Chapter 2

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  "whats going on, why is everything black," I asked

  "that's because we are in a battle, ok, that is your soul, and it seems to be halved into two parts, a JUSTICE part, and a HATE part, very interesting, alright, I will introduce you to the mechanics, dodge the bones, and you might survive, everyone has different fighting levels,"  Ink replys

  I think ink knew what I meant, the place was coal black before, now pitch black. I thought as a bone was thrown at me. What was that for!

  "Good job, you dodged my first attack, lets go a little harder," Ink said as different versions of GB appeared. My GB. I thought to myself.

  Ink fired at me, GB appeared, and blocked the attacks. Also, Ink's face was PRICELESS, I'm serious, it was too funny. I couldn't help but giggle. Ink crossed his arms and did the expressionless face.

  "Not funny," he said, "too weird actually, also DON'T CHEAT!"

  "I-I didn't summon GB I swear, problem is, she has half my soul in her," I mumbled the last part.

  "Odd, never seen that, except once, but it was a full soul in half a Gaster Blaster," Ink said with a confused face, but I could tell it was fake.

  The room fades back to a lighter black. The fight ended, and Ink had taken no... whatever it was, that stuff. I think Ink may stay for another day or two. I thought to myself.

Author's note

Sorry about that cringy chapter, also, FIRST AUTHORS NOTE! I will be going this every three chapters, plus one at the end regardless, and I will be announcing the titles I've made up for the series. Book two is labeled, Multitale, The Golden Heart, you'll see why. Book three is labeled, Multitale, Depression Zone, again, you'll see why. Book four, the final book, Multitale, Corruption
(Sorry this chapter is short)

Also, go ahead and comment, don't be scared, I would like to see some.

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