Q&A Part: Answering

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Zero spoke up.

"We're going to be doing something a little bit different today!"



"What do you mean?"

Hibari asked.

"Aren't we continuing?"

She questioned.

"Soon." Zero simply said. "But for now, due to reaching a 1K followers, I've decided to host a Q&A chapter for our readers/viewers. And now, the time has come for us to answer their questions."

"Oh?" Will raised an eyebrow. "You're doing one too?"

"Might as well."

Zero shrugged.

"Let's see what questions we have."

He said.

While the crowd...


Were just confused at what was going on.

"1K followers?" Javelin asked. "What are you? A Godtuber or something?"

"We actually have something like that."

Elder Supreme Kai answered.


The Shipgirl asked.


Was the answer.

"Again with the reader thing!" Momo shouted. "Who are they!?"

"First one is for Natsumi Dragneel."

Zero looked at the questions.

Momo: *Unholy screams of anger as she is ignored...AGAIN*

"From Kamenriderzio218"

"Hey, Natsu. Are you in love with Lucy?"

Natusmi: "Huh? Sorry, I think you're confusing me for my male self, Natsu (even though my friends do call me Natsu as well). But to answer your question, no. I don't swing that way...I think"

"I'm in love with the (M/N) back in my universe."

Ben (Spider-Man 68)

"Can someone like me, who hurt a lot of people...be redeemed?"

Stan Lee: "My boy. We all make mistakes and make choices that can harm others. What's important though is whether or not, you are willing to work hard to make up for your past actions. Sure, you have hurt many, but that alone doesn't define you as you. Your choices, your actions, only you can take the first step to redeeming yourself."

"We have all done things we are not proud of, but it takes great strength and great courage to accept our flaws and actions and strive to become a better person because of them. While painful, we are shaped by our actions, good and bad. But we alone must choose to decide on what's next."

"And always remember: With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility."


Vanguardians: "Are we...good heroes?"

It was a good thing the VI bullies and 'heroes' were currently away in purgatory. Otherwise, they would have tried to butt in on this one.

Stan Lee: "Don't sell yourselves short. You have all come from painful pasts and have been put down by those who believe themselves superior over others. But what really makes a hero? Is it their courage? Their valor? Their wisdom? Their strength?"

"Or is it that they do what they know is right and strive to become people that others will look up to? To strive and push through preconceived notions of what makes a person a hero and what makes a person a villain?"

"Anyone can become a hero these days, but only those that embody the true meaning of 'Hero' will be the ones remembered fondly of."

"Are you good heroes?"


He said.

"Your excellent heroes and don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do!"

"Once more..."


The Vanguardians and others smiled at the warm praise. Gaining new resolves to continue fighting forward.

"Same as ever, Stan."

Dom smiled as Zero nodded.


Zero said as he looked at the questions once more.


"Question for Enterprise. Have you ever tried feeding Grim military rations before? And how many times does Belfast have to stop you from eating them?"

Enterprise blinked at how this person knew of that.

Enterprise: "Yes. I have tried feeding Grim military rations before."

(Pic of her trying that)

Enterprise: "But for some reason, he's very reluctant to eat them. Even going so far as to throw lemons at me every time I tried to feed him rations."

"I don't get it."

She admitted.

"And I don't get why Belfast keeps chasing after me when she finds out."

Belfast: My lady. Grim is impressive, there's no doubt about that. But he is still a Bald Eagle. An animal! He can't eat food like that!"

Enterprise: "But you never know until you try!"

Belfast: "Why you little!!"

Starts chasing after Enterprise who starts running away.

Enterprise: "AHHHHH Q_Q!!"

Belfast: "GET BACK HERE!!"

Her fellow Royal Navy Shipgirls.



Queen Elizabeth: "Ladies, this might be the first time I've ever seen Belfast lose her cool like this."

Prince of Wales: "Agreed."

Illustrious: "Of that, there is no doubt."

Unicorn: "Will Miss Enterprise be okay?"

Cleveland: "Ah, she'll be fine! She survived worse!"

'But can she survived an enraged Belfast?'

Zero and the others thought to themselves.

"Belfast is one scary lady."

Irene (VI) said.

"Indeed she is."

Christina agreed.

Zero: "Oh?"

Raises an eyebrow at the next question.


"To Cleveland. When are you gonna be dating my boy, Luke soon?"


Luke began violently coughing at that question.


Luke yelled at Ben (FL).

"What?" Ben raised an eyebrow. "I'm just helping move this along since you're taking forever!"


Cleveland decided to answer before Luke went berserk from embarrassment.

Cleveland: "As nice as he is. I don't think it will be me, specifically, that will dating him. He's from one Multiverse Sphere, while I'm from another Multiverse Sphere. It'll be easier for him to get a Cleveland from one Tempest universes."

"Makes sense."

Tempest nodded at that.


Ben blinked.

"Fair enough."

He shrugged.

"Next." Zero continued on. "From Gunnervoid"

"Question for Skeletor. How many people have you encountered that wanted to be a villain just because of their sob back story?"

"Too many to count." Skeletor shook his head. "Do you want the short list or the long list?"

"Then we'll be here for all eternity."

Skeleton King evilly chuckled.

Skeletor: "And to Demo...nice try. But I'm not telling you."

"Dang it!"

Demo shouted from somewhere.

"This one for Ron."

Zero said.


"Bloody hell!" Ron said. "I wasn't expecting one for me!"

DreamSliceRulez Ethan: Hey Ron. Can you name every single item in Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes?

"Bloody hell." Ron shivered as he remembered Fred and George pranks. "I can name the ones I know at the moment because I had the fun and joy of being their test subject or seeing them after they tested it on themselves. But I don't know the new ones if they have any."

"Another one from Ben again."

Zero hummed.

Ben: Hey Sirius. Do you get fleas when you turn into a dog?"

Sirius Black: "Normally, no. Being a magical animal, aka an Animagus, gives us a magical aura of protection. But my stay in Azkaban greatly reduced my magical power. So, I had the 'honor' of learning the true hardships that dogs go through."

Severus Snape: "Fitting for a mangy mutt like you."

Sirius Black: "WHY YOU!!"


Don't need to clean the flooring again!

Darth-sirius: Severus, do you have any past regret?

Snape drew in a deep breath at that as memories of the past came a-knocking.

"Despite it sounding impossible...yes."

He admitted, startling his students at that.

"There are many things that I have come to regret because of my foolishness and rashness." He stated. "My biggest one..."

'Was ruining my friendship with Lily.'

He thought sadly to himself.

'Oh, Severus.' Dumbledore (Rest in peace Michael Gambon) sighed, sympathy in his eyes. 'May you one day find closure and the strength to move forward.'

"Here's another one from the same viewer." Zero said. "This time to you, Albus."

Dumbledore steeled himself because he had a feeling he knew what he was going to be asked.

"Very well."

Was all he said.

"To Albus. Do you feel guilty about what happened to your family?"


That confused a majority of the HP cast.

'What happened to his family?'

Was the thought running through their heads.

Moody stared at his old friend, curious as to what his reaction was going to be.

Dumbledore sighed, taking a deep breath.

"Every day." He said. "Every day I regret what happened to my family and the part I played in destroying the last remaining bonds that I had with Abeforth..."

"And that I didn't listen to my conscious when it told me that Gellert had darker, more malicious goals in mind."


"Gellert?!" Hermione shouted. "As in Gellert Grindelwald!?"

"You knew him, professor!?"

Ginny asked the old headmaster.

"...Yes." Dumbledore admitted. "We were around the same and both brilliant students that felt chain to mediocrity and wanted to break free of those chains and become more."

"I knew in my heart of hearts, that Gellert had goals that could have spelled doom for both the magical and nonmagical worlds. I knew, but I refused to accept it. He was someone I could truly call a friend because he and I were two peas in a pod."

"It took my brother yelling at me to see and sense...and the accidental murder of our dear sister, Ariana."


He had a sister too?!

"But alas..." Dumbledore said. "No matter how much I wish for it so. The past is now the past and we cannot let it be the final factor in our lives."


"Next is Ignika (M/N)." Zero hummed. "Seems like he's got several to answer."

Realignikafan01 (from Th3Ultimat3Lifef0rm)

"Will you marry me?


Many people spit out their drinks at that.

"What the fuck!?" "Jesus!" "My drink!" "My shoes!"

"That was blunt!" "The hell!?"

Ignika blinked.

"Ummm..." How the hell was he going to answer that? "Since when was I such a chick magnet?"

'Since the day I decided to write books about you.'

Zero sweatdropped.

"Ummm...I guess?"

Ignika shrugged.

Even after living for millennia, he could still get surprised.

"...Okay, next!"

Zero shouted, that was weird even for him.

GodOhmaZI-O20XX: "Ignika, how powerful are compared with the Space Spider, ORT?"


Ignika blinked.

He doesn't recall meeting ORT or knowing who that being is.

"ORT is..."

Zero whispered in his ear.

(Reason for this is because it might be spoilers if you play on the NA server like I do. But I'll tell you this if you don't already know, ORT is the Sevent Lostbelt King)


Ignika smirked, his blood boiling at the prospect of fighting such a worthy opponent.

"Judging from what Zero told me, we may just be evenly matched. But we'll see when we cross path."


Why did that send chills to the Fate series groups?!

Gunnervoid: Ignika, have you ever encountered a Fatalis before? Or the Imperium of Man?"

Ignika: "Once, I crossed path with the Imperium of Man. When they witnessed my power, they wanted me to heal/resurrect their leader. I refused because at that time I was a little cautious and had little trust with empires. And let just say that their Emperor would have blown a gasket if he knew what they had done in his name."


Seraphim sweatdropped.

"As for Fatalis."

Ignika continued.

"I have encountered one before." He said. "Was a bitch fighting him because the bastard was stronger than I expected. Certainly wasn't stupid that's for sure."

"Eventually, I won and gained his respect. He offered to be my familiar, but I declined because I didn't see the need for one. He left the offer though and I decided that he would be Noctis partner after I learned that I fathered a son with Olga."

"Still think you were crazy, giving him an Elder Dragon from other world, dear."

Olga Discordia spoke up.

"I missed his birthdays." Ignika shrugged. "Needed to get him some presents to make up for my absence."

"Still...a dragon?"

She raised an eyebrow.

"Your world was screwed up to the max, Olga." Ignika raised an eyebrow. "Don't be telling me my gifts are over the top."


Olga conceded.


Chloe sweatdropped.

Noctis giggled as he laid on top of Fatalis.

Jermamite: Ignika, what do you think of Kiru?"

Ignika: "An annoyance is what I think of him."

'Damn!' The cast thought. 'No hesitation on that answer!'

Though they were confused on who Kiru was.

Perhaps someone he met on his journeys?

"Dude's annoying!" Ignika complained. "I seriously don't understand how we're the same person with just different lifestyles! And why he keeps challenging me to fights?"

"Might be because you're one of the few that can actually fight him to a standstill." Zero shrugged. "There are very few, few who can barely land a hit on him, much less make him bleed. So of course, he's going to want to be fighting you. You're a challenge for him since you can actually fight him one on one with no help."

Ignika: "...I should have never landed on that world."

HoFi Kiana: "LOL"

Tiamat: "LA?"

Morgan: "Who knows?"

"Same reader." Zero spoke. "But this time for Ereshkigal."

"I'll do my best!"

The Goddess of the Underworld shouted.

"Ereshkigal, what do you think of Kiru?"

Ereshkigal: "...Who?"


"This one is for Olga Marie Animusphere."

"Ohhh?" Olga Marie raised an eyebrow. "This should be good, let me hear it."

From Raynare45: "Olga, how many times a week are you made of fun of because of your height?"


The armrests on Olga Marie chair said it all as they were slowly breaking under the Director of Chaldea grip.

"My, my." Olga Marie had a scary smile on her face. "Someone wants to die from asking that question do they?"

...That probably says it all.

"Many times."

Goredolf decided to answer as Gudao, Gudako, and Ritsuka tried to calm the enraged woman down.

"Don't understand why she gets mad." Taeho shrugs. "She's a cute shortstack."


Olga screams as she tries to kill him while everyone just watches him laugh and dodge.



"My grandson has me beat in being crazy."

Dystopian said.

'And that's saying something.'

Those that knew him thought to themselves.

"Okay." Zero read the next question. "Same reader, but to Ereshkigal."

"Hopefully it'll be something I can answer unlike with the other viewer question."

Ereshkigal said.

"To Eresh: If you met an Alter version of yourself, how would you react?"


Ereshkigal shouted in shock!

"An ALTER version of me?!" She shouted. "Is that even possible!?"

"Most likely, yeah." Ishtar spoke up. "We have an Avenger version of me, which I myself never thought to be possible. But here we are."

"Tr-true." Ereshkigal composed herself. "I don't know how well I would react to an Alter version of me. I would have to meet them before making any kind of judgement. But I would admit to being excited to see another version of myself!"

To Rias, if you could, would you bring back the Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt from your world and ask them to be in your peerage, since the others are now gone except for Rossweisse, since to could have potential?

Union Rias: "Well, actually they aren't dead. They faked their deaths and were able to lay low for a time. I was going to deal with them later, but now, after everything, they were doing us a service by killing Issei. As for bringing into my peerage...that's up to them if they want to."

"Next question is for the Midoriyas." Zero said, addressing Izumi and Izuku. "And it reads."

From The_Red_Jomundgandr

"Hey Midoriyas. How do you feel now knowing by my question that a war of heroes vs villains that has a dead angry dog, am awakened dust boi, prime AFO, and a kamikaze Nomu cause of your (possible) papa wanting back his creation?"


The heroes and students shouted in shock!

"How'd you know AFO is our DAD?!"

Izumi and Izuku shouted in shock!


People screamed at that.

"But to answer your question: Damn it, DAD!"

The two counterparts shouted in union.

RODK AFO and Union AFO just chuckled manically.

While everyone (mainly the All Mights) were having heart attacks at that revelation.

Especially Shoto Todoroki because his 'All Might is Midoriya father' theory was completely and utterly destroyed and obliterated into nothing.

"Same questioner, different questionee."

Zero said.

"Hey Ozzy boi, did you know that you could possibly use the creation relic to make something that'd take away Salem's immortality..?~ I actually don't know if you can, don't blame me if it doesn't work"

"Tried." Ozpin (all of them) said. "Didn't work, just turned her into spicy noodles for a month."

"And I'll have my revenge!"

Salem yelled.


"And I thought I had issues."

William Afton said out loud.


"And here we go with a new one."

Zero read out.


"Ethan: Blake, why are you such a pussy?"

"Rachel: Weiss, why do you keep acting worse than your shitty old man?"

"Henry: Jaune, what do you even see in Weiss?"

"Alice: Ruby, are you the one who kept stealing cookies from our home?"

"Joshua: Yang, why can't you act more like Miss Summer than Miss Raven?"

RODK Blake: "Pretty sure these questions are meant for the other versions of us. But since they are in Davy Jones Locker at the moment, I guess I can try to answer for her."

"The answer is simply because she talks the talks but doesn't walk the walk. If she actually had tried to be more active in protesting for faunus rights and actually taking a stand to bullies like Cardin. She would have grown a pair of woman balls and actually see reality."

RODK Weiss: "My counterpart must have really been awful to be worse than father. But then again, I too was at a point where I was acting even worse than my own father. In my case, I refused to see the signs until I admitted I had a crush on (M/N). But her? I think she closed her eyes to the truth a long time ago."

RODK Juane: "Well, it's embarrassing to admit, but I had a crush on her because she called me cute at orientation. And she is pretty, despite her attitude."

RODK Weiss: "Wait...that's why you were hitting on me!? Because you thought I called you cute!?"

RODK Jaune: "You didn't?"

RODK Weiss: "Jaune! I was being sarcastic because, at the time, I was a stuck up Heiress who didn't want to deal with a childish simpleton like Ruby!"

RODK Ruby: "HEY!"

RODK Weiss: "I was being sarcastic in saying I wanted to be friends with her!"

RODK Jaune: "...Oh..."

Weiss sighed as she facepalmed.

RODK Weiss: "Sorry Arc, I should have been clear with you to erase any misunderstandings."

RODK Jaune: "It's fine. Will take some time to recover, but I've grown as well to not get mad at this. Especially since Pyrrha and I have been working out things and where we stand."

VI Ruby: "...Nooooooo?"

Vanguardians: 'She did, didn't she?'

RODK Yang: "Because, like me, she's always been to proud of herself to admit that she was wrong. Took me a long time before I finally understood my flaws. But she refuses to see hers...and has too much of her mother in her."

RODK Raven: "HEY!!"

"Next question."

Zero interrupted her.

"Oh, come on!"


This is a question I wanted to ask Penny Polendina.

How do you feel seeing the Multiverse as well as what others have done?

Also, what are your thoughts about the M/N's you've seen, so far?

Penny Polendina: "It was very shocking to see how friend Ruby acted towards certain other people. It was very disheartening to see my friend act in such a way that contradict her beliefs and reasons for becoming a huntsman."

"Took a while to forgive her for that."

Ruby winced at that.

Wasn't a pleasant conversation, that's for sure.

"And I can't understand for the life of me, how people could treat others like that and why certain people are allowed to live while others died."

"Friend (M/N) is a cool person!" Penny brightly said. "He introduced me to new friends!"

"Next question"

Fish12445: "To Union, how would you feel if Y/N became the god emperor of man and conquered space. Have millions of powerless people and faunus worship him even though he didn't want to be worshipped?"

Union cast: "..."

"I don't know man." Union Kirishima spoke up. "Sounds like a weird fanfic just waiting to released."

"Sounds kind of generic."

RODK Issei admitted.

"And cliched."

Union Mina and Union Hagakure spoke up.

"And boring!"

Union Toga shouted out.

"It better have interesting twists and turns in the plot of that world."

Union Dabi shook his head.

Most of the Union cast nodded at what was said.

"...Now to the Kaiju."

Zero said.

"From Demo2099"

How's the movie business going Gojira? you get paid well?


"I don't get paid to be in movies."

Godzilla deadpanned at the question.

Was this person insane?

"...I think."

She added as she remembered something.



Ghidorah, did you know there's a version of you that nearly killed Godzilla twice? Once by sucking him dry, the other by beating ass! Lost twice by Moth powa and the combo breaker of monke and lizard.


Evo: Haha!

"Let's see what's next."

Will took a look.


To all the Kaijus what do you think about Godzilla Minus one?


The Kaiju Girls asked.

...That answers that.


Zero shows them the movie of that version.

"His plates looks like it hurts more than ours."

Gojira said.

"Poor Goji."

Mothra said.

"What does he lift?"

Rodan asked.

"He's scary looking."

Jr. said.

"He would make an excellent-!"



Ghidorah yelled as Ivan Ooze zapped.

"Next one is."

Echo read out loud.


Aka: "Hey Kaiju girls, what do you think of the Y/N Godzilla, (if you girls have met him)?"


The Kaiju Girls and humans shouted in shock!

"He's a Kaiju in some universes as well!?"

Rodan shouted in shock!

"Did you forget?"

Zero sweatdropped as he looks to them.

"To answer your question, yes he exists as a Kaiju in other worlds. Sometimes as a Godzilla Kaiju, sometimes as a Moth Kaiju, sometimes as a Ghidorah, and yada yada so on."


"Onto the next question."

Theresa (Arknights) moved along.

Knyfan10: "What do you guys think about the extra characters (example: NPC)?"

"Useful" "Can give good intel."

Were some of the things being said.

"What is the next one."

Scaramouche grabbed the next question.

Demo: "Ignika, how much pain would you be in if you found out now that there are TWO Spyros? Which one would you least tolerate?"

Elliott (U.S.D) or Spyro (U.A.S.D)?

Ignika: I already know about Elliott. Or did you forget the curb stomping I gave to him for daring to think he's stronger than me? It should be obvious that Spyro is more likeable."

"Aww, thanks best buddy!"

Spyro hugged the annoyed Toa of Life.

"Get off me." Ignika got him off.

"Let's see." Zero looked. "Another question from Demo, but to me."

"Let's see..."

Demo2099: Did you know that Demo is greatly afraid of his boss, Kuroyami Akasha (Mother of Darkness)? Would you try to and go up against her?

Zero: I have on multiple occasions. Why, is my own concern. We usual end in a draw."

Evo: I don't get why he's scared of her and you're weary of her. She's a nice person to have a conversation with and she makes good tea too. Lappy and I enjoy it."

"No, you don't."

Zero shook his head,

"Because that never happened."


"What are you talking about!?" Evo shook his head. "Of course, it happened! I remember it clearly, right Lappy?"

He asked his wife.

"...I seriously have no idea what you are talking about, dear."

Lappy said.

"I've never met this Kuroyami lady, and never had tea with her like you said we did."

"...HUH?" Evo looked at her in shock, before laughing. "That's a good joke, love!"

"Who's joking?"

Lappy seriously said.

"I've never met her."

"Huh!?" Evo shouted. "But that can't be right! I remember it clearly!"

"It was a false memory!" Zero shouted. "Implanted there to erase the events of what really happened!"

"What!?" Evo jumped up in shock! "What do you mean what really happened?!"

"You died." Ei said. "Simple as that."


A crashing sound could be heard in the background as Evo turned chalk white.


He weakly said.

"Long story short." Zero groaned. "You know she likes to experiment. Even living beings are not safe from her. She killed you and experimented on you and when she was done. Revived you and removed any traces of your real memory while implanting a fake one."


"Just like with Unicron." Zero added, getting his attention. "He killed you too and gave you a fake memory of actually succeeding in befriending him."

"It didn't happened, you died because they were too powerful for you to defeat. Just be glad your immortal otherwise death would have been permanent."


Evo crouched down in a corner of the room. A dark cloud hanging over him as he grew mushrooms.

Everyone sweatdropped at that.

"...Next question."

Leo (TMNT) said.


Ethan: "Ei, are you the one that kept burning my kitchen down?"

Ei: "You're probably confusing me for one of my alternate versions that never left Teyvat. I can cook very well and haven't burn down any kitchens since my first try in Zero kitchen."

Ethan: "...OH."

"Next is for...dad?"

Zero blinked as Doom Slayer and Pneuma landed onto the ground from a portal.

"Read it."

Doom Slayer told his son.


Out of every demon in the reaction group which ones would you leave be and why? Figured this would be interesting since it's the Slayer, and what's he's known for...?~

Doom Slayer: "To be blunt, Charlie and her little hotel group of friends are safe because she reminds me of Isabelle. Even if she is the daughter of Lucifer."

"Lucifer...that depends if he's like the Lucifer and Satan I know."


Lucifer 'meeped' at that.

Lilith chuckled.

"I'll spare them for now." Doom Slayer said. "Because I know my son is more than capable of handling his own demons."

"He does well in handling Tempest."

Pneuma added.


Tempest shouted in embarrassment.

"Don't act innocent." Pneuma shook her head. "We all know you're the youngest son of Sparda and the youngest sibling of Dante and Vergil."

"Being chaotic, destructive, pizza obsessed, and motivated is in your blood."


Tempest was down for the count while his wives just laughed at his expense.

"Nahida has questions for her."


Do you have a ship for the traveler?

I'm an Amber x Aether type of shipper.

"I've never met the Traveler before." Nahida answered. "Mama and Papa saved me several centuries before the Traveler story began."


Rachel: Do you want me to put those sages six feet under?

Nahida: "I appreciate the offer, but death would be all too merciful for them."

Lobo: "I would disagree. I wouldn't be all too merciful with those kinds of people."

Nahida: "Besides, killing them would be freeing them of their punishment. They need to understand that they can't use people as though they are lesser than a wild animal. Only needed for their own needs."

Rachel: "Oh."


"Do you hate really hate those sages for locking you up and do you want to see the world with your own eyes?"

Nahida: "...Words cannot describe my anger at them. I understand why they went and did what they did. And can even forgive them for that. They are more complex than you might think."

"But what I can't forgive is them toying with the lives of my people. Using them for their experiments, mistreating the Theatre for their expression of the Arts, and treating their lives as though they were meaningless. Treating the desert people as though they were nothing."

"Even if they truly felt that I wasn't up to the task of ruling with Wisdom, they had no right to treat ANYONE like that."


Nahida was definitely different than her counterpart.

"If it was for mama and papa saving me and raising me, I probably would have forgiven them like my other counterparts have done. But no, they need to understand that you can just mess around with people's lives. That attitude has created a mindset of callousness among the scholars at the Akademiya.

"As for seeing the world for my eyes, why stop there? When I can see the Multiverse with my own eyes.


"Almost done."

Zero said.

"For Amagi."

The Fox Shipgirl turned her attention to her husband.


Amagi, how many times have you hit Akagi and Kaga on the head with your (in)famous BONK?

Amagi: "Too many times. More than I care to remember."

*Camera pans to Akagi and Kaga on the ground with massive goosebumps on their heads*

Amagi: "And even now, I still have to 'knock' some sense into them."

Amagi: "You would think they've matured during my absence. But I guess not, seems like I got to continue my job of knocking common sense into them."

Ember and Aka: "More like knock them out."

They whispered under their breath.

Amagi: "Did you say something?"

Amagi had a scary smile as her fist was raised up.



Aka and Ember shouted in fear!

They didn't want to get bonk!

Loremaster, Madness, and Kong sweatdropped.

"Next question."

Zero said.


Henry: Amagi, do you still have coughing problems? I do know some spells that would heal effectively.

Amagi: "That's nice dear. But do you really think Zero wouldn't have taken care of that? He healed Theresa of her Oripathy. You think he wouldn't heal me of my cough problem?"

"I don't have that problem anymore."

Henry: "...In retrospect, that really was a stupid question."

He said, sweatdropping.

"Final question."

Zero said.


To Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

Joshua: Do you still hate sand?

Anakin: "With every fiber of my being. But at least the beaches that Zero has are specially made for people who hate sand. I barely realize its sand because of how different it is."

"And that's the end of the questions!"

Zero shouted.

"Thank you for your questions and see you all again in the next chapter."

"What chapter-!?"

"SEE YA!!"

Momo Yaoyorozu screams of anger could be heard throughout the theater.

(When having to listen to the egotistic 'heroes', bullies, and villains)

(My Legendary Sword Name: Oath Watcher)

(Apparently, I died walking the bath 😆🤣)


Have a nice day/night!

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