The Artificial Nomu (MHA OC)

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(A/n : Another OC that's quite similar to Shiroi (My AoT rp OC) in the way that I had to nerf him somewhat and change his OG timeline/anime in order for him to be somewhat balanced.)

Name : Tao

Surname : Midoriya

Age : 16 (older than Izuku by some months)

Nicknames : Zenith (League of Villains), Tata (Mina Ashido), Villain (Bakugou), Big bro (Izuku), Young Tao (All Might)

Sexuality : Straight

Species : Artificially Experimented Human/Nomu

Love Interest : Mina Ashido (if the rp isn't OC X OC)

The OC of the rp partner (if the rp is OC X OC)

Relatives : Inko Midoriya (Biological mother)
Izuku Midoriya (Younger Brother)

Other Relatives : 🤫

Affiliations : League of Villains (Forced to join)/UA (Currently)

Appearance :

Appearance once his quirks are fully active :

(A/n : Just without the upside-down A in the middle of his forehead. I didn't gave him any DragonBall transformation, this is just a visual presentation to help you imagine how he looks like in full Quirk usage (a.k.a Nomu Mode))

Outfits :

League of Villains Outfit :

Hero Outfit :

Voice claim : Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)

Hero Name : Genesis

Teachers : All Might (Sparring Partner)

Aizawa (Martial Arts Teacher)

Mt Lady (She helped him control his temper and his quirks)

Quirks : Since Tao was considered to be the League of Villains strongest Experiment, they had heavily experimented with his quirks and oh boi did they put a lot of them in him 😅 His quirks are :

1) Quirk Name : Energy Matrix : Tao's main quirk allowing him to generate, absorb and manipulate energy in both offensive and defensive ways. The rest of the quirks that were generously "bestowed" upon him by All For One have managed to combine with his main quirk, having his energy manipulation to strengthen his quirks and make him stronger progressively as he builds more and more energy. This gave him the helpful passive side effect of Reactive Evolution, making his quirks stronger in combat via augmenting them passively with the accumulated energy of his quirk.

2) Quirk Name : Spatial Perception : A quirk that enhances Tao's reflexes and senses to the point where he can avoid attacks without having to progress or make any conscious move, once it had accumulated enough energy from his Energy Matrix. The more energy it accumulates basically, the more sharper and accurate Tao can dodge.

3) Quirk Name : Hercules : The power he gained from this quirk is quite the simple one, super strength. This quirk increases Tao's strength and other strength based properties (Lifting strength, Striking force, grip strength etc). The more energy it accumulates, the stronger Tao gets.

4) Quirk Name : Acceleration : This quirk had basically given Tao Super Speed, enhancing his movement speed and other speed based properties of his body (Informational Processing Speed, Combat Speed etc). The more energy it accumulates, the faster Tao gets.

5) Quirk Name : Unflinching Guardian : This quirk is a tricky one since it has two parts, the self part and the generation part. The self part is that it gives Tao Shock Nullification, making him impervious to all forms of shock damage and kinetic energy. The generator part is that Tao can use the kinetic energy that he got from this quirk to turn it into any other form of energy using his Energy Matrix due to the laws of physics that say : "Energy can't be destroyed/nullified, only turn from one form to another".

6) Quirk Name : Impenetrable Tower : This quirk basically increases Tao's durability on molecular level. The durability increases depending on the energy the quirk has accumulated.

7) Quirk Name : Survivor : This quirk is a versatile one due to the fact that it helps Tao to remain self sustained in three ways :
- Type 1 : Oxygen Sustainability : Basically as long as this quirk accumulates enough energy from Energy Matrix, he will be able to have oxygen practically everywhere.

- Type 2 : Nutritional Sustainability : This means that Tao can convert any energy type to chemical energy and nutrients - with the help of his Energy Matrix - keeping him saturated and hydrated as long as he has enough accumulated energy. This also gives him a bit of poison resistance (Can't get poisoned by food or water when you don't have to eat 😉👌)

- Type 3 : Restful Sustainability : Tao can use any form of energy from his Energy Matrix to stamina, giving him practically virtually infinite stamina (It's not truly infinite and I'll explain why in the weaknesses)

8) Quirk Name : Hydra's Blessing : This quirk has two types of effects , the self and the emitter one. The self one enhances Tao's healing factor whilst the emitting part enhancing his ability to heal others. The accumulated energy from Energy Matrix enhances not only the quirk's healing factor speed, but also the healing type (from Low to about Mid-High tier type)

9) Quirk Name : Psionic Arsenal: This allows Tao to have powers such as telekinesis, telepathy, psychic attacks and barriers, mind control, mind reading and low levels of mind Manipulation (such as projecting his thoughts to others). The accumulated energy from Energy Matrix only alters the AoE (=Area of Effect) and strength of the abilities, not having any effects on the concentration needed to perform them (Basically meaning no concentration = no control over this quirk). Finally, this quirk also gives him a passive Emotional and Mind Manipulation hax resistance

10) Quirk Name : Jormungandr : This quirk has two types, self and emitter. The self part alters Tao's size whilst the emitter alters the size of others. The accumulated energy from Energy Matrix enhances the strength and the AoE radius of the quirk.

11) Quirk Name : Spectral Camouflage : This quirk allows Tao to be practically invisible to any source, including the infrared and thermal visionary spectrum, along with being practically intangible. The more energy it accumulates, the more forms of detection Tao can bypass.

12) Quirk Name : Judgement of Apocalypse : This quirk owes its name to Apocalypse, not the biblical destruction, but instead the mythical missing twin brother of Zeus from Greek Mythology, basically the God of Gravity. This power as its name suggests, gives Tao Gravity Manipulation powers, allowing him to basically decide of how gravity reacts for him, for others or for inanimate objects. The accumulated energy of Energy Matrix increases the AoE radius.

13) Quirk Name : Extraterrestrial Physiology : Although the name is kinda controversial and confusing due to the fact that he's a human. This quirk allows him to flat out adapt to any environment. This types of adaptation include :
- Aerial
- Aquatic
- Arctic
- Atmospheric
- Industrial
- Amphibian
- Arboreal
- Forest
- Jungle
- Fallout
- Maritime
- Metallophilic
- Warped Environment
- Gravitational
- Thermal
- Plains
- Rocky Terrain
- Battlefield
- Subterranean
- Darkness
- Silence
- Vacuum
- Volcanic
- Valley
- Wetland
- Desert
- Land
- Mountain
- Planetary (this doesn't give him planetary feats, just the ability to adapt to the conditions of other planets).

This is the only quirk that isn't accumulating power from Energy Matrix, just helps it to be able to better manipulate the energy stored from Tao's encounter with harsh conditions.

Weaknesses : With a lot of power someone doesn't have only a lot of responsibility, but also a good amount of weakness in order to bring this extra humility factor for Tao and his weaknesses are many as expected :

1) Any quirk that's able to insta kill others can kill him if he doesn't have any energy from his Energy Matrix remaining to be accumulated.

This makes him excel in prolonged fights against opponents with higher strength than him since he can gradually overpower them, but can get easily beaten up by opponents that don't act cocky and don't prolong the fight against him.

A good example of it would be Shigaraki since if he doesn't play around and don't prolong the fight, his Decay quirk can kill Tao since the latter didn't have enough time to generate energy via Energy Matrix or else if Shigaraki plays around too much, Tao is going to pull out an Uno Reverse and beat him since if he adapts too much he might be able to regenerate way faster than Shigaraki's Decay quirk and potentially out heal it.

2) The more quirks he has activated, the lesser the Adaptation speed is due to him having to divide his energy equally between quirks.

That pretty much means that if he has two quirks active all accumulated energy from his Energy Matrix would go to that specific quirk, if he has two quirks the energy that would be accumulated by his quirks would be divided by half and it goes like that for the rest of his quirks.

An exception to this would be if and only if his Accelerator is active which means that well.... - forgive my language - you're f****d once he manages to get ahead of you since this quirk gives him a higher Adaptation speed due to it boosting his overall speed, including his energy regeneration speed that gets gradually faster.

3) The jumps in every category of power he gets aren't permanent, they get removed once his quirks are deactivated (although he's immune to quirk erasure due to the chain reaction of his quirks). This means that Tao has to start from square zero each time.

4) He has to not have any energy waiting to be accumulated by his quirks once he deactivates them or else he will be in pain, the severity of which is based on the energy Energy Matrix had before being deactivated so it can range from as small as being pinched to him being unconscious with muscle spasms and such.

5) Anyone with energy absorption quirks can slow down his adaptation speed significantly.

6) He doesn't quote-on-quote "spam" his OP quirks all time, only when it's deemed necessary by him (Think of it kinda like how Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night uses Enuma Eilish, in other words he has to deem his opponent worthy in order to use his strongest abilities).

7) That's his greatest blessing and curse being Tao's power limiting inhibitors in order for him to stabilize his quirks, curtesy of the League of Villains.

Those inhibitors are both a blessing and a curse since although they're made by a highly resistant metal and contain circuitry that's specially conducted against electricity, they're Tao's Achilles' Heel since they're visible from the outside, making them an easy target.

A well placed attack on them can either damage them severely or make them malfunction which could make Tao's energy to go rampant and either destroy his body or cause him more damage than he can heal due to the instability of Energy Matrix had his inhibitors been destroyed.

Powerscalling Tier : Island Level to Multi Continent+

Personality : An intriguing yet mysterious and complicated personality that goes from kind, easy going and compassionate towards his friends to cruel, bloodlusted and merciless towards those who dared to harm those close to him.

Backstory : Will be revealed in the rp and I hope you have lots paper tissues with you, because his backstory is a depressing one.

Others : I know that it might seem tempting seeing his relations and nicknames, but under any circumstances DON'T dare to either call him a villain or hurt those he cherishes.

Additionally Tao has inhibitors surgically implanted on his body at his shoulders, his chest, his back and his shins in order for him to better control his highly unstable quirks, due to the fact that the energy output of Energy Matrix gets way too unstable for his body ( He has also tampered with them a little bit, but mostly in order to destroy the scanners that the League of Villains had put on his inhibitors since it's the only mechanical part of his body) .

Theme : Look at the top of the chapter.

(A/n : This version of Tao is one of my oldest yet bizarrely balanced OCs so I hope you will enjoy)

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