Independence Day Part 1

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Now to write (and rewrite) about one of my favorite movies of all time.


"Your Jambalaya is out of this universe as always, Alastor."

Zero complimented the Radio Demon.

"Thanks, old chap!"

Alastor smiled.

"Glad to see my cooking skills haven't deteriorated!"

"...Not bad."

Vaggie quietly agreed.

Charlie sweatdropped.

'She's never going to fully trust him, is she?'

She thought to herself.

"That girl is way too stubborn."

(M/N) (HH) sweatdropped.

"Twas an utmost excellent substance."

Zestial complimented the Radio Demon.

"As much as it pains me." Vox grumbled. "It is quite good."

"I'll say!" Christina shouted. "I haven't had a dish of Jambalaya that good in forever!"

"So good!"

Luke smiled.

Lily nodded. Joy in her eyes after getting her first taste of Jambalaya.

"At least you can still cook up a mean Jambalaya."

Taeho nodded.

"You get to live your dead life freely...for now."

He said sinisterly.

"Even in death do you have to pay taxes in Hell."


"Enough, Taeho."

Diego (SRC) deadpanned.

"Stop being a Dystopian for once and just say thank you."

Many people agreed.

Dystopian snickered.

Grace (PV) rolled her eyes and pities the fools who are stuck with Taeho for life.

"Now then." Ei smiled. "How about we get back to the Theater and start the next viewing?"

"Sure!" "Hell yeah!" "Let's go!"

With that said, everyone headed back to the theater.

"Now then." Zero started looking around. "Which world shall we see next?"


A loud voice suddenly shouted into the theater.

"HUH!?" "What the!?" "Who!?"


"Shouldn't he be beating up some dumbass, fucked up versions of Issei, Bakugou, and the evil bullies?"

Zero blinked.

'Or back in that universe that I specifically created for him and Lappland as a happy anniversary gift?'

...Oh, wait.

'I forgot that he wanted to do some experiments and the basement is the best place for that considering its basically an abyss.'



Some people screamed as Zero sweatdropped.

'But still.'



The voice screamed at the top of his lungs!

'Was that intro really necessary?'

He thought to himself as nearly everyone screamed out.


The audience shouted out in shock as a massive dust cloud covered the area.

Once it faded, a figure could be seen.


"Evo." Zero stared at his friend. "I was starting to think you actually died. Were you having to much fun downstairs?"

"What?" Evolto asked. "Since your basement has no end, it's the perfect place to do my research!"


Megalon and several others looked in interest.

Gaining Evo attention.

"Well, well, well." Evolto smirked. "Isn't this a sight for sore eyes?"

"We meet again, Fatty."


"Did he just!?"

Aphrodite schouted in shock.

"He DID!!"

Artemis was shooked.

"Is this guy an idiot!?"

Rachel shouted as she looked at the guy in shock.

"I think he has a death wish."

Alice and Irene twitched.

"The hell is wrong with that bozo?"

Kismet deadpanned.

"You got me."

Diego (PV) deadpanned.

"What his beef with her?"

Kiana asked.

"Probably something stupid."

Ignika deadpanned.

"I wonder if he realizes that's probably not the Ghidorah he knows."

"Probably not."


While Ghidorah had a look of fury on her face.

"You heard me." Evolto taunted her. "FAT-TY."


Ghidorah crackled with energy.

"OHHHH, SCARY!!" Evolto mocked. "Come on! Your counterpart did jack shit to Ivan Ooze! What makes you think you'll be able to HURT ME??"

"Because you're annoying and annoying people get hurt?"

Husk rhetorically asked as Evo continues.

"Especially after you failed after HOW many times??"


Ghidorah blasted him.


A massive explosion shook the area as dust clouds covered the theater.


"He had that coming."

Velvette scoffed.


Sukuna agreed as they stared at the smoke.

"Bastard." Ghidorah growled. "This time he will stay dead."

"Who the fuck was he anyways?"

Gigan asked.

"Why are you asking me?"

Ghidorah asked.

"I don't even know that shithead."



Ghidorah screamed as she was blasted into a wall.


"Still tickles." Evolto dusted himself off. "But still as weak as you are fat."

'Dude if she was fat, you would have been a pancake.'

Many thought to themselves.


Ghidorah was starting to see red.

"Why you-!!"



Thunder crashed all over the place as Zero glared at them.

"You can beat each other up later!"

"GRR, fine!"

Ghidorah growled.

"What's to stop me from kicking her fat ass!?"

Evolto asked.

Wrong thing to say as Zero glared at him.

"...Did you forget who else is here?"

Zero deadpanned.

Evolto suddenly got a chill down his spine as he took a look around.

And saw a certain Shipgirl.

'You know I can trap you in a room with your powers sealed and multiply her by a hundred folds, right?'

Zero mentally communicated with him.

'And don't think that Lappland will save your ass. Don't forget that I can easily keep her in place with just my mind.'

"...I can wait."

Evolto suddenly said.



Now the audience was just confused.

Well, except for Taeho, the Vanguardians, Dystopian, Kismet, Akeno (PV), Diego (PV), Grace (PV), okay basically the OCs and characters from crossover ideas with my fellow authors were not confused.

" he exactly?"

Yuki asked.

"Guys." Zero sighed. "Meet one of my old friends, Evolto."

"Also, he is the successor of the original Kamen Rider Evolto."


People said.

'...3, 2, 1...'

Came the countdown,


"There it is."

Ei just sighed as Zero explained.

-One explanation later-

"Got it?"

He asked.

"Barely, but yeah."

Yumi deadpanned.

"Right." Zero sighed. "To the next world."

Pressing a button, he blinked when he saw...

"The Moon?"

Zero blinked.

"What the?"

"Oh, that would be me old friend!" Alastor smiled. "Figure I choose a world for you."

"...Oy vey."

Zero sighed as he processed the information of that world.


Vox yelled in pure shock and disbelief as Valentino and Velvette also looked at him in shock.

As did Carmilla and Zestial and the other residents of Hell.

"But of course!" Alastor cackled. "I've been friends with Zero for a while even if I haven't seen him for a long time. And (M/N) has helped me in understanding the new fangles that technology brings every year."

"I've always known how to use technology, you silly attention sucker."

"I just saw no need to reveal my proficiency in understanding and utilizing them."

"Why you!!"

"Okay, so the RWBYverse is going to be here." Zero started explaining, interrupting them before a fight broke out. "But while there are faunus, there are no powers here."


"That's interesting."

Lute commented.

"Soooo..." Yang blinked. "What kind of life is it, then?"

"This is Earth set in the mid 1990's." Zero hummed. "Where they get a terrifying close encounter with the third kind."

Taeho laughed as he quickly caught on.

"Ohhh this is going to be fun."

He cackled.


Many were confused.


The screen started playing.

-Location: The Moon-

-July 2, 1996-


We can see a flag of the United States implanted into the ground.

And farther ahead, we can see a memorial with a plague on it.

"Isn't that when the U.S. first landed on the Moon?"

Christina asked.


Scaramouche nodded.

"This looks familiar."

Grace (JJK) blinked.

"I've seen it somewhere I just know it."

Suddenly, a voice like recording sounded out.

"For those that can't read the plague, we'll read the plague."

"How nice."

Artemis sarcastically said.

"Zip it, Moony!"

Evolto shouted.

"MOONY!?" Artemis screeched. "You want to go!?"


Evolto waved her off.


Artemis fumed as steam poured out of her ears.

"Okay, what is his deal with them?"

Irene (VI) asked her friend.

"First Ghidorah and now Artemis. What does he have against them?"

"As if I know." Diego (VI) shook his head. "All I know is that he's being an ass towards to, most likely, alternate versions of the ones he knows."

"After all, they don't recognize him at all. Meaning that whatever issue he has against them is more because of the ones he knows."

"So, basically he's being an ass right now towards the wrong versions."

Irene deadpanned.


Taeho nodded.

"Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon."

Artemis and several other Moon deities/connected to the Moon grumbled.

"July 1969, A.D."

"We came in peace for all mankind."

"Yeah, and look at how the peace is now!"

Evolto grumbled.

Zero sighed.

Everyone else was confused, yet some understood.

"...Why do I feel a sense of premonition at this scene?"

Alice shakily asked.

"Yeah." Nightwing frowned. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this."


"Oh..." Grace (CH) realized now what had confused her counterpart. "I remember this movie now."


Luke looked to her and ask.

"What is it?"

"You'll know soon enough."

Was all Grace said.

Once the voice faded, silence returned.

As fitting for the endless space that is the universe.

However, that silence was disturbed as the footprints that were meant to immortalized for all of time started to shake and be disturbed as a loud sound could be heard.


"Who dares?!"

Artemis growled.

While she was not happy that humans landed on the Moon, she had to commend them on their guts and audacity. Thus, allowing them to leave their mark on human history.

For someone to dare to disturb it...

"Why does this scene feel familiar?"

Christina and several Americans muttered to themselves.

"Because it is."

Diego (PV) sighed.

"They'll know soon enough."

(M/N) (HH) said, having already gotten it as well.



Soon, a massive shadow started covering the moon as the scene slowly changes to the blue planet known as Earth.


Batman did not know why, but he felt a sense of foreboding as he continued watching.

Same could be said for Stark and the others.

For a moment, nothing happened.

The crowd held their breath.



The unexpected noise took them off guard.

Then all of a sudden, the underbelly of a massive black ship made with advanced, superior technology could be seen as it made its way towards Earth.


Rachel shouted in shock.

"What is that?"

Homura shivered.

"Whatever it is..." Spyro frowned. "I can tell it's bad news."


Enterprise muttered to herself.

"No." Belfast shook her head. "Whatever this is..."

"It's far worse than the Sirens."

"It looks familiar though."

Luke tried to recall, but for the life of him couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

"I got a bad feeling about this."

Sora shivered.

They've never seen that in their adventures!

And something was telling him it was a good thing they didn't.


Dystopian mused.

"That hive race huh?"

"Those poor humans have no idea what they're in for."

Kismet chuckled under her breath.


Diego and Grace just sighed.

-Location: New Mexico-



Union Denki blinked.

(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute)


Union Denki just said.

"Makes sense."

Otto Apokalypse crossed his arms.

"If this version of Earth is normal, then they would want to know if there are any out there."

A random male could be seen golfing as the song 'It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine).


Nora just said.


Alastor commented.

"A classic."

Adam Kaslana smiled.

'...I knew it was a bad idea to save Red Hood.'

Ignika did not why, but he blamed Red Hood for this for some weird reason.

The man, Shay.

"Wait...Shay from my tribe!?"

Raven Branwren shouted in shock.

"Thought you were sleeping from the lack of talk."

Zero deadpanned.

"But yeah, that's him."


Said man just blinked.

He actually can work at a place like that?

He was that smart in another world?

Was busy putting a golf ball into the hole.

"Kind of an easygoing job."

Husk noted.

"Their main focus is trying to find any hint of intelligent life in the universe."

Ethan deadpanned.

"There are countless universes where we really are alone the endless expanse of space."


"That's kind of sad and lonely."

Lorem said.

"Can't imagine living in such a normal world like that."


Many others agreed.


When something caught his attention.

Slowly turning his head and listening, his eyes slightly widened as he drops the golf club and quickly turned off the radio.

"Ae, man!" RODK Yang shouted. "I was liking it!"

Quickly hitting a button, the speaker started making noise.


"Well...that's not creepy at all."

Goten piped up.

"For real."

Trunks nodded.

As soon as that sound came on, Shay quickly ran to the phone and dialed a number.

"Wonder who's going to be the person on the other line?"

Ragdoll pondered.


A man turned on a light, before picking up the phone.

"OI this isn't an insanely beautiful woman, I'm hanging up."

The man, Peter Port, said.

"Professor Port!?"

The RWBY students shouted.

"I did say the RWBY cast would be in here."

Zero chuckled.

"Let's just say that who you see will be rather surprising."

...Why did that scare them?

"Well!" Taeho chuckled can't believe I didn't see that coming."

"Talk about unexpected."

"Sir!" Shay shouted over the phone. "I think you should listen to this."

Quickly putting the phone over the speaker, he hit play.


Port's eyes widened as he quickly got up.

"He's going to regret that."



Port groaned as he hit the top of the bunk bed.



Natsumi laughed.

"That was funny!"

"Can't lie there!"

Gray snickered.


The RWBY cast laughed.

Revenge for his stories!

...And for taking blackmail pictures of that one party that Ozpin will never mention.

Port just pouted.

"So, mean!"

"Actually." Frieza chuckled. "It's quite hilarious."

"Sir. (Port: Goddamn it!) Sir? (Port: DAMN!)"

"As funny as it is." Henry just sighed. "That's gotta hurt."

"For sure."

Blitzo agreed.

"Speaking from experience?"

Henry asked.


Blitzo nodded.

"Come on, baby." A woman could be seen muttering as she tried to make sense of what was going on. "Come on."

"This better not be another Russian spy job!"

"Oh, yeah."

Annabeth suddenly realized.

"This is set in a time where the United States and Russia were still on uncertain terms."

"Well there's that." Hermione added her two cents in. "And the fact that nations always want to one up their rivals and enemies."

"There's that too."

Annabeth nodded.

Port grumbled as he showed up.

"Boys from air traffic says the skies are clear."

"Except for the random Taeho(s)."

Diego (SRC) added.

"Yeah, well. They have to watch out for you +Anima version as well, Diego."

Taeho shot back.

Confusing everyone else.

'...+Anima version?'

They thought.

While the Fairy Tail cast blinked at that.

Remembering Mystogan and Edolas version of Anima.

"Oh?" Diego raised an eyebrow. "So I have an Anima version as well? What type?"


Taeho said.


Diego said.


A man confirmed.

"This is the real thing." Shay breathed in amazement. "A radio signal from another world."

"Just to let you know." Nahida spoke up. "The idea that there could be intelligent life in the universe besides Earth is met with derisiveness and ludicrousness. They don't seem too eager to confirm that there are aliens out there."

"That...will most likely be their undoing."

Lucifer frowned.

He was getting a little uneasy after seeing that ship.

"Le-Let's not jump the gun here." Port stammered slightly before turning to the lady. "Get online with Space Command."

She nodded.

"They're going to want to know..."


"Ack!" Port shouted as he stepped on some golf balls lying around. "What's with the golf balls? You're going to kill me here!"

"That...would be probably one of the most embarrassing ways to go."

Shuri chuckled.

"Can't lie there." Port just shrugged. "Survive fighting against the Grimms and the like. Only to die by a golf ball? My counterpart would die a second time just from the shame."


The audience laughed at that.

"Wait, wait. This can't be right."

The lady suddenly said as she had finished locating where the signal was coming from.


Soon the smiles faded.

That didn't sound good.

"The calculated distance from the source is only 375,000 km away."


"How far is that?"

Ron nervously asked.

"The Moon."

Hermione simply said.

Fear in her tone.

Artemis frowned.

"It's coming from the Moon."

The lady said as her computer showed a diagram of the information.

Port silently turned pressed the speaker once more.


The sound now sounding more ominous than before.

"I'll say."

Tony Stark frowned.

"This is giving me flashback to Loki and the Chitauri."

The Avengers nodded at that.

Soon, the scene changes.

"Where to now?"

Hawkeye asked.

-Space Command. The Pentagon-

"The Pentagon?"

Superman blinked.

"Is it really all right to be seeing this?"

He uneasily asked.

"Not going to make much of a difference."

Palpatine shrugged.


We see a memorial of soldiers holding a flag at a base.

Soldiers, former soldiers, and people who actually respected the countless men and women that gave their lives to protect their country stood up in a salute for a brief moment before sitting back down.

"Who else knows about this?"


Qrow and Winter shouted.

"That voice is!?"

General James Ironwood asked.

"SETI in New Mexico identified a signal."

A fellow Officer answered as he swiped a card through a slot.

"But they, uh, are even more confused about it then we are."


Qrow shouted.

Sure, Zero had said that their counterparts were there. But it was still a shock!

Both Ironwoods just stared in surprise.

"...How the hell did we not see that coming?"

Union Ironwood blinked.

"Too much Jambalaya."

RODK Ironwood deadpanned.

Alastor just laughed.

"Never too much."

Luke shook his head.

The door clicked as they looked at each other.

"Excuse me." The Officer said.

"Okay, that was a little funny."

Naruto chuckled under his breath.

Opening the door, he shouted.


"Yes, sir!"

Said Officer responded as he grab out some pictures and rolled them onto the table.

"Rader reception has been impaired." The Officer started explaining. "But we were able to get these."

"But we estimate that it has a diameter of 500 kilometers and a mass roughly ¼ of our Moon."

"That's nice."

Vaggie deadpanned.

"Definitely something we don't need to worry about."

Kaga groaned.

You didn't need to be a genius to taste the sarcasm.

"What kind of alien race needs to have a ship that big?"

Javelin frowned.

"Perhaps they are the Sirens of that Earth?"

Laffey sleepily suggested.

"Please don't say that." Javelin shivered. "At the very least, let us have some hope."

Peter Parker eyes widened.

'I remember now!'

But before he could say anything.


Zero mentally communicated with him.

'Or I'll make the snap the best thing to ever happen once I've finished traumatizing you.'


Well, how can he argue with that offer?

"What the hell is it?"

"Something that will test the limits of how far humanity can go."

Mothra calmly said.

"...Let's hope they don't exist back home."

Harry lowly said to the rest of the HP crew.

"Don't jinx it mate."

Ron shakily said.

Dumbledore and the adults frowned at that.

If they exist...

...Would their magic be able to protect them from an external alien force?

Ironwood frowned.

'And why is it making me very uncomfortable?'

Even with how faulty the reception was, just looking at what it had managed to produce worried him.

"It would worry anyone."

Amanda Waller frowned.


Tesla and Edison (HI3) nodded their heads in agreement.

Palpatine cackled.

'The Harvesters, eh?' He thought to himself. 'I remember reading an agreement that an ancient Sith made with them. Their technology is quite interesting.'

"A meteor?"

He asked with a faint glimmer of hope.

"If only."

Adam (HI3) crossed his arms.

Scaring them even more.

What did they know that they didn't?

(A lot)

"No sir."

The Officer shook his head.

"No, definitely not."

The Major confirmed.


General Ironwood gave him a look.

"How do you know?"

"Well Sir." The Major uneasily spoke. "It's...slowing down."

"It's what?"

Lucia Skywalker asked.

"Why couldn't it have been an ugly, tacky meteor."

Sabine groaned.

"It's what?"

General Ironwood asked.

"It's uh...slowing down Sir."

The Major uneasily repeated.

"That's...not good."

Han Solo stated out the obvious.

"Way to state the obvious, Smuggler."

Leia Organa-Skywalker grumbled as she hit the back of his head.

"OW!" Han rubbed his head. "What was that for?!"

"For being too obvious!"

"Well, excuse me, Princess!"

The two started arguing again.


Lily tried pointing out.

"That's normal."

Cain and Ava deadpanned.

Remembering how they were like in the movies and books.


Frowning, General Ironwood went to a nearby phone and dialed a number.


Once the operator on the other side picked up, he ordered.

"Get me the Secretary of Defense."

Ironwood frown deepened at the response.


His voice got a little louder, startling nearby people.

"I think this is more important than losing a little bit of sleep."

Mothra shook her head.

"It is."

Donny nodded.

"How bad is this going to be?"

Godzilla frowned.

"Pretty bad since they are basically defenseless, I'm guessing."

Welt Yang theorized.

"Oh, yeah."

Evolto whistled out.

"And we'll take a small break there."

Zero hummed.

"Have fun."

With that said, Evolto, Ghidorah, and Artemis were teleported out of the room.


"Ghidorah!" "Sister!"

The Kaiju and Gods screamed.

"Where did you send them?"

Ignika blinked.

"To the underground arenas." Zero explained. "Fitted with the latest technology throughout the Multiverse."

"They won't be destroying the Theater anytime soon."


The ground shook.

"...Though do be mindful of the shockwaves and earthquakes."

"A fight to the death!?"

Ares shouted excitedly.

"Hell yeah! That's what I want to watch!"

Some of the more battle crazed audience members shouted out in agreement.


Zero teleported them.

"Have fun."


A little bit tricky trying to add new characters voice lines but I think I'm happy with how this went.

Have a good day/night!

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