St. Freya Part 2

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Finally got a new chapter in!

Sorry for the wait.

I had to take a break due to dealing with a few things that can be explained after the chapter.

Don't own the art/video/gif.

They belong to their respective creators.

Hope you guys like this chapter.


It didn't take long for word to spread around the school about the match.

No surprise there.

What with the girl fuming and grumbling all the way back to the dorms, it was guaranteed that it would come out.

It had the school a buzzed with the upcoming match. Some believe that it would be teaching the newbie a lesson in humility and respecting his superiors.

While others were curious to see just how powerful (M/N) was.

As for Kiana, Mei, and Bronya.

"Are you crazy!?"

Kiana screamed.

"Why on earth would you go and accept a fight!?"

She yelled at the unfazed male.

"She challenged me."

He simply said.

"And that's why you accepted?"

Mei just gave him a look of disbelief.

"A warrior doesn't back down from a fight." (M/N) simply said. "No matter how ridiculous it is."

"The Bronya thinks this is fine." Bronya only said. "They know not just how powerful he truly is."

"But still!" Kiana grumbled. "Why did Karen challenge you in the first place?"

"Because her ego is so big that the earth cannot contain it."

Bronya simply said.

"Something that a lot of the female students here seem to possess."

(M/N) stated.

"I get that for some reason, females possess this rare gene of Honkai Resistance and that's why they are on the frontlines." He shook his head. "But it doesn't mean to treat your fellow human like trash. That's not the way to gain gender equality."

Sighing, he continued.

"They need a reality check, is all."


The room was filled with silence.

"Even so."

Himeko voice suddenly cut through the room, as the Major and Theresa entered the room.

"This match has not gone through the school and received approval from either of us, or the student council."

She explained.

"Technically speaking, I can't allow this match to go through unless Ms. Karen submits a form since she's the one who jumpstarted this."

"Then..." Mei softly spoke up. "Does that mean the match is off?"


(M/N) coolly said.

"Even if it hasn't been approved, the match is going to happen." (M/N) stated. "I grow tired of their blathering nonsense about superiority and what not."

"This is a school to train the future protectors of humanity. Not a cesspool of idiocy and fools with death wishes."


"Not going to change your mind, huh?"

Theresa sighed, hands on her waist.

"Why should I?" (M/N) blinked. "I should get to know my fellow classmates, no matter how idiocy they are, shouldn't I?"

"Why are you so worried for me?"

'It's not you that we're worried for. It's the classmates!'

Was the unspoken thought running through the girls' minds.

Because after all, they know quite well how powerful their newest Einherjar is. And they could tell...

They could TELL that he was more than he seemed. That they had barely seen anything yet.

At first, Himeko and Theresa thought that he might possess a Herrscher core. That would explain his insane power.

But scans showed no evidence of anything that could point to a Herrscher core.

It was truly a mystery how someone as powerful as him, managed to stay under the radar for so long.

And it didn't help that he seemed to be somewhere extremely remote for the Honkai presence to be nonexistent. That was the only thing they could think of due to his lack of knowledge.

But getting back to the subject at hand.

They were more afraid of the girl safety than they were afraid of (M/N) safety.

"...I'll make sure the infirmary ward has the current best technology."

Theresa gloomily said.

"Try to make this a fight."

Himeko sweatdropped.



'What's with them?'

(M/N) thought to himself.

'They're acting like I'm going to kill the girl.'


"Now that that's settled." (M/N) stretched his body. "Did you needed something? Or can I have my room back?"


"Never thought any of you would be the type to hang out in a boy room."


"Oh, shit!"

Kiana jumped as she remembered they were in (M/N) room!

...Which was weirdly next to theirs.

What a coincidence.

'...Not really.'

She thought to herself.

She remembered it as though it were yesterday.

And her face turned red as she remembered.

-Flashback shortly after he attended the school-

"And this is where you will stay."

Himeko smiled.

As she, Theresa, and (M/N) stood in front of a door.


(M/N) just nodded his head.


Opening the door, ignorant of the looks on Theresa and Himeko faces as he went in and closed the door.


The two thought to themselves as they left.

"Hm..." (M/N) tilted his head as he looked around a bit. "Not a bad place."

'...But why is it messy?'

He thought to himself.

Wasn't this his dorm?

Why was it a mess?

'Maybe it was previously used, before it became vacant?'

Was the thought running through (M/N) head.

Shrugging, he frowned.


Taking a sniff, he realized.

"Seems like I need to take a shower."

Sighing, he went to the bathroom. Ignoring the mess as he undressed and turned on the water.

Unaware of the mayhem that was going to happen soon.

-Short while later-

"Man!" Kiana shouted. "Today combat session was brutal!"

The walking tuna and friends walked into their dorm.

"You are getting sloppy Kiana." Mei frowned. "I know you're still not happy that I confiscated your games, but that does not excuse you from slacking off."

"I know, I know."

Kiana grumbled.

"Bronya believes that Subject Idiotka does not know and is only saying that because she doesn't want to accept that it was her fault from the beginning."


Kiana shouted as she grabbed a towel.

"I'm going to hit the showers, feel free to come in Mei-senpai for some bonding time."

She smiled at Mei.

"I'll pass."

Who shot her down so easily.

"Gak!" Kiana fell down. "Shot down again."

Tears falling in despair, she went to the bathroom.

"Wah..." She cried. "Why she no want to?"

So lost in her despair, she did not feel the heat in the bathroom.

Nor of a certain figure shadow behind the curtain.

"I just wanted to have some skinship fun."

She pouted as she opened the curtains.


Her dejected look suddenly turned to shock.

As an equally startled (M/N) turned his attention to her!

Lost in the sensation of a good shower, his guard was lowered and thus he did not hear her talking or coming in.

(M/N): "...???"

Kiana: "O_O"

(M/N) confused expression stared down at Kiana naked state in shock and confusion.

'...I wanna run my fingers through her hair.'

(M/N) thought to himself as he stared at her unbraided hair flowing freely.

...While Kiana.


Was trying to talk.

But was too in shock as she got her first ever close up of the naked body of a male.

'Is that why his muscles felt nice?!' She mentally screamed to herself as she could not look away. 'He's so big!'

Body wise, though she had an inkling of the male stature after having accidentally felt him up in their first encounter.

'...Wait!' She suddenly sweated as she realized something. 'He's too tall! I barely reach his chest!'

Which meant her line of sight was slowly being drawn that direction.

'Don't look down!' She shouted in her head. 'Don't look down!' 'Don't look down!' 'Don't look down!' 'Don't look down!' 'Don't look down!' 'Don't look down!' 'Don't look down!!!!!'

...She looked down.


And her face turned so red, you could fry an egg on it.


Blood leaked out of her nose, as she (in true embarrassment) raised her hand.



And slapped him so hard that the Slap of '22 could not compare.

"...Ouch 😑."

Was all (M/N) said.

After that incident, Kiana screamed for Himeko and Theresa to come to their dorm.

Where a fully clothed (M/N) and Kiana were waiting along with a confused Mei and Bronya.


Kiana screamed as she saw her aunt and teacher strolling in.

"Why is HE HERE!?"

She pointed to bored looking (M/N) sporting a VERY red hand mark on his face.

...Again, courtesy of the tuna.

"Guys!" Himeko shouted. "Meet your new dormmate!"



Kiana and Mei shouted in shock.

"Our new dormmate?"

Mei stared at them in shock.

What the freaking hell?

"Bronya thinks this is highly inappropriate for teacher and principal to even consider putting a male with three females."

Bronya gave them a look.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Kiana screamed. "You're putting a guy with us!? He'll seduce Mei senpai away from me!!"

"Oh, come on." Theresa gave her a look. "Now you're just exargger-what the hell is wrong with your faces?"

Theresa statement turned into a question as she took noticed of (M/N) slapped face and Kiana nose bleeding.

"Kiana does not do well seeing a naked male."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"And I DON'T do well with being pranked."


"Oh, MY!"

Himeko blushed.

"Our little Kiana is growing up!"

Himeko and Theresa hugged each other, shedding tears of joy.


Kiana screamed, her face growing red again.

It wasn't funny!


(M/N) deadpanned.

"Is this because I called you short?"

Theresa squawked at being reminded of her height.


"He called you short?!"

Kiana started laughing despite herself.

"Shut up!"

Theresa shouted.

"And you?" (M/N) turned to Himeko. "Is it because I hit the mark on you being forever alone?"

"Gack!" Himeko shouted as an arrow shot through her heart. "Kind of..."

She admitted.

"But mostly revenge against Kiana for laughing at me about it."

Kiana shut up.




The atmosphere grew awkward.

"...Is there a free dorm or not?"

(M/N) gave them an unimpressed glare.

"I might lack common social skills, but even I'm not that stupid to not realize the awkwardness of this situation."



"The room next door has no students living in it."

Mei quickly answered.

She had a feeling they were going to lie in order to keep him there and make their lives miserable and awkward with having a male rooming with them.


(M/N) quickly went to the next room.

Click! Clack!

And closed and locked it tight.


Theresa and Himeko became a bunch of drama queens after that.

While (M/N).

"...She did look rather adorable."

The male admitted.

-Flashback end-

Kiana could not shake that image out of her head.

'Why am I thinking about him like that!?'

Kiana mentally screamed.

But...what had her attention more, was the scars on his body.

It disturbed her how large some of them were, and how some looked to be fatal.

'Those aren't scars that one would receive from a Honkai Beast.' Kiana thought to herself. 'What kind of life did you live?'

She had to wonder.

Even though that only added to his sex appeal.

'Wait, WHAT!?'

Kiana mentally screamed.

Now she was thinking of him like a possible lover!?

'Impossible!' She screamed in her head. 'My heart belongs to Mei-senpai!'


Now she wasn't sure.

"We thought that you might want some advice on fighting Karen."

Mei voice broke her out of her thoughts.

'Thank you, Mei senpai!!'

Kiana happily shouted.

"I'll pass."

(M/N) simply said.

'Of course!'

Was the mental agreement.

"Not needed?"

Was asked.

"It'll be fine."

(M/N) waved them off.

"She's and I...there's no comparison."

"Uhg, jerk."

Kiana grumbled as they walked out of his room.

"If it wasn't for the fact that we know he's telling the truth, I would have believed him to be conceited."

"Do you think everything will be okay?"

Mei asked the teacher and the principal.

Before either could answer.

"Bronya thinks we should have a funeral service just in case."

Bronya answered.

Causing sweatdrops to form on everybody's heads.

"Let's...not go there."

Theresa gulped.

There was no way she was entertaining the notion of explaining why one of her students was dead!

With (M/N).

"Hmm..." He mused out loud. "Perhaps a little despair is in order."

"Perhaps I should use his power in this fight."

-Two days later-

It was time.

Time for the match to begin!

"Welcome all!" Himeko shouted to the entire school. "For our match!"

"In one corner we have one of St. Freya top student; Karen hctibami!"

A majority of the female population cheered.

Some cheered, but only because it was expected of them. They didn't really about her.

"And on the other corner we have our newest student, (M/N)!"

Here, the guys cheered with some of the females cheering.

Who got scolded by peers for rooting for a boy.

"Do our fighters have anything to say?"

She pointed to them.

"Hah!" Karen scoffed derisively. "This'll be over in a snap!"


She slammed her claymore into the ground.

"Prepare to lose!"

The ego inflated population cheered at that.



(M/N) said nothing but drew a VERY long sword.


'Wh-Why am I hearing boss music!?'

Karen screamed to herself.

"I wonder if you'll be feeling the same way." (M/N) clenched and looked at his fist. "Once I defeat you."

Getting into a pose, as he held Masamune tightly in his hands.


The air grew heavy and tensed as (M/N) stared at her with a cold stare.

"Show me your strength."


"That's enough."

In a flash, he disappeared.


Karen, to her credit, was able to use her claymore to block some of (M/N) attacks.

*CUT!!* *SPLASH!!*


Some, I did say.

In a series of swings, Karen was already near defeat.


The crowd was in shock and awe. While some had horror in their eyes.


"Hmph!" (M/N) scoffed as he appeared from behind. "Not enough."




Karen screamed as she flew into the ground, sliding several feet away.

Growling, she got up and used the Honkai energy to give herself a boost.


Soon the two began a dance of blade and fury.

(M/N) effortlessly repelled her attacks with little to no effort.

Barely breaking a sweat as he did so.

This served to further pissed the Valkyrie in training off.

'How can a stupid male be overpowering me this easily!?' She mentally screamed. 'It's impossible! It can't be true that he's this strong!'

Having been given praise for possessing the Honkai Res. Gene, she always saw herself as superior to any male and thought that meant that they should be honored if she gave them the time of day.

But (M/N)...he plain out ignored her and the rest!

'How dare he thinks himself to be better than us!!'

Karen screamed as she swung the claymore.

(M/N) quickly stepped back several feet.


She screamed triumphantly.

Gathering energy, she quickly swung the claymore. Sending a wave of energy at him.


(M/N) quickly jumped into the air.


She screamed as she used her claymore to propel herself into the air.


Spinning into the air, she gained enough momentum to redirect the power to slam it down directly on (M/N).



A loud explosion could be heard as a massive dust cloud soon enveloped the area.


Some of the girls shouted out.

"Teach that loser whos' the boss!"


Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Himeko, and Theresa just shook their heads.

They knew he was playing around. Simply testing her to see the best way to counteract her blows.


Karen voice could be heard as the dust cloud was soon dispersed by the winds.




One of the girls stared in shock.


Because (M/N) was holding the claymore in place with one hand, unaffected by the Honkai energy flowing through it.


Karen shouted.

"Too slow."

(M/N) sighed.


Growling, Karen angrily managed to kick him back.


(M/N) deadpanned.

Letting go of the claymore.

Growling, Karen spun her claymore as she charged at him once more.


The two attacking and countering every strike with insane strength and speed.

"Absurd." (M/N) said as they crossed blades once more. "Defeating me is meaningless. You should already have figured that out."


Karen grunted.

"You should have realized it the moment I struck first. I'm too strong for you to fight me!"


Karen grunted.

"FINE! Girls! Get your asses in here!"



Was all Himeko could say as the rest of the girl posse jumped in to attack.

"DIE!" "AHHH!!" "Time for your punishment!"

"HEY!" Himeko shouted. "Hold on here!"


(M/N) quickly spun his sword in a defensive spin all over him.


The group snarled as they started attacking in sync.

Using their favored group formation, the gun fighters started shooting in a frenzy.

*PEW!* *PEW!*

Acting quickly, (M/N) avoided the blast.



Before parrying the sword fighters in succession.

Growling, the more specialized fighters began striking with precision.


Only for (M/N) to sigh and block them with ease.

'Is this really the best they got?' He sighed. 'Even with the handicap I so graciously allowed them?'

Either they were just too weak...or he was just too strong.

The Einherjar was just...not impressed.

Then again, he's fought against things scarier and more threatening than them. It's no wonder he's not intimidated by them.

"This'll teach you some manners!"

Karen shouted as she prepared her ultimate.

Narrowly avoiding his attack and triggering a Time Fracture.

'Take this!'

Karen began swinging her claymore in an erratic fashion to most, but in reality, they were aimed to strike at certain areas of the body to trigger a breakdown.

"Nmh! Nng! Gnh!"

(M/N) grunted as he withstood the onslaught fury.


As Karen used the blunt side to swing it like a baseball bat.

And sent him flying to the ground.


Karen shouted triumphantly.

"Take that as a lesson to never disrespect your superiors!"

Her goons shouted insulting words as well.

"It's over."

A senior smirked victoriously.

"It was never possible for a male to be as strong as us."

Another nodded in agreement.

While the hype was dying down with victorious grins and depressed auras.

"Know your place."

(M/N) voice silence all.


Karen screamed as (M/N) looked a little worse for wear.

"Shadow Flare."

Suddenly, dozens of dark fireballs appeared on the field.




Karen and her posse screamed as the attack hit.

Burning their bodies with pure, unmerciful fury.

The spectators looked on in pure shock and horror.


One Valkyrie said in terror as (M/N) continued his assault.

Unleashing the cut combo once more, he brutally slashed and sliced the Valkyries.

"AGH!" "OW!" "IT HURTS!"

The girls screamed as they're wounds started bleeding.

"What's wrong?" (M/N) coldly asked. "Can't take a little beating?"

"How will you ever win against the Honkai with such fragile bodies?"



Karen screamed as bloodthirsty murder was in her eyes.

Her team following suit.

"...Perish now."

(M/N) simply said as he lifted a hand.


The onlookers were confused.


And massive pillars of fire surrounded him.



The Valkyries tried to escape, but the pull was too strong.


And they were burned roughly as a result of their reckless endeavors.

"Time to end this."

Disappearing, he reappeared into the sky.

"Descend..." He chanted. "Heartless Angel."



One girl weakly said.


Another whimpered.



Karen weakly said.

They had underestimated him!

"Now." (M/N) gathered power. "For the grand finale."

"Me (I will have order! Damn it, Zhongli! You're not in this saga yet!) teor."

Soon massive meteors started flying straight at them!



(M/N) opponents did not stand a chance.


As a massive burst of light enveloped the area.

Forcing everybody to cover their eyes from that.

Once the light died down, they saw Karen and posse on the ground, unconscious.


As (M/N) landed on the ground, 'Sheathing' Masamune.

"...Are we done?"

(M/N) asked a shell-shocked Himeko.

Shaking herself back to reality, she shouted.

"Winner: (M/N)!"


Crickets chirping.

An awkward silence filled the seats as they stared at the destroyed arena.


Soon one began clapping.


Then like a domino effect, many began clapping as they witnessed a battle beyond anything they had ever seen.

While the medic team transported the unconscious Valkyries to the infirmary.

"The Bronya knew he was powerful." Bronya stated, shock in her voice. "But the Bronya never knew it was to this extent!"

"Such swordsmanship!"

Mei stared in awe and shock.

Especially since Masamune was such a long sword!


Kiana just stared at him with a mild fascination.

She knew his scars were not for show.

'Was this the reason, then?'

She thought to herself.

Who knows?

"I wonder." Theresa hummed. "What will it take for him to fight seriously?"

"Let's hope the day never comes."

Himeko grimly said.

If this was him playing around, she did not want to know what'll happen if he fights seriously.

???: "This insect...he may very well be a threat to my awakening.

Herrscher of Thunder: "More and more interesting."


"And that's my report, Overseer."

A seemingly young girl reported to a screen.

"I see."

The Overseer hummed.

"This new Einherjar my cute granddaughter seems to have found is quite the conundrum." He said. "He knows nothing about the Honkai, and yet is incredibly powerful and skilled. Taking down a group of Valkyrie, regardless of their age and experience, is no easy task. And yet..."

"And yet, he managed to overwhelm them with such skill and power."

The girl nodded.

"Very interesting."

The Overseer mused.

"I originally intended to send Rita to St. Freya to observe the Subject: K-423. But now I think I should have her test him."

"To see if he's a possible threat to us?"

The girl asked.

"Among other things." The Overseer simply said. "As amusing as this unexpected variables are, I would like to ensure at least some level of control and keep the situation from spiraling out of control."

"Fu Hua."

He ordered.

(Wait, hold on...that's not till later)

(Fu Hua. There we go)

"Yes, Overseer?"

Fu Hua stood to attention.

"Keep an eye on him."

Was all the Overseer said.


Fu Hua nodded as the Overseer ended the call after that.

"(M/N)..." She and the Overseer mused in their own locations.

"What an interesting conundrum you are."


Did not think I would have the motivation to do this, but I guess I'm feeling more energized now.

My apartment complex is currently undergoing renovations. One of them is replacing all the windows. Originally it was going to be Monday, but they had time to do it on Friday.

(And according to them, they believed these were the original windows placed. Meaning the windows were literally from 50 years ago)

Of course, that meant we had to quickly move everything from our windows, and considering that some of them are heavy. My mom and I had to do quite the heavy lifting.

Not to mention we have four cats, and two of them tend to be skittish around people. So, had to catch and put three in one room that they would do last. All the while making sure the last one stayed under my bed and not run out.

Had enough trouble when one of them accidentally got out one time.

Of course, after they were done and we put things back...I had to go to work. When I came back, I was seriously dead.

I had no motivation, or energy to type any chapters. I could do commenting since that didn't take too much energy, but anything else was a no until today.

Guess that means I'm finally got my strength back.


Hope the fight was good and I'll see you guys later!

Have a good day/night!

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