TMNT [HC - Love Languages]

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Leo: Acts of Service
-Leo is a stickler for the classic gentleman notions, like holding a door open for his s/o or pulling a seat out for them to sit on.

-Sometimes he goes the extra mile and cooks dinner for them after a day at work, or makes the bed.

-He loves it when his s/o recognises the little things he does ("Thanks for re-organising the cutlery drawer")

-Best way to make him feel loved: take a few of his burdens off of him. He's carrying enough just being the leader of his brothers, let alone with all of life's duties on top.

-Do his washing, give him a shoulder rub, make him a healthy breakfast, he'll love it, and more importantly, you.

Donnie: Words of Affirmation
-This purple turtle will shower his s/o with affectionate whispers and compliments ever morning

-"You're beautiful, (Y/N)."

-"I love your snore,"

-"The favourite part of my day is waking up next to you."

-He really isn't prepared for when they compliment him back, and he can't reply for a minute due to his stuttering and blush.

-Best way to make him feel loved: build him up. Inflate his ego a little bit (but not too much!). Donnie has his moments of insecurity and often overthinks things, so when his s/o tells him he can do it, or that he's strong enough, he instantly calms and feels better about himself.

Mikey: Physical Touch
-Mikey is never EVER not going to give his s/o a kiss every time he sees them. It's out of the question.

-He is very adept at the art of cuddling and is not at all ashamed to ask to be the little spoon, however, he doesn't mind which position he is. It's enough to be close to (Y/N).

-Best way to make him feel loved: surprise kisses. Nose kisses. Cheek kisses. The lot. He loves the surprise and his heart explodes when his s/o is being cute, so cute surprises make him feel very special.

Raph: Physical Touch/ Quality Time
-Raph knows that he isn't the best with words.

-Or doing things. (He often relates to a goldfish)

-But, little known fact, he does know how to give the best hugs that make his s/o feel safe, loved, and warm. It's a gift that he only shares with his favourite person.

-When he wants to spend time with his lover, he doesn't want to have others burdening the atmosphere. AKA, date nights are spent with just Raph and (Y/N).

-Best way to make him feel loved: Hold him when he wants to be held. Spend time with him when he wants to be together. And also, he gets really jealous really easily so if his s/o spends time with other guys he goes green (well, more than he already is), so he loves knowing that he is the only one worthy enough to have her time.

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