FNIA Night Guard Arc 2

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I don't own the picture used 

After the viewing of the first chapter of this world, most of the audience were excited though they could still hear the grumbling of Weiss and Yang. Most wanted to rip the tape off of their mouths, but after hearing what Weiss said when Neptune took her tape off...none one wanted to do so. 

"When I first met Yang and Weiss, I thought that despite their negative traits...that they could change. However, this is not the change that I imagined for them." Jaune said.

"Does that also have something to do with that dare that she gave you before you left for Beacon?" June said. This made a couple of eyebrows raise since they thought that Jaune actually liked her.

"So you didn't have feelings for Weiss?" Ruby asked.

"To be honest, no. Someone wanted me to show her that people can like someone without asking about their status or how much money they have? However, Weiss never seemed to get it no matter how much I tried." Jaune said.

"She spent too much time getting influenced by that spineless man. Ugh...I hated she turned like him after several meetings between the pair. If I did something then she would've become someone who people would've liked instead of hated." Willow said. (Sorry to Weiss fans)

After she finished that, the next chapter started to playing showing a name. 
Freddy POV:

"I still need to understand how these machines are able to have the ability to speak and think of their own." Watts said.

"In time, Watts. Besides that information shouldn't be in the hands of people who would abuse it." Salem said while looking at Ironwood. She has eyes everywhere and knew of that the man served Atlas which meant using any opportunity to steal other's hard work. Though it must've been hard to make a difference considering how corrupt and greedy most of Atlas were.

"Why do I feel like that was a jab at me?" Ironwood asked while Goodwitch and Ozpin sighed. They really needed to help James take control of that council and make changes. Especially if they could free Mantle from frequent supply robberies. Just then the next couple of lines started to play out.

After following Chica, we finally arrive at the security station and saw the newest security guard. And when I saw him....I felt my heart stop. He had blonde hair that almost went to his shoulders, beautiful blue eyes and was very handsome.

"Not another fangirl." Jaune moaned.

"You have fangirls?!" Sun and Neptune asked.

"Well, he does help around the village and works out a lot. Though he decides to wear that baggy sweatshirt no matter how much it hides his true figure." June said. A fact that made every girl who had a crush on him to blush except Yang and Weiss. Just then the praises just kept coming from the screen.

"Woah. When you said that we were going to have a new security guard...I didn't know that he would be..." I started, but Chica finished it for me.

"Tall, blonde and handsome." Chica said.

"Yeah. Which makes me wonder...why he would get a job like this?" I said.

"Who cares? Just be thankful that he isn't related to the other security guard who killed us." Chica said.

"Killed us? How could the security kill animatronics?" Ironwood said.

Because most of the animatronics are possessed by the souls of killed individuals. 

"So he got a job where people were murdered?!" Saphron said.

Yes and no. In the original, they are vengeful and they still are....I just want to focus on the interactions between them and Jaune first. Besides you'll learn more about this as we continue to watch this universe.

"You better explain this more later." June said before the scene shifted.

"You don't know that.." I said. Chica was about to reply when I saw Golden Freddy walking by...only to stop once she spotted us.

"What has Chica dragged you to now?" She asked.

"She wanted to check out the new security guard." I said.

"Great...another one. I swear if it's another one of those perverts before...I'm gonna." Golden Freddy said before I turned her head to see him. I could see her blush before she started to shake her head and tried to get a read off of our new guard.

"Seriously. His attraction power shows no bounds." Jeanne said.

"Hey, I don't have attraction power!" Jaune shouted.

"Keep telling yourself that. Besides I'm sure that you managed to attract more women while at Beacon besides that one that flat as a board and the one who who's brain power clearly went to her bust." Jeanne said. At the insults, Weiss and Yang started to struggle more until a shock caused them to stop.

"You're shocking them?" Winter asked.

I only shocked them to make them stop. Besides how else was I going to stop them without injury?

Winter stayed silent while Willow wondered how to break Winter's overprotective hold on Weiss. She has always favored her and left her younger brother alone. A fact that would've lead him to become another version of his spineless father. Just then the next section started to play again.

"You were saying?" Chica Said.

"I could be wrong. Besides we hardly know anything about him." Golden Freddy Said.

"Which is why...We have to introduce ourselves to him and learn more about him." Chica said before she stood up and started to walk inside the room making both of us facepalm.

"At least they decided to introduce themselves to me and not try to jump me." Jaune said.

"Less hassle too since those women were holding onto you like vultures." Saphron said.

"That bad?" Qrow asked.

"Yep. They got pieces of his clothes which seemed to please them for whatever reason." June said. Then a name appeared which made all thoughts of the conversation stop for a couple of the audience. Though some will ask more questions later.

Jaune POV:

"Guess it's my turn again." Jaune said.

"Well, you're the main character so of course you will have more speaking lines." Ruby said.

"Which begs the question about what we're doing while he is at his job." Blake said. Kali was about to tease her daughter, but Jaune started to speak once again.

As I was working...I felt like someone was keeping an eye on me. Which was ridiculous since I'm nothing special to look at. Especially since I was betrayed by Cardin who is probably having a wonderful time back at Beacon with all of the student body now that I'm gone. Sighing...I kept looking at the screen and noticed that three of the animatronics were missing. When I heard footsteps coming into the room and I came face to face with one of the missing animatronics.

It was silent for a couple of seconds and I tried to keep my eyes on her face. Since her chest wasn't covered properly by the tiny bib around her neck. I know that you expected me to freak out, but after coming from a planet with tons of Faunus...this wasn't weird to me.

"Wow, really went with some description." Qrow asked.

Can you really blame me? One of the forms I use is kinda strict with what you can or can't show. (Happened a few times)

"Alright though I better not see any eighteen plus scenes until later." June said as her son started to speak to Chica.

"Aren't you going to scream or something?" She said after a while.

"Not really. Anyway...May I ask why you wanted to come here?" I asked nicely.

"I wanted to see who the new security guard was. And ask whether or not..you're a pervert." She said.

"Well...my name is Jaune and I wanted to make some extra income. And I'm not a pervert so your friends can rest easy." I Said.

"Excellent. Would you want to meet them?" She asked.

"Sure. What's your name by the way?" I asked.

"Chica. Now let's get a move on." She said as she started to walk away. As I followed her...I could tell that this would be the beginning of a long and wonderful friendship. Unaware that this friendship would soon blossom into something else entirely.

"Well that ends that chapter." Jaune said.

"Finally, though I have to ask what Chica looks like." Qrow asked as a picture showed up.

"Good luck, Jaune." Sun said.

"It's not fair." Neptune said which caused Willow to roll her eyes. She has heard of this Neptune from her daughter and so far...she couldn't see what she saw in him. He seemed like a total player which is someone no women wants to be with. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the Jaune chapters cause we're going to have a look back at Beacon.

"Finally, hope I can finally show that Vomit Boy...." Yang started before Blake slapped the tape back on. Setting the stage for one of the many outcomes to come from any Jaune Betrayal fanfic.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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