Plan (20)

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"Hey, Butter."

"What is it, Stan?" Butters asks.

"I might need a bit of help with something," I say.

"Oh, cool. What?" Butters asks.

"Don't ask questions, you'll figure it out," I say.

"Stan. If this is illegal-," Butters starts.

"I promise it's not. It's just something I can't really talk about just yet. And that means just yet. I'm sure we can talk about it within a week," I say.

"Really? Cool. I guess... If it's not illegal, count me in," Butters says.

"Thanks," I say.

"What do you need?" Butters asks.

"I need to figure out a day, where all of us are free and when it isn't that bad of a weather," I say.

"Six days from now, we are on the plus side again. Sure it's not hot, but it's pretty good," Butters says.

"That's perfect. Are you free?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think Kenny is as well," Butters says.

"Hey! Ky!" I yell.

Kyle turns.

"Hi. Do you need something? Kinda in a hurry!" Kyle says.

"Are you free six days from now?" I ask.

"What? Um. Six days. Hm. Oh fuck. It's the seventh? No sixth. Do I have something? Hm Yeah, I am. I mean, I'm free. Well, not the whole day, obviously. Like, three hours? Can I go, really fucking busy," Kyle asks.

"That's okay. Where are you going? Like, right now?" I ask.

"Apparently I'm more active than the school council because I'm helping everyone. Literally, everyone that has a task, I'm helping out. From the people setting up the music to everything else, like the kids decorating the school because apparently there are actual people coming to this thing other than like 40 people. Fuck off and stop it! I'm coming! Yeah! Coming!" Kyle says.

Kyle runs off to catch up with Token and Bebe, who are waving their hands like they were on an island in the middle of the sea.

"Well... Kyle's busy," Kenny says, walking up to us.

"What gave you that impression?" Butters asks.

"Oh shut up. Guess, who got a date?" Kenny asks.

"I'm so fucking surprised," I say, sarcastically.

"Hey, Heidi is pretty hard," Kenny says.

"Heidi? Holy fuck, doesn't she hate your guts," I say.

"No, apparently we are fine, if I don't try anything with her," Kenny says.

"How likely is that?" Butters asks.

"Hey! Don't. I'm fine with it being like this, she gave me a good reason," Kenny says.

"Good reason? Kenny. What, to you, is a good reason?" I ask.

"I'm not stupid. If someone says no, I take it as a no. Plus, saying that you have no interest is a good reason in my opinion. If you say no and get drunk, then say yes, it's still a no, unless I'm drunk as well, in which case it might not go like that, but I apologise, if something happens," Kenny says.

"Kenny, I've had the wrong impression of you all my life," I say.

"Are you calling me-? Stan, how dare you," Kenny says.

"No no no. I mean, you apologise? What the fuck?" I ask.

"Come on, someone might be completely broken after having sex. Which I still don't understand, but that's their right. At least you have to act kindly enough. It would be so very shitty of me to just tell someone to fuck off afterwards," Kenny says.

"Really? Someone has let me have the impression that it's not quite like that, that you are not there, when they wake up," I say.

"Oh... that must have been a special case. Oh. Wendy? Ooooh, that one. I came after her next day and explained that her dad came home and I had to leave before he saw me because dad's tend to not like me anywhere near their daughters or sons," Kenny says.

"Yup, dad would kill me to be fucking honest with you," Butters says.

"Mom would kill you and dad would probably just turn away," I say.

"Kyle's mom almost killed me because I pretended to fuck him. It was so much fun to be really fucking honest, really, you should try it. Sheila will burst in looking like a female Jack the Ripper," Kenny says, laughing.

"I don't think we agree on fun," Butters says.

"I agree with Butter. We do not have the same idea on fun," I say.

"Oh yeah. Are you free sixth day?" Butters asks.

"What? Wanna go on a date, Butterfly?" Kenny asks.

"I don't know, Stan's the one that forced me to ask," Butters says.

"Well, Stan. Do you want a date or something?" Kenny asks.

"How do you know, if you don't come?" I ask, with a wink.

"Don't wink ever again, it's really fucking disturbing," Butters says.

Kenny nods.

"Isn't sixth the Finnish independence day?" Kenny asks.

"How do you know that?" Butters asks.

"I'm the language man, of course I'd know the basic shit," Kenny says.

"Wait. What do say? Are you free?" I ask.

"Um. Let me think... Stan, do you think I have something. I'm living with you right now. If you didn't know, I won't take someone in your house out of pure respect for you. I haven't got anything for most of those days," Kenny says.

"Kyle might have a lot to do though," Butters says.

"How about you?" I ask.

"Me? I'm... can you fucking guess, what I'm about to say?" Butters asks.

"Grounded?" I ask.

"Ding. A point to Stan Marsh. Yes, like always, I'm grounded for three days. Although my mom is getting better, so, it's all good," Butters says.

"Oh, that's good. But why are you grounded then?" Kenny asks.

"Because apparently I 'don't spend any time home' and they miss me. Bullshit," Butters says.

"That sounds like something the controlling person in a toxic relationship says. Manipulating into thinking that it's someone else's fault," I say.

"It really does! Plus, it sounds like a toxic parents relationship, at least in my opinion. It always has," Kenny says.

"Yeah, sure does," I say.

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