Obi-Wan Kenobi [Star Wars]

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title: The Librarian's Assistant

Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
Star Wars

note: this takes place in Star Wars Episode 2 (Attack of the Clones).


The quiet hush of the library was not disturbed when Obi-Wan entered discreetly through the doorway, as was his intention. He was not keen to draw attention to himself as he gathered his information.

Despite this, after pausing in an aisle of bookshelves, he felt a presence behind him.

"May I help you?" She asked, and Obi-Wan turned. He was slightly taken aback by her youthful appearance as he was expecting a more elderly librarian but did not mind briefly giving himself the pleasure to admire her beauty. Eyes quickly glanced over her fitting dress, slender neck and pink lips, before finally resting on her inquisitive (E/C) eyes.

"Yes, actually. I am looking for a planet called Kamino." He said, pulling himself together.

"I can search it up for you. Follow me," She began to walk to the computers and Obi-Wan had to restrain himself from letting his eyes wander further down than what was polite.

"Forgive me for asking, but are you new? I don't believe I remember seeing you here before." He asked and she turned to him.

"I am Jocasta's apprentice, (Y/N) (L/N), and have been here for 4 months by tomorrow." She replied. Recognition sparked across Obi-Wan's face as he recalled a previous meeting.

"Ah yes, I remember your name being mentioned a while ago. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss (Y/N)." He bowed respectfully, though unnecessary, when they had stopped at the computers.

"I would reciprocate but I don't know who you are, Master Jedi." She probed and a faint blush tinted her cheeks due to his bow.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, at your service."

"Then it is a pleasure to meet you too, Master Kenobi, though I do believe, rather, that I am at yours." (Y/N) then keyed in both the coordinates and the name of the planet.

After a few unsuccessful attempts at locating the system, she turned to him.

"It seems as though the planet you're looking for doesn't exist." (Y/N) concluded.


"I can get Jocasta to search for you, though I daresay I doubt it requires much skill to read the results."

"No, I trust your abilities. But my source was very reliable, I'm sure that Kamino exists." He furrowed his brow. How could the planet not exist on record?

After a few moments of silence, (Y/N) spoke again.

"Perhaps what you are looking for exists, but the data was erased? But if that's the case, what Jedi would want to do such a thing?" She pondered and Obi-Wan's frown deepened.

"Perhaps..." He was hesitant to accept that a fellow Jedi would do something so suspicious though he knew it was a plausible explanation for the missing data.

They both began to walk to the entrance before Obi-Wan turned to her.

"I'll be off now, I need to get to the bottom of this. Please tell me if any information comes up," He said and she nodded.

"I will. Will I also expect to see you back here, Master Kenobi?" Staring innocently into his eyes, she internally remarked their blueness.

He tentatively grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips before flashing her a smile.

"You can count on it."

He then quickly walked away, but just before turning the corner he looked back and caught (Y/N)'s eyes for a split second, and as he did so, butterflies erupted in both of their chests.
Before she knew it Obi-Wan was gone, but the butterflies remained.

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