Independence Day Part 2

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Forgot to mention, earlier.

My OCs are now either eighteen or older due to Wattpad updated rules on sexual content. If I have time I'll try to go back and change the ages but I don't think I will have time.


"Well." Zero crossed his arms, not surprised by the results in front of him. "How am I NOT surprised?"

What was the God referring too?

Oh, nothing much. Just the smoldering remains of Ghidorah and Artemis.


Ghidorah groaned.


Artemis groaned.

"...Yeah." Zero had a dead look on his face. "Saw that coming from the beginning of time itself."

"How...could we lose to one damn immortal human!?"

Ghidorah and Artemis shouted.

Evolto response.

"Mwahahaha!" He maniacally laughed. "Did you really think you could defeat me, wretched fools!?"

"I mean." Grace (PV) started. "You're not in any better shape yourself."

It was true.

Evo armor was surprisingly smoldering and had missing pieces of armor on his body.


"How many times did they take a shot at your nuts?"

Creed asked.

"...More than I can count."

Evo admitted.

"And for the record...ouch."

He said.


Even he can still feel pain when hit in the nuts!

"Was that really necessary!?"

Apollo shouted out. Concerned for his sister's well-being.


Evo, Zero, Ignika, and the God haters all deadpanned.

"They do be scorching hot, though." know what? I'm too used to Axel, so I'll just use that. Axel commented.


"Right..." Zero sighed. "Back to our regular broadcast."

"Oh!" He remembered. "Before I forget."

"Not everyone is the same age." He warned. "Some are younger, and some are older. Age differences all around with the cast."

"Meaning that I could be older." Yang said. "And Ruby could be younger? Like a kid?"


Zero nodded.

"That's...going to be an interesting experience."

Ruby sweatdropped.


Zero nodded.

"And there is going to be some weirdness also."



-Location: White House-

"The White House?"

Green Lantern blinked.

"What? Is (M/N) the President?"


The look on their faces were obviously trying on to laugh.

Because that was both a hilarious and terrifying idea to image.


The phone was ringing as a hand grabbed it and answered it.



Ozpin and Salem eyes widened.



"What's up with them?"

Kiana blinked.

"Beats me."

Chiharu shrugged.


The man answered.


They jumped again.



"Okay, seriously." Orga questioned. "What's up with them?"

"Kind of sounds familiar."

Cinder blinked.

"It's me."

The scene changes to hotel room, where a woman could be seen walking.

"Hi, Salem."



Percy blinked.

"She doesn't look like a creepy pale lady with veins. She looks normal."


Said woman shouted at in annoyance.

The man greeted.

"What time is it over there?"

He asked.

"It's 2: 45 in the morning, Ozma."



Ozpin and Salem screamed as they looked at their original selves!!

What the fuck!?

"...What's with them?"

Godzilla asked Mothra.

"I don't know." The Moth Kaiju shrugged. "I'm just as clueless as you are."

"I know I didn't wake you."

"As a matter of fact, you did."

Ozma replied back.


The crowd went.

They could see the paper he was reading.


Salem smirked.

"Knows him all too well."

Dystopian said.

"Same can be said for you."

Grace (PV) deadpanned.

"I know you all to well."

"No, you don't."

The supervillain scoffed.

"You like (Favorite food) and listening to (Favorite music) and swimming in the swimming pool."

(Have no idea what Dystopian favorite food and music. That is something that Seraphim knows)

Grace (PV) deadpanned.


Taeho blinked.

"Same tastes. We really are related."

Ozma smiled, before he got serious.

"I have a confession to make."

"You learned that there is really no intelligent life after all?"

Tyrian cheerfully helped.




Tyrian shouted as Ozpin cane was sent flying towards him and hitting him.

*WHOOSH* *Grip*

Before returning to Ozpin hand like a boomerang.

"Okay, that was badass."

Shirou admitted.

"Not gonna lie."

"I am surrounded."

Scene changes to their kids sleeping in the bed with him.



Here, Ozpin and Salem eyes watered at the sight of their daughters.


Gudako shouted, completely done with the interruptions!

"What's going on!? Why are you two getting so worked up over this!?"


The two were silent.

Before Ozpin took a deep breath and began giving a small version of their past.

"I once told young Ruby Rose that I have made countless mistakes in my life." He said. "There is a reason for that."

"I'm...cursed, so to speak." Ozpin admitted. "With constantly reincarnating."


This was getting interesting.

"My true self, my true name is...Ozma." He revealed. "That's who I was in my first life."

"The woman that we just saw." Salem spoke up. "Is me...when I was still human."


"You were human!?"

Someone shouted.

"Yes." Salem nodded. "Due to...extenuating circumstances, I would eventually become Queen of the Grimm. When Ozma first reincarnated into a new life, he sought me out. For a time, we were happy."

"We even had kids."


"That's...not an image I need of Professor Ozpin."

Jaune sweatdropped.

That was rather personal!

Many people agreed with that.

"Those kids we see there." Salem pointed out. "They are our kids from back then."

"What happened to them?"

Hibari cautiously asked.


"They paid the price for their parents' foolishness."

Ozpin said.



The air grew tensed as Ozpin and Salem seemed to be lost in their own memories of a time long since passed.

The kids slowly started waking up as Salem spoke once more.

"You didn't let them stay up all night watching tv, did you?"


She asked worriedly.

"No, of course not."

Ozma denied.

"...He did."

Stark sweatdropped.

"Oh, yeah." "No doubt about that." "He seems like the type to let his kids stay up all night."

Ozpin twitched, while Salem repressed the urge to laugh.

The Villains.


Did not hold back so much.

Ben (JJK) and Taeho chuckled.

The Vanguardians snickered.

"You're coming home after the luncheon right?"

He asked his wife.

"Yes, yes."

Salem confirmed as Ozma handed the phone to his eldest daughter.

"Mommy?" The young girl drowsily said.

"Yeah, Winter."

Winter Schnee jumped at that. Stunned that she shared a name with one of Ozpin daughters.

"Yeah." Ozma nodded. "It's your mom."

Holding the phone, Salem spoke up.

"Hi, honey."

"Hi, mom."

Winter smiled and spoke on the phone.

"We miss you."

"I know sweetheart, I miss you guys too."

Salem could not hide the feeling of envy she had for her counterpart.

Salem said as Spring turned on the tv.

"President Whitmore approval ratings have slipped below 40% Even his crime bill failed to pass."

"He's doing good."

Winter spoke to her mom.

"Are the salad days over for President Whitmore? Mortan?"

The reporter turned to another reporter.

"You are...not having a good time."

Tsunade observed.

"Well of course not!" Evo shouted. "They'll find anything to nit and pick at just so they could generate views! Even if a reasonable, well meaning bill gets passed, they'll find something to make it look bad!"

'Ain't that the truth?'

A majority of the people sweatdropped.

"This is why causing chaos, death, destruction, and anarchy is better."

Dystopian scoffed.


Kismet agreed with her leader.

"They have a point."

Diego (PV) shrugged.


"Aren't you supposed to be a good guy?"

Homura asked.

"Have you seen the state of the world today?"

Diego (PV) rhetorically asked.

"...Yeah, good point."

"Leadership as a pilot in the Gulf War."

"Oh!?" Nezu raised an eyebrow. "So, he was a former pilot in the army?"

"Yep!" Palpatine cackled. "And soon became President of the United States!"

"Of pains in the asses."

Zero deadpanned.

"Ain't that the truth."

Cain and Ava (L/N) deadpanned.

"Is completely different from leadership in politics."

The reporter continued talking.

"Daddy let us watch Letterman."

Winter mischievously said.


Poison Ivy chuckled.

Harley laughed.

Ozma turned around and simply said:



"That's seriously all you have to say!?"

Flash laughed.

"What?" Ozpin shrugged. "What else can I do now that the cat is out of the bag?"

"Well, that's the problem!" A female newscast started speaking. "They elected a warrior, and they got a wimp!"


RODK and Union Ozpin deadpanned as they sipped their hot cocoa.

"...Just how thick are you to not be insulted?"

Sirius Black asked.

"You get use to it after countless reincarnations."

They said in sync.

"...That was a little bit creepy." Ron admitted. "And Fred and George do that all the time!"

"Still." Ethan frowned. "He's trying his best to lead a country that is so divided and trying to appease both sides. They can at least cut him some slack."

"They're idiots."

W deadpanned.

"They think they know better when they have never had to lead a country or work in an office of power."

Scene changes to Ozma walking to the White House dining room table.

"So, that's what the White House looks like."

"Good morning, George."

He greeted one of the staff.

"Good morning, Mr. President."

Smiling, Ozma gave him the newspaper.

"That game couldn't have been pretty."

He simply said.

"Thank you, Mr. President."

The staff member said as he took a look at today's news.

"Well. At least he's nice enough to give him the paper to read."

Luke nervously said.

Christina chuckled.

"Oh, yeah." Evolto remembered something. "You're not going to believe who one of the people who works under him is.


"Cinder, you're up awfully early today."


RODK/Union Cinder shouted in shock as they saw to their complete surprise.

That they work with Ozma/Ozpin!

Aka their boss eternal enemy!

"I did say things were different here."

Zero shrugged.

"That's one of the differences here. Remember, faunus might exist. But your powers don't and how your lives are here are probably different as well."

'So, long as our counterpart didn't have to suffer like we have.;

They both thought to themselves.

Ozma greeted the White House Communications Director who was looking at some papers.

"They're not attacking your policies." She stared as she got up. "They're attacking your age."

"He's not that old there."

Nobara sweatdropped.

"Whitmore seems less like the President." She walked to the other end of the table as they both sat. Cinder continued reading the headlines of the day. "And more like the orphan child Oliver. Asking: 'Please sir, I'd like some more.'"


"Everybody a critic."

Theresa (Arknights) shrugged.

"That's clever."

Ozma admitted.

"And of course, he takes it all in stride."

Qrow nervously chuckled.

Cinder blinked as she stared at her counterpart.

'Huh, I'd make a pretty good secretary.'

"Yeah, well I'm not laughing."

Cinder deadpanned.

"Age was never an issue when you stuck to your guns." She grumbled as Ozma thanked the Butler for bringing the drinks. "You were thought of as young, idealistic. Now the message has gotten lost."

"No surprise there."

Mace Windu and Nick Fury said in monotone.

Causing shivers to fly around the room.

"That's just creepy."

Tony Stark shivered.

And 'calmly' ignored the death glares sent his way.

Pepper sighed.

She loves her husband but he really needs to stop egging Fury on.

"It's just too much politics. It's too much compromise."

"Isn't that the truth?"

Obi Wan deadpanned.

Ohhh, he got flashbacks remembering all the politics and compromises the Jedi Order had to do during the Clone Wars.

His fellow Jedis shivering as well.

"Well..." Anakin smirked. "I'm pretty sure you and Satine had plenty of 'political talk' and 'negotiations' back home."



Obi-Wan calmly asked.

"Isn't it amazing how quickly everyone can turn against you?"

Ozma mused in amusement.

"Isn't that the truth."

Ozpin grumbled.

Remembering those that he thought he could trust. Only for them to betray him when he told them the truth.

Other people flinched at that. Remembering how they were abandoned and betrayed by those they thought they could trust.

"I think we can handle a little bit of compromise, so long as we are accomplishing something."

Ozma simply said.

'Oh, really?' Cinder thought to herself. 'Can you handle this one?'

"I'm afraid to ask."

Weiss deadpanned.

"Well." Cinder smirked. "The Orange County Dispatch has voted you as one of the 10 sexiest men of the year."

She said.

Stunning Ozma with that tidbit of information.


"Oh, my GOD!" Mercury laughed with tears in his eyes. "I can't believe you said with straight face at him!"

"I didn't know you had a side like this, Cinder!"

Emerald laughed.

Cinder blushed.

Salem resisted the urge to laugh at her husband's stunned expression.

Ozpin let out a small smile.

The crowd is going wild.

"That's..." Ozma tried to process what he just heard. "That's accomplishing something."

"Excuse me, Mr. President?" Another staff member called out. "It's the Secretary of Defense."

Nodding, Ozma went to a nearby phone and picked it up.


He spoke up.

His expression furrowing as the Sec. of Defense spoke.

"Can you repeat that again?"


The joyful mood turned solemn.

The scene changes to space as a satellite is seen spinning around the Earth.

"May we have a moment of silence for the poor satellite that died in the line of duty?"

Mei Hatsume 'tragically said'.


Only to crash and hit the unknown ship and explode.

"Stupid music making things ominous as hell."

Tetsutetsu grumbled.

His classmates nervously laughing.

The scene soon changes.

-New York City, New York-

"Oh." Several New Yorkers blinked. "We're in New York, now."

The first thing that could be seen is the Statue of Liberty, before changing to a park where a radio could be heard.

"So, that's the Statue of Liberty."

Spyro hummed.


"Temperature is 95 degrees in Central Park..."

"Just another hot day, huh?"

A hand was going back and forth on a chess board.

"If it can get worse, God only knows."

The owner of the hand was still trying to decide where to go.

"That hand looks familiar."

"Now let's go to Nick Jones and get us a travel report for the beaches..."

The camera pans to reveal a woman with a cigarette in her mouth giving the male an annoyed look.


"It can't be..."

Hazel said to himself.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" The woman grumbled. "We'll get old, and our social securities will expire and you'll still be seating there."


Taeho cackled.


Ben (JJK) snickered.

"I pity the person that has to deal with that sassiness."

The camera moves to...


Salem Inner Circle shouted in shock.


Tyrian blinked.

Did not see that coming.

"I'm thinking." Hazel mused.

"Yeah, well. Think already!"

"Someone's impatient."

Ms. Joke sweatdropped.

"Betcha they've been there for a while now."

Present Mic said.

"We both know that's a fools bet, Mic."

Ms. Joke snickered as did Mic.

The woman grumbled.


Hazel moved a piece as the woman drank her drink.

"Gretchen, do you have any idea how long it takes for those cups to decompose?"

"I knew it!"

RODK and Union Hazel Rainart shouted.

"It's Gretchen!" RODK Hazel shouted, with shock and joy in his eyes.

"She's alive here?!"

Union Hazel murmured in shock.


Rachel just stared at them.

"...Gretchen Rainart is Hazel younger twin sister."

Ozpin sighed.

"Due to...unfortunate circumstances she died on a mission."

Here, he glared at Salem who was just confused on why he was glaring at her.

"Her fault."

"!? MINE!?"

Salem shrieked.

"How is it mine?!"

"If we get back to our world." RODK Ozpin deadpanned. "You'll know soon enough."

"If you don't move soon, I'm going to start to decompose."

Gretchen backsass her older twin brother.

(Genderbent Hazel as they never showed Hazel sister. And don't worry, Oscar is in no danger.)


Hazel conceded as he moved a piece.

"Ah..." Gretchen moved a piece, before speaking. "Listen Hazel, I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Oh-oh." Peter sweatdropped. "That's never good."

Especially since he knows this movie and knows who Hazel is in this universe.

'Can't believe he married Cinder in that world.'

He resisted the urge to laugh.

Of course, that caught people's attention.

"What's so funny?"

Siegfried (HI3) asked.

"Sorry." Peter shook his head. "Can't say."

Groans could be heard at that.

"It's nice that to have sibling bonding moments like this nowadays..."

She stared.


Only for Hazel to interrupt her.

"Don't start..."

"...Maybe it's probably for the best that she did die."

Hazel sweatdropped.

"Something is telling me that if she lived, she'd be getting on my case constantly."

"Only about your love life."

Amagi said.

"Oh...wait what?"

"I'm only saying it's been what 4 years? You're still wearing the wedding band?"

"Wait what?"

Dr. Watts blinked.

"Three." Hazel corrected her, holding up three fingers.


Ezra Bridger sweatdropped.

"All right...3, 4. You're divorced. Move on. This is not healthy."

"Major Bruh."

Adam Kaslana sweatdropped.

Gretchen said as she put her cigar into her mouth.

"No, this is not healthy." Hazel pointed to the death stick in her mouth. "Smoking is not healthy."

"Unless your counterpart makes healthy non cancerous/non addictive cigarettes."

Grace (PV) and Grace (JJK) deadpanned.


Several people looked at them in confusion.

He finished as he made the finishing move.

"Check mate."


"Not that kind of check mate!"

RODK Ruby suddenly had angry chibi eyes as Weiss and Blake almost went into attack mode.


"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Gretchen slowly said. "Wait, wait, wait this is not checkmate!"

She shouted.

"Later sis."

Hazel left for work.

"Hold on, this is not checkmate!" Gretchen denied as she looked at the board trying to prove her point.

Grumbling as she realized.

"*Grumble* *Mutter* AH, Checkmate!"

She growled in defeat.


"Was your sister a sore loser when she was still alive?"

Mercury tried to hold his laughter in.

This was too much!

They were seeing a side he kept to himself for years!

"Ohhh, yeah."

Both versions of Hazel said in complete certainty.

Trying not to laugh at the indignant expression on her face.

Scene changes to Hazel work.

A cable company.

"Yes, we got everyone working on the problem!"

A Customer Service Representative tried to reassure a customer as the customer said something else.

"I love X-Files too, and I hope you get to see them!"

"Oh, boy."

Shuri gulped.

"I'm guessing because the satellites are either crashing into the ship, or the ship is emitting some sort of jammer that it's causing disruptions down on Earth?"

"You guess right, my dear!"

Evolto made a winning sound.

"Not really something to be happy about though."

Captain Hook frowned.


Evolto shrugged.

And that was just one person, all around the office people were talking and in some cases, shouting as they had gotten some rather irate and irrational customers on the line.

"Hate those kinds of customers."

A Hero Agency worker grumbled.

Those kinds of customers were always a pain in the ass to deal with!


Once again, Salem Inner Circle jumped at that.

As they saw.


Tyrian shouted as he saw Hazel bike into the office.

(Tyrian Callows. Ignore Salem, this was the only one I could find of him in a suit)

"What's the point of having a beeper if you're not going to turn it on!?"

He shouted at him.

"It was turned." Hazel responded. "I was just ignoring you."

"So, mean!"

Tyrian wallowed in despair.

"Deal with it."

Hazel deadpanned.

"So, what's the big emergency?"

"I'm out of coffee!"



He asked, Tyrian sighed.

"It started this morning." He began explaining. "Every station's acting like it's the 1950s. We got static, we got snow, *Clunk*all kinds of distortions."

"Tyrian, what are you doing?" Hazel grabbed the cup Tyrian threw into the trash. "There's a reason we have a bin labeled RECYCLE! What the hell is going on!?"

He took out recycle from the trash can that didn't belong there.

"My God in Heaven!"

"...And apparently is an environmentalist in this world."

Salem sweatdropped.


"So, sue me, Hazel!" Tyrian growled at his old friend. "We have a problem!"

He snarled as they walked to Hazel office.

"Ok, have you tried switching transponder channels?"

"Probably the first thing they tried to do."

Lucia Skywalker hummed.

"Oh, please!" Tyrian scoffed. "Do you honestly believe I would be this panicked if it was something simple?!"

"There it is."

She said.

"Well, to be fair."

Sougo nervously chuckled.

"Sometimes the easiest solutions are often overlooked."

"That's...a good point."

Kawaki blinked at that.

"Ok, then." Hazel sat down and sprayed his plant with water. "Let's just point the dish at another satellite."

"Probably tried that to."

Boruto deadpanned.

"We tried that it didn't work." Tyrian sighed as he put down some papers for Hazel to read. "It's almost like they weren't even there."

"Well, at least they actually tried doing that already."

Sarada sweatdropped.

"All right." Hazel put on some glasses. "Let's see here."

"...Never thought you would look good with glasses on Hazel."

Cinder reluctantly admitted.

"Neither did I."

Hazel said.

"Always thought they made me look dorky."

"Makes you look civilized."

Tyrian cackled.

"At least I can look good in them." Hazel retorted. "You'd look a psychopath that escaped from the loony bin."


Hazel opened his mouth, before staring in shock at the data as he quickly turned to Tyrian.

"This is impossible."

"Oh, darling."

Hela said.

"Nothing is impossible."

"...And how long have you been here, Hela?"

Loki looked at his daughter.

"The beginning, father."

Was all he said.

This might have been more serious than he originally thought.

"That's for sure." Natasha muttered. "I don't like this."

Soon the scene changes to an old tv showing a movie.

"We've created a race of robots." The man on the screen said, as the tv started breaking up and turning static. "Their functions..."

"Hard to believe how far TVs have come since those times."

Christina admitted.

"That's for sure."

Cain nodded.

"Very true."

Ava agreed.

The Shipgirls also nodding their heads in agreement.

After all, the Siren invasion caused quite an advancement in technology that you couldn't believe possible.

"It really is surprising."

Grace (JJK) nodded.

The Nikke remembering how quickly technology had to advance when the Raptures attacked and humanity needed a way to counter them.

"Mercury." A young boy smacked the tv several times. "The signal is all fuzzy again."

(Mercury Black)



"Just stop it, man!" Mercury shouted out as he continued cooking. "You're going to break it Oscar, just leave it alone!"

(Oscar Pine)

"It's so fuzzy."

"...Who's the kid?"

Mercury blinked.

"Your brother in that world."


Emerald could be seen applying some eyeliner, as a truck came honking by.

(Emerald Sustrai. Obviously, in that world, they all share the same last name)

"Huh?!" Emerald shouted.

"Oh, yeah." Zero sweatdropped. "In that world, you, Mercury, and Oscar are siblings."




'3, 2, 1...'

They thought to themselves.



Evolto chuckled.

"I'm related to this crazy chick!?/I'm related to this douchebag?!"

Mercury and Emerald pointed at each other.

While everyone else either sweatdropped or just laughed their asses off.

"Poor souls."

Rachel felt actually pity for them.

"...Can I steal Oscar and adopt him as my brother?"

...Girl wants that void filled after losing her baby brother, doesn't she?

The sound got Mercury attention as he groaned.

"Oh, no."

A man got out of the car and walked towards the RV.


"There's a reason for that."

Anakin sighed.

Before he could greet him, the man threw something to the ground.

"You see that?"

He said, pointing to some badly damaged crops that had bugs buzzing around it.

"I got a crop load full of those." He said. "If your father is not in the air in fifteen minutes...I'm finding someone else."


Nora growled.

"Very rude!"

Nova agreed.

"As rude as he was." Nahida sighed. "You have to see it from his perspective as well."

"What perspective?" Someone else asked. "He was being a jerk to them."

"He's a farmer." Lucia shook her head. "His livelihood depends on those crops making the market. If he has a bad batch, they're essentially useless and he loses out on profit. Which in turn makes it harder for him to make a living and pay anyone working his fields."


Someone said.

"While his attitude could be better." She conceded. "He probably has a family to feed as well. I know from experience how tough it can be to be a farmer of any kind."


That shut up some of the more vocal members of the theater.

The scene changes to a man flying on a plane.

The pilot being...


Mercury Black screamed.

"Who did you pissed off in a past life to have HIM as your dad?"

Winter Schnee shook her head in disbelief.

Even though Mercury is a villain, having that man as a father was too much of punishment from hell.


...Qrow Branwen.

(Qrow Branwen)


Mercury shouted as he rode his motorcycle.

Having gone looking for him.

"No respect."

Qrow grumbled.

"If you were my dad for real I would have shot you and then myself."

Mercury and Emerald growled.


Qrow screamed as he was spiritually disowned.

"You couldn't even take care of a pet rock."

Raven Branwen deadpanned.

"No wonder they would disown you."


He shouted.

"I mean, you're cool and all uncle Qrow." Yang agreed. "But you're not exactly what I would call a role model."

"HEY...actually yeah, you're right on that one."

Qrow admitted.

"Mercury!" Qrow waved before turning his attention back to the front. "Woah!"

He shouted as narrowly avoided a sign, laughing as he released some chemicals from the plane onto a field.

"What are you doing?!"

Mercury shouted in shock, disbelief and anger.

"...And I did it at the wrong place, didn't I?"

Qrow deadpanned.

"What was your first clue, genius?"

Raven Branwen deadpanned.

Thinking he had succeeded in doing his job, he landed down roughly.

Once he finally applied the brakes, Mercury rode up to him in his motorcycle.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Being drunk off his ass."

Many said in unison.


He asked him incredulously.


Qrow shouted as he stumbled and rolled to the wing.

"Wrong field, you idiot!"


Qrow shouted.

"Well, it's true!"

Mercury shouted back.

"That's for sure."

Evolto and Zero deadpanned.


Spyro voice suddenly changed to that one voice when Squidward broke the time machine.


Taiyang grumbled.

"Some things never change."

Summer Rose sighed.

"I guess I was the one to inherit the smart side of the family."

Raven sighed.


Qrow shouted at his team's betrayal.

Mercury angrily grumbled.

"Lucas's farm is on the other side of town!"


Qrow nervously said.


A rooster could be heard calling out, as Qrow looked and said.

"Are you sure?"


Many people facepalmed at that.

"That's it."

Alice groaned.

"We taking you to rehab."



Mercury just gave him a look and rode off.


As a young boy with his sister looked to their grandpa and said.

"El lo hizo otra vez."

(He did it again)

Qrow just drank his alcohol.


Vaggie gave him an unimpressed look.


Qrow said as he drank his alcohol.

"Drunken idiot." (M/N) (HH) deadpanned, giving him a look. "Is drinking the only thing you're good at. No wonder you were practically useless back home."


Qrow choked on his drink at that.

Apparently it really was too much to ask for there to be a version of himself that actually helped and try to snap some sense into his nieces.

-Back in space-



The audience's expression turned serious.

Soon, large circular disks detached themselves from the massive ship as they slowly started heading towards Earth.

And to begin the next phase.

"Let's take a breather there."

Zero sighed.

"Things are going to heat up soon."

"Where's (M/N)?"

Yang asked curiously.

"I thought he was supposed to be here."


Cleveland shouted.

"Aren't these supposed to be about him?"

She asked.

"This world is giving some perspective on how other people will handle the outcome of our 'visitors'." Zero frowned. "(M/N) is not the only one that's getting the spotlight here, this time. But he will show up eventually."

"...I can't tell if that should be comforting." Scout (Arknights) deadpanned. "Or if we should be scared once he does because something big will happen."

"That's usually how it is." Evolto shrugged. "There's always a catch."

"Like with you guys!"



"I have a (M/N) too!" Evolto smiled. "He's my son!"


They shouted.

"Yep!" He nodded. "And I'm married to my world version of Lappland!"


Lappland looked at him in shock!

A counterpart of hers had interest in someone not Texas!?

...Well. It's not that she couldn't be interested in other people.

She just never found anyone as interesting as Texas.

"And my son is married to Kal'tsit!"

Evolto continued.


Kal'tsit choked on her drink at that.

'What counterpart of mine would want to be related to this guy even if through marriage with his son!?'

She thought to herself.

"This ain't that shocking."

Taeho shook his head.

"Not in the least."

Joshua agreed.

"This is minor in comparison to the things we have seen."

Grace (PV) shrugged.

"Seen weirder."

Cliff shrugged his shoulders.


Spyro said.

"5/10 for not being that mindblowing or shocking."

Zero chuckled as he said.


Zero snapped his fingers as the page turned dark.


(So that's where Waldo has been)

If you're wondering about the double chapters, they were short so it was easy to rewrite them quickly.

Have a good day/night!

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