Talking (23)

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"Fucking hell. Again? What is it this time? Better not ask the same thing, the answer is still 'fuck no'," I say.

I sit next to Kenny as I hear that Bebe sighs.

"Do you have to curse? I mean, sure, I cursed as well but do you always have to," Bebe says.

"You wanted to talk, so, talk," I say.

"I mean, since you're not straight... I wanted to come out to you two before anyone else," Bebe says.

"You came out to me years ago," Kenny says.

"You pretty much came out to everyone while dancing with Wendy," I say.

"I know I did, but like, I really really wanna ask her out," Bebe says.

"Oh really? We could help you out," Kenny says.

"Help me out... how?" Bebe asks.

"Hey! Stan!" Kenny yells.

"You know, it's pretty convenient that we're already around, when we need each other. What's up?" Stan asks.

"The sky. Look, Bebe here might need a bit of help," I say.

"Okay? Where do I come into this?" Stan asks.

"Can you get Wendy?" Kenny asks.

"I guess. Yeah. I could. What do you need Wendy for?" Stan asks.

"Bebe needs to ask her out," I say.

"Yeah, it'd take too long, if we just let it be," Kenny says.

"Ooh. Of course," Stan says.

He leaves to, most likely, get Wendy's ass here.

"Okay. Bebe. Just ask her out," Kenny says.

"How?" Wendy asks.

"Basically. 'Wendy. Do you want to go out with me?' Just say it," Kenny says.

"It'll be fine, Bebe. Come on. My beautiful little girl," I say, laughing.

"Fuck you, I'm not that short," Bebe says.

"Really now?" I ask.

"Come on. You're just such a fucking tall asshole," Bebe says.

"Oh, thank you for calling be an asshole," I say.

"You've got the ass though," Bebe says.

"We've talked about this. My ass isn't as great as you're giving it credit for," I say.

"Stop lying to yourself! You've got the best ass around!" Kenny says.

Butters, randomly, just gets in.

"Hi," he says.

"Oh fuck, we're leaving you out, aren't we?" Kenny asks.

"A little. But no worry about that, I've been hanging out with Craig's gang, they're pretty fun. And Token is the responsible one, so, I don't have to be it. But I would like to be with you... you know... sometimes," Butters says.

"Leo, of course. I'm sorry, so much shit has been happening that you've kinda been left out. I'm so sorry," I say.

I hug him.

"We don't hug that much. Do we?" Butters asks.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," I say.

"It's nice. It just doesn't happen that much," Butters says.

I chuckle and raise him up.

"Put me down," he says, laughing.

"Nope," I say.

I put him next to Kenny.

"There you go. Stay there, we're done soon," I say.

He nods and I sit on the other side of Kenny, next to Bebe.

"Hey. You've been dating other people and asking them out. Just remember that," I say.

"Kyle, I can't do it. Save me," Bebe says.

She puts her head on my chest.

"It's fine. Just do it," I say.

"Ah fuck," she says.

"What's going on here?" Wendy asks, walking in with Stan.

Stan, immediately, sits next to Butters and gets him away from Kenny, they start to quietly talk about something.

"So. Um. Why am I here?" Wendy asks.

"Do it," I tell Bebe, rising her head up.

"Wendy. Bebe wanted to ask you something," Kenny says.

He grabs Bebe's shoulder, nodding at her.

"Wendy. Would you like to go out with me?" Bebe asks.

She breathes out as soon as she has said it.

"Like a date? Or just like-?" Wendy asks.

"Wendy, you're supposed to be the smart one. Please, of course it's a date," Stan says.

"Oh," Wendy says.

Bebe takes a deep breath.

"Of course," Wendy says.

Bebe jumps up and hugs Wendy.

"Kiss already!" Kenny yells.

"I've shipped this for 6 years now! Just kiss!" Butters says.

Bebe nods and kisses Wendy, with a small smile on her face.

"And I'm not a pervert," Stan says, turning the fuck away.

"Hell yes! Finally!" Nichole, who was about to walk past, says, stopping to wait for the girls.

"Fucking God, finally," i say.

The girls leave the fuck out, with Token, who I did not see before.

"Everyone is getting into a relationship!" Kenny says.

Butters laughs, nodding.

"Everyone is just going off market and I'm sat here on my ass, waiting to get educated before that shit," I say.

"Educated? You're going to be 69 before you know it," Kenny says.

"But that's the best age, fuck you," I say.

"Everyone you could go with will be dead," Kenny says.

"No they won't. I'm painfully aware that my family has a couple of genetics. I'll be happy, if I get to 70, best case is 80," I say.

"My life expectancy, at worst, is forty, stop talking shit about not seeing 70's, I might be half way into my life," Stan says.

"Wait? Really?" I ask.

"Yup. If I caught the bad genes, my life will end before I see my forties," Stan says.

"My lowest is 50," Butters says.

"I'm at 80," Kenny says.

"Lowest?" I ask.

"Yup, my lowest is eighty. Well, unless something unexpected happens, but I've got everything pretty well. Dementia is in my family though, so, it might be hell, when I'm 68," Kenny says.

"Are you secretly a girl? Eighty is more than the average death age for a man," I say.

"I just love, how that's forty years after I'm dead," Stan says.

"But your parents are alive and your grandpa was alive for a very long time," I say.

"Grandpa is from the better side, which is okay likely I have more of. As for my parents, they got really lucky with catching nothing that big... yet," Stan says.

"Let's be realists here, I'll be alive after you all," Kenny says.

"To be honest, maybe," I say.

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