Epilouge (True ending chapter 23)

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(Same special guests as the last one: artismusic Zayachu15 thepickman236 and ParanormalDoodles )


I was watching above the night sky, looking at my new friends flying with their wings and floating powers. I looked at the time and it was 1:32 AM, it's time for me to sleep, I thought

Before I start resting, a familiar friend comes below the surface of the fictional world. The traitor, along with my friends who aided me in this project.

"Oh hi guys! You seem to wonder why I called you here..." I told them

"It is come to understand that someone is not doing their job?" Zaytun replied

"I let you off the hook on telling Jerry and Tom about this, but then again you brought them back to life and sweep the mess off the floor!" I answered calmly, "We're here for Rachel!"

"What am I blamed for? I did what you asked me!" She said

"You didn't interfere earlier with Imazak, Hailey, and Kappacho with their plan! Because of that, I have to use my soultimate to keep their lips sealed!" I explained to her, "to make matters worse, you changed Hailey to your Yokai OC to make this easier for her team to catch up, I didn't have time to add drama in this!!!"

"Bearly, I'm trying to save them! It's like you wanted both of them to end, even though one of them actually died!" She informed me

Justin added to my defense, "but you seem to neglect this! Like you're Agnes and Bearly here is Backbeard!"

"Those are bad examples Justin! I'm Captain Marvel and she's Thanos! That's it!" Rachel snapped back at him along with me.

"Rachel, I hate to say this, but I'm suspending you from working with your missions! Furthermore, you're not permitted to step foot into the worlds I chose for Phase 2!" She is stunned to hear those words I said to her

Every other Fan Artist is starting to look at each other with fear, leading me to say this sentence, "if you're with me, move forward. If not, we'll you'll get same punishment as she has!"

Everyone step forward, looking glum.

"Well good! I have some friends that are willing to help me!" I called upon them that they're doing a good job, "Akunogan!"

A being who looks like an alien but he's half-dragon like Baiporagon. Like a werewolf or Werehog (if people out there are still baffled by the Sonic movie character design), he will appear like this at night and let Bai take form by day, but they have different personalities and they share memories in one body.

He flies down and answered, "Yes mom?"

"I want you to update the job scheduling! I don't want Rachel or Sparkyu to ruin MS like the real creators of Bakugan did! My purpose is to make people happy, by showing my finest of art of creative writing!" I shown him my smiling grin, "There is no way she'll ruin this!"

"Yes mom!" Akunogan flew back up to join in with his little brother up in the night sky

(Transition break)

Meanwhile after two hours of the trial...

"Nate, it's time to face facts... your friend you knew more than us is gone... there's no other way to get his sight back unless he obtains a Yokai Watch!" Whisper comforts him as Nate is still crying over his closest friend, he cursed himself for not letting Lord Enma know that he persuaded him to snap out of his destiny.

"I know, I'm sorry I ran away from you earlier... I knew you're trying to lure me into a better world that was in front of me all along, but I feel bad about all of this!" He holds photos of him along with Dan, smiling with Steven in the background, do multiple funny photos of their yokai forms in the photo booth, and the last image of them hugging each other with Monster.

Jibanyan walked in with a golden mask he's carrying, feeling the same way as Nate

"I know where we should put them in..." Whisper asked them as he knew the solution

-meanwhile in Mt. Wildwood-

Whisper placed a big metal container in front of the crank-a-kai

"I suggest we should do a time capsule, we should put those objects in in the next thirty years, that way we should work on something to pass the time! We're either going to forget each other or other adventures we've done, but I'm sure we should let go of the past." He asked his boys if that would work for them

"Whisper... that may be the smartest idea yet, they're other adventures in the form of movies and several segments like school related, careers, slice of life, etc. They're maybe a chance that our adventure will come again differently. Besides, more adventures mean more friends, and more friends mean more fun!" Nate smiled as he placed his images inside the time capsule, along with his old stuff and his medals of Bearlynyan and Gintarjo, the Fan Artists he made friends with.

Jibanyan placed his memento of Maggy inside the time capsule, so his older self who can smash trucks with ease, can be the one who wear it.

"Goodbye Maggy... I'll see you in thirty years... he gave the mask a kiss and leaves it in while Whisper closed the capsule. Burying it in remembrance of Nate and Jibanyan's lost friends...

(Transition break)

Thirty years later...

A strange cat looks in the abandoned streets looking for something, as he stands in front of FanArtist Helpers' headquarters

He used his pen to erase the traps and barriers that are set up for a clone yet differently incarnated being with extraordinary abilities...

"BLUEBEARY!!! ARE YOU THERE!?!?" A stranger nyan yelled out it's name, as he heard heavy footfalls of one shadowside yokai, bigger than it's last appearance as it seems...


"I'm here on behalf of Bearlywrote that you are free. Kaiba's rule broke the eternal sentence of Bearlynyan from here, and you must be that Bearlynyan, or should I say, Bearly Cuddly!" He answered to Cuddly as he laughs

"What does she have in mind?" Cuddly asked

"It's like last time with the originals, but I need you to grab some people for her plot and turn them into yokai!" Bakunyan asked him

"What are their names?" Cuddly asked


Well that's it for Multi Surge!
I know it might get excited but I'm doing a sequel story on this! Me (Bearlynyan (OG)) picking up my friends I've saved
Bakunyan, my fictional boyfriend, picking up random guys and Original Nate and Dan for one last adventure together
And Bearly Cuddly (Male Bearlynyan), is tasked to kidnap Kouzo and Keisuke and have a better bond to ruin others because they fear of character development!

So there you have it, that's the plot!

Furthermore, thank you everyone for supporting me by reading my story and liking it.

I might ask for a like or a comment, but I'm gonna say it one more, I don't own everything! (Both franchises entirely!)

Like or comment! ❤

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