Chapter 3

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"Hmm, I wonder how that happened," Ink said, faking a curious tone of voice.

"Ink," I stare at him with my most serious face

"WHAT," he asks in the same stupid tone

"Ink, I can tell your faking that tone and expression, its obvious," I reply using my best serious accent.

"Or mabey its that stuff," I say pointing to the stuff that was wrapped onto a small strap, that stuff.

"W-wha, it's n-not that," he says faking a studder.

"Ink, its easy to tell that your faking, and that you have no soul,"

"Fine, your right I was faking," I noticed how Ink didn't flinch at the faking part, instead he must have cracked at the soul part

Did I upset him, I hope not. I thought to myself. I could tell that Ink was reaching for an emotional one because it was blue. Ahhh, nooo, now I'm thinking of that I'm blue song.

"Josie you ok," Ink asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thought of a cringy song,"

Me and Ink just talked about random stuff, like how Ink is stable with no soul, obviously it was imagination, we drew for a bit, mine just appeared in this universe... well we figured out this was a pocket universe because of how small it was. Litteraly just a planet. Well Ink has to go back, and I came with him.


"InK¡!!," a glitch voice says, "SaY G0oDby3 To Y0ur prEs¡ouss Un¡ver$es."

"U-um, Ink who is that," I ask

"0h, l0oK A+ Th@t, inK $en+ @ fre¡Nd" the voice said, suddenly I was hoisted up by my neck from what looked like glitchy strings.
"ha¡ gO+ H3r. @r3 y0U ¡n+0 H3-" The person stoped as a knife came crashing down. My knife came crashing down, RIGHT ON HIS ARM!

"We're not into each other glichy asshole, DO YOU HEAR ME, Ink was the first person I met, SO SHUT UP," I yelled loud enough where ink had cover his ears, and he was a meter away. Suddenly GB bites the glichy sans (I could tell he was an almost completely inverted sans, probably a giant error in the multiverse) and tosses him away from the universes, causing him to lose grip of them and drop the strings, which I cut off by knives.

"H3y!¡ +H@t$ ©H3a+!nG," the idiot crys

"Error, there is no cheating in fighting," Ink says

"Ink... You just told me I was cheating in our base fight" I commented

"H@ Ha, Yθu @r3 So00o $+μp1d," Error rudely replied

I stared at Error, he started to stare back, with a face that was saying, 'What?' It was funny to see. I walked up to him and gave him my worst slap. "I told you asshole, no shit ok."

"Owwww," he replied, "Y0u LI++le B!+©$"

Suddenly Error shoots strings and bones at us. We both dodge and know we're in trouble as the our surroundings faded to black.

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