Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 7

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And here we go.

Yet, another new chapter in.

Note: New characters coming in.



Ethan frowned as he had a thoughtful look on his face.

"What's up, bro?"

Taeho asked, finally stopped chasing his immortal grandfather for the child support he owed.

"Something feels...off."

Ethan admitted.

"What do you mean?"

Henry asked in confusion.

"Why did we react like that when we saw them?"

He asked as he pointed to Union and RODK casts, specifically CERTAIN people.

"I'm pretty sure we haven't met some of them and yet we reacted in such a way that indicated that we had beef with some of them."


"That's right!"

Rachel said.

"Why did we react like that?"

She said as she realized that too.

They haven't met before, right? So why did they react in such a violent manner?

Zero sweatdropped as the Vanguardians were just confused.

'I see. So that's what happened.'

He originally thought that these were different versions of the original Vanguardians that lived in Seraphim world. But no.

They ARE the original Vanguardians, but apparently lived a different life now.

'I see now.' Zero thought. 'Their timeline wasn't pruned or split off. It was rewritten due to Seraphim sudden change of plot motivation!'

That was why the Vanguardians held animosity towards certain individuals. They might not remember their original lives due to Seraphim rewriting their timeline for lore.

But they certainly still contained their original timeline memories of certain people. Even if it was just buried deep inside them.

And considering how some of their experiences with them were...

'That certainly explains their reactions.'

He thought to himself.

Having completely forgotten that their timeline was rewritten into a new and improved verse.

'Well, I'm not getting into that.'

Zero thought as he shook his head.

"Okay!" Zero clapped his hands. "Now that we have rested a bit..."

"Time for the next-!"




Zero blinked in confusion.


As a portal suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Huh?" "What the?" "Um, Zero is this your doing?"


Zero blinked.



A voice shouted from the portal as a figure fell out of it.


And landed on the ground superhero style.

...And creating a cloud of smoke as a result.

*Cough* *Cough*

The theater coughed from the unexpected intrusion.

And once the smoke cleared.

It revealed.

"And I have struck the landing once more!"

(Spyro (Y/N))


Zero shouted in surprise!

What on earth was one of Demo inhabitants doing here?

That surprised the cast.

Why did he look startled by the newcomer's appearance.

And for that matter, where did he come from anyways?

"Oh, Zero!"

(Y/N) - Spyro (that's what he's going to be called here.) yelled.

"Good to see you again, mate!"

"...Yeah." Zero grumbled. "You're definitely one of the (Y/N) from Demo universe all right."


"Another (M/N)?"

RODK Sona could not help but shake her head.

"Aren't we overfilling our quotas of (M/N)?"


Ei said.


She said.




...Who's Demo?

"Another God?"

Rachel blinked.

Though, like the others, still a little confused on why he was unamused from the new guy arrival.

"More like my self-proclaimed best friend."

Zero grumbled.

"Also, the first fellow God to learn of my existence and then somehow the others followed."


They still didn't get it.

Except for perhaps, Vegeta.

Who was getting some serious déjà vu vibes from that sentence.

"What brings you here?"

Ei calmly asked.

Spyro brightened.

"Auntie Ei!" He shouted. "Little Scara!"


"Are you asking for a death wish!?"

Scaramouche yelled.

"So mean!"

Spyro pouted.

"But to answer your question, auntie." Spyro spoke up. "Demo said you could watch over me for a while since he decided I should take a vacation right now."



Zero started twitching.

"How many times." He slowly said. "Have I told to NOT to randomly send his locals into my realm without asking?"

...Someone was mad.

"He lost track after the 616th millionth time." Nahida cheerfully helped.

"...OH. MY. GOD."

Several people said in disbelief.

"Which one?"

The Gods asked in unison.

"...Forget it."

They said.

"All right, but what's the other reason?"

Zero asked.

"I'm finding it hard to believe that he thought that NOW was a good time for you to come here."



"What do mean by that?"

Creed asked as Spyro answered.


He simply said.

"And just like that everything is clear."

Zero sighed.

'Stygian must have terrified Demo again for some reason and he sent Spyro to my megaverse.'

Must be yet another experiment.


Ei asked, blinking.

That was a new one. Never heard of her.

"Oh, yeah..." Zero realized. "Only Demo, Goldie, Spyro, Shadow, residents of Demo megaverse and I know of Stygian."

"You guys don't her."

"...Or you don't know that you know her actually."



Amagi gave him a look.

"It's nothing."

Zero said.

"Sounds like an otherwise to me."

Theresa deadpanned.

"You'll know eventually."

Zero shrugged as he lifted Shadow into his arms.

"Oh!" Spyro suddenly remembered. "He also said he was going to fetch some of your charges."


'Why that!!'

Zero didn't finish as he shouted out.




Came the scream of several people as more fell out of the portal revealing:

Ignika (M/N), Kiana Kaslana, Adam Kaslana, Macarios, Adele, Tiamat, and Proto Salter.


Proto Salter shouted as he got up.

"Okay." Ignika (M/N) growled. "Whoever thought it was funny to do that is so fucking dead!"

"Right behind you, dear."

Kiana growled as she floated up.


Adam just helped his aunt and uncle get to their feet.


Tiamat just sang.


Zero voice grabbed their attention as they turned to see the God about to have an aneurysm.

"Why that motherfucking Australian outback GOD!!" Zero shouted. "The next time I see him, I'm going to kick his butt!"

"Have fun with that!"

Spyro nervously chuckled.

"...What the Karzahni do you mean by that?" Zero glowered. "I'm serious, I'm going to strangle both him and his girlfriend (Goldilocks) until they both reach nirvana."

"I think that's the point."

Spyro quietly laughs.

"No." Zero gave him a frosty glare. "It will be heaven for them if it was Tsunade choking them."



Tsunade Senju spit out her sake.

A heavy blush on her face at that kink.

"They have a crush on you." Zero simply said.


Tsunade wasn't sure if she should feel honored or freaked out that two other Gods like her. Or wanted her to dom them.


Ignika (M/N) blinked.

(Know what? He's just going to be called Ignika to make it easier on me)

"What's going on?"


The Bionicle deity sighed.

"Let me explain."

-French Narrator: One quick explanation later-

"So, Demo was the one who decided it was funny to pull that stunt on us."

Kiana growled.


Zero sighed.

'Stars!' Zero thought to himself. 'You get turned into the Guardian of your multiverse one time and end up somehow getting a crazy Australian black hole as your friend!'

But to be fair, it wasn't as though he intended on meeting him that way.


Ignika groaned.


Only for Spyro to sling an arm around him.

"Oh, come on best friend!" Spyro smiled. "This'll be fun!"


Twitching, Ignika gave Spyro an unimpressed stare.


He grounded out.

"Aw! Don't be shy!" Spyro smile grew wider. "We are the best of friends!"

He happily said as he proceeded to bro hug him.


And unintentionally broke a few bones in his body from his bear hug.

"Gack!" Ignika shouted. "Get off me!"

Using the Force, he knocked Spyro off of him.

Slamming him into a wall.

Zero sweatdropped.

Getting a strong case of Déjà vu from this.

Remembering Demo declaring him his best friend and trapping him in hugs for some reason.

Goldilocks was no help in that matter.

She seemed to find it funny and sweet for some reason.

'I swear.' Zero thought to himself. 'If I find out she made a fanfic/manga about us I'm goi-!'

"So." Adam tilted his head, unknowingly interrupting the God train of thoughts. "What's going on now?"

"We're currently watching a Power Ranger version of you."

Sophia Esteed answered.

"Oh!" Adam blinked. "The one where dad counterpart is ara ara'd by Godzilla the horny?"



Godzilla could be seen dead on the floor as a sign appeared out of nowhere reading.


Ignoring her, the new arrivals took their seats.

With Spyro annoying Ignika.

"...I can't tell if that's true friendship, someone asking for a death wish, or a masochist."

Alice quietly whispered to her fellow guardians.

"Who knows?" "Eh." "Best not to think about it." "Meep."

"Should we be concerned about those two?"

Adam pointed to Grace and Dystopian.


Many deadpanned.


Adam shrugged.

"You're not going to ask?"

Adam Taurus asked the cat boy.

"What?" Adam blinked. "That a 17 year old girl is dating a 30 something year old man?"

"He's technically older."

Taeho cheerfully added.

"Well, he doesn't look like a creepy old man."

Adam said.

"Plus." He added. "Their age difference got nothing on my parents who probably have one of the biggest age differences in the freaking Omniverse."



Alice looked startled at that.

"What do you mean by that?"

She asked the boy, her eyes locking onto his tail.

'Resist Alice!' She thought to herself. 'Don't make him think you're a weirdo or something!'

'...She wants to pet my tail.'

Adam mentally deadpanned to himself.

This was a normal occurrence. People wanting to pet his cat ears or cat tail.

Shaking his head, he explained.

"My dad was well over 10,000 or so years old when he and my mom fell in love with each other."


Alice said.




"...3..." Adam muttered underneath his breath. "2...1..."


Came the shouts of very shocked people AKA the ones that weren't there when Ignika was shown.


Adam and the others thought.


Many shouted as the Vanguardians, Kismet and Diego (PV), Dystopian and Grace, and even Taeho looked at him in shock.

"You're 10,000 years old!?"

"Technically older than that when I first met Kiana."

Ignika corrected.



"Everyone calm now?"

Zero asked as he looked at them.

"For the most part, yeah."

Ethan shook his head.

Trying to absorb all the mindfucks he's been getting.

"This cannot get any weirder."

He muttered.

"Guess again."

Zero smirked at that challenge.


"Wait...What are you going to do!?"

Ethan asked as Zero opened a portal.

"Going to bring in a special guest or two or four."

Zero chuckled as he teleported a group of people into his theater.

When they appeared, the group saw...

...A dilf with a potato peeler slowly peeling a potato in front of...Ethan Kalder?

"What the fuck?"

Rachel blinked as she looked to her teammates.

"Don't ask me."

Henry shrugged.

Joshua shook his head as well.


The loud female voice startled them as they turned and saw to their surprise.



They shouted as they stared at a slightly older version of Grace Moon.

With VERY noticeable features.

Massive breasts that made her counterpart breasts look small. A curvy bombastic figure with skintight clothing, a tan darker than Grace own tan.

...And a fine ass.

"Holy shit dude."

Dabi said in complete and utter shock.

Many others echoing his statement.

"Stop threatening Ethan every time he and Lisa are being lovey dovey!"

'Grace' shouted as she locked her arms around the man she called Ben waist. Digging her heels into the ground to hold him in place.

"What are you talking about, babe?"

Ben 'innocently' asked.

"I'm just peeling a potato."

"Do you think I've forgotten what you threatened to do to Ethan should he break your daughter heart!?"


"Protective father mode."

Cain deadpanned.

"No doubt."

Ava chuckled.

Many others sweatdropped though some parents agreed and were enjoying this.

"Dad! Stop threatening my boyfriend."

Lisa angrily said.

The younger blunette glaring angrily at her father.

"You already approved of him. Why do you insist on traumatizing him!?"

"Just making sure."

Ben said.

"Mr. Fushiguro, you know I wouldn't hurt her." Ethan (JJK) said. "I swore on my father grave I would never hurt her."

"Oh, I know."

Ben smiled as he finished peeling the potato.

"But no one gets to bang my daughter without being traumatized."

"Don't be such an ass, dad!"

Lisa shouted.

"You're a 28 year old dating a 19 year old! You're dating a minor you pervert!!"

"And I'm damn well proud of it!"

Ben cockily said as he smugly wrapped his arm around Grace hips and brought her closer to him.

"You're just jealous because you're a closeted bisexual who had a crush on your dear stepmother before I got my hands on her and had my wicked way with her."


"How did you-?!"



The new group shouted as they looked at the person who did that.

Which was Zero.

"Shut up and let me explain."

He said as they opened their mouths.

And closed it.

-Yet another explanation later-


Ethan (JJK) looked at everyone, including his counterpart, in shock.

"This is embarrassing." He said. "Watching people see me being bullied by my girlfriend dad."

"Yeah, well I'm finding it weird that a version of my sister is also dating a man older than her."

Ethan deadpanned.

Did his adoptive sister have an older man kink or something?!


"You think this is weird?"

Megumi Fushiguro deadpanned.

"That man is basically my dad, practically same soul but different lives and appearances. And that girl could basically be a female version of me in another universe if not my sister."

"And that your version of my dad is actually being a dad instead of sleeping with one of my friends parents. Though it does explain why I get extra money every month."


"Right..." Ethan (JJK) sweatdropped as he said. "Well, let's introduce ourselves."

"I'm Ethan Kalder as you already know."

"I'm Lisa Fushiguro.

(Lisa Fushiguro)

"Benjamin Fushiguro."


"Do NOT call me by my wretched clan last name."

He growled out.

"I'm Grace Moon."

(Grace Moon Nikke version/JJK variant)

"Though I suppose I could also be called Grace Fushiguro since I'm Ben wife."



Came the expected shout.


Zero and the others sweatdropped at that.

'I wonder what their reactions would be if they knew that at least ONE of them gets together with a Nikke version of Grace?'


HoFi Kiana shouted.

"Can we get a move on already!?"


"Weren't you the Herrscher of the Void before?!"

Kiana asked her older self.

"What's with this new look?"


HoFi Kiana realized what she was saying as she took a look at herself.

(Herrscher of Finality Kiana)

"That's because I switched Herrscher forms."

"Oh. Okay..."




Came the scream of many.

"You have another-!?!?"


The sound of a school bell startled them as Zero began playing the next scene in that world.

While also:


Causing those with enhanced hearing to scream in pain from the loud ringing.


Adam deadpanned as his cat ears twitched from the loud noise.

"That's it for class today." The teacher said. "Be sure to read up on the necessary chapters for your homework and I'll see you guys' next week."

"If there is a next week."

Grace (PV) deadpanned as Dystopian wrapped an arm around her waist.

Ethan and the Vanguardians twitched but resisted the urge to clobber him.

Taeho still needed to get the taxes his grandfather owned anyways.

Ben (JJK) could be seen doing the same with Grace (JJK), though his was a more sensual movement. With her sitting on his lap, covering his hardened erection.

He kept himself under control since there was no need to be hostile towards everyone else.

Which was weird considering the people here.

But after hearing what a certain few versions did...well, he could tell the difference.

Though, he did try to glare at Ethan (JJK) for having Lisa on his lap.

Grace subtly grinded against him, causing him to grit his teeth.

'Oh, I'm going to pound you after this is over.'

Ben (JJK) thought to himself.

Everyone else just sweatdropped at the weirdness of this and how different the two Grace personalities were.

"Should we say anything about this?"

Charlie asked, only for (M/N) to speak up.

"Do we need to go through this again?"

He deadpanned.

"If we bring age into this then I shouldn't be dating any of you."

"Forget I said anything."

Charlie quickly backtracked on that.


The students left the classroom talking along the way.

"Man, he's tough" "That's what I get for taking (whatever elective you choose)" "Phew! Let's go to the arcade you guys!"

"Is there an arcade here?"

Spyro asked.

"Yeah." Zero simply said. "It's where I send the kids now to hang out when we get to 'certain' parts that they are not old enough to watch."

"Oh, yeah!"

Eri and Kota shouted.

Startling the Vanguardians.

'How long were they there!?'

They thought to themselves.

As they also got a heart attack seeing Eri seating comfortably on Overhaul lap.


They jumped to their feet.


They shouted in shock and fear as they rushed towards the startled girl.


She shouted.

As the Vanguardians suddenly found themselves back in their seats.


"No running in the theater."

Zero deadpanned.


They tried to speak.

"This version of Overhaul got therapy." Zero deadpanned.


Was their oh so eloquent response.

"Long story, short." RODK Weiss spoke up. "Our (M/N) runs a therapy practice, don't ask how a teen became a therapist cause it's still confusing."

Tony snickered, while Bruce smiled.

"But he made Overhaul witnessed a rather mind scarring horror that traumatized him very badly."


Rachel scoffed.

"And what horror movie could possibly be so bad that HE, of all people, would change?"



"...You'll find out soon enough."

RODK Weiss simply said.

"...And that sounds more ominous than it needed to be."

Alice muttered to herself.

As the 5 got comfortable in their seats.

Still unsure that they could trust him.

Diego (SRC) blinked as he looked at Irene.

"What do you think that was about?"

"You got me."

Irene (SRC) shrugged.

"A torture method, I'm guessing."

Diego Nox deadpanned.

"And a rather effective one too."

"So, what do you think Lord Zedd and the aliens are going to do?" "Beats me"

"Something bad, that's for sure."

Spyro answered.

'And open a can of worms that wasn't ready to be opened.'

Zero sweatdropped.


Irene (VI) suddenly said.

"Play Despacito."

"Playing Despacito."

Alexa said as the song played.


Zero just sweatdropped.

"Well, look who finally showed up."

Jade snarkily said, as Andy and Maddy walked up to the group.

"The sassy one of the group."

Henry mused.

"Apparently so."

Creed and Philip shrugged.

"Oh, zip it Chan." Andy deadpanned. "You're not the one whose classes are on the other side of the school."

"Ugh!" The school kids groaned. "Such a pain to deal with!"

"Deal with it."

Miguel O'Hara deadpanned.


People jumped up in shock.

They had forgotten that the stoic man was still there!

"Take it easy Andy." Damian placated his friend. "You know Jade gets her kicks out of being a menace to society."


Natsumi laughed.


"Well, it's true."

Ignika deadpanned.

"No doubt about that."

Adam deadpanned as well.

HoFi Kiana sweatdropped.

'Like father like son.'

She thought to herself as others could see the resemblance between the two.

Chuckling, as they ignored Jade indignant shout. Maddy asked:

"So, where to now?"

"(M/N) said that we'd be meeting at the park today." Jade calmed down. "He, Ren, and Tommy are already there. So, we should be going as well."


"Sure" "Sounds good to me." "Let's go"

-Timeskip to Angel Grove Park-

"There you guys are!"

(M/N) shouted as they noticed the rest of their group approaching.

"Oh, zip it (L/N)" Jade snapped back. "Some of us actually have to go to school in person instead of being homeschooled thank you very much."

"At least he has a legitimate excuse."

Bronya deadpanned.

Remembering from earlier, how Minilla threw a tantrum when (M/N) went back to school.

And he was still just a baby!

"Don't think I could handle a baby Kaiju all by myself."

She said.

"...A baby what now?"

The newcomers', sans Spyro, Ignika and his group, asked.

"If I remember correctly," Ren crossed his arms as he stared at Jade. "When they tried homeschooling for you. You somehow not only set the building on fire, but you somehow teleport it to an unknown dimension."



"...This girl is trying to kill us."

Captain Marvel deadpanned.

Jade Chan was on a whole other level!

Several other daredevils were in agreement at that.

Hell! Even Spyro, who's well known for pulling outrageous stunts, was stunned.

While the magic users lived in fear if she ever realized her full potential.

"Which is why they decided to have you continue going to school where you would be limited in magical antics."

"And come home with reports of her beating up wannabe bullies?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow.

Already getting a good handle on her character.


Was the confirmation she received.

"...Damn you all." Jade bit back, but with noticeably no heat in it.

"Well..." Ino chuckled. "At least she knows that it's all in fun."

"I'd consider that karma for all the times she poked at (M/N) teenage fatherhood."

Husker shook his head in amusement.

"Good point."

Laughing, Andy realized something.

"Minilla not here today?"



Mothra blinked.

"Is it really?"

Diego (PV) asked.

"Considering Minilla is attached to the hip...well leg in this case. Yes."

"Good point."

That got the rest of the Quartet attention. As they realized, that yes Minilla wasn't here. Which was strange considering how attached the mini-Godzilla is to (M/N).

"Like literally, an extra limb."

Mezo Shoji added.


(M/N) facepalmed himself as he noticed the looks of awe at the fact that his son wasn't here.

"It's the discovery of the century!"

Spyro shouted out.



And got hit in the back of the head by Ignika.


HoFi Kiana deadpanned.

Getting sweatdrops from her past self and the others.

"Déjà vu, I've been here before."

Mikey said.

"Yeah, I'll bet you have."

Raph smirked.

"Oh, haha!"

Mikey sarcastically said.

"Contrary to popular belief guys, he's not always attached to me 24/7." He deadpanned. "He wanted to spend time with dad for some grandfather-grandson bonding, since dad decided to take the day off."


Ignika twitched.

Adam silently laughed at his dad's irritation.

Knowing how well his little brother was attached to their dad.

...And if dad wasn't there, HE was the one he ended up attached to.

'Darn Kaiju and their inhuman strength.'

Adam thought to himself.

Minilla had quite the grip on him, and it took a lot to get him off.

"Ohhhh" they said, causing (M/N) to resist the urge to strangle them.

"Is it really that surprising?"

RODK Cinder sweatdropped.


Zero and the others said.


Union Cinder soon sweatdropped as well.

As did the villains.

And the newcomers.

Sensing the murderous intents rising from his fellow Ranger, Tommy quickly intervened.

"Thank you, Tommy!"

"Come on guys, let's just enjoy the time we have right now."

He spoke, he had to have Zordon equip him with a hologram disguiser so that people would not be able to recognize him.

"I was wondering about that."

Joshua said.

"It would seem weird that Tommy would be out and about without anyone realizing who he is."

"Yep." "Agreed." "No doubt about that."

It was only now, that he could deactivate it, and enjoy time with his friends without fear of being found out.

"We should enjoy the peace, for however short it is, while we still can."

"Annnnnnd, just like that." Tonks deadpanned. "It's been jinxed."

"For sure."

Lisa groaned.

"No doubt about that."

Grace (PV) sighed.


"SO." Ares looked interested. "It begins!"

Startled, the group turned to see:

"Shendu!" "Drago!"

Jade, (M/N), Andy, and Maddy shouted as they recognized the draconic father and son duo standing in front of them.

"The first of many to come."

Zoom smirked.

"As per the norm."

Dystopian chuckled as did Kismet and several other villains.

Diego (SRC) rolled his eyes.

"You think this is funny?"

Quickly, the group got into fighting stance as they glared at their adversaries.

"So, Lord Zedd finally decided to get his metallic fleshy ass off his throne now?" Tommy coolly addressed the two.

Laughing, Shendu confirmed: "Oh, Rangers! If only you knew what he has been planning ever since he made our appearance public to the world. It's quite an ingenious, evil plan if I do say so myself."


Considering what they had seen in the last viewing, they had a pretty good idea what was going on.

"To bad you will all be dead before you see what he has in store!" Drago smirked. "Cause this will end before it begins, Shadowkhans! Attack!"


With that said, shadows began forming and taking shape to reveal:

(The commonly used Shadowkhans in the JCA series)

"What the!?"

"Consider them the grunt force."

Ethan interrupted them.

"The lackeys that the bad guys send to weaken the good days."

It was easy enough to know what the Shadowkhans purpose were.

"FYI." Zero added. "These are the more common types. There are eight more variations of Shadowkhans. And some are not to be underestimated."


"Rangers! Split!" Tommy shouted, as everyone spread out and began taking on the Shadowkhan horde.


Jade shouted as she kicked a Shadowkhan into a group of the shadowy ninjas, causing them to dissipate from the powerful kick.


"Oh yeah!" Jade shouted. "Back in action and ready to kick some demon butt!"

"Oh, yeah!"

Spyro had a thumbs up at that.


Ren slammed his fist into a Shadowkhan chest causing it to explode, before he quickly ducked to avoid being hit by another one.

"A little bit easy to beat."

Batman observed.

"Well, Jade and (M/N) have fought them as kids." Ei said. "So, they have gained experience and knowledge on how to deal with them."

"These guys are sneaky!"

He noted, quickly backflipping and kicking another shadow ninja away.

"But another thing is that they can summon reinforcements quickly too. And don't tire as easily as humans do."



Maddy shouted as she was launched into the air and rolling onto the ground from a surprise attack. Quickly gaining her bearings, she locked her arms against a Shadowkhan attacking her and, twisting her body, slammed him into the ground.

"Ohh!" Maddy winced as she watched her counterpart annihilate her opponent. "That's gotta hurt."

"Good thing they don't feel pain the way we do."

"Gah!" Damian grunted as he was forced to take a couple steps back from being double up on. Snarling, he started flipping and jumping just as he reached the ninjas and knocked them into the air, hitting trees once they landed.

"Not bad."

Clarisse nodded.

"My siblings could learn a thing or two from them."

Her fellow Ares siblings twitched at that jab.


Thwack! Thump!

"Fuck!" Andy cursed, "Didn't think our first battle would be this tough!"

'But it honestly makes it more fun even though the Earth is on the line'

"Oh, great!"

The campers groaned.

"Are we going to have another Percy?"


Said demigod shouted in shocked betrayal.

"Well it's true!"

He thought to himself as he blocked another attack.

Meanwhile, the father-son dragon duo watched as their enemies fought against the Shadowkhan army.

"They seem to be doing much better than expected."

Drago noted, eyes on the fight before him. Especially on a certain Jade Chan.

"Oh, my!"

Aphrodite blushed at the implications.

"Is he?"

"There's...a bit of history between the two."

Zero admitted.

"Long story, short: Drago is from the future, tried to ensure that his old man in the future was set free. Got beaten by both Jade and her future self who came to stop him. Drago was locked away in the past, broke free, and tried to turn the world into demon land. Failed and got sent into the Netherworld."

'That's the short version?'

Many people thought to themselves.

"But there has been a...romantic side between future Jade and Drago." He continued. "Of course, that timeline is now separated due to time travel shenanigans. And Drago can't go back."

"But...he still attracted to Jade even though they're enemies. And is glad he was set free after Jade had grown up some more."

"...Even though he's probably older than her?"

Kiana asked.

"...Kiana." Zero gave her a flat look. "You're going to end up dating (M/N) who's eons old thanks to his dimension travels. And this world is a concern for you? When their age gap isn't as big as yours and Ignika?"

"...Good point."

Kiana sweatdropped.

She forgot that the (M/N) she will fall for is much older than he appears.

Ignika and HoFi Kiana sweatdropped.

"This isn't the worse that happened."

Yuki sweatdropped.

"I mean I now know I'm dating Sukuna reincarnation and not to mention I have part of the original soul of Sukuna inside me due to swallowing his finger."

"...That's just plain out weird."

Loona had to admit.

(It's kind of a running gag that Jade from the future dated Drago. And since it's one of my favorite pairings, Jade is going to be shipped with Drago)

"Indeed, son." Shendu agreed. "Just as expected, though I shouldn't be surprised. Our own battles with the Chans should be enough to show us just how stubborn and resourceful humans are."

"Yet, they never seem to learn."

Poison Ivy just shook her head.

"You would think that they would."

Merii deadpanned.

"They're masochists." Nico Di Angelo deadpanned. "Of course they're never going to learn if they like getting their scaly asses handed to them."


"No matter though, this is just a warm up for the real fight that will soon happen."


"I don't like the sound of that."

Deku nervously chuckled.

Evil, malicious grins slowly grew on the dragons faces at the true purpose of this fight.

"Oh, Jade." Drago mockingly said. "I wonder, will you and your friends be enough to save those you love?"

"They really are pure evil."

Akagi shook her head.

"Well..." Mt. Lady sweatdropped. "They've proven they're better at being more evil than our own villains are."


The villains coughed blood at that.

Their pride being destroyed over and over again.

Spyro chuckled.

They couldn't scare him as badly as Cynder can.

Ben just chuckled darkly.

Those 'villains' were nothing more than a bunch of pathetic pansies that couldn't change their own diapers without help.

Grace (JJK) just shook her head.

Remembering how pitiful those villains were.

-Back to the fight-

"Eat this!" (M/N) shouted as he uppercut a Shadowkhan, causing it to disperse before he quickly did a spinning jump to avoid being hit by shuriken's.

"So, instead of hair. It's fist, huh?"

The Deku's noted.

"Got it."


All Might's coughed up blood.

"To close!" (M/N) gasped, areas of his shirt cut by the sharp weapons. "Woah!"

"No, no let cut it off."

Taihou purred.


Only for Amagi to hit her on the head.


"What am I?" Amagi rhetorically asked herself. "The Sakura Empire mother?"

Shaking her head, she sat down.

Effectively quieting the horny shipgirls from that.

Quickly, he raised his arms into an X, blocking an oncoming attack.

Grunting, he slammed his fist into the shadow ninja head before taking the opportunity to roundhouse kick the ninja into his fellow ninjas.


Leo Valdez munched on some popcorn.

"Finally!" Robin shouted. "Some action!"

Nods could be seen at that.

Zero and the others, though?

'If only you knew what was to come.'

Zero thought to himself.

Because the battles were only going to get fiercer from here on out.

A bowling strike sound could be heard as the group of shadow ninjas disperse into shadows.

"I'm not going to ask."

Raven (RWBY) shook her head.

"For the best."

Kismet said.

'Is it just me, or are these guys tougher than before?' (M/N) realized, the Shadowkhans were a lot more durable then when they fought them as kids. Of course, being a kid, his and Jade attacks probably didn't do as much damage as they believe it did.


Athena mused.

Interested at that little tidbit.

...Then again, he wouldn't put it past Lord Zedd to make them stronger to deal with them.

"That's stronger?" RODK Yang blinked. "Is it that they're just making look easier than it is?"


RODK Ruby/Blake/Weiss all said in unison.

Ben blinked at how different they sounded in comparison to the Team RWBY he knew.

Grace (JJK) sweatdropped, knowing what her husband was thinking.

Though to be fair, he wasn't the only one staring at them weirdly.

Lisa and Ethan were also staring surprise and were confused on RODK Issei and RODK Mineta weren't trying anything.

Even though they were given the whole story they still found it weird at how normal they were in comparison to their counterparts.

...They also tried to ignore the fact that a female Bakugou does exist.

'It would be just like him to do something like that' He thought to himself, before dodging another attack from a group of Shadowkhans.

"Now's not the time for speculations!" He said, focusing on the problem before him. "Time to take out the trash!"




Natsumi threw Gray into a conveniently placed trash can.

"Flame bitch!!"


Tommy shouted as he furiously attacks a group of shadow ninjas after him. Ducking and dodging while returning his own counter against them. But while he was mainly focused on beating them a thought refused to leave his mind.

"Really?" Yumi (SK) blinked. "What?"

'He sends the dragon demons and the Shadowkhans after us, but no monster.'

"Is...that really important?"

Yomi (SK) asked.


Was the answer she received.



That worried him, for Zedd not to send a monster (of the week) after them as well meant that this wasn't the main fight.

"I see." Ienzo nodded. "So, they have a main monster sent to fight the Power Rangers whenever they attack."

"And for Zedd not to send one with them."

"Means that this fight is meant to stall them."

Even concluded.


"That's...not good."

Gudako gulped.

"Can't believe we forgot about that little tidbit."

Gudao groaned.

That was like a staple of super hero fights! Having a strong monster to fight as the last boss.

"They are so fucked."

Adam (HH) said.

"You have no idea how right you are."

Spyro snickered.


"Why is that funny?"

Lute was confused.

Shouldn't that be a cause for concern?

"Oh, not that part."

Spyro clarified.

"I'm just remembering whose lives are the ones that are going to get fucked."



Philip said.

"Let's just continue watching."

Diego (SRC) just shook his head and said.

"We'll probably get the answers sooner or later."

'...Oh, no.' Tommy suddenly realized as he kicked a Shadowkhan square on the chest. 'Is this attack a distraction?'

"Looks like his experience is paying off."

Rachel noted.

That wasn't good. If this was indeed a distraction, then that meant that while they were busy fighting off the small fries, Zedd was no doubt enacting whatever evil scheme he had.


"So, he's already started."

Macarios slowly said.

"Seems like it."

Adele nodded.


Tiamat sang.

"Rangers, regroup!" Tommy shouted as he backflipped away from his current assailants.

The others doing the same until everyone got back together.

"Tommy, what-?"

"Alright, Shendu." Tommy coolly spoke. "What is Lord Zedd planning while having us distracted?"

That startled the others as realization set in on them.

Shendu let out a loud, rasping laugh.

"Hahahaha!" Shendu roared. "You catch on rather quickly human!"

"Because he's dealt with Lord Zedd for a long time."

A good majority of the cast deadpanned.

"Too long if you want any of our opinion."

"In my experience, most of the fights usually include a monster to try to destroy us." Tommy replied. "Yet, it's only you two and your shadow minions."

"So, where is the monster of the week?"

Yuki asked.

"So, what is he up to?"

'Damn it! No wonder something seemed off!' (M/N) cursed himself, in the shows there was usually a monster ready to attack them or make its presence known somehow. But here, there wasn't one...well if you count Shendu and Drago as monsters then yeah there were monsters.

"Well, if we're being technical, they are demons."

Spyro said.

"A little bit different than your usual monsters."

"Just a little bit more deadly."

(M/N) (HH) deadpanned.

'Talk about being sloppy' (M/N) mentally deadpanned. 'But then what is their true intentions behind this attack.'

"Actually being evil and hitting you where it hurts."

Dystopian said as he shot certain villains a smug look.


The villains shouted.

They are evil! What was he talking about?!

Grace (PV) sweatdropped but knew her boyfriend wasn't lying.

Compared to their world, some of these villains fell short of a few qualifications for Evil.

"I wonder." Drago rubbed his chin, mockingly thinking. "Can you save those you care for?"

The audience tensed.


Eyes widening, it didn't take a genius to connect the dots.

"If you lay a finger on them, then sending you back to the demon world will be the least of your problems!" Jade threatened.

"Yeah..." Sougo drawled out. "Don't threaten their loved ones. You'll only live long enough to regret it."

"Especially with this group."

Rodan sweatdropped.

Cause something told her that pissing them off was the last thing ANYONE should do.

Back then, she was a child, so her threats weren't really taken seriously. But now, she had power to back it up and make good on her words.

"Oh, Jade" Drago shook his head. "Instead of threatening us, you should be more focused on finding them."

"Cocky little dragon, isn't he?"

Thalia said.

"Well at least he IS a dragon in comparison to the loser that thought he was a dragon."

A new voice pointed out.

"That is true, Akeno."

Diego (PV) nodded.

Before realizing.


His head turns to see.

(Akeno Himejima Project Vanguardians Version)

(And she is older, in her twenties like Diego)

Akeno (PV) giggle.

"Hey there, handsome."

She got onto his lap and purred.

"Come here often?"

"Watch it, Keno."

Diego (PV) warned.

"If you want to retain your ability to walk don't tempt me."

"Ara, Ara." Akeno (PV) giggled. "Such an aggressive husband we have."


Kismet chuckled as she side snuggled him.


Came the shock reaction of the cast.

"You have TWO WIVES!?!?"

Rachel shouted in shock.


Diego (PV) just said.

"How the heck did you manage to snag Akeno away from that egotistic brat??"

Ben (JJK) asked.

"Well...it's not like it's hard when you've never met them before."

Akeno (PV) giggled.


Now RODK and Union Rias were intrigued at that.

A reality where they never met Akeno?

That was surprising.

"I was born earlier than most of you guys."

Akeno (PV) explained to ORC and supernatural.

"So, I'm actually older than your counterparts in our universe."


RODK Rias said.

"How did you and Diego meet?"

RODK Akeno asked, curious now about how different her counterpart was.

"Well." Akeno (PV) smiled. "Apart from him being a former gangster. He also works as an actor and a part time model and runs a Youth Center for troubled youth and also adults who need a place to get a way from it all."



Many yelled in shock.

"...Do you not see my tattoo?"

Diego (PV) sarcastically asked showing his left arm.

(Found it on Pinterest)

"Or my ear piercings?"

He deadpanned.


"Your stunned silence is VERY reassuring."

Roz deadpanned as she went back to her office.


"Was that a giant slug?"

Joshua couldn't help but ask.

"That's Roz."

Donny explained.

"Make sure to file your paperwork otherwise she will close the office window on you."



"Getting back on topic."

Akeno (PV) chuckled.

"Basically, events played out differently, father found me and raised me. I was mad at him for a long time, blaming him for mom death."

RODK Akeno flinched at that.

Remembering how she blamed him for something beyond his control.

"We met on a stage where he was the main character and I was his love interest." Akeno (PV) smiled as she remembered those times. Of the flirting, of the closeness, or their easy chemistry. "Then one day, I had a breakdown and it was there I told him EVERTYING about me."

"He helped me to face my insecurities and reconcile with my father."

Akeno (PV) smiled.

"But not before we had one of the best nights of our lives."

"DEFINITELY my type."


It didn't take a genius to know what she was hinting at.

"Wait..." Diego (PV) suddenly realized something. "Akeno where is Arashi?"



Grace (PV) asked.

"Our son."

Akeno (PV) answered.



The S&M queen has a son?!

"Yes, we have a son."

Diego (PV) deadpanned as he turned to his wife.

"Where is he?"

"With his grandpa!"

Akeno (PV) smiled.

-With grandpa-


Baraqiel screamed as his hyperactive grandson wreaked havoc all over the place.


Arashi shouted as he flew around like a pinball!

"Be a grandpa they said." Baraqiel muttered. "It'll be fun they said!!"




-Back to the theater-

"...May my father in law rest in pieces."

"...You mean rest in peace, right?"

RODK Baraqiel asked, fearfully.

"I know what I said."

Diego (PV) deadpanned.


Baraqiel gulped in fear.

"Side note." Akeno (PV) suddenly said. "Your counterparts are not that great in our world."

"Of course."

Came the expected response.

How were they not surprised?

"They are also obsessed with getting me a harem."

Diego (PV) added as he deadpanned.


They said.




Suddenly Shendu and Drago were teleported away. Leaving behind a group of frustrated Rangers seething.

"Stupid, cheap trick."

Clarisse grumbled.


Kismet looked at Akeno (PV) suddenly.

"How did you get here, anyways?"

She asked her lover.

Akeno (PV) giggled.

"I was also brought here with you guys. But I was enjoying the chaos that was happening."

She answered.

"Of course."

Kismet chuckled.

Diego (PV) really knew how to get the sexy psycho chicks.

Diego (PV) just sighed.


"We need to get back to our homes, now!" Ren shouted, as everyone quickly ran to check on their families.

"Too late."

Striker shook his head.

-Sometime later-


Damian asked his friends, concerned. While his parents were away on business, he wasn't too concerned that Zedd would be able to find them,

"Lucky him."

but his friends were a different case.

"No" "Nothing" "Damn those scaly bastards and that fleshy asshole!"

"They really are pulling out all the stops."

Deku said.

"What did you expect?"

Izumi looked at her male counterpart.

"They're villains! Of course they would use this kind of tactic!"


Deku trailed off.

"Okay, yours must be stupid to not even try it."

Izumi deadpanned.


The Union villains shouted at that remark.

That stung!

"What could they want our families for?"

(M/N) was confused. To take them as hostages?

"If only it was that simple."

Aizawa shook his head.

"Actually, it could be that simple."

Ethan said.

"After all, what's the best way to blackmail a hero? By holding their loved ones hostage?"

'No, something tells me that is not the case here.'

He thought to himself.

'But then, what?'

"We need to get back to the Command Center and try to find them."

"Good!" Artemis nodded. "Better to use the resources available to you, then to run around like chickens with their heads cut off."

"Aw, how sweet of you baby sister!"

Apollo smiled.

"You're finally dropping the anti-social act!"

"Shut up, APOLLO!!"

Andy suggested, which got nods of approval from everyone else.

"Let's do it."

With that said, everyone pressed a button on their communicators, teleporting them back to the Command Center.

-Command Center-



People jumped from their seats.

"Can we please get to one scene change without unexpected shouting!?"

Theresa (HI3) shouted.


Palpatine deadpanned.

Alpha frantically worried.

"Where on Earth could they be!?"

While Alpha was busy adjusting the controls on the panels, the Rangers teleported in.

"Alpha, we need-"

"To locate your families, but aiyaiyaiyah!"

Alpha shouted his signature catchphrase as he desperately altered the frequencies and controls. Trying to locate where Lord Zedd had taken them.

"Man!" Lea shouted in annoyance. "Where could they have taken them?!"

"Hopefully, not to the Moon." Isa spoke up. "That will make things difficult."


"Rangers!" Zordon voice shook. "Once Alpha has finish locating your families, you must act swiftly before it's too late."

"Too late? ...Oh, crap!"

Lappland shouted.

Remembering what happened in the last viewing and what Lord Zedd intended to do!

The Vanguardians and some of the newcomers were understandably confused at everyone's tensed reactions.

Having not seen the previous world viewings.

"Too late for what though?"

Maddy asked, very concerned about her parents.

"Take a look at the Viewing Globe." Zordon said, as the VG turned to reveal.


"That's huge!"

The Vanguardians and other newcomers shouted in shock.

"That's what she said!"

Angel and Spyro shouted.

"...Okay, we had that coming."

Henry and Creed chuckled.

"You must all realized what that Zord is." Zordon continued. "That is Serpentera, Lord Zedd personal Zord. As you all know, it is a monstrous Zord that is incredibly powerful and enormous, its only weakness is that it consumes too much power to be able to last long in combat. But I fear that Lord Zedd has found a way to deal with that problem once and for all."

"That's...not good."

Midnight weakly said.

'Well...thankfully.' Zero thought to himself. 'Even though he failed to use their families and eventually used a substitute. We got three people who deal with Serpentera whenever he brings the Zord out.'

"By using our families?!" (M/N) shouted in shock.

"Yes" Zordon confirmed, "It is an ancient and evil spell that has been lost for eons. But now, Zedd has found the spell and most likely has been using this time since his declaration of war to perfect it."

"If Lord Zedd succeeds, your families will be lost and his Zord unstoppable."



Spyro nervously chuckled.

"No pressure."


"We're not letting that happen." Damian confidently said. "We'll find them and send that Galactic Overlord scumbag to the space dumpster he crawled out of."

"You mean the one where Rita crawled out of?"

Goku asked.

"Well...at least you're paying attention somehow."

Bulma sweatdropped.

"Oh, come on!" Goku whined. "I'm not that stupid!"


The silence was stifling.


Grace (JJK) sweatdropped knowing that the silence was true.

Goku was definitely not the brightest light bulb around.


"Aiyaiyai I found them!"

Alpha victoriously shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"They're on an island far from here. Hmm, it seems the island itself has some mystical aura around it. That must be the reason Lord Zedd chose that location."


The audience released sighs of relief at that.

"At least it's an easy area to locate."

Yuji sighed.

"That's one small part done though, Yuji." Ava tensed. "Now it's time for them to fight for their lives."

Cue the tensions again.

"Here we go again."

"Alright, there's no time to lose." Tommy said. "We need to stop him before it's too late."

"A word of caution Rangers." Zordon said, all attention on him. "This fight will not be simple, no doubt you are all worried for your families. Thus, I must ask you this: to those whose families do not know, are you willing to reveal that you are Power Rangers?"

"That is a good question."

Hawkeye frowned.

"Once they reveal their Power Ranger identities. Things are never going to be the same."

"No doubt, in your concern for getting them to safety you might slip up and reveal yourselves. So, if you go into this battle be prepared to reveal your identities to them."

...Silence, until:

"...Their reactions are probably not going to be pleasant." Ren began. "And I wouldn't blame them, if my child was out fighting monsters beyond imagination I too would be worried as hell."

"That's for sure."

"But to be honest this has been a long time coming."

"Right" "It's not going to be easy."

"No one ever said it was going to be easy."

Anko nodded.

"Just one more thing to cross off our bucket list." (M/N) sighed. "After all, Minilla is also there and most likely his Kaiju features are out. So, what's one more great reveal going to do?"


"Let's go" He said, Alpha adjusting some controls as he prepared to teleport them to the island.

"Good luck Rangers" Alpha said.

"And may the Power protect you."

"May it always."

Zero sighed.

With that said, he clicked a button, and the Rangers were teleported out the Command Center and too their location.


To say that Cain was having the time of his life would be an understatement.

'How did it come to this?' He thought to himself, his grandson huddling close to him. Avoiding the stares of the members of Monarch and the GDF.


Monarch and the GDF blinked.

"We got captured too?"

"You guys were meeting to make a collaboration of sorts."

Leo answered.

"And then got kidnapped as a bonus."


"And as extra leverage towards the world organizations."

Aku spoke up.


'This was supposed to be a day of fun and relaxation with his grandson. Not being kidnapped by a bunch of aliens and being offered up as sacrifices on some creepy altar.

"Old school huh?"

Ritsuka sweatdropped.

"Aiyah!" Uncle shouted in frustration, he could not believe how easily he and his family was taken. Nor could he believe how easily his defenses and spells were bypassed without being triggered.

"That must have taken some serious skill to pull off."

Aak (Arknights) shook his head in amazement.

"With the combined might of many different sorcerers, not even Uncle would have been able to stop them."

Lorem said.


Grunting, Jackie tried to loosen the bonds they were in.

"You might as well save your strength Mr. Chan." Tarakudo spoke up. "Strength is no match for the powers of Shadow."

"Oh, great." Ignika grumbled. "Another Makuta. How I love those."

The sarcasm was strong in this one.

"...What's a Makuta?"

Alice asked.

"Shapeshifting enemies that are OP and possess an insane array of powers."

Ignika deadpanned.

"And are almost hard to kill."

"What do you want from us?"

Mark Russell glowered at the Evil Alliance with anger.

"Oh, it's not much what I want from you." Lord Zedd began. "But more on what you can give me."

"A bagel?"



"Two bagels then?"



...Cryptic bastard.

"Why did you kidnap us specifically?" Emma Russell questioned. From what she could see, everyone here was either a member of Monarch and the GDF, or their kids were friends with Maddy and Andy.

(With the exception of Damian parents as they were overseas)

"Hehehehe" Lord Zedd darkly chuckled, sending chills down their spines. "It would seem not all of you are in the loop."


Trunks muttered to himself.


What did he mean by that?

"You'll found out soon enough." Ghidorah looked at them at what could be pity, laced with malice.

"Wait...you're actually feeling sorry for them?"

Godzilla gave Ghidorah a WTF look.

The golden bitch was actually feeling pity for them?!

"I'm a ruler!" Ghidorah shouted. "I need subjects to rule over!"

'Say that to my home world.'

Gigan thought to herself.

Remembering how Ghidorah more or less destroyed her home, before forcing her to swear loyalty to her.

"Plus...my counterpart is probably terrified of them."

She reluctantly admitted.

"These guys...they are on a whole other level then I ever thought possible."

"If you live long enough to know the truth."

"You damn bastards!"

General Gyozen shouted in anger.

"Do you really think you'll get away with this!?"

"Who's going to stop us? You?" Hsi Wu laughed. "Oh, that is the best thing I heard all day!"

"...I should be mad." Gyozen growled. "But for some reason...I can't take him as a threat."

"...There's probably a good reason for that."

Geiz sweatdropped.

"The Kaiju? By the time they realize what's going on, it'll be too late!"

"The Power Rangers? They still aren't here yet!"

"You guys are doomed!"

"Hsi Wu, control yourself." Bai Tza reprimanded her brother.

"At least, someone is taking this seriously."

"*Grumble* Fine sis."

"We'll leave you too yourselves for now." Tso Lan spoke up. "There is still much we need to do."

With that said, the Evil Alliance left to finish the preparations needed for the ritual.



"...Grandpa, are we going to be okay?"

Minilla asked his grandfather, fear in his eyes.

If Cain could pat his head in reassurance, he would. "Don't worry kid, we'll be fine."

"How can you say that?" Akane incredulous tone could be heard. "We're stuck in the middle of nowhere and you think we'll be saved?"

"Well, knowing what he knows." Phantom nodded his head. "Yes, he has every right to be confident."

"That's for sure."

"I know it." He simply said with a knowing look to the Chan family/friends.

"Do you know something?" Ishiro Serizawa asked.


Cain smirked.

"Still like to do that I see."

Ava sighed.

"...You do realize that I still do that right?"

"I know."

(M/N) (HH) sweatdropped.

Alternate versions they may be, but they were definitely his parents.

"...I see."

"While we wait for whatever dastardly plan they have in store, is there something you want to tell us?"

"I don't think so."

Cain shrugged.

Machiko Tsuge asked.

"More specifically, why do you have a young male Kaiju calling you grandpa?"

"Oh, that."






'...Well, we knew this was coming.' Cain thought to himself, before talking. "5 years ago, after Godzilla fight with the MUTOs, (M/N) and I were hiking in Yosemite a week after that catastrophe. We got separated for a while and when I found him, he had a baby Minilla with him. The young Kaiju had imprinted on him and thought him to be his father."

"And that's not including the other things they found."

Sukuna shook her head.

"Since then, we raised him at home for the past 5 years."

"...And Maddy and Andy kept that a secret from us?" Mark was in shock at that, knowing how often his kids visited the (L/N) family.

"Well, duh!"

Maddy shook her head.

"Do you honestly think they would risk Minilla well being by telling you guys? You two would have made some very obvious missteps that the whole world would have known about a male Kaiju existence."

"...I hate that, that makes sense."

Mark grumbled.

"What do you think would have happened if news of a male baby Kaiju had gotten out?"

Cain deadpanned: "And let's not forget that you had begun developing a grudge against the Kaiju for Andrew near death experience back in San Francisco. They were probably worried that you would try to forbid them from visiting or you would have leaked the news of his existence to the world."

...Well, that was fair. Though he was pretty sure he wouldn't have gone that far, he would most likely have tried to stop the twins from visiting.

"And fail."

Several people said.

"...So, this is why Ren had that look on his face from time to time." Serizawa hummed, "Like he was in on a joke that we didn't know."

"That's for sure."

"He probably found it funny that he knew something we didn't." Vivienne surmised.

"If the situation wasn't so dire, I think we would be cooing at how adorable your grandson is." Emma admitted. "What's his name?"

"Minilla." Cain said. "Short for Mini Godzilla."

"Fits him." Miki said.

"Yeah." Zero deadpanned. "Until he goes through his emo teen phase and starts beating up anyone that insults his dad."


"That sounds awesome."

Boruto said.

"...Wait." Gyozen realized something. "The Kaiju don't know about him, do they?"

"If they did, then everyone would know."

Blaze sighed.

"You most likely would have found out sooner if they did." He stated. "And don't let (M/N) fool you, he will not hesitate to fight them to protect his son."

(Ooohhh, there will be fighting alright, just not the type you would expect lol.)

"That sounds terrifying."

RODK Kirishima gulped.

"It is."

Ignika deadpanned.

Remembering the 'fights' that they had nowadays.

'How it changed from me yelling at her to stop being a destructive maniac to her becoming one of my wives I'll never know.'

Ignika shook his head.

...They were better off not knowing.

"You know." Kiriko spoke up, having been quiet all this time. "How did they find us anyways? Monarch main base is fitted with the latest in cutting edge technology. Even with their abilities, it should have been more difficult to locate us and capture us that easily."



"You think there is a traitor in Monarch?"

Gyozen asked cautiously: "Lieutenant, do you know what you are saying?"

"I do, Ma'am" Kiriko confirmed. "But I can't just shake the feeling that something or someone helped them."

"That man."

Batman frowned.

"Are we ever going to find out what his motives are for betraying humanity?"

Zero and the others resisted the urge to laugh.

Knowing full well, WHO the man really was.

Frowning, the members of Monarch and the GDF tried to rack their brains around who could possibly be the traitor.

Step, Clink, step, clink

"Times up humans!" Lord Zedd shouted, activating the ritual circle. "It's time for you to give up your lives and bring new life to Serpentera!"

As Lord Zedd and the others began chanting.


"ACK!" "EEK!" "MEEP!" EEP!"

The door (that was conveniently placed there) slammed open.

"That's...really convenient."

RODK Mineta slowly said.

"I blame plot."

Raphtalia deadpanned.

"Curse you, Plot!"


(M/N) and the others screamed as they barged onto the scene.

"Ahhh" Lord Zedd chuckled, "Our guests of honor are here, and much quicker than expected too."

"I honestly thought that you would not find us, or that you would be too late to stop us. Seems like your more resourceful than I thought."

"He's really taking his ego to the next level."

Harry Potter shook his head.

"He has the power to back it up."

Bisca pointed out.

"And that's what makes it more terrifying."

Philip deadpanned.

'...He doesn't realize that Zordon is here as well?' (M/N) thought to himself. If that was true, then they at least had a secret trump card for now.

"For now."

Ei nodded.

Scaring them with that.

"Zedd." Tommy coolly spoke to the Alien Overlord.

"And now, two old enemies are facing each other again."

Ayanami just said.

"Here we go again."

"You!?" Lord Zedd shouted in shock. What was Tommy Oliver doing here!? Was he doomed to have Rita greatest failure be a thorn in his side for all eternity!?


Many people shouted.

"You'll always be doomed to face your most hated Ranger, besides Kimberly, no matter what the universe you are in."


Dr. Doofenshmirtz shouted.

Where, nobody but the hosts knew.

Suddenly, a trash can exploded!


"A platypus?"

Doof blinked.

Insert putting on a hat.


-Insert random fighting sounds-

...Moving on!

(Taeho: Awww! But I wanted to watch the carnage!)

(Shut up, Taeho)

No matter what universe he's in!?

"Again, yes."

"Surprise to see me?"

Growling, Lord Zedd replied: "Very much, Tommy. Of all the possible outcomes I thought of, I never imagined that you would somehow be here as well."

"What can I say?" Tommy said. "I'm just full of surprises."

"That's for sure."

His expression got serious: "Let them go, Zedd. We won't allow you to complete your ritual."

"HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!" Lord Zedd laughed, "Foolish White Ranger! You think you stand a chance against me now?"

"Destroying you will be an added bonus to today great victory!"

"Line stealer."

Shredder grumbled.




"Ren! What are you doing here!?" Serizawa tried to stay calm, but the appearance of his son was making it difficult for him. "Are you crazy!? You'll get killed!"

'Well, that proves it.'

Ren thought to himself.

'Dad really does care."

"Dad! Don't worry!" Ren tried to reassure his dad. "Everything will be okay, trust me."

"Trust you!" Mark shouted. "You guys are just kids (well, most of you are) and you decided to do the most reckless thing and put yourself in danger!"

"Kids, just run." Emma tried to plead with them. "It's too dangerous, you'll be killed!"

"But that's the fun part!"

RODK Denki shouted.



Denki shouted as he rubbed his head.

"You asked for it."

"What?" Denki shouted. "You know it's true!"

"...Fine." She conceded. "You got me there."

Snickers could be heard at that.

'This is so weird.'

Some thought to themselves.

'A female Deku dating Denki Kaminari?'

'...Eh. Better than the overused Deku/Todoroki pairing.'

They thought to themselves.

"Mom! We'll be fine." Maddy said smiling.

"Don't worry! We're tougher than you think." Andy said.

'How can they be so calm and confident?' Emma thought to herself, before she realized something. 'Wait, Zedd said they were the 'guests of honor.' Why did he say that?'


Her eyes widened as she stared at her kids, who nodded as they realized that she had connected the dots.

"Well at least you figured it out quickly."

It was also worth noting that Cain, Uncle, Jackie and the others were not panicking at the children being here.

'Just one more secret huh?'

She thought to herself.

"Kids, run!" Gyozen shouted, frustrated and scared that they were going to have to watch them be killed.

"Don't worry." Damian said. "Just sit back and enjoy the show you're about to witness."

"Ohhh! This is going to be fun."

Spyro rubbed his hands maniacally.

Stepping forward, the Rangers grouped together.

"Ready?" – Tommy

"Ready!" "Let's go!" "Finally! We get to kick butt!"

Was the chorus of agreements.

"This is where the fun begins."

Anakin smirked.

The Star Wars cast got PTSD from that.

"Alright, guys. Let's do it!"



"Pterodactyl!" – Maddy

"Triceratops!" – Ren

"Tyrannosaurus!" - Andy

"Mastodon!" – Damian

"Sabretooth Tiger!" – Jade

"Green Dragon!" – (M/N)

"White Tiger!" – Tommy

(Okay guys, since I haven't specified how the suits look like. They can look like the pictures below. Oh, and since I was having trouble finding the right picture to give a close up, I put two at least to make it clearer here.)

They can look like the original series.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)

Or Power Rangers 2017

You can pick any I won't judge regardless of my feelings towards the new Power Rangers movie. Or you can pick a different design, whatever you like)

How the Green Power Ranger looks to me. Again, you can choose a different design if you so want. Found on Deviantart (though I found it on Pinterest first), Artist: pinkhavok.



Woz shouted.

"For the protecters sworn to fight for the good of others have descended! A force that mirrors their counterparts have now fully accepted the mantle of warriors!"

"As for how this ends...keep watching."

Woz mysteriously smiled as the screen continued.

"Don't leave us in suspense!!"

Some yelled.

"Deal with it."

Ohma Zi-O smirked behind his helmet.

The Power Rangers got into form as they donned on their suits.

...Those that were not in the know were STUNNED at what they had just witnessed.

"I'd probably be too if my kid was suddenly a real life tv show character."

RODK Sirzechs shook his head.

"A-Andy? Maddy?" Mark stared in shock at what he just saw, noticing his wife was stunned as well but not as bad as them.

'She must have figured it out just now.' Was the thought running through his head.

"...Ren?" Serizawa was speechless for once, never in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine that he would witness something incredible.

"...This is not good for my heart."

Serizawa deadpanned.

Getting nervous chuckles at how dead he sounded.

And his son was a part of it no less.

...He didn't know how to feel about that. On one hand, he's proud that he found people that didn't judge him and accepted him as their friend. On the other hand, he was worried for Ren safety as a father.

"Serizawa?" Vivienne coaxed her boss back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"I'm about to have a heart attack...so no."

"...Seems like Ren was keeping more than just one secret."

He shook his head, looks like they were going to have a talk about this. While, he wasn't going to stop him, he was going to let him know to be careful.

"Wha-wha?" Gyozen stammered, as she tried to process what she just saw. "Did I see what I think I did?"

"And now she knows she's toast when this is all over."

RODK Issei shook his head.

"One does not simply threaten (M/N) loved ones."

Dom wisely said.

Nods were seen at that.

Knowing just how protective he can get, when you involved those, he cared for.

"Yep." Ibuki confirmed. "Looks like the kiddies have been keeping some colorful secrets from us."

"(M/N) the Green Ranger!?" Akane shouted in shock. Then realization slammed into her like an Isekai truck. "That's why he took it personal! Not just because he believed us to be threatening the balance, but because we inadvertently threatened his son!"

"Oh, yeah."

Akane sweatdropped.

"Our counterparts ended up making it more personal."

"That's for sure."

Kiriko shook her head.

"Be lucky that he went easy on them."

Spyro deadpanned.

The newcomers might not have seen the other viewings just yet. But having seen this and hearing other people talking about it. They can easily guess what went down.

"...I don't think we want to know."

Rachel shook her head as her team agreed.

"...Probably for the best."

Overhaul sighed.

...It was saying something when they agreed with the psycho villain.


Yeah, no wonder he fought with such fierce aggression towards them.

"Aiyah," Uncle sighed softly, though he wouldn't show it he was concerned for his 'niece' safety. "Please be safe, Jade."

"Jade." Jackie murmured softly.

"Don't over worry Jackie." Tohru spoke. "Remember, she's fought worse when she was younger."

"Can't be as bad as ours."

Percy Jackson said.

"Depends on your definition of 'bad'."

Fu Hua simply said.

"...Must you rain our parade?"

Percy asked.

"I'm being realistic."

The ancient warrior said.

"Heh, that's true." - Jackie

"Recklessness is both a good thing and a bad thing at time." – Uncle

"That's for sure."

Gran Torino glared at All Might(s) and the Deku(s).

Who shuffled uneasily at the old man glare.

Of course, they weren't the only ones.

All over the room, people were shooting glares at certain reckless other people.

"Go get them sport." Cain whispered, a smile on his face as he looked at his son ready to fight.

"Go daddy!" Minilla cheered.

Smiling under his helmet, (M/N) looked at the Alliance of Evil (EVIL! Me: Damn it Mermaid man! Go back to Spongebob! Also, damnit Deadpool stop bringing them in! Deadpool: Merp!) glowering at them.


"Last chance Zedd. LET.THEM.GO."

(M/N) warned.

"Haha, a nice offer. Now here's mine: Attack!"

"Not a bad offer."

Shigaraki nodded.

With that said, the Demon Sorcerers, Doalon Wong, and the Alien Kaiju struck.

"Split up!" Tommy ordered, as the Power Rangers separated and proceeded to fight against several enemies at once.

"Here we go, again."

Blitzo nodded.

"I've been waiting for this moment for too long Jade!" Hsi Wu shouted as he flew towards her.

Here, the more bloodthirsty people leaned forward.

Eager for a fight to happen.

"Yah!" Jade shouted as she summoned her Power Daggers and, spinning into the air, sent them spinning like shuriken's at the Sky Demon.

"AAHHH!!" Hsi Wu screamed in pain as they imbedded themselves into his wings and blasted him with energy. The pain was too much, and the Sky Demon Sorcerer fell to the ground.



"...That has got to be the saddest demon I had ever seen."

Inuyasha deadpanned.

"For once, we are in agreement little brother." Sesshōmaru spoke in his usual cold, detached tone.

"It's saying something when I don't want to argue with that."


"That is so pathetic."

Ben (JJK) and Dystopian just said.

"I fought scarier monsters in my nightmares."

Jason Grace just said.


Drago facepalmed at his uncle's rash stupidity.


The same energy could be felt in the theater.

He really was an idiot.

He deadpanned, getting into a fighting stance as Jade turned her attention to him.

"Looks like it's time to settle some unfinished business lizard boy."

"Another reference?"

Kyoka Jiro blinked.

Jade cockily taunted.

"I'm a dragon! I don't do that tongue thing!" Drago shouted, before unknowingly sticking his tongue out.

"Is Mushu his relative?"

Summoning her weapons, she prepared herself: "Bring it on hotshot."

"Flirting in the midst of trying to kill each other."

Superman blinked.

"That sounds familiar. Don't you guys agree."


Was the answer given without even a moment's hesitation.

Batman wondered if he should find better friends after this.

*Pew! Pew!*

Came the sound of the Red and Pink Rangers using their Blade Blasters against Bai Tza and Dai Gui who swiftly dodged the blasts. All the while trying to knock the Rangers off their feet.

"Stay still and die!" Dai Gui shouted as he sent a shockwave through the ground at them.

"Why does everyone say that?" Piccolo groaned. "Why would your enemy stay still when they could DODGE!!"

The last part was directed at several people who couldn't dodge for their lives.


Moody shouted.

Scaring them even more.

Quickly jumping, they countered by blasting him at his feet.


"Ohh!" Saji winced. "That's gotta hurt!"

Rumble, came the sound of Bai Tza summoning an enormous wave of water at them.

"Try to dodge this!" She hissed at them.


Xenovia mused.

Growling, Maddy quickly summoned the Power Bow and took aim. Launching an arrow of energy straight at the Water Demon Sorcerer.

Hitting her right on target.

"ACK!" The Demoness shouted as she fell to the ground, the water disappearing now that she could no longer focus on it.

"Saw that coming."

Xenovia deadpanned.

"This is going to take a while." Andy frowned, as he summoned the Power Sword.

"Let's just hope the others are having better luck than us."


A blast of fire erupted from Shendu mouth as he attempted to burn the Black Power Ranger. Damian quickly jumping a good distance away from the attack.

"Power Axe!" He shouted summoning his weapon, sliding the axe end down. "Power cannon on!"

He shouted as he pulled the trigger and sent a blast of energy towards the Fire Demon Sorcerer.


The blast hit, but when the dust settled Shendu was unharmed.


'They did warn me about his little cheats (Talismans)' Damian thought to himself.

"Oh, right."

Jaune groaned.

"Forgot about that."

Out of all the Demon Sorcerers, Shendu was going to be the most difficult to deal with.

"All because he's a goddamn hacker."

Iida grumbled.

'...Unless.' A thought came to him. 'We have the expert deal with him.'


They liked where this was going.

Of course, to do that he needed to take someone out the game.

With that thought in mind, he turned his attention to Doalon Wong.

"Well. He's dead."

Kiana shrugged.

Not really caring,

"Behold my powers over gravity!" Tso Lan shouted as he lowered the gravity around Tommy, causing the White Power Ranger to float in mid-air.

"Talk about being op!"

A Gamer in the crowd shouted.

"He's more of a threat than Shendu." Zero shrugged. "And that's because, besides being the oldest, he's more creative with using his power over gravity."

"Too bad, he chose the wrong opponent."


Tommy shouted as he was literally stuck in one place.

"Heh." Tso Lan chuckled, "As much as I would love to see why Lord Zedd hates you so much. It is safer to kill you then to play around."


Hero Killer Stain nodded.

Smirking, Tommy replied: "Too bad you won't get the chance."

"What does he have to be able to reach him?"

Akeno blinked.

Blinking, Tso Lan raised an eyebrow questioningly at that. Confused at what he meant.

"Saba, NOW!"


"Roger Tommy."

"The sword talks!?"

The unaware shouted in shock.

Saba blasted the Moon Demon Sorcerer with laser beams coming from his eyes.

"OOHHH!" Tso Lan groaned in pain as the blast made contact. Causing the area around to explode in sparks as he fell to the ground.


"Talk about powerful!"

Raiden Mei, Zuikaku, Takao, and several other sword wielders shouted in surprise.

"I want that!"

RODK Ruby eyes sparkled at that.


Po Kong and Xiao Fung shouted as they ran (levitated) at him.

"Sorry! I don't think so!" Saba shouted as he blasted stronger blasts from his eyes against them.

"He took them out with just one strike!?"

"AAAHHHH!!!" The two screamed as they were sent flying into a wall.

"Hi-yah!" Tommy shouted. "Alright, Zedd it's just me and you this time."

"So be it, Tommy!" Lord Zedd growled, his visor glowing red as he gripped his Z-staff. "The only way to stop the ritual is to destroy the altar or defeat me, otherwise it is futile!"

"And so, begins their fight once more."

RODK Rias ominously said.

The two squared off once more.

"Stay still!"

Ghidorah shouted as she launched her Gravity Beams at the Green Power Ranger.

"Oh!" Kaga (AZ) blinked. "So, that's where he went!"

(M/N) swiftly dodged and rolled on the ground. Quickly getting up and using his Blade Blaster against them.

BOOM, bam!


The Space Dragoness shouted as she and her fellow Alien Kaiju were knocked off their feet and onto the ground.

"Ouch." Ventus winced. "That's gotta hurt."

"In more ways than one."

Aqua said.


"Damn it all!" Gigan growled. "How could a human be pushing us back by this much!?"


"Yeah, that'll do it."

Acnologia shook his head.

"Their pride is being destroyed by the fact that a mere human is pushing them back."

"Don't know." Orga grunted. "But I do know that I'm going to make him kneel!"

"Never going to happen."

Ignika and Spyro deadpanned.

"Well, a girl can dream!"

Orga shouted.

"Dream harder."

With that, she lunged at him.

"Orga, no!" Megalon shouted as her battle crazed friend went off on her own.

"Eat this!" Orga shouted as she threw her fist at him.

"Everyone wants people to eat this."

"Will you quit it with that!"

All Might shouted.

He just wanted someone else to suffer the same trauma he suffered at having to eat a piece of hair as well.

Was that too much to ask!?


Meeting his arm that he used to block her. Grunting in slight pain, he quickly grabbed her arm and threw himself over her.

Before she could react, he quickly spun and kicked her hard on the back.

"AcK!" Orga yelled as she hit the ground.

"Oh, he's good."

Orga admitted.

Growling, she got back and slammed her elbow against his stomach.

"OOF!" (M/N) shouted as he flew back onto the ground from that strike.


Getting up, he blocked an oncoming fist from hitting him.

"Hyah!" He shouted as he blocked and countered Orga attacks. From dodging, to using his own attacks, to jumping over her they were at a stalemate.

"I can't believe a human is actually giving Orga a run for her money."

Ghidorah deadpanned.

"Just give up!" Orga growled.

"If I did what every pretty lady said, I would be a rather bland person."


Orga shouted.

(M/N) deadpanned. His words however, caught her off-guard.

"You think I'm pretty?" Orga blushed, having never been complimented like that before.

Same could be said for the Orga in the theater.

Face hotter than the sun.

(M/N) sweatdropped at that: "I'm guessing you were never complimented much back from wherever you came from if praise from an enemy has that much of an effect on you."

"No." Orga admitted. "I don't get praise like that."

"They generally find me more terrifying than beautiful because of my muscles. Muscles that I need to be strong to carry my cannon."


"Well a part of his type is woman who can kick his ass."

Zero said.

"But we're the ones getting our asses kicked?"

Orga said in confusion.

"You can still kick ass, you just have trouble kicking his ass."

Oh, right. In the middle of a fight here.

"Well, at least you were distracted enough for us to recover!"

Ghidorah roared, as she, Gigan and Megalon got up.

"Now see if you can dodge this!"

Smirking, Ghidorah charged up her Gravity Beams from all three heads, as her fellow girls charged up their own attacks.

"He already has a counter for that."

Akai and Fire shook their heads.

"You got to be kidding me!"

Ghidorah screamed.

Eyes widening, (M/N) quickly summoned the Dragon Dagger.

-Music playing-

As the Alien Kaiju released their attacks, the shield on (M/N) chest activated in a green color.

As soon as the attacks hit him, they were reflected back towards the Alien Kaiju Girls.



Ghidorah yelled in shock as the blast soon made contact.


Giving them a taste of their own medicine.

"Kid is way too OP for his own good!"

Qrow shook his head.

"This is what happens when you underestimate those supposedly weaker than you."

(M/N) retorted.


Ghidorah red eyes glowed in anger as she glared at him.

"You what?" (M/N) taunted. "You hot, sexy, bad boy you? I know, I know I'm irresistible to hot sexy kaiju girls."

"And there is his stupid 'devil may care' attitude."

Vaggie grumbled.

Hating how true it is.

Charlie laughed nervously.

Knowing how easily, their (M/N) got under Vaggie skin.

What? Vaggie was easy to rile up, that (M/N) couldn't resist seeing her cute expressions whenever she got flustered.

Vaggie literally exploded into a volcano of pure embarrassment.

(M/N) (HH) just chuckled.

Oh, how he loves making his girls flustered.

They were just too cute.

"No...Well, yes...but-i-ggrrrrr you know what I mean!"

Ghidorah growled, a blush on her face as she unintentionally admitted it...what? She couldn't deny he was hot as hell.

'Damn this human and his father.' She mentally cursed, Ni agreeing, but San busy lusting after him. 'They obviously were blessed with some good genetics.'

"So good that they attract monster girls."

Spyro laughed.

"Hm...that makes for a good manga don't you think?"

Osakabehime asked Kiyohime.

Who nodded.

"Sounds exciting!"

Zero sweatdrop.

'Perhaps I shouldn't have dampened their...more insane traits.'

She did not know why she suddenly desired him when he first showed up with his friends. But, the moment she laid eyes on him, SHE WANTED HIM.

"Oh, NOW you want him!?"

Godzilla yelled as she grabbed Ghidorah.

"Gack!" Ghidorah shouted in shock. "Let go of me, you radioactive lizard!"


While Godzilla and Ghidorah squared up...

'...Well, that was unexpected.' (M/N) thought worryingly to himself. 'Did I take it too far? Or did I just make myself a target for a, obviously a virgin, space queen?'


Ghidorah was done for the count at that.

Godzilla blinked.

'She's a virgin?'

That was a surprise.

'GACK!' Ghidorah did not know why, but for some reason she felt like she got stabbed.

Growling, she stared him dead in the eyes.

Letting out a vicious roar, she lowered herself into a battle stance.

(Unknown to her however, was that her 'Alpha roar' escaped the island and reached the ears of a certain Kaiju Queen who quickly rallied her allies and swam to the location)


Rodan shouted.

"We're finally going to join the fight!"

The Kaiju Girls were excited at that.

But before they could continue their battle.

"Now what?"

Sirius groaned.


Uncle chant suddenly caught their attention as they turned, and lo and behold, the wizened Chi Wizard was free and chanting his signature catchphrase.

"Oh." He then said. "They got him free."

How? Was the thought running through their heads.

-A few minutes ago-

'Okay, to defeat Shendu I need Uncle help.' Damian thought to himself. 'To do that I need to be sneaky and knock out Daolon Wong without them catching on.'

"Aw, what's the matter? Scared?" The Demonic Dragon mocked. "I wouldn't blame you if I was up against a superior being like myself."

"If it wasn't for your stupid Talismans." RODK Neptune shook his head. "They would have already kicked your scaly ass."

That's for sure.

"He's kind of cute for a demonic dragon."

Grace (PV) admitted.

Ethan and the others stared at her in shock!


They yelled in shock.


Grace (PV) blinked innocently.

"...How am I surprised?"

Ethan groaned.

"She's dating Dystopian. Of course she's not all right in the head."

Dystopian just chuckled in amusememt.

'Carefully." Damian thought to himself.

"Surrender now, and I promise your death will be swift and-"

"Stop tal


He thought to himself, taking aim and pulling the trigger.

Shendu demonic red eyes widened as he quickly dodged using the Rabbit Talisman to avoid the attack.

"Hah! Nice try human!" Shendu laughed at him, unaware that the intended target, Daolon Wong, was hit and knocked unconscious.

"For a demon that's lived for centuries, he's not that bright."

Shippo noted.

Quickly reaching into his belt, he threw down smoke bombs.

Boom! Psssh!

Smoke covered them, causing Shendu to growl as he cast a spell and blew the smoke away.

"Just what were you...hop...ing...to...accomplish?" Shendu trail off as he realized Damian wasn't there.

'Where did he-?'


The sound of the Power Axe slicing something drew his attention and to his horror he saw that the elder Chan was free.


He hissed as Uncle quickly began chanting.

-Back to the present-

Shendu felt the power of his Talismans quickly draining away. Depriving him of his ultimate advantage against the Earthlings.

"Good." Kikyo nodded. "Now they have the advantage."

"For now."

Taeho ominously said.


"Will you cut that out!?"

Together with Tohru, who Damian next freed after, they casted a spell and brought all the Demon Sorcerer together.

(Startling the ones who were still conscious after being pulled from their fights)

"Guys! We need to regroup!"

Ren shouted as he landed next to Damian.

With quick thinking and lightning reflexes, the seven regroup together.

"What are they up to now?"

Ms. Joke pondered.

While certain people knew what was to come.

"Alright guys" Tommy said. "Time for your first ever run with the Power Blaster."

"So, let's do this!"


"Power Axe!"

"Power Bow!"

"Power Daggers!"

"Power Lance!"

Jumping into the air, Andy shouted:

"Power Sword!"

Landing onto the ground the Power Rangers assembled.

"Power Blaster!"


Sarada smiled.

It didn't take a genius to know what was going to happen next.


Drago said, as the PB unleashed its righteous fury upon them.


"AH!" "Such power!" "Curse you, Rangers!" "Even with our warnings, we still underestimated them!"




Gilgamesh (FSN) whistled.

"Need to see if I have that in my treasury."

...That statement terrified the FSN cast more than they wanted it to.

Ignika shook his head at that.

They shouted in victory, before turning the Power Blaster towards Lord Zedd.

"Now it's your turn Zedd!"

"Hmmm" Lord Zedd put a finger on his face plate. Now this was an unexpected predicament he found himself in.

"Not even he could take on a full team of Rangers!"

The Demon Sorcerers were defeated thanks to the Black Power Ranger quick thinking. The Dark Chi Wizard out cold due to said Ranger.

The Onis had been warded off the moment the Light Chi Wizard had been freed.

(The Oni were on standby, ready to jump in if needed. They would have intervened if Shendu and the others lost. But, thanks to Damian freeing Uncle and Tohru they never got the chance. )

"So, that's why they weren't there."

Alzack realized.

The Alien Kaiju had been at a standstill with the Green Power Ranger, and with the other Rangers free now. Their odds were slim thanks to the combined might of the Power Rangers.

"Oh, he's still fighting them."

Terra (KH) realized.

"Well...He's still got six to deal with at the moment."

What a shame, and he was so close to completing his plan.


People shouted in victory.

But like they say...

Suddenly, a dark voice started chuckling from out of nowhere.

"Hehehahaha! I must admit, this is quite the party."


Never say it's over, until it's over.


"That's the voice from before!"

"Why am I feeling chills!?"


Hibari shivered.

"I got you."

Yagyu did her best not to show fear.

"I'm glad I got to see it; it will make crushing you Rangers all the more sweeter."

The pure, dark malice sent chills down their spines.

A dark, yet familiar voice spoke out causing confusion as they could not figure out where they heard it.

"They recognize it?"

Well, all but one whose eyes widened unseen as his face grew serious.

"Who's there!?" Lord Zedd shouted. "Show yourself!"

"As you wish, my Lord."

"So, definitely on his side then."

The voice complied with Lord Zedd demand, startling everyone at how obedient the mysterious figure.

Step, step

"I must admit, I never thought I would see a world such as this."

The voice continued, taking their sweet time to reveal themselves.

"Damn you villains and your dramatic entrances!"

Pietro shouted in anger.

"And the heroes are any better?"

Salem raised an eyebrow.

"Well...not really." He admitted. "But it's not always about presentation!"

"Why bother looking all nice and dressed up if you're going to get it dirty in a fight!?"

"To make a statement."

Cinder smiled.

"That you're asking to get your ass kicked?"

Wanda blinked.


"The power you command Lord Zedd, I can see why Empress Rita swore loyalty towards you."

That startled the Emperor of Evil, the way he spoke of Rita. It sounded like he served her and knew her quite well.

"Of course, the Empress I served belonged to a different timeline then the one you came from my Lord."


"The more this guy talks." Alice shivered. "The more I feel afraid."

"I hate to admit it." Ethan growled. "But I'm getting the same feeling."


Rachel agreed.

"Here too."

Henry shuddered.

"Who is he?"

Joshua gulped.

After what they went through. For this man to make them feel fear on a level unprecedent to them, spoke volumes of the man presence alone.

"Who knows?"

Dystopian tensed as did Kismet.

"That voice sounds familiar."

Diego (SRC) frowned.

Before his eyes widened.

"Wait! It can't be!!"

"But still, our goals remain the same for I serve Empress Rita and by extension I serve you Lord Zedd!"

"It would be my honor to fight alongside you and destroy this universe Power Rangers once and for all!"

Although it couldn't be seen, an evil, malicious smile grew on the Evil Emperor face. An ally is just what he needed.

"And this ally." Zero frowned. "Was one of the last people the Power Rangers needed."


Why did he and the others look on guard?


Diego Nox frowned. His prosthetic hand clenching.

But before he could speak once more.

"Stop your grandstanding and show yourself you monster!"

Tommy angered voice roared at the unknown figure approach.


"Is this the enemy he's been after?"

Brandish wondered.

"Most likely."

Irene (VI) said.

"Hahahaha, oh Tommy" The voice mocked. "I am not surprised to see you here. After all, you feel it is your duty to stop me once and for all. Especially after I laid ruin to your world as well."


Nora deadpanned.

"Definitely the guy."

"With how gleeful he sounds about destroying worlds."

Videl shook.

"You would have to be an idiot, not to realize that he's evil."

"I wonder who will win?"

"You, with your righteous fury?"

(M/N) eyes widened as he started to realize where he heard the voice before.


Sheffield raised an eyebrow.

"He realizes who it is?"

'If I'm right on who this person is, then we're in trouble.'



Batman slowly asked.

He was now getting a very bad feeling about this.

And he could tell that the others felt the same way.

The figure finally stepped into the light, shocking everyone with his appearance.

"Or will it be I, Lord Drakkon who will come out on top and lay waste to this world as well?"



The fans shouted in shock and fear!

"It had to be him of all people!?"

Izumi and Izuku shouted out in fear.



The Vanguardians were confused.

Dystopian frowned.

Remembering the time he tried to recruit Lord Drakkon into his army and just like with Lord Zedd and Mesogog.

Dystopian and his elites were beaten brutally.

While many people were shaking in their seats.

Lord Drakkon laughed, a dark, chilling laugh that filled and echoed the dark cave as an even greater battle had just begun.

"Let's take a breather there."

Zero sighed.

"Let me guess." He also said. "You want to know who Lord Drakkon is?"


Was the very expected response.

Sighing, he put up Drakkon on the screen.

Removing the helmet to reveal...


Many people shouted in shock.

"In the series, and in many universes." Zero began. "When the spell over him is broken by the Red Ranger, Tommy usually returns to the side of Good and begins his journey to make atonements for his actions while under Rita spell."

"But...there was one universe where that wasn't true."


"In that universe, Tommy fled once the spell was broken. Eventually, he finds Rita and joins her side once more."


"And that." Zero ominously stated. "Was the beginning of the end of that world. Once she felt that Tommy was ready, Rita launched an all out assault on Earth. Even after reinforcements came, Tommy, Rita, and the rest of her group eventually succeeded in taking over the earth. Stealing the White Ranger powers that Jason was supposed to obtained right when it was finished and fusing it with his Green Ranger powers."

"Killing Zordon, Jason, and Billy, while the rest were either forced to flee or were brainwashed into serving him."

"My god."

RODK Asia looked like she was going to be sick.

As did a few others.

"And then." Zero frowned. "In the end, he even turned his blade on Rita."


"He what!?"

Salem and several villains shouted in shock at that.

"All the while, proclaiming he would continue on her work."

Zero shook his head.

"Eventually, his own undoing would be when he tried to eliminate a group of Power Rangers in another universe. Lending his aid to the Rita of that world."

"Of course, this Rita was different." Zero added. "Unlike the Rita in Drakkon world. This Rita was less trusting and more on guard with him, despite his generous help."

"So, she kept him at a good distance to ensure her own safety."


"But anyways." Zero got back on track. "Drakkon tried to destroy that universe of Power Rangers. Only to fail in the end, because he had underestimated Tommy and the others."

"His arrogance and superiority complex proved to completely undo everything he had ever done."

"Unfortunately, he seems to have learned." Zero sighed. "And is willing to ally with Lord Zedd."

"What happens next...we'll see."


"That's why you gave Sougo and Ohma Zi-O that look."

T'challa realized.

"Because this is like their situation."


They didn't see that coming.

"Yes." Zero nodded. "One's past meeting a possible future."

"How quaint."

He added.

...There was dead silence at that.

"For now." He continued. "Let's get our newcomers all caught up."

(If Naruto kept his beautiful hair)


Added new guests.

Drakkon has arrived.

Next chapter will have a shocking reveal.

Poor Cain...LOL.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Everybody is a menace to society.

And you should be too.

Have a good day/night!

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