St. Freya Part 3

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Here we are with a new chapter.

This one is mainly a filler chapter just to show a bit of a slice of life high school experience.

A little sad that people didn't seem to catch the joke in Karen last name.

Then again, I forgot to make mention of that in the beginning Author Notes.

Don't own the art.


It's been quite some time since the match and people still were talking about it.

"Well..." (M/N) shook his head. "Things seem to have gone overboard."


Suffice it to say, (M/N) annihilation of the Valkyries was the talk of the school.

Which wasn't that hard to understand.

I mean, really!

The level of skill and power definitely put him on par with S-rank Valkyries. And some have speculated who would come out on top if there was a battle between him and a girl named Durandal.

Who Durandal was, was a different story for the immortal Einherjar.

Of course, this had the unwanted effect of making him popular and had many people trying to either A) get in his good graces, or B) flirt with him.

Not to mention, angry parents of the now traumatized former Valkyries.


Well, the parents weren't all too happy about (M/N) being rough with them. Seem to think that he should have held back just because they were girls.

...They were lucky that some of the girls he's traveled with were not there to hear that. They would have shown them just how 'delicate' girls are.

I.e., kicked their asses so hard that they would have to check themselves into a psychiatric ward.

And unknown to them, (M/N) patience was rapidly dwindling at the level of stupidity the parents were exuding.

The former Valkyries got Vietnam flashbacks as they heard the almighty boss music (One Winged Angel) started playing in their heads.

Screaming, they grabbed their parents and skedaddled out of the school.

Hence why they are now former Valkyries.


...Thus, boosting his reputation among the female population for some reason.

But due to his dedication in getting back to his siblings and living for a very long time...he either ignored them, or just didn't see the signs.


No one said he was good at everything. Having forgotten how emotions made a person feel, he tended to be blunt because of it. Though it should be interesting to note that he seems to feel some emotions when needling Kiana.

Speaking of which...


Kiana shouted.


(M/N) gave her a side glance.

"Stop acting all cool and let's go!"



(M/N) asked, blinking in confusion.

"To get you new clothes!"

Kiana deadpanned.

"I don't know what voodoo magic you use to keep your clothes clean and smelling fresh all the time, but you seriously need to expand your wardrobe!"


(M/N) gave a 'you could not be serious' expression.

"Did you really forget?"

Mei nervously laughed.

"When we saw you had basically nothing but the school uniform (which you don't even wear) in your closet. It was decided that we would take you shopping."




"...You mean when you guys broke into my room for some 'dirty(?) magazines and basically trespassed?"


The three were surprisingly (not really) silent.



"Kiana!" Mei shouted as her fellow Valkyrie opened (M/N) door. "What do you think you are doing!?"

"I need to make sure the new guy isn't a pervert!" Kiana 'explained'. "His dirty magazines will tell all!"


"Bronya suggest Subject Idiotka stops being an idiot." Bronya deadpanned. "There is no way Subject (M/N) would possess such things."

"How would you know, Bratnya!?" Kiana shouted. "You been in his room!?"

"Yes." Bronya deadpanned. "Remember when we tried talking him out of the match?"

"...Besides that."

Kiana conceded.

"Bronya does not believe him to be the type of person to do that." Bronya simply stated. "His personality doesn't really scream 'closet pervert'."

"That's why we need to check!"

Kiana shouted.

"He could be faking it for all we know!"

"...You know Kiana." Mei deadpanned. "That would more believable if I couldn't see the look of revenge in your eyes."


"This is because he's embarrassed you several times, isn't it?"


As always, Mei seemed to hit the nail on things.

For Kiana wasn't doing this as making sure they weren't rooming near a potential pervert.


It was because she was freaking pissed at the male for somehow easily embarrassing her!

'How can a random stranger make me lose my composure so easily!?'

She thought to herself.

She hated how easily flustered she got at him. Even...if it mostly wasn't his fault that those scenarios happened.

Though she still would like to know WHY he was on that building in the first place. Everyone knows to run for shelter when the first warnings activate.


"Got it! Kiana shouted triumphantly. "Now...let's go!"

Before they could stop her, Kiana zoomed into the room and started looking everywhere. From obvious places like the desk, to predictable places like under the bed or somewhere in the bed, to even looking under the tv stand.


Mei and Bronya sighed as they decided to help their crazy teammate.

Hey, might as well make sure that (M/N) doesn't kill her for making a mess out of his room.

-Sometime later-

"UGH!!" Kiana collapsed on (M/N) bed. "I give up!"

Nothing...absolutely NOTHING could be found.

Place was cleaner than a whistle.

In that she thinks about it. All she could see was the bare necessities required for a living.

'Is he a hermit or something?' Kiana thought to herself. 'This place obviously has no secret to hide.'


"Fwuhoohoo..." Kiana got an evil smile as she got up.

...And headed straight to (M/N) drawers.

"Kiana?" Mei blinked. "What are you-?"

"'s so obvious!" Kiana shouted, startling her teammates. "It has to be under-!"


"His under...wear?"

Kiana victory look soon turned to confusion.

"What the hell?"

Why she was confused.

Well, as Mei and Bronya took a look they saw to their surprise.

...That there was nothing in there?

"HUH!?" Kiana shouted. "Wha-I-Huh-EH!?"

She was shocked.

While she wasn't all to eager to see a man underwear, she wasn't expecting there to be nothing!



Quickly closing it, she speedwalk to the closet.


And opened it to reveal...nothing?

Wait...there was the school uniform that he refused to wear for some reason.

And...only one set of pajamas?


Now Kiana was confused as hell. Even Bronya could not maintain her composure at the lack of...well, anything.

"He's been wearing the same thing all this time!?"

Kiana shouted in pure shock and disbelief.

???: "...Umm..."

'Who said that?!'

Kiana mentally shouted in her head.

???: ...(Staying silent because she has no idea how to respond)

"This is...unexpected."

Mei sweatdropped.

"The Bronya agrees." Bronya nodded her head. "How has he been able to keep his clothes clean all this time? They don't even smell of being constantly used."

"...Actually." Mei realized. "How have none of us even realized it!?"

Herrscher of Thunder: "My dear might want to run."


"What are you guys doing here?"

(M/N) voice sent them flying.


All three (yes, even Bronya) let out some rather undignified girly screams at the unexpected arrival.



The three groaned as they jumped so high they hit the ceiling.

(M/N) just emotionlessly sweatdrop at that.

"OK..." (M/N) just shook his head as he glared at them. "Explain. Why are you in my room?"


-Flashback end-

Needless to say, (M/N) was torn from being amused, to being annoyed.

He couldn't understand if this was a human thing, or a girl thing.

Why on earth would you want to look for something that didn't exist?

...Then again, he was out of touch with being on an Earth (no matter the dimension) that he did not see things that others did.

Of course, once they got that out. Kiana was quick to point out the lack of clothing.

He simply said he used his powers to clean his clothes and that was it.


Somehow, that triggered something in Kiana who basically screamed.


What? Oh, wrong line.


...He didn't actually think she was serious.

But here they are.

Somehow, they got to the shopping district, and he was soon dragged into a store.

All the while ignoring the comments and looks, he was getting for being with three girls.

"What a player." "Man, look at the stupid ikeman." "Can't believe he's dating all three of them."

Yeah...apparently a guy and a girl can't be friends without there being some sort of 'deeper' meaning behind it.

...They should be lucky that (M/N) is not like how he is in the future. His future self would have zapped and cursed them with being hit on the head with pineapples.

(And ironic, considering who I paired Mei and Bronya with. Multiverse Reaction Christmas Special explains it if you haven't read it.)

"Welcome in!" A store assistant greeted them. "Are you looking for anything in particular today?"

"Where's your guy's aisle?" Kiana asked. "Getting this fool some new clothes!"

"Watch it, Tuna." (M/N) began giving her a noogie for that. "I'm still taller and stronger than you. It's easy for me to get my revenge."

"ACK!" Kiana shouted as (M/N) grounded his fist into her head. "OW! Stop it, you jerk!"

The store assistant giggled.

"The men clothing is just straight down that way." She pointed. "Though I must say, this is a surprise. Usually, it's the boyfriend helping the girlfriend shop for clothes for her. Not the other way around."

"BOY-!?" Kiana face turned red. "He's not my BOYFRIEND!!"

"Oh?" The store assistant blinked. "Really? Sorry. It's just the way you two are so comfortable with each other that it just seemed natural."





(M/N) one word shut them up.

"That way, you said."


The store assistant nodded.

"Have fun!"

Mei and Bronya sweatdropped at that.

Ohh...they were going to have so much fun.

-French Narrator: Several Hours Later-


Kiana shouted triumphantly as they managed to get (M/N) a good amount of clothing.

"Is all this truly necessary?"

(M/N) blinked at the enormous pile of clothing that was for him.

(You know: shirts, pants, boxers, swimming trunks for some reason, causal wear, formal wear, and new shoes that were designed to last. The whole nine yards)

All the while there was a smaller pile of clothing for Kiana, Mei, and Bronya.

And other miscellaneous items.

Having decided to do some shopping of their own.


Kiana shouted.



"Bronya must agree." Bronya nodded. "Rarely, do we get the chance to splurge like this."


(M/N) just said as he looked at himself in a mirror. His new attire reflecting on the shiny surface.

'Not bad, I suppose.'

He thought to himself.

"Now." Mei smiled. "Time to pay."

Boredly pushing several shopping carts (and ignoring the rather traumatized looks of shoppers and employees nearby) they got to the registers.


The cost was...insane to say the least.

"...We might have bitten off more than we can chew."

Kiana nervously said.

They were going to be having to live in tight conditions for a good amount of time.

Mei gritted her teeth.

'If it wasn't for that woman, this would be easy to pay off!'

Mei mentally growled.

Remembering the woman that ruined her family and had her father sent to jail on false accusations.


Bronya was about to suggest they put her stuff away to try to make it easier.


When (M/N) dropped some VERY precious metals.

"Will this suffice?"

(M/N) simply asked.


"I-i-wha-huh-humana humana humana humana humana."

The cashier just stared in disbelief.

"humana humana humana humana humana humana"

And was soon joined by both the Valkyries and the other shoppers and employees at the store.


The cashier soon regained his bearings.

"I...I need to make a call!!"


And cue (M/N) innocent naivete at the chaos he just unleashed.


He asked as he turned to the three.

"humana humana humana humana"

Who kept repeating the same word.

-Some time later-

"Well..." (M/N) deadpanned. "That was fun."

After the cashier made the call, soon police, several Valkyries, the bosses of the store and an appraiser arrived on the scene.

The police and Valkyries tried to have them wait in handcuffs as the expert appraiser took a look at the metals (M/N) gave the cashier.



And they got beat up for it...

And now have (M/N) related trauma.


And the beaten up police/Valkyries did.

Apparently, it was not common for people to just be walking around with GOLD, of all things, and using it as a means of currency.

Which is why the cashier made the call. He thought that (M/N) might have been a scammer or something. Which is why the police/Valkyries got involved.


And why Theresa and Himeko were also there after Mei called them.

"Next time, be sure to call US!!"

Theresa lectured law enforcement.

...On a stool.



The terrified screams were music to their ears.

"Well?" Himeko raised an eyebrow. "What's the verdict?"

"The level of purity is beyond even me." The appraiser said. "It is the purest form of Gold I have ever seen."


"Ah!" The appraiser's face lit up. "Good, the others are here."


"I had a funny feeling that this might require the knowledge of multiple appraisers." The man explained at the confused looks. "So, I asked my fellow appraisers to come and take a look."

With that said, the appraisers got to work.

About 30 minutes or so later.

"The value of this metal is far beyond anything any of us can put a price to."

An appraiser admitted.

"The level of purity is clear and untouched." The first appraiser nodded. "There are no impurities as hard as it is to believe."

"This is an extremely rare find of Gold." Another one said. "Even the best Gold Hunters can't find even a tiny fraction as pure as this."

"It's legitimate." Yet, another one said. "Surprising as it is, it is the genuine several pieces and sizes."

"Meaning?" (M/N) blinked.

The Appraisers just looked at each other before looking at him and saying:

"You just basically cleaned out the store and their inventory and then some."


"Soooo..." (M/N) trailed off. "Can we just buy our stuff? I could care less about the change; they can keep it."


Everyone was mentally screaming.

(Richer than a certain Mora less dragon whose successor (a certain Einherjar) is the only smart one.)

"Uhh...sure?" One of them said. "I guess?"

"Good!" (M/N) sighed. "We can go now!"

-After paying-

"What. The. Fuck?"

Himeko just gave them, mostly (M/N), a tired look.

"Seriously, what did I just witnessed?"

"A simple shopping experience turned into nonsense."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"...Yeah." Theresa sarcastically said. "I'm not going to question it."

"So..." Kiana nervously sweated. She was not expecting that! "What now?"

As sort of a punishment, Theresa had the Valkyries that had responded to the situation take their stuff back to St. Freya.

So...things have gone awkward.

"There's an arcade." Bronya slowly said. She was slightly traumatized by (M/N) richness. "We can go there."


(M/N) eyes seemed to light up at the prospect.

"Sounds interesting."


'Oho!' Kiana thought victoriously to herself. 'So, there is something that you like to do!'

To be fair, she enjoyed going to the arcade too.

"Then that's our next destination!"

Without thinking, Kiana grabbed (M/N) by the arm as she pulled him towards the direction of the Arcade.

"Idiot Tuna." Bronya shook her head. "Wait for us."

"You don't need to pull me..."

(M/N) said as Kiana dragged him away.

"...The Bronya will make Subject Idiotka doesn't do anything stupid."

With that said, Bronya followed after them.




"...I'll admit." Himeko crossed her arms. "When I made the decision to invite him to St. Freya, I never expected the waves that came with him."

"He's certainly not your average joe." Theresa nodded. "He might not know it but he seems to have an air around him that draws people to him."

"He's certainly managed to draw Kiana in." Mei giggled. Remembering the rants, she would go on about Mr. Kiss Stealer. "Surprisingly, she seems comfortable around him. Which is a surprise with how attach she is to me."

"And you are fine with that?"

Himeko asked, curious about her student view on the situation.

"I'll admit, it's a little bit weird." Mei smiled. "I guess I was just so use to her being around me...and her obsession with me but that's not important."

"She is my first true friend and the one who stuck by me after the...scandal."

Here, she had a dejected tone in her voice remembering the false imprisonment of her father.

Theresa and Himeko gave each other's looks at that.


Theresa spoke up.

"It's fine." Mei shook her head. "Perhaps my father foresaw a day like that day happening. It must be why he had subtly taught me how to stand on my own two feet if something happened to him."

"On that topic." Himeko shook her head. "We've been trying to secure evidence that he was falsely accused, but everything has been sealed airtight."

"No doubt, it's her doing."

Theresa growled.

On some levels, Cocolia was more detestable than her 'grandfather' was.

"Perhaps..." Himeko spoke up. "The answer will lie with (M/N)."


"You're saying that (M/N) might be the key to getting my father out of jail?"

Mei asked.

"Why not?" Theresa shrugged, getting at what Himeko was implying. "He seems to have a high level of disregard for authority."

"Not sure if that's a good thing."

She muttered under her breath.

Mei and Himeko sweatdropped at that.

"But that's for another day." Theresa waved them off. "For now, you should enjoy life right now before it's gone."

"And YOU need to hurry up before they leave you behind."

Himeko pointed to the fading figures of (M/N), Kiana, and Bronya.


"Ack!" Mei shouted. "Got it, bye!"

With that, Mei ran after them.

Leaving Theresa and Himeko behind.

"...You really think (M/N) can find what we can't?"

Himeko asked.

"With absolutely certainty."

Theresa smiled.

-At the Arcade-

Time flew by so fast.

Once they got to the Arcade, Kiana dragged him over to her favorite shooting games.

And worked up a sweat as Kiana barely managed to keep her high score as (M/N) proved to be quite a challenge.

'He's good!' Kiana thought to herself. 'I thought that since he mainly used a sword that he would be shaky on other weapons! But he's just as good at gunmanship as he is with swords!!'

"...Damn it."

She cried.

Is there nothing she can beat him in!?

Of course, she had no way of knowing that (M/N) was eons years old. So, he had plenty of time to master all forms of weaponry.

So...the fact that even though she had to go all out in the games and was still able to beat him. Was a testament to her training and marksmanship.

(Of course, she won't know that until later to have pride in beating him at something. Even if it's just an Arcade game)

"Hm..." (M/N) looked intrigue at an Air Hockey table. "Let's go with that."


Kiana blinked as (M/N) headed towards there.

"Hey, wait!!"

Clack! Clack! Clack!

Went the sound of the puck as the two engaged in competitive rivalry.

Clack! Clack!

They wounded up gathering a crowd as the air around was tense and high leveled.


"NO!" Kiana cried. "Not again!"


She screamed as they played once more.

Then it was off to a DDR machine.

Here, he went against Mei as the two did some very impressive footwork and poses as they danced to the beat.

Then getting around to playing ticket games.

(Thanks to his Godlike Luck, he made quite a killing.)

And wound up getting prizes for the girls because they were somewhat short on tickets to get the prizes they wanted.

(M/N) wanted to have fun, so he didn't really care much about the prizes. So, he combined their tickets and got them what they wanted.

The result?


"Thank you!!"

Was all three of them hugging him tightly.

"...You're welcome."

Was all (M/N) said.

He's been hugged tighter.

"Now...let go of me before you embarrass yourselves."

He deadpanned.

"You want people getting the wrong idea?"



Kiana shouted as they let go of him.


(M/N) scoffed, a smile on his face in actual amusement. And not his usual deadpanned expression.

"It's getting late."

Mei noted.

"The Bronya suggests we head back to our rooms."

Bronya spoke up as she held a HOMU plushie tightly.

"Good idea." "Let's go!" "Alright."

Mei, Kiana, and (M/N) agreed.

The four of them heading back to St. Freya.

"...That was fun, I'll admit."

Kiana quietly said.

But they caught it.

"Never thought I'd hear you say that, Kiana."

Mei smiled.

"The Bronya is glad that Subject Tuna is finally coming out of her shell and socializing with other people that are not Mei-Neesama"

Bronya nodded.

"Shut it, BRATNYA!"

The way back was filled with the two arguing and death threats.

Mei tried to calm them down, while (M/N)...

'The stars are very bright tonight.'

Was analyzing the stars.

Reading their movements, their glow, feeling the energy of the cosmos radiating from them.

Studying the secret prophecies that they were telling.

The Toa of Life had a mixture of a smile and a frown on his face.

'The Prophecies are changing.'

Seems like the peace could not last forever.

The Time of Awakening was drawing ever so close.

'Perhaps, Master Xehanort was right about one thing.'

(M/N) mused.

'It all began with...'

Birth By Sleep.

-And now a little glimpse into the far, far future-

"Adam?" (M/N) looked to his young son who looked sad. "Is something wrong?"

Adam didn't say anything at first.

"Adam, you know I can't help you if you don't tell me."


"No matter what I do." Adam began speaking. "No one at school wants friends with me."

Here, Adam closed his eyes, with small tears coming down his face.


"Yeah." (M/N) looked to the side with a sweatdrop on his face as he smugly smiled. "I literally can't relate to that problem at all. BUT you know who no one likes?"


Said male glared at him with a deadpanned expression on his face, arms crossed.

"First of all, how dare you."

(Wonder if anyone will catch this reference.)



That took a little while to finish up.

Well, I had most of it done last night. But the moment I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I lost my drive and decided to hold it off until today.

But I finished it and now that this small filler is out of the way, we're going to be heading more into the storyline.

The 'get (M/N) more clothes' thing was mainly because I didn't know what to write for this chapter.



(M/N) may have traumatized some people with how rich he is. And is still lacking understanding that the precious metals he carries are very sought after and highly valued.

Next will have the exams coming up and a sus Maid approaching.

Have a good day/night!

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