Midday Meetings (Pt1)

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Y/n l/n.

The girl who didn't smile.

People wondered how she managed it, living in such a happy place.

A nice girl, would help however she could, but never with a smile.

She of course had her reasons, but she never shared them.

She didn't share much of anything, for she didn't have friends, and only lived with her older sister, who worked so hard she wasn't around much.

So when y/n was of age, she tried to get a few odd jobs to help her sister out.

Helping out in the market here and there, running errands and the like.

It was on a particularly hot day when she was rushing from stall to stall, trading items between different merchants that she allowed herself to take a short break and rest on a bench with a snack.

She was watching the different people go about their day, noticing several members of the Madrigal family doing what they always did, helping the town.

It had been a year since La Casa Madrigal had fallen and been rebuilt, and the townspeople were a little less nagging, but they would still rather have the family do something for them with their gifts than the normal way.

Isabela, walking around and growing what she pleased to liven up the streets, and Luisa gathering up some escaped donkeys by a barn were the only ones you saw at the moment, but you knew the others had to be close by.

You could tell by people who walked past with an injury that Julieta was handing out food somewhere to your left, and from the distant crack of thunder, something had made Pepa upset.

As for others, you had no idea, but for the moment, you were too focused on peeling the fruit you had to pay much attention, so you were startled when an elderly lady approached, asking if she could sit on the other side of the bench.

You nodded that you didn't mind, since there were no other free benches around, and she seemed very tired.

While you tried not to pay attention, she was breathing rather heavily, and swiping at her brow often.

You seem as exhausted as a Madrigal. You think, watching as Mirabel was babysitting some kids across the street, and wonder what this old lady could have been doing to become so tired.

You contemplate offering her something to drink, but before you can, a villager calls for more assistance.

"Luisa! Could you move my wagon?" Someone called, said wagon with a wheel stuck in a crack on the road.

"Give her a break." The lady on the bench with you mutters, echoing your own thoughts.

"Honestly. Those poor Madrigals are still worked to death." You say under your breath in agreement, but the lady hears you.

"Guess that's the price of having a Gift." She sighs, wiping her brow once more.

"You seem as tired as one of them. Would you like some water?" You ask, gesturing with the spare container you had.

"Are you sure?" She asks, looking at you in surprise.

"It's no problem. I haven't drank any from it." You say, handing over the water.

"¡Gracias!" She smiles widely, taking the bottle. (Thank you!)

You nod in return, and notice her straight, gray hair gathering some darker, curlier bits at the tips as she focuses on the drink, but decide it was just the light when it goes back to normal when she tilts her head back farther to get the last of the water.

"Thanks so much." She says, returning your container.

"You're welcome."

She smiles at you again, but you can't bring yourself to return it.

She tilts her head with a perplexed look, and starts to say something, but is interrupted.

"Has anyone seen Camilo? We need someone tall!" A villager calls from across the street.

The person beside you groans and sinks deeper into the bench for a moment, before moving to stand.

Realization dawns on you that the hair thing wasn't a trick of the light, but a falter in the disguise.

"So that's why you're as tired as a Madrigal." You comment.

"You caught me." The form of the lady changes, and is replaced by the curly haired shapeshifter.

"Why were you pretending if it makes you so tired?" You ask in confusion, clearly he'd been hiding from people wanting him to shift.

"If I'm not switching forms every few minutes it's not too bad, and I really needed a break. Thanks again for the water!" He says, jogging off to whoever called for him, leaving you to finish your snack and get back to work yourself.

The next day, after once again doing anything you could around the stalls, you were allowing yourself a break to eat, and watch people go by.

Today, little kids were following Mirabel and Antonio around, asking about the family while Luisa did most everything asked of her, even if people could've done it themselves.

She took breaks more often now, but old habits die hard.

After the encounter yesterday, you couldn't help but wonder if any of the people working around was Camilo in disguise, and if he might stop by again.

While you hadn't really interacted with him -or any of the other Madrigals- before, you knew they all seemed nice and you hadn't minded talking with him.

Of course you know it could be a coincidence when a middle aged man approaches and asks to sit down, but you did slightly hope, so you said that he could.

Even if it wasn't Camilo, you had seen the man around and he was always nice.

He did seem pretty tired, but gave you a wide smile.

You nodded in return, and he glanced around before whispering, "It's me again." 

"Hola, Camilo." You say.

"Hola..." He trails off, probably realizing he doesn't know your name.

"Y/n." You fill in the blank.

"And here I was expecting something like Hermosa." (Beautiful)

"What?" You say, sure you'd misheard.

"It's fitting."

"That would sound weird coming from someone who was actually my age, but it's just wrong with someone old." You remark, making him cringe.

"Right. Sorry. Shifting takes effort to do, yet sometimes I forget I'm doing it, especially when I get distracted."

"It doesn't hurt, does it?" You ask, deciding not to mention the flirty comment.

"Oh no, but if it happens uncontrollably that can be uncomfortable."

"You do it without trying?"

"Sometimes. Like if I'm really surprised or something."

"Are all the Gifts like that?" You ask, curiosity getting the better of you.

Having never had much experience with the family, other than attending a few Gift Ceremonies, doing a little to help rebuild their house, or receiving some healing food made you wonder.

"Just depends. Isabela will accidentally grow stuff, and mi Mamá, she's always had a lot of trouble controlling it. But it's not like mi Tía will compulsively make arepas. Though I kinda wish she did."

Of course you don't smile at his joke, but you do blow air out of your nose quickly.

"Sorry for asking so many questions. You're probably tired of answering stuff like this."

"No, I don't mind! You're easy to talk to. Plus, I owe you for the water and I'd rather be talking to a chica bonita than constantly shifting anyway." (Pretty girl)

"You don't owe me, it wasn't a big deal. And seriously, it's weird coming from that face."

"OK, how about this face?" He asks, and his head shrinks to a baby's.

The strangeness of it makes you jump back, to which he lets out a high pitched laugh.

"Camilo? What are you doing? Have you finished your chores?" His Abuela asks, looking over on her way towards the market.

"Just taking a break, Abuela! I'm coming!" He shifts back to himself and gives you a reluctant wave as he stands.

"Adios, Hermosa!" He calls on his way off.

And it is definitely better coming from his real face.

The day after that, you're given the job of gathering things for customers at a produce stand, and are rewarded with a few spare mangos and bananas, along with the regular wages.

You're glad to have them, as you hadn't had time to grab a snack for the break you were a little excited for.

It had surprised you to find yourself hoping Camilo would appear throughout the morning, and even more so when you'd actually seen him, playing with some kids.

He'd smiled and waved, to which you returned the latter gesture, feeling the corner of your mouth slightly upturn for the first time in ages.

The kids had then pulled his attention back to them, while you were summoned by someone asking for avocado, and the interaction had ended.

But you hoped to have a longer one as you sat on the bench, which was quickly becoming your favorite place to relax.

You scanned the crowd for any sign of him, but only see his sister and mother.

"We meet again." Says a small voice beside you.

You look to see one of the children he'd been playing with before, or so it seemed.

"Hola." You say to the 'child', who is climbing onto the bench.

"I should've picked someone else." They grumble, having to jump to sit down.

"I'm never going to be able to tell when it's you. If you keep coming I'll just expect you, and then some random person will come up and I'll be all 'Hey, Camilo!' and they're gonna be so confused."

"Then I just won't let anyone get here before me and take my spot!"

"Your spot?"

"Yeah, this bench is ours now! We are legally allowed to run off anyone else. As a Madrigal, I decree it!"

You don't exactly laugh, but you give tells of your amusement without much facial expression.

"I wonder if I could decree that I'm always allowed seconds at dinner..." He ponders aloud.

"Does shapeshifting use a lot of energy?"

"Yeah, so I have to eat a lot. But my family always tells me I get too much, so I may try to sneak it as someone else."

"Understandable. Here, I have some extra fruit." You say, offering him what you'd gotten.

"You don't mind?" He asks, hesitantly reaching to take some.

"No? It's just fruit, and I think you need some." You remark as his stomach audibly grumbles.

"Thanks." He says, smiling as he takes a banana.

"No hay problema." (No problem)

"Can I ask you something?" He asks, fiddling with the peeling.

"Yeah. After all of my questions you can definitely ask at least one."

"Okay. Um... Why don't you smile? This is the third time I've talked to you, and you haven't smiled once. Not trying to brag here, but I can usually make people smile pretty quickly. Do you not like me or something?"

"No! No, it's not you. To be honest, I can't even remember the last time I smiled. I just, don't really have much reason to anymore."

"What, talking to the Camilo Madrigal isn't enough?" He jokes, sensing your complicated emotions isn't your favorite subject to chat about.

"In your dreams, niño bonito." (Pretty boy)

"Aww, you think I'm pretty?"

"I wouldn't really know, would I?" You say, gesturing to the child form.

"Yeah, but there is a painting of me right over there." He says, pointing at the mural of La familia Madrigal.

"You look so dramatic." You say, feeling the smallest laugh shake your chest, but not quite reach your face.

"Well maybe I am a little dramatic."

"Just a little?"

"Yeahhh." He says, holding up a thumb and forefinger, leaving a little space between them.

You do the thing where you blow air out of your nose again, causing him to grin.

"I bet I can make you smile."

"Oh yeah? What do you bet?"

He thinks for a moment, tapping his chin.

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

"I usually just help out around the market, doing whatever job I can find."

"And my chores are usually around the market, using my Gift to help people and all. If we can mostly stick together while working, I'm going to make you smile. Maybe even laugh!"

"Why do you care about making me smile?"

"It's pretty much my job. And I like a challenge." He says, smirking.

"OK then." You say, still unsure about this.

"And if you don't? If I win this 'bet'?"

"You won't. But if you do somehow manage to spend the whole day with the funniest person in town and not smile, mi Tía Julieta and I will make you dinner! She makes the most comida increíble!" (amazing food)

"Alright. You've got yourself a deal." You agree and shake the hand he sticks out, before realizing you don't know what you might have to do if he wins, your mind had fixated on the thought of Julieta's food.

"Yay! Meet me here tomorrow, 9 AM!" He says, shifting back into himself and jumping up, since someone was calling for him.

"But what do you get if you win?"

"I get to see your sonrisa bonita!" He says, then runs off without another word.  (Pretty smile)

This is my first time trying to incorporate two different languages, so sorry if it sounds weird, please correct me on something if I got the words wrong!

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