Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 5

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As always: Art/Videos are not mine unless I say so.


"Time for the world to meet some new players."

Zero smiled.

-Angel Grove City. Location: Uncle shop-

(Translation: Spirits, demons, ghosts, monsters, quickly leave! Or Evil demons and malevolent spirits, be gone!)"

"An incantation?"

The magic users' eyes widened at that.

Interested in how Uncle utilizes his magic.

(There're apparently two translations of Uncle chant)

Was the sound of Uncle chanting as he banishes any evil forces that might hinder his search for the disturbance in the balance.

"I see, I see."

Satoru Gojo nodded.

"To prevent any unwanted intrusions, he starts off with that."

"It's either that." Fried Justine spoke. "Or risk being attacked by malevolent forces in a vulnerable state."

Several people nodded and shuddered at that.

Having been some who have gone through that.

A cauldron was sitting in the middle of his shop, smoke rising from the pot as magic swirled around it. Mythical items could be seen scattered around as Uncle and Tohru continued searching the magical routes of the world to determine what was giving Uncle the Willies


"The what?"

RODK Yang spoke up.

"It's his and Tohru version of the Spider-sense."

Leo TMNT said.


She said.

"That's...kind of cool, yet scary?"

Peter Parker sweatdropped at that statement.

His spectators standing a few feet away, as to give them space, were waiting in anticipation.

"What do you think Uncle is going to find, Jackie?"

Jade asked her uncle.

"Hopefully, nothing bad."

"Too bad."

Cu shook his head.

"You're not that lucky."

Jackie answered his niece's question. While he won't deny that their adventures brought excitement to their lives. He prefers not to have to fight supernatural forces just for an ancient artifact.

"Poor guy."

Qrow shook his head.

"Just wants a nice peaceful life. But life just says no."

'That's for sure.'

Many people sweatdropped.

Even though, he met many new friends along the way.


"Something's happening."

Maddy spoke up, noticing that the air grew tense and began to form a portal. Once the portal fully formed, they were able to get a glimpse at the shadowy figures beyond the veil.


"So, the ones from before."

Batman narrowed his eyes.


(M/N) nodded.

"Ha-cha" Uncle whispered softly, as he tried to discern who were the new forces of evil that threatened the world.

"...Something bad is about to happen, isn't it?"

Iwabe stated.


"What the fuck!?"

Union Yang yelled as many people jumped from their seats.

That was unexpected.

"There it is."

Only for the portal to suddenly explode into magical bits and pieces. Causing Uncle and Tohru to fly off the ground and onto the floor a good distance away.

"Uncle!" "Tohru!"

Were the shouts of the startled audience as they quickly rushed to the Chi Wizards' aid.

"Uncle! Are you okay?" Jackie asked, voice filled with worry.

"Aiyah! Does Uncle look okay!?"

"He's fine."

Present Mic just shook his head.

"Trust me." Theresa just said. "That old man is way too stubborn to die."

"...He's fine." (M/N) deadpanned, one hand on his forehead. His other hand preoccupied with holding Minilla on his arm.

"This is just another day for them, isn't it?"

Laxus deadpanned.

"Most likely."

Said mini kaiju was giggling at his father exasperation.

"You okay, Tohru?"

Damian and Ren somehow managed to lift the large man up from the ground.


Lorem asked.

"If it was me or any of the others I'd understand." She continued. "But aren't they humans?"

"Dressing up in a superhero costume does come with some benefits."

Zero simply said.


"Ugh, I'm fine." Tohru confirmed as he got onto his feet. "Thanks for the help for you two."

"Sure" "No problem"

"Sensei" Tohru said, "What was that? That's never happened before."

"That's...a little concerning."

Megumi blinked.

"There is a dark and powerful evil force that is blocking our attempts to locate them."

Uncle said, placing a hand on his chin, rubbing it as he went through the situation that had just happened.

"Uncle believes it is best not to try again, we might not be so lucky next time."

"A wise decision." Yen Sid nodded. "The first time they got off lightly. If they tried it again..."

"The results won't be pretty."

Merlin (KH) finished.

"Agreed" "If you say so" "Maybe for the best."

Were the various agreements among the group.

"Right, help Uncle clean mess up and let's have some tea!"

Uncle ordered as everyone got to work.

-In another place-


"With who now?"

Angelina tilted her head.

"Damn it! Where is that infernal human!?"

"Oh." She realized. "Gavial mother."


"Will you guys quit it with that?!"

Gavial shouted, face red with embarrassment.


Rhodes Island said in unison.


Godzilla roared in anger. She has been trying to locate the human that had, more or less, saved her from being killed by a robot version of her mother.

And yet, despite her best attempts she could not find him!


Godzilla was in disbelief.

How the heck did he evade her, when his alternate self couldn't do that?

Even enlisting Mothra and the other kaiju aid had proven fruitless. They had no leads to go on, even returning to the site of the battle did not help.

Godzilla initially thought that she could track him down by scent, since his scent would most likely be on the strange Godzilla like machine. But, after she returned back to Monster Island, she realized that there was no smell to track him down with!

"...That explains it."

Godzilla deadpanned.

"No scent, no easy way to track him."

"You want him?"

Patriot raised an eyebrow behind his mask.

"You gotta work for it."

Mothra theorized that the human must have put some sort of security measure as to avoid being tracked that way when he made his appearance to the world.

"Pretty smart."

RODK Ironwood nodded, intrigued at that tactic.

"Wonder if there's a way to utilize that kind of safeguard in our robots."

After all, can't smell it. Can't so easily block it.

...After he makes sure that they stop getting stolen.

'Seriously!' Ironwood mentally grumbled. 'How the hell are they able to steal them!'

'Do they have an inside man?'

Cause seriously, even after upping security. They still keep somehow losing them!

And he swore to whatever deities that watches over their world that if he found out his men (and women) were either drunk, high, or sleeping on the job. He was going to kick their butts!

Clever, but annoying!

"Clever boy."

Godzilla grumbled.

Unaware of the humans resisting the urge to laugh at that unintended reference.

No matter how hard she looked, he was nowhere to be found.

'And there were the strange reactions from the other humans' She thought to herself. She sensed that the human piloting her robot mother and her leader were both shocked at the being appearance.

Almost as if it wasn't supposed to exist.

"Because it wasn't."

Denki deadpanned.

"But my counterpart doesn't know that!"

"*Sigh* Well, I suppose I should call it a day." She said to herself, she wasn't getting anywhere today. Like the day before, and the day before that.

"Poor Godzilla." Iron Man shook his head. "This is showing a rather hilarious side of hers. Makes her look like a girl chasing after her crush, hoping he'll notice her."


Godzilla yelled.

Only for everyone to nod their heads in agreement.

Even the kids and villains agreed!


'The fact that he helped me would have made him the perfect babysitter for Jr.' Was the other thought running through her head.


Ren Amaki and Itsuki Kawasumi deadpanned.

Since Jr. was still adamant on going into human cities, having a human that bore no ill will and could defend himself from her enemies would be the perfect babysitter for her.

"I'd asked if you've never met a nice human, but I think I already know."

Malty deadpanned.

"Doesn't take a genius to figure that out, sister."

Melty just sighed.

That is, if she managed to find him and fu-wait what!?




Came the expected outburst from the crowd.

"She wants to fuck him already!?"

Daidoji shouted in complete shock.


"How is this surprising."

Her rival, Rin, sighed.

"We'd already established that if (M/N) exists in that universe, so too will thirsty Kaiju Girls."


Said Kaiju Girls shouted.

"But they haven't even met in person, yet!"

Ereshkigal shouted.

Face red at the vulgar language being thrown at.


Ishtar snickered.


(M/N) had a flat look on his face.

Now glad that there were no Kaiju Girls in his world.

He would have ended up dying a second time!

Gojira quickly shook her head from that thought. She didn't even know what he looked like, and she was already thinking of mating him!?

"Poor Gojira."

Shirou shook his head.

"On that topic...who should we feel more sympathy for?"

Sakura Matou asked.

"For Gojira or for (M/N) who will be crushed to death via Kaiju snu-snu."

"...Good question..."

For mother's sake, was she really that lonely that the first male that caught her interest was going to be her mate!?


Many people shouted.

Causing Godzilla to grumble in annoyance.

"...At least he's a teen." Mothra grumbled.

"That's (somewhat) acceptable..."


Many people moved away from her.

Remembering what had happened when Godzilla tried to mate/seduce (M/N) as a kid.

Godzilla twitched.



Bickslow blinked.

"That's you, Zero!"


Zero popped out.

"Even I need to have some fun of my own."

Who said that!?

"A bored God."

The cast deadpanned.

(Just a figment of your imagination)

'You trying to send her to the nuthouse?"

Peppita and Roger asked simultaneously.


"Oh, god damn it!"

...She needed help.

"Which kind?" Harley raised an eyebrow. "I can pencil you in for a 2 O'clock on Saturday."

"I don't need help!"

Godzilla protested.

"I'm sane!"

"...Your counterparts actions say debatable."

Pramanix pointed out.


Shaking her head, she headed out to sea to monitor her territory.

After all, her human wasn't the only thing that was on her mind. Ghidorah was still out there, and the fact that she hasn't made a peep after their last fight made her worry.

"Because she was taught the Pecking Order."

Mr. Popo smirked.

Terrifying the audience with that smile.

Not to mention, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

And that Ghidorah would be the last thing she would need to worry.

"Isn't that the truth."

Piccolo growled.

-Timeskip: One month later-

"Soooo, dad?"

"Now, it's time for some father-son bonding."

Ava put her hands on her hips.

Cain and (M/N) rolled their eyes.

Scaring people at that.

'Like father, like son.'

They thought to themselves.

"Yeah, sport?"

"When are you going to introduce your new girlfriends to me?"



Came the shout of Fairy Tail.

"Welcome to my world."

Ava deadpanned.


Cain spit out the coffee he was drinking, his son response catching him completely off guard.


"Yeeeeeaaaah." Cain drawled out. "I wouldn't have been expecting that."

"I didn't even think my counterpart could be that blunt!"

(M/N) said.

He sputtered,

"Oh, don't be surprise old man." (M/N) scoffed, "If you wanted it to be a secret, you should have not been so obvious."

"Obvious, huh?"

Cain muttered under his breath.

"I don't think he was being obvious."

Vortex shook his head.

"I think it's more along the lines that (M/N) just knows his father so well."

"Well, they do have a tight bond since it was only them and then Minilla."

Kyoka Jirou pointed out.

"So, it's no wonder that he's able to pick up the smallest details in his father behavior."


"You have been looking happier, your less tense, you have been on the phone an awful lot of times nowadays."

"Oh, he's good."


Cain did not know what to say to his son's observations. (M/N) was a lot more observant than he expected, and has he really been looking different these days?

"Probably, yeah."

Kushina shrugged.

"Oh, and I noticed the kiss/bite marks on your neck. Seems like your lovers are quite the kinky ones I have to say."

"This kid has no filter."

Midnight said, impressed and terrified at the kid's blunt tone.

Even for the R-rated 18+ hero this was a level that not even she felt she could handle!


Cain facepalmed himself at that. How could he have been so careless? He did not want to traumatize his son and grandson with his new love life.

"I think the one doing the traumatizing is your son and his bluntness."

Ava deadpanned.

"Oi!" Cain shouted. "That's not just me! He's also manifesting a little bit of you as well!"

"As if!"

"Yes, it is..."

(M/N) muttered to himself.

...And who knew his son could be so blunt in his statement and not look the least bit embarrassed.

"Kind of scary." Percy Jackson sweatdropped. "Even I'm not that blunt."

"That's for sure."

Annabeth and the others nodded.

Trying not to feel second hand embarrassment from this.


"Are you sure?"

FSN Medusa gave him a look.

"Something tells me that you are very blunt."


He said nothing.

"Alright, you got me." Cain raised his hands in defeat. "But you're not mad that I kept this a secret?"

"Mad?" (M/N) posed. "Well, I am a little hurt that you kept this a secret from me. But I am happy that you seemed to have found someone or someone's that make you happy. And isn't interested in your money or looks."

"Okay, seriously." Fuuga (Musuko ga Kawaii) shook his head. "Is every version of (M/N) like this?"

"Not EVERY version." Zero admitted. "But he is blunt in different kinds of ways."


Fuuga nodded.

(M/N) whistled as the Hazbin crew looked at him.

"Or cares that you are a father and grandfather."

"Oh, yeah." Hornet blinked. "There's that too."

Cain nervously chuckled at that.

"They said it was a plus that I was a father and weren't put off by the surprise adoption you did five years ago."

"Kind of a double standard, if you ask me."

Chi-Chi frowned.


"What do you mean?"

Rodan asked.

Confused by the human statement.

"If a guy is a single father, society sees him as someone of respect for raising his kid as a single parent." Bulma answered. "But if a woman is raising her kids as a single mom..."

"People tend to be judgmental about it." Two-Face took over, flipping his trusty coin. "Seem to think it's taboo to date a woman who has kids. Or find it a major turn off."


Rodan deadpanned.


Was the response.

"Kind of harsh, I'll admit." Maki crossed her arms. "But they make it out like woman should be ashamed of being a mother when they get back to the dating game."

"Stupid, if you ask me." Albel scoffed. "They just feel like a third wheel because the woman already has kids."

"Inferiority issues, perhaps?"

Wendy Marvell asked.

"Most likely."

Ei nodded her head.

"But the reason I haven't brought them home to see you and Minilla is because I'm still not sure I can trust them with the secrets we have been hiding."

Here, Zero and the others snickered.

Confusing and annoying the cast.

'What the hell do they know that we don't!?'

They mentally screamed.

Ah, that would explain one of the reasons he had never mentioned them. He didn't want to run the risk of having certain organizations after them, should they reveal the existence of Minilla and (M/N) being the Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger.

"Putting that aside, how did you meet them?"

"Now, we're getting to the juicy part!"

Angel Dust shouted.

Eager, like everyone else, to see who Cain new love interests are.


"...Why am I getting the feeling it's going to be a weird explanation?"

Himeko sweatdropped.

"Because it is."

TeriTeri deadpanned.

She could feel it in her veins that this was not going to be your average meeting.

How the hell was Cain going to explain to his son how they met? It was rather embarrassing and weird thinking about it.


How did it happen?


"Hey there, big guy."


"You have got to be joking."

Vixen (DC) deadpanned.

That was seriously the mystery lady pick up line?

Other people were of the same thought.

"That's seriously how they met?"

Captain Marvel just sweatdropped.

She's seen some weird scenes up in space. But this one was taking the cake so far.

Cain blinked, as he turned to the source of the voice. Spying a tall, green haired, green-eyed lady watching him with amusement.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

RODK Yang shouted.

"Why is it that the ones we're interested in seeing the most, are the ones that are hidden in the shadows!?"

Because it was true.

They could not see her appearance; they only know her hair and eye color because of the description.

"How annoying."

RODK Blake shook her head.

"Stupid teasers."

RODK Katsumi shook her head.

"The suspense is definitely not good for my heart."

Tony dramatically swooned.



Stop being a drama queen!"

Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy (MCU. Just to remind you) shouted.


He grumbled.

The Avengers sweatdropped.

"You seem to be rather 'stressed', if you catch my meaning."

"...The hell?"

Vaggie just gaped.

What was up with this chick?

'How the hell did (M/N) dad fall in love with her?'

She thought to herself.

...What the hell?

"Yeah." Cain sweatdropped. "Even for me, this is weird."

Ava giggled.

Amused at her husband alternate self awkward situation.

"...She's tall."

Irina blinked.

Even though they couldn't see much, they could tell by her silhouette that she wasn't your average lady height.

Cain took a closer look at the woman in question. She did not seem like a woman of the night life, her clothes, while tight in the way it showed her curves, said that much.

"Are the (L/N) men just lucky in their love life?"

Loona shook her head.

"Kind of, yeah."

Zero shrugged.

Not wanting to get into the bit about certain worlds where his love life is, quite frankly, fucked up.

If the unionverses (RODK and Union)thought they were bad...they don't want to know how some of their counterparts treated (M/N) as their boyfriend.

If they were feeling guilty now...they were going to feel like scum after witnessing how they treated him while dating.

(You know what I mean)

Was she a more sophisticated type, or just someone looking for fun?

"They can be classy?"

Kirishima blinked.



"Seriously, Kiri?" Mina shook her head. "Despite what people may think, the nightlife district ladies are not always dressed in scandalous outfits you know? People seem to find it a turn on if they wear tight skin clothing that covered their entire body."

"...HOW do you know that, Ashido?"

Iida gave her a weirded out look.


Mina was quiet for a moment...before...

"We took Sento there once to get him laid."

Mina bluntly said.


Causing spittakes to fly everywhere as her Union self stared at her like she was crazy.


Union Mina and the rest of Union screamed.

Both Sento were blushing up a storm.

The villains were in awe (and shock) at that statement.

The chaos loving nutjobs were loving the tea.

"Oh, my!" Rosie shouted, hand on her mouth. "How adorable!"

"You got quite the lovely friends, young man!"


RODK Sento said.

He remembered that this route he took, did not have this kind of thing.

"Miss" Cain started, "A beautiful woman like yourself should not be out on the streets alone. It's too dangerous, filled with all kinds of dangers."

"Aw! How sweet." Aphrodite squealed. "Even if she's not who he thinks she is, it's still sweet that he showing concern for her."

"At least, he's not jumping at the chance to get laid."

Artemis (PJO) admitted.

Ava giggled, while Cain sighed.

This was karma for being a gangster wasn't it?

Though he was surprised that Artemis seemed to be interested in him.

...Along with a woman who had black hair and warm brown eyes. Who blushed as his eyes made contact with hers.

'What is it about me that people are attracted to?'

Cain was honestly confused.

Giggling, the lady continued: "How sweet, and I can tell you are being genuinely honest in your words and not trying to get laid. But you don't have to worry about me. I am far more capable then how I look."


That sent shivers down their spines.

"For some reason." Ginny shivered. "I don't doubt her."


Many people agreed.

"It would be very difficult to harm a woman of her kind."

Luna simply smiled.

Already knowing, in her own mysterious way, who...actually what the woman true identity is.


The dangerous, alluring tone, for some reason, both reassured and terrified him.

"You still are horny."

Valentino laughed along with Vox and Velvet.

"Give me, well my counterpart, a break." Cain grumbled. "My counterpart probably doesn't really get rid of his 'stress' because they don't pass being a model figure to (M/N) and Minilla. He probably hasn't got laid in years."


Valentino admitted.

"Which is still impressive."

Hera begrudgingly admitted.

"Other people would not be as caring and devoted as you are to raising your kid."

The other Gods twitched at that.

They had a feeling the jab was also aimed at them.

Their Kingdom Hearts counterparts silently snickering at their versions looks of indignation.

"But enough of this foreplay. Are you interested in getting rid of your stress?"

"That was foreplay?"

Mirai (SK) blinked in confusion.

"It comes in many different ways, my dear."

Haruka (SK) answered.

"Do you know who I am?"

"A rich boy like Bruce?"

The Justice League answered.

Batman was about ready to beat the shit out of his friends.

"A dilf?"

Rossweisse said.

"A total hottie?" "A cool guy?" "A man!" "Manly!" "Not a douchebag father who went out to get the milk?"

People were throwing their comments around.

Cain and (M/N) just sweatdropped, while Ava chuckled.

Cain questioned; this woman did not seem to recognize him. Nor did she seemed to be all that eager to jump him right then and there. If anything, she was willing to let him walk away if he said no.

"Someone who, interestingly enough, caught my attention and needs a little love and warmth in his life."

"Somehow." RODK Ironwood spoke up. "I get the feeling that she's not lying about him catching her interest. Don't know why, but it feels genuine that she's not after his money, or his looks."

"There's a reason for that."

Sougo face held a funny expression as he tried his best not to laugh.


Something told him she wasn't lying, strange as it sounded.

"I'm Cain (L/N)."

He introduced himself, and the decision was made.

"Finally!" Ava cheered.

Startling the cast.

"Cain other self is going to find happiness after my other self unfortunate passing!"

"Your...not mad?"

Hestia blinked.

The Goddess of the Hearth was rather curious at that.

"As long as she makes him happy." Ava simply said. "And come on, we've already given you some information about our younger years. And of our current love life. We like to spice things up."

"What about Xenovia?"

RODK Rias asked with interest.

"Well..." Ava sweatdropped as she was about to speak her mind about that topic. "We wouldn't mind since she is technically considered an adult the moment she joined Union."

"Of course."

RODK cast deadpanned.

"We did put that law into place about Union." RODK Ozpin drank his mug. "The moment you are accepted as a student of Union, you are now considered an adult and can do adult things without either side suffering consequences of the law."

"Hence why Union acceptance rate is low." Hanzo (SK) spoke up. "Any teen would want to be free to do adult things legally. Smoking, drinking, sex with mature people."

"Not to mention that not only do you need to join Union to be considered as an adult."

RODK Sona spoke up.

"But you have to go through a series of rigorous tests to make sure you abuse that privilege."


Lute sweatdropped.

"Well we have to make sure they're not having constant, unprotected sex while in Union since they are considered to be adults."

RODK Ozpin deadpanned.

"That's a privilege that cannot be taken lightly."



Union Ozpin stared at his counterpart in shock.

"We don't have that back in our Union."

"Which right now is a good thing."

Union Sirzechs frowned.

"Especially after learning what that...thing did."


Many people nodded in agreement at that.

If that bastard had that kind of power. Nothing would stop him.

...Not like it would have stopped him anyways considering his crimes.

"Terra" The mysterious woman shook his hand.

Heads turn to the Terra in the cast.




"Idiots!" Terra shouted as he blasted them with Ultima Cannon. "I am not the only person named Terra!!"

"And my hair is brown, and my eyes are blue and I'm a MALE!!"

He added as he continued blasting them.

Terra (TT) sweatdropped.

While also wondering to herself.

'Should I talk to Beast Boy?'

She thought to herself.

Even though she had lied to him when he found after she was set free.

(Note: Teen Titans timeline happened in RODK)

She remembered.

And she was ashamed of how she acted.

She betrayed them, even after they welcomed her with open arms.

And for what?

All for a villain who manipulated her and used her insecurities against her to ensure her loyalty?

'Killing him was the least I could do to atone for my sins.'

Terra thought to herself.

'Too bad, Trigon had to bring him back.'

But if it wasn't for that incident...Terra wouldn't have been set free from the prison she made to stop her out of control powers from wreaking havoc.

It terrified her when Beast Boy suddenly showed up and tried his best to get her to 'remember' him.

It made her even more guilty having to lie to him. But...she didn't want anything to do with heroes and powers.

It caused too much pain and heartbreak for both of them.

'That's why I made the choice to be a 'normal' school girl just wanting to graduate.' She thought to herself.

But that was then, this is now.

Now that they have grown up and are wiser now than they were as kids.

'And I know he hasn't gotten over it.' She thought to herself. 'He's not as sneaky as he likes to think he is.'

She has caught him watching her from a distance.

But you can't really hide if you're a freaking green skinned animal. You don't generally see a green dog everywhere. Even with the weird as hell world they live in.

Getting to his car, he drove them to Terra abode.

-End Flashback-

Surprisingly, it didn't start with them getting right into it. Terra actually relieved his stress in a different way first.

"Oh? Alastor raised an eyebrow. "In what way?"

Even though he did not have that much interest in these kinds of activities, the Radio Demon was curious.

By way of a very invigorating massage.


"A massage!?"

Many people yelled.

That was unexpected!

"Huh?" Ava blinked. "That would do it."



Adam asked.

"Cain does have an annoying habit of pulling a muscle or causing stress to his body."

"So, a massage would definitely be a way to his heart."


Cain scoffed at that.

Cain was surprised at first but accepted it as he was apparently more stressed out than he originally thought.

"In what way?"

Angel waggled his eyebrows.



And got hit for it.

"You know what way."

(M/N) deadpanned.

God, that was the best massage he had ever gotten!

"Must have been one hell of a massage."

(M/N) blinked.

"You should know."

Husk smirked at him.



(M/N) shouted in surprise.

"Didn't Carmilla give you a massage via stepping on you?"

He smirked at the now blushing boy direction.


Several people screamed as Carmilla merely chuckled as her daughters sweatdropped.

'How did she not bang him then?'

They wondered.

If she had him right where she wanted him. Why didn't she take it to the next level?

"How do you know about that!?"

(M/N) shouted, face red with embarrassment!

"Never underestimate a bartender ability to collect intel."


(M/N) was now doomed as the girls were giving him a look.

Of course, the massage got more and more intimate as she soothed his muscles until they eventually got into bed.

"Damn! She's good!"

Pepe whistled in amazement.

...For some reason, after that she introduced him to her two friends. And from there, the relationship got more and more intimate.

"Bang one, get two more for free."

RODK Mineta snickered.



"What goes through your mind, kid?"

Aizawa tiredly asked.


RODK Mineta mind:


"Nice! Sweet! Fantastic! Big ship 'pon di ocean that a big Titanic.

C'mon, ya nice, sweet, I enjoy the thing.

Big ship 'pon di ocean that a big Titanic.


I like to move it, move it.

I like to move it, move it.

I like to move it, move it.

Ya like to.


Leaving his mind.


"...Why did you hesitate?"




"Moving on!"

Zero shouted.

...He still did not know how he managed to satisfy three lust crazed women. But he did.


Rituska, Gudao, and Gudako all said.

And considering their interests lie with both genders, they are surprised to have survive the more horny servants.


The Fate Stay Night cast, excluding Kotomine and Gilgamesh of course, just gave them weirded out stares.

"Plot, stamina, awesomeness, and more."

RODK Kuroka said.


And hey, the massages they gave were out of this world.

"So...that's how you catch a (L/N)?"

Souji (SK) blinked.

"...Why are you making us out like super rare Pokémon?"

Cain deadpanned.

"Because you guys are."

Sweatdrops could be seen at that.

And should Cain be concerned that he was getting hit on by teenagers?

(Considering she is from Senran Kagura...yes. I have also seen those cards of them in different outfits...so yeah. You might want to watch your back!)

(You never with fictional teenage girls from ecchi/hentai-like series! And are literally fanservice!)

(Especially because they are technically considered adults due to being accepted at Union and can do adult activities.)

That was actually the best part, besides having three girlfriends that were okay with sharing him.

...Yeah, he still didn't know how that happened.

"Yeah..." Geiz and Tsukuyomi nervously chuckled. "Just one more thing added to the list of 'What the hell is going on?'"


Of course, while he was in lala land. (M/N) was busy trying to snap his fingers to bring him back into reality.

"Not the SNAP!"

People screamed in horror.


And got zapped for being overdramatic.


Cain jumped, startled as his son screamed into his ear.

"Are you going to talk, or are you just going to stare at the wall?"

"I don't know." Yamcha shook his head. "Wall looking mighty pretty right now."


"Hey, yeah it is."

Amado Sanzu said.


"Don't be weird, old man."

Kawaki scowled.

Right...he still needed to figure out how to explain his first meeting with Terra.

"Yes..." King Kai spoke up. "Tell him exactly HOW you two met."

Mr. Popo chuckled.

But, as luck would have it, salvation came in the form of his kaiju grandson running into the kitchen.

"Dad! Grandpa! Something weird is happening outside!"


"Is it finally happening?"

Amiya worriedly asked.


Eyes narrowed as things seem to be picking up.

The mini kaiju shouted; he had been playing video games in his room when he noticed the sky was darkening in an ominous way.

Rushing to the windows, they noticed the dark clouds rumbling and lightning crashing all over.

"If that's not a way to tell something is wrong, I don't know what."

Enterprise sighed.

Eyes narrowing at what was to come.

"What is going on?"

(M/N) said, before his cell phone rang.


"(M/N) do you see what's happening right now!?"

Andrew shouted into the phone, causing (M/N) to pull back as his ear rang.

"Karma strikes back."

Toga snickered.

After all, (M/N) did yell in his dad's ear to get his attention. It's only fair that he gets the same treatment.

"Not so loud Idiot I can hear you fine!" (M/N) snarled, as he put the phone back to his ear. "Yeah, I see it. And I don't like it."

"What a nice friendship they have."

Emma smiled.

Happy that her son had a good friend.

Mark sweatdropped.

Maddy just chuckled.

"Think this is the dark force that Uncle was talking about?"

"Nah!" Sora waved his hand. "This is just a regular Tuesday."


Those that didn't know of the Kingdom Hearts journey were just staring at him like he was crazy.

And felt a chill run down their spines as the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

Andy asked.

"Probably" (M/N) confirmed, "Those storm clouds make me uneasy, and they don't feel natural at all."

"Get the group together and let's meet up at Uncle shop."

"Got it."

Hanging up the phone, he stared at the skies once more.

Worry evident on his face.

"Well, we should be heading out now."

Cain said, as he opened the door. With (M/N) and Minilla following.

"Talk about being prepared."

Hawkwoman nodded her head in approval.

"Just like Bruce."

Batman twitched.

Should he take that as a compliment or...?

-Uncle Antique shop-

"Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao" "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao"

Chanting could be heard as everyone had gathered in Uncle shop. With Uncle trying to decipher the malevolent clouds origins.

"Let's see if they can get something now."

Naofumi frowned.


The fire lighting the cauldron burned out, a result of the attempt resulting in failure.

"Aiyah" Uncle said softly, "Whatever dark magic this is, it is beyond my level of expertise."

"And that...is not good, is it?"

Yuki timidly asked.

"For someone who is well versed in his craft to admit to something being beyond even his level." Snape spoke up. "It speaks volumes at how powerful and dangerous this is."


And that was unsettling. After all, Uncle Chan was a veteran Chi Wizard who had studied extensively under Chi Master Fung for 15 years.

"How old is he!?"

RODK Ruby shouted.


"Damn it!"

"Watch your tongue!"

Taiyang shouted.

"Why does Yang get a free pass?!"

She shouted.

"Because she's the rebellious one! Of course she's not going to watch her mouth."

Raven answered.


Yang shouted.

"Well...she's not wrong."

Qrow said.

"Oh, come on!"

If he couldn't pierce through the dark veil to reveal their enemies, then what hope do they have?

"Intelligence gathered that obviously this isn't man made."

"??? A new character?"

(Captain Augustus Black, Leader of Section 13 and old friend of Jackie)

Reported, though that was of little comfort. As it still did not tell them what they needed to know.

"Is it possible that it's just the result of some wizard messing around?"

Jackie asked, hoping that it wasn't as bad as it sounded. Though, he instinctively knew that it was shaping up to be a disaster.

"Oh, Jackie."

Ohma Zi-O just laughed.

"Always wanting to see the better of things."

Before Uncle could admonish his nephew.


The tv turned on, grabbing everyone attention to the static screen.

"...Or maybe not." Jackie conceded.


"Don't worry."

Zero answered.

"Sadako, Samara and Kayako are not involved in this world."



'Who the hell are Sadako, Samara and Kayako?'

Was the thought running through those that have never seen Ringu/The Ring and Ju-On/The Grudge.

'...I wonder if Kayako and Sadako are ecchi version of themselves?

(M/N) idly thought.

What? Last he remembered; Samara was a kid when she drowned in a wall. He might be an incubus now, but he still had standards. As did the Succubi and Incubi of hell and the supernatural.

Sadako and Kayako were at least adults when they died!

"What could have caused that to turn on?"

(Mama Tohru aka Dragon Lady, Vampire, Madame Tarantula (all of these from Uncle))

"Ah, yes."

Shinji Matou nodded.

"One of the very few people who doesn't fear Uncle."

"Doesn't she backsass him?"

Sakura tilted her head.

"It is still a surprise that the two haven't killed each other yet."

Zero sweatdropped.

"How the hell did she give birth to such a big guy in such a tiny body?"

Someone asked.

Mama Tohru questioned; she had come to see how her son was doing especially with the wedding looking to come real soon. Now, it seems that things were about to get more interesting once more.

Before anyone could say anything.

"Greetings, citizens of Earth!"



A cold, dark menacing voice spoke out of the tv.

'That voice!'

(M/N) and his friends eyes widened. They recognized that voice from the Power Rangers series!

It was,


(Video of his first appearance.)

The world was in shock. Lord Zedd? Emperor of Evil? He was real!?

Of course, some thought it could have been a possibility with the appearance of the Power Rangers. But one of the most dangerous villains in Power Rangers history?

That wasn't good.

"Not by a long shot."

Those that have grown up with the series shivered.

Those who have watched Super Sentai long before watching Power Rangers could admit one thing.

Lord Zedd was one of the most terrifying forces that Power Rangers ever created as their Original Villains.

Even those that never heard of the series shivered.

The Kamen Riders stared impassively at the screen.

Remembering that one time Sougo, Tsukuyomi, Geiz, and Woz had fought an alternate version of Lord Zedd with an alternate version of (M/N) as the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger.

And that Lord Zedd was more powerful than most versions of his counterparts if he could handle a Power Ranger and FOUR Kamen Riders!

"Yes, I am that Lord Zedd from the tv show Power Rangers."

The evil emperor spoke once more.

"But, unlike my tv counterpart I was never turned good. In fact, I was never downgraded into a joke that you Earthlings made me into!"

"He's carrying quite a grudge over that."

Prinz Eugen nervously chuckled.

"You'd be too if you were tossed to the side just because you were too evil."

A villain spoke up.

"Indeed." Scaramouche nodded. "He's supposed to be evil and scary, he's a villain! He's evil just for the sake of being evil! Not because he has some tragic backstory that was the reason he turned evil. He was not made to be sympathetic; he was made to be feared throughout the galaxy as someone not to be messed with!"

Several villains with tragic pasts sweatdropped at that.

(Well...it's not a bad thing if I'm being honest. But it then somewhat ruins them when they are somehow easily won in the end and try to make up for their crimes.)

(While I did love the Prequels, it did kind of screw up Darth Vader with how Anakin acted. Well, movie wise since they can only add so much to a movie. The spin offs did give a little more depth about the Clone Wars.)

...And he was pissed at his counterpart being nerfed, regardless if he was actually a tv character in this world.

"We can still take him on!!"

Union Yang and other Union members shouted.



Union Yang nervously asked at the silence.

"...We'll talk more about it after this viewing is down."

Was all Zero had to say.

Scaring the remnants of the Union cast and other heroes who were confident they could take him down.

"I am the Lord Zedd that conquered countless systems! Even when Rita Repulsa drugged me with that love potion, I never lost sight of my goals! In fact, it actually made me stronger! More so, when Goldar freed me from the effects of the love potion."

"So, instead of weakening him, it made him even worse in this world."

Oracle quietly said.

"It would seem so."

Nightwing shivered.

"This guy uglier up close."

"Well...that's the point."

RODK Lie Ren sweatdropped.

"Oh, yeah."

Nightwing realized.

"Of course, I could do without my Father-in-law and Brother-in-law existence but oh well! You can't win them all, as I have learned so well in my universe!"

"Ah, yes." Theresa (HI3) grumbled. "Relatives! Can't live with them, can't live without them!"

"Because they'll make their presence known whether you like it or not?"

Himeko raised an eyebrow.


People just sweatdrop.

Lucifer could understand that.

"Now! Cower in fear Earthlings! For I have been amassing my forces for the 10 years I have been in this universe thanks to that malfunction from my dimensional machine."

"Oh! So that's how he wound up in that universe!"

Harley said.

"It was hinted in the last viewing that was the case."

Sera pointed out.

"Oh, yeah."

Harley realized.


She shrugged.

Gesturing his hand, the camera turned to reveal the most unexpected allies he collected.


Jackie shouted in shock at the monster from his nightmares free once more.

"And his brethren!"

Jade shouted in shock. Her eyes narrowing on Drago and His Wu.

"She's got history with those two."

Zero answered the unasked question.

"Daolong Wong!"

Uncle shouted as he stared at his archnemesis.

"Brrr, O-Oni" Tohru shook violently as he stared at the monsters from the childhood stories his mother used to tell him.

Speaking of,

Mama Tohru gasped, as her eyes narrowed at the folklore of her homeland. Tohru had told her of his battle against them and the Shadowkhan they commanded.

'To think, I would see them in person.'

"That's gotta be terrifying."

Rick Stanton said.

"To see monsters from your childhood stories in real life."


(M/N) and the others looked in shock, as they saw the Alien Kaiju Girls among the allies he had.

"So that's why she's been silent for this long."

Ren said, realization settling in that she was now part of an alliance of evil.

"Part of my ass."

Ghidorah grumbled.

Still angry at how easily she was dethroned.

((M/N): What? Like it's hard?)

"Power Rangers!"

Lord Zedd addressed them now.

"I must admit I did not see it coming that the Morphin Grid would select new warriors to take on the mantle and stop my evil."

"But no matter! It changes nothing. In fact, it should prove to be a challenge and a satisfying victory when I destroy both you and the Earth!"

"Confident fellow, isn't he?"

Gajeel asked.

"There's a reason for that."

Nahida simply said.

"So come, if you dare. For you and the Kaiju Girls of Earth are the only thing stopping us from conquering this pathetic planet!"


Lord Zedd maniacal cackle echoed all over the world for everyone to hear.


"Fuck!" Blaze and Homura shouted. "That's one creepy laugh!"

"he's insane!"

Prince of Wales shook her head.

"He is feared for a good reason."

Ohma Zi-O shook his head in amusement.

"And you don't want him allying with someone just as terrifying and dangerous as him."

(Note: He used a spell so that everyone could understand what he was saying)

A cold, terrifying silence fell upon the store as everyone stared in shock.


"Hey scumbag!"

People jumped at that.


Lorem blinked.

What was that about?

Some dumbass decided to speak up.

"Oh, great..."

Archer (FSN) grumbled.

"Those guys."

"Can't you see you are scaring the children!?"

"Uh, he's a villain?" Shigaraki blinked. "He's supposed to be terrifying?"

The villains nodded at that.

"Maybe we should play them a sad song on the world smallest villain."

Joker deadpanned.

The audacity of those bitches. How dare they tell a villain how scary he can and can't be.

"Yeah! Go back to being the laughingstock of the universe!"

"They are just digging their graves now."

Belfast shook her head.

"They're the ones that are going to be dead."

Anguirus deadpanned.

"I'm not saving them."

Many heroes said in unison.

"You can't do this, I will sue!"


"The fuck!?"

Adam coughed on his smoothie!

"Did I seriously just hear that!?"

"You weren't the only one, boss."

Lute jaw was opened at the stupidity of that threat.

"What the hell?"

Ares just said.

Unintentionally speaking up for the demigods and his fellow gods.

"This person has a few loose screws."

Nobara looked in shock.

"And I thought I was crazy."

Gojo Satoru shook his head.

"...These are the people we have sworn to protect from the Kaiju?"

Gyozen just looked at the screen as though it had started doing the Macarena.

"You can't be evil! It's not allowed! You oughta be ashamed of yourself you disgusting pervert!"

"This just keeps getting better and better."

Sukuna shook her head.

"And these are the people you're protecting?"

She asked the heroes.

"...Maybe we can allow for a little population control."

Some of the more influential heroes admitted.

Causing the villains to sweatdrop.

You know it's bad when the heroes are contemplating genocide.

"And I thought Killjoy was insufferable."

(M/N) deadpanned.


Great, the tv apparently allowed two-way dialogue. Now the Karens/SJW/Wokevists/Special Snowflakes (You know who I'm talking about)/etc. etc. are trying to butt into something that they should not even try to deal with,


"Well, at least that one is true."

Medusa (Fate) admitted.

"Ugly, will never get a girl, asshole!"


"He did get one, even if it wasn't the moral way."

Sougo laughed.

"Well, they're evil, alien space villains." Kaga (AZ) said. "That's probably their way of romance."


"As much as it pains me to say...Black and Potter gave better insults than those braindead bumbling, dunderheads."

Snape scowled.

Dumbledore wondered what in the name of the Founders were people of the future smoking to be that brash and bullheaded.

"How dare you try to write us off as insignificant! We are far more superior than these violent power ranger punks!"

"Not even in a million years."

Everybody deadpanned.

With that attitude, they were more insignificant than a cockroach.

Plus...they were ones to talk.

They would scream about violence but would use it if it suited their purpose.

More and more yells and screams could be heard.

...And did someone just shout out something with 'phobic' in it?

"Ugh!" Tiger and Magne groaned. "Not those bastards!"

They gave people like them a bad name and rep.

"Can someone please kill them before I off myself!?"

Mount Lady shouted.

"I second that!"

Kamui Woods and Edgeshot shouted.

As did others.


People jumped at that.

Was Lord Zedd response, as he unleashed his righteous fury upon the Karens/SJW/Wokevists/Special Snowflakes. Destroying all the fools that dared to insult The Almighty Emperor of Evil!


People jumped back from their seats.



The more relieved members shouted.

The heroes didn't care if they were thanking a villain.

All they cared was that those psychos were gone.

"Does anyone else want to try?"

"He did the world a favor."

Zero shrugged.

"He got rid of the cancer of society and thus made the world a better place for everyone else."

"...I'm surprised they didn't accept as their Lord and Master after that."

Roon (AZ) admittedly said.

"Well..." Here, Zero nervously sweatdropped. "If it had been a couple years later, even the Power Rangers would have surrendered. Which would terrify Lord Zedd at that. Cause what did those people do to elicit such a strong reaction that they would be fine being under his rule? That's what he would be thinking."

...Why. WHY did that sound ominous and terrifying as hell!?

He coldly replied.


Sweet, pure silence could be heard as the world had experienced one of the best shifts in their lives now that the unholy terror of the radicals was silenced permanently.

"Good." He spoke. "Heed my words Power Rangers, you should spend what little time you have for death shall claim you soon."

"I can only regret that you won't be alive as I enslave your world and everything you've ever cared for."

"Be ready for the fight of your lives!"


His chilling laughter fading into the distance as the tv went back to normal.

"And now, the weather."

Denki spoke like a tv reporter.



"Focus, Denki!"

Izumi shouted.

The sounds from the tv were the only thing that could be heard as everyone tried to digest what was happening.



Before anyone could say anything.



"What the!?"

(M/N), Andy, Maddy, Ren, Damian, and Jade were suddenly teleported in tehir respective Ranger colors. Disappearing to who knows where.

"Jade!" "(M/N)!" "Dad!" "Aiyah!"

Were the screams of the worried bystanders.


Before a piece of paper flew down and onto Cain hand.

Putting it in front of him, he read:

Pardon for suddenly teleporting the Rangers. I mean no harm; we are on the same side. But they will need more help now that Lord Zedd has revealed himself. Rest assured that they are in safe hands and will return shortly.

Signed, a friend.

"Yeaaaaah." Chiharu sarcastically said. "That's not ominous at all."

"Now, what do we do sensei?"

Tohru asked, concerned for Jade and her friends safety.

"*Sigh* For now, my old apprentice, we must trust that this person is true to his words."

"For now, Uncle and Tohru must do research!"

"Ah, yes. One of his most classic lines."

Time was of the essence, now that their old enemies have somehow returned from their imprisonments.

And no doubt, looking for revenge against them.

"That's for sure."

-With Godzilla and the Kaiju-

"Who does that pendejo think he is!?"

Rodan shouted in anger, pissed at this so-called Emperor of Evil declaration.

"Obviously someone who can back his words if he has Ghidorah on his side."

Ghidorah grumbled some more.

Ignored as they kept watching the screen.

Anguirus stated.

"Shut up Bowser."

"Damn it, RODAN!!"

Anguirus lunged at Rodan who squawked in surprise.

"Don't call me Bowser you flaming chicken!"

"Flaming chicken!? Why I oughta-"



"Will you two zip it!"

Queen Caesar shouted, having been the one to hit them.

Who did the same thing to Rodan and Anguirus.

"We have bigger things to worry about!"

"Grr, fine" "fine"

The two bowed down.

"Good" Caesar said, "My queens, what are your thoughts on this."

Godzilla and Mothra stayed silent, unsure of how to proceed.

"If he has swayed Ghidorah and her allies to his side, then that means that he is far more powerful than we realized."

Mothra explained.

"For how else was he able to gain her allegiance?"

"By asserting his dominance in such an easy way." Gigan shrugged. "Kicking her ass."


Ghidorah shouted in anger.

"As much as I hate to admit it." Godzilla spoke. "We will need the strength of these Power Rangers."

"If he can subdue Ghidorah, then that obviously mean that he is much stronger than he appears."

"We can't take him on by ourselves."

"I'm pretty sure he can't take us all on!"

Godzilla shouted.

"...He has a backup plan for that too."

Zero replied.

"You got to be kidding me!!"

A somber silence filled the group as they pondered their next move.

-Location: ???-


The group shouted as they fell all over each other.

"Ocuh!" "Get your leg off me" "Whose elbow is in my face?"


(M/N) shouted as he managed to get his friends off of him.

"Is this some kind of gag?" RODK Issei blinked. "Where he gets buried under his friends?"

"Probably." "Most likely." "Eh."

"Now! Where ar...e...we?"

His question broke off as he looked at their surroundings that revealed.

(One of the three)

The command center!?


"This means!?"

Many people shouted in shock.


"Ayeyaiyaiyai! That was a big fall! Are you Rangers all right!?"

That voice, that voice could only belong to –

Turning their heads, they looked and lo and behold:

Alpha 5, Zordon trusted robot assistant was in front of them.

"ALPHA!?" They shouted. "Then...that means that!?"


Why were they getting so excited?

Were the thoughts of those that have never seen Power Rangers.

Or, like the Harry Potter verse, were several years before the first episode of Power Rangers was aired.


Andy said, perplexed at the sight before them.

"Oh, good you're all okay."

The robot said, as the everyone got up.

"What's-Sorry, but time is of the essence now that Lord Zedd is here!"

Alpha interrupted Jade questioning.

"We must prepare for Lord Zedd first move."

"Good." Batman nodded. "They need to move as fast they can."

"How fast?"

Minato asked.

"Faster than the fastest man alive."


Flash and other speedsters shouted in denial.

"And for that, we need to make sure you are ready."



"Greetings Power Rangers of this universe."

That voice caught their attention as they looked towards the center to reveal

(Zordon of Eltar)

(One of the two. I'm not fond of 2017 Zordon so he's not on the list)


"But how?"

Ren asked in shock at the sight before them.

"When my energy tube was shattered, I was informed that my role was not done."


"Shattered?" Asuka asked. "Why would it be shattered?"

Zordon explained "Since Lord Zedd unintentionally escaped to this universe he was not purged of evil. If left unchecked, there could be no one strong enough to stop him."

"That's why I accepted being sealed inside another energy tube, to stop him once and for all."

...What could they say to that? He was willing to be sealed once more if only to stop Lord Zedd rampage.

"He still has a duty to fulfill."

Illustrious said.

"But, even with your help defeating Lord Zedd isn't going to be easy."

Damian pointed at the elephant in the room.

"That is correct young Damian" Zordon confirmed. "And unfortunately, it's going to get more difficult. My sensors informed me of an enemy hidden somewhere on Earth. Where, I can't confirm."


"The man in Monarch."

Serizawa realized.

"And there is another enemy, just as dangerous as Lord Zedd making his way here."


"Who could be as dangerous as him!?"

Javelin shouted in horror.

Zero and the others said nothing.

Great, as if their lives couldn't get any worse than it can.

"Fortunately, though, we have an ally whose mission is to stop this new enemy from destroying this universe as well."

"Really?" Maddy asked, "Who?"


He said, as a figure began walking up to them.

"Normally, for the most part, Ranger teams usually consist of six Rangers. But in this case, it will be seven Power Rangers."

"Seven is a lucky number."

Shizune (Naruto) added.

Tsunade grumbled because of how luck hated her.

'So is three.'

The demigods thought to themselves.

While Dumbledore frowned as the word 'seven' reminded him of what Tom had possibly done to survive being killed.

"(M/N)" Zordon spoke to the Green Ranger, gaining his attention. "I know you have no desire to be the leader, you are more of a fighter than a leader in your view."

"Really?" Juvia blinked. "Juvia thought that being a natural born leader was something he did well."

"Not always the case in every universe." Donny spoke up. "In some, he's more suited to lead. In others, like this one, he prefers to be on the frontlines fighting."

"Plus he doesn't really like always having the responsibility to making difficult decisions. The level of control he would need to make such harsh decisions is not something he wants to carry for the rest of his life."

Those like Batman, Nick Fury, Amanda Waller (She's been silent this whole time), and many others could attest to.

The decisions they made for the safety of the world is a weight that not many people could hold.

Nodding his head, (M/N) got where he was going with this.

"That is why, to ease your burden, our new Ranger shall lead the charge with you as second in command.

The figure finally walked into the light, surprising everybody from the unexpected guest.

(Mighty Morphin White Ranger)



"This is!?"

Removing his helmet, the Power Ranger revealed himself to be:

Tommy Oliver

"Hello, my fellow Power Rangers."

Tommy smiled, amused at the shellshocked expression on his new teams' face.


"It's a pleasure to be working with you."

"And we'll take a short break here."

Zero said.

"For now." His expression turned serious. "It's best that I explain why it is not a good thing that Lord Zedd is back."

Pressing a button, the monitor made some noise as it opened up a file.


(Only the part that contains the backstory of Lord Zedd. You can watch the whole thing if you want, it's not that long the other parts of the clip.)


Soon the screen showed a stone like throne with a Z carved into it.

"Lord Zedd was known throughout the galaxy as the Emperor of Evil."

The audience, especially those that don't of Lord Zedd looked forward in interest.

As Zero said this. The throne slowly spun around as Lord Zedd showed himself. Fluid (was it blood?) could be seen going through the tubes connected to him.


Vaggie gagged.

Some agreed with her on that.

"His power was unmatched, and cruelty knew no bounds." The scene changes to Lord Zedd unleashing his power through his Z staff. "Even when there were other villains, more powerful and stronger than him, he was the one who was feared most throughout the cosmos."

"Which is probably why other villains hate him as well."

Mikey added.

"Yeah." Zero sweatdropped. "Even with villains like Master Vile, who was Rita Repulsa father, the Machine Empire, and Dark Specter, Lord Zedd was the one feared the most."

"Look." He pointed to a large rock that Lord Zedd hit with his power. "This might look like an ordinary rock, but that is actually the Rock of Time."


That...wasn't good.

Anything that dealt with time was never good.

Which was proven farther as the Earth could be seen suddenly spinning backwards as the scene changes to a classroom where the Power Rangers of that time were in.

The clock on the wall could soon be seen spinning backwards, catching the class attention.


Was all Billy Cranston got to say before he and everyone else in the class were suddenly turned into children.


"Did he just?!"

"Yes." Master Splinter nodded. "He made the Power Rangers ceased to be for a time by reversing their ages to a time where they couldn't possibly be Power Rangers."

"Thankfully, it failed." Zero said. "Otherwise, their Earth would be under his rule."

"Ayeyaiayai!" Alpha could be seen on the screen looking at the Viewing Globe with Zordon. "Zedd has transformed our Rangers into children!"

The viewing globe shows them walking out of the classroom.

"They won't even know they are the Power Rangers!"

"Damn!" A villain shouted. "That plan is ingenious!"

Other villains agreed.

Even those that had tried that kind of thing before were impressed at how it was taken to the next level.

Soon, the scene changes to a monstrous being wreaking havoc.


"What the fuck is that!?"

Godzilla and the Kaiju Girls yelled in shock.


Zero coolly said.

"Lord Zedd personal zord. A monstrous Zord under his command."

Serpentera could be seen smahing its feet onto the groud as its tail swung and smashed buildings. Right before, serpentera blasted several buildings with its lightining blast.

"Such power!"

Salem shouted in awe and fear.

"That monster power makes Ghidorah look tame!"

Megalon shouted in shock.


Unknowingly, destroying Ghidorah pride.

The Red Dragon zord, currently in battle mode, could be seen frantically trying to get up as the colossal zord towered over him.

"Now crush him!" Lord Zedd jumped from his throne in the zord. "Crush him!"

"Even the damn zord has a throne for him!?" Dabi shook his head. "Talk about being a narcist!

The Red Ranger could be seen shouting for help.

The scene changes to Lord Zedd holding a green crystal that was absorbing the Green Ranger powers.

"Look." He pointed out. "He was able to steal the original Green Ranger powers and tried to use it to create his own Power Rangers."

True to his words, Tommy Ranger form disappeared. Leaving a shocked Tommy behind.

"Now then!" Lord Zedd spoke up as he started walking. "Meet your new replacements!"

With that said, 5 new figures showed up from the cave behind him.

"Ah, yes!" Lord Zedd stood in front of them. "Meet the Dark Rangers! My Rangers!"


Lord Zedd voice echoed into the theater.

"Okay." RODK Weiss sweatdropped. "So, he's evil, tough, and terrifying, got it."

"But he had to have been defeated if he came back again."

RODK Yang said.

"So, how were they able to defeat him for good the first time?"


Everyone was silent for a moment.

"They didn't..."

Zero admitted.

"In the end, it took a great sacrifice from their mentor Zordon in order to stop him for good."

"Which also ties into your guy's questions about Zordon comment earlier."


Zero plays the screen.


People jumped at that.

That was unexpected!

Andros shouted as he was slammed against the wall by an enraged Ecliptor.

"Hurry!" Zordon could be seen. "You must destroy my energy tube!"

"Right!" Andros nodded as he was able to push back and injure Ecliptor. Sending him hitting the ground.

"Time is running out!"

Zordon warned.

"There was a time when all the major evils in the universe joined together and formed the United Alliance of Evil."

Zero gravely remembered.

"They had very nearly succeeded in taking over the universe. Even with all the Power Rangers from different planets and their allies working together, they had almost lost."


"Evil...almost won?"

All Might shook at that.

The villains and heroes were in disbelief that evil almost succeeded in conquering not just Earth, but the entire Universe as well!

"Yes." Zero sighed as the screen started playing. "Zordon knew that the only way to stop them was releasing the energy inside his tube. By doing so, he could use his sacrifice to purge all evil in the Galaxy."

"But..." Unicorn spoke up. "Wouldn't that mean?"

"Yes." Amagi gently nodded her head. "He would be gone for good."

"But his spirit, his essence." Theresa (Arknights) spoke up. "Would forever live on in all that was good."

Andros let out as a scream as he charged up his sword and struck the tube. The tube shattered as a bright light erupted from the destroyed tube.

A ring of light could be seen escaping the Dark Fortress he was trapped and racing towards all ends of the universe.

On a planet that Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa were on, they could see the wave of light coming straight at them.

"Look out Rita!"

Though it was hard to hear, Lord Zedd voice could be heard through the panic as the light could be seen heading towards them rapidly.

Rita looked in fear as she yelled. "Help me, Zeddy! Don't let it get-AAHHHHHHH!!!"

Rita screamed as she was hit by the light.

When she realized that she was still alive, she started turning around and looking in shock at what just happened.


Was the reaction that was given.

Soon after, Lord Zedd was hit by the light.

And gained a human form.


Lord Zedd looked at his hands in shock, as Rita suddenly noticed him.

Gaining a bashful look, Rita fluffed her hair back as Zedd realized that she too was alive.

Smiling, he walked towards her asking: "Wanna dance?"

Smiling, Rita took his hand as the two began dancing in front of a confused Gold Ranger.

"That's gotta be super confusing considering he probably almost just died."

Kawaki sweatdropped at that.

"Oh, yeah."

Sumire nodded as did the rest of the Boruto gang.

"Zedd was cleansed of evil."

Yang and the others stared in shock.

"Zedd...had good inside him...?"

That was shocking.

How could someone so evil still have some form of goodness inside him?

"Thanks to Zordon energy wave." Zero nodded. "Zedd reign of terror was over."

"Oh, Zordon." Ivan Ooze sighed. "Always has to get the last word."

"But...there's no way they're going to do that in their world."

Mirajane Strauss realized.

"No." Zero shook his head. "Not unless it is so bad, that they have no choice but to shatter his energy tube."

"Because let me tell you this: Yes, Lord Zedd is evil, but there still was some good inside him. It is also true of Rita Repulsa. If they were pure evil, they would have been disintegrated like a good majority of the United Alliance of Evil were."

"How his energy wave works is beyond even my understanding of the Morphin Grid. Perhaps the Morphin Masters might have more knowledge on that."


"The Morphin Masters?"

Laffey drowsily asked.

"That's for another time."

Zero simply said.

"We still have much to do."


Cleveland shouted.

"Who are the other two threats!?"


"That's a story for later."

Zero smirked.

"After all."

"Can't spoil the fun now, can we?"


Ah, if only Lord Zedd was real and could take of that problem for us. I'd be all for accepting him as our Ruler.

Have a good day/night!

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