Winning Smile (Pt2)

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The morning of the day for the bet, you want to make sure you're ready for a full day of Camilo's jokes and shapeshifting, plus lots of rushing around, so you get a few extra things to eat, and plenty of water.

Then you head out, thinking about how weird it is to have plans to spend an entire day with a Madrigal after hardly speaking to the family before.

Once you've made your way to the bench and start looking around, you don't see Camilo, even though you're right on time.

Of course, you could have been staring right at him and wouldn't know, but you at least see his sister, so you could ask her about him.

She was standing close to the bench, so maybe he was late and asked her to relay a message?

You do wonder if it's him, but Dolores wouldn't be a good way to hide, she's probably asked for something as much as Camilo.

You walk quietly over and try not to be loud.

"Excuse me, Dolores, have you seen Camilo? I'm supposed to meet him here." You ask quietly.

"Ha! It is I!" Dolores says, much to loud for it to be her, then shifts into Camilo.

"And that was nice of you to talk so quietly for her." He says, happy someone was being thoughtful of his sister.

"Doesn't everybody do that?"

"Not really. They night be a little quieter than normal, but I almost couldn't hear you!"

"So if you shift into your family you don't get their Gifts?"

"Oh no. I do get stronger if I turn into Luisa though, just not as insanely strong."

"Huh. So why were you Dolores, if you weren't trying to hear anything?"

"Mostly I did it for seconds earlier, but I also thought I could trick you."

"And why ever would you do that?" You tease, starting towards the market.

"Well it's never too early to start smiling!"

"It is when Julieta's food is on the line."

"True." He mutters, then grabs your hand and starts swinging your arms.

"What are you doing?"

"How else can we stay together?" He asks innocently.

You playfully roll your eyes at him, but don't pull your hand away.

"What do we do first? I usually just wander around, in case anyone needs something."

"I do the same thing, pretty much. We can just go into the market?"

"Sounds good, Hermosa!"

But before you can get that far, someone asks for Camilo to turn into someone tall so he can reach a jar on a high shelf.

He does as asked, performing a dramatic spin as he shifts.

"Thank you!" The person says, and Camilo nods and catches up with you, already walking toward the first stall you usually go to.

"Trying to hide so I can't see your smile?" He asks, peering at your face.

"What smile?" You deadpan.

"The one you're hiding."

"How can I hide something that isn't there?"

Before he can think of a comeback, you're greeted by the shopkeeper.

"Y/n! Camilo! You two will be perfect!"

"For what?" You ask, usually you're never given a job that would require someone else.

"You know where to put these out, and he can be someone taller or shorter for where they need to go!" The shopkeeper says, handing you the goods to be set on display.

"Um OK." You say, glancing at Camilo.

Obviously you're no smile aficionado, but even you can see he's forcing his, and a very tense one at that.

"Are you OK?" You whisper to him, starting with the items for shelves at your levels.

"Yeah! Just uh, wondering if I can juggle these!" He says, holding up three stuffed animals.

"I don't think Señor Toucan here would like that flight." You say taking the stuffed bird from him and placing it on a shelf.

"But it would be fun!" He says, juggling the other two.

"See? These guys love it! And they're not even birds!"

You hold in the unfamiliar urge to smile, but his is more infectious than anyone you've ever met.

When it's a real one, not forced like before, which you're still concerned about.

"I can see you trying not to smile." He smirks, catching the stuffed creatures.

"I really want that food." You mutter, turning away to continue stocking.

"Already having trouble this early? I'm totally winning!"

"Don't count on it."

"Oh I think I will."

You just roll your eyes and look through the items.

"What's left?" Camilo asks, peering over your shoulder.

"Some stuff that goes up there." You say, nodding at the higher shelves, holding up items for sewing

"Allow me!" He says, doing another dramatic spin into a taller person.

You silently fill the shelves for a while, the only sound being the clinking of objects and the swish of his form changing, until you hand Camilo a mirror.

"Ah, what a perfect thing to practice smiling in!" He says, grinning widely as he morphs back into himself.

"This is my hermosa sonrisa, let's see yours!" (Beautiful smile)

"You keep saying stuff like that, but it's been so long since I've smiled, I don't even know how it would look." You say as you stare into the mirror he'd pointed at you.

"Well there's an easy way to fix that!" He says, thoughtful look being replaced with a grin.

"If you tell me I just have to smile, there is no way I'm losing that easily."

"Nah, I'm gonna make you an honest way! I meant, I can show you!" He says, twirling into an exact replica of you.

"Ta-da!" He says, putting a wide smile on your face.

"It's extraña." (Weird)

"You mean bonita!" He says, looking in the mirror. (Pretty)

"Jeez, stop doing that to my face!" You complain as he makes all sorts of funny faces.

"Then you do some!" He says, making you look cross-eyed.

"That's not what I meant." He protests as you roll your eyes.

"Well that's all I can do."

"Obviously not, just look!" He says, making more funny faces.

"Ha ha, so funny. Change back."

"Aww, did you miss my face?" He says, complying to your wish.

"It's better than having myself stare at me."

"Riightt." He winks.

You roll your eyes again and finish the job.

"OK, what now?" You mutter, after alerting the shopkeeper that you're done and collecting your wages.

He opens his mouth to speak, but a villager interrupts.

"Camilo! Do you know where Luisa is? I need her help moving a large tree branch from my pasture."

"I don't know where mi prima is, but I can try to help?" (My cousin)

"Me too." You pitch in.

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't think you two could handle it."

"With all three of us it shouldn't be so bad, right?"

"And I'll shapeshift into Luisa, so that'll help."

"We could try, I suppose."

So you follow the villager home, and sure enough, everyone working together gets the branch moved.

"¡Gracias, ustedes dos!" (Thanks, you two)

"Do you guys ever get a day off?" You ask as you walk back into town.

"Very rarely. Not even on Ceremony days."

Your sympathetic response is cut off by yet another villager.

"Camilo! Could you please watch Cecilia for a moment?" A frantic father asks, holding a young girl's hand.

"Sure, what's going on?" Camilo asks.

But the man doesn't respond, just tells the kid to be good and rushes off.

"Hey Cecilia!" Camilo kneels down to greet the little girl, who looks scared.

"Hi." She says, glancing at you.

"This is mi amiga! Think you could help me make her smile? She says she won't." (My friend)

"But you're so funny!"

"I know!"

"And so modest." You say pointedly.

He shapeshifts into the girl and puts his hands on his hips, tongue stuck out at you, with Cecilia quickly following his actions.

You roll your eyes again, and you have a feeling you'll be doing lots of that today.

"I need to continue my rounds, are you gonna wait here?" You ask Camilo.

"Cecilia can come, right?" He asks the girl.


So she follows along, laughing as Camilo shifts between himself, her, and you.

You find yourself biting the inside of your cheek to keep your expressions in check, which is a new experience for you, but the way he interacts with Cecilia and the other little kids who have joined the group is sweet.

While Camilo and his posse are goofing around, you do a few of your regular errands until parents come gather their children.

"Sorry, that took longer than I expected." Camilo says, rushing up and helping you gather supplies to distribute.

"It's fine. Those kids really like you."

"I like hanging out with them! They're my favorite way to use my Gift. Well, them and pranks. " He says with a soft smile, that you almost return.

After not smiling in so long, it's been quite a surprise to find yourself wanting to.

"I am so winning! Look at you, trying not to give in to my charms!" He says, shifting into you and mirroring your face.

"Oh, he's just too cute! I can't contain my joy!" He says, pretending to swoon.

"Definitely not what I was thinking."

"Yes it was. I'm you, I'd know." He retorts, inclining "your" head towards you with a serious look.

"Just change back already." You groan.

"Missing my face again?"

"You're gonna hope I miss when I throw something at you."

"Gee, Hermosa! So violent!"

"Ooh, I can use this!" You suggest, picking up a pineapple from your next stop, the produce stand.

"I haven't done anything to deserve such treatment." He says, putting on such a sad face you feel a little bad.

"I'm not actually gonna throw it..." You say, setting down the fruit and starting your usual job of adjusting any misplaced items.

"Oh I know, I was just kidding." He laughs, helping you fix the fruits and veggies.

"And to think, I actually worried that you thought I was horrible."

"Aw, you care what I think?"

"Well I don't want anyone thinking I'm some monster who threw pineapples at a Madrigal."

"Sure, sure. Just for the record, I think you're pretty cool. Only thing you could improve on is showing your sonrisa bonita! I know you're hiding it!"

"You're not so bad yourself, even if you are a lot more dramatic than you let on." You say, bumping your shoulder against his and trying to ignore the tug on the corners of your mouth.

"Me? Dramatic? Psh!" He scoffs, rather dramatically.

"Ooh that counts!" He says after you blow quickly out of your nose.

"It does not! That has nothing to do with a smile!"

"But it's basically a laugh, which I counted as part of the bet! So I win!"

"You do not!"

"Sure I do! I knew I would!"

"What, did you ask Bruno or something?"

"No, but I totally should have! Why didn't I think of that?! Let's go!" He says, finishing the produce setup and grabbing your hand to pull you along.

"It's too late now!"

"Oh no it isn't!"

"It's probably against the better's code or something."

"Is that a thing?" He asks, stopping for a second.

"... Yes."

"You don't actually know!"

"Sure I do. And I also know it's time for a snack, and we're right here." You say, gesturing to your bench.

You expect he won't be able to resist food, and are proven right when he waits just a moment before altering course.

"OK, but only because I don't want to climb on an empty stomach!"

"Climb?" You repeat, taking out the food you'd brought.

"Yeah he has like, thousands of stairs in his room."

"We are not doing that today."

"Fine. We don't need a vision anyway, we already know I'll win!"

"I don't think we do."

"You're just denying what you know is true. You've barely been able to hide it, and the day is hardly half over!"

"Speaking of, when do we consider the day over? Like midnight?"

"Whenever you smile. Or midnight, if you somehow manage to make it that long."

"So you won't leave me alone until midnight?" You tease

"You're not tired of me, are you?" He asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

You search his face for signs of teasing, but he looks a little scared.

"No, but I will be tired of biting my cheek to keep from smiling." You confess that you had been trying, hoping it'll cheer him up.

"I knew you were hiding it!"

"You should also know why, considering how much you love Julieta's food."

"For sure, but that doesn't mean I'll let you win."

"It wouldn't be as interesting if you did."

"Camilo? Who's your friend?" Someone interrupts, and you look up to see his little brother, Antonio, sitting on a jaguar.

"Hola, Hermanito. This is y/n. Oh! Do you have any cute little animals with you? I'm trying to make her smile." (Little brother)

"I don't think that's allowed!" You protest.

"If you won't smile at me, surely you can resist one of his animals."

"I don't know, she's very cute." Antonio chirps, calling over a tiny hummingbird.

"Very cute indeed. Can I pet her?" You ask.

"Sure! Just be careful!"

"I will." You promise and stroke the bird's feathers, trying not to smile at all the cuteness around you.

"Come on! How can you not smile at a pajarito?!" (Little birdie)

"By trying really hard."

"I have to go now, my friends and I are helping find a lost donkey!" Antonio says, and his jaguar leaps into action.

"He's adorable." You remark.

"Surely you don't think my little brother is cuter than me?!" Camilo whines, looking pitiful.

"It's a different way." You roll your eyes, before realizing what you implied.

"So you do think I'm cute?"

"That's not what I said."

"It kind of is."

"I'm finished, are you?"

"Hm, I don't think so."

"I meant finished eating."

"Nice subject change. Just confirms what I thought!" He says, but does stand up with you and start back to work.

"Oh good, you're done! I didn't want to interrupt, but I really need your help to get this put away so the kids can't reach it." A woman surrounded by children rushes up to Camilo, shoving a basket of treats into his hands.

His eyes light up at all the goodies, but he just does as asked, while the lady says they're for a party later.

After that, you don't get to see Camilo much for an hour or two, he's there, just not himself.

But you were plenty busy as well, so it wasn't like you were standing around waiting.

"¡Dios! Got really busy there." Camilo says when he catches a moment to slow down, finding you at one of the market stalls, preparing stationary. (Jeez)

"You probably need to get something to eat now, right?"

"I wouldn't turn anything down."

"I'm going to the panadera next, I always get something from her because I bring this over." You say, holding up the material she wraps her goods in.

"Ooh, then I'll help!" He offers, taking half of the stack.

"You better not try to steal this job from me."

"What makes you think I'd do something like that?" He asks, looking so innocent you think he'll sprout a halo.

"You'll see."

And he does, after making the delivery and receiving something to eat.

"OK, yeah. This job certainly is the best one we've done today."

"It's my favorite."

"I suppose I won't take it then." He says, sighing dramatically.

"You better not." You lightly elbow him.

"Shh!" He randomly shushes you, to which you give him a confused look, much in contrast to his mischievous one.

He points at someone and you trail your eyes from his finger to Isabela.

"Let's prank her!" He whispers.


"I'll shift into you, and we can ask her for the exact same flower and pretend like we weren't just there!"

"But won't she just think it was me twice?"

"You leave to the left, and I'll come in from the right!"


After discussing the plan a little more, deciding what flower to ask for, hiding places, and the story you'll use, he shifts into a random villager and walks to the right, and you wait until he's in position to go up.

"Hello, would you like a flower?" Isabela asks when you walk up to her.

"Yes please! Something yellow for my sister?"

"Sure." She hands you a sunflower and you thank her then walk out of her sight, but you can still see and hear them as Camilo walks up to Isabela, a perfect mirror of you.

"Hi! I hate to trouble you, but would it be possible to receive a yellow flower for my sister?" He asks, even keeping a smile away to better imitate you.

"Do you have a twin?" Isabela asks, making the flower nonetheless.

"No, just an older sister, we don't even look that much alike."

"Camilo? Have you found something to be in cohorts with?"

"I'm y/n, I don't smile enough to be that chico guapo." (handsome boy)

"And now I know it's you." She says, throwing flowers in his face before he can run off to your hiding place and find you doing everything you can to not laugh.

Seeing you just makes him laugh harder, and for a second you think he's going to fall over.

"I should've done that first thing! For the rest of the day we're doing pranks!"

"Nooo!" You wail, knowing you'll never make it through that.

"This goes with your vibe." You say, hoping to distract him by sticking the flower in his hair.

"Aww, we can match!" He says, gently tucking his flower into your hair.

You almost think you've gotten away with the distraction, but he's already looking around for the next target.

"Ah!" He says with an evil grin.

You follow his line of sight to Mirabel, buying fabric.

After discussing a quick plan, you both run and hide on opposite sides of the street she'll be going down and wait.

As soon as she turns the corner, Camilo shifts into their Abuela and jumps out at Mirabel.

"Abuela?!" She asks in confusion after screaming.

"Boo!" You yell, jumping out from your spot and making her yell again.

"Camilo! What are you doing, and who are you and why are you- OK, I was gonna say "working with my evil cousin", but I think "making that face" is a better question." Mirabel asks, looking at you in concern, while Camilo once again doubles over in laughter.

"We-pff, we have a bet that I can't make her smile, and she really wants to win." Camilo barely wheezes out.


"She never smiles, so I thought if anyone could get her to, it would be me!"

"So humble, isn't he?" You manage to mutter.

"How long has this bet been going on for?"

"Just today. She couldn't handle any longer, could you, Hermosa?"

"I've lasted this long, haven't I?"


"OK, well uh, I'll let you two get back to your bet, I've gotta get going!" Mirabel says, turning away with a salute.

"Oh! Could you let everyone know I won't be home for dinner? Maybe later, depending on when I get y/n to crack!"

"So he's gonna be a while!"

"Sure, I'll tell them, if Dolores isn't beating me to it."

"Thanks Mira! You've always been mi prima favorita!" (My favorite cousin)

"I better be!"

"So are we not gonna eat until midnight or something?" You ask after Mirabel walks off.

"Do you really think I would be okay with that?"

"No. That's why I'm asking. Were you planning to come to my house?"

"I wouldn't invite myself like that. But I would invite you to come with me!"

"I thought you weren't going to your house?"

"We're not! That would mean you get Tía Julieta's food before the bet is over!"

"But it might make me smile, so it's a win-win!"

"What I have planned is sure to make you smile! After all, who doesn't love a picnic under the beautiful evening sky?"

"You're taking me on a picnic?"

"Aren't you lucky? But that's not until later! For now, let's find someone else to prank!"

"Not again!"

"Yes, again!" He says, looking around for the next victim.

For the next few hours, you alternate finishing work and pranking, which Camilo is a master at.

You don't know how, but you manage to make it without laughing or smiling, much to Camilo's frustration.

"How have you not laughed yet?!"

"I'll be honest, it's been hard!"

"I guess that's better than nothing. But, you still have to get through this!" He says, taking out a hidden picnic basket.

"Don't worry, all the food is stuff that wouldn't go bad out here, I'm not gonna let us be poisoned." Camilo says in response to your concerned look.

"So your Tía didn't make any of this, I assume?" You ask as you help him spread out a blanket by the river.

"Of course not! Luisa helped me, she knows some of her mom's recipes."

"Aww, you made us dinner? How sweet."

"I know, I'm a nice guy." He says, emphasizing his point by offering you a hand to help you sit.

"The nicest." You tease, humoring him by taking his hand.

"So we've spent the whole day together, and I still don't know that much about you. Think we should change that?" Camilo asks, unpacking some of the food.

"Depends on what you want to know."

"Oh, only your deepest secrets!"

"I talk about those more often than I smile."

"Point taken. Um, there is one thing I want to know." He says, staring at the food on his plate.

"What?" You ask, worried it'll be something hard to answer.

"Have I been annoying you all day? I wasn't trying to. I just really want to make everyone smile." He asks quietly, completely throwing you off.

You'd been expecting some sort of joke, like if you thought he was cute or something.

"Of course not! This day has been the most fun I've ever had. So thank you."

"For what?"

"For actually trying to get me to smile. There have been other people who asked me why I don't, or told me I should, or even try to make me. But nobody has come as close as you."

"Really?" He asks with a confused smile.

"Yeah. If I didn't want Julieta's food I would've smiled a long time ago."

"You could just have this and smile!" He says, offering you an arepa.

"Nice try. Can I ask you a question now?"

"Will you smile if I say yes?"

"I guess there's a chance."

"Then yes."

"Hm, doesn't seem to be working." You mutter, poking at your face.

"But on with the question, why were your family members so surprised you had someone doing pranks with you?"

"I don't really have friends. Unless you count those kids. None of us Madrigals do. Didn't you notice how nobody just talked to me, and I didn't say anything to anyone while we were out?"

"I didn't think about that. How do you not have friends?"

"I'm always busy, I don't really have time for them." He says, but you feel like he's not being entirely truthful with that answer.

"I don't have friends either. Once people find out I don't smile, they assume I'm no fun, and that's it."

"Well now you have me, and I think you're plenty fun!"

"You're more fun. I think I just stole some of your attitude."

"Nah! You're fun on your own. You came up with some of our pranks!"

"Just little ones."

"Still counts! Now, if we are finished, it's time for my final attack!"

"Oh boy."

He stands up and stretches his arms.

"This one always gets some laughs!"

He throws his arms up and swiftly changes into elderly people and dances.

How he looked just before the shifting almost cracked you, he seemed so happy.

"OK, if that didn't work, let's try this!"

Now he does the baby head from before, and talks about how he has to go to work in a high pitched voice.

When that doesn't work he tries a few other routines, but none work.

"If I could make it through our pranks, this isn't gonna break me." You gesture to his old man form.

Yet he persists, to the point you start making him eat between each act.

"You really are impossible to make smile." He admits after his latest attempt has failed.

"Maybe. But like I said, you've come close, which is more than I can say for anyone else who's tried. Not that there's been too many. But why do you keep shapeshifting to make me smile?"

"It's what I always do?" He drops the other look.

"But we're not hiding now and I don't even know those people. I do know you though. So don't you think that you, my friend, would be more likely to make me smile?"

"But people never smile for just Camilo. He's too short or too weak. He can just be someone else, and that's what we want, that's what makes us smile." While he speaks he shifts into different villagers that you had seen that day, who were asking him to change.

"That's not true, Camilo. You're awesome just the way you are."

He sinks into the blanket beside you, refusing to look at you.

"That's what everyone said when the magic left, and I believed it for a while. But now everybody is back to wanting someone else, someone other than me. That's why people smile, because I can be someone else. It's the real reason I don't have friends, people don't want Camilo." He says, changing into a person you don't recognize, and you wonder if it was on purpose or not.

"I want Camilo."You say, taking his hand in a moment of boldness.

You wonder if he'll tease you about it, but he squeezes it tightly before speaking again.

"How do you know that? I've been someone else so much of the time we've been together."

"Yeah, but we were talking about you. And when we're at our bench, I look at your dramatic picture so I know who I'm really talking to. And remember how I said it's weird hearing you call me names when you're someone else?" You pause until he gives a shaky nod.

"It's not so bad when it's your face."

"So you like my face?" He asks, starting to smirk.

"I'd rather see it than when you're faking."

"So you really just want to see me? You want me to be myself?"

"Yes. Unless you're doing something that makes you happy, like with pranks."

"Nobody ever tells me to just be myself. Or use my Gift to make me happy. When I make people laugh, I have to be someone else."

"Well I don't know about those other people you just were, but I think Camilo is plenty funny by himself."

You only realize you'd still been holding his hand when he tugs free to throw his arms around you.

You quickly return the gesture, and let him hang on as long as he needs.

"Sorry for dumping all this on you, but I've been holding all that in for so long and when you started asking, I couldn't stop." He says, burying his face in your shoulder.

"Don't apologize. I'm glad you told me. And now you know you can just be yourself, because you're pretty great."

He pulled away as you were speaking, and the smile that lights up his face breaks down any resolve you had left, and you can't stop one of your own, though smaller, to crawl across your lips.

His grows even wider and he shouts, "I win!! And I was right, you have a very sonrisa bonita!"

You allow a chuckle and look away to hide it.

"Uh-uh! I need to see it! After all, this is what I win, so I have to see!" He declares, gently turning your face back towards him.

His hand is still on your face as your smile drops.

"Hey! None of that! Don't hide it again, it's too bonita!" He protests, using his thumb to push up the corner of your mouth again, making you do the air quickly out of your nose thing again, but this time it's accompanied with a smile as you pull your face away.

"Why are my winnings leaving? Did you have some other bet saying you wouldn't smile? You could've said no, I warned you that you wouldn't win! Though I'm glad you didn't."

"I really wanted your Tía's food." You mutter.

"Really?" He laughs, and you give a sad nod.

"Well, after everything else I just told you, I think I can let you in on another secret. I was gonna invite you to dinner either way."

"You were?"

"Yeah! Fair warning though, they will assume we're dating, even if I tell them we're not."

He says it so casually you almost don't realize what he said.


"I never have friends over, especially a chica bonita like you."

"If you say stuff like that, they're definitely going to assume!"

"What, I can't be truthful?"

"Do you want them to think we're a thing?"

"Maybe we are, this is basically a date. We got each other flowers and everything!" He gestures to the sunflower still in his hair.

"You're impossible."

"Impossibly amazing, I know."

You throw some berries at him, but he just eats them.

A comfortable silence follows, until you break it with the question you'd had for a while.

"Do you remember me? I helped rebuild Casita."

You hadn't interacted with the family much, but there was a moment when Camilo was taking a break to play with some kids and you had locked eyes with him, but just gave him a nod in return to his smile.

"How could I forget? You were the only person there who wouldn't smile. I may have been plotting this whole thing for a while." He admits.

"You've never talked to me as someone else, have you?" You try to think back to any strange encounters you'd had where someone didn't seem themselves.

"Only one time, I swear. I just wanted to talk to you, but I was nervous."

"You? Nervous?"

"Really! Everyone laughs because of me, and since you didn't, I thought you didn't like me, so I wanted to check."

"You were the fish lady that time, weren't you?!" You think back to the time "she" was talking about the Madrigals, and saying Bruno was scary, and you said you didn't have anything against any of them.


"So you've just been planning on all this for a year?"

"Kinda. The first time I talked to you at our bench I mostly was just trying to take a break, but I wasn't going to give up the chance to talk to you. I wanted to get to know you and find out why you don't smile."

"And now that you have? Now that you've gotten what you wanted? Will I be seeing you much?"

"Try getting rid of me!" He says, lightly bumping you with his elbow.

"OK. I thought that since you can now say you've made everyone in the village smile at least once, you might forget about me."

"Your sonrisa bonita would be hard to forget. I've gotta keep making it happen!"

"Yay!" He says after you give a smile.

"It's been even longer since I laughed. Could we do some pranks tomorrow, since I won't be trying not to? I don't even remember how it feels."

His entire face lights up as he looks at you.

"Absolutely! I'll find you on your bread chore, and we can discuss it then."

"I thought you weren't going to steal my job?"

"Not steal, just assist!"

"Right, right." You playfully roll your eyes, and notice how late it must be, the sun is completely gone and all the stars are out, leaving a peaceful darkness.

"Do you need to get home now?" You ask, not allowing yourself to feel the hope that he says no.

"Nah, I think we could stay here a while, don't you?" He asks, leaning back on his hands to look at the stars.

"Sounds nice." You copy his motions, even his smile, which makes his grow wider.

"I love mi Tía's cooking, but I think my winnings are even better than yours would've been."

This is the longest oneshot type thing I've ever written, hope it wasn't too much! Also, I used some of the lines from Camilo's Interlude, this song by Laureli Amadeus on YouTube:

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