintarjo and Bearlywrote.

"Nah, I don't believe in that nonsense. There're conspiracy theories that this is a simulation made by artists who want this world to be a large crossover, but I don't believe that! I believe in you though, and you believe in myself. That's what matters." He disbelieved in what Nate thinks of them.

Nate thought, I know they're up to something, but all I know is that they're my friends. He slept in their futon alongside with Dan, dreaming like all the dangers that never happened here. All I know is that their friends are here and died in vain, no sound has made for the two to hear, one girl left unheard of and followed the evolved cat to another world...

(Chapter 16 ended)

Man what a killer this story took out of me! I like to thank ThePickMan236 for his last appearance(not really...)in this chapter, I'm sorry it's not like how we talked about, but this might do. I don't own everything. I just need rest from all the typing.... Review....

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