Sour Grape Cookie's Birth (Grape Juice Cookie x Affogato Cookie) (OC x Canon)

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Here's a fanfic of my OC x canon ship Grape Juice Cookie x Affogato Cookie where Grape Juice Cookie gives birth to their daughter!

CW: Premature birth, a c-section, mentions of blood, and a mention of a syringe, Affogato probably lowkey had multiple panic attacks in his mind throughout this oneshot-, please read at your own risk!

I hope you enjoy the story!

Grape Juice Cookie was sitting with the other disciples, looking down at her stomach. She was currently eight months pregnant with the child of the leader of the disciples and her childhood friend, Affogato Cookie. She smiles at all the good memories she's had with Affogato over the years. She then notices one of the disciples trying to carry something heavy and stands up from where she's sitting and walks over to the disciple.

"Are you sure you should be lifting heavy objects? You're eight months pregnant," the disciple says. "I know that! It's not like I'm carrying the entire thing anyways!" Grape Juice says before grabbing the other side of what the disciple was carrying as they go to wherever it needs to be taken to. When they get to where the object needs to be, they accidentally drop the object, causing it to make a loud noise as it lands. Grape Juice gasps as she feels a liquid running down her legs, grabbing her stomach in pain.

"A-are you ok?!" The disciple asks frantically. "I-I think my water just broke-," Grape Juice says, panic in her voice. "B-but it's only been eight months!" The disciple says. "J-just get me to A-Affogato please!" Grape Juice practically shouts. The disciple nods and carefully takes her to her and her boyfriend's bedroom. The disciple barges into the room, Grape Juice by their side, panting. Affogato looks up from whatever he was doing and looks at the two cookies who just entered the room. "Huh? Kitten, what's wrong?" He asks. "S-she went into labor!" The disciple says. "But it's only been eight months!" Affogato says.

"We were carrying something heavy and we accidentally dropped it and the loud noise it made must have caused her to go into labor early!" The disciple says. "Why in the hell would you let her carry it?!" Affogato yells, anger evident in his voice. "I-I insisted on helping them," Grape Juice says before feeling a contraction and groaning in pain. "Bring her over here and then go get a healer!" Affogato says. The disciple nods and walks Grape Juice over to the bed as Affogato helps her lay down on the bed, then the disciple rushes out of the room to get a healer.

Grape Juice tears up slightly. "I-I'm scared," she says as she feels another contraction. "I know kitten, but hopefully soon this will all be over," Affogato says soothingly. Grape Juice cries out in pain, Affogato watches on, a somber look on his face, upset that his lover was in so much pain. Eventually the healers rushed into the room. Affogato and Grape Juice both look at the healers, tears in Grape Juice's eyes. "Help," Affogato says pleadingly, worry in his voice.

The healers nod and walk over to the bed and check Grape Juice's entrance, only to see blood coming out of it. They look at each other in concern, which in turn concerns the couple. "W-what is it?" Affogato asks. "We're going to need to perform an emergency c-section, it's too dangerous for her to push the baby out naturally," one of the healers says. This causes Affogato to panic. "Fucking help her!" Affogato yells. The healers nod and rush to get everything ready, knowing this is an emergency procedure.

Grape Juice Cookie whimpers, tears in her eyes as the healers grab the needed supplies for the surgery. Affogato holds Grape Juice's hand comfortingly. "I'm right here, don't worry," Affogato says comfortingly to his girlfriend as she whimpers. One of the healers grabs a syringe with anesthesia in it before injecting the anesthesia into Grape Juice. The healers wait a few minutes for the anesthesia to kick in before they start the surgery. When it kicks in, one of the healers grabs a screen to cover up Grape Juice's vision so she doesn't have to see the blood.

One of the healers cleans Grape Juice's abdomen as another healer places the intravenous line into her arm and then grabs a scalpel (or whatever is used to perform a c-section) and proceeds to make an incision in the abdominal wall. Affogato looks away, not liking the sight of the blood. The healer then makes an incision across the lower part of Grape's uterus. The healer then gently grabs the baby's head and pulls them out. The sounds of a baby crying were then heard throughout the room, which causes Affogato's heart to melt. Grape Juice gives a tired and weak smile at hearing the cries.

"You did it," Affogato says to his girlfriend, placing his hand on hers as one of the healers stitches up where the incisions were made as another healer cuts the umbilical cord and cleans the baby off. Afterwards they rush to get her breathing in check. Affogato watches as the healers take his daughter to the nursery, which was conveniently located right next to the bedroom. He sat on the bed with Grape Juice, comforting her. After about a half an hour, Grape Juice fell asleep due to the stress of giving birth. Affogato got out of bed, making sure not to disturb his sleeping lover, and decided to go to the nursery to check on the newborn.

When he walked into the nursery, he saw the healers watching over the baby. He walks over to the healers, noticing they all look concerned. One of the healers looks at the new father, a look of concern in their eyes. "I-is something wrong? Is the baby ok?" Affogato asks the healer, referring to the sleeping child. The healer sighs. "Your child was born blind. I'm sorry," the healer says. Affogato gasps. "I-I can't believe..." he says, tearing up slightly. The healers move out of the way, allowing Affogato to walk over to the crib to see his daughter.

Affogato Cookie looks in the crib, seeing the little girl sleeping. She had long hair that has similar colors to her mother's hair. "Hello little princess," Affogato says softly. The baby then wakes up and looks up at her father. She gives Affogato a confused expression as he smiles. "Hello my dear daughter. It's me, your father. Your mama is resting because you tired her out. But welcome to the world, my lil gumdrop," he says with a smile. The baby starts happily babbling, which causes the new father to smile. Affogato and the healers then take the baby into Affogato's room to meet the mother.

They walk into the bedroom to see Grape Juice already awake. Grape Juice looks at Affogato and smiles, then tears up when she notices the baby in his arms. Affogato walks over to his girlfriend before sighing and saying, "Kitten, the baby is blind..." "W-what?" Grape Juice asks. "She's blind, she can't see," Affogato says. Affogato then hands the baby to Grape Juice, who carefully grabs the baby. Grape Juice smiles and tears up, looking at her baby in awe. The baby looks at her mother, confusion evident on her face. "What should we name her?" Grape Juice asks her boyfriend. "How about Sour Grape Cookie?" Affogato suggest. Grape Juice smiles. "It's perfect," she says. "Welcome to the world, Sour Grape," Affogato says.


Jesus Christ this took me a while to finish lmao. I hope you enjoyed the story and have a great day! ^^

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