Mystery comes through the window (19)

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"Hey. Wanna open the fucking window?"

I look out to see Kenny in his Mysterion costume, just hanging out outside the window. So, I open the window.

"Why the fuck are you out in the cold without your parka? You could have gotten sick," I say.

"If you were in your fucking room, I wouldn't have," Kenny says.

He gets in and I close the window.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask.

"Aw. Not glad to see me?" Kenny asks.

"Oh fuck off, of course I am. But it's fucking 5 am," I say.

"You weren't here. I thought you would've been," Kenny says.

"I was not because i do a lot of shit at night, mostly studying. Why aren't you at Stan's?" I ask

"I just came from Butterfly's house. I'm not at Stan's house because I had to check, how both of you were doing because neither of you were in school," Kenny says.

I sigh and sit down.

"Where's Karen?" Kenny asks.

"Ike caught the cold, so, Karen is in his room," I say.

Kenny nods and sits next to me.

"Well. How was your day?" Kenny asks.

"I guess it was okay. I couldn't get up until like 10 am, but still, it was fine. Mostly taking care of Karen. She's a good girl," I say.

"She sure is," Kenny says.

"I've never seen someone that has read half a library and still is so goddamn interested in anything," i say.

Kenny laughs.

"That's my little girl," he says.

"You're a really good brother, especially for her. She seems like the person to shut down, when things get too hard," I say.

"She is. But that's fine, I try to teach her to do something other than shut down. But to be completely honest, I don't know, what happens, when I move out. Trust me, I'll do it as quickly as I can," Kenny says.

"You could always take her with you," I say.

"I don't think that would do anything but harm. I would just rip her of everything she has. It has happened ones before and I don't want it to happen before she is old enough to process it. It would shake her world too much. Ah fuck, I'm starting to sound like Stan, when he's hung over," Kenny says.

"Has he been drinking?" I ask.

"Stan tried to, ones, I stopped him. I asked him, when he was about to, if he wanted to turn out like his father and he put it down," Kenny says.

"If he doesn't stop like this, we might need to put him somewhere. It's not healthy," I say.

"Have you ever even been drunk? To be honest, I can see, why Stan loves it so much. It just gives you a moment of bravery," Kenny says.

"Yes, I have been drunk. I don't want to do it ever again. I'm the drunk person that remembers everything they did while drunk. That does not happen to be a good thing," I say.

"What have you done? I'm actually really curious," Kenny says.

"I'm the worst type of drunk, lets just say that," I say.

"What type of drunk?" Kenny asks.

"I'm a sober you to be fucking honest. I goddamn flirt," I say.

He laughs.

"What the fuck are you talking about? That's the best type of drunk," he says.

"No it's not, it's quite the opposite," I say.

"No it's not! It's fucking awesome. I really wanna see that now," he says.

"Nope. I don't want to get drunk like ever again. Three times is enough for me," I say.

"Aw, come on. I'd love to see it," he says.

"No. I at least have to been in the legal drinking age," I say.

"Oh come on! That's over three years from now," he says.

"3 and a half years actually," I say.

"Who has the time to wait that long?" Kenny asks.

"Leo," I say.

"You sure about that?" He asks.

"Don't tell me," I say.

"Do you know, what's a defence mechanism?" He asks.

"Of course I do, I'm not a complete idiot," I say.

"Isn't it kinda odd that he has stayed this innocent all this time? No, I don't think that's the case. Sure, he might be slightly more innocent than the rest of us, but he doesn't seem like such an innocent person, if you think about everything that has happened," Kenny says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Oh? I get to explain everything to you? Hell yes," Kenny says.

"Yeah yeah, you know something I don't, start talking," I say.

"I mean. Butterfly understands more than we give him credit for. Plus. He has grown up with the shittiest parents around. Do you know the saying 'The biggest smile holds the most pain'? It's, yet again, the case here. He knows something we don't, about himself. Sure, it might be a small difference, but that's still a difference," Kenny says.

"Okay, I guess," I say.

"Well. You missed out on something today," Kenny says.

"What did I miss out on?" I ask.

"The school is trying to look as up it's own ass as possible and is holding a dance everyone is made to attend. Which is bullshit because it's the first of December. You might see, where I'm going with this," Kenny says.

"Two days? It's two days from now?" I ask.

"Yup and Stan's got a date, Wendy. Bebe wanted to ask you to save herself from the huge wave of girls that are coming after me," Kenny says.

I take my phone and write a text to Bebe.

"Is this fine? 'Hey, so, Kenny told me about the dance that is about to happen in two days. Do you wanna go? Like, as friends?'" I ask, reading it out loud.

"Yeah, that's good. Send it," Kenny says.

I send it to her, getting an almost immediate 'sure'.

"Okay, and I've got my date," I say.

"I'll just ask a girl at random. Might go with Heidi just to fuck with Cartman's brain a little," Kenny says.

"What about Butters?" I ask.

"Apparently Clyde asked him via text so he doesn't have to be the fifth wheel to Creek and Nichole and Token," Kenny says.

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