FNIA Night Guard Arc 1

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Tell me if I should release one of the Mandela Catalogue x RWBY crossover ideas?  Also I don't own the picture used.

Jaune POV:

"So we're starting in my perspective?" Jaune asked.

"Looks like it." Ruby said before she heard muffled shouts coming from the theater. She knew that it was Weiss and Yang who aren't exactly happy seeing anything with Jaune in it. She could only sigh at that since they were the only ones who made a big fuss about it.

"How in the world did my daughter turn out to be a carbon copy of that man?" Willow said. Out of all of her children, Weiss was a disappointment. Her brother and sister have managed to not become like their father, but the same can't be said for her second daughter. Maybe the acting worked a little too well and caused this. Thankfully, her only son saw through it and decided to pretend to hate her so she could keep teaching him in secret.

"You had no idea that something like this would happen. I'm just thankful that none of my children ended up like that piece of human garbage. We even captured the person who he wanted to have as his successor and dealt with him accordingly." June said. After that, Jaune (the one on screen) started to speak.

It's been a couple of months since I arrived at this planet....Earth. And it still takes some getting used to mainly because there is no Grimm stalking around and the world isn't split into four kingdoms. Most importantly...The moon is still whole and isn't shattered like my old home..remnant. Just thinking about it...made me feel conflicted mainly because of the harsh environment that Cardin placed me in after he revealed that I faked my way into Beacon. But do you know what's ironic about that...I saved him from an Ursa Major and instead of being grateful..he did this to me. 

"Wait...He's in a dimension that doesn't have any Grimm or kingdoms?" Qrow asked.

Yes. There's still a lot of issues, but there isn't any Grimm, kingdoms or the need to use Dust for anything.

"That's possible?" Winter asked before her mother chuckled.

"It is. Sadly, I had to stop my research when I got married to that jerk." Willow stated.

"Don't worry Willow. We can get rid of him soon enough." June said with a dark look on her face. Everyone in the audience looked scared of seeing this face except for the Arcs who had gotten used to their mother's anger. 

"Guess we better prepare for another bloodbath." Juniper said. 

"At least, none of us have to see what happens to him. Unlike with that old man." Jaune said. 

"Should we really ask...." Sun started to say before Pyrrha interrupted him.

"It's better not to ask. Trust me." Pyrrha said with a haunted look on her face. Sun didn't question it after seeing that instead he just looked at the screen. At the same time, the others started to speak about what Cardin did while Neptune started to walk towards Weiss.

That no good jerk." Ruby muttered.

"Jerk is right. He could also be called other things since he is so rotten." Blake  said.

"Even then, he's much better than those two in the theater." Velvet said. Unfortunately, Neptune decided to rip the duck tape off of Weiss's mouth.

"You can't be serious. We're so much better than that barbarian and deserve to be here compared to that...." Weiss started to say before Neptune placed the tape back.

"I have instant regret for taking that tape off." Neptune said with his head held in his right hand. He was a playboy and tried to flirt with her, but those romantic feelings instantly vanished once she started to speak towards him. At the same time, Willow shook her head with disappointment and regret.

"Like father like daughter." Willow started to say before Winter interrupted her.

"Mother!" Winter exclaimed.

"Can you really blame her for that? At least with...." Whitney started to say until he shut his mouth again. Winter and Weiss didn't know about their half sister and he planned to keep it that way. Since:

A. They will start shouting

B. Winter will try to kill their sister's father

C. Weiss would get jealous since she had better proportions than herself

"Whitney, What were you about to...." Winter began before the next line started.

After that...my life became a living hell as all of my friends abandoned me and my family disowned me. It all was too much for me to handle so...I left and eventually found my way here to this unknown planet. Everyday is an adventure for me, but there's one problem...money. So I did what any sensible person would do when they were about to run out..get a job. So here I am..working as a security guard at this anime convention. It's so much fun, but it's strange that I was the only one to apply for it..but who cares a job's a job. 

"So in this universe, none of us stuck with him?" Blake said.

Yep. You all regret it, but only after you received punishments for it.

"I think that I was talked into it by Yang, Weiss or both of them. Though I wonder why Blake betrayed him if she was guilty of the same thing?" Ruby asked.

"Maybe cause some of my versions are stupid or something?" Blake asked.

Well...Most Blake's keep thinking that the White Fang is misguided, keep trying and failing to sneak into places, underestimate your opponents and follow through on terrible ideas even though Ozpin told you not to.

"Does that also mean that I let team RWBY off easy?" Ozpin said.

"Typical Ozma..." Salem muttered which no one hear her could hear. She still had some love for her ex husband, but even she can see that he makes lots of mistakes. Just then, the screen showed another POV.

Freddy POV:

"So one of those machines are talking?" Qrow said.

"They're animatronics. Made to entertain kids though something seems strange about them." Willow said.

You're right about that, but you have to see why they are special by yourselves.

The audiences sighed before the next scene started to play.

"Hey Freddy!" My friend Chica said. As I turned around...I saw her walking towards me with a grin on her face which meant trouble.

"What do you want this time Chica?" I asked.

"Why do you assume that I want something?" She asked making me stare at her with a deadpanned look on my face.

"Well...I wanted to check out the new security guard who's working here." Chica said.

"Again?" I said.

"Yeah. I mean it's so boring being here with no one to hang out with except each other. Besides I heard stories from Foxy that he's a handsome young boy." Chica said.

"Fine. But if you scare him off like the others...there will be hell to pay." I said as I followed her towards this new security guard unaware that my life and my friend's life will change with this one meeting.

"I'm going to regret this, but what does Freddy look like?" Neptune said. I snapped my fingers and an image showed up which caused Jaune to blush and look away. This caused the girls who have a crush on him to think that he was so cute which gave me an interesting idea later. 

"And they all look like that?" Juniper said. 

Yes. Your son had the fortune to be dropped off in the FNIA universe. A place where men just have to worry about their stamina.

"So I'm going to lose your virginity to one of them?" Jaune exclaimed.

In a later chapter, but yes. This universe will be pretty short since it hasn't finished developing (none of my books are except for one Loud House one) so I will show you another one.

The audience nodded while preparing to watch some more unaware how crazy these universes are going to get over time.

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