Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 6

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(Edit 5/11/2024. Gave Joshua and the Diego(s) new pics because Seraphim updated Joshua appearance and I decided to update a couple of my OCs appearances as well)

Okay guys!

This chapter will include Seraphim (DreamSliceRulez) OCs as well as some of mine.

A quick visit to Union purgatory, a look at another path that Tempest and Will could have taken, and the fate of Union Issei 'harem'.

Oh, and insanity, weirdness, and craziness in this chapter.

And no bitching about certain things, okay?

(Looking at you Galvatronus and Evo)

Also, need to put these abbreviations so they make sense to people.

Project Vanguardians = (PV)

Shocker Rider = SR

Shocker Rider Green Ranger = SRGR

Virtuous Irene = VI

Also, unless Seraphim says or decides to, some things may or may not be canon to his story lores.

Don't own any pics unless stated. They belong to their respective creators.


"All right, before we begin the next segment. I need to bring some more people in."

Zero spoke up.


"More people?"

Lilith (HH) raised an eyebrow at that.

"Aren't we overcapacity already."

"Not really."

Zero said.


As he snapped his fingers and the theater room expanded even more.

"...How big can this theater get?"

Gajeel couldn't help but asked.

"You're asking that kind of idiotic question?"

Acnologia deadpanned as he scoffed at the youngling of a Dragon Slayer.

"Hatchling, you should have already figured it out by now that he is beyond the Gods we know of. He can make it as big as he wants."





(M/N) deadpanned as he hit Angel on the head.


Angel pouted.

Molly sweatdropped at her brother silliness.

"I've incorporated bigger on the inside technology thanks to a certain Doctor friend of mine."

Zero explained.


Those that know said.

"A fellow deity asked me to watch over them while he takes care of some things."

(We scroll back to Seraphim dimension where 'some things' involved him breakdancing)

Zero explained as he waved his hands and opened up a portal.


Came the expected shouts and screams of shock and confusion as a bunch of people fell to the ground.

"Ow!" "The Fuck!?" "Where are we!?" "Get off me!" "Who's touching my ass?!" "Nice."

Was all they could hear from the massive dogpile.



What. The. Fuck?

"Who are they?"

RODK Velvet asked.

"They don't look familiar."

She realized.

"Same." RODK Coco lowered her sunglasses for a better look. "What about you guys?"

"Nope!" "Nada!" "Nein!" "Uh-huh." "Never seen them in my life." "Don't look familiar."

While everyone was shaking their heads confirming that none of them knew who the new guests are. The new group managed to get up and unravel themselves.

"What the!?" "Guys!?" "YOU!?" "Why are there two of me?!" "What the hell?!"


A teen shouted at a tall, muscular male.


"Well, well."

The man deep voice chuckled.

"If it isn't little Ethan Kalder."

(Ethan Kalder/Bravestorm)

He smirked at the black haired, blue eyed teen direction.

"What a surprise to see you here."

"I wish I could say the same!"

Ethan growled as he looked at the man with anger and hate.

"Is this your doing!?"

A dark skinned girl angrily glared as she tensed up.

"Oh, Rachel."

He smirked evilly.

"As powerful as I am, why would I have revealed myself at this point in time when I'm in the process of gathering my new army?"

(Rachel Fairchild/Forcewave)

The black haired, hazel eyed girl gritted her teeth as a red haired boy grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Take it easy, Rachel, you know he's just doing this to get under our skin."

The boy said.

"I know, Joshua."

(Joshua Santiago/Vitalito)

She spoke to the dark red haired, pale blue eyed boy in frustration.

"But this bastard is asking for it!"


A cold voice laced with ice sensually laughed.

"Poor little heroes."

The female voice spoke up in a tauntingly manner.

Causing them and everyone else to look at.


A beautiful white haired, blue eyed woman looking at them with malice and superiority.

"So, confused and so eager to pick a fight..."

"It's almost laughable."

She laughed again.

"WHO are YOU?"

A brown haired boy that bore an interesting resemblance to Anakin Skywalker coolly asked her.


The woman chuckled again.

"You really don't recognize me?"

She asked.



He shook his head.

"I thought I left a rather memorable impression on you children, Henry Lazarus of the Lazarus Family."

(Henry Lazarus/Hexmaker)


That caused the light browned hair, dark grey eyed boy eyes to widen in shock. Because the way she said it indicated she knew more than just the surface level.


A white haired girl glared at the woman blue eyes with her lilac eyes.

(Alice Aveline/Arisa/Riftstar)

"Oh, Alice." The woman shook her head as her blue eyes made contact with Alice lilac eyes. "Am I really that unrecognizable?"


A brown haired, green eyed teen frowned as he stared at her.

"You are."

"Oh, Diego!"


'How did she?!'

The now named Diego and the girl he was with both thought to themselves.

"You might not know me."

She coolly smirked.

"But I know each and every one of you."


"But to properly introduce myself."

"I am Kara Smythe!"

She shouted as she transformed into a VERY familiar appearance.

(Kara Smythe/Kismet)

"But known to you, my dear Vanguardians, as Kismet!!"



Here glares were sent at her direction as the Vanguardians/Avenging Angels (does it matter, Seraphim?) glared at the time traveling villainous!

"You're alive as well!?"

Alice glowered at her.

"Do you really think you would have killed us off that easily?"

Kismet smirked.


Ethan shouted.

"You call the Great Horizon War easy!?"

"But of course!"

Dystopian scoffed.

"You may have won that battle, but the war...Ohhhhhh. The war is far from over!"

He taunted.

"Then I'll make sure you stay dead this time."

Ethan growled as he and the rest got into their fighting positions.


"Hey, hey! They're not serious right!?"

Homura nervously asked.

"They're not really going to fight, are they?"

"I think they are!"

Bix shouted.

"Take cover!"

And they did. While this was happening the Vanguardians, and the two villains were now at a stand off.

Neither making a move as to not give the other an opening.

Dystopian and Kismet had taunting smirks on their faces which incensed the Vanguardians but they did not fall for the taunt.



Rachel foot shifted on the ground.


Which was the trigger as they started to charge.



They were suddenly flung backwards.

"Gah!?" "What the!?" "Who!?" "This is!?"


A new female voice shouted which caught their attention.

Ethan eyes widened as he recognized that voice.

Turning he saw.

A red-brown haired, golden eyed female.


He shouted in shock!

(Grace Moon/Forcer User/Jedi Master)

(Made with NovelAi)

"Hello, Ethan."

Grace smiled.

"I see you guys are still trying to rip each other's heads off."

The girl sweatdropped.

"Oh, come on Grace!"

Ethan shouted.

"You know quite well that he's evil and deserves death!"

"Or have you forgotten all the death and destruction he and his damn army have caused!?"

"I haven't forgotten, Ethan."

Grace sighed.

"But in case, you haven't noticed dear older brother."


What did she just say?

"We are currently in an unknown location with everybody staring at us like we're a bunch of escaped lunatics from the insane asylum!"


Turning, they saw the mentioned people.

Some meeped at being brought into the spotlight.

"So, can we PLEASE try to be civilized until we can get out of here?"




The groups were silent as the other members that were brought in but not involved just sweatdropped.

'Oy vey.'

They thought to themselves as they saw that they were stubborn.


Henry grunted.

"Fine!" He said. "I suppose you have a choice."

He conceded as he stand down, Just waiting to see what his team and his leader would do.

"...Ugh!" Rachel groaned. "Fine!"

"Very well." "Fiiiiiine..."


Now it was just Ethan, Dystopian, and Kismet.


Grace groaned.


"Don't bother, dear." Kismet chuckled. "The only this will end is if someone dies-"

"Kara, please."

A new voice groaned.

Kismet pouted behind her mask as she took it off looking at the male who spoke up.

"All right, all right. Fine."

Kismet conceded defeat.

"I'll stop for you, dear."



The Vanguardians yelled in pure shock.

Kismet has a love life!?

The psycho bitch who is intent on destroying the timelines and subjugating all too her will has a love life!?

The man sighed.

"Thank you."

He said.

"But I will be extracting my price once we are alone."

She purred out that last part.


'Oh, GOD!!' Aizawa and several others thought. 'It's another MIDNIGHT!!'

Why did Midnight feel like breaking every bone in her friends' bodies right now?

"...Who are you?"

A blonde haired, sea-green eyed girl, who was standing asked.

"And how do you know Diego?"

She asked Kismet.

"And why am I seeing double?"

She asked as she noticed she had a lookalike, who flinched for some reason. Along with someone who looked like Diego but had a prosthetic left arm, whose hand was resting on the hilt of a katana.


Albel Nox thought to himself as he looked at the teen next to the other girl.

'He feels similar to me. Is he perhaps someone who is basically me but an entirely different person as well?'


The teen scoffed as he stared at the crowd before him.

"What are you looking at, fools?"

'...Yeah, he's definitely something of a variant of Albel and this Diego person.'

The Star Ocean cast thought to themselves after hearing that.

Albel just chuckled.

Yep! This was a mixed variant of himself and this Diego person. Has Diego looks, but Albel personality.


The Star Ocean cast could feel a headache coming on.

Now they gotta deal with an angry teenage Albel variant!

"Take it easy."

Diego calmly said, staring at his lookalike with caution.

One wrong move and he could have his head rolling.

He liked his head where it was at the moment.

"We don't know either."


His lookalike scoffed.

"I swear if it is those accursed maggots that responsible for this then I will finish off what Irene started and make sure they are dead."


His ice cold tone book no arguments on that.

"You too, huh?"

Rachel said as she looked at them.

"You know who I'm/he's talking about?"

The two said in surprise.

"Sadly, we do."

Alice sighed.

"Union and it's 'shining stars'."

Alice coldly said.

"Now that we have calm down, I think we know something that this situation."

She stated.


The slightly shy girl by the male asked.


'Why is she so timid/shy/guarded?'

Many thought to themselves. Especially Diego and his friend.

"Yes." Henry eyes narrowed. "If we have to guess, I would say we are in another universe."



Was the expected reaction.

"She's not lying."

Joshua said.

"We've been on this rodeo before, so we can tell the signs?"

He added.



The swordsman frowned as his prosthetic hand seemed to ease up.



The silence was stifling as Ethan was still glaring at a smirking Dystopian. Grace ready her lightsaber at a moment notice.

"...Who are you?"

He asked.

"Henry." "Rachel." "Joshua." "Alice." Grace."

They introduced themselves.

"The two over there are Ethan and Dystopian." Grace sweatdropped. "Don't worry about them, there is a lot of conflict between them and for good reason."

"Really?" The girl asked. "Why?"

"Well...besides being one of the most dangerous villains in existence?"

Grace rhetorically asked.

"He's also the man who killed our adoptive father after one of his...'friends'."

Here Grace calm expression suddenly changed into a venomous one as anger and hate could be seen flickering in her golden orbs.

"Betrayed him and those that were his friends once for power."

Sirius and Remus twitched at that. Remembering that traitorous rat they had once called friend.

"But the more we learned about his history." Grace shuddered. "The more we learned that he was a monster even at such a young age."

"He might have covered it up well, but the Force reveals all."

This got the Jedi and Sith attention.

She could use the Force?


"And the imprints left behind." She shuddered as she rubbed herself, trying to work off the chill. "They told such a terrifying story."

"Dystopian was bad, but that man...that man was much, much worse."

Some were confused on who she was talking about.

But just the mere mention of that man was enough to get Ethan to back down as he remembered the death of his beloved fiancé, Naomi Mizuhara. Not only did that bastard Caleb Petrelli killed his girlfriend but also his unborn child!

Oh, how Ethan enjoyed beating that bastard to an inch of his life before killing the bastard once and for all!


Realization suddenly hit Ethan like an Isekai truck!

'If Dystopian and Kismet are alive again...!!'

"Don't tell me..."

Ethan eyes widened as realization hit him.


"Big brother?"

Grace looked at him worried.

"Is something wrong?"

Henry asked, a little worried about Ethan sudden reaction.

"...If Dystopian and Kismet are alive again."

Ethan slowly said.

"Then HE is most likely alive."


"You mean!?"

Alice tried to say something but couldn't.

"Caleb Petrelli." Ethan growled. "Formerly Wildcard but now nothing but a traitor and a murderer."


"He's possibly alive!?" "That fucker can't stay dead can he?!" "UGH! He is so dead if I ever see him!"

"Well. Well. Well."

Dystopian mused.

"What an interesting turn of events."

"Shut up, Dystopian. I'll deal with you later."

Ethan snarled.

"What's wrong?"

Dystopian had a look on his face. One that set Grace off as she realized.

'Oh, no!'

"Are you mad that I killed your father: Martin Kennedy?" He asked. "Are you mad that I destroyed the world you loved? Are you mad that I seduce your sister and claimed her as mine?"

"Of course I'm mad that you killed my father you fucking...wait..."


Ethan yelled as the last question finally registered in his mind.


"No." "Yes."

Grace and Dystopian said simultaneously.

"He thinks we are." "She enjoys them."

Ethan looked like he was about to explode while the other Vanguardians were about to eviscerate him.

"He tried to force me to develop Stockholm Syndrome, but it didn't work and no. He hasn't taken my virginity."

"She definitely wants me."

Once again, Grace and Dystopian spoke simultaneously.

The unnamed cast and the other casts just sweatdropped at that.

"...I don't want to be that guy to point it out."

Moxxie whispered.

"But isn't he a little too old for her?"


"Holy shit, you're right!"

Blitzo whispered yelled.

"She looks like a teen, and he looks like an adult!"

"This is some good research materials."

A random artist said.

"But isn't that...illegal?"

Yuki asked.

"I mean he's older than her!"



"...If we're going by that logic."

(M/N) sweatdropped.

"Then I shouldn't be even having a relationship with Charlie, Vaggie, Carmilla, and any other girls who are interested in me because they are way older than I am."


"And there's my counterpart."

He added.

"If we apply that logic, then he shouldn't be dating Godzilla or the older Kaiju because they are technically older than he is and could considered a bunch of cougars."


"Or that technically what Gudao, Gudako, and Ritsuka are doing with their servants and mana transfer should be technically illegal since they are minors still, even if they are in their mid teens."


"And let's not go into the fics on those fanfic sites." (M/N) said. "Because then, a massive amount of fics would be removed because of the age difference."

"...Forget we ever had a problem with this?"

Charlie raised her hand.

"What problem?" "There's a problem?" "I was just watching the show, so I didn't listen. What's going on?"

...There's her answer.

"Stop seducing my sister, you pervert!"

Ethan shouted as he stood protectively in front of his sister.

Grace rolled her eyes at Ethan protectiveness. He was always like this. She remembered when Dad adopted her shortly after he adopted Ethan.

Ethan developed a protective older brother complex.

"But she enjoys our romantic dates!"

Dystopian protested, amused at Ethan reactions.

"Your idea of 'dates' involve you kidnapping me and making watch you burn a damn city to the ground."

Grace gave him a deadpanned glare.

"You like it."

He said.

"Me running away says otherwise."

She deadpanned.

"You only escape because I like seeing that fine ass in motion."

"Stop perving on my sister, you old freak!"

Ethan twitched.

"She's barely legal!"

"Did you forget the special rule back in our world?"

Dystopian asked.

"You know, the one that says the law recognizes you as an adult once you completed certain requirements and passed the tests? Even though she's 17, she passed and is legally an adult like you and your little gang."


"You took the test!?"

Ethan shouted.

"You needed the help."

Grace deadpanned.

"Passing those tests was a quick way to become a hero and help fight in the damn war."

Grace deadpanned.


Here she turned away.

"He protected me from Caleb."



That caught them off guard.

Why would Dystopian protect her from his ally?!

"You say I'm bad for wanting her?"

Dystopian looked at them.

"At least I didn't try to force myself on her."



A dark, menacing, bloodthirsty aura covered the theater.


Ethan roared in anger!

Rachel, Alice, Henry, and Joshua also held looks of pure anger on their faces.

Just when they thought that traitorous bastard could not go ANY further.

Kismet frowned.

While she was a villain, especially since her goals were not all that benevolent. Even she was disgusted at what that pathetic worm tried to do.

THAT was a line that she herself wouldn't cross.

Certain people (like Artemis for example) were enraged to hear such a thing happened! It reminded them of Union original timeline!

But their fury paled in comparison to Ethan and his friends fury.

"He wanted to make you suffer."

Grace turned to the side.

"All because your father was an infamous villain once."


'His biological father was a villain!?'

The heroes and villains thought in shock to themselves as they looked at Ethan.

He didn't give a vibe that he was even related to a villain!

"He decided he wanted to rub extra salt to the wound and went after me."

Grace frowned as she remembered how he disabled her ability to use the Force by using cheap/dirty tricks to get her to lower her guard.

"He almost succeeded if Dystopian hadn't been looking for him and arrived just in time."

Here, the villain turned his head.

"I'm evil. No doubt about that."

Dystopian proudly admitted.

"I have done so many things that you heroes would find unforgivable. Killed countless people, tortured for my amusement, prolonged their suffering."

"...But even I have my boundaries and that was a big NO in my book."

Dystopian frowned.

"I see no satisfaction or pleasure in forcing myself on somebody. So, I taught him a lesson that he wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon."

The dark tone in his voice sent chills down their spines.



Ethan started to say something.

"Th-Tha-Thank y-you for sa-saving m-my sister from that bastard."

Ethan managed to swallow his pride long enough to thank Dystopian (of all people!) for protecting his sister.


Dystopian smirked, at Ethan face looking constipated as he thanked his enemy.

"Does that mean-"

"Over my dead body."

Ethan deadpanned.

It would be a cold day in hell before he agreed to that.


"Of all people, though." Rachel looked Grace in the eye. "Why him?"

"...Look." Grace said. "It was either him or the 'future heroes' of Union Academy in our new world."

"I would rather be gangbanged by a bunch of monster boys, humanoid or anthro, in a mythical monster fantasy world. Or be a part of a tentacle hentai, then to be a part of that wannabe 'Red Dragon Emperor Harem King' harem."

Here, the girl next to the swordsman flinched.

Which worried many as they could easily connect the dots that Issei Hyoudou existed in their worlds...and sadly was not like RODK Issei.

'Aw, man!'

RODK Issei sighed.

Was he the only sane Issei Hyoudou in the multiverse, or were they just unlucky to get the short end of the stick?

"Or that Pomeranian/chihuahua mixed abomination loudmouth egotistic shithead."

She added.

"Or that perverted grape bastard! How he's in the Heroes Course can only be explained by corruption, arrogance, discrimination, prejudice."

Grace shuddered.

"Those fucking bastards think they can get away with what they please? Hah! I taught them a lesson when they thought they could try to cop a feel on me."


"They what?!"

Ethan overprotective big brother mode had activated and reached the final level.

"Those bastards are really pushing it!"


Realization hit him again.

"You've been in Union this entire time?!"


Grace cautiously said.

"All this time..." Ethan started laughing. "All this time and I didn't even notice you there? All the times I have been there."

"What a fucking joke!"

He shouted, startling people.

"How the hell did you survive there?"

Alice asked in shock.

"Didn't you have to deal with that fake bitch Weiss and those fucking weakass simps?"

...Of course.

If one is bad, then it's almost a guarantee that almost all of them are bad.

"You too, huh?"

Grace realized.

"Let me guess, she's envious that you have a bigger chest then hers?"

"Hell, yeah she is!"

Rachel shouted.

"Flat chest bitch is jealous that she'll never get these amazing girls!"

Rachel and Alice pointed at their well-endowed chests.


Grace nodded.

"Little miss 'I'm going to be a great huntress and not be like my father. And I'll change my company and make it great again' Hypocrite Schnee. The only thing big about her is her damn ego."

RODK/Union Weiss flinched at that.

Because there was truth in those words.

They did have a big ego whether they liked to admit it or not.

"And let's not get into Belladumbass and miss 'destroy everything in sight'."


Obviously, they weren't great people there either.

What was wrong with them?

No seriously. Why were they such bullies when, when one thinks about it, they had no reason to be bullies.

It was baffling.

"And let's not get into those fakes like Homelander and his ilk."

Grace scowled as did the others who knew them.


"Do you think Angelic weapons can hurt those fake angels and devils."

Carmilla asked Zestial.

"That remains to be seen, Carmilla my dear."

The Overlord said to his friend.

"But it is a most enticing invitation."

He added.

Because no one could ignore how messed up those people were.

"As interesting as this is we still have a problem."

The male that Kismet seemed to be awfully fond of, if her purring and cuddling actions didn't say enough, spoke up.

'...Why does he look like me, but older?'

Diego and the other lookalike thought to themselves.

"We still need to figure out where we are."

He said.

...Oh, right.

"Where are we?"

Ethan asked again, deciding to deal with the psychopath later.

"Looks like...a theater?"

A dark haired boy frowned as he looked around.

"For what reason are we here?"

A stylish teen with dark brown hair frowned.

And why couldn't he summon the Horrors.

"I swear!"

Rachel snarled.

"If this is the work of those bastards then they can forget whatever agreement we have. I'm killing them!"

"Oh, please!" Henry scoffed. "As if those assholes are capable of achieving such a feat!"

"Well...Maybe it's the doing of somebody else?"

Joshua quietly suggested.

"That's a good point Joshua."

Alice agreed.

"Maybe we should that ask the people who have been staring at us?"

Diego pointed his finger to the cast.

...Which in hindsight probably wasn't a good idea due to tempers running high after their little reunion with some of the last people they wanted to see.

Taking a look around they saw...


Some people that they were unfortunately familiar with.

Namely: Issei, Rias, Blake, Weiss, the Spear/Sword/Bow heroes, Malty, Ironwood, certain teachers, Bakugou (Though they didn't realize this was a female version), Mineta, Rias, Xenovia, Shinji Matou.


Rachel roared as she lunged at them.

"You got a lot of nerve kidnapping us!!"

"Guess, I was wrong." Henry glared. "Hope you're ready to die."


His power bursting from his body.


Ethan groaned.

"You guys never learn, do you?"


"You made a big mistake in pulling this stunt, Weiss and 'heroes'."

Alice snarled as she glared at Weiss and the others.

Startling them with how pissed she was at just seeing them.


Joshua coldly said.


"They don't have a good relationship with them, do they?"

Diego asked, as he looked at the girl beside him.

"Apparently not."

The girl said.

"Ane neither do our counterparts it would seem."

And it was true.

Their counterparts were looking at certain people with disgust and anger.

"What about you guys?"

The girl asked two more individuals that had been quiet.

"I think you're mistaking us for our counterparts in your dimension."

The black haired one said.


She said as they all turned to look at what was about to happen.



The target of their ire shouted in shock as the newcomers charged straight at them.

Completely caught off guard from their sudden aggression.

But before the quintet could get even close to them.

*Breath* *Breath* *Breath*



They screamed as they found themselves halted in midair.

"What is going on!?"

Rachel screamed as she tried to break free.

Only for the pressure to tighten as she now started to feel her throat being lately crushed.

The same could be said for the others.

"Why can't we move!?"

Alice shouted in frustration.

None of them could break free!

"Why does this feel like Grace?!"

Ethan asked in shock.

This feeling felt like when his sister used the Force on him.

*Breath* *Breath*


Darth Vader voice got their attention, snapping them out of their rage induced states.

"This petty foolishness is not why you were brought here." He continued. "Now calm down, and we will explain."

Begrudgingly obeying, the five soon calmed down as they were put back on the ground.

Though Vader did not let go of his hold on them, just in case they tried to attack again.

"Such anger." Palpatine murmured, impressed before shaking his head. "Too bad it is poorly used."


That comment pissed them off.

"Why are we here?"

Ethan asked.

"And why did THEY."

He pointed at Kismet and Dystopian.

"Have to be here as well?"


"You are here because a friend of mine asked me to watch over you."

Zero glared at them, arms crossed, annoyed that they nearly wreaked havoc in his theater.

"And WHO?" Rachel sarcastically asked. "Are YOU?"

That...was a bad move.


"Watch your tone, child." Zero warned. His bloodthirsty aura that he kept sealed bursting freely from him.

Causing the entire theater to shake and the casts to tremble.

"I can easily end your life without batting an eye." He continued. "I know of your pasts."


That got their attention.

"And I know why you reacted in such a way." He added. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to just let you talk to me or anyone here who doesn't deserve it in that tone."


He calmly asked.

"...Yes." The girl squeaked.

Zero sighed as he stopped emitting his killer intent.


He said as he stared at them.

'So...these are dad students, huh?' Zero thought to himself. 'They have a lot to figure out before they find what they are looking for.'

Which was ironic to him considering what some of them have went through.

Shaking his head, he spoke up.

"Let's get to the part where I tell you what's going on."

"First: I'm a God."


They asked with a deadpanned look on their faces.

Did they just get kidnapped by a lunatic with a god complex?



"I heard that."

Zero deadpanned, scaring them since he was reading their minds.

"Second." He continued. "You're in another universe."


-French Narrator: One explanation later-

"...I see."

The unnamed browned haired, dark eyed male said

"We are in another universe, and not just another universe, but another MULTIVERSE."

"That is correct."

Zero said.

"You are a literal, genuine God."

A white haired male finally spoke up.

"And so, is apparently the one that takes care of our Multiverse."

"Glad you guys are starting to get it."

Zero nodded.

"There are others in the audience who are Gods as well."


They turned to look at them.


Beerus simply said as he lounged in his chair.

'Wonder if he'll let me take this home?'

The God of Destruction thought to himself.

It was comfy as hell!

"And there are other Gods in the Multiverse like me that exist on a higher plane of existence."

"And THEY."

Here one of them pointed to certain members of RODK cast and Union.

"Are alternate versions of those bastards and others who have taken a different path in their world?"

"For some." RODK Issei crossed his arms, with a smug look on his face. "It took a little bit of a beating to get the message through."

"Freaking masochists."

Malty muttered under her breath.


The former bullies and Velvet screamed.

Causing the new groups to wonder what the heck was Velvet talking about?

"And we're watching a figure that can make the difference in the fate of the world?"

Was the next question asked.

"Yes." Ei nodded. "(M/N) (L/N). Male, or female, they can make all the difference in the world. As hard as it is to believe."

The white haired male just stared, caught off guard.


Because he had never expected to run into an alternate version of Ei. It was weird because he was used to the Ei he knew being lovey dovey with the Taeho from his universe.

This one wasn't lovey dovey but was still affectionate with Zero.

'Weird how things can be different in the multiverse.'

He thought to himself.

"In some worlds." Master Splinter spoke up. "He has gone through as much hell as some of you have combined."


"That's..." They resisted the urge to vomit. "That's fucked up!"

It was hard enough for each of them to go through with what they went though individually. But for one person to go through all of what they have?

"How is he still sane?"

One asked.

"Who knows?" Zero shrugged. "It's fifty/fifty."


"In some worlds." Adray spoke up. "He manages to live a normal life despite all the hell he went through, in others, he fellows a quest of vengeance...and in some..."

"He becomes the very thing they fear and becomes the greatest threat that cannot be overcome."

Maria Traydor spoke up.


"It all depends on the environment and how he is raised I suppose."

Zero sighed.

"But (M/N) has lived many different lives throughout the Multiverse. Each version of him is unique and the path they take makes things quite interesting."

"In this universe we're watching...well, a majority of people here don't exist there."


"In worlds like this one." He pointed to the screen. "These guys exist through tv shows, anime, manga, books, movies, cartoons, video games, you get the picture."

"What is in this universe: is the Kaiju Girls, Power Rangers and Jackie Chan Adventures."

"...Sounds like an interesting experience."

Rachel reluctantly said.

'Geez.' She thought to herself. 'How can someone have such miserable luck?'

"Still..." Grace decided to speak up. "Why are we here? Besides showing us the Multiverse?"

"It feels a little out of pocket for you to just randomly drag us here."

"Oh, that's easy to explain."

Ei smiled.

"The God that oversees your universe among the many he watches."

Zero started to explain.


'So, that's the God that rules our Multiverse name?'

They thought to themselves.

"Asked me to watch you guys for a while due to some...idiots trying to mess with your universe."


One of them slowly opened their mouths.


Zero simply said.

"You honestly don't want to know."

...They kind of do. But they weren't going to test their luck at the moment.


"Also." He added. "He wanted me to show you that not all of Union are bad and corrupted. And that certain individuals are not scum of the earth."

"Not sure if I believe that."

One of them said.

Zero sweatdrop but couldn't blame them.

"After all."

Here, he pointed to several people from RODK and Union.

"They were able to change. Even if it took them a while to understand that the world does not revolve around them."

"And after what happened with...HIM." Union Rias spat out. "We finally found out their real colors."



That was unexpected.

"There was another version of Issei, Bakugou, Mineta, and several other people here." Zero sighed. "Unfortunately..."

...Oh, how was he going to explain that?

Thankfully, he didn't have to.

"There crimes were unforgivable!" The Shredder yelled. "They make me, a warmongering mastermind, who had caused chaos and destruction look like nothing but a cute puppy!"

"And I have been known to be a ruthless monster feared back in my universe!"

"Same." Palpatine nodded. "I have done many unforgiveable things as Emperor of a Galactic Empire and Master of the Sith. And my actions paled in comparison to them."

"I have mercilessly killed many in cold anger." Darth Vader said. "But if the Rebellion were to see what they had done, I would be pardoned."

"I was the supreme ruler of the foulest empire in my universe!" Ivan Ooze spoke next. "And even I paled in comparison to them."

"Some of us have almost destroyed the world in our own universes." Sukuna spoke up. "And even we could not believe their depraved atrocities."

"For heroes." Batman coldly spoke up. "They never seemed to understand what the word means."

"And I thought I was bad." Bakugou Katsumi shook her head. "Sure, I became a bitch because of how praiseworthy my quirk and how conceited I became. But even though I had stupidly told (M/N) and Deku to kill themselves, I've never went that far to actually kill or do what my selfish counterpart did."

Here, the group did a double take once they had gotten a closer look at her.


They shouted in shock.

Twitching, Katsumi shouted:

"NO! I'M SECRETLY A DRAG QUEEN IN DISGUISE!" She yelled. "Of course, I'm a girl you idiots!"

"...Yeah." They deadpanned. "There's the Bakashit we know."


Katsumi ended the conversation there.

She couldn't blame them for their attitude towards her.

It was obvious that in most universes, her counterpart tended to be an ass.

"So...what happened to them?"

One asked.


Zero closed his eyes as he projected an astral form of himself and flew into the universe, he sent them.



"That's it you little shit...cry!!"

One of the torturers evilly said.

"Scream. Because no one will save you!"


Issei nonexistent nuts exploded once more as they were crushed.

His body stripped of skin as his fleshy insides were exposed.

One of the Gods literally pouring salt and lemon into the wounds.


Union Issei cried like the little bitch he is. As he was subjected to unimaginable torture.

Union Bakugou was in agony as his bones were being crushed, dislocated, and broken.

A spiky object wedged deep in his ass.

One of his eyes hanging as it was dissected.

Parts of him mutilated in slow, agonizing ways.

Union Mineta was being ripped apart by a bunch of demonic, feral beasts that some of the Gods kept as their pets.

While also being forced to watch a screen, crying tears of blood because of the smoking hot women being pounded into oblivion by handsome guys. His mind screaming at the 'betrayal' because in his delusional mind, they were HIS harem that was being stolen away from him.

What a deluded dumbass.

And also some things that Zero did not want to mention because even he was stunned at the brutal torture the torturers were inflicting upon them and several other Union bullies and perverts that did not change.

The worst (Or best in the Gods view) part? They were still cursed with immortality so no matter how much they wished...they would never die.

Doomed to forever suffer an eternity of suffering and despair.


'...They really went to ham on these guys.'

Zero wasn't fazed too much by this.

His father was Doom Slayer after all, and he spent a good amount of his youth in Hell. Dealing with some very ugly as hell demons that had a hate boner for his dad and his bloodline.

Plus...he was more scared of Tempest when he goes to his therapy sessions with Aku.


...Because for some reason people think he's a teddy bear and use him as their therapy bear.

That terrified him the most.

Tempest was still the Red Devil no matter how much he changed.

Threaten his loved ones and he will not hesitate to unleash the Red Devil upon you.

It did scare him at times because he was afraid that Tempest would revert back to his old self due to relieving his memories of that time.

He had a lot of baggage.

'But still...' Zero thought to himself. 'Why do they keep saying I having a relaxing presence?'

He never could find that out. He was calm yes, but he doubted that he had a relaxing presence.

'Then again...' Zero realized something. 'There was that universe I saw while scanning the Multiverse that one time.'

A universe where Tempest was still the Red Devil from the time he became the Red Devil even to the present day.

That was surprising to see an alternate version of Tempest still the Red Devil and wreaking havoc wherever he went.

His aura, corrupting and twisted. Threatening to devour all who dared to face him. Even the alternate versions of the other Author Gods/Guardians couldn't defeat him. At most, they were able to repel him.

'Just shows how powerful he truly is.'

Zero thought to himself.

Of course, what was even more surprising was his counterpart in that universe.


His female self.

That was a shock to be sure.

A counterpart of him existing in a universe where another Multiverse God existed?

But it was from watching their interactions that he learned something about himself.

During one Temp...perhaps it's better to separate the two. They have lived different lives after all. During one of the Red Devil rampages against those that had dared to control him. And his lust for death and destruction.

He had unintentionally run into Sapphire.

The girl was just simply wandering from world to world, on the search for what, she herself did not know. Nor did she actually care.

After accidentally running into the Red Devil, and surprising him by not knowing who he is. She simply went her own way, while the Red Devil? He was confused and he wasn't alone.

It confused both the Red Devil and Zero. But Zero noticed that his female self had a look of apathy? No that wasn't right. She just had a black expression. ...No, it wasn't that either.

A kuudere? Where she doesn't show emotions on the outside, but keeps them on the inside?

(Think Acheron from Star Rail with the expression thing. She is kind of expressionless in the game)

Whatever the case, the Red Devil, for the first time in who knows how long, had a new goal in mind.

He stalked after her for who knows how long before kidnapping her and trapping his home.

Zero sweatdropped at that.

Why, one might ask?

...Because Sapphire could not be corrupted by his dark, malicious aura.

It was a shock to the Red Devil that there was someone who was not affected by him.

Her power: Light.

But not the normal definition of light. This particular power type of the element of Light was very different than other beings who could wield that element.

They could be corrupted; she couldn't be corrupted.

Primordial Light? Sapphire had wondered.

Jewel of Light?

She could create jewel like structures made of Light and could combine them with other jewels, like Ruby, for interesting reactions.

The Red Devil grew an obsession with her and had tried his best to corrupt, taint, or twist her. Greedily drinking her light. Failing as she never seemed to run out, nor ever had her mind corrupted.

That had been the time that Zero realized that he too possessed the same power of Light.

'Explains why Aku aura could not corrupt me.'

Was the thought of the time.

And after having done some research, he came to the conclusion that their mom Pneuma (in both universes) was likely the cause for them inheriting that power.

Obsession turned to possessiveness as he soon fell into a rather twisted version of love for her.

Sapphire...did not resist. Whether it was because she developed what humans called: Stockholm Syndrome. Or because she saw something that he refused to see. Or that she might have found what she had been searching for, nobody knew the exact reason.

Only that she managed to somehow bring back his sanity and returned a shred of his old self back to him.

Maybe a gentle loving touch was all he needed.

Of course, this had attracted the attention of certain evil organizations and people wanting revenge against him to kidnap her and use her as blackmail.

What they didn't expect was that despite her seemingly docile, gentle appearance and personality.

Laid a dangerous, powerful being who could fight and would not hesitate to kill. Not to mention that her power of Light created an impenetrable barrier that stopped any kidnapper from trying to enact vengeance against the Red Devil.

'Idiots...' Zero thought to himself. 'That would only serve to make an even worse Red Devil appear.'

The idiots didn't last long. Whether from Sapphire or the Red Devil hand, they all perished.

'And with time.' Zero thought to himself. 'He became Tempest again...or something close to Tempest.'

The Red Devil wasn't going to change THAT much.

It was interesting to note that he would eventually find the alternate versions of his wives in that dimension.

...Although, even though he did eventually accept the offer to become a Guardian, there was still tension between him and the other guardians. The Red Devil was a walking embodiment of wrath, anger, destruction, death.

He did not really take to being some soft hearted being. Although he did somehow become friends with Will and the others.'

'Amazing. How one simple thing changes and everything goes off the rails.'

Zero thought.

Remembering after seeing that universe that he decided to take a look in how different another God path could be.

...The next one was Will.

In this alternate universe of him. He went ballistic after Echo died. More so than the Will, he and the others knew.

This version of Will...ruled his universe with a reign of terror and despair.

If he couldn't have his love, then the universe must suffer the consequences.


'Why his idiot father thought it was a smart idea to test his son in that way. I'll never know.'

Zero thought to himself.

'And sending Bino? Overkill if you ask me.'


His thoughts were cut short as he looked over to see other bullies like Union SSSN and others being tortured as they were forced to watch some of the most horrifying shows ever to exist.

Shows like Boku no Pico, the Velma show, Planet Sheen, The Proud Family Reboot, and many more cringy, so-called diverse shows that really is more about spreading hate than acceptance. Yaoi ships between them.

Oh, and also certain Disney live remakes of beloved Disney characters/movies.

As for the girls?

Looking at a portal he saw, to his surprise.

"...Holy shit, dude..."

He said as he looked in surprise at the scene before.

That Issei so called 'harem' were now living happy lives with their monster husbands.

'They broke that easily?' Zero thought to himself. 'So much for being loyal.'

Suddenly a weird thought came to his mind.

'But what if they were already broken with how stupidly loyal they were to that filth.' He thought to himself. 'What if the monster dimension 'broke them into being unbroken?'

...Yeah, that was a weird thought. But honestly, with how bullheaded they were with defending Union Issei and not even batting an eye over his crimes. Perhaps they were broken the moment they joined Union Issei 'harem'.

Apparently breaking their minds a second time actually repaired their minds and their self respect.

Then again, this version of Issei didn't deserve them. And it proved it by how deeply in love the girls are with their respective lover.

'Well, I guess it helps that these particular monsters are not the ugly ones.' Zero thought to himself. 'These ones are actually the good looking ones with muscles that don't look out of place.'

And again, it seemed they broke in the way that they broke out of whatever spell Union Issei had them under.

'But why do they have kids, already?' He thought to himself before realizing. 'Oh, right! Time moves differently in other universes.'

Yep! Issei harem had kids with their monster lovers. Koneko finally hit her growth spurt and had grown into a mature woman.

Xenovia got that dragon baby she wanted with a dragon monster boy. A genuine smile on her face as she looked at her husband with pure love.

Asia seemed to have gotten her boobs bigger (Freaking magic) like she wanted (Weird girl) and was now happily married to a handsome Orc.

Irina blushing as her monster husband talked dirty to her.

Akeno...was in a poly relationship which didn't surprise him because the girl was kinky as hell and apparently needed more than one monster husband to satisfy her desires.

But yeah, there was actual love in her eyes despite being pounded into submission.


Union Issei screamed with tears of blood as he was forced to watch his 'harem' fall in love with someone that wasn't him.

And could offer far more than what he could ever have to offer.

Hear that?

That was the sweet sound of karma.


Zero scoffed.

He wasted enough time here.


"They are suffering the wrath of the Gods."

Zero smiled as he returned.

Scaring them with how malicious it looked on him.

"Now before we began."

"Introduce yourselves."



They said.

"I'm Ethan Kalder. Bravestorm."

The leader introduced herself.

"Rachel Fairchild. Forcewave."

"Henry Lazarus. Hexmaker."

"Alice Aveline. Riftstar."

"Joshua Santiago. Vitalito."

The group introduced themselves before the cast turned to the others.

"Grace Moon."

The girl introduced herself.

"I wield the power of the Force and just go by Jedi."

"Don't ask."

She added.


The villain said.

"You should already know I'm not one of the good guys."

That's for sure. His aura said it all.

"Kara Smythe. Kismet."

The villainous said, smirking.

Some shivered at the alluring smile. Behind it was a monster, they were sure of it!

Her lover/doomed boyfriend just sighed as he ran a tan hand though his hair.

"Let's get this out of the way."

The brown haired, green eyed male groaned

"My name is Diego Cross."

(Diego Cross (Project Vanguardians version))

(Made with NovelAI)



The other Diego shouted as the dots finally connected.

"You're me...but older?!"

The teen said as he looked at the older version of himself.


"...Nice to know I still look good in the future."

He said, before turning to the others.

"Sup!" HE greeted. "Just as you heard before, I'm Diego Cross as well!"

(Diego Cross (Shocker Rider version))

(Made with NovelAI)


"There's two of them!?"

Someone shouted.

"Three, if you include me as well."

The other Diego deadpanned.

"Names Diego Nox."

"...This is getting out of hand. Now there's three of them."

(M/N) sweatdropped.

"My turn."

The blond haired girl next to Diego (SR) said, seeing that her counterpart didn't seem to eager to speak up.

"My name is Irene Valentine."

(Irene Valentine)

(Her eyes are Sea-Green)

Many people blinked at the girl.

'Is she an angel?'

They thought to themselves because the girl gave off a radiant like light.

"...My name is Irene Valentine as well."

The other Irene (Virtuous Irene) said, not letting her guard down one bit.

"Philip Peverell."

(Philip Peverell)

The white haired blue eyed male said.

Dumbledore was startled at the boy young name.

'No, Albus! Calm yourself' The old wizard thought to himself. 'He has no connection to the Peverell's back home!'

"What's up!?"

The black haired, dark eyed male spoke up.

"Names Taeho."

(Taeho Yeun)

"Nice to meet you."

...They can't say they were sharing the some sentiment with how threatening and nonthreatening he sounded to them.

"Names Creed Marrow."

(Creed Marrow)

The dark browned hair, dark eyed teen said as he looked at them.

His eyes slightly widening in surprise as he stared at the Fate Stay Night cast. Who looked at him in confusion.

"Can we help you?"

Rin Tohsaka asked.

But Creed shook his head.

"Sorry." He said. "I mistook you for the ones from my universe."

"Yeah...we're not."

She said.

"We've been here for a while now."


He said.

"Well now!"

Alastor smiled.

"Why the long faces!? You know you're never complete without a smile!"

The Radio Demon said.


Philip blinked in surprise.

"You're here too?"

"Do I know you?"

Alastor asked.


"Oh, yes you do!!"


"Oh, I see." Philip realized. "You're not the Alastor from my world. Neither are they."

'You're much more muscular than the Al I know too...though Irene did say he was more muscular than his suit would make you think.'

He also thought as he pointed to the Hazbin crew. Though a little curious about (M/N) because he's never seen him before with them.

"So, I'm guessing you're not dating Irene then. Or if she even exists in your universe."


"Say what now?"

Alastor asked as static filled his voice.

"Yeah..." Philip rubbed the back of his head. "You're one of Irene lovers."


"What the what now?!"

Some yelled.

"The Radio Demon has a love life!?" "And here I thought he was an ace in the hole!" "A what now?"

"This is very surprising." Alastor admitted. "But the Multiverse truly is a marvelous thing."

He was genuinely surprised at that. Especially since it took some conversation with (M/N) before they accidentally stumbled onto that topic and (M/N) accidentally helped Alastor to realize his sexuality.

It was quite surprising, and even more surprising to learn that he actually has a love life in another universe.


Aphrodite shouted out.


Zero asked.

"Are you two." She pointed at Irene and Diego Nox. "Dating?"


The two said in full confidence.


She nodded.


"You're not going to push it?"

Hera asked in surprise.

"I kind of figured when I saw their strings." Aphrodite shrugged. "Their strings were of platonic soulmates aka they are comfortable with each other and care for each other but don't see each other as a romantic interest."

"He was one of the few that protected me and never hurt me."

Irene (VI) coldly said. Bitterness in her voice as she remembered the hell she went through back in Union.

Many flinched at that.

You didn't need to be a genius to understand what was going on there.

"What I'm curious about is your guy's relationship."

Diego (SR) said as he pointed to his older self and Kismet.


"Darling." Kismet cooed. "Why don't you tell them how our romantic love took off?"

"Romantic-woman!" Diego (PV) shouted. "Romantic implies that I was trying to woo you or vice versa! You're the one that hit on me and seduced with your unfairly attractive body!"

"Yet, you seem to like having my breasts pressed against you, you naughty boy."

Kismet lightly laughed as she proved her point, smushing her large chest against him.


Diego (PV) blushed at that.

"...Can we please get the question answered?"

Alice deadpanned.

This was so weird, seeing one of their most psychotic enemies being flirtatious.


"I met her one day when I was getting food."

Diego (PV) started.

"She was launching an attack and I somehow ended up near her. Once I realized who she was, I asked what she hoped to gain from destroying and ruling the timelines with her allies."

"What I seek is beyond what you can hope to comprehend."

Kismet smirked at the Vanguardians and heroes in the theater.

"...Then I had to open my big mouth and ask if I was cursed or something because why did I have to encounter a psychopath who is extremely beautiful and sexy and can kick your ass in so many ways."

Diego (PV) groaned.

"She said something and then focused on the fact that I called her beautiful and started flirting with me and trying to tempt me with power."

"You certainly weren't resisting."

Kismet purred.

"After trying to resist, I gave up and thought: 'What the heck. If I'm going to die, then I might as well go die boldly."


"He kissed me." Kismet smiled. "Rather aggressively too."

"And I don't think I need to tell you what happened after, now do I?"


It was easy enough to understand the implications!

"Soooo, did she give you power like she promised?"

Taeho raised an eyebrow, trying not laugh at how insane this all sounded.

"I tried." Kismet pouted. "He keeps rejecting."

"I like being a normal human being."

Diego (PV) deadpanned.

"Well, at least I gave you the gift of immortality."

Kismet smirked.

"That's because you're a yandere who will do whatever it takes to keep her love with her forever."

He deadpanned.

"Hey, watch it dear." Kismet deadpanned. "At least I'm not like those creepy yanderes who would steal your personal belongings and due questionable things to them. Or erect a shrine."

"...And I'm grateful for that."

Diego (PV) said.

Because that would have been pushing it!




Sougo sweatdropped.

"Understatement of the century."

Geiz and Tsukuyomi agreed.


"WELL!" Zero smiled. "Now that we are all acquainted with..."


His scream startled them.

Causing them to seat down.


"Keep your hands off my sister, you seducing fiend!"

Ethan nearly strangled Dystopian for putting Grace on his lap.

The poor girl blushed before she could move to her own seat.

The rest of the group sweatdropped.

This was Dystopian? The man who destroyed the world and brought it to ruin?

"It has been a month since Lord Zedd was proven to be real..."

"A month had passed already, huh?"

RODK Yang blinked.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Nox (VI Diego will be called Nox to make it easier) asked.

"Oh, we're watching a world where Power Rangers is a real thing along with Kaiju and the like."


He said.


"Wait, what?!"

The new group shouted out in surprise!

Couldn't they have told them that before!?

The tv was on as the news was talking about the terrifying revelation from last month. No matter what channel they flipped too, it was nearly all news.

"World leaders have announced an emergency meeting from all countries..."

"For once, they're doing something useful."

Irene (VI) coldly said.

Causing several people to wince but weren't surprised.

Cause if Union exists in their worlds, it's almost guaranteed they're not going to be good.

"The Alien Kaiju are in league with Lord Zedd and his cohorts..."

"Why do I doubt that?"

Creed deadpanned.

"Because the Golden Banana is too arrogant to work with others that don't serve her."

(M/N) deadpanned.


Ghidorah shouted.

"Well, it's true!"

"Who are these monsters that have allied with the Emperor of Evil?"


Taeho raised an eyebrow.

"Interesting. They look like the monsters from the bed time stories my parents used to read me."

"Will Earth Kaiju be enough?"

And probably the most important question was asked:

"Who are the Power Rangers? And can they save us from Lord Zedd and his army?"

"Well, that is technically in their job description."

Ethan crossed his arms.



Everyone turned to see Irene (SR) tightly holding the armrest as she smiled scarily at Diego (SR).

Who sheepishly smiled.



Joshua trailed off, a little scared at the girl pissed off look now.

"Is something the matter?"

"Oh, I don't know!" Irene (SR) sarcastically said. "What do you think, Diego?"

Said male just said.



Sighing, Diego opened his palm and a light suddenly appeared.

When it died it show a morpher with the Dragonzord Power Coin in the middle.



They shouted in surprise.


He said.

"And Irene here." He pointed to her. "Is a Kamen Rider."

"Kamen Rider Hive to be exact."



That was a surprise. Kamen Riders and Power Rangers in the same universe? Together!?

"But why is she mad at you?"

Hibari shyly asked.

"He didn't tell me!"

Irene (SR) pouted.

"Stupid jerk kept the fact that he was a Power Ranger hidden from me and the others."

There were others?

"How could my boyfriend be so mean to me?!"

She pouted with fake hurt.



They shouted in shock.

A Kamen Rider and a Power Ranger were dating!?

What are the odds?!

(Diego (Green Ranger) and Taeho (White Ranger): ...)

"You seriously didn't tell her?"

Philip looked at him in shock and slight amusement.

"...Let's just say that Irene, Philip (said man was startled to hear his own name), Taeho (Said male blinked, surprised) and Creed (Creed blinked) did not have a...shall we say pleasant origin stories."

"When Irene and I started getting closer a while after we first met. I realized that she didn't need a hero but a shoulder to lean on and somebody to offer her warmth and protection."

Irene (SR) blushed at that. Which Aphrodite and other romantics at heart found adorable.

"I was going to tell her and the others eventually." Diego admitted. "But I got kidnapped by a certain organization, that had experimented on them, when they learned that Irene and I were dating."


"Let me guess."

Creed said.

"You get kidnapped, Irene and the others try to find you and save you before you were possibly experimented on. You decided that you shouldn't hide anymore and surprised everyone and kicked their asses with the help of the Kamen Riders."


Diego (SR) nodded.

"That about sums it up. Only with the extra part that Irene was mad and pouty and didn't let go of me that easily after that. I literally had to drag her everywhere, and the others weren't much help either. They just found it funny."

"Because it is."

Taeho snickered.

"Fuck you."

"Didn't know you like me like that."

"I will strangle you in your sleep."

"The world is in celebration now that the real monsters no longer exist. And others now fear to be next if they follow in their path."

"Good riddance, if you ask me."

Jellal scoffed.

No one wanted to deal with those kinds of people.


The Vanguardians were just confused.

"Let me guess."

Diego (PV) deadpanned.


"And then some."

(M/N) nodded his head in agreement.



Taeho and the Vanguardians asked.


"Do you not have those special cases trying to scream 'racist' 'phoba something' 'Only we matter!' snowflakes hanging around?"

Reyna asked.


They were so confused.

"...Talk about being fucking lucky."

Naofumi grumbled under his breath.

The poor newbies were just confused.


"Uncle thinks that's enough of that."

"Aw, come on!"

Some yelled.

They wanted to see more!

Uncle grumbled, drinking some tea before putting it down.

"Who's the old man?"

Henry asked, curiosity in his eyes.

He could tell the old man was a magic user of some kind.

"Uncle is Uncle who can kick your ass."

Megumi Fushiguro deadpanned.

"What should we do?"

Jackie asked, extremely concerned for his niece and her friends. No doubt, that they were going to be where the action is since they were the Power Rangers and all.

"*Sigh* What can we do?"

"Punch them?"

Natsumi asked.

"Is punching the only solution for you?"

Zeref sighed.

"As long as it works!"


Facepalms could be heard at that.

"And you wonder why you have such a lengthy record."

Gray grumbled.

"What was that ice prick!?"

"You heard me, flame breath!"

"GRR!!" "GGGHHH!!"




Erza yelled as the two rubbed their heads.

Many people sweatdropped.

While some got déjà vu.

Cain crossed his arms. "We can probably deal with your old enemies, but even that's a stretch now that they have join forces with the Emperor of Evil himself."

"No doubt that they have probably been given upgrades to counter Uncle and Tohru magic."

"Ai-yah..." Uncle sighed, worry present on his face. This was far worse than even what his nightmares could give him. If Shendu and the rest of their foes have been given a boost in power, then the odds were that they would need to seek new methods of defeating them.

"Very high, I believe."

Fu Hua said.

"Uncle isn't sure what to do." He admitted, it was rare for Uncle to admit defeat in the face of danger. He'd rather eat his own foot than admit defeat so easily.

The only few times he did was when he was out of his depth. Dealing with Tarakudo and his Onis were one of them since their origin was Japanese and not Chinese, he did not know how to fight them. He had to rely on Tohru knowledge of the Onis to fight them off.

"That's gotta hurt to be the one now on the sidelines."

Sun sweatdrop.

...It left a bitter taste in his mouth at being so powerless.

"It'll leave anyone with a bitter taste."

RODK Issei sighed.

Ignoring the looks on the new guys faces.

'He's completely different than the one we know!'

They thought to themselves.

It was very shocking.

Another time was also during the fight with the Onis. When he had no choice but to suck up his pride and consult a (in his eyes a fake) psychic to discover the secret to defeating the Oni mask whose Shadowkhans had stolen Tohru shadow and left him in a comatose state.

"That was an amusing episode to watch."

Spoiler smiled.

...The fact that he had a revelation of pursuing his, unknown at the time, passion of Oil painting thanks to that, who he now believes is the real deal, psychic was an added bonus and actually helped in lowering his stress levels.

"...You learn something new every day, I suppose."

Rachel shook her head in disbelief.

That was weird, even for them.

(Ironically, in that episode Tohru was once again saved by fish that was the ingredient to remove the Oni mask from Hak Foo)

"I'm afraid that possibly the only thing we can do is let the kids handle this."

Captain Black interjected into the conversation.

"What? But Augustus!"

"Protective, isn't he?"

Ethan tilted his head.

Being reminded of Martin from that action.

"He's always been the cautious one of the gang."

Donny spoke up.

"Doesn't matter how old Jade gets, he'll still worry about his niece all the same."


Ethan and the others were quiet.

Remembering those that were important in their lives that they had lost.

Who were similar to Jackie.

"I'm afraid he has a point, Jackie."

Mama Tohru spoke up, her stern face softening up a bit as she spoke her piece.

"As strong, clever, and innovative you all are. This time, our enemy is one that is far more dangerous than anything any of us have ever faced. And in the series, the Power Rangers were the only thing, besides Zordon, that stood in his way to total galactic domination."

"As much as I would rather, they didn't put themselves in harm's way, they are now the only hope we have left to stop Lord Zedd Evil from spreading into the cosmos themselves."

"And that's the truth."

Apollo nodded his head.

"Shut up, idiot/deadbeat father."

Artemis and Asclepius said in unison.

"Gah!" Apollo shouted at the double betrayal.


Champa deadpanned.


"What was that about?"

Ava sweatdrop.

"As if I know."

Cain deadpanned.


The Vanguardians and a couple others thought to themselves.

'A milf and a dilf together. They must have one gorgeous/badass child.'

A new voice then spoke up.

"And besides Tiger, you know as well as I and everyone else here, that Jade would not hesitate to jump into the fray if there is action to be found.

(Viper. Jackie love interest, former thief and member of the "Save the World Team")

"Ohhh!!" Aphrodite leaned in interest. "So, now we meet Jackie girlfriend!"

"Can see why he likes her."

"She's hot."

Taeho had to admit.

"Not only that, she will not hesitate to fight if it means to save her family. A trait you stubborn Chans seem to share."



A couple of people said.

"Aiyah!" Uncle shouted, "Snake lady does not need expose our weaknesses so casually."

"How it can it be exposed?" Issei asked rhetorically. "When it's obvious to everyone?"

While people were nodding at that. The Vanguardians were just staring in numb disbelief.

This Issei really was very different from the one they knew!

Irene (VI) was a little mad that the Issei she (unfortunately) knew couldn't be more like this one.

She barely knows him and already from how he talks he was a 100x better than that fake dragon!

"What Snake Lady should do, is get Jackie to propose!"


RODK Blake spit out her drink.

"*Cough* *Hack*" Blake coughed as she tried to get her drink down the right pipe. "This man is way too direct."

"That's for sure."

RODK Weiss snickered.

Getting Alice, Irene (VI) and some others to stare in shock at the unWeisslike action and Blake own reactions.

'Talk about a major difference!!'

They thought to themselves.

(M/N) sweatdropped as he could practically HEAR the newcomers thoughts.

'Seems like we have something in common.'

He thought to himself.


Viper and Jackie shouted with blushes on their faces at Uncle blunt statement.

"Ah, young love."

Lilith smiled.

It kind of reminded her of hers and Lucifer romance.

Lucifer seemed to be on the same line of thinking.

(He's not letting that go, is he?)

"Señor Jackie, do not take it so hard."

(El Toro Fuerte)

El Toro Fuerte voice spoke out as the wrestler spoke up.

"I know it is hard to let your niece go out and fight on her own, I get scared when Paco gets into fights stopping criminals from escaping arrests. But I know that I can't protect him forever and that he will leave to find his own path in life."

"It's not always easy."

Himeko smiled.

"But they have to learn how to fly on their own."

The teacher in her worried obviously, but she knew that no amount of teaching will ever prepare them for the real world.

Nor for the Honkai.

"Jade is the same in a way, she wants to find a path that lets her be who she wants. And if there is one thing, I know it's that her friends will always be there to watch her back and vice versa as well."

"Plus, don't they have Zordon, Alpha, and Tommy Oliver himself to help them in their fight."

"Why do I feel a kinship with them?"

Ethan, Rachel, Alice, Henry, and Joshua asked in unison.

Why did they feel some kind of tie to them?

"Probably because of the possibility that you might be Power Rangers in an alternate universe."

RODK/Union Rias both said in sync.

"Yeah..." They said. "That might be right, thanks Rias."

"You're welcome."

They both said.


As the group soon realized who they just thanked.

'GAH!' They screamed in their heads. 'Alternate realities are so confusing.'

And they had come from another reality to their current reality!

Dystopian snickered, while Grace just sweatdropped.


They had forgotten about the new allies they have.

It was a shock when (M/N) and his friends were suddenly teleported to who knows where. But then, having the same thing happening to them, nearly sent them into a coma when they were introduced to their new friends.

"Can't blame them."

Cliff crossed his arms.

"Even for us, that would be the final straw that broke the camel back."

The SO3 cast nodded their heads in agreement.

And they had to deal with learning that they were video game characters!

They weren't sure what to make of this, it was all too sudden, too unexpected.

...And also concerning on the news that there is an old enemy of Zordon that has been lurking about on Earth for who knows how long. And the new threat that was approaching Earth that Tommy had been chasing after as well.

Who they were, was yet unknown as Tommy mind was, for some reason, clouded when it came to the identity of the incoming threat.

Zordon deduced that it was possible that a spell was placed on him to prevent him from warning others of the storm that was approaching.

"More like plot."

Mineta deadpanned.

Which got nods of agreement.

And further screwing with their minds at how different everyone is.

'It's like when we first met them!' They thought to themselves. 'Only it's actually genuine.'

So, all anyone can do at the moment, was train and be ready for whatever Lord Zedd, his army, and the unknown threats throw at them.


Kismet frowned as Dystopian growled.

Dystopian had at one point made contact with a Lord Zedd from an alternate reality and tried to persuade him to join him in destroying the earth.

Lord Zedd just scoffed at him and mocked him for being a pitiful, insignificant lifeform.

And when Dystopian, Kismet and several others tried to teach him a lesson about insulting his superiors.

...Well, that was the most humiliating defeat in their lives. And they learned their lesson that there will always be someone stronger than you.

Lord Zedd banished them back to their world after that. They amused him enough with that battle that he spared their lives.

It still stung them after all this time.

Though now they were wondering if this Lord Zedd was the same one Dystopian had tried to recruit for his army.

"Still, it doesn't make it easier." Cain said. "I was terrified when (M/N) eventually showed me what else he had found in the cave besides Minilla. It had been my greatest fear that if the Power Rangers exist, so too will their enemies."

"Just being a good father."

Lorem nodded.

"I'd be terrified if something like that happened to Gospel."

Zeke and the others nodded at that.

"And I was right."

He spoke.

"And it is conflicting as well." He admitted. "On one hand, I am proud of him and what he has done so far. On the other hand, I am scared that I will lose my son."

"You're just being a good father and looking out for you son."

Friedrich der Grosse simply smiled.

"It's natural for you to worry about your child. Especially now, that's he's going to be on the frontlines."

Nods were seen at that.

The Vanguardians were deep in thought from those words.

Remembering about those they cared for.

"Lord Zedd is not how he is in the show, he never lost his Evilness nor his power even when Rita used that Love Potion on him. He admitted that it somehow made him stronger, even when he was released from its effects. Maybe that's why he was purified instead of killed, his love for Rita was genuine and perhaps because he had his pride as a galactic overlord that he never realized that what it was."

(I'm going to put in this story that despite how he treated Rita during her time as his subordinate. He actually was fond of her, which is why he put her in another dumpster canister instead of outright torturing/killing her)

"I don't want to lose him, and I'm sure that's what Jackie is also afraid of, concerning Jade."

Jackie simply nodded his head at that.

"Just being concerned parents/guardians."

Makarov sighed.

He knew that feeling.

Even though he hardly showed expressed concern, he always did fear that one day he would have to bury his children before his time came.

After all, their world has become much more dangerous now thanks to the introduction of new threats to their world safety.

"*Sigh* Even if they have gotten stronger, that means we should work smarter if they have proven to be too strong."

Tohru spoke up, gathering everyone attention.

"Besides, we have been in this situation before, haven't we? When things seemed to bleak, we were always able to find a way to bounce back."

"True." Malty nodded at that. "People always seem to bounce back from seemingly impossible situations before."

"Don't think it's going to stop now."

Alice just stared.

'How can she be so different compared to the Malty I know?!'

Was this what it meant to have that one variable change everything?

The RODK Union cast sweatdrop.

If only they knew that all it took was some good old chocolate and she took a complete 180 turn.

...And also turned her into the sexy version of the chocolate fish guy, Tom.

Those poor chocolate salesmen and stores.

'...How the hell did she not get fat and get cavities from eating all that chocolate!?'

Was something Naofumi didn't understand and wasn't sure he wanted to.

"And I'm pretty sure that, despite this unexpected surprise, that we can manage to pull off something unexpected as well."

Silence, then were nods and words of agreement.

"Yeah" "You're right" "We've survived worser things before."

"You have really grown-up Tohru."

Mama Tohru said, with pride in her voice.


"Thanks mother." Tohru said with a smile on his face.

"It means a lot to him."

Henry noted.

"Mama Tohru is a tough love kind of mother." Zero explained. "Don't get me wrong, she does care for him. But she has always been a little too critical of his choices in certain regards."

"Their relationship has gotten better once Tohru joined Jackie and the group." Ei nodded her head. "But she still likes to be the tough mom."

"Like you?"

Scaramouche sarcastically asked.

"I will not hesitate to beat your ass with a chancla, Kunikuzushi."



"Wait." Rachel slowly said. "Since when was the Electro Archon here!? And with Scaramouche?!"

"We're from a different timeline."

Ei, Nahida, Scaramouche and Raiden Shogun/Mikoto said in union.


"Ho...never mind."

They just said.

They should be used to this by now. All of the them.

Philip (PA) was now trying to remember how Ei relationship with Scaramouche was back in his world.

'Maybe I'll ask Taeho about it when I get back.' He thought to himself. '...IF I remember.;

"Uncle is sorry to break up this sappy heart to heart, but there is research to do!"

Uncle shouted.

"Of course."

"Right!" "Let's do this" "Roger."

With that everyone set off to prepare for the inevitable battles that were to come.


"Well, this is troubling."

Serizawa commented, as the base watched the news on tv.

"I'll say" Mark deadpanned "Godzilla and the Kaiju is one thing, but evil alien overlords from a tv show that is actually real? Okay, I mean the Green Power Ranger existence should have probably been the clue we all needed to think about that possibility."

"Man, we are such idiots in not thinking about that."

"To be fair." Squall spoke up. "Not thinking about it would probably be better. Don't want to jinx yourself and think that you unintentionally challenged the powers that be."

"...That's a good point."

Mark conceded.

"Well, one thing we do know is that the Multiverse Theory is real." Emma said, ignoring her husband meltdown as she tried not to have her own. "And judging from what Lord Zedd said, our Power Rangers are actually from this universe."

"Wonder who they are?"

She put a hand to her chin at that thought.

(LOL, She doesn't even know her own son and daughter are the Red and Pink Rangers)


Many people asked that.

"What?" Stan Lee spoke up. "What do you think will happen if they told them?"


"Hey..." Joshua quietly asked. "Isn't that?"

"Yeah." "It is." "Wow." "Unbelievable."

"That would have gotten Minilla exposed faster than expected. And who knows what would have happened after that."


Monarch nodded their heads in agreement.

"Probably a fight to the death."

Dom said.

"You don't mess with family and they considered themselves family."

"What do you think the Godzilla is going to do?"

Rick Stanton spoke up: "I mean, I can't see them just sitting by and doing nothing."

"Unfortunately, at the moment, that might be all they can do."


Monarch (AZ) raised an eyebrow.

Vivienne Graham spoke this time: "Because while some of them have the ability to fly. There is no doubt that Lord Zedd and his group are up in space. From what we have seen of the Earth Kaiju, they don't have the ability to fly and survive into space."


Godzilla grumbled.

"We have a limited window of how long we can stay in space. Not even Mothra can stay there indefinitely."



Said woman, Ilene Chen, brought up some monitors.

"Based on the frequency waves, they are most likely located on the Moon."

"Of course."

Was the unsurprised tone carried throughout the audience.

"If memory of the show serves me right, Lord Zedd most likely constructed this Universe version of the Moon Palace. And that's where they most likely will be."

"Most likely."

"Of course, knowing that bit of information might not be enough."

Sam Coleman spoke: "We don't the resources available to create warcrafts that can survive in space that easily accessed."

"And even if we did, would we be able to do anything?"

"No." "Nope!" "Not likely." "You'll be blasted out of existence."

The Kamen Riders answered.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Ilene deadpanned.

"Well it's true."

Kismet stated.

"If you were dealing with a normal enemy, you might stand a chance. But against someone like us?"

"Good luck with that."

"Unfortunately, most likely not."

Colonel Diane Foster spoke up this time.

"Even if we could get there with enough firepower to wipe out a country, it's not just the Emperor of Evil that we have to deal with. He has Ghidorah and her army on his side, as well as those strange monsters and that creepy looking man there that we know nothing about."

"Reminds me of grandfather."

Shinji shuddered.

He might be an ass but even he found his grandfather creepy as hell!

"That's for sure."

Rin Tohsaka grumbled.

She had the misfortune of meeting him one time.

Sakura said nothing.

The Vanguardians and Creed frowned at that.

'Can't believe that disgusting bag of insects still lives.'

"If we want there with no information, we will likely be sending people to their deaths."

(You have no idea how right you are)

"Honestly, our only hope is that we can unite humanity with the Titans and the Power Rangers and make some sort of a stand against our new enemy."

"That" Serizawa said "Is probably the best hope we have to ride out this new storm."

"Of course, for this to happen we need to find the Power Rangers and form an alliance with them."

"Good luck on catching them."

Grozny (AZ) giggled.

"Will it work though?"

Mark asked.

"Not like you got other options available."

Diego (Shocker Rider Green Ranger/SRGR) deadpanned.

"Sadly, no."

Taeho shook his head.

"At this point, it's the best option we have."

Serizawa admitted.

"I think it's possible." Emma said, "After all, the Green Ranger seemed to have a conversation with Godzilla and left on, quite possibly, good terms with her. And while they did censor certain things to the media, we still have the recording of the original conversation between him and General Gyozen."

"So...it's possible to enter an alliance with them?"

Emma asked.

"...Let's just say that the alliance will happen." Zero nervously chuckled. "Just not in the way you're expecting it to be."


"Most likely, they will be open to a possible alliance."

"They will, most likely."

Ethan said.

"But how it will happen...only they know."

He pointed to Zero who smiled.


"Well, I guess we should get this party started." Rick said as he got to his station. "Best figure out how to get the Power Rangers and the Kaiju attention and meet in one place to make this alliance a reality."

"Let's go."

Serizawa said as everyone got to work.

-At the Global Defense Force Headquarters-


"Who does that pompous creepy ass bastard think he is!?"

General Gyozen fumed, steam blowing out of her ears as she looked like she was about to erupt.

"You should go and get your blood pressure checked."

Vestal (AZ) spoke to Gyozen.

"Shouldn't you be saying that to my counterpart?"

General Gyozen asked, annoyed.

"Considering she is you and you are her." Vestal continued. "You probably need therapy too."

"...I hate that I can't argue against you for some reason."

Gyozen grumbled.

Recovery Girl silently laughed.

Seems like the good General knows instinctively not to piss off professional medics.

...Unlike certain idiots.

Here, she gave a subtle glare to the AM(s) who shuffled uneasily at the glare.

'...Somethings never change.'

Were the thoughts of the Union related universes.

"Easy there Gyozen." Kiriko placated her old friend.

"This is certainly quite an expected pickle we're in."

Machiko mused, her arms in front of her as she stared at the data on the screens.

"Aw man! Just when things were starting to look up."

Ibuki pouted, just when she had finally finished tuning up Jet Jaguar and was ready to put her into action this happens.


Gojo crossed her arms, pouting.

Man, Lady Luck does not like her huh?

"This is concerning." Miki said. The psychic had been lately overwhelmed with the dark thoughts of Lord Zedd and his fellow villains. "He is obviously stronger than his tv counterpart, and if he is anything like him this world is doomed."


A certain whacky villain shouted.

Causing everybody to wonder where the hell did he come from?! And why could they not see him!?


A sound revealing a character identity suddenly appeared.


Fighting sounds could be heard as the audience returned to the screen,

'Not dealing with that!'

They thought to themselves.

"Well duh!" Akane said. "He somehow has Ghidorah on his side! The only that's going to happen is if the so-called Emperor of Evil is stronger than her!"

"Stop roasting me!"


Bronya deadpanned.

"You make it oh so easy, subject Dumbass."

Ghidorah had a destroyed look on her face.


Mei shouted in shock.

"The girl is not lying."

Dystopian scoffed.

"This bitch was easy to bend to my will. She talked herself up so much only to fall so spectacularly. But she did prove useful as a part of my army."

Ghidorah screamed in anger!

"If he can do that, then he is the biggest threat of them all. Along with his allies...speaking of which, have you guys noticed that some of them resemble Japanese monsters from the various folklore/story we were probably told as children?"


That was a good observation made, the monsters certainly resembled the monsters from their childhood stories.

"If that's the case, then the Kaiju weren't the only things roaming the Earth." Machiko stated, "More than likely, the stories we were told as kids may have actually happened. Of course, over the years people began believing less and less and started to pass it off as a means to keep naughty kids in line."

"Oh, yeah." Inuyasha nodded. "They are most definitely not stories."

"Considering that they still existed to modern day, even before the fusion." Miroku nodded. "Yeah, demons and their ilk are not going to fade away that easily."

"Guess they weren't just childhood stories after all."

"Not in the least."

Sango shook her head.

Knowing full well that they existed.

I mean come on! She lived in the Feudal Era before it somehow merged with the present! Fighting demons was a common occurrence in those times!

There was a short pause at that.

Before General Gyozen spoke up once more.

"How's Kiryu status?"

Akane sighed at that question.

"She's still acting up; I don't understand why Kiryu has suddenly gained self awareness all of a sudden. She seems to be alive, but that's impossible...right?"

"...Yeah." Zero nervously said. "About that."

"...You have GOT to be kidding me."

Gyozen and the others deadpanned.

'Considering the stories on MegaversePadd?' Zero thought to himself. 'I'm not.'

She was unsure of that statement, after all the world they live in is strange. And Kiryu skeletal frame was made from Godzilla mother.

'...Could that be playing a role in all this?'

Akane suddenly thought to herself, because what if the soul of Godzilla Mother was a part of Kiryu as well? Could it be that by using her bones as the robot frame that her soul was also somehow attached as well and was just sleeping?

"...God. Damn. It."

Gyozen grumbled.

Well, seems like there was a reason Mothra helpers (What are they called again?) were trying to dissuade her from using Dagon remains.

'Does that mean?'

Godzilla thought to herself.

'I...can talk to mom again?'

She did not know how to feel about that.


Mothra thought sadly to herself.

Knowing how hard it was for Godzilla to lose her mother, only for the humans to use her as a mockery of her former glory.

'If that's the case, I should probably not mention this right now.'

With how on edge everyone was, telling them that the Mother of Godzilla was about to make a comeback would probably not sit well with everybody.

Especially Gyozen, she might burst a vein with how high strung she is.

"Oi!" Gyozen yelled. "I'm not high strung!"


'Your reaction just said it all.'

They thought to themselves.

"Very well, try to find the problem and make sure she is ready for battle as soon as possible."

Machiko ordered.

"Yes mam!"

"And our newest task." She announced, gaining everyone attention.

"Is to find the Power Rangers and lend our assistance to them.

-With the Power Rangers-


This caused people to jump in shock.

That was unexpected!



*Bam! Thwack! Thrust!*



(M/N) fell onto the floor as Tommy had knocked him off his feet.

"Oof!" Adam Taurus winced. "That's gotta hurt."



The Vanguardians and several other newcomers said.


"And that's why you should always keep an eye on how your opponent uses his/her feet in combat."

It was!


Diego (SRGR) said in shock and awe.

You couldn't blame him though, for being starstruck at Tommy appearance.

I mean come on! He was using Tommy original ranger form, the Green Ranger!

"Good advice!"

Might Gai shouted in approval at what Tommy had said..

Tommy said as he extended a hand, which (M/N) took and got up.

Dusting himself off, (M/N) said: "Man! And I thought the Martial Arts we took was tough. You're on a whole other level!"

"So..." Ethan stared at (M/N) intrigued, his fellow teammates doing the same. "That's (M/N)."


He said.

"Looks like someone that could put up a good fight!"

Rachel spoke up.

"He's got a good aura on him."

Henry smiled.

"Seems like someone we could consider a friend."

Alice smiled.

(M/N) sweatdropped.

'They forgot about me that quickly, eh?'

Eh, whatever.

"No, we haven't forgotten about you."

They said.


Smiling sheepishly, Tommy said: "Thanks for the compliment, man. But this isn't just my own Martial Arts style. When I was pursuing the monster that destroyed my world along countless others, the Morphing Grid gave me the memories, skills, knowledge, and experience of my older selves."

"Such a useful power up."

Joshua said in awe.

"Having the skills and knowledge of your future self is sure to be a boon."


Alice suddenly realized something.

"Who is he chasing that is capable of destroying countless worlds and timelines?"


"That's...a good question."

Nox frowned at that.

'...I think I know who.'

Diego (PV) turned to see Kismet and Dystopian having heavy frowns on their faces.

"Man, I still can't believe that I'm constantly being dragged back into the good fight. Even after my older self became a teacher."

"Well, what can you do?"

RODK Ruby just shrugged.

"Live, learn, adapt, improvise, overcome."

Grace simply said.

"Good advice."

"Just goes to show that you can't keep a good Ranger down."

"Was that a reference to something?"

Flash asked.

"Felt like one."

"It is."

Grace chuckled as did several others.



Madison said as she and the rest of the group walked over to them.

"Good fight that was crazy how you two went."

Andrew said.

"Yeah, even though you got your butt kicked you still gave him a run for his money."

Jade chimed in.

"Oh? You're welcome to join in our spars you know." Tommy raised an eyebrow, trying to ignore the fact that he saw a little bit of Trini inside her.

"Poor guy."

Superman shook his head.

"Must not be easy being surrounded by people that remind him of his old friends."

That's for sure.

Several people winced at that.

Because yeah...it wasn't easy being around people that reminded you of old friends.

"Pass!" "No thanks!" "I don't have a death wish."

Was everybody response as (M/N) picked up Minilla, who patted his dad face with his hand.


Rachel and Alice squealed at the sight of the cute little kaiju.

"So cute!"

While not vocal, Ethan, Henry, and Joshua did admit that the scene was rather adorable and wholesome.

Taeho, Creed, and Philip just gave a light smile.

Irene (both versions) couldn't help but 'aw' at the sight.

Diego (SRGR) felt a chill roll down his spine as his Irene gave him a subtle glance.

'Aw, shit!' He thought to himself. 'Irene want's a child of her own now!'

And he wasn't sure if it was because of the scene, or also because she was still mad at him.

...How that would work as revenge was something, he decided not to think too much about as he turned to the screen once more.

It felt relaxing to watch something as nice as this.

...And swearing that if anyone dare to ruin this, then they will have a little talk with them.

"Daddy looks funny all dirty like this!"

He laughed at (M/N) expression.

"Sassy little punk, isn't he?"

Alastor smirked.

"Little punk, look dirty, do I? Well then, take this!"

With that said, he rubbed his face against Minilla who protested against that.

"Ah, karma." Moody smirked. "It's always fun to one-up these little brats who think we old timers can't keep up."

Sirius, Tonks, and the others shivered at that.

Never again will they ever make fun of their (Dumbledore and Moody) age!

Who knew they could be devious pranksters themselves?


Maybe it was best that they didn't ask.

"Dad no!" Minilla squealed as (M/N) rubbed his sweaty face against the mini Kaiju face.

"Ah." Lorem smiled. "Just your typical bonding moments."


Zeke smiled.

( •̀ ω •́ )y

Lorem evilly shoved Gospel into his father face.


Zeke shouted in surprise as Lorem begin rubbing Gospel face against his.


Gospel cheered as he grabbed his dad face.

Causing the theater to laugh at that.


The sounds of laughter filled the dojo that Zordon had installed into the Command Center.

"Man, I haven't laughed like that in a long time." Tommy admitted "And I must admit, I'm glad that you were the one chosen to wield the Green Ranger Powers."

"Coming from you, that means a lot." (M/N) said.

"Acting a bit like a fanboy, isn't he?"

Nobara smirked.

"Well..." Yuki smiled. "Power Rangers has always been one of his favorite series. And Tommy Oliver, is his number one favorite."

"So, getting praise from the man himself is probably one of the happiest moments in his life."

"Like Peter meeting and shaking hands with the Avengers."

Ned smirked.


Peter blushed as everyone else laughed.

"Come on guys, no need to be sappy."

Damian smirked.

"Yeah, save the bro bonding for when we are not in danger of dying from a psycho galactic overlord and friends."

Ren mock lectured.

"They really have a death wish."

Rocket shook his head.

The others nodding.

"...You know what?" (M/N) looked at their direction. "I think they do need some lessons in the finer points of Martial Arts. What do you think Tommy?"

"Well." Peter Quill threw his hands in the air. "They're dead now."

"No doubt."

Gamora shook her head in amusement.

"Here lies so and so."

Diego (PV) said.

"They died because they were stupid."

"I must say, I do agree." As the two (Well three if you count Minilla, but his is more of cute smile instead of an evil one) smiled evilly at their friends who started sweating like crazy.

"Poor Minilla."

Godzilla shook her head.

"Is too cute to be threatened. Just like Jr."

"Hey!" Jr. pouted. "I can be threatening!"


Rodan deadpanned.

Getting nods at that.

Even the newcomers had doubts about that!

"So mean!"

They did not want to go through that kind of training. They like living thank you very much!



Zordon voice might just possibly be the most majestic thing they had ever heard of at the moment.

"Like a space duck?"

Frieza remembered his old minion words.

Krillan twitched at that.

"Ducks? Where?!"

Lucifer shouted.

Getting startled looks at that.

"What's up Zordon?"

(M/N) asked the Space Wizard.

"To combat Lord Zedd and his forces, we must have the Zords ready for combat."

"Oh, yeah."

Melty spoke up.

"Forgot about that."

"Tommy and (M/N) are already used to piloting their own Zords. But I am afraid that alone won't be enough, the rest of you must learn to pilot and bond with your own Zords so that you will have each other backs in combat."

"Not only that, but you must master the forms your Zords can take. This will not be an easy task, but I trust that you will succeed and prove why you of all the people on this planet were chosen to be this universe, Power Rangers."

"They have a long road ahead of them."

Mavis softly said.


Zeref nodded in agreement.


"Okaaaay? Why is the First Master acting all buddy-buddy with my brother?"

Natsumi asked.

"Like we know?"

Gray said.

"Right!" "We won't let you down!" "Let's get this show on the road!"

"Aiyayayaya! All this positive energy is making my circuits overload with happiness!"

"You better not explode."

Alpha shouted.

"Come Rangers, let us introduce you to your Zords."

With that said, the Power Rangers followed him.

Ready to save a universe.



Several people jumped a good few feet into the air at that.

"What the hell!?"

That was very loud!


"She's still in a foul mood?"

Rodan deadpanned as she, along with the rest of the Kaiju, watched Godzilla blow up a mountain in anger.

"...And I thought I had anger issues."

Bruce Banner sweatdropped.

"Well..." Mothra trailed off "She's never had to work this hard to find someone before. And adding onto the fact that this human seems to have made an impact on her despite not meeting face to face. I think I can see why she's in an explosive mood at the moment."

"Yeah..." Remus Lupin nodded his head. "Definitely like a tough schoolgirl suffering from her first ever crush."

"Yep." "No doubt about that." "Can't argue with you there."

Many people agreed.

Much to Godzilla annoyance.

"She does realize that we need to be ready for whatever this Lord Zedd is going to throw at us, right?"

Angiurus questioned.

"Of course, I'm aware" Godzilla grunted. "Which is why I'm pissed that we can't find this damn human!"

"Are...her priorities straight?"

Overhaul blinked.

"She's aware of the threat." Zero shrugged. "But at the moment there's nothing they can do since they can't survive that long in space to launch an attack."

"So, she's currently on the lookout for the love of her life at the moment."


Godzilla shouted.

"Well...she's not wrong."

Mothra just said.


Godzilla roared as nods of agreement were shared.

"...Who knew Kaiju had love lives?"

Joshua blinked.

She roared the last part out.

"OOOhhhhhh, when I get my hands on him, I'm going to make sure he pays."

"Pay in what way?"

Xion asked, curious.

"Who knows?"

Godzilla shrugged.

"It could be any kind knowing me."

((M/N): "ACHOO!")

"The sixth sense is strong in this one."

Asui Tsuyu ribbet.

"Calm down sister." Queen Caesar put a hand on the Queen of the Monster shoulder. "We will find him and his friends, we just have to be patient."







"I know."

Queen Caesar just says.

"...You do realize that patience and I will never belong in the same sentence, right -_-?"

Gojira deadpanned.


"...Just try at least."

"Nearly impossible."

Godzilla frowned.


"As enlightening as this is, there is one possible solution to finding them."

Came the voice of

(Zilla Jr. Daughter of Zilla who attacked New York City in 1998)

"Oh? And what do you have in mind?" Mothra asked.

"Waiting for Lord What's-his-face to launch his attack on Earth."


"Did she seriously call Lord Zedd 'Lord What's his face'!?"

Sougo coughed out his drink as he started laughing uncontrollably.

This caused everyone else to laugh.

The Vanguardians just laughed like crazy as did the other variants.

While the Kaiju Girls.

'Who's she?'

Were confused on who this Kaiju is.

(Don't think she's introduced yet into the Kaiju Girls comic)

Zilla Jr simply said.

"It's obvious from his declaration of war that he intends to destroy the Power Rangers first before coming after us. So, we should keep an eye out for when he does attack and when they summon those strange machines of theirs, we'll know where to find them."

"Kind of hard NOT to notice them."

Geiz just sweatdropped.

As did several others.

Giant ass machines and giant monsters going at it?

Yeah, you know that's where the fight is.

...Huh, that actually wasn't a bad idea.

"And it beats just going all over the place with no destination in mind!"

Came the voice of Godzilla daughter: Godzilla Jr. Or Jr. for short.

"Jr.!" Godzilla shouted, "Didn't I say to stay back on Monster Island!?"

"Why can't you do as your told?"

Godzilla groaned.

"Because it's boring!"

Jr. yelled.

"I was bored!"


Jr. blushed at basically repeating her counterpart.

"That's no excuse! After wasting all that time stealing-I-I mean- procuring those game consoles and getting free cable for the 72-inch plasma screen tv, you still keep sneaking out after me?!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute!"

Kiana yelled, pausing the screen as she (and several others) turned to face Godzilla.

"Did you seriously just said you stole a freaking big ass tv, along with gaming consoles, and free cable and internet!?"


Godzilla hesitance was all that was needed to confirm it.

"What the freaking he-!?"

"I beat all the games you got me already, and there's nothing good on tv at the moment!"

"Damn you, Kaiju and your free time!" Kiana shouted, tears running down her face. "I want that free time!"

The same could be said for others crying tears of envy.

Everyone else just sweatdrop.

"...Wow, on second thought maybe it's best you come with us if you already completed all those games I sto-ahem-procure for you."

"Godzilla Note #666."

Serizawa wrote down.

"Kaiju kids like playing video games and watching tv like ordinary kids do."


(What energy source are you using to power those? And how the hell are you getting cable service there anyways?)

"Kaiju Radiation."

Mothra happily explained.

"...My hate for you guys just grow."

Gyozen and several others grumbled.

The Kaiju just sweatdropped.


'*Sigh* I swear this kid will be the death of me' Godzilla thought to herself.

"Didn't that happen one time in another universe?"

"All right, let's head home, nothing to do here."

The rest of the Kaiju murmured in agreement as they returned to Monster Island.

-Moon Palace-

"What now?"

RODK Weiss groaned.

"Easy there."

Winter calmly spoke.

"This is actually a good thing."



Weiss just stared at her sister.

"Besides the fact that this part has already happened in their world. What use is it for us?"

"Know thy enemy."

RODK Ironwood simply said.

"Regardless of this being a different world, it never hurts to learn just what a villain could be plotting. You never know, you might just come across something similar to what we are watching right now."

"Hm, that's a good point."

Joshua blinked as he stared at RODK Ironwood.

'He's what I imagined how I thought the Ironwood back home would be like!'

Seems like he was half right. Just that, that particular Ironwood was born in another universe.

'Why is that kid giving me looks of shock?'

RODK Ironwood thought to himself.

Trying to ignore the prolonged stare.

"Lord Zedd, I must inquire."

Tso Lan spoke up.


A nod from Lord Zedd was all the Moon Demon needed to continue.

"Why have we not made an attempt on Earth yet? I'll admit it is rather cozy and serene up here on the Moon."

"At least he's regal for a demon."

The Inuyasha gang sweatdropped.

"Speak for yourself" Tchang Zu said, before he was suddenly flung into the ceiling from the Moon Demon power over gravity.


"But you haven't even made even a small wave of terror besides your announcement last month. It is just odd, for a being of your station to not make even one attempt yet."

"That...just makes it worse."

Homura tensed.

"If he hasn't made any moves just yet, then that must mean he has something devious in the making."

And wasn't that the truth?

Here, many people tensed as to what Lord Zedd could possibly be planning.

"Hmmm" Lord Zedd paused, "My experiences in my own universe has taught me not to underestimate the Power Rangers. Even if these new warriors are inexperienced, they are still this world Power Rangers."

"Smart." Both AFO nodded. "Learning from his past defeats and modifying his plans so that he doesn't repeat the same mistakes he made before."

"Observe, Shigaraki."

They turned to their respective successors.

"One cannot make progress if they don't learn from their previous failures."

"Yes, master."

The two sighed.

Hating that these worlds kept showing how right their Masters were in their teachings.

Well, I mean they are old. That's experience talking.

Of course, it wasn't just them taking it to heart,

Others were also carefully listening as well.

"If I underestimate them like I did back in my universe, I'll find myself at standstill once more."

"Something I know you demons have learned as well."


Talk about rubbing salt in their wounds.

...That was a good point. If they had just killed the Chans when they had the chance, the Earth would have been theirs.

"Thank God they were so arrogant to not have done that in the beginning."

"Besides, I have not spent the last month lazing around." He said once more. "Serpentera, my own personal Zord, is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, all that power eats up a good amount of Serpentera energy rendering it useless after a short while in combat."


Several people asked.

"Oh, right." Zero facepalmed. "Don't think I explained Serpentera ultimate weakness. Due to the Zord sheer massive size, it only has a short window of time to fight. That's why Lord Zedd could never use it to conquer the Earth. It simply uses too much power for the level of destruction it leaves behind."


Talk about small blessings.

"So, I've been gathering the necessary resources needed to solve this problem once and for all."


"Of course!" Tony Stark grumbled. "Can never be too easy, these days can it?"

"Guess not."

Batman grumbled.

"How annoying."

Mitsuki (Boruto) sighed.

"This is both impressive and terrifying."

Orochimaru just shook his head.

"I see" Megalon spoke up this time. "That explains why you had me running all those diagnostics on your Zord, Lord Zedd. You needed to understand Serpentera inner workings to be able to come up with an answer."

"Correct" Lord Zedd confirmed. "And now, it is almost complete. I just need the final ingredients to complete the evil ritual that will give my Zord unlimited power!"


"That...doesn't sound good."

Astolfo nervously sweatdrop.

"It's not."

Those that knew the series had serious expressions on their faces.

"If Lord Zedd manages to fix that problem..."

"Then they're in for the fight of their lives."

"And what is that going to be?" Ghidorah uneasily said.

"Even Ghidorah is scared."

Even though he was wearing a mask to cover his face. They could practically see his mouth forming into a twisted, evil smile.

The audience shivered as well.

They might not be able to see his expression.

But they could tell.

Tell it was one of pure evil, pure malice.

Befitting of one of the most terrifying villains in Power Rangers history.

"The life energy of living beings." He said. "And what fortune we have that we are in the vicinity of a planet full of it."



Izumi swore.

Startling her friends with that.

"...Don't know if I should be proud." Katsumi blinked. "Or scared that you cursed."

"And I know just who would make the perfect sacrifices."


"He wouldn't."

Black Widow eyes narrowed.

She had a bad feeling about this.

Lord Zedd Visor glowed red as he looked at Angel Grove and into a certain shop.

"Let's see if the Power Rangers can save their loved ones."


"That fucking bastard!"

Several people yelled at that.

"Well..." Hiryuu (AZ) scowled. "If he wasn't evil before, there's no doubt that he truly is a force to be reckoned with."

-Timeskip yet again-


"Now what?"

Goten groaned.

While everyone was scheming, plotting, and preparing, an unknown force was flying into tears and rips of the very fabric of Time and Space. Watching what was going on in the universe he was heading into.


Why did their spines shiver?

???: "Lord Zedd is about to make his first move, eh?"


"Don't tell me."

RODK Kadoc frowned.

Was that one of the hidden threats?

??? spoke as he watched the Emperor of Evil beginning the final stage of his plot.

???: "So, this is why Empress Rita kneels to him. This aura of evil is even greater than hers."


"He's one of the other threats, isn't he!?"

Olga Marie shouted.


Zero nodded.

The mysterious man began to laugh maniacally.

People shivered at that.

It felt familiar to some, and it terrified them.

Because he was covered in shadows hiding his identity.

???: "And even Tommy is here. Ohhhh, this is going to fun."

"He's the one Tommy after."

Batman realized quickly.

Though it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"All right Power Rangers, let's see if you got what it takes to take on the mantle."

His gaze turned to (M/N).


"Especially the one chosen to wield the Green Rangers power."

The screen turns dark.

"And let's take a breather there!"

Zero jumped up.

"How bad is it going to be from here on out?"

Toge calmly asked.

"It' going to get intense, for sure."

Zero answered.

"Who was that man at the end?"

Ch'en cautiously asked.

"Someone who is not to be underestimated."

Zero said seriously.

Giving a side glance to Sougo and Ohma Zi-O.

Some caught it but were unaware of the implications.

Only Zero and the others knew.

"Things are shaping up to be rather interesting."

Zero smirked.

"Let's see what comes out of this."


Taeho suddenly said.



Zero asked, surprised at the boy sudden outburst.

"Before we continue, I need to take care of something first."

With that said, he walked straight to Dystopian and stared at him in the eyes.


He said, causing the man to blink.

"Do I know you?"

Dystopian curiously asked.

"Maybe not personally at the moment." Taeho said. "But you do KNOW MY father."





Everyone, including the stoic ones all shouted in shock. No more than Dystopian and the Vanguardians.

Dystopian had family?!!?


"You perverted old man!"

Ethan shouted.

"Keep your old, wrinkled hands off my sister you pervert!"

"Hey! I'm only in my thirties!"

Dystopian shouted.

"Only because your stupid reality warping powers basically stop you from aging!" Ethan shouted. "Doesn't change the fact that only are you old, but you're a grandpa!"

"Your sister likes dilfs and prefers older men anyways!"



Grace shouted as she blasted him with Force Blast.

"Shut up, you stupid sexy asshole!" She shouted. "I said that I would rather have you than those 'studs' at Union who couldn't even pleasure their jerking arms!"

"I didn't even know you were that old!"

"I know you still want me!"

"Ignoring the fact that I get my good taste in women from my grandfather."

Taeho interrupted them.

"There is a reason why I decided to speak to him."


"And that is?"

Rachel asked.


Taeho slammed his grandfather to the floor!


"What the!?"

"Where's my child support, deadbeat grandpa!?"

Taeho yelled as he started shaking the giant of a male.

"Where is mine and my father fucking child support bitch!?"



Dystopian teleported away from Taeho grip and started flying away!



Taeho chased after his grandfather with Ethan and the Vanguardians in tow.




"Let's wait till they get it out of their systems."

Grace suggested.


"Good idea."

Others agreed to that suggestion and decided to wait until they were done.


Have a good day/night!

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