A Spider In Gotham Part 2

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...At last...

At long last...







At last, I am now where I was before I did the rewrite.

Don't own the art or sound effects. They belong to their respective creators.


"Here we go."

Zero said as he was about to press play.


Only for Umbra to interrupt him, causing him to pause.


Zero asked the SCP version of a certain somebody.

"Don't you usually bring those idiots back at the beginning of a new chapter?"

Umbra asked, confusing those that had no idea what they were talking about.

"Eh." Zero shrugged. "They're not needed for this part."

"I'll bring them back later when it's necessary to destroy their hopes and dreams."

"Ah." "Eh." "Okay." "Works for me." "Merp-a-derp!" "Narf!"

This time, Zero hit play without any more questions.



Nightwing cried.

"I wanted to see our reactions to the new kid!"


"Don't be such a drama queen, Dick."

Barbara sighed as she had been the one to hit him.


Dick whined.

(Fun fact: Drama Queen is not gender based necessarily. Its' definition is: a person given to often excessively emotional performances or reactions. So, it can be applied to both females AND males. And yeah, you can still use Drama King for males. But I prefer Drama Queen because it sounds better)

"Tch, Grayson."

Damian rolled his eyes at his ridiculous older brother dramatics.

While the rest of the Batfam just sighed.

It has been several months since (M/N) had moved to Gotham and moved in into his father mansion. To say the teen was comfortable would be saying that water and oil mixed well together.


Homura winced.

"That bad?"

She asked.

"Regardless of what your teammate may think." Tempest side eyed Yomi. "The life of the rich isn't all glitz and glamor. They have images, reputations, and so much more to maintain. One wrong move can send it all crumbling down."

"It's a nuisance is what it is."

Cliffheart growled.

Her siblings sweatdropping, they knew she hated to be in that kind of spotlight because the media vultures always have to find some way to spin a tall tale from any of them.

From the moment he stepped foot outside the airport, the media was on them like ugly on an ape.

"Of course!"

Many people said, rolling their eyes as they knew the feeling.

So many questions were thrown at them, nearly overwhelming (M/N) as he was not used to that.

"Can't blame him."

Batman shrugged.

He hated having to deal with the media as Bruce Wayne and as Batman.

Kent was the mainly one of the few reporters he could deal with and that was mainly because they were both superheroes and knew each other's identities!

Which kind of gave Clark some unnecessary fame as being one of the few reporters that Bruce will willingly be interviewed by.

"Mr. Wayne, how do you feel about the discovery of your new son?!"

"Mr. Wayne, are you concerned about the possibility of having more, unknown children out there?!"

"All the time."

Tony said.


Batman said.

While they might be playboys, they always made sure to use the best protection that exists if it ever got that far.

"Mr. Wayne! How would you describe what you are feeling now?"

"Mr. Wayne! Who is the mystery woman that bore you, your firstborn child?"

...At least they didn't know who (M/N) mother is...yet.

"Why do you think she waited this long to tell you?"

"Why did she never step up and reveal the truth to you?"

"How can you be sure that he is your child?"


Midnight winced at that.

"They went there."

...That angered both father and son at that.

'How dare they!'

(M/N) angrily thought to himself.

But before he could yell at them.

"Laura was never one for fame and fortune."

Bruce interrupted, sensing (M/N) slowly rising anger.

"Good thing Bruce is used to this."

Nightwing said.

"No surprise there."

Bulma shook her head.

"She was never one to care about money and believed in hard work." He explained. "One of the reasons I fell for her. But we both agreed that we lived in two different worlds and made the choice to part ways. I don't believe that either of us could have foreseen what one night would result in."

"As for why she never said anything, well, the answer is simple."


Shifter raised an eyebrow.

"Do tell."

"She didn't want him to have to deal with the pressure and burdens that came with living the lifestyle of the rich and powerful. Where every step must be carefully watched."


"Well." Lucifer twirled his staff. "That seemed to shut them up."


"Five seconds." Lillith looked at a stopwatch in her hand. "Impressive for the media."

Charlie sweatdropped.

As did the residents of Hell at their rulers' antics.


Alfred Pennyworth voice somehow managed to be heard over the loud questions.

"I do believe we should get a move on."

"You're right, Alfred."

Bruce nodded as he turned to the reporters.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press." Bruce voice silence all conversations and attempts to probe more information out of him. "Regrettably, we must leave now. But rest assured, all questions will be answered in tomorrow press conference."


Lorem gave him a look.

"I might not be the smartest of demons and mainly more of a destruction causing one. But even I can tell that you want nothing to do with them and is actually very glad to get away with them."

"You try keeping a mask up for public nuisances like the press and then we'll talk."

Bruce deadpanned.



The crowd went silent until...

"Mr. Wayne!"

A reporter shouted again, asking another question which set the media off as they started shouting questions at both him and (M/N).

Thankfully, Bruce security detail kept them at bay as Alfred opened the door for (M/N) who gratefully nodded his thanks to the God of Butlers.

"God of Butlers." Alfred mused. "That's not a bad title if I do say so myself."

The Batfam snorted at that.

Getting into the car, he put his seatbelt on.


Alfred started the car after Bruce got in and the trio were off to Wayne Manor.

'So much has changed.'

(M/N) thought to himself.

Before, he was just your (not so) average teen who was a gamer junkie and anime/manga lover along with other hobbies and interests.

Now...well, he was still the same just with a bigger allowance that he really did not know how to use and was just casually letting it gather dust in his new bank account that Bruce had set up.


The audience did not know what to say to that.

"Well..." Evo scratched his cheek. "At least he has good self control when it comes to money?"

"...He's got a point."

Will could only say.

After all.

Having an allowance that is probably a couple several thousand a month (with how the Batfam kids are), and somehow not spending it all or much at all.

"Well, he's probably still adjusting."

Belfast added.

"His mother just died, he's moved in with his father, and is in new territory that comes with being the son of a rich and famous man like Bruce Wayne."

"He's probably still in shock."

'That.' Zero thought to himself. 'And the fact that he's also debating when to reveal his secret.'

Well...not completely true. He spends it on Gacha games to get certain characters he really likes at least once if the saved amount of currency did not get him them. He generally did not really need to get the weapons/equipment that came with them unless absolutely necessary.

...Or if it's FGO and it's better to have the characters at least have their NP at level two.


Tempest said.

"That works too."

"I get the feeling he still doesn't waste as much as we think he does."

RODK Weiss sweatdropped.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing with a version of Weiss (even though she's changed and is actually decent) but that is so true."

Rachel agreed with a sweatdrop as well.

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock at the door caught his attention.

"(Embarrassing Nickname)!"

Came the voice of the oldest sibling in the house.

"Of course." Damian rolled his eyes. "Only you would come up with such an embarrassing nickname, Grayson."

"My nicknames are great!"

Nightwing protested.


The silence was baffling.

"Aw, come on guys!"



"I told you not to call me that!"

(M/N) shouted, face red with embarrassment as he looked up into.

(Richard John 'Dick' Grayson)


"Hey now." Dick smiled. "Are you calling my name or insulting me?"

"What do you think, genius!?"

"How mean!"

(M/N) sarcastically said.

"What do you want, circus boy?"

"How mean!" Dick pouted. "I'm just trying to be a good big brother and help you adjust to life in the manor."

"We have very different definitions on helping one to adjust."

Clint said as he gave Nightwing a stare.

"My way is better."

Nightwing said.

"I mean, it helped to win over Damian, didn't it?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Grayson."

Damian instantly denied.

Bruce just sighed.

"By calling me an embarrassing nickname?"

"Get use to it, kid."

A tougher voice spoke out as Jason Todd walked into view.

(Jason Todd)

"Well...that explains why my counterpart fell for him."

Grace (FNAF) shrugged.

"We have a thing for bad boys."

Michael and the Batfam sniggered at that backhanded compliment.

"Dickie bird here will always have an embarrassing nickname for everybody."

"Aw! Don't be like that JayJay!"

"I see your taste in nicknames hasn't improved throughout the multiverse."

Barbara flat toned.

"Don't be like that, Babs!"

"Then don't stretch out my name and make it sound like a noise a sheep would make."




Dick pouted.


Jason ignored Dick as he proved his point.


(M/N) groaned.

"What is it anyways?"

He asked the Golden Boy.

"Why does everyone call me Golden boy anyways?" Nightwing asked. "I wear black and blue, not gold."




"No, Tim."

Stephanie shook her head.

"Let him find out on his own."

She said.


Tim said.

Dick was confused.

"Oh, right!" Dick remembered. "Alfred said breakfast is ready, so come down now."


(M/N) was still not really used to his new family.

As the three walked to the dining room, (M/N) mind drifted to when he met his new brothers and sisters, and his biological half-brother.

"Oh! So, we do get to see the first meeting!"

Nightwing happily shouted as he shook in his seat.

"Calm down, man."

Wally said.

"I thought I was the one who went fast."

"No, that's Barry."

Bart said.


"So..." (M/N) looked at the mansion that was to be his new home. "This is Wayne Manor."

"Yep." Bruce nodded. "Home sweet home."




"...It's HUGE!"

(M/N) shouted in shock.

'I've seen it on tv, but I never thought it would be bigger in person!'

He thought to himself.

"Yes." Alfred twitched in amusement. "That is the most appropriate reaction to first timers in seeing the mansion. It is quite big in size."


"Did Alfred just make an innuendo!?"

Tim coughed on the beverage he was drinking.

"He did."

Cass simply said.

"Why is it so surprising?" Steph asked. "He knows how to crack a joke."

"It's because he does it when you least expect it."

Flash said.


"Let's go in." Bruce said. "Everyone else is waiting."


His father adopted family plus his biological half brother.

"This should be good."

Alastor smirked.

Bruce had told him on the flight to Gotham about them.

'Hopefully, we can all get along.'

The teen thought to himself.

He wasn't optimistic considering he knew their secret identities and knew that his half brother is the current Robin. And man, did he like to use aggressive negotiations!

"What?" Damian raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with taking a forward approach to fixing the problem?"


"Many things."

Ace said.

"But that's not important right now."

While (M/N) was in his own world, Bruce was also in deep thought.

'I hope everything will go well.' Bruce thought to himself. 'Dick is excited at the prospect of having a new sibling joining the family. Jason doesn't really care. Tim drowns himself in coffee and doesn't really mind, even saying he knew this was coming. Steph and Cass seem interested. Barbara and Kate are still poking fun at my expense.'

'But Damian...'

-Flashback within a flashback-

"This is becoming too routine now."

Einstein just sighed.

"It adds to the lore."

Will said.

"Of what?"

Tesla asked.

"Who knows."

Cliff just shrugged.


"I'm sorry, Bruce."

Dick voice of shock filled the living room after Bruce had dropped that bombshell on them.

"But did you...just say that...you have another son? Biologically?"

"No, he means artificially."

TeriTeri deadpanned.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Dick."

Bruce growled.

"Yes. I have another child who is older than Damian and around the same age as Tim, Stephanie, and Cass."

(Tim Drake)

(Stephanie Brown)

(Cassandra 'Cass' Cain)



"Wow, Bruce." Jason shook his head. "I cannot believe Mr. Keep your identity a secret could actually be so careless and not use protection."

"Such a sterling example you are."


"Watch it, Jason."

Bruce glowered at his second adopted son.

"Had things been different, she would have been your mother."


That got their attention.


Jason stared at him in shock and bewilderment at that statement. As did the rest of the Bat Clan.

"That has to be a shock."

Niles said.

"That THE Bruce Wayne actually settling down and getting married? That would be a surefire way to induce heart attacks."

"Yep." "Indeed." "Ah-huh."

Bruce grumbled.

Bruce sighed.

"Look." He began. "Laura and I, our relationship was different from the kinds of dates I gone to keep my playboy act up. This was kind of in the beginning of my career to fight against the scum of Gotham. She and I dated to pass the time for a while and eventually it starting getting more and more serious."

"I realized that my feelings for her were different than the feelings I had for other women with only a few exceptions. She was one of the few that I could lower my guard with."

"...Wait." Barbara realized something. "So, you're telling us..."

(Barbara Gordon)

"That the protection didn't break." Bruce said. "Or to be more exact, that night we could no longer deny the attraction we had towards each other and took our relationship to the next level."


Nightwing shouted.

"Oh, stop being a baby!"

Damian scoffed.

"I've heard worse."




Dick shouted as he covered an unusually silent Damian ears.

"There are children here!"

"Who moonlight as vigilantes and beat up the villains of Gotham with no hesitance."

Alfred reminded him.

"You are all not so innocent, Master Dick."

"But still!"

Dick shouted.

"I felt she was the one for me." Bruce continued as though he wasn't interrupted. "And even planned to propose to her."




Cass asked a little eagerly.

"It didn't happen."

Kate instantly knew the answer to that question.

(Katherine 'Kate' Kane)

"It would be very obvious if he did propose."

Kate shrugged.

"Unless he married her in secret and kept her a secret."

Ra's pointed out.

"While true, there is no way he could have pulled that off without Alfred knowing."

Christina pointed out.

"Now that is a good point."


Bruce sighed, quieting down the noise.

"As much as I love her, I realized that I still made a promise to clean up the streets of Gotham and to try my very best to ensure that no one would have to suffer the same way I did."

"Not even the Flash could do that, and he has superspeed."

Luke shook his head sadly.

"Even for the Jedi, that is an impossible task."

Mace added.

"That's impossible, Bruce." Jason looked at him, seriously in the eyes. "You know quite well that it is impossible to save everyone."

"Doesn't stop me from trying."

"And that's really the best anyone can do."

Mothra said.

He said.

"But I couldn't." He sighed. "I made a promise, one that I swore to uphold. And with that, she and I broke it off."


Dick looked at his foster/adoptive father sadly.


He hesitantly added, gaining their attention.

"I told her why."



Stephanie shouted in shock.

"You told her you were the Batman?!"


Bruce shouted.

"At the time, I wasn't Batman." He explained. "No, I told her the reason why I was breaking off this relationship."

"No wonder she was able to piece the dots together."

Talia deadpanned.

"I wonder if you didn't tell her, if she would have realized that you and Batman are one and the same."

Superman tilted his head.

"Most likely."

Ei confirmed.

"Tim found out and he was a kid when he learned the truth."

"Tim's not normal." Steph pointed out. "So, it's no surprise he figured it all out."


"Well it's true!"

She shouted.

"Very true."

Creed nodded.

"She understood." He said. "She understood why I had decided to take this path and she accepted my decision. Wishing me the best of luck as we went our separate ways."


"But...I never knew she was pregnant."

"But you knocked her up." Evo gave him a look. "How would you not know?"


Batman just looks at him like he's an idiot.

Bruce admitted.

"It's not always a 100% guarantee that she was going to end up pregnant and I figured she would have told me."


Evo said.

"That is true."

"There is also the fact that one of them could have been sterile or infertile."

Sakura Haruno also pointed out that fact.

"You never know unless you go to a doctor, and they find out or if two people tried for a child and it didn't work and they wanted to know the reason why."


"And there's the fact that Laura chose not to tell him." Black Widow pointed out. "So, that he didn't get distracted in his pursuit of justice."

"All good points."

"Plus, she could have been on the pill."

Spyware added.

"Oh, yeah."


"Why didn't she?"

Was the question that had been plaguing his mind since he learned of his son's existence.

"Because even with the kids you have, you are still awkward as fuck."

Ben offered.

"Oh, haha."

Batman sarcastically said.

"That was so funny, I forgot to laugh."

"Then I'll do it for you!"

Joker said as he began laughing like crazy.



(Damian Wayne)

Damian scoffed as he turned around and started walking away.

"Where are you going?"

Steph asked.

"None of your business, fat girl!"

"Why does he call you fat girl anyways?"

Nova asked with confusion in her tone.

"Are you that thick or something?"

"Or something."

Steph simply told the yellow monkey.

Damian shouted with a hint of extra venom in his voice.

"Geez." Steph put her hands up in surrender. "Somebody jealous."



Damian shouted as he turned to face her.


Damian said nothing.

"Of what?!"

"Of the fact that you're not the first-born son of Bruce."


Gregory and Monty went.

"Nah, dawg. He just went there!"

Cassie said in shock.

Jason smirked as he crossed his arms.

"So, you don't even have that to hold over us because you're the spare child."


Amiya winced.

"That was a little harsh, don't you think?"

"Eh, this is the norm in the Bat family."

Tempest waved off her concern.

"This is normal."


Kal'tsit just gave them a look of disbelief.

"More normal than when you were being a bitch to me over what happened in Babel and with Theresa."

Ignika deadpanned.


Kal'tsit had a look on her face at that.

Because it was true on how she treated the Doctor after the Civil War resulted in Theresa death.

And she had a feeling that Ignika was not a pushover in comparison to his counterpart.

Damian trembled with anger at that.

"How does it feel?" Jason smirked. "To know that not only are you not the first blood related son of Bruce. But also that Bruce probably didn't love Talia as much as he did with Laura? Probably used your dear mommy as a rebound."


Sparx said in shock.

"Ultra plus oof!"

Izumi and Izuku said in unison.

"That's a burn that can't be extinguished."

"Why you!"


Bruce voice echoed as the Damian stand down and Jason stopped mocking him. His expression going back to a more neutral stance.

"Jason don't talk about things you don't fully understand!"

He chastised the unrepentant male.


Jason scoffed.

"Such a loving family."

Shigaraki sarcastically said.

"And yet, their bonds are stronger than yours or the others ever will be."

Malty deadpanned.


That was a burn when it came from someone whose family relations is very strained.


Bruce now spoke to his youngest.

"There are many certain circumstances between me and your mother. But know this; even though it was truly unexpected on my part to learn of your existence. I have never held it against you nor treated you differently because of the circumstances behind your birth and the upbringing you were raised with before we met."

"Me having another son changes nothing." He said. "We just have a new addition to the family."

"And I know I'm not the best at expressing my emotions."

"Understatement of the century."

Wonder Woman muttered under her breath.

The Justice League agreeing with her.


The Bat Clan muttered under their breath. Bruce ignored them.

"But I do care for you and love you and am proud of you for coming this far."

"You know that, right?"

"This is the demon spawn we're talking about."

Tim shook his head.

"He perceives kindness as a weakness and clings to that fragile superiority complex, he has."

"I do not have a superiority complex, Drake!"

Damian shouted at him.


Tim deadpanned.

"Sure, you don't."


Damian scoffed.

"Doesn't matter if you're bringing another member into the family." Damian scoffed. "He might be the son of Bruce Wayne, but I'M the son of the Batman. It is my right."

"And here we go again with titles and rights and successions and all that jazz!"

Steph rolled her eyes at the same old, tired line.

"You all might accept the new addition to the family, but I will NEVER see him as my brother!"



"That's going to fail miserably."

Loona deadpanned.

"Ohhhh, yeah!"

Yuki and Sukuna both shouted out in agreement.

Because when you so confidently make a declaration such as that...things tend to change drastically.

With that said, he angrily stormed out of the living room and to his own room.


"What was that, Jason?"

Tim gave him a look.

"Why did you go and agitate him like that?"

"Probably to get a raise out of him."

Cass offered.

"The Demon Brat needed to be knocked down a few pegs."

Jason shrugged.

"Not my fault he couldn't handle the truth."

"Just like the dodo heads."

Cleveland shook her head as she mentioned the SC bullies.

"Jay!" Dick shouted. "He's still just a child!"

"Who can kill you in a multitude of ways."

Leo added.

"Damn straight!"

Damian said.

"One who's been raised as the heir to Ra's Al Ghul criminal empire!"

Jason shot back.

"If he can't handle a little inconvenience then there's no way he'll survive in the real world!"



Bruce commanded, shutting them up.

"And on the topic of our nightlife." He said once he had their attention. "I want everyone to be extra careful on what you say from here on out when he's around."

"Too bad that is going to backfire spectacularly."

Sougo snickered.


Batman groaned.

"I don't want him involved in what we do."

"That's a first."

Jason blinked.

"You don't want one of your kids joining your little gang of crime fighters."

"To be blunt, I never wanted any of you to be crime fighters."

Bruce honestly said.

"Something I have repeatedly told you guys many times before. But I can't stop you once you make the decision to put on the suit. All I can do is try to train you to the best of my ability and hope that you don't die."

"And yet." Woz shook his head. "They keep dying and coming back."

"I wager that they stole William remnant and used it on themselves."

Hephaestus (68) shook her head.

"Either that or steal from the Lazarus pits."

Donny offered another possibility.

"Too bad death doesn't seem to be a permanent thing in this family."

Alfred deadpanned.

Remembering all the times where they had come close to death, yet managed to survive. While happy they didn't die, it made them a little bit reckless.

"Reckless idiots."

Artemis shook her head.

"Fine." "Okay!" "Sure." "Whatever."

The Bat Clan said in agreement.

-End flashback within a flashback-

'Damian is not taking it really well.'

He thought to himself.

For the past week, Damian had been in an extremely foul mood. Made worse with Jason and the others prodding and poking at him for their amusement.

"You guys really have a death wish."

Homura just stared at them.

"It's amusing."

Tim said.

Damian has tried several times to decapitate them, only to fail as his moves were too sloppy thanks to the anger he had. Taking it out on the hedges in the garden and fighting rather viciously in the training room and against villains.

"Geez." Denki shook his head. "Someone needs to be benched for a while."

Bruce was worried about him but realized that there was nothing more he could do as Damian would rather throw himself into a volcano than accept help willingly.

"Stop being a pain and just accept their help!"

Evo shouted at the kid.



Damian pointed the sword at Evo neck.

"Aw, man!"


"Welcome home, Master Bruce." Alfred voice brought him out of his thoughts. "And welcome home, Master (M/N)."

"...I don't think I'm going to get use to that."

(M/N) honestly said.

"Heh." Alfred chuckled. "We'll see."

With that said, they went in.

-End flashback-


Nightwing pouted.

"I wanted to see our reactions!"

"Tough luck, I guess."

Echo shrugged.

(M/N) meeting with his new siblings was...interesting to say the least.

Dick was exuberant at having a new little brother around. Literally picking him up and swinging him around.

"Sounds like him."

The Bat Fam said in unison, not surprised at that.

Nightwing pouted.

The poor teen was dizzy after that and promptly fell...

...Right onto Dick ass and unintentionally used them as pillows.

"Why my ass!?"

Nightwing shouted.

'...Because you got one of the best damn asses in DC.'

Zero and the others deadpan to themselves.

(M/N) was embarrassed at the fact that Dick's ass was making him question his sexuality.

"That ass really is dangerous."

Starfire and Barbara snickered.


Dick cried out at the betrayal.

Jason...was the definition of the cool, bad boy type older brother.

He gave no shits and did not hide his words behind flowery lies and all.

"Of course."

Was the Bat Clan reply.

"What else is new?"

Steph shook her head.

Tim...looked like he suffered from insomnia and needed some sleep. But other than that, looked to be a nice guy.

"Yeah, until you get him to actually curse."

Nightwing said.

"...Do I really look like I suffer from insomnia?"

Tim asked out loud.


Everyone that knew said in unison.


Stephanie was a very energetic girl that had (M/N) eyes turning into spirals with how fast she was talking to him.

"Well, at least I won't be the only one to suffer from fat girl."

Damian said.

"Oh, shut up brat."

Cass was of a more quiet nature, but gave him a warm, welcome greeting.

"At least Cass is cool."

Kate Kane, who was his first cousin once removed since she was Bruce's cousin, simply rubbed his head and welcomed him into the family.

"Family tree line is so weird."

Barbara merely smiled and wished him good luck because he was going to need it.

...That was scarier than watching a horror movie in (M/N) opinion.

"With the Wayne family?"

Barbara spoke up.

"It is."

"For real."

And Damian?


The boy scowled.

"Don't think that just because we're brothers mean that I'm going to accept you into this family, you interloper."

"What a tsundere."

RODK Rias sweatdropped.


He plain out told him to his face.

"I will not allow some random nobody to take what is rightfully mine!"

"Jealous, insecure, threatened, easily intimidated, angry gremlin."

Aku continued checking off some checkboxes.

"Refuse to admit he's happy at having a biological half brother."

"Stop psychoanalyzing me!"


Dick shouted.

"It's fine."

(M/N) interrupted him.

"I'd be more worried if everyone accepted me right away."

"I won't deny that I'm a little confused, but I'm not going to steal whatever is yours, kid. Don't need it."

(M/N) calmly said.

He didn't need it, whatever it was.

"Tt!" Damian glared at him, a little impressed that he wasn't fazed. "As long as you understand."


HI3 Wendy spoke up.

"He's definitely feeling threatened and jealous right now."

With that said, Damian walked away. Formulating plans to make his half brother life a living hell from now on.

"Good luck with that."

Inuyasha scoffed.

Knowing that the kid got his work cut out for him if he intends to make (M/N) regret ever being born.

"Don't think he can?"

Aizawa asked.

"Knowing (M/N)? It's a very small chance."

Inuyasha answered.

Well...he tried.

But every time he tried, (M/N) always seemed to be one step ahead of him.


Placed a cleverly well hidden banana peel in front of the staircase; he somehow avoided it.

Though watching Grayson fall/slide down the stairs in a comedic fashion made up for it. Especially when Dick made some rather interesting screams as stumbled into the main floor.


Some of the Gotham residents and friends began laughing like maniacs as they saw on screen Dick falling down the stairs hilariously.

Nightwing pouted as people laughed at his expense.

Set a small prank bomb timed to explode.

He mistook it for a ball and kicked it to Tim who caught it. Only for the 'ball' to explode and cover his face in a cloud of knockout gas.

...Well, at least he was getting some sleep.


Steph and Cass said in unison.

"Oh, come on!"

Tim complained.

And that was just a few things mentioned in the list.

It was as if he knew what was happening, which was impossible after checking his background. He was a normal human being who apparently had incredibly good luck.

"Is it really good luck or just intuition?"

Spyro snickered.

"Who knows?"

Zero shrugged.

Knowing that the answer will come up soon enough.

(M/N) was both amused and slightly terrified at his younger brother's ingenuity and innovativeness.

"Well, look who finally decided to join us!"

Stephanie smiled as the trio made their way into the dining room.

"Very funny, Brick Girl."


"Why did he call her brick girl?"

Alice blinked in confusion.

(M/N) deadpanned.

"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"

Steph asked.


(M/N) smirked.

When (M/N) asked how did Steph meet Bruce Wayne and the others. Steph made an abridged version of how they met. Basically, Tim startled her badly because he was currently running on 4 hours of sleep and an unhealthy dosage of coffee that his appearance made him look like a monster in a horror movie.

"That's a terrifying sight for sure."

Dabi said.

Having seen a coffee deprived Tim one time.


Was all Tim said.

Steph carried a brick on her person at all times in the event that someone might try to mug her or do something worse.

So, she accidentally bricked Tim and met the Bruce and the others that way when she took him to the hospital.

"Why me?"

Tim moaned.

"Why not?"

Steph chuckled.


Class 1-A shivered.

Tim was embarrassed at the cover story but said nothing,

(M/N) couldn't help but laugh. And the title Brick Girl was now his nickname for her.


Mei Hatsume chuckled.

"For she likes throwing bricks."

"...Those poor fools."

Vestal shook her head.

"Tt." Damian tch. "Still alive, I see."

"And still a ball of sunshine, shorty."

"Aww!" Nightwing smiled. "Sibling names already? How cute!"

"Drop dead, Grayson!"

(M/N) smirked.

Damian twitched, but reminded himself that (M/N) is a civilian and thus, he could not harm the same way he would to a member of the Bat Fam.


"Finish your breakfast." Alfred told them. "I need to take the young masters and ladies to school soon."

"Right." "Tt." "Okay." Yes."

They all agreed.

-After eating-

"Of all the places I could go to school, why did it have to be a freaking elite school?"

"You have go to be kidding me."

Katsumi shook her head.

"Why a private school? Are you trying to turn him into some snot nose punk with an ego bigger than the entire universe?"

"They provide better education, and he will be more protected over there, then he would a public school."

Batman explained.

"But still, I don't think he'll enjoy being in an elitist school where he'll stand out more."

RODK Blake said.

"Oh, well."

(M/N) growled as they arrived at the destination of the school that had been (M/N) bane for the past few months he's been in Gotham.

Gotham Academy.

The academy where the elites of Gotham go.

"Master Bruce wishes for you to have good education while you are here." Alfred explained. "He believes that Gotham Academy will be the best place for that."

"Still, a private school?"

(M/N) groaned.

"I'll admit they aren't as stuck up as I originally believed, but I don't feel like dealing with a bunch of trust fund, rich kids."


"FYI, you're a trust fund, rich kid now."

"Never mind."

Steph added.

"...I will throw you into a sewer."

"Try me."

Steph smirked.

"Can't tell if they're besties or if they are trying to get rid of the competition."

Javelin sweatdropped.


Laffy drowsily said as she drank her oxy cola.


"Tt." Damian got out. "Let's go."


(M/N) rolled his eyes at his impetuous little brother.

"Have a good day at school!"

Steph chuckled.

"Go jump Tim bones, you nutcase."


(M/N) shot back, causing Tim to choke on his drink as they left.


Tim face was red as hell as people started poking fun at him.




(M/N) headed towards his class.

"Tt, whatever."

Damian scoffed as he went to his class.

...They are more similar than they would like to admit.

-With (M/N)-

"Hey, (M/N)!!"


"Why does that voice sound familiar?"

Joshua asked his fellow Vanguardians who looked confused as well.

Came the shout of his new best friend.


"Glad to see you got your lazy ass up this morning!"


Emily Kalder.



Ethan and the others shouted.

That was a shock!

"I'm a rich kid?!" "He's rich?!" "He's here!?" "What the!?"


"I'M A GIRL!?!?"

Ethan shouted as he looked at his female self.

"A HOT one as well."

Alice said in shock and surprised.

"...Damn I got it going on."

Was all Ethan could say.

A fellow classmate of his, and his first friend in Gotham.

A nice fellow with a somewhat hyper/seductive personality.

"Oy vey."

Ethan said at that.

"Shut up before I make you a sub."


"Uh..." Ethan uneasily said. "What exactly is their relationship in that world?"

"Well, (M/N) sees her as a friend."

Zero said.

"Emily sees him as a friend and possibly more."

Ei added.

"Soooooo...there's a chance she's going to trap him in her sex dungeon."

"...She has a sex dungeon?"

Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"Your counterpart calls it that but it's really her bedroom."

Lust chuckles.

"...May he rest in peace for his pelvis will be in pieces."

Ethan prayed.


Venti said.



"Venti!" Zero shouted. "Get back to the other theater!"


Venti said as he disappeared.


Evo yelled.

(M/N) deadpanned as he pushed his friend off him.

"NNNNNOOOOOOO!!" Emily dramatically screamed. "I don't want to be a subreddit!"


Everyone could not help but laugh crazily at his response.

"Hey! It's not funny!" Ethan protested. "Reddit has become a cesspool of craziness in most universes!"




"Stop being dramatic." (M/N) deadpanned.

"So mean!"

Emily pouted. But before (M/N) could say anything else.

"Are you too quite done yet?"


"That voice!" Ethan shouted as he stood up. "It can't be!"

Grace (PV) eyes widened as she recognized it as well.

Another female voice spoke up as the two turned to see.

(Naomi Mizuhara)


She was so beautiful!

Was the thought running through many people minds.



Ethan and Grace (PV) said in shock as tears welled up in Ethan eyes as he sees an alternate version of his deceased fiancé.


ChoCho asked.

"Ethan fiancé."

Martin said.


Was all she said as they all remembered what had happened to her.

Zero looks to Seraphim who just quietly shrugs.

Seraphim didn't know how to approach the subject that the Naomi he knew had been reincarnated.


(M/N) and Emily said with Emily glomping her girlfriend.



RODK Issei and RODK Mineta said.

"A threesome relationship!"

"That...should be interesting."

Henry Lazarus said as Joshua blinks in agreement.

"Not my fault your girlfriend a pain in the ass."

(M/N) deadpan as Naomi giggles.

"You know how she is."

Naomi said as (M/N) sighs.

"Yeah, yeah." He said. "Let's go. Class is going ot start soon."

He said as he turned around and left, leaving the two alone.



"Sooooo..." Naomi said. "Are you ever going to get him to join our relationship?"


Emily chuckles.

"I'm a yandere!?"

Ethan shouted in shock.

"And apparently so is your girlfriend."

Atrocity pointed out.


"That handsome stud isn't getting away that easily." She said. "And he's the only male we've ever had an interest in."

"True." Naomi smiles. "If there was any guy that we wouldn't mind having kids with. It's (M/N) (L/N)."


"So, they still call him (L/N) despite knowing he's a Wayne."

Yumi noted.

"They don't care that he's a Wayne." Theresa said. "Just that he's an attractive prospect of a partner for them."

"...I feel bad for him."

Minato said.

The sentiment was echoed around the room.

"Can't wait to take him to our sex dungeon."

She cackles.

"You mean your room?"

Naomi deadpanned causig Emly to deflate.

"You ruined the moment!"

She complained as they headed to class.

"Well at least Naomi is always there to keep you sane and rational."

Grace (PV) deadpans at her older adoptive brother.


-Later, back at Wayne Manor-


"Tt. Wannabe."

Damian greeted his half-brother with reluctance.

"Wannabe? Really?"

RODK Yang just stared at him.

"Even at my worse I could come up with better insults than that."

"Fuck off, you big boobed succubus!"

"...Needs more refinement to be an insult."

Yang just shrugged.

She's heard that one before...like over a million times.

"What...are you doing?"

He asked as he watched (M/N) playing a random game on the PS5 (or whatever game console you like.)

"Playing (R/G)." (M/N) didn't spare him a glance as he continued playing. "You need something, Short stack?"

"And he keeps mentioning my height."

Damian grumbled.

"Because your short."

RODK Ruby said.

"Is someone asking for their baby to be destroyed again!?"

"You leave Crescent Rose out of this!"

"Only to ask what is wrong with you." Damian just stared. "You just stay up here and play video games or watch cartoons and...Aniiimmaay?"




Henry looked at him.

"Major Bruh."

Diego (VI) just said.

"Fuck off, I know how it's said!"

Damian shouted.


Diego (PV) deadpanned.

"It's anime."

(M/N) corrected.

"Whatever." Damian scoffed. "I don't get the interest of watching that."

"Because you're a psychopath that's never done anything fun in his life."

Irene (KR) stated.

"Hey! I know what fun is!"

Damian shouted as he started arguing with Irene.

Talia and Ra's sweatdropped.

"Because you, apparently, did not have a normal childhood."

(M/N) paused the game as he was playing.

"You take things too seriously and don't know how to have fun."



"I know how to have fun!"

Damian protested.

"Jon knows how to have fun and he lives on a farm."

"But I know how to have fun when there's not much technology around."

Jon said.

"It's not that hard to use your imagination and play pretend."

"Then Damian is sorely lacking in that department."

Steph sighed.

"Shut it, fat girl!"

(M/N) deadpanned as he reminded Damian of Jon Kent.

"Why you!"


(M/N) saved his progress and turned the console off as he went to his collection and grabbed a disc for them to watch.

"Now which do you think he's going to insert?"

Zero asked them.

"Let's start with this one."

(M/N) said as he inserted the disc into the player he had in his room.

'Being rich is weird as hell.'

(M/N) thought to himself as the main menu popped up on the screen.

"Bleach?" Damian blinked. "What does the cleaning product have to do with Anime?"

"Oh, that one!"

Asuka shouted in surprise.

"Huh...maybe he'll like that one."

'Besides that one pic of humanized Bleach chan?'

"...Sorry, what?"

(M/N) thought to himself.

Bleach chan was like Poison Ivy; dangerous as hell!

He would like to live thank you very much!

"Don't stick your dick in deadly women!"

Deadpool suddenly shouted.


-Several episodes later-

"...It's passable."

Was all Damian said, refusing to admit that he was interested.

Like hell he was going to accept that he was getting along with his half-brother!

"He really is a tsundere."

SK Leo shook her head.


Grayson would never let him live it down!

"Whatever you sword junkie."

"Not a bad nickname for him."

Mainly because it's true.

(M/N) shook his head in amusement.


A knock at the door grabbed their attention.


Cass voice could be heard from the other side.

"Is Damian there?"

She asked.


Damian tch, annoyed that his brother bonding time was interrupted.

...Wait, what did he say?

'I refuse to accept that I'm warming up to him!!'


Many people said in unison.

Damian mentally screamed in denial.

...The Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.

"Tt, may you all die a painful death."

He muttered under his breath.


Cass opened the door and saw, to her amazement, that Damian was indeed in the same room as (M/N).


"...Not a single word, Cain."

Damian grumbled.

Cass said nothing but smiled.


She thought to herself as she watched Damian puffing in embarrassment.

"Time to go to sleep."

"Go to sleep."

Someone said out of nowhere.



She said.

Which was code for: 'Time to dress up as a bunch of birds and bats and kick some ass'.

"They gotta come up with something for the newbie not to notice."

Harley said.

"Too bad he already knows and is playing them."

Taeho chuckled.



Damian reluctantly got up and left.

"You better have the next episode ready for tomorrow, brother."


Nightwing smiled.

"You called him brother."

"Shut it, Grayson!"

Damian warned him.

"Or you won't like my reaction."

Chuckling at the fact that Damian just called him brother without realizing, (M/N) said.

"Okay, okay."

"AH!" Rachel smiled. "Nothing like normal sibling bonding moments!"

With that said, Cass and Damian closed the door and left.

Once they did so, (M/N) smile dropped from his face.


"Why did his expression change?"

Eri asked in confusion.

"Perhaps we will know the secret he's hiding now."

Overhaul offered.

"...Perhaps it's time I too did my part in helping."


"His part?"

What did he mean his part?

With that said, (M/N) grabbed out a backpack he had kept hidden and zipped it up as he looked inside.

"After all, you can't keep a good hero down."


"He's a hero!?"

Smiling, he waited for a while until he was sure that nobody was there, or that Alfred was preoccupied with something.

Once he was sure that no one was there, he proceeded to change.

"Aw, come on!"

Beast Boy shouted.

"Why do we have to be kept in suspense!?"

"For the dramatic reveal/effect."

Zero answered.

And once the coast was clear, he headed off into the city.

But if he had bothered to take a look at his phone, he would have realized that someone had sent him a text.

I found you ❤️


"Well...that's not good, is it?"

Leia asked.

"From a certain point of view, aka (M/N), it's probably not."

Tempest snickered.

"But let's just say it's from the 'One he will not miss'."


Was all she said.

"Will we ever find out?"

Ezra asked.


Ei simply said.

"Well at least we won't be kept that long into the dark."

Ines said.

From a certain somebody.

-In a remote part of Gotham-

"Come on, you lemmings!"

A thug shouted out at his subordinates.

"We need to get this loot to the boss while the Bats and Birds are busy on the other side of town!"

"Yes, sir!"

Some of them shouted.

"But do we really need to rush things?" One of them asked. "They have no idea we're here and taking advantage of their ignorance."

"Is that one new?"

Stars and Stripes asked.

"Everyone knows to never count your eggs before they hatched. To lower your guard down just because the only ones who can stop are not close is extremely stupid."

"Well, it's either that or that one is just plain out stupid."

HoFi Kiana said.

"Of course, it is you moron!"

The leader of the group shouted.

"Just because they're busy, doesn't mean we're in the clear!" He angrily stated. "This is Gotham. New vigilantes spring up all the time and make it harder for us to commit crimes!"

"Smart...at least in knowing the law of the land."

Batman said.

"If he was really smart, he'd choose a different career than being a criminal."

"Just like the one right now!"

A new voice caught their attention as a figure clad in spandex jumped down in front of them.


"That voice...(M/N)?!"

Naofumi shouted in shock.


Mikey said.

"Who else?"

Raph rhetorically asked.

"Who are you!?"

The leader shouted in shock.

While one of his subordinates shook as his eyes widened in shock.

"He knows who he is?"


He shakingly said.


The leader shouted at him.


"Geez, he's that scared?"

Peter Parker just shook his head in amusement.


Zero said.

"There's a good reason why."

"Who, me?"

The figure asked as he chuckled behind his mask.


"He's Spider-Man!?"

"Just your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!"

He introduced himself, before he charged straight at the shocked group.

Adrenaline coursing through his veins as he began the first of his many heroic deeds in Gotham City.

Watch out Gotham extraordinary citizens!

Gotham City has a new hero on the block, his name.



Zero clapped his hands.

"We're stopping there for today, because it's dinner time!!"

-Cue dramatic music and thunder and lightning crashing in the background-


Now if everyone doesn't mind. I'm taking a break from this book as I am now FREE from its ruthless grip! I have finally finished it, now it won't be trying to consume my mind and getting in my way!!



Have a good day/night!

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